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SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES (Khoa hoc xa hội - Nhan van)

26. M cC all, Leslie The Complexity o f Intersectionality II Signs ; 2005 ; vol 30; iss 3
27. M ohanty, Chandra Talpade T Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial
Discourses II Feminist Review; 1988; vol null; iss 30
28. M oylan, C a rrie The Effects o f Child Abuse and Exposure to Domestic Violence on
Adolescent Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems II Journal o f Family
Violence; 2009; vol 25; iss 1
29. Rosa, Edinete M Urie Bronfenbrenner,
s Theory o f Human Development: Its Evolution
From Ecology to Bioecology II Journal o f Family Theory and Review; 2013; vol 5; iss 4
30. Thompson, E. H eather School-Based Group Interventions for Children Exposed to
Domestic Violence II Journal o f fam ily violence; 2012; vol 27; iss 3
31. Tuvel, Rebecca In Defense of Transracialism II Hypatia; 2017; vol 32; iss 2
32. W ellm an, H en ry Meta-Analysis o f Theory-of-Mind Development: The Truth about
False B e lie f II Child development.; 2001; vol 72; iss 3
33. West, Candace Doing gender II Gender & society; 1987; vol 1; iss 2

JOURNALISM & C O M M U N IC A TIO N (B á o c h í v á T ru y ề n th o n g )

1. A rdevol-A breu, A. Effects o f Editorial Media Bias Perception and Media Trust on the
Use o f Traditional, Citizen, and Social Media News II Journalism & Mass Communication
Quarterly; 2016; vol 94; iss 3
2. Balmas, M e ita l When Fake News Becomes Real: Combined Exposure to M ultiple News
Sources and Political Attitudes o f Inefficacy, Alienation, and Cynicism II Communication
research; 2014; vol 41; iss 3
3. Bandura, A lb e rt Social cognitive theory o f mass communication II Media psychology;
2001; vol 3; iss 3
4. Bandura, A lb e rt Social learning theory o f aggression II Journal o f communication; 1978;
vol 28; iss 3 ■


5. Boyd, Danah Social Network Sites : Definition, History, and Scholarship II Journal of
computer- mediated communication; 2007; vol 13; iss 1
6. D utta, M ohan Communicating About Culture and Health: Theorizing Culture -
Centered and Cultural Sensitivity II Approaches Communication Theory; 2007; vol 17;
iss 3
7. Ellison, Nicole B The Benefits o f Facebook “ Friends : ” Social Capital and College
Students’ Use o f Online Social Network Sites II Journal o f computer-mediated
communication; 2007; vol 12; iss 4
8. Enck, Suzanne M I f Orange Is the New Black, I Must Be Color Blind: Comic Framings of
Post-Racism in the Prison-Industrial Complex Critical Studies II Media Communication;
2015; vol 32; iss 5
9. E n li, Gunn Tw itter as arena for the authentic outsider: exploring the social media
campaigns o f Trump and Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election II European journal
o f communication; 2017; vol 32; iss 1
10. Entm an, R obert M Framing Bias: Media in the Distribution o f Power II Journal of
communication; 2007; vol 57; iss 1
11. Entm an, R obert M Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm II Journal of
communication; 1993; vol 43; iss 4
12. Green, M elanie C Understanding Media Enjoyment: The Role of Transportation Into
Narrative Worlds II Communication theory; 2004; vol 14; iss 4
13. H arrison, K ris te n The relationship between media consumption and eating disorders II
Journal o f communication; 1997; vol 47; iss 1
14. H o e rrn e r, Keisha L Gender roles in Disney films: Analyzing behaviors from Snow
W hite to Simba II Women’ s Studies in Communication; 1996; vol 19; iss 2
15. Jenner, M a re ike Is this TV IV? On N etflix, T V III and binge-watching II New media &
society; 2016; vol 18; iss 2


SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES (Khoa hoc Xa hội - Nhan van)

16. Khaldarova, Irin a Fake News // Journalism practice; 2016; vol 10; iss ᄀ
17. M a rchi, Regina W ith Facebook, Blogs, and Fake News, Teens Reject Journalistic
“ O bjectivity” // The Journal o f communication inquiry; 2012; vol 36; iss 3
18. M a rw ick, A lice E Networked privacy: How teenagers negotiate context in social media
// New media & society; 2014; vol 16; iss ᄀ

19. Ellison, Nicole B The Benefits o f Facebook “ Friends: ” Social Capital and College
Students’ Use o f Online Social Network Sites // Journal o f computer-mediated
communication; 2007; vol 12; iss 4
20. O tt, B ria n L The age o f Twitter: Donald J. Trump and the politics o f debasement. Critical
Studies // Media Communication; 2017; vol 34; iss 1
21. Scheufele, D ie tra m A Framing as a theory of media effects // Journal o f communication;
1999; vol 49; iss 1
22. Scheufele, D ie tra m A Framing, Agenda Setting, and Priming: The Evolution o f Three
Media Effects Models // Journal o f communication; 2007; vol 57; iss 1
23. D utta, M ohan Communicating About Culture and Health: Theorizing
Culture#Centered and Cultural Sensitivity Approaches // Communication Theory; 2007;
vol 17; iss 3
24. Sills, Sophie Rape culture and social media: young critics and a feminist counterpublic //
Feminist media studies; 2016; vol 16; iss 6
25. Slater, M ichael D Reinforcing spirals: The mutual influence o f media selectivity and
media effects and their impact on individual behavior and social identity //
Communication theory; 2007; vol 17; iss 3

LAW (L u ậ t h o c )

1. A bbott, Kenneth W W hy States Act through Formal International Organizations // The

Journal o f conflict resolution; 1998; vol 42; iss 1 ■

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