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1. Describe one of the following places or things to an imaginary visitor from outer space: (a)
the monkey house at the zoo, (b) a garbage dump, (c) a roller coaster, or (d) an erupting
1. Definitation
Volcanic eruption is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to deposition of magma in
the earth and flushed out by gas that has strong power. Volcanic eruption is one of a very
powerful disasters. Almost all of the volcanic activity relate to the zone of active
seismicity because it is directly connected with the plate boundary of the earth.
2. What do you see?
When volcanic eruptions occur magma, and gas from the mouth of the mountain, you
can see also the sprawling stone.
3. What do you hear?
When the volcanic eruption occurred an explosion of sound from montain, also the
sound of magma coming out.
4. What do you smell?
When volcanic eruptions occur odors from eruption gas and sulfur.
5. What might you touch?
When there is a volcanic eruption we cannot touch anything, we must quickly save
ourselves to a safe place.
6. How does it make you feel?
Wich is felt when a volcanic eruption occurs, namely confusion, panic, fear, and seeking
7. What one detail about the thing stands out in your mind?
Detail about an erupting volcano in my mind is hot magma, big stone, sulfur gas.

2. Describing of snow
Snow is one of onteresting phenomenon when winter comes. Snow become
iteresting because the ice crystals are so soft and white like cotton. Snow just fall in countries
that has four seasons or in high place like Jayawijaya montain in Papua, Indonesia.


3. Paragraph explaining how to get to a favorite place from my home
How to get to the park from my home
From my house going towards Sukamaju street, the first intersection turns right, 200
meters turn lef, the park is behind the security post.


4. How to use a dishwasher

1. Define the project. (what is the goal?)
This project aims to clean dirty dishes using a dishwasher, so that the plate becomes
clean and can be used again.
2. Explain preparation and tell how to get started. (Are any other materials needed? What
are the first steps in the process?)
First time prepare all necessary such as, dish soap, sponge, water, dirty dishes. The
process can start from wetting the dish with water, then give dish soap on the plate and
sponge, then rub the dish with a sponge until clean, rinse the dish with water, and dry it.
3. Identify likely problems.
Problems can arise if the friction of the sponge on the plate is too pressing causing the
plate to scratch or break

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