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Table Of Contents


1.1 General Overview………….

1.2 Survey ………………………

1.3 Objectives…………………..

1.4 Analysis……………………..

1.5 Organization of the report………..


2.1 Development environment……………….

2.2 Operating environment……………………


3.1 Design specification……………….

3.2 Data flow diagram………………..

3.3 ER diagram…………………………

4 Systems development life cycle (SDLC)

4.1 Waterfall model……………………..

4.2 Development Schedule…………….


1.1 General Overview

Our Project has various kinds of information that helps regarding railway ticket booking and
correction . Users will be able to search the train availability ,the exact fare ,the arrival and
departure time of the train and they can also book the ticket by using the online payment
options like debit card, credit card, net banking etc and after booking the ticket if the user want
to cancel it. If user is wrongly filled with incorrect information (personal information like name,
gender, age etc) while booking tickets, then they can request to fix it by giving information of
their ID card like Aadhar Card, Voter Card etc. Then their request will be approved according to
their ID card information by admin.

1.2 Survey

Railway passengers frequently need to know about their ticket reservation status, ticket
availability on a particular train or for a place, train arrival or departure details, special trains etc..
Customer information centers at the railway stations are unable to serve such queries at peak
periods. The number of the reservation counters available to the passengers and customers are
very less. On most of the reservation systems there are long queues, so it takes a long time for
any individual to book the ticket. As now there are no call centers facilities available to solve the
queries of the passengers. The online railway ticket reservation system aims to develop a web
application which aims at providing trains details, trains availability, as well as the facility to book
ticket in online for customers. So, we thought of developing a web based application which
would provide the users all these facilities from his terminal only as well as help them in booking
their tickets. The Application was to be divided into two parts namely the user part , and the
administrator part. And each of these has their corresponding features. We decided to give the
online railway ticket booking & correction system is developed using PHP with SQL as the

1.3 Objectives:

The objective of the online railway ticket booking & correction system Project is to design
software to fully automate the process (except correction process) of issuing a railway ticket.

That is:-
1. To create a database of the trains

2. To search the trains it’s arrival and departure time,distance between source and destination.

3.To check the availability of the ticket.

4. To calculate fare.

5.To book the ticket.

6.To cancel the ticket if necessary.

7.Correction of personal details.

1.4 Analysis

Online railway ticket booking & coorection sytem is a online ticket booking project, which is
capable of booking ticket and serach the train availavility . This project is mainly created to fulfil
the following requirements, it comprises of the following properties:-

A central database that will store all information.

An online website that will provide real- time information about the availability of tickets their
prices .

Every registered user is able to view his booking id that has been made in his/her name.

Every registered user can change his password any time he wants to change.

Every guest user can search train availability ,price of the ticket,arrival and departure time
,distance between source and destination etc.

Every registered user has the facilities to print his ticket any time he wishes.

Every registered user has the facilities to request correction of personal details if necessary.

Administration login

In admin mode the administrator can make changes in train details.

He can also view all booking that has been made by different users.

The booking window contains all the facilities at one place, the user can simply login to his
account and can book his ticket.

He can accept or decline user’s corretion request.

1.5 Organization of the report

Serial No. Topic


1 Introduction

1.1 General Overview

1.2 Survey

1.3 Analysis of problem

1.4 Organization of the Report.

2 Software Requirement and Specification

3 Detail design

3.1 Detailed design Specification

3.2 Data flow diagram

3.2.1 Level 0 DFD

3.2.2 Level 1 DFD

3.2.3 Level 2 DFD

3.2.4 Level 3 DFD

3.3 ER-Diagram


4.1 Implementation

5 References/Bibliography

The report has been organized into seven sections, each section dealing with a different aspect
of project and its development. A brief overview of each of the section is in order.
The Software Requirements Specification section will deal with the technical details of the
proposed system. It will contain information regarding the developmental and operational
environments, user interfaces, functional and requirements specifications and the exception and
error handling features of the system. The Design section will provide a detailed insight into the
working of the system, how the system to be framed to make the implementation error free and
to avoid a possible rework. All the features mentioned in the SRS section will be dealt with in
detail through the means of architectural design, block diagram, detailed data flow diagrams,
structure charts, flow chart and any other relevant method. Through the use of pseudo-codes,
the Implementation Details section will provide the final design step before actual
implementation of the system. It will list all the functions that will be used in the system,
parameters used by them, what results they will produce and how they will interact with the rest
of the system. All queries regarding the actual performance of the developed system will be
cleared in the Results and Discussion section. It will list all the test cases, results of those tests
and a discussion on whether these tests yielded the desired results or not. If negative, this
section will also provide information regarding the failure. Concluding all this will be the
Summary and Conclusion section which will round up the entire discussion. This will be followed
by the Reference/Bibliography section that will tell about the books and site that have been
referred by us while developing the website.
2. Software Requirements Specification
2.1 Development Environments:

Hardware Intel core 2 duo T6400 2.00 GHz with 2GB RAM, 250 GB hard disk space and other
Standard accessories.

Environment and Applications:

Any Operating System

Notepad or any text editor or Adobe Dreamweaver

Xampp or Wampp or Lampp

Any web browser.

2.2 Operating environment:

Hardware configuration:

The minimum configuration for hardware is given below:

Intel® Pentium® or higher processor.

65 MB RAM or higher

Software configuration:

Microsoft® Windows® any versions or any os

A standard web browser.

3.1 Detailed design specification:

Book Ticket

Get Train
Registered User
Show Ticket

Cancel Ticket


Fig: User’s
booking window
Fig: User’s booking window


Accept or Decline
Correction request

3.2 Data Flow Diagram

3.2.2 Level 1 DFD

3.2.3 Level 2 DFD

Accept or Decline
Correction request
3.2.4 Level 3 DFD

Correction request
(personal details)

3.3 ER diagram
4. SDLC (Software development Life Cycle)
Every activity has a life cycle and software development process is not an exception for the
same. Even if you are not aware of SDLC you still must be following it unknowingly. But if a
software professional is aware about SDLC he can execute the project in a much controlled
fashion. One of the big benefits of this awareness is that hot blooded developers will not start
directly execution (coding) which can really lead to project running in an uncontrolled fashion.
Second it helps customer and software professional to avoid Confusion by anticipating the
problems and issues before hand. In short SDLC defines the various stages in a software life
cycle. But before we try to understand what SDLC is all about. We need to get a broader view
of the start and end of SDLC. Any project started if it does not have a start and end then its
already in trouble. It’s like if you go out for a drive you should know where to start and where to
end or else you are moving around endlessly. Below is the figure that shows typical flow in
SDLC which has five main models . ·

 Waterfall - Big Bang and Phased model . ·

 Iterative - Spiral and Incremental model.

Iterative model Iterative model was introduced because of problems faced in Waterfall model.
The iterative waterfall model is used in the development of the system. The system is developed
in increments, each increments adding some functional capability to the system until the full
system is fully implemented. The advantage of this approach is that it will result in better testing,
as testing of each increment is easier than testing the entire system in totality. Furthermore, this
approach provided us with important feedback that was very useful in the implementation of the
4.1 Implementation Details

4.1.1 System Overview

Online railway ticket reservation system is a web based application. It has been developed
using PHP and SQL as the code end programming language. A MYSQL Server database
consisting of multiple tables is used for data storage. This Project is a online travel booking
website, which is capable of booking and correction of railway ticket . It allows the Administrator
to perform all operations and view bookings and accept or decline correction request. The
general user is however given only restricted access.

4.1 MySQL

MySQL server: - MySQL server is basically a database server which is mostly used for storing
user data into the required database in a specific table for easy access of these data in the
future. The database server works when a local application invokes it. Before storing data into a
database with the help of database server, PHP sends a SQL query to MySQL database server
for establishing a connection to the server by using the loopback address, i.e., along
with the user name and password for getting authentication from the database server. Since
connection is established locally with the database server by PHP, so there is no chance of
getting access to database server for modifying database by the client. Also , when PHP
request for information retrieval from the database server by sending SQL query then the
database server sends back the result of query after executing it by the database server.
Another method of accessing database server is only possible by locally, i.e., only administrator
of that particular computer can get all the access facilities of the database server as well as all
the database which are not available to restricted users. PHP can update information in the
database server if it has the administrator username and password to access thespecific
database, otherwise connection will be rejected by MySQL server and the database cannot be
updated. Since before the dawn of the computer age , people have been using databases.
Before computers, a database may have been a Rolodex containing phone numbers of the
important people you knew, or it was a filing cabinet that contained all the personnel records for
the company. Today, databases are computer-based and are found virtually everywhere. From
desktop databases of your record collection to Web-enabled databases that run large
corporations. EVOLUTION OF PHP

PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is a highly popular server-side scripting language. It is very

flexible and has a lot of innovative features. It is the fastest resource available for creating
database–enabled dynamic websites. All the features and updates of PHP are available free of
cost. PHP code is well organized and can be easily embedded into HTML code. It works on all
major operating systems like Linux, Windows, Unix and Mac OS, and it supports main web and
enterprise servers like Apache, Netscape, Microsoft IIS, etc. Moreover, it is easier to
troubleshoot problems in PHP when compared to other languages.

For a web developer, designing a complex, yet attractive website in a short span of time is a big
challenge. This is where PHP frameworks prove to be useful. Frameworks can be used to
develop websites of all sizes and complexity. The most popular ones include WordPress,
Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter and Phalcon, to name a few. PHP was created by Rasmus
Lerdorf in 1994 and was publicly released in June 1995. Back then, it was the abbreviated form
of Personal Home Page tools. After two years, in 1997, it entered public domain as PHP/F1 2.0.
A year later, two programmers, Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, rewrote the base of the
original version and launched PHP 3. PHP 4, which came out in 2000, incorporated a scripting
engine named Zend Engine that was designed by Suraski and Gutmans. Three more major
versions with some sub-versions were launched in the later years with the latest version 7.0
released in 2015. Two decades after its inception, PHP has registered a phenomenal growth
and is still going strong. Today, it controls over 80% of all the websites on the globe. This
includes majors like Facebook, Wikipedia and Wordpress among others. The following
infographic gives you an idea about the timeline and major features of all the PHP versions.

Advantage And Disadvantage of PHP

PHP is one of those programming languages which are developed with built-in web
development capabilities. The programmers can embed the code written in this popular server-
side programming language seamlessly into HTML code through the Script tag. But the web
developers cannot write large and complex websites and web application rapidly without
executing PHP code through various web frameworks.

In addition to promoting rapid web application development, the PHP frameworks even simplify
web application development by providing a basic structure. The features and tools provided by
these web frameworks even enable development to add functionality to the web application and
perform common web development tasks without writing lengthy and complex code.

The web developers even have option to choose from a wide range of PHP frameworks. Most of
these frameworks are open source and can be used without paying any licensing fees. Some of
these PHP frameworks are full-stack web frameworks, whereas others are micro frameworks.
But it is also important for the web developers to understand the advantages and disadvantages
of using PHP frameworks.

Advantages of Using PHP Frameworks

Speed up custom web application development

Nowadays, PHP programmers have to write web applications based on complex business
requirements. Likewise, they have to explore ways to make the web application deliver richer
user experience. The tools, features, and code snippets provided by PHP frameworks help
developers to accelerate custom web application development.

Simplify web application maintenance

Unlike other programming languages, PHP does not emphasize on code readability and
maintainability. The PHP frameworks simplify web application development and maintenance by
supporting model-view-controller (MVC) architecture. The developers can take advantage of
MVC architecture to divide a web application into models, views and controllers. They can use a
MVC framework for PHP to keep the application’s user interface and business logic layers

No need to write additional code

PHP, unlike other programming languages, does not allow programmers to express concepts
without writing longer lines of code. Hence, the PHP programmers have to write lengthy and
complex code while adding features or functionality to a website. The PHP frameworks reduce
coding time significantly by providing code generation feature. The code generation features
provided by certain PHP frameworks enable programmers to keep the source code of web
application clean and maintainable.

Work with databases more efficiently

Most PHP frameworks allow programmers to work with a number of widely used relational
databases. Some frameworks further simplify database operations by providing object relational
mapping (ORM) systems. The programmers can take advantage of the ORM systems to
perform database operations without writing lengthy SQL code. The ORMs even allows
programmers to write object code directly in PHP programming language.

Automate common web development tasks

While building a web application, developers have to perform a number of tasks in addition to
writing code. Some of these common web development tasks require programmers to invest
additional time and effort. The functions and tools provided by PHP frameworks help developers
to automate common web development tasks like caching, session management,
authentication, and URL mapping.
Protect websites from targeted security attacks

PHP is considered to be one of the most unsecured programming languages. Often

programmers have to explore ways to protect the PHP applications from various security
attacks. The built-in security features and mechanisms provided by PHP framework make it
easier for developers to protect the website from existing and emerging security threats. Also,
the PHP web developers can easily prevent common security threats like SQL injections, cross-
site request forgery, and data tampering.

Perform unit testing efficiently

While building a custom web application, developers have to perform unit testing regularly to
evaluate its individual units or components. A large percentage of web developers use PHPUnit
to perform unit tests quickly and efficiently. In addition to being an object-oriented unit testing
framework for PHP, PHPUnit further helps developers to write and run unit tests by providing
coding assistance. Many PHP frameworks support PHPUnit natively, and enable programmers
to perform unit testing smoothly.

No need to increase web development cost

As an open source server-side programming language, PHP helps users to curtail web
development cost significantly. The developers also have option to choose from several open
source web frameworks for PHP. They can even avail the features and tools provided by these
open source PHP frameworks speed up custom web application development without
increasing project overheads.

Disadvantages of Using PHP Frameworks

Programmers need to learn PHP frameworks instead of PHP

The PHP frameworks enable programmers to add functionality to a web application without
writing additional code. But the programmers have to put some time and effort to learn the PHP
framework. They can even learn and use certain frameworks without being proficient in PHP

Quality of PHP frameworks differs

Most widely used PHP frameworks are open source and free. Hence, the web developers can
take advantage of these web frameworks without increasing the project cost. But the community
strength of individual frameworks differs. Hence, some PHP frameworks lack prompt and
adequate support.

Lack of option to modify core behavior

In addition to proving a basic structure for web application development, the PHP frameworks
further accelerate custom web application development. But the developers still lack any option
to make changes to the core behavior of these frameworks. Some frameworks even
requirements developers to use specific tools or adopt a particular web development pattern.

Affect Speed and performance of websites

Most PHP frameworks come with robust features and tools to accelerate development of large
and complex websites. But web developers may not need these advanced features while
building small or simple web applications. Also, these additional features often impact the
performance and speed of websites adversely.

On the whole, the web developers have option to choose from several full-stack and micro web
frameworks for PHP. But the widely used PHP frameworks differ from each other in the
category of functionality, usability, and performance. Also, each PHP framework has its own
pros and cons. That is why, the web developers must keep in mind precise project requirements
while assessing advantages and disadvantages of using PHP frameworks.

Features of PHP

The main features of php is; it is open source scripting language so you can free download this
and use. PHP is a server site scripting language. It is open source scripting language. It is
widely used all over the world. It is faster than other scripting language. Some important
features of php are given below.
Features of php

It is most popular and frequently used world wide scripting language, the main reason of
popularity is; It is open source and very simple.

 Simple
 Faster
 Interpreted
 Open Source
 Case Sensitive
 Simplicity
 Efficiency
 Platform Independent
 Security
 Flexibility
 Familiarity
 Error Reporting
 Loosely Typed Language
 Real-Time Access Monitoring


It is very simple and easy to use, compare to other scripting language it is very simple and easy,
this is widely used all over the world.


It is an interpreted language, i.e. there is no need for compilation.


It is faster than other scripting language e.g. asp and jsp.

Open Source

Open source means you no need to pay for use php, you can free download and use.

Platform Independent

PHP code will be run on every platform, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows.

Case Sensitive

PHP is case sensitive scripting language at time of variable declaration. In PHP, all keywords
(e.g. if, else, while, echo, etc.), classes, functions, and user-defined functions are NOT case-
Error Reporting

PHP have some predefined error reporting constants to generate a warning or error notice.

Real-Time Access Monitoring

PHP provides access logging by creating the summary of recent accesses for the user.

Loosely Typed Language

PHP supports variable usage without declaring its data type. It will be taken at the time of the
execution based on the type of data it has on its value.


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