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Findings from the Implementation of a Validated Readmission

Predictive Tool in the Discharge Workflow of a Medical Intensive
Care Unit
Uchenna R. Ofoma1, Subhash Chandra2, Rahul Kashyap3, Vitaly Herasevich3, Adil Ahmed4, Ognjen Gajic4,
Brian W. Pickering3, and Christopher J. Farmer4
Division of Critical Care Medicine, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, Pennsylvania; 2Department of Internal Medicine, Greater
Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland; and 3Department of Anesthesiology and 4Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

Abstract APACHE III scores (P = 0.03). In the implementation cohort,

26.2% of subjects had SWIFT scores greater than 15 and thus
Rationale: Provider decisions about patients to be discharged were predicted to have a higher risk of unplanned readmissions.
from the intensive care unit (ICU) are often based on subjective In this high-risk group, 25% had SWIFT discussed in their
intuition, sometimes leading to premature discharge and early discharge planning. There was modification of provider discharge
readmission. The Stability and Work Load Index for Transfer decisions in 108 (30%) of cases in which the SWIFT was discussed.
(SWIFT) score, as a risk stratification tool, has moderate ability SWIFT score values above a prespecified cutoff of 15 were
to predict patients at risk of ICU readmission. associated with physician tendency to prolong ICU stay or to
discharge to a monitored setting (P , 0.001). There was no
Objectives: To describe findings following the incorporation difference in 24-hour or 7-day readmission rates between the
of the SWIFT score into the discharge workflow of a medical baseline and implementation cohorts (1.9 vs. 2.4%, P = 0.24;
ICU. 6.5 vs. 7.4%, P = 0.26, respectively) even after adjustment for
Methods: The study involved 5,293 consecutive patients severity of illness.
discharged alive from the medical ICU of an academic medical
center. The SWIFT score and associated percentage risk for Conclusions: Using the SWIFT score as an adjunct to clinical
readmission were incorporated into daily rounds for purpose judgment, physicians modified their discharge decisions in one-
of discharge decision-making. We measured readmission rates third of subjects. Introducing such tools into the discharge
before and after implementation and observed changes in workflow may present change management challenges that limit
provider discharge decisions for individual patients after the evaluation of their impact on readmission rates and other
SWIFT discussions. relevant ICU outcomes.

Measurements and Main Results: Baseline (n = 1,906) and Keywords: care transitions; readmissions; risk stratification;
implementation (n = 1,938) cohorts differed with respect to quality

(Received in original form December 9, 2013; accepted in final form March 12, 2014 )
Author Contributions: V.H., A.A., O.G., B.W.P., and C.J.F. contributed to the study’s conception, design, implementation and data gathering. R.K. and S.C.
were responsible for data analysis and interpretation. U.R.O. and S.C. were responsible for drafting the manuscript. V.H., O.G., B.W.P., and C.J.F. critically
revised the article. All eight authors assisted in the subsequent revisions and have read and approved of the final manuscript.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Uchenna R. Ofoma, M.D., Division of Critical Care Medicine, Geisinger Medical Center, 100
North Academy Avenue, Danville, PA 17822. E-mail:
This article has an online supplement, which is accessible from this issue’s table of contents online at
Ann Am Thorac Soc Vol 11, No 5, pp 737–743, Jun 2014
Copyright © 2014 by the American Thoracic Society
DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201312-436OC
Internet address:

Unplanned readmissions to the intensive costs (1, 2). There is growing concern admission. Broad guidelines have been
care unit (ICU) are associated with that early readmissions to the ICU may published regarding appropriate ICU
increased length of stay, mortality, and indicate premature discharge from index discharge (3). However, decisions about

Ofoma, Chandra, Kashyap, et al.: Readmission Prediction Tool in ICU Discharge Workflow 737

which patients are ready to be discharged and nurses received education from Mayo (17). METRIC Data Mart contains a near-
from the ICU are often based on the quality coaches regarding the prognostic real-time copy of pertinent ICU patient
subjective intuition of the clinician (4, 5). performance of the score and about its physiologic monitoring data, medication
Physicians’ approach toward decision- incorporation into the rounding workflow. orders, laboratory and radiologic
making at the time of ICU discharge can The SWIFT score for each patient was investigations, physician and nursing
be further influenced by a variety of factors calculated with an automatic web-based notes, and respiratory therapy data,
not related to patient physiology and acuity tool at 6:45 A.M. every day, based on the which were used for automatic SWIFT
of illness. These include the availability most recently available values of SWIFT score calculation. Access to the database
of beds, staffing, and workload pressure components (15). If a laboratory value is accomplished through open database
(6–8). was not obtained for a given patient, connectivity.
It has also been suggested that severity then it was assumed to be normal or
of illness and prognostic scoring systems, noncontributory. The charge nurse was Subjects
as adjuncts to clinical judgment, may instructed to provide the bedside nurse and A consecutive cohort of adult (aged 18 yr
better identify patients ready for discharge the consulting physician with a copy of or older) patients discharged from the
from the ICU (3, 9). To this effect, the SWIFT score for all patients in the medical ICU during the study period
multiple scoring systems have been ICU every morning on rounds. However, was enrolled. Patients who were
proposed (10–12). However, there are no for purposes of implementation, SWIFT discharged to a comfort/palliative care
prospective studies of their implementation discussion was limited to patients facility or to another hospital or those
in clinical practice, and it remains concerning whom a discharge decision transferred to another ICU were excluded
unknown whether such implementation had been made on a specific rounding day. from the study analysis. Only index
can improve processes and unexpected Criteria to conclude that a physician had discharges and readmissions were
outcomes of care for patients after ICU decided to discharge a patient included studied.
discharge. the discussion of possible discharge,
In the present study, we incorporated followed by an agreement and explicit
the Stability and Workload Index for instruction by the consultant to the house Sample Size
Transfer (SWIFT) score into the usual staff to discharge. After a decision to With a baseline composite 7-day
discharge rounds workflow of the same discharge the patient from the unit readmission rate of the study ICU of
ICU where it was initially derived and (without having seen the score) was made, 8.5% (11), and with 1,000 patients before
validated and observed how the SWIFT the patient’s nurse revealed the SWIFT and 1,000 patients after the intervention,
score influenced physician discharge score to the physician team. The patient’s the study was calculated to have a power
decision-making. We also measured nurse was instructed to encourage the of 0.84 to detect a 3.5% decrease in
readmission rates after SWIFT introduction bedside providers to comment on the composite readmission rate, using a one-
and compared them with baseline pre- discharge plan after revelation of the sided chi-square comparison and assuming
implementation rates. Some of the results of SWIFT score. The nurse then recorded 50% compliance with the intervention.
this study have been previously reported in the outcome of the discussion, using the In choosing a one-sided test, we
the form of an abstract (13). study reporting tool. When the SWIFT hypothesized that introduction of the
score was not calculated because of SWIFT score would lead to more
limitations of the automatic tool, (e.g., conservative discharge strategies and
Methods for patients who were not physically located thereby lower readmission rates.
in the ICU at 6:45 A.M.), no “SWIFT
Study Design and Settings discussion” took place and these patients The SWIFT Score
The study was conducted in an adult were analyzed as such. Plan-Do-Study-Act The SWIFT score (11) is a previously
medical ICU at the Mayo Clinic in (PDSA) cycles were performed on validated tool that predicts the likelihood
Rochester, Minnesota, from December 2007 a quarterly basis during the implementation of ICU readmission within 24 hours of
to December 2009. The characteristics of period to continually assess the impact discharge for individual patients, based
the ICU have been previously published of our change. on a number of easily collected parameters
(14). The institutional review board available at the point of ICU discharge.
approved the study protocol and waived Electronic Resources SWIFT score parameters include source
the need for informed consent. The current Mayo Clinic Electronic of ICU admission, ICU length of stay, last
A baseline (December 2007–November Medical Record (EMR) fits the definition measured PaO2/FIO2 (fraction of inspired
2008) period of usual discharge activity of a comprehensive EMR (16). A oxygen) ratio, Glasgow Coma Scale score
was followed by an interventional comprehensive EMR is defined as having at time of ICU discharge, and last arterial
(December 2008–November 2009) period. 24 key functions in all clinical units. The blood gas PaCO2 (Table 1). The minimum
As part of a quality initiative to reduce ICU Critical Care Independent Multidisciplinary and maximum possible scores are 0 and
readmission rates, an automatically Program of the hospital has an established 64, respectively. A SWIFT score value
calculated SWIFT score was provided as near-real-time relational database, called greater than 15 has a sensitivity and
part of the nursing and attending rounding METRIC Data Mart. Details of METRIC specificity of 50% and 85%, respectively,
flow sheets, as well as to the charge nurse Data Mart and the Mayo Clinic EMR for predicting readmission within 24 hours
for the duration of the study. Physicians have been previously published elsewhere of ICU discharge.

738 AnnalsATS Volume 11 Number 5 | June 2014


Table 1. SWIFT score calculation worksheet as appropriate for the distribution of

the data. Categorical data are presented
Variable Score as percent frequency of occurrence.
The Pearson chi-square test was used to
Original source of this ICU admission compare categorical patient characteristics,
Emergency department 0 readmission rates, categorical components
Transfer from a ward or outside hospital (any type of nursing care unit) 8 of resource utilization measures (invasive
Total ICU length of stay (duration in days) and noninvasive mechanical ventilation
,2 0
2–10 1 rates), and the association between
.10 14 discrete SWIFT score categories and
Last measured PaO2/FIO2 ratio (during this ICU admission) provider discharge actions. An independent
.400 0 sample t test was used to compare means
,400 and .150 5
,150 and .100 10
of continuous patient characteristics and
,100 13 duration of mechanical ventilation, and
Glasgow Coma Scale score at time of ICU discharge the Mann–Whitney test was used to
.14 0 compare ICU and hospital length of stay
11–14 6 between the periods before and after the
8–10 14
,8 24 intervention. Descriptive statistics were
Last arterial blood gas PaCO2 used to describe changes in provider
,45 mm Hg 0 behavior during SWIFT implementation.
.45 mm Hg 5 For readmission rates, prospective
Definition of abbreviations: ICU = intensive care unit; FIO2 = fraction of inspired oxygen; SWIFT =
comparisons were made between the
Stability and Work Load Index for Transfer. baseline and implementation cohorts.
Reproduced by permission from Reference 1. All the statistical analyses were done with
the JMP (SAS, Cary, NC) statistical
Measurements plan. Using a prespecified SWIFT score
We observed changes in physician discharge cutoff of 15, we tested for association
decisions concerning subjects the physician between higher SWIFT scores (.15) Results
was contemplating discharging to and dichotomized provider discharge
a general care setting, after revelation behavioral categorizations of enhanced Over the study period, a total of 5,293
and discussion of the SWIFT score. We communication and change in discharge patients were discharged alive. We excluded
measured 24-hour and 7-day unplanned plan. from analysis 321 subjects whose medical
readmission rates as well as elements of Provider discharge decisions were records had no authorization for research
resource utilization before and after recorded with a standardized reporting at the Mayo Clinic, 15 subjects who were
SWIFT implementation. checklist tool. A checklist filled out by less than 18 years of age, and 1,113 subjects
Changes to physician discharge decision a patient’s nurse and signed off by the who were either transferred to another
were categorized as follows: (1) discharge charge nurse at the time of discharge ICU or discharged directly from the ICU
to a monitored setting, (2) postponement planning was collected by the study to home or other institutions. Of 3,844
of ICU discharge, or (3) discharge with coordinator. Prespecified measures of remaining index discharges, 1,906 occurred
enhanced verbal communication with the resource utilization included ICU and before and 1,938 occurred after the
receiving services in the general care unit. hospital length of stay, as well as rates SWIFT score implementation (Figure 1).
Enhanced verbal communication was of use and duration of invasive and A calculated SWIFT score was available
defined as the itemization of specific noninvasive mechanical ventilation. at the time of discharge for 1,738
relevant issues identified during the All the patients were monitored until subjects during the implementation period.
rounding discussion and ensuring that ICU readmission, hospital discharge, Specific characteristics of the baseline
these were communicated verbally by or death. and implementation cohorts are presented
consulting and resident physicians, Post-hoc analysis adjusting for in Table 2. Subjects discharged from
nurses, and respiratory therapists to their severity of illness between the baseline the ICU during the baseline and
counterparts on the receiving services. and implementation cohorts was implementation periods differed
(During the baseline period, elements of performed by matching subjects on significantly with respect to sex and
this enhanced communication strategy the basis of exact APACHE (Acute admission severity of illness.
were not mandated, occurred variably, Physiology and Chronic Health
and were not always verbal). The three Evaluation) III scores. Provider Discharge Behavior
provider behavioral categorizations were The SWIFT score discussion was
mutually exclusive. The combined end Data Management and Analysis implemented in 356 discharges,
points of discharge to a monitored bed All continuous data are reported as either representing 18.4% of total ICU discharges.
and postponement of ICU discharge were mean with standard deviation (SD) or Among a high-risk group with SWIFT
designated a priori as change in discharge median with interquartile range (IQR) scores greater than 15 (n = 508), the

Ofoma, Chandra, Kashyap, et al.: Readmission Prediction Tool in ICU Discharge Workflow 739

implementation period (P = 0.24). The

corresponding values for 7-day readmission
rates were 124 (6.5%) and 143 (7.4%)
(P = 0.26) (Table 2). In the implementation
cohort, there was no difference in readmission
rates between subjects concerning whom
SWIFT was discussed and those concerning
whom the discussion did not take place:
24-hour and 7-day readmission rates were
1.4 versus 2.7% (P = 0.18) and 7.2 versus
7.4% (P = 0.9), respectively. These findings
were not altered after adjusting for severity
of illness (Table 4).

Resource Utilization
The observed measures of resource
Figure 1. Flow diagram. *Transferred to one of nine specialized care units at the Mayo Clinic utilization before and after implementation
Rochester, based on need for specialized care. ICU = intensive care unit. of the SWIFT score are outlined in Table 2.
Compared with the baseline period, the
cohort from the SWIFT implementation
period had decreased ICU length of stay
implementation rate was 25%. Rates of with 15 or less) was significantly associated (2.05 vs. 2.19 d; P = 0.04), decreased rate of
discussion of SWIFT score varied over the with physician behavior to change noninvasive ventilation use (14.6 vs. 17.6%;
study duration (P , 0.001), with a peak discharge plan (discharge to a monitored P = 0.01), fewer days of noninvasive
in the second quarter (Table 3). Discussion setting or postpone discharge; P , 0.001). ventilation (0.15 vs. 0.20; P = 0.007), and
of the SWIFT score at the time of discharge marginally decreased number of days of
led to changes in discharge plan (change Readmission Rates invasive ventilation (0.53 vs. 0.63; P = 0.06).
from intended general care unit discharge In the implementation cohort, 26.2% of There was no difference in the proportion
destination to a monitored unit or decision subjects had SWIFT scores greater than of patients using invasive ventilation (19.8
to keep in ICU for longer) for 12.6% of 15 and thus were predicted to have a higher vs. 21.1%; P = 0.29). These differences were
patients and to discharge with enhanced risk of unplanned readmissions. The largely attenuated in subgroup APACHE
verbal communication with the receiving number and rate of observed 24-hour III–matched secondary analysis using the
services for 17.7% discharges (Figure 2). readmissions were 36 (1.9%) during the 356 implementation cohort subjects
A SWIFT score of more than 15 (compared baseline period and 47 (2.4%) during the concerning whom the SWIFT score was
discussed and comparing them with
subjects from the baseline cohort. There
Table 2. Characteristics, resource utilization measures, and readmission rates in were also no differences in 24-hour and
baseline and SWIFT implementation cohorts 7-day readmission rates in this matched
comparison (Table 4).
Characteristic Baseline SWIFT P Value
(n = 1,906) (n = 1,938)

Age, yr* 64 (19) 63 (18) 0.14

Sex: male, n (%) 967 (50.7) 1,109 (57.5) ,0.0001
Admission APACHE III* 69.2 (24.7) 67.5 (24.0) 0.03 In this study, we examined changes
BMI, kg/m2* 31.3 (16.8) 30.9 (9.2) 0.60 in provider discharge decisions and
Race: white, n (%) 1,632 (89.0) 1,623 (87.5) 0.54 readmission rates after introducing a clinical
Resource Utilization†
Invasive ventilation use, n (%) 403 (21.1) 381 (19.8) 0.29 prediction tool into the ICU discharge
Invasive ventilation, d 0.63 0.53 0.06 workflow. Our intervention was adopted
Noninvasive ventilation use, n (%) 336 (17.6) 282 (14.6) 0.01 in one-fifth of all discharge instances. In
Noninvasive ventilation, d 0.20 0.15 0.007 these instances, higher SWIFT values were
Hospital length of stay, d 11.6 9.0 ,0.001 associated with physician’s consideration
ICU length of stay, d 2.20 2.05 0.04
Readmission rate† for more conservative discharge practices
24-h 36 (1.9) 47 (2.4) 0.24 in subjects who would otherwise have
7-d 124 (6.5) 143 (7.4) 0.26 been dismissed to a general care setting.
Despite these behavioral changes, we found
Definition of abbreviations: APACHE = Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; BMI = body
mass index; ICU = intensive care unit; SWIFT = Stability and Work Load Index for Transfer.
no difference in the prospective and
*Mean (SD). cross-sectional rates of unplanned ICU

Unadjusted statistics. readmissions.

740 AnnalsATS Volume 11 Number 5 | June 2014


Table 3. Compliance with SWIFT implementation and observed changes in provider Given the observed compliance rates,
discharge decisions the effective study sample likely was
underpowered to detect any true difference
Variable First Second Third Fourth in readmission rates.
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Apart from low adoption rates, other
factors could also potentially explain why
Total discharges 504 451 468 515 our intervention did not impact on
SWIFT score . 15* 140 (30.0) 126 (31.6) 122 (29.8) 120 (25.8) readmission rates. It is possible that the
SWIFT score discussed† 86 (17.1) 119 (26.4) 77 (16.5) 74 (14.4) SWIFT score may not adequately capture
Change in discharge plan‡ 13 (15.1) 17 (14.3) 8 (10.4) 7 (9.4)
Monitored setting 5 (5.8) 13 (10.9) 7 (9.1) 4 (5.4)
all factors that are critical to preventing
Discharge postponed 8 (9.3) 5 (4.2) 1 (1.3) 2 (2.7) readmissions. The derivative components of
Enhanced communication‡ 20 (23.3) 22 (18.5) 10 (13.0) 11 (14.9) the SWIFT score are composed mostly of
Readmissions within 24 h† 17 (3.4) 6 (1.3) 16 (3.4) 8 (1.6) patient-centered factors, and data from
Table E1 in the online supplement, showing
Definition of abbreviation: SWIFT = Stability and Work Load Index for Transfer.
*SWIFT score was calculated for 1,738 discharges. Quarterly breakdown not shown. association between scores greater than 15

Numbers expressed as percentage of total discharges. and increased resource utilization, suggest

Numbers expressed as percentage of total cases in which SWIFT was discussed. that the SWIFT score can be considered
a marker for severity of illness. Apart from
We observed a SWIFT implementation SWIFT data. As illustrated in Table 3 severity of illness and other patient-related
rate of 18% of all discharges and 25% of (footnotes), the electronic SWIFT score, factors (11, 19–21), studies also suggest that
discharges with SWIFT score above 15. Such which was computed at 6:45 A.M. daily, there may be a relationship between ICU
low compliance rates are reflective of was available for only 1,738 of 1,938 readmissions and physician- or hospital-
a failure in change management, given that discharges. Second, the SWIFT score lacked related factors such as patient inflow
this implementation was performed in the precision for individual patients and volumes (22), ICU occupancy (23), and
same ICU where the SWIFT score was despite efforts at provider education, it decision-making practices (24). These
initially derived and validated. Coiera (18) often did not make sense to rotating ICU factors are not part of the SWIFT score
outlined four major causes for the failure providers and its implementation did not calculation.
of decision support systems to be used fit naturally into the established routine Another potential limitation of this
clinically. Several of these factors process of care. These factors were study is that the design makes it difficult to
may partly explain why the SWIFT identified in our PDSA assessments as directly link SWIFT introduction with
implementation rate at our study ICU barriers to full-fledged adoption and outcomes. For example, we cannot attribute
was low. First, we depended totally on an probably led to a waning of enthusiasm the significantly lower rates of resource
electronic system to calculate and supply with the implementation over time. utilization during the implementation

Figure 2. SWIFT implementation and provider discharge decision flow chart. *Subgroup utilized for post hoc APACHE-matched comparisons. †Includes
200 subjects for whom the SWIFT score was not available at discharge. APACHE = Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; ICU = intensive care
unit; SWIFT = Stability and Work Load Index for Transfer.

Ofoma, Chandra, Kashyap, et al.: Readmission Prediction Tool in ICU Discharge Workflow 741

Table 4. Readmission rates and resource utilization in APACHE-matched subgroups power to provide clinicians with confidence
to use the results to guide decision-making,
Variable Before* After† Difference and the need to be able to modify user
(n = 93) (n = 93) (P Value) behavior while improving patient outcomes
(27). Further studies addressing our
Readmission within 24 h 3 (3.2) 0 (0) 0.25 observed and perceived barriers to
Readmission within 7 d 8 (8.6) 6 (6.5) 0.8 adoption and other study limitations are
Invasive ventilation use, n (%) 25 (26.9) 25 (26.9) 1 needed to further elucidate any potential
Invasive ventilation, d‡ 0.85 (2.4) 0.67 (1.6) 0.9 impact of readmission predictive tools
Noninvasive ventilation use, n (%) 21 (22.6) 16 (17.2) 0.5
Noninvasive ventilation, d‡ 0.16 (0.4) 0.11 (0.4) 0.3 on readmission rates and other ICU
Hospital length of stay, d 6.3 6.1 0.68 outcomes.
ICU length of stay, d 1 2 0.12

Definition of abbreviations: APACHE = Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; ICU =
intensive care unit. Conclusions
*APACHE-matched subgroup of baseline cohort (exact APACHE III scores).

Subgroup with SWIFT score discussed during implementation (n = 356).

Median values of 0, thus mean and SD reported. Readmission prediction tools can help
physicians optimize the timing of ICU
discharge. This study suggests that physician
period to the SWIFT introduction. Also, our The Society of Critical Care Medicine decision-making at the time of patient
study collected data on a limited number has recommended using the unplanned discharge is potentially modifiable by one of
of baseline characteristics and adjusted ICU readmission rate within 48 hours such tools. However, introducing such tools
only for severity of illness. The study could as a clinical performance measure (25). into the discharge workflow may present
have been strengthened by the addition However, in order for readmission rates change management challenges that limit
of more characteristics of the study cohorts, to be a viable quality measure, physicians the evaluation of the impact of such tools on
which could have allowed for better must be able to alter the rate (26). readmission rates and other relevant ICU
adjustment for potential differences in Theoretically, one of the proposed ways outcomes. n
patient demographics using logistic that they can do this is by the use of risk
regression analysis. This becomes more stratification and clinical prediction tools Author disclosures are available with the text of
important, given that matching based on such as the SWIFT score as an adjunct this article at
exact APACHE III scores markedly reduced to clinical judgment, thereby potentially
the sample available for adjustment analysis. making safer ICU discharge decisions. Acknowledgment: The authors thank Andrew
Also, the overall quality improvement Standards for the evaluation of C. Hanson (Mayo Clinic Department of
atmosphere during the implementation a clinical prediction tool such as the SWIFT Biomedical Statistics and Informatics) for his work
with SWIFT tool programming, as well as the staff
may have contaminated the discharge score include the need to be validated to and nurse quality coaches of the 6 Mary Brigh
decision-making process, even when the provide evidence of reproducible accuracy, Medical Intensive Care Unit at the Mayo Clinic
SWIFT score was not discussed. the need to have sufficient predictive Rochester.

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