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Job Interview Activity

Directions: Watch the Friends clip. Then, answer the


1. What tips does the woman give the man about what to do during a
job interview?

2. What things does the woman say that the man shouldn’t do?

3. What things does the woman say that the man should do?

4. How did the interview go in the end?

5. Do you think he got the job?

Directions: You have a job interview! Read over the
questions and think about your answers. Your instructor
will conduct an interview for the job. Remember, be

Tell me a little bit about yourself.

What is your level of education?

What is your previous job experience?

What were your responsibilities at your previous job?

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?


You are doing your work and you notice that a fellow coworker is
constantly on their phone. It is a distraction for you and the other
employees. What do you do?

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