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Matthew Rainsford Dream Job 1/31/19

My dream job is to become a CPA. In order to be a successful CPA, you have to interpret and

understand what financial records mean and know how to properly maintain these records. An

important part of being a CPA is during tax season because that is when tax returns must be made and

returned to clients and one of a CPA’s main duties is to prepare tax returns. During this time most CPA’s

will be employed by a company, non-profit, or government organization. Other parts of the job are

following state and federal regulations and being able to give financial advice to your clients and keep it

confidential. In order to become a CPA, you first have to have a bachelor’s degree in accounting, or in a

field that is related to it. After getting a bachelor’s degree, you must take and pass the Uniform Certified

Public Accountant Examination and only in specific cases you must have a master’s degree. Depending

on what state you are in determines if there are any other requirements as well.

(A Complete Job Description of a Certified Public Accountant(CPA), n.d.)

(Becoming a CPA, n.d.)

I think this level of education is appropriate to becoming a CPA because getting a bachelor’s

degree in accounting shows you have the knowledge needed when it comes to accounting and you now

have four years under your belt about this major. I agree with the Uniform Certified Public Accountant

Examination because in order to trust someone with the responsibly of handling and preparing tax work

for companies, you have to be properly trained and they have to know that you know what you are

doing. Not everyone can become a CPA because you are handling private tax work and a company must

know that you are doing everything legally and not breaking the law. During my first semester at Nichols

College I have already taken financial accounting which helps toward the progression of being a CPA. I

have taken management classes and others relating to business. I plan on taking finance classes and

even more accounting classes to further my knowledge on the subject. Out of the 150 hours of college-

level courses required, I have to take 36 hours’ worth of accounting classes. By having these accounting-

Matthew Rainsford Dream Job 1/31/19

based classes under my belt between my four years and two more if I choose to do so, will help make

passing the Exam that much easier and put me one step closer to my dream job.

(Finance Department Accountant Becomes City's Fourth Certified Public Accountant, n.d.)

A CPA’s salary usually averages around $64,247, but that is not set in stone. CPA’s can make

anywhere between $46,000-$104,000. There is opportunity to make more depending on commission

and bonuses, but that is the base salaries that a CPA can make. I am already good at saving my money

and spending it wisely. My plan to managing this money when I grow up is to have certain money

already set aside to pay for my bills and other necessities. I’ll put a percentage of each pay check into my

savings account and whatever money I have leftover for that week can be spending money.

(Average Certified Public Accountant Salary, n.d.)

A Complete Job Description of a Certified Public Accountant(CPA). (n.d.). Retrieved from

Average Certified Public Accountant Salary. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Becoming a CPA. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Finance Department Accountant Becomes City's Fourth Certified Public Accountant. (n.d.). Retrieved

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