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Case Study

EDSE 430
Gary Wirtz
Who is George Washington
● Born in Germany
● He is 14
● Attended school in North ● Well behaved
Carolina before moving to ● Respectful to others property
Hawaii at eh age of 6 ● Does what he is asked
● Father is Filipino/Hawaiian
● Mother is Hawaiian Areas for Improvement
● Lives in Kapolei ● Work independently
● Is a visual and kinesthetic ● Focus on tasks
● In the Individual Education
Program (IEP)
Classroom Background
● George is a quiet student. Gives the impression that he is an introvert.
● Has a tight group of friends that he hangs out with, doesn't seem to
adventure too far outside of his circle.
● Is in IEP to help him with his reading and his writing.
● Receives attention from SPED teacher on occasion.
● Is an ok student grade wise. Not the best but not failing.
Area to Improve
George does not read at his grade level and gets confused when given written
instructions for assignments.

George needs things to be explained to him in different terms and cannot be

given to many tasks to complete at one time because he will get

Needs to have one-on-one time with the teacher to explain to him what it is
that he needs to do.
What I wanted to do with George was to get him away from having the
one-on-one attention from the teacher.

Throughout the semester I worked with him on this to see if we could get
away from this. I would sit with him and explain the task at hand. Or have him
read the instructions or explain the tasks that he was given.

There were times that different terms needed to be used to help him to
understand what it was that he needed to do.

I found that after a few weeks that George felt more confident in reading
instructions and explaining his taks.
Intervention Cont.
George was able to ween off the use of the teacher being there to help him
through every time needing personal interaction from the teacher.

I was concerned that George would just not pay attention when instructions
were being given because he was going to get the one-on-one with the
teacher, but he did not show these types of signs.

However there were times that I would watch him go off in his own little world
when he was lost.
Intervention Cont.
The reason that I choose this type of one-on one intervention is because
George already struggles with reading at grade level. By having him explain
back what it is that he needs to do I felt would help him to be more in touch to
what it is that he would have to do for the task given.

After several weeks he felt more comfortable with being able to explain back
to what it is that he was to do and felt more comfortable reading the material
that he was assigned.
The Data
I collected data on George throughout the semester observing and working
with him individually. In the beginning he needs to be helped through the
entire assignment, towards the end of the semester he was more confident
enough to attempt the work on his own and felt more comfortable talking to
me about what it was that he needed to do.
Looking Back
The one-on-one method working with George worked. He still needs
one-on-one help but he feels more confident in completing assignments.

George is now more confident in verbally explaining his tasks that need to be

Even though George is quiet and shy he is very respectful and feels out of his
comfort zone he will talk to me or any other authoritative figure.
Looking Ahead
Using different techniques to be able to reach all of the students that may not
be fully comprehending the content.

Letting the students know that they are in a safe place and will feel
comfortable with communicating with the teacher or others in the classroom.

Treating everyone fairly and letting them know that to make mistakes is to
learn. Without making mistakes and getting everything right the first time is
not learning.

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