Reviewer in Entrep

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Nature and Relevance of  Employment regulations The 17th Century

• Bankruptcy laws - Entrepreneurship has become
Concept of Entrepreneurship associated with risk. Someone who
• Tax policies of a country would enter into a formal agreement
• It is a foundation and catalyst for with the gov’t.
economic growth and innovation Brief History on Entrepreneurship in the
across nations (globalized economy). Philippines - Agreeing in the price as part of the
terms in the agreement. So the
• It thrives in societies with supportive PH is an entrepreneurial country, where
entrepreneur is either reaps profits
government policies. 99.7% of all firms operating in the country
or bear losses.
are SMEs employing 69% of the labor
• They give importance to force; 47% of registered establishments - Cantillon an Economist viewed
innovativeness and risk taking to turn are owned by women. entrepreneur as a risk taker and a
new ideas into solutions. bearer of uncertainty.
SMEs and large enterprises are
Here are some definition of predominantly found in and around Metro The 18th Century
entrepreneurship: Manila, while micro enterprises are
relatively less geographically - Entrepreneur was distinguished from
• Schumpeter (1934) – Carrying out of concentrated. the capitalist who simply provides
new combinations of firm money for the creation of products
organization – new products, new One of the government strategies is to be sold.
services, new sources of raw focused on promoting entrepreneurship
material, new methods of with the right environment - Jean-Baptiste described
production, new markets, new forms entrepreneur as a person who plays a
of organization Lesson 2 central coordinating role both in
Development of Entrepreneurship producing and selling goods.
• Drucker (1985) – behavior rather
than personality trait. Its foundation Evolution on the field of 19th and 20th Century
lies in concept and theory rather than Entrepreneurship - the evolution of the
in intuition. field of entrepreneurship has been - Little distinction between manager
formulated by scholars based on theories and entrepreneur. However,
• Kuratko (2009) – dynamic process of that are rooted in economics, psychology, Schumepeter refused that idea and
vision, change, and creation that sociology, anthropology and espoused the concept of
requires an application of energy and management. entrepreneur as an innovator who
passion toward the creation and seeks opportunities and leads
implementation of new ideas and Periods “existing means of production into
creative solutions new channels”.\
The Earliest Period
Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) are 21st Century
- A person who sells goods on behalf
concrete manifestations of
of the goods’ owner. It was exhibited - Hailed as DotCom era. They are now
by Marco Polo (the Merchant from considered as hero of enterprise.
Elements of Entrepreneurship: Venice)
- Creativity and innovation made
• Innovation The Middle Ages entrepreneurs able to exploit high
growth potentials.
• Opportunity seeking - The term was used to describe both
an actor and a person who was in - Revolutionizing businesses through
• Resource mobilizing charged of and managed large the use of internet.
production projects. This person
• Encountering risks and managed the resources from the Evolution of Entrepreneurship in the
uncertainties government. Entrepreneur in this Philippines
stage did not took the risks at all. It is
• Economic and personal rewards - It has existed since the interaction of
the person who is in charge of
architectural works. early Filipinos with foreign traders.
Factors that influence the
- But colonizers change the structure
friendliness of a country to
of the society, economy, education,
and political system.
- We became predominantly family- curiosity for other people to invest in 21st century is considered as the
centered, Catholic, capitalistic, and the business because of the benefits entrepreneurial era
democratic country. it offers.
- SMEs became the embodiment of 6. Improves the quality of life – new Globalization is coupled with changes in
entrepreneurship in the country. products contribute to the increase the social, economic, political and
- Regulatory framework and policies in the personal benefit and technological environment
started in 1935. convenience of people in the society.
Personal characteristics
- Intensification of development 7. Serves as role models –
started in the 1970s. SMEs was given entrepreneurs are people to be
 Calculated risk-taking is doing
an emphasis in the Philippine emulated by younger generations in
everything possible to get the odds in
Development Plan. the community and society at large.
their favor; and they often avoid
- 1987 Philippine Constitution The attitude, behavior, and
taking unnecessary risk.
reinforced for the development of personality traits will also make them
private sector and provided a wide successful.  Commitment is the unwavering
range of government reforms and 8. Brings social benefits to the people - dedication to work for the common
reorganization Entrepreneurs pay taxes, permits and good of the society through one’s
licenses to operate their business. business.
Lesson 3 And these taxes are being used by
the government to provide the needs  Feed-back seeking is the taking of
Relevance of Entrepreneurship and
of poor Filipino people. steps to know how well they are
Entrepreneurs in Economic Development
9. Utilizes and mobilizes indigenous doing and how they might improve
and Society
resources – SMEs will always look for their performance
cheaper and local materials to supply
Entrepreneurship has an enormous
their needs. Local enterprises  Perseverance is the determination to
impact on the economy and in the society.
patronize local products. succeed by overcoming obstacles and
specifically entrepreneurship has these
10. Provides more alternatives for setbacks.
contributions to the economy and society.
consumer – the competition in the
market for quality and cheaper  Drive to achieve is the internal desire
1. Creates employment – when they
products and services requires the to pursue and attain challenging
put up businesses, they employ
entrepreneurs to come up with more goals.
people who possess different
competencies and personal values to products and services consumers can
 Self-confidence is the belief that
help them operate the enterprise. choose from. Concerning about
together with other people, things
2. Develops new markets – welfare and ethical way of
can be done in the business.
entrepreneurs seeks for new buyers production to gain more customers.
Entrepreneurs seldom waver in their
or customers of their product or
2.1 Concepts of entrepreneurs today conviction.
services. They go beyond the existing
places where their products are sold  Opportunity orientation is the
and look for other people who will be constant awareness of opportunities
• From an economist: someone who
interested. that exist in everyday life.
bring resources, labor, materials and
3. Introduces innovation - innovations
other assets; one who introduces
can be something ordinary or  Innovativeness is the ability to come
changes, innovations and a new
technological or breakthrough. This is up with something different or
done for the product, service, or unique every time – creativity or
technology towards • To a psychologist: a person typically “thinking-out-of-the-box”.
commercialization and generates driven by certain forces such as the
economic wealth. need to obtain or attain something,  Responsibility is their willingness to
4. Generates new sources of materials to experiment, to accomplish or put themselves in the situation
- entrepreneurs always search for perhaps to escape the authority of where they are personally
better and cheaper sources of others responsible for the success or failure
materials they need. Finding new of the business operation.
material providers help economic • From a management’s perspective:
growth. someone who identifies  Tolerance for failure using it as a
5. Stimulate investment interest in the opportunities, plans, mobilizes learning experience
new business ventures being resources, manages and assumes the
How Entrepreneurs Think
created - when entrepreneurs risks of a business.
engaged in a new business, it stirs
• Actuate self-assessment and choose • A business concept is a clear and  Read about your competitors, visit
course of action concise description of an their businesses and websites, buy
• Generate Multiple decision models opportunity. their products and talk to their
• Learn from failure customers and suppliers.
Entrepreneurial Competencies Portfolio 8. ANALYZING THE VALUE CHAIN
(Camuffo, Gerli and Gubitta 2012) • What is the product or service being
offered? This is the solution to the  The value chain is the distribution
• FUNCTIONAL – enable to manage problem the customer is having. channel which your product or
the organization service flows from the producer to
Ex. Karen wanted to offer a wide variety the customer. The value chain
• Personal computing of group fitness programs to teenagers, includes manufacturers, distributors
• Procurement and also wanted to offer them a selection and retailers.
• Business English of nutrition classes.
• Production and logistics 2. IDENTIFY THE CUSTOMERS
• Project Management To begin the entrepreneurial process, you
• Who is the customer? The customer must take the steps to recognize an
• Total Quality management
is the person who pays for the opportunity. One way to identify an
• Organization
product or service. opportunity is to study the current trends
• Strategy
• HR management
Ex. Karen’s customers are the parents of
• Information Technology
the teens for whom she is providing the
• Marketing and Sales
service or the teens themselves. 1. INTERNET BUSINESSES
• Finance
• Accounting 3. TALKING TO CUSTOMERS – the • An online business is a business that
market conducts business by means of
• EMOTIONAL – specific behaviours
internet. Online businesses have the
• Understanding the target market and potential to attract a huge number of
• Self-awareness
testing the customer is very customers because anyone with an
• Self management
important to measure the interest to internet connection can purchase
• Social Awareness
your product and to better define the from this type of business
• Relationship to management
benefits and features.
• Cognitive
• CROSS-FUNCTIONAL – over-all skills
• Services are intangible things that
• A benefit is something that promotes businesses do for us that enhances
• Action and attainment skills
or enhances the value of the product our lives.
• People management skills
or service to the customers. A
• Analytical reasoning skills
feature is quality or characteristic of 3. HOME-BASED BUSINESSES
a product or service.
Six competencies Man and Chan(2002)
• Many people who lose their jobs due
5. TESTING PRODUCT OR SERVICE to cutbacks choose to work from
• Opportunity competencies
REQUIREMENT home in the field where they were
• Relationship competencies
• Conceptual competencies once employed. Homesourcing refers
 In this part, you consider what it will to the transfer of service industry
• Organizing competencies
take to develop your product or employment from offices to home-
• Strategic competencies
service into a prototype. A prototype based employees.
• Commitment competencies
is a working model of the new

HOW DO YOU PLAN A BUSINESS? • An increase reliance on technology is

the main trend that affects
Factors to Consider in Starting a business businesses today.
 An effective founding team can get a
new business launched. It is
• Once you have an idea for a new 5. OUTSOURCING
important to have a team with a
business, you need to turn it into a
variety of knowledge and experience • Outsourcing is contracting with other
business concept.
companies for services. Business
7. STUDYING THE COMPETITION process outsourcing is the most
common type such as accounting, • The concepts of exchange and education, etc.), psychographic
benefits and finance. relationship lead to the concept of a (personality, lifestyle, values, attitudes),or
market behavioral (product, benefit sought, rate
TYPES OF BUSINESSES AVAILABLE of usage, brand loyalty, readiness-to-buy
• A market is the set of actual and stage, etc.).
1. SOLE TRADER potential buyers of a product. These
buyers share a particular need or Targeting
• This type of business is owned and
want that can be satisfied through
managed by one individual. There's • After grouping the market into
exchange relationship
no legal distinction between the different segments, you must be able
owner and the company, meaning • However, creating these to choose which among the
that all debts and after-tax profits are relationships takes works. segments or groups to target as your
personally yours. market.
• Sellers must search for buyers,
Ex: bookkeeping; catering company, identify their needs, design good • targeting is to select from among the
landscaper, freelance writer, printing market offerings, set prices for them, big group of possible buyers or users,
services promote, store and deliver them. a specific group or type of buyers to
cater to.
2. PARTNERSHIP • Buyers search for products and
interact with companies and obtain • The discipline in marketing is to
• Partnerships differ in that they
information and make their target one segment at a time. The
involve two or more people pooling
purchases. goal of a business may, however, be
their expertise to own and manage
to serve all segments if it wants to.
the business. There are skills you need to acquire that
will help you understand the market: • When you target, you are going to
decide which among these groups or
• how to group (or segment) the segments you want to serve. In
market, effect, you are narrowing down the
• A corporation is established under market from a very wide universe
• how to identify which segment to
the Corporation Code and registered
focus on (target), and how to be Analyzing the Competition
with the SEC. It must be created by or
more familiar with your target
composed of at least 5 natural
• When trying to understand your
persons (up to a maximum of 15), • who else are making similar products target market, do not neglect to look
technically called “incorporators.” or offering similar services at the other businesses that are
(competition) and how to estimate making similar products or offering
• General partner – is participant in a
the size of the target market that will the same services as yours
partnership who has unlimited
buy your product or use your service. (competitors).
liability and takes full responsibility of
the business • Another skill that the entrepreneur • What is important here is not the
must develop is the ability to competition but your target market
• Limited partner – is a partner whose
estimate (estimation) potential in relation to your competitors.
liability is limited to his or her
market demand.
• It will help you understand your
Market segmentation refers to the target market further by looking and
Business plan – is a document that
process of dividing prospective buyers analyzing as to why the target market
presents a complete and detailed picture
into groups that have common needs and buys or might buy from the
of the new business and the strategy to
will respond similarly to a marketing competition –
launch the business
• Competitor analysis is, first, knowing
• It is a process in marketing of what your competitor’s marketing is.
grouping a market (customers) into
smaller subgroups. • This includes: the competitor’s
products or services, how much they
(Filler notebook)
A market can be grouped according to cost, how they are distributed, and
these variables: geographic (region of the how they are made known to the
LESSON 5 : Market / Key concepts of
world or country, size of country, climate), target market.
demographic (population - age, gender,
sexual orientation, income, occupation,
• The best way to do this is to go out • A commercial garden on an idle lot A service-oriented business offers a
there and see the competition which you can rent for a small fee specialized kind of service to customers.
yourself. Some entrepreneurs even would also be a good possibility. The service can either be creative and
go to the extent of buying the technical or professional in nature. An
products or using the services of • There was this housewife who loved auto repair shop, a music lounge, laundry
competitors and ride with the market collecting ornaments and home shop, internet café, and a tailoring shop
accessories. Her friends liked her are among the more popular businesses in
Estimation is an educated guess. The best taste and convinced her to sell them the first category. A medical clinic, an
way to be very certain and confident some of her items. accounting firm, and a law office are
about estimates for potential market examples of professional service providers
demand is to look for facts about the Study import-export movement
industry where the entrepreneur intends A trading business, on the other hand, is
Perhaps a number of products are being
to enter. basically a buy-and-sell type. One can be a
supplied by producers or suppliers outside
retailer, wholesaler, or even both. The
• Estimating potential market demand the community or imported from other
sari-sari store still remains to be the most
is a marketing skill that has an impact countries.
common form of a trading business.
on projecting sales, sales growth, and Another example that is fast gaining
Study these imports. Possibly, given the
capital, machine, and manpower popularity is the distribution of goods.
resources, you can produce these.
The following were identified by the DTI
For example, locally cured ham, corned
• Ex: Let us assume that you want to as export winners
beef, tocino and longganisa have become
produce garments for women. The
acceptable substitutes for imported
national census indicates that there • Processed fruits o Marine products
processed meats.
are 10million women in the country. (fresh/frozen fish, shrimps)
Assuming that these women will buy • Carrageenan and seaweeds
two blouses in one year, the market • Electronics (components and parts)
demand for blouses would be 20 • Metals (automotive and parts)
million blouses per year. • Buying an already established • Garments o Furniture o Jewelry (fine
business is not as easy as it sounds. and custom)
• Holiday decor (Christmas, Easter,
• Chances are you will have to conduct Halloween)
Lesson 6 - Products And Services
a search. It can be slow and time- • Ceramics (decorative and tableware)
Available In The Market
consuming. The average time • Basketware
required to find the right one runs • Marble and marblecraft
Looking Within
about a year. The resources you can • Construction services
Begin by looking for products, processes, use are: newspaper classified ads • Information technology services
or services about which you already know under the heading ‘business for sale,’ • Professional consulting services
something. industry and trade associations, and
lawyers specializing in corporate Creating your Product or Service
Ex: Carpenters would be confident going matters.
• Process - Think about the different
into construction, furniture making or
• Taking a franchise has been called steps or stages, materials, and tools
the “business with the least fears necessary to produce the product or
Seamstresses would have a best chance and tears.” A franchise is a legal and render the service
going into garment making or stuffed toy commercial relationship between the
• Machines and equipment. Use these
manufacturing, or setting up a modista or owner (franchisor) of a trademark,
things to help you make a product or
tailoring shop. service mark, brand name, or
complete a service in an organized
advertising symbol, and an individual
Cooks would be good in starting a way and with the least cost. The kind
or small business (the franchisee)
carinderia, a tapsilog stall, or a small of machines to use will depend on
wishing to use that identification in a
restaurant. the product or service you will offer.

Similarly, a hobby could become the basis • Materials - You will certainly need
A manufacturer produces a product and
for a full-time successful enterprise materials to make the product or run
sells it. Making new jewelry from beads,
the service.
baking cookies, making quilted linen are
• Bonsai plants and desktop garden-
some examples of a manufacturing
fountains are very much in demand. • Workers - As a new small business
owner, one of the first decisions you
will have to make is whether to hire and strong competition, entry of monopolist is able to charge
someone to help you out in making cheap imports, flight of skilled labor whatever price they wish due to the
the product or in completing the in favor of overseas jobs, declining absence of competition, but their
service. market, shortage of raw materials, overall revenue will be limited by the
political crisis, too much legislation, ability or willingness of customers to
SWOT ANALYSIS and others. pay their price.

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Players in the market (competitors) • Oligopoly - is similar in many ways to
Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths a monopoly. The primary difference
and weaknesses refer to the factors • Competitor. Any person or entity is that rather than having only one
internal to the company while which is a rival against another. In producer of a good or service, there
opportunities and threats are the business, a company in the same are a handful of producers, or at least
conditions in the external business industry or a similar industry which a handful of producers that make up
environment. offers a similar product or service. a dominant majority of the
The presence of one or production in the market system.
• Strengths. They represent the more competitors can reduce the
positive factors that contribute to the prices of goods and services as the • Monopolistic competition - is a
success of your business. They companies attempt to gain a market model in which competitors
include the skills of your employees larger market share. provide products or services that are
and workers, your expertise, similar but can be differentiated from
availability of the resources you need • The Philippine Competition Act (PCA) each other. In this model, competing
(such as materials, information, or R.A. 10667 is the primary companies sell products that are all
machines and equipment, money, competition policy of the Philippines similar to each other but are not
etc.), a strong demand for your for promoting and protecting perfect substitutes.
product or service, low capital competitive market.
requirement, brand (if a franchise), LESSON 7 - Recognize the Importance of
among others. • Enforcement of this law will help Marketing Mix in the Development of
ensure that markets are open and Marketing Strategy
• Weaknesses - These are the negative free, challenging anticompetitive
factors that may cause your business business practices while maintaining • a MARKETING STRATEGY is a plan of
to stagnate or be sluggish. They an environment where businesses action required to realize the main
consist of having unclear goals and can compete based on the quality of objective of marketing, which is to
targets, poor leadership, inadequate their work. influence the target market to buy
skilled workers, low morale among the product or service being offered
workers, inefficient processes and • A competitive market means a by a business.
equipment, unstable supply of market with multiple buyers and
materials, seasonal demand, lack of multiple sellers, driving market prices • Marketing strategies revolve around
capital, etc. lower and offering consumers more the 4Ps of marketing, so-called
choices. A truly competitive market because they all start with the letter
• Opportunities - These are conditions encourages efficiency and P. Collectively referred to as the
in the environment that will allow innovation, and forces businesses to marketing mix
your business to earn more income. excel.
Government support particularly in • The four Ps of marketing – are
terms of loans, good infrastructure, • In perfect competition, there aren’t normally set apart as: getting the
technical and marketing assistance, barriers to entry and exit in the right product to the market, at the
incentives, etc., technological market place, there are a large, even right price, ensuring that promotion
innovations specifically in infinite, number of buyers and in terms of advertising and marketing
communications technology, cost- sellers, and every buyer and seller is for the product or service is right,
saving devices, software programs a “price taker,” meaning no one has and ensuring that the product or
for business application, etc., are the power to set prices. service is distributed to the most
some of the opportunities that you convenient place for the customers
• Monopoly- is the exact opposite to buy it.
can seize to make your business
form of market system as perfect
competition. In a pure monopoly, 1. PRODUCT STRATEGIES Product
• Threats - These refer to the there is only one producer of a strategies involve using the properties of
conditions in the environment that particular good or service, and the product to influence the target market
will have a negative effect on your generally no reasonable substitute. In into buying a product or using a service.
business. They include an emerging such a market system, the
1.1 Branding - A “brand” is a name, term, product or service will get into the hands 3.1 Factors Affecting Price These factors
sign, symbol or design, or a combination of or be availed by the target market. include: the cost of the product,
of these, that aims to identify the goods competitors’ prices, the supply and
or services of one seller and to 2.1 Traditional channels are avenues that demand situation, the ability of your
differentiate them from the other sellers. allow for a personal interaction for the target customers to pay, and the image of
The simplest example of a brand is the full buyer and seller. Having this kind of a your company (high prices are associated
name of a person. A person’s full name direct human interaction enhances buyer- with good quality and low prices with low
distinguishes him from another person seller relationship. The more common quality
examples of traditional distribution
1.2 Packaging In deciding how you are channels are: 3.2.1 Cost Factor: cost-plus strategy
going to present your product, you can
follow this simple concept – “what the • Distributors Cost-plus pricing is quite simple to do:
package should be or should do for the • Sari-sari stores
• Malls 1. Add all the costs you incurred in
product.” In other words, the package
• Shops producing your product.
should convey what it is and what it does
• Kiosk 2. Divide the sum of all these costs by
for the product.
the number of products you made.
1.3 Labeling After the brand and 2.2 New distribution channels - These so- The result of that division is the cost
packaging comes the label. A label is used called new channels are avenues where of each unit that you made or the
to identify, grade, describe, and promote the buyer and the seller communicate, unit cost.
a product. In the perfume example, the interact, and do business without 3. Then, come up with a percentage of
name POISON etched on the backside of necessarily meeting in person. They are the cost per unit to represent your
the jar is a label. best for target markets that put a markup. Try to ensure that your
premium on information and interaction. mark-up is sufficient to cover your
For customers to know that POISON is a Popular examples are: unit production cost and selling and
perfume and not a toxic substance, the operating expenses, and leave you
entrepreneur can put the word, • Television with some profit.
“perfume” below the label, or a • Telephone 4. Add the markup and the cost per unit
description of the perfume, or a • Internet to arrive at your selling price per unit.
description on how to use it, or put a
2.3 Designing Places Locate in a place that 3.1.2 Competition-based pricing This
“non-toxic” grade symbol on the jar.
provides opportunities for you to interact strategy means that the main factor for
1.4 Product Support Product-support is and do business. If you have to put up a determining the price of your product or
the collective term for services that add to storefront, design your place in such a service is your competitor’s price. You can
the marketability of the actual product. way as to accommodate the delivery, set a price that is either higher than your
Some examples would be: credit and guaranteed supply, convenience, competitors, the same as your
financing services, fast and reliable information, and interaction needs that competitors, or lower than your
delivery, and a quick installation. today’s market is looking for. competitors.

1.5 Product Attributes Another product 3. PRICE STRATEGIES One of the most • You can price your product higher
strategy is changing the attributes of an obvious ways of influencing the target to establish in your target market’s
actual product, based on how the target market to buy a product or service is by mind that your product or service is
market would want it. An actual product setting a low price. However, not all goods far better or more superior and is of
has three attributes that you can change and services can be priced low. An higher value. This has been used in
or modify: quality, features, and design entrepreneur must see to it that the price building product credibility and
is “right” in order to make a profit, sustain reliability in the long term.
Usually, products of very high quality the business, and let it grow, and continue
target people in the higher income serving the needs of the target market. • You can price your product or service at
brackets. However, when quality is a the same level to show your market that
standard, you should find another • Value is a perception of worth. That for the same amount of money, they can
strategy to influence your target market. value can be quantified. The question get a better product. This will push your
to ask is, “How much is this product competitors to lower the price of the
2. PLACE STRATEGIES are concerned with or service worth to you?” People similar product and/or create a product
the ways of bringing one’s product or value one thing differently, or put a that is the same as yours or a better one
service to the target market. One of the price tag for the same items for the same price.
major decisions an entrepreneur must differently depending on their
make is where to sell the product or offer background, character, experience, • You can price your product lower as an
the service, more particularly, how the and many other factors introductory offer and create short-term
sales or a long-term offer to capture the • To inform
market. • To build an image

3.1.3 Demand-oriented pricing • Personal Selling

The factors you considered when you Sales force or distributors

computed the potential market demand
are the keys for determining the price for Used in cases when persuasion and
your product or service through time. immediate feedback are necessary

This dynamic approach allows you to set a • Direct Marketing

high price when demand is strong and a
low price when the demand is weak. Direct mail (mailing lists), interactive TV,
Demand can be strong when there is telemarketing, catalogs, postcards,
growth in population, when only you or a inserts
few number of businesses are making that
• Minimedia
type of product, and when a competitor
discontinues making the product. The
Business cards, brochures, banners,
reverse could mean that the demand is
newsletters, posters, takeone-boxes,
circulars, gift certificates, order forms,
is the collective term for all the tools or
• Internet Company
media that a business uses to
communicate a message to the target Web page, web page ads, viral
market. The tools and media are many as advertising, referrals, spamming,
they are also very diverse. Some examples Egroups, blog sites, bidding sites, chat,
would be the familiar television forums
commercials and the unfamiliar Internet
or viral ads in the worldwide web.

4.1 Promo Tools

Advertising TV, radio, newspapers,

magazines, classifieds, yellow pages,

• For items bought repeatedly

through self-service facilities
• Best used for a large group
• Low cost per exposure and non-
• To build awareness
• To persuade
• To reinforce
• To remind

Sales Promotions

• Sampling, coupons, refund offers,

continuity programs, bonus packs,
trade allowances, tradeshows
• To encourage short term sales
boosts by providing temporary price
reductions or value added
incentives to spur demand
• Public Relations
• News stories and press releases

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