Essay #1 - Advertisement Rhetorical Analysis

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English 103 – Professor Granillo

Essay #1 – Advertisement Rhetorical Analysis

Resource requirements
 Audience Awareness Worksheets (Completed for Postings #1
and #2)
 “Introduction to Critical Thinking and Analysis of Persuasive
 Assigned Readings from Asking the Right Questions

Format: Write a four-page (4) essay in MLA format on the prompt

below. All drafts (unless stated otherwise) must be:
 Typed
 Double spaced (2.0)
 Written in 12pt Times New Roman font
 Have one-inch margins
 Drafts must be printed in black ink only.
 You will also need to include a works cited page and in-text citations.

**A guide to MLA 8 Formatting: **


 Compose a four-page rhetorical analysis of a current advertisement utilizing the

Greek Triangle (ethos, pathos, and logos).

 In addition to providing a rhetorical analysis, your essay must also identify one

 Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the advert. Does the company reach its
intended goal based on the assumptions of its consumers?
English 103 – Professor Granillo
Example Analysis

Thesis Development
Your thesis should incorporate:
 Counterargument
o What claim is the advertisement making?
 Claim
o Do you agree, disagree, or are of two minds concerning the advert’s
 Theoretical Concepts
o Utilize rhetorical modes and fallacies to support your claim.
 So What?
o A “so what?” underscores your original claim and gives your thesis
complexity. In other words, it gives the reader a reason to care about your
o To underscore your claim, consider what impact the advert has on its
target audience; the significance of the advert within its genre; the value in
contemporary America.

Advertisement name: “The Greatest Gift”

Company: Glade
Counterargument: Candles bring warmth and togetherness during the holidays
Claim: Glade fails to acknowledge how to combat grief
Rhetorical concepts/fallacies: pathos, ethos, logos, hasty generalization
So what?: Despairing to those who may need psychological help because a candle will
not solve problems


Glade’s “The Greatest Gift” claims that candles bring warmth and togetherness during
the holiday season, but the company fails to acknowledge how to properly combat grief;
Glade’s overuse of pathos and ethos leaves little room for logos, and creates a hasty
generalization of the candle’s usage and impact; thus, “The Greatest Gift” serves as a
despairing reminder that grieving individuals may need psychological help more than the
glow of a candle.

You do not have to use the exact same words but use the above model as a guide to
writing your own thesis:

 Thesis should be 2-3 sentences long

 Break down your thesis into parts to ensure you have all of the necessary elements
 Combine the parts, and use active verbs, conjunctions and transitions words
and phrases to better streamline your thesis.
English 103 – Professor Granillo

Example Outline
Use the thesis above to organize your essay.

Must be written in this order and should be no longer than ½ a page.
a. Hook (Scenario, quote, etc.)
b. Transition sentence (connects the hook to the summary)
c. Summary (introduces a discussion of commercial and rhetoric)
d. Thesis


Consider every capital letter a paragraph.
A. Background of Advert
a. Audience
b. Claim
c. Strongest mode of rhetoric – emotional rock hit (pathos)
B. Counterargument (since it appears in the thesis first; generally,
counterarguments should always come before your claim)


Subtopics should be conceptualized as ideas which can be expanded into two or more
paragraphs. Assign each paragraph different lyrics or a scene (if a TV show) to expand on
your ideals. Consider every capital letter a paragraph.

A. Usage of pathos by way of “This is My Wish” song juxtaposed with old man
a. Topic sentence
b. Transition
c. Evidence: Lyrics
d. Theoretical concepts
e. Analysis
f. Warrant (your claim/so what?)

B. Usage of color adds to the overt usage of pathos, underscoring grief and
a. Topic sentence
b. Transition
c. Evidence: dull gray
d. Theoretical concepts
e. Analysis
f. Warrant (your claim/so what?)
English 103 – Professor Granillo
While this is not a complete outline, I hope you can see how I’m using my thesis to
outline my paper, and how I can expand on ideas without limiting myself to 5 paragraphs.

Papers, at this level of English, should never have page-long paragraphs.

English 103 – Professor Granillo

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