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Names : Pham Ly Duy

Student code : 1354020019

Should cigarette smoking be banned in public places

In my University- Open University, you can see the people who smoking in campus.
What do you think about it ? Should cigarette smoking be banned in public places
such as School, Hopital, Offices ..etc.

According to the statistics conducted by scientists, smoking is one of the most

dangerous reasons that causes millions death every year. It causes lots of deleterious
effects not only on smokers but also on non-smokers. Therefore, smoking should, in
my opinion, be banned in workplaces and other public places.

The influences that cigarette smoke causes on human heath are beyond controversy.
Millions of men are now suffering from lung cancer. That is the price they have to pay
for their bad habits. Their families and those surrounding, however, also pay that
price. These people even suffer from diseases which are more serious than what the
smokers do because their lungs are not used to smoke. It is a crime to let women who
are pregnant inhale such horrible smoke. The babies who would be born would be also

In Singapore and many western countries, governments have introduced legislations

against the smoking in public places. These legislations prevent their citizens from
smoke which contains lots of nicotine. The legislations are immediately approved by
non-smokers and of course disapproved by smokers. The smokers vehemently oppose
to these laws . They think that it is so unfair to them. It is, however, also unfair to
passive smokers if the atmosphere continues to be filled with smoke. I completely
agree with the introduction of the legislations. It will help those who have a healthy
lifestyle no longer put up with toxic smoke and those who are friends of smoke can
easily give up their bad habits or at least resist their temptation to light up .

The world would be better if smoke weren’t emitted from cigarettes. A clean
environment that humans can get on together and no longer suffer respiratory diseases
is what we are expecting. Let’s give up smoking and make our world cleaner.
Should children be tauch sex education in school
The educational system has developed quickly in Vietnam as well as other countries
in Asia. However, everything has its downside. And sexual education is one of the
controversial issue in our country. In my opinion, we should teach sexual education at
all schools for some reasons below:

The crime rates has increased in recent years, especially sex crimes. Sadly, most of
sex crimes are teenagers and most of them are lack of sexual knowledge. The main
reason is that nobody teaches them basic knowledge about sexual education.
Traditional education and ideology are the major barriers. We’re afraid of talking
about sensitive things, especially sexual education. We keep some sensitive things as
our secret and don’t want to talk to our children. However, they’re wrong viewpoints.
Because, children are always curious about everything around them. When nobody
tells them, then they will learn it themselves. They may misunderstood the meaning of
sex and it leads to many wrong actions that they do. So, sex crimes may decrease if
we teach sexual education at school.

Secondly, children’s life has changed a lot due to the appearance of internet. Internet
has many positive things. It connects us together, give us many chances to exchange
the knowledge. However, it contains some downsides, especially the videos which
contain misconceptions of sex. If we don’t teach the children some basic knowledge
of sexual education, then they may learn it through some websites on the internet
which can cause wrong awareness. We can’t blame them because of their actions.
Whereas, we should blame ourselves because of our wrong awareness.

Thirdly, sexual education is a main subject in foreign schools in European as well as

in America. This subject is highly appreciate because of its effect. So, why don’t we
learn from them? Their education are more developed than ours. Obviously, sexual
education isn’t harmful anyone. We only see its benefits. We usually proud of our
children because lots of our students award high prices in many competition in the
world, but we can’t proud of the sex crime rates among teenagers in our country.

In conclusion, we should try our best to persuade people to change their awareness,
though it’s hard to do that. Sexual education should be a main subject at school , not
just an optional subject.

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