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Annotated Bibliography

Sarah Wood

Social work practice in the addictions

Vaughn, M., & Perron, B. (2013). Social work practice in the addictions. New York: Springer.

This electronic book was about the history of addiction, and professionals approaches to
addiction. It explains social workers role, strategies, and techniques they use to help people and
families who struggle with addiction. The purpose of this book is to inform people how social
workers can help. This also informs social workers different avenues they could take to treat
someone. Therefore the audience is the general people, and social workers. This source is very
credible. The author, Michael Mancini attended Saint Louis University, School of Social Work. I
know this is a scholarly source because the author has two editors and affiliations, Michael G.
Vaughn and Brian E. Perron . I can use this book effectively for my research because it has a lot
of good points, and strategies for social workers. This book is very similar to my paper topic. It
discusses social workers as well as addicts. It gives a detailed strategy, and facts, and supports
my claim.

Addiction Training in Social Work Schools: A Nationwide Analysis

Wilkey, C., Lundgren, L., & Amodeo, M. (2013). Addiction Training in Social Work Schools: A
Nationwide Analysis. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 13(2), 192–210.

This article explains a study on how social workers are in high demand across the nation.
Trained social workers are needed to implement science-based behavioral and pharmacological
treatments. The purpose of this article is to exhibit the demand for social workers due to the
Affordable Care Act. The study conveyed the urgency for social workers in the nation. The
intended audience is social work majors, and adults. This article will be useful for my research
because it helps justify social workers importance, and the impact their job has on people lives
especially addicts. This article is scholarly because the author Catriona Wilkey is an expert. She
is experienced and knowledgeable in this topic. She works at Boston University School of Social
work and Center for Addiction Research & Services. This article will help me with my research
because it gives me many facts and statistics, compared to my other sources.
The Relationship of Psychological Distress and Living with Children and Adolescents for
Adult Non-medical Prescription Opioid Users
Chan, K., & Trant, J. (2018). The Relationship of Psychological Distress and Living with
Children and Adolescents for Adult Non-medical Prescription Opioid Users. Child and
Adolescent Social Work Journal, 35(4), 391–405.

This article describes the public health crisis, of prescription opioid use in the United
States. Child welfare systems have observed the effects and psychological distress the opioid
epidemic has on families and their children. The purpose of this article is to critically analyze
and examine the distress families with adolescents can have when dealing with non-medical
prescription opioid use. The audience for this article would be social workers, medical
professionals, psychologist, and families. This article is scholarly because the author has
affiliations who revise his work. The study uses a lot of data and statistics. The article is also
recent. It was published on January 23, 2018. This article will be very applicable for my
research. It contains statistics on distress levels of families, that will be useful when I describe
some of the affects families go through and how social workers are front line helpers to their

The Interface Between Positive Psychology and Social Work in Theory and Practice
The Interface Between Positive Psychology and Social Work in Theory and Practice. (2015). In
Positive Psychology in Practice (pp. 681–694). Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

This book chapter examines the crossing of positive psychology and social work. This
chapter discusses the similarities between their goals, and the differences of positive psychology
and social work. The purpose of this book chapter is to inform readers and professionals how
social work and psychologists mix and what benefits it brings to people. The audience of the
chapter is psychologists, social workers, patients, and the general population. This book is
scholarly because the author, Rachel Dekel has an editor who is Stephen Joseph. It also uses
many sources to get all of their information. I can use this book chapter in my research to better
understand a social worker's role, strengths they may have, their goals, and how they can work
with others mainly psychologist, to impact
people’s lives and better their environment.

The Affordable Care Act, Substance Use Disorders, and Low-Income Clients: Implications
for Social Work
McCabe, H., & Wahler, E. (2016). The Affordable Care Act, Substance Use Disorders, and Low-
Income Clients: Implications for Social Work. Social Work, 61(3), 227–233.
This article discusses the opportunity social workers will have to lead structural changes
that will have a positive impact on low-income clients with substance abuse disorder. As the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act drives changes in the fields of health and behavioral
health it will lead social workers to this opportunity. The author's purpose is to exame addicts
state and health care access, the impact of ACA on the field, and implications for social work
practice and education. The intended audience is low-income people, addicts, and social workers.
This is a scholarly article because it has more than one author, Heather McCabe and Elizabeth
Wahler. I can use many objectives in my research that the article brings up. It relates to my topic,
and again how social workers can have a strong impact on people who suffer from substance
abuse disorder.

Chan, K., & Trant, J. (2018). The Relationship of Psychological Distress and Living with
Children and Adolescents for Adult Non-medical Prescription Opioid Users. Child and
Adolescent Social Work Journal, 35(4), 391–405.

McCabe, H., & Wahler, E. (2016). The Affordable Care Act, Substance Use Disorders, and Low-
Income Clients: Implications for Social Work. Social Work, 61(3), 227–233.

The Interface Between Positive Psychology and Social Work in Theory and Practice. (2015). In
Positive Psychology in Practice (pp. 681–694). Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Vaughn, M., & Perron, B. (2013). Social work practice in the addictions. New York: Springer.

Wilkey, C., Lundgren, L., & Amodeo, M. (2013). Addiction Training in Social Work Schools: A
Nationwide Analysis. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 13(2), 192–210.

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