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Expert systems

Computers can be programmed with rules to use information to make simple decisions. This
is knowledge that has been passed on from the programmer. A simple example of this is
a spreadsheet application that monitors pupils' test marks and calculates average scores.
A more sophisticated example of this is an expert system. This is where computers are
programmed to accept a large number of items of information and, based on rules set in
the program, make decisions, then further decisions.
The best-known examples of these are automatic pilots in aeroplanes and diagnosis
applications used to help doctors. In both cases these systems are only as good as the rules
programmed by the human computer programmer and cannot deal with the unexpected.
They need to be used as aids to human decision making only. The actual doctor must
confirm a diagnosis and treatment suggested by an expert system.

Definition - What does Decision Support System (DSS)mean?

A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based application that collects, organizes and
analyzes business data to facilitate quality business decision-making for management, operations
and planning. A well-designed DSS aids decision makers in compiling a variety of data from many
sources: raw data, documents, personal knowledge from employees, management, executives and
business models. DSS analysis helps companies to identify and solve problems, and make

Abbreviated DSS, the term refers to an interactive computerized system that gathers and presents data from a wide
range of sources, typically for business purposes. DSS applications are systems and subsystems that help people
make decisions based on data that is culled from a wide range of sources.

Examples of DSS
For example: a national on-line book seller wants to begin selling its products internationally but first needs to
determine if that will be a wise business decision. The vendor can use a DSS to gather information from its own
resources (using a tool such as OLAP) to determine if the company has the ability or potential ability to expand its
business and also from external resources, such as industry data, to determine if there is indeed a demand to meet.
The DSS will collect and analyze the data and then present it in a way that can be interpreted by humans. Some
decision support systems come very close to acting as artificial intelligence agents.

DSS Applications
DSS applications are not single information resources, such as a database or a program that graphically represents
sales figures, but the combination of integrated resources working together.
Information Technology
Stands for "Information Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to
computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people
that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing
the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include
computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development,
technical support, and many other related occupations. Since we live in the "information age,"
information technology has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term "IT,"
already highly overused, is here to stay. (


In today’s up-and-down job market and shaky economy, there are few career fields that are as
consistent as the field of Information Technology. As a branch of engineering, Information
Technology, specializes specifically in using computer technology and telecommunications
technology to transmit, translate and store various types of information- although there are a
ton of other types of jobs that do fall under the Information Technology umbrella .
Essentially information technology is all about using information as a commodity or resource,
just like any other job. The information that is being translated, disseminated, stored,
transmitted, etc. is usually in the forms of audio, video, textual and numerical information and
is processed through the use of microelectronics and computers.
The field of Information Technology is usually used to describe a whole series of jobs, but in
reality, there are tons of jobs that are called Information Technology jobs, but are actual part of
a subcategory like Management Information Services and Information Services.
Once upon a time, the Information Technology center of a business would have been composed
of just one guy sitting at a computer all day. But, as computer technology has advanced, and
information has become more valuable, the Information Technology center grew with it. Now,
a company will either have a gigantic IT center, or they may need so many specialists that they
actually contract out the Info-tech needs to an entirely separate company. Now, in order to
successfully run an Information Technology center, a company would need at least a database
management system, a cryptographer, some system administrators, some database
administrators, at least one information manager and a Chief Information Office (CIO,) who is
the head honcho of the whole shabang.


Computer software engineers apply the principles and techniques of computer science,
engineering, and mathematical analysis to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of
the software and the systems that enable computers to perform their many applications.

Software engineers are involved in the design and development of many types of software,
including software for operating systems and network distribution, and software for compilers
(which convert programs for execution on a computer). In programming, or coding, software
engineers instruct a computer, line by line, how to perform a desired function. Software
engineers must possess strong programming skills, but are often more concerned with
developing algorithms and analyzing and solving programming problems than with actually
writing code.

Typically Software engineers, working in applications or systems development, analyze first the
needs of the user. They then design, construct, test, and maintain computer applications
software or systems to meet these needs.

About Computer Engineering

Computer engineers continually push the capability and applicability of computers in every industry and
every facet of modern life.

Boosting Capability & Usability

Computer engineers embed computers in other machines and systems, build networks to transfer data,
and develop ways to make computers, faster, smaller, and more capable. Computer engineers are
improving the ability of computers to "see" and "think." They are making computers more mobile, and
even incorporating computers into fabrics, clothes, and building materials.

The Body and the Mind

Computer engineers are concerned with analyzing and solving computer-oriented problems. CPEs
understand both the hardware and the software of computers. This enables them to choose the solution
that is best, not just the one they know. Sometimes the answer to making a program more efficient is a
change in the computer itself. Sometimes it's cheaper and faster to change the software than the
hardware. The knowledge of both the "body" and the "mind" of a computer helps computer engineers
work at the microscopic level and on a large, system-wide scale.

A Field of Its Own

Computer engineers use many of the principles and techniques of electrical engineering and many of
computer science. Computer engineering, however, is more than a blend of two other fields.

The major technical areas of CPE:

 Cybersecurity
 Networking
 Design automation
 Machine intelligence
 Computer software
 Biomedical
 Embedded Systems

Computer engineering graduates typically have some of the highest starting salaries in engineering.
Computer engineers have the option of moving into hardware or software positions, or blending the two.

Typical industries hiring computer engineers, include financial services, computer manufacturers,
chemical companies, defense contractors, consulting, transportation, manufacturing, and consumer
goods. Computer engineers are equally successful in large multinational firms and small startups.

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