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Water Research 38 (2004) 475–485

A comparative study of Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium

violaceum-based constructed wetlands for wastewater
treatment in a tropical climate
Joseph Kyambaddea,b, Frank Kansiimea, Lena Gumaeliusb,
Gunnel Dalhammarb,*
Makerere University Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, P.O. Box 7298, Kampala, Uganda
Department of Biotechnology, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, AlbaNova University Centre, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Received 20 March 2003; received in revised form 22 September 2003; accepted 2 October 2003


The treatment efficiencies of constructed wetlands containing Cyperus papyrus L. (papyrus) and Miscanthidium
violaceum (K. Schum.) Robyns (synonymous with Miscanthus violaceum (K. Schum) Pilg.) were investigated in a
tropical climate (Kampala, Uganda). Papyrus showed higher ammonium-nitrogen and total reactive phosphorus (TRP)
removal (75.3% and 83.2%) than Miscanthidium (61.5% and 48.4%) and unplanted controls (27.9% ammonium-
nitrogen). No TRP removal was detected in control effluent. Nutrients (N and P) were significantly higher (po0:015) in
papyrus than Miscanthidium plant tissues. Plant uptake and storage was the major factor responsible for N and P
removal in treatment line 2 (papyrus) where it contributed 69.5% N and 88.8% P of the total N and P removed. It
however accounted for only 15.8% N and 30.7% P of the total N and P removed by treatment line 3 (Miscanthidium
violaceum). In addition, papyrus exhibited a significantly larger (p ¼ 0:000) number of adventitious roots than
Miscanthidium. Nitrifying bacteria attached to papyrus (2.15  10671.53  105 MPN/g DW) and Miscanthidium roots
(1.30  10478.83  102 MPN/g DW) and the corresponding nitrification activities were consistent with this finding.
Epiphytic nitrifiers appeared more important for total nitrification than those in peat or suspended in water. Papyrus
root structures provided more microbial attachment sites, sufficient wastewater residence time, trapping and settlement
of suspended particles, surface area for pollutant adsorption, uptake, assimilation in plant tissues and oxygen for
organic and inorganic matter oxidation in the rhizosphere, accounting for its high treatment efficiency.
r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Constructed wetlands; Cyperus papyrus; Miscanthidium violaceum; Nutrients; Tropical wetlands; Wastewater treatment

1. Introduction these wetlands are continuously being modified for

agricultural activities and infrastructure development
In Uganda and other East African countries, the lake thus hampering their treatment efficiencies [3]. Few
fringe swamps and other wetlands are increasingly being studies have compared the effects of different plant types
used to polish secondary domestic wastewater effluents on specific pollutant removal efficiencies [4,5]. Past
from adjacent cities [1] as well as surface-run-off and studies [6,7] described nutrient transformations and
raw sewage from low-income communities [2]. However, faecal coliform removal processes in the two distinct
macrophyte zones dominated by Cyperus papyrus
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +46-8-5537-8300; fax: 46-8- (papyrus) and Miscanthidium violaceum (Miscanthidium)
5537-8483. in Nakivubo wetland. Azza et al. [2] and Kipkemboi
E-mail address: (G. Dalhammar). et al. [8] assessed the differential permeability of papyrus

0043-1354/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
476 J. Kyambadde et al. / Water Research 38 (2004) 475–485

and Miscanthidium root mats in Nakivubo swamp, (treatment line 3). CW2 cells were not planted to allow
suggesting papyrus as having a greater potential to for oxygenation to occur at the air–water interface due
extract nutrients from wastewater due to the thin and to air currents and wind. All cells of treatment line 1
loose root mat that allows water–plant interaction than were not planted (control). The planting densities were
Miscanthidium whose root mat is thick and compact. 38.5 and 61.5 plants/m2 in each constructed wetland
The present study is part of a larger investigation into planted with papyrus and Miscanthidium, respectively.
management options for enhancing biological nutrient Plants were suspended in the containers by tying them to
removal from wastewater in Uganda using natural and a network of wooden pegs/supports.
constructed wetland technology. The aims of this A monitoring program of the constructed wetlands
particular pilot study carried out between December, system began 2 months after planting in order to allow
2001 and August, 2002 were: (a) to compare the extent the vegetation and bio-film to establish. The monitoring
of nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) removal from was carried out for a period of 5 months.
wastewater by two local plant species dominant in
Nakivubo wetland, (b) to investigate the factors 2.2. Loading and water analyses
responsible for differential nutrient removal rates
between the two macrophyte species in pilot constructed All units were fed with wastewater effluent collected
wetlands and (c) to assess the technical viability of two from National Water and Sewerage Corporation
macrophyte-based constructed wetlands with respect to (NWSC) Bugolobi Sewage Treatment Works, Kampala
wastewater treatment. The need for the study arises at a rate of 0.064 m3/day giving a hydraulic retention
from the increased wastewater generation versus con- time of 5 days. Wastewater flow rates were adjusted
stant and/or degrading wastewater treatment facilities manually at the inlet of CW1 units using 24 mm gate
due to urbanization and financial constraints. From the valves and measured at the outlet using a measuring
presented data we will extrapolate and speculate on cylinder and stopwatch.
viability of two emergent floating macrophyte species in Physico-chemical parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen
biological nutrient removal processes and their potential (DO), electrical conductivity (EC) and temperature)
application for wastewater treatment onsite and for were measured in situ using portable Wissenschaftlich-
small sized communities. Technishe Werkstatten (WTW) microprocessor probes
and meters. Water sampling was done at the influent and
effluent as well as along the length of the system.
2. Materials and methods Ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N) was analyzed following
direct Nesslerization method [9]. A diazotization method
2.1. Site description was used to analyze nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N), while
nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) and total-nitrogen (TN) were
The pilot constructed wetland system receiving analyzed by Cadmium reduction method and TN after
secondary effluent from Bugolobi Sewage treatment digestion [9]. Total reactive phosphorous (TRP) was
works, Kampala, was set up in December 2001 at analyzed following the ascorbic acid method [9]. All
Makerere University botanical garden, Kampala, Ugan- colorimetric determinations were made using a HACH
da. The design was a succession through a number of DR-4000 spectrophotometer.
reverse vertical flow containers in which the effluent is
discharged at the bottom of the container and displaces 2.3. Measurement of plant biomass, nutrients and root
the solution from the top of the container, which then surface area
flows to the next container (Fig. 1). The CW beds were
substrate-free to allow sufficient mixing and optimal An overview of the rhizomatous habit and the rooting
contact between wastewater, microorganisms and plant structure of the two plant species is described elsewhere
root systems. A split-plot design with treatment line [6,2]. Weekly recruitment of main roots and shoots on
(unplanted control, papyrus and Miscanthidium) as the all plants was observed during the course of the study.
main plot factors and block (CW1–CW6) as subplot Each plant was examined and newly emerged main roots
factors was used in this study. The three replicate and newly recruited shoots counted. During examina-
treatment lines 1, 2 and 3 composed of six cells of tion, plants were carefully removed from the treatment
circular shape which were arranged in series. The system in order to avoid damage. The weight of plants in
respective diameter and depth dimensions were 0.58 each CW unit was taken using a Salter Samson spring
and 0.82 m for CW1 (anaerobic), and 0.58 and 0.43 m balance (Salter Abbey, West Midlands, UK) and
for CW2–CW6. The first and second cells (CW1 and recorded prior to the beginning of the study and weekly
CW2) for treatment lines 2 and 3 were not planted while for 10 weeks during the course of the study. Replicate
CW3–CW6 were planted with locally available Cyperus samples of roots and shoots were collected during the
papyrus (treatment line 2) and Miscanthidium violaceum 4th and 5th months of analysis and their dry weight
J. Kyambadde et al. / Water Research 38 (2004) 475–485 477

Wastewater reservoir

1 1 2 2 3 3







Wastewater reservoir

12mm gate valve

CW4 Effluent

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of pilot constructed wetlands used in this study. Treatment line 1 is unplanted control while lines 2 and 3
were planted with Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum, respectively.

proportions of N and P determined after acid digestion 2.4. Enumeration of nitrifying bacteria
according to Novozamsky et al. [10]. Assuming that the
root is in form of a regular cylinder and area of the root Enumeration of nitrifying bacteria in the peat, water
ends is negligible, root surface area was calculated as: column and on root surfaces was carried out in the first
part of the planted constructed wetland (CW3) using the
most probable number (MPN) technique [11]. The
S ¼ 2pðRLN þ rlnÞ; ð1Þ
media used was according to Schmidt and Belser [12].
The tests were carried out in 10 ml culture tubes with
where S is the root surface area, p is a constant (3.14), R screw caps; the total test volume was 5.0 ml. One
is the average radius of main roots, L is the average milliliter of each 10-fold serial dilution prepared
length of main roots, N is the average number of main according to Kansiime and Nalubega [6] was inoculated
roots, r is the average radius of adventitious roots, l is into five replicate tubes containing 4 ml of sterile test
the average length of adventitious roots and n is the media, mixed and incubated at room temperature in the
average number of adventitious roots. dark for 3–6 weeks. Five culture tubes containing only
478 J. Kyambadde et al. / Water Research 38 (2004) 475–485

test media were included as negative controls. After from absorbance of samples and standard nitrite
inoculation, the used root samples were oven dried at (0.2 mg/l) using Beer–Lambert’s law.
103 C for dry weight determination.
2.6. Statistical analyses
2.5. Nitrification activity
Statistical analysis was performed with the package
Potential nitrification activity was carried out as MINITAB Release 13.31 for Windows and included
described by Belser and Mays [13] with slight modifica- analysis of variance (ANOVA), Bartlett’s and Levene’s
tions. Briefly, 10 g of root samples were incubated tests for homogeneity of variance and normality and
aerobically at room temperature in 500 ml Erlenmeyer Tukey’s multiple comparisons for differences between
flasks containing 300 ml of test media (1 g neutralized means.
bacteriological peptone (oxoid), 8.5 g NaCl, 0.095 g
ammonium sulfate, and 1.06 g sodium chlorate per
liter). For water and peat samples, 100 ml was added 3. Results
to 200 ml of test media. In all cases, sodium chlorate was
added to inhibit the conversion of nitrite to nitrate [13]. 3.1. Physico-chemical parameters
Ammonia oxidation was monitored by analyzing 10 ml
samples for nitrite every 45 min using Merck Spectro- The changes in values of the measured physico-
quant test kit [14] and a Tecan Sunrise Absorbance chemical variables for the three treatments (unplanted
Microplate Reader. A graph of nitrite concentration control, papyrus and Miscanthidium planted CWs) are
versus time was plotted and the slope of the linear depicted in Table 1. The differences in water pH,
regression was calculated to obtain potential nitrifica- conductivity, temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO)
tion activity. Nitrite concentrations were calculated between treatments were highly significant (po0:005 for

Table 1
Mean7standard error values of physico-chemical variables determined in pilot CWs (n ¼ 12)

Treatment line Variable CW1 CW2 CW3 CW4 CW5 CW6

1 pH 7.770.1 8.170.0 8.370.1 8.470.1 8.370.1 8.270.1

EC (mS/cm) 796.3716.0 739.9 712.1 695.374.3 675.0729.2 642.8727.9 631.5733.1
Temp. ( C) 21.67 0.2 21.870.1 21.770.1 21.570.1 21.370.1 21.470.1
DO (mg/l) 0.3570.04 2.6470.29 2.6970.58 3.5870.98 3.8271.1 2.3070.68
NH4-N (mg/l) 28.970.3 26.771.6 26.771.2 26.271.7 23.071.4 20.870.3
NO2-N (mg/l) 0.2070.08 0.3770.02 0.0670.00 0.0670.01 0.0970.02 0.0770.01
NO3-N (mg/l) 0.2370.01 0.3470.01 0.3070.01 0.2870.01 0.2970.00 0.2870.00
TN (mg/l) 58.572.5 52.674.1 48.672.6 51.274.6 44.672.1 43.572.4
TRP (mg/l) 15.571.1 14.271.2 14.571.5 16.971.4 16.071.3 17.171.3

2 pH 7.770.1 8.070.0 6.870.0 6.870.0 6.670.0 6.770.0

EC (mS/cm) 796.3716.0 738710.7 457.37 13.5 386.178.3 325.674.9 29872.7
Temp. ( C) 21.670.0 21.670.4 22.270.2 22.070.3 21.870.2 21.770.1
DO (mg/l) 0.3570.04 2.5770.42 0.9870.24 0.5370.05 0.5870.08 0.7670.13
NH4-N (mg/l) 28.970.3 26.770.9 16.171.0 11.370.2 8.770.6 7.171.1
NO2-N (mg/l) 0.2070.08 0.3570.02 0.0970.03 0.0670.01 0.0270.00 0.0270.00
NO3-N (mg/l) 0.2370.01 0.3570.02 0.1670.01 0.1370.00 0.1070.01 0.0970.03
TN (mg/l) 58.572.5 53.073.8 26.372.6 25.271.2 15.571.2 16.171.1
TRP (mg/l) 15.571.1 14.571.2 6.370.6 4.870.2 3.370.3 2.671.1

3 pH 7.770.1 8.370.1 7.170.0 7.170.0 7.070.0 7.170.0

EC (mS/cm) 796.3716.0 740714.4 510.876.5 470.8712.1 416.5718.9 407.3729.7
Temp. ( C) 21.670.0 22.070.5 22.270.3 22.170.2 22.070.1 22.270.1
DO (mg/l) 0.3570.04 2.5270.32 0.5870.05 0.570.08 0.770.11 0.9170.2
NH4-N (mg/l) 28.970.3 26.771.5 16.970.5 15.370.7 12.471.1 11.171.7
NO2-N (mg/l) 0.2070.08 0.3670.01 0.0770.02 0.0770.02 0.0570.01 0.0470.00
NO3-N (mg/l) 0.2370.01 0.3470.01 0.1470.01 0.1370.01 0.1170.01 0.0770.01
TN (mg/l) 58.572.5 52.073.9 30.572.5 24.471.2 19.471.2 17.972.2
TRP (mg/l) 15.571.1 14.870.4 10.471.0 10.171.1 8.771.1 8.071.1
J. Kyambadde et al. / Water Research 38 (2004) 475–485 479

all variables). Water pH was significantly lower in Miscanthidium (p ¼ 0:02) CWs. However, multiple
papyrus (p ¼ 0:001) than Miscanthidium (p ¼ 0:006) comparisons detected significantly high TN removal in
CWs compared to the controls. Similarly conductivity both papyrus (p ¼ 0:018) and Miscanthidium (p ¼ 0:017)
was lower in papyrus (p ¼ 0:02) than Miscanthidium CWs that was nearly equal. Similarly, the longitudinal
(p ¼ 0:03) CWs, whereas DO was lower in Miscanthi- TRP removal was significantly higher in papyrus
dium (p ¼ 0:003) than papyrus (p ¼ 0:004) CWs. Multi- (p ¼ 0:003) than Miscanthidium (p ¼ 0:004) CWs in
ple comparisons detected higher water temperature in comparison with the unplanted controls.
Miscanthidium (p ¼ 0:001) than papyrus (p ¼ 0:054).
The longitudinal variation of the average concentra- 3.2. Recruitment of roots, shoots and weight increment
tions of ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrite-nitrogen
(NO2-N), nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), total-nitrogen (TN) Results of recruitment of main roots and shoots are
and total reactive phosphorus (TRP) is presented in shown in Fig. 2. The root recruitment rate per CW unit
Table 1. The differences in concentrations of NH4-N, was 77 and 32 roots per week for papyrus and
NO3-N, TN and TRP between the three treatments were Miscanthidium, respectively. One-way ANOVA did not
highly significant (po0:004 for all variables). In contrast detect significant differences in root recruitment rates
no significant differences (p ¼ 0:281) in NO2-N concen- between the two plant species (p ¼ 0:072) despite
trations were detected between treatments. In all papyrus having a two-fold higher rate. The trend of
treatments, nitrite-nitrogen and nitrate-nitrogen were weight increment showed a similar pattern to that of
detected but only in small concentrations. Multiple root recruitment though it did not tally with shoot
comparisons showed significantly higher NH4-N re- recruitment (Figs. 2 and 3). One-way ANOVA showed
moval in papyrus (p ¼ 0:02) than Miscanthidium that weight increment was significantly different
(p ¼ 0:026) CWs compared to unplanted controls. (p ¼ 0:014) between the two plant species. The average
On the other hand, NO3-N was significantly higher plant weight increment was 0.228 and 0.039 kg per CW
in unplanted controls than papyrus (p ¼ 0:027) and unit for papyrus and Miscanthidium, respectively.
No. of new main roots recruited

per CW unit

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Period (weeks)
Papyrus Miscanthidium

No. of new shoots per CW unit






wk0 wk1 wk2 wk3 wk4 wk5 wk6 wk7 wk8 wk9 wk10
Period (weeks)

Papyrus Miscanthidium

Fig. 2. Average weekly recruitment of roots and shoots per CW planted with Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum.
480 J. Kyambadde et al. / Water Research 38 (2004) 475–485

Though shoot recruitment rates were higher in papyrus canthidium. The mean radii of the main root of both
than Miscanthidium CWs (5 and 2 shoots per week), plant species did not vary significantly (p ¼ 0:196). In
respectively, one-way ANOVA did not detect significant contrast, the average length of the main root was
differences between the two plant species (p ¼ 0:14). significantly greater (p ¼ 0:03) in Miscanthidium than in

3.3. Estimation of root surface area of plants

3.4. Nitrifying bacteria
Results of root surface area determinations are shown
in Table 2. Papyrus exhibited a significantly larger The distribution of nitrifying bacteria in the different
number of adventitious roots (p ¼ 0:000) than Mis- layers of the constructed wetlands is depicted in Fig. 4.

Weight increment (kg) per CW

2.5 y = 0.0225x - 0.0372x
R = 0.9834


1 2
y = 0.0015x + 0.0165x
0.5 R = 0.914

wk0 wk1 wk2 wk3 wk4 wk5 wk6 wk7 wk8 wk9 wk10
Period (weeks)

Papyrus Miscanthidium

Fig. 3. Average weekly increment of plant weight per CW planted with Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum.

Table 2
Parameter measurements used to estimate root surface area of Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum (n ¼ 3)

Parameter Papyrus Miscanthidium

Mean length of main root (cm) 24.6570.10 29.5570.74

Mean length of adventitious roots (cm) 2.2070.03 1.4870.03
Mean number of adventitious roots/main root 27777 5373
Mean radius of main root (cm) 0.2170.01 0.2370.02
Mean radius of adventitious roots (cm) 0.04670.00 0.06070.01
Average root surface area (cm2)a 208.6 72.2
Calculated using Eq. (1).
Log number (MPN/100 ml or gDW)

1.00E +07
Water Peat Papyrus roots Miscanthidium

Fig. 4. Average spatial distribution of nitrifying bacteria in water, peat and on roots of Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum
in a pilot constructed wetland. Bars indicate standard error of the mean (n ¼ 3).
J. Kyambadde et al. / Water Research 38 (2004) 475–485 481

Numbers of ammonia oxidizing bacteria followed the and Miscanthidium were 0.0310, 0.0314, 0.147 and
pattern peat>papyrus>Miscanthidium>water column. 0.146 mg NO2/l/h.
The mean numbers of nitrifying bacteria in the papyrus
root mat (2.15  10671.53  105 MPN/g DW) were 3.6. Nitrogen and phosphorus content in plant tissues
significantly higher (p ¼ 0:000) than those asso-
ciated with the Miscanthidium root mat (1.30  104 Results of nutrient content in plant tissues are
78.83  102 MPN/g DW). depicted in Fig. 6. Concentrations of N were signifi-
cantly higher than P in both papyrus (p ¼ 0:037) and
Miscanthidium (p ¼ 0:004) tissues. In addition, N levels
3.5. Potential nitrification activity were significantly higher (p ¼ 0:014) in papyrus than in
Miscanthidium. Similarly, P levels were significantly
Results of potential microbial nitrification activities higher (p ¼ 0:04) in papyrus than in Miscanthidium.
for water, peat and root mat samples of papyrus and
Miscanthidium are depicted in Figs. 5a and b. Higher

N and P content (g/kg dry weight)

nitrification potential was found to be associated with
papyrus roots than Miscanthidium, water or peat 18
samples (Fig. 5a). The root mat samples of the two 14
12 Nitrogen
plant species showed similar nitrification capacities for 10
8 Phosphorus
the first 3 h. However, papyrus surpassed to attain a 6
maximum nitrite production of 0.8 mg/l in the next 1.5 h. 2
In contrast, Miscanthidium root samples attained a





maximum of 0.514 mg/l in the first 3 h before it leveled s





off (Fig. 5b). Similarly, high activity was detected in the




peat although it was not significantly different from that is


of water (p ¼ 0:053). The activity for peat samples Plant tissue

reached a maximum of 0.213 mg nitrate-N/l in 7 h as Fig. 6. Nitrogen and phosphorus content in root and shoot
opposed to a maximum of 0.183 mg nitrate-N/l in the tissues of Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum during
water column samples after 5.5 h (Fig. 5b). The slopes of the 4th and 5th months of analysis. Bars indicate standard error
linear regression for water, peat and roots of papyrus of the mean (n ¼ 3).
Nitrite-N concentration (mg/l)
Nitrite-N concentration (mg/l)

0.25 0.25 y = 0.0309x

R2 = 0.9886
0.2 0.2
y = 0.0299x
0.15 0.15 R2 = 0.9816

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (h) Time (h)

Nitrite-water Nitrite-Peat Nitrite-water Nitrite-Peat

0.9 y = 0.0027x
Nitrite-N concentration (mg/l)
Nitrite-N concentration (mg/l)

0. 9 2
0.8 R = 0.9649
0. 8
0. 7
0. 6 0.6
y = 0.0025x
0. 5 0.5 2
R = 0.9798
0. 4
0. 3
0. 2 0.2
0. 1
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
(a) Time (min) (b) Time (min)

Papyrus Miscanthidium Papyrus Miscanthidium

Fig. 5. (a) Potential nitrification activities of water, peat, papyrus and Miscanthidium root samples. (b) Linear part of nitrification rates
and the corresponding root square values.
482 J. Kyambadde et al. / Water Research 38 (2004) 475–485

4. Discussion demonstrated a positive influence on nutrient removal

Our qualitative observations of several quantified The removal values for ammonium (75.3%) and
water quality parameters suggest a high potential of phosphorus (83.2%) obtained in the papyrus systems
both plant species in biological nutrient removal were high compared to values reported by Lizhibowa
processes. In both planted CWs, water pH was within [21] (70% NH4-N) in bucket experiments at Kiriinya [22]
the allowable range of 4–9.5 for the survival of most (o20% for both NH4-N and TRP) in CW pilot units at
bacteria [15]. The water pH value was slightly acidic (pH Kiriinya. Ammonium-nitrogen was removed through
6.6–6.8) in CWs planted with papyrus compared to plant uptake and microbial nitrification/denitrification
Miscanthidium (pH 7.0–7.1; Table 1) probably due to processes since temperature and pH were within the
decomposition products of wastewater components [16] range that could support both nitrification and deni-
trapped in the papyrus root mat as well as decomposing trification processes [18]. Ammonia volatilisation could
plant materials. Our investigation indicated a two-fold not have occurred because the pH in the system never
higher root recruitment rate for papyrus with many rose above pH 9 [23].
adventitious root structures than Miscanthidium (Fig. 2; In aquatic systems, phosphorus removal is mainly via
Table 2), which effectively trapped organic suspended biological uptake by bacteria, phytoplankton and plants
particles in feed wastewater and dead plant material. [24,25] and adsorption and precipitation by a substra-
Contrary to field observations, the water pH value in tum surface containing free Ca2+, Fe2+, Mg2+ and
Miscanthidium CWs was higher than pH 5.0 values Al3+ ions [26,27]. Even though epiphytic uptake was not
reported for Miscanthidium root mats in Nakivubo quantified, it could not account for the differences
wetland [17] and other wetlands on the northern shores observed in the treatment systems since they were all
of Lake Victoria [8]. The significant difference in water exposed to similar conditions. As our design was
temperature between the three treatments was probably substrate-free, immobilization and soil sorption could
due to the small scale of the CWs. Unplanted CWs not influence the removal processes. However, the
showed higher DO concentrations than the correspond- possibility of phosphorus precipitation, adsorption of
ing planted wetland units and this was attributed to soluble phosphorus to the roots systems and suspended
algal photosynthesis. Effective nitrification has been solids settling at the bottom of treatment CWs could not
reported in systems with DO content of only 0.5 mg/l be ruled out. Mass balance calculations showed plant
[18]. In this study, the concentrations of nitrite and uptake and storage contribution of 69.5% N and 88.8%
nitrate in the unplanted control systems were low despite P of the total N and P removed by papyrus treatment
DO concentrations higher than 2.5 mg/l. This is line and 15.8% N and 30.7% P of the total N and P
attributed to denitrification and lack of sufficient removed by Miscanthidium violaceum treatment line.
attachment sites and subsequent flow through of Therefore active uptake and incorporation into plant
nitrificants. In contrast, concentrations of DO decreased tissue was the major factor responsible for the observed
in all vegetated CWs due to aerobic decomposition of phosphate removal rates in CWs planted with Cyperus
plant materials, nitrification and minimal surface aera- papyrus. Other processes such as nitrification–denitrifi-
tion resulting from vegetation coverage. The low nitrate cation and adsorption of soluble phosphorus to roots
levels in planted CWs can be explained by heterotrophic and peat were more important for N and P removal in
competition with nitrificants for oxygen [19], denitrifica- CWs planted with Miscanthidium violaceum.
tion and plant uptake. The values of electrical con- The differences in the structure and recruitment of
ductivity and the concentrations of NH4-N, NO2-N, roots by the two macrophytes depicted important
NO3-N, TN and TRP were generally reduced in all consequences for the degradation of wastewater com-
CWs. Reduction in these quantified water quality ponents and uptake of nutrients. Indeed, this was
parameters was well demonstrated in planted CWs and supported by the difference in root surface area
was generally higher in papyrus than Miscanthidium (Papyrus, 208.6 cm2 per main root compared to Mis-
CWs. TRP effluent concentrations below the Uganda canthidium, 72.2 cm2) and recruitment rates between the
regulatory discharge limit of 10 mg/l [20] were obtained two macrophytes. Papyrus exhibited a two-fold higher
in both planted CWs, with papyrus showing much lower root recruitment rate than Miscanthidium. Similarly, the
concentrations of up to 2.6 mg/l. However, the effluent high number of adventitious root structures conferred
NH4-N concentration below the national discharge limit papyrus a three-fold larger root surface area than
of 10 mg/l could only be obtained in papyrus CWs. The Miscanthidium. Wetland plants are reported to transfer
longitudinal NH4-N and TRP removal rates of 75.3% photosynthetic oxygen to the rhizosphere thus boosting
and 83.2% in papyrus and 61.5% and 48.4% for oxygen concentration in the water column [28,29].
Miscanthidium-based CWs were achieved compared to Assuming the oxygen transfer rate of papyrus to be
only 27.9% NH4-N removal and 10.3% TRP accumula- half the maximum transfer rate (12 g/m2/day) reported
tion in unplanted controls. Thus, both macrophytes for Phragmites australis [30], papyrus CWs provided
J. Kyambadde et al. / Water Research 38 (2004) 475–485 483

6.3 g O2/m2/day compared to the oxygen demand of Microbial attachment and root development seemed
5.7 g/day. It is probable that the high root numbers of to have influenced positively differential nutrient uptake
papyrus coupled with its larger root surface area by the two macrophytes. More shoots were developed
due to adventitious root structures provided more by papyrus with a corresponding increase in plant fresh
oxygen to the rhizosphere of root mat, reducing weight, a possible indicator that it assimilated more
competition between heterotrophs and nitrificants in nutrients than Miscanthidium. In fact, analysis of
papyrus CWs. Differences in root structures and phosphorus and nitrogen content in roots and shoots
numbers influenced periphyton attachment and material of both macrophytes (Fig. 6) indicated higher concen-
transformations in wetland systems [31,32]. In addi- trations of the two nutrient variables in papyrus than
tion to providing attachment sites and diffusible Miscanthidium plant tissues.
oxygen to the bacteria, root mats increase waste-
water residence time and retention of suspended
organic particles, which upon degradation avail nutri- 5. Conclusion
ents to bacteria and plants. In fact, more nitrifying
bacteria were associated with papyrus roots (2.15  106 To evaluate the potential application of a macrophyte
71.53  105 MPN/g DW) compared to Miscanthidium in wastewater treatment constructed wetlands, knowl-
roots (1.30  10478.83  102 MPN/g DW) and water edge of structural development and recruitment rates of
column (2.93  10378.83  101 MPN/100 ml), suggest- roots and the general growth rate of the macrophyte in
ing more attachment sites and easy accessibility of question is crucial. This influences plant–microorgan-
nutrients. The numbers of nitrifying organisms on isms–wastewater interactions by providing microbial
papyrus roots and in water column were within the attachment sites, sufficient wastewater residence time,
range found in Nakivubo wetland [6]. trapping and settlement of suspended wastewater
The numbers of nitrifying bacteria enumerated in the components as a result of resistance to hydraulic flow,
peat (1.67  10773.33  105 MPN/100 ml) and epiphy- surface area for pollutant adsorption, uptake and
ton were comparably higher than those reported by storage in plant tissues, and diffusion of oxygen from
Korner [33]. Nitrifying bacteria in the peat might have aerial parts to the rhizosphere. In this study, we
been inactive in the treatment system and may not have observed high wastewater treatment efficiencies asso-
contributed much to the nitrification process but only ciated with planted CWs compared to unplanted
became active when conditions were favorable in our controls. Papyrus CWs showed markedly higher nu-
laboratory. Indeed, this was consistent with the results trient removal efficiencies, with higher N and P levels in
of potential nitrification activities of plant roots, water plant tissues in comparison to Miscanthidium. Similarly,
and peat samples. Higher activity was associated with more shoots were developed by papyrus than Mis-
plant roots particularly papyrus roots (Fig. 5a) and canthidium possibly indicating differences in nutrient
tallied with MPN numbers (Fig. 4) except for the peat uptake. This study showed that epiphytic nitrifiers were
samples. The larger surface area of papyrus root more important for total nitrification than those in peat
structures attracted more nitrifying bacteria by provid- or suspended in water and also demonstrated that root
ing attachment sites, diffusible oxygen from the aerial development and its association with microorganisms is
parts, and substrates from trapped decomposing waste- responsible for the high wastewater treatment potential
water components. of papyrus that was reported in past studies. At present,
Nitrifiers in the epiphyton have been estimated to we can speculate on the potential application of papyrus
have an equally high influence on total system nitrifica- for wastewater treatment especially for small-sized
tion as those in the sediment although the peat is more communities and onsite treatment and attribute the
important for denitrification [33]. Results from this observed differential nutrient removal rates to a
study showed a 5-fold higher nitrification activity in the combination of factors stated above, but these remain
epiphyton than in the water column and sediment the topics of our ongoing research activities.
suggesting epiphytic nitrifiers to be more important for
total system nitrification. One possible explanation is
that the nitrifying bacteria in the peat were not so active Acknowledgements
due to competition for the limited oxygen with hetero-
trophs. However, their re-growth and activity was This study received financial support from the
supported in our culture tubes where conditions were Swedish International Development Cooperation
ambient. Thus, suspended nitrifying organisms in the Agency (Sida)/Department of Research Cooperation
constructed wetlands positively influenced total system (SAREC) under the wastewater treatment component of
nitrification bearing in mind the long retention time [34] the East African Regional Programme and Research
and fairly high numbers (2.93  103+8.83  101 MPN/ Network for Biotechnology, Biosafety and Biotechnol-
100 ml) in the water column. ogy Policy Development (BIO-EARN). Authors are
484 J. Kyambadde et al. / Water Research 38 (2004) 475–485

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