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The Impact of Brain Injuries 

Directions:​ Complete the following table based on the summary of each case (click on each link on names).
Feel free to do further research to find out more on any of the victims


Name of Person  Place of injury/Structure  Impact on 

  most likely impacted  Behavior / Function / Personality 
Phineas Gage Right behind his left eye Personality change, went from easy going to
& left frontal lobe easily agitated and explosive in his temper.
Lived 13 more years, but definitely was not the
same person. - Also impacted overall
understanding of brains functions in the mid
Abraham Lincoln Had Strabismus in his left eye. Harder to see out of his left eye. He was kicked
Occipital Lobe damage in the head when he was 10 by an horse.

Amy Davis Cerebellum Lobe injury- cheer stunt Happened from a cheer stunt that had gone
Talyah wrong. Had a hard time with balance and

Bob Woodruff - Temporal Lobe *had a hard time Bomb struck his car while in Iraq for work, put
Talyah remembering his kids’ names in a coma for 36 days, he remembered his wife
- Frontal Lobe *didn’t talk much and and 2 kids - not parents - couldn’t remember
still has memory issues kids’ names, multiple surgeries and long-term
Chris Benoit - Frontal Lobe *Personality change Killed wife, kids and himself possible out of
Talyah (impulse control) rage, multiple untreated concussions mixed
with steroids
Dick Button Blood coming out of ear, lost Ice skating accident.
Kilee hearing, memory loss, had to learn
how to walk again. Long term injuries were memory, and hearing
Damage to temporal, parietal, and loss. (parietal, frontal)

Gary Busey Loss of control over impulsive Motorcycle accident.

Kilee thought, and behavior. (frontal lobe.)
Mental illness spawned by brain trauma.
(frontal lobe.)

George Clooney Memory loss, and headaches. Tore Falling and banging head on set of film.
Kilee dura (spinal cord.) Thoughts of
suicide. No long term effects, surgery fixed problems.
Damage to spinal cord, and frontal

Roald Dahl Occipital Lobe Fractured skull, temporary blindness,


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