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Planned Parenthood: A Non-Profit Organization with a Change for Structure, Design, and Year


Robert Guajardo

South Texas College


Planned Parenthood is an ever-evolving non-profit organization that focuses on

reproductive healthcare for American individuals and global citizens. Throughout the years,

Planned Parenthood has gotten extreme criticism due to the goals of the company, the overall

structure, and the future of funding. It is important to continue growing clinics nationwide to

protect and help those individuals who are needing and seeking reproductive healthcare that they

are unable to obtain through their primary care physicians, or personal health insurance. With the

growing of the organization expanding to new heights, it calls for better management and goals

that will bring in more money for new technology and physicians. Through this paper, we will

focus on management skills such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling that will

overall improve the organization as a whole. From then, we will be able to make predictions

about the growth of the company through data visualization of charts and graphs. With the

proper addressing of issues and focusing on where improvements need to be made, Planned

Parenthood will strive to be an overall expanding organization with opening new clinics

throughout the country with learning information that is crucial to the success.

The first point that needs to be addressed, is improving the management that is currently

at the organization, and focusing on skills that include planning, organizing, leading and

controlling. With the first step of planning, we will be able to create a goal that will focus on

improving the growth of the organization. For the step of planning, it is looking into the future

and predicting possible trends or occurrences which are likely to influence the working situation,

which is the most vital quality as well as the job manager (4 Functions of Management Process,

2017). Through the planning process, we will be selecting a goal as well as paths to achieve

them. Once that is done, organizing will be a crucial step in this process. With the organizing

step, we will look at what resources are needed to pursue these goals. This can also be helpful

through an organization chart with proper hierarchy and seeing who reports to who (Principles of

Management, 2004). With different managers and departments, we are able to tackle more goals

that will be overall more effective throughout the process to achieve the growth of the

organization. Through organization, it is important to focus on teamwork and the goal at hand.

After organization, leading involves the social and informal sources of influence that you use to

inspire action taken by others (Principles of Management, 2004). With proper management

training, this will allow these individuals to be effective leaders that will spearhead the tasks that

are necessary to complete goals. One important trait of being an effective leader is

communication. A leader needs to understand what is needed from their followers and

employees, and focus on hurdles that may need more time or efforts to overcome them. Not all

leaders are the same, and it will take time to build these skills that are dependent on the

company’s goals and the overall’s department’s personality. After leading, controlling is a

crucial step for management techniques. Controlling is monitoring the organizational progress

toward goal fulfillment and this is crucial and essential to ensure the achievement of organization

goals (4 Functions of Management Process, 2017). Examples of controlling include budgeting all

expenses, and record of labor hours lost. This is important because money is what drives the

company to meet these goals and expectations. If the management is able to tackle the same goal

with less money, then that approach should be considerable to keep the organization in full


With the four functions of management of planning, organizing, leading and controlling,

there are positive and negative aspects for these techniques. These functions are positive overall

because it gives clear guidelines of what an organization should be following to meet

expectations and goals. Without these, the organization will not know what to do or how to

proceed. Some negative aspects of these functions include the creativity. Not all leaders and

organizations will use these functions to have a positive influence. It is important to understand

that these functions are uses for guidance and not an overall sound approach that can drive the

organization alone.

Once these functions are understood, a plan of action is needed to predict the overall

growth of the organization. The first thing that is necessary, is to change management within the

organization and identify the key people that are needed to drive the company. Once those

people are understood and noticed, we can then remove the waste of the other people who are not

meeting expectations. Change management is a structured approach for ensuring the changes are

thoroughly and smoothly implemented, and that the lasting benefits of change are achieved

(Change Management, 2018). Within the Planned Parenthood organization, we need to change

management for those individuals that are not setting goals, or using the four functions of

management. Another approach is to train these individuals so that they can become skilled

workers within their field and make it easier on them to approach situations and how to handle

them accordingly. It is important to remember that change does not happen in isolation, but it

happens throughout the organization, and the people touched by it (Change Management, 2018).

Once change management has been completed, it is important to go through resource

management. Resource management is important to identify the imperative resources to compete

a task within a specified time frame (Resource Management, 2018). Resource management is

important with using the resources that have been provided, in the best possible way to achieve

goals. This is especially important through this organization, because funds and resources are

limited. A major resource that needs to go into good use is advertising. Marketing and

advertising is important to display the information that needs to come across to consumers for

them to understand the overall purpose of this organization. Another aspect of resource

management is to make sure there are enough resources throughout the organization to meet

goals, and if there isn’t enough, then how will we be able to get enough to meet the overall

impact of the organization.


Projected Money Raised in 5 Years


Figure 1: A projected 5-year money raised. The first bullet shows the money raised at 2018,

compared to the final year at 2023. With this line graph, you can see a clear growth of money


Figure 2: Percentage of workers at Planned Parenthood in 5 years. The employee piece at the pie

chart will be 87%, compared to the executive and mangers sections both at 2%.

Both figure 1 and figure 2 show expected money raised the proportion of employees at

Planned Parenthood in 2023. With the goals being achieved, these charts will be achievable.


4 Functions of Management Process: Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling. (2018, June 23).

Retrieved from

Principles of Management. Retrieved from


Change Management Making Organization Change Happen Effectively. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Top 12 Resource Management Best Practices. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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