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N t rglish Year 2 Practice 3 LivingSpaces

Reod the texts. LBETP,--r!tr

Alex's house
This is mU house. There is o loke neorbg.
There ore coconut trees. There is o
wooden fence oround mU house. There
ore two bedrooffrs, one bothroom, o
kitchen ond o living room.


Jo Ann's house
This is mU brick house. There ore four
bedrooms, two bothrooffis, o kitch€h, o
living room ond o dining room. There is
o bolconu too.

Amor's house 1;

This is mU house. There is o street x


light beside mU house. There ore three


bedrooms, three bothrooffis, o kitcheh, @i

o living room ond o storeroom. There is '"it'j

on ottic too.

-@ Reod the sentences. Write'True'or'Folse'
l. Jo Ann's house is mode of bricks.

f.; i

2. Amor's house is beside two street lights.

3. Alex's house is neor o coconut grove.

LS 3.2.1 Understond the moin ideo of simple sentences.

@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. t6

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