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VOL. 51, NO. 5, 556–567

Research Report
Patterns of return to oral intake and decannulation post-tracheostomy across
clinical populations in an acute inpatient setting
Lee Pryor†‡, Elizabeth Ward‡§, Petrea Cornwell¶, Stephanie O’Connor†# and Marianne Chapman†#
†Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, SA, Australia
‡The University of Queensland, School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
§Centre for Functioning & Health Research (CFAHR), Queensland Health, Buranda, QLD, Australia
¶The Prince Charles Hospital, Metro North Hospital and Health Service, Chermside, QLD, Australia
School of Applied Psychology, Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University, Mount Gravatt, QLD, Australia
#The University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, Adelaide, SA, Australia
(Received June 2015; accepted November 2015)

Background: Dysphagia is often a comorbidity in patients who require a tracheostomy, yet little is known about
patterns of oral intake commencement in tracheostomized patients, or how patterns may vary depending on the
clinical population and/or reason for tracheostomy insertion.
Aims: To document patterns of clinical management around the commencement of oral intake throughout hospital
admission and along the decannulation pathway in patients with a new tracheostomy, and to examine the nature
of variability across multiple clinical populations.
Methods & Procedures: A 12-month retrospective review of 126 patients who had undergone an acute tracheostomy
was conducted. Within the cohort, patients were further classified into eight clinical populations representing
specialty areas within the tertiary referral centre. Data were collected on timing of milestones and patterns of
clinical management related to oral and enteral feeding and decannulation. Relationships between temporal
variables were calculated, in addition to descriptive analysis of the overall cohort and by clinical population.
Outcomes & Results: Median temporal markers of patient progression post-tracheostomy insertion for the cohort
were: continuous cuff deflation after 7.5 days, commencement of oral intake after 10.5 days, decannulation
after 15 days and cessation of enteral nutrition (EN) after 17 days. However, considerable individual variation
and differences between clinical populations was observed. Overall, 86% of the cohort returned to oral intake,
although 25% were discharged with EN via a gastrostomy. A total of 86% of the group were decannulated by
hospital discharge. Oral intake was introduced at every stage of the decannulation pathway, including prior to
cuff deflation, but the majority of patients commenced diet/fluids following cuff deflation or with an uncuffed
tube in situ, and most patients who ceased EN did so following decannulation. Commencement of oral intake
was evenly split between the intensive care unit (ICU) and the wards. Increased time to commencement of oral
intake correlated with increased time to decannulation (r = .805, p = .001), and increased time to decannulation
correlated with increased hospital length of stay (r = .687, p = .006). Whilst cohort patterns were observed within
the heterogeneous group, sub-analysis revealed distinct patterns of oral intake management across the different
clinical populations.
Conclusions & Implications: The data provide benchmarks enabling comparison by overall cohort as well as by
specialist clinical populations, each with differing reasons for tracheostomy insertion. The data would suggest that
tracheostomy patients should not be looked upon as a singular cohort; rather, evaluation of factors with specific
attention made to underlying aetiology and individual clinical presentation is essential.

Keywords: swallowing, dysphagia, oral intake, tracheostomy, transitional feeding, decannulation.

Address correspondence to: Lee N. Pryor, Speech Pathology Department, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia;
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
ISSN 1368-2822 print/ISSN 1460-6984 online  C 2016 Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

DOI: 10.1111/1460-6984.12231
Oral intake and decannulation post-tracheostomy 557

What this paper adds?

What is already known on this subject?
Dysphagia often co-exists for patients with a tracheostomy and relates to the underlying medical reason for tra-
cheostomy insertion. Currently, there is insufficient information on the patterns of management, including return
to oral intake, for tracheostomized patients who have a variety of clinical diagnoses. Prognostic decision making for
speech–language therapists is therefore limited.
What this study adds?
The data provide initial benchmarks and highlights important differences between clinical populations and patterns
of management related to oral intake and decannulation throughout acute hospital admission.

Introduction (Amathieu et al. 2012). Furthermore, while some re-

search has suggested aspiration risk to be greater when
Tracheostomy insertion is a commonly performed pro-
swallowing with a tracheostomy cuff inflated compared
cedure in critically ill patients, with incidence increasing
with deflated (Davis et al. 2002, Ding and Logemann
due to advances in insertion techniques (Freeman et al.
2005), these studies had methodological limitations.
2000) and utilization of life-prolonging interventions in
Hence, there is no robust evidence to support a dif-
an ageing and increasingly medically complex critically
ference in swallowing according to tracheostomy pres-
ill population (Adhikari and Rubenfeld 2011). Over the
ence or absence, or as conditions change along the de-
past two decades, involvement of the speech–language
cannulation pathway. Individual variation, however, is
therapist (SLT) with tracheostomized patients has grown
commonly reported.
alongside the increases in patient numbers and critical
The impact of age may be an additional compli-
care advances. In part this has been enabled by innova-
cating factor in tracheostomy management. An older
tions in communication facilitation, and increased ac-
person with comorbidities may be vulnerable to func-
cess to instrumental assessment including fibre optic
tional decline with exposure to stressors such as critical
endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES). There is
illness (Brummel et al. 2015); furthermore, we know
also greater awareness of the role of the SLT in providing
increasing age can affect the normal swallow (Daggett
ongoing assessment and recommendations to the mul-
et al. 2006; Robbins et al. 1992). Age, functional reserve
tidisciplinary team regarding upper airway function and
and number of days post-tracheostomy have therefore
airway protection, which contribute to team decisions
been suggested as important factors when assessing pa-
regarding patient suitability for cuff deflation and tube
tients for oral intake, with older tracheostomized pa-
removal (Hales et al. 2008, Warnecke et al. 2013).
tients reported to take longer to swallow successfully
Dysphagia, leading to impaired airway protection,
(Leder 2002).
is a common coexisting issue for many patients with
Greater acceptance for dysphagia to be a factor of
a tracheostomy. Early literature suggested that the pres-
the patients’ medical and physical condition, rather than
ence of a tracheostomy tube caused or increased dyspha-
tube presence, has enabled a change in clinical practice.
gia (Bonanno 1971). Current theory, however, supports
Whilst clinicians may have previously deferred swallow-
that it is the underlying aetiology or condition neces-
ing evaluation and/or oral trials until the tracheostomy
sitating tracheostomy insertion that is the major causal
could be removed, there is now greater focus on com-
factor associated with dysphagia in tracheostomized pa-
mencing intervention as soon as patients are medically
tients, rather than the tube itself (Leder et al. 2005,
viable. This new approach has the potential ultimately
Sharma et al. 2007). This new understanding has been
to help reduce decannulation time, as secretion control
derived from a number of studies investigating the im-
and airway protection often remain as factors limiting
pact of changing respiratory and tracheostomy condi-
the progression to safe removal of the tracheostomy tube
tions on swallowing. Whilst methodological differences
long after the physiological (respiratory) need for the
(i.e., underlying aetiologies, clinical populations, sample
tube has resolved. Indeed, research has confirmed that
sizes, tracheostomy conditions, research design) limit
the presence of dysphagia is associated with increased
firm conclusions, evidence suggests that while swal-
time to decannulation (Romero et al. 2010).
lowing biomechanics may be altered by changing tra-
While it is recognized anecdotally that clinical
cheostomy conditions, there is no change in function.
practice patterns have changed, there is limited in-
For example, while increasing cuff pressures have been
formation regarding the patterns of clinical manage-
shown to impact swallowing reflexes, subsequent im-
ment of dysphagia for tracheostomized patients. Despite
pact on airway protection was not examined or reported
558 Lee Pryor et al.
recognition that aspiration is variable but common in injury (SCI) and burns). A 12-month retrospective re-
this population (30–65%) (Ding and Logemann 2005, view of clinical management patterns relating to oral
Leder 2002, Schonhofer et al. 1999), there are minimal feeding and decannulation was conducted on patients
reported data to benchmark services or guide prognostic who received a new tracheostomy between January and
and management decisions. December 2009. During this time there were more than
The few studies to date have concentrated on re- 34 000 overnight hospital admissions, including 3217
porting whole cohort data, with little recognition of admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU), which com-
population demographics and how that may impact the prised 32 ICU beds (24 general, eight cardiothoracic)
data. A retrospective audit of 140 patients from mul- and 10 high-dependency beds.
tiple diagnostic groups (including neurological, head In this service, patients with a tracheostomy will
and neck, cardiothoracic and respiratory) who had re- remain in ICU until they are weaned from mechani-
ceived a tracheostomy acutely reported that oral in- cal ventilation; they will then be transferred to one of
take occurred at day 15, and decannulation at day several tracheostomy cohort wards for the remainder of
16 post-tracheostomy (Freeman-Sanderson et al. 2011). their hospital admission. Exceptions to this are patients
However, the study largely focused on the patterns of who require long-term ventilation (e.g., SCI); and head
performance for the total heterogeneous group, and and neck surgical patients who may go via ICU or high
whilst the timing of milestones differed for clinical pop- dependency for postoperative monitoring, or straight
ulations these differences were not explored. More re- to the ward from the recovery suite. Initial deflation of
cently, Sutt et al. (2015) retrospectively examined the the tracheostomy cuff predominantly occurs once me-
impact of inline speaking valves on the duration of ven- chanical ventilation is no longer required and when oral
tilation and commencement of verbal communication secretions are overtly tolerated. Cuff deflation is con-
in a cardiorespiratory cohort of 129 patients; oral in- tinuous at first attempt unless poorly tolerated, as such;
take return in this audit was closer to 1 week post- periodic cuff deflation with re-inflation for ventilation is
tracheostomy. not common practice in this setting. Once on the ward,
The presence and severity of dysphagia in patients patients who require ongoing therapy will be subse-
without a tracheostomy varies significantly according to quently discharged to a rehabilitation facility, preferably
underlying aetiology, therefore, it stands to reason that following decannulation.
patterns of oral intake (and decannulation) will also vary SLT involvement with tracheostomized patients is
across patients from different diagnostic groups with a via medical referral while in ICU, and blanket referral
tracheostomy in situ. As such, systematic examination on the ward. The SLT is a member of the intensivist-led
of the return to oral intake for clinical populations who multidisciplinary tracheostomy team which reviews all
undergo tracheostomy is required to explore this issue patients whose tracheostomy remains in situ following
further; in doing so providing baseline information to discharge from ICU, excluding those under the care of
guide practice patterns and evaluate new interventions. the ears, nose and throat (ENT) surgeons. Assessment
Therefore, the aim of the study was to describe clin- by an SLT will occur for any patient who is deemed med-
ical management patterns for a heterogeneous cohort of ically suitable for oral intake regardless of tracheostomy
patients who received a new tracheostomy in an acute in- cuff status, through bedside assessment ± instrumental
patient setting, and to examine the nature of variability FEES as needed. Of relevance to this study is the deliber-
across specialty clinical populations. Specific aims were: ate minimal use of thickened fluids with patients in this
(1) to describe patient demographics; (2) to describe the cohort. SLTs in this service follow the principles of the
attainment and timing of milestones related to nutrition, Frazier Free Water Protocol (Panther 2005) and as such
cannulation and length of stay (LOS); (3) to describe it is common practice for aspirating or ‘at risk’ patients
clinical management patterns related to the commence- to be allowed free water (and/or ice chips) provided oral
ment of oral intake and cessation of EN throughout hygiene is optimized and there is no obvious patient dis-
hospital admission and along the decannulation path- tress or negative sequelae. Therefore, oral intake in this
way; and (4) to identify relationships between variables. paper is referred to as any diet/fluid other than water,
as the latter is routinely offered to patients who have a
tracheostomy unless medically contraindicated.
The study was conducted at the Royal Adelaide Hospi-
tal (RAH), a 640-bed acute tertiary hospital that admits
adult inpatients under multiple specialist caseloads (544 Ethical approval was obtained from the RAH Hu-
general medical and surgical beds, 96 specialty beds in- man Research Ethics Committee to access informa-
cluding head and neck surgery, neurosurgery, cardio- tion recorded within the medical and SLT records
thoracic surgery, and state-wide services for spinal cord (progress notes, operation records, ICU charts, ICU
Oral intake and decannulation post-tracheostomy 559

Paent idenficaon:
DRG A06 Paent idenficaon:
41880-00 percutaneous tracheostomy Hospital nursing records
41881-00 open tracheostomy, temporary n=205
41881-01 open tracheostomy, permanent

Incorrectly coded n=13*

Incorrectly coded n=19

Paent idenficaon:
Tracheostomy in-situ n=192

Tracheostomy in-situ on
admission n=25
Total laryngectomy n=12
Mini-tracheostomy n=1
Casenotes unavailable n=5
Deceased n=25#
Study cohort n=126

* same patients incorrectly coded in DRG

# majority deceased with tracheostomy in-situ and prior to oral intake

Figure 1. Study cohort.

medical transfer summaries, ward tracheostomy obser- calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficient with
vation charts), and the study carried out in accordance the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS,
with the Declaration of Helsinki. All patients catego- v.21.0), where r-values > .6 were deemed a substantial
rized by RAH case mix coding as diagnostic related correlation (Levin and Fox 2006). Subsequent descrip-
group (DRG) A06 were cross-referenced with nursing tive analysis by clinical population was also undertaken
records to identify patients recorded as having a tra- across the collected variables.
cheostomy in situ (n = 192). Following the exclusions
detailed in figure 1 a cohort of 126 patients remained
for analysis. Results
Cohort demographics
Data collection
Table 2 contains the demographics of the cohort. Me-
Demographic information was collected alongside data dian age was 53 (18–87) years, with mean APACHE
relating to the timing of milestones and patterns of clin- III score 60 (SD = 27) (APACHE = Acute Physiology,
ical management, as detailed in table 1. Data were col- Age, Chronic Health Evaluation). Within the cohort,
lected and entered into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet patients were sub-classified into the eight clinical pop-
by an independent research assistant who had experi- ulations representing the specialty areas of the RAH
ence conducting clinical chart audits, with 25% of the service: (1) head and neck surgery, (2) neurosurgery, (3)
data subsequently cross-checked by the lead investigator. general medicine, (4) general surgery, (5) cardiothoracic
Data error was determined to be 3%, which was deemed surgery, (6) spinal cord injury, (7) neurology, and (8)
acceptable. Analysis of all variables for the cohort was burns. The two most commonly occurring clinical pop-
conducted using descriptive statistics, specifically re- ulations were head and neck surgery, and neurosurgery
porting mean with standard deviation (SD), or median (table 2). Most patients (90%) were managed with a
and range for temporal data; and frequency counts (ex- tracheostomy tube that had an above-cuff suctioning
pressed as percentages) for data reporting patterns of port as both their initial and replacement tube; with
practice. Relationships between temporal variables were a minority requiring an extended length tube (10%)
560 Lee Pryor et al.
Table 1. Data collection parameters

Clinical data Definition

Acute Physiology, Age, Chronic Health Severity of disease classification score at the time of intensive care unit
Evaluation (APACHE III) (ICU) admission
Method of tracheostomy insertion Percutaneous or surgical
Tracheostomy tube type Shiley Evac (where normal anatomy expected) or Shiley XLT (extended
length tube for anatomical variation)
Tracheostomy tube size Manufacturer size 8 or 6
Timing of milestones
ICU length of stay ICU admission to ICU discharge (days)
Hospital length of stay Hospital admission to hospital discharge (days)
Length of intubation Insertion of endotracheal tube to tracheostomy cannulation (days)
Length of tracheostomy cannulation Tracheostomy insertion to removal (days)
Time to tracheostomy cuff deflation Tracheostomy insertion to continuous cuff deflation (days)
Time to initial oral intake Tracheostomy insertion to commencement of oral fluids and/or diet
(days)—excluding water only
Time to enteral nutrition (EN) cessation Tracheostomy insertion to complete cessation of EN (days)
Clinical management patterns
Decannulation achieved by discharge Percentage decannulated by ICU and hospital discharge
Oral intake achieved by discharge Percentage commenced on oral intake by ICU and hospital discharge
EN cessation by discharge Percentage cessation EN by ICU and hospital discharge
Tracheostomy status at initial oral intake and/or (1) Cuff inflated, (2) cuff deflated, (3) uncuffed ± occluded, (4)
EN cessation post-decannulation
Decannulation pathway followed Percentage cuff deflation only; percentage downsizing ± occlusion

Table 2. Cohort demographics (n = 126) tion. Considerable individual variability was evident, yet
Demographics n (%) Median (range) Mean ± SD
distinct patterns relating to LOS, intubation durations,
and timing of tracheostomy and nutrition milestones
Male 82 (65)
were evident across clinical populations (table 3).
Female 44 (35) For most clinical populations, LOS in the ICU and
Clinical population Age (years) APACHE III hospital averaged 2–3 weeks and 1–2 months respec-
Head and neck surgery 41 (33) 58 (19–87) 64 ± 23 tively. Exceptions to this pattern were the head and neck
Neurosurgery 29 (23) 45 (18–71) 62 ± 23 surgery population who stayed in ICU for fewer than
General medicine 18 (14) 65 (24–73) 85 ± 30 1–2 days (if at all) and were discharged after 2 weeks,
General surgery 16 (13) 56 (21–73) 64 ± 23 and the patients with burn injury who had protracted
Cardiothoracic surgery 8 (6) 63 (51–79) 60 ± 12
Spinal cord injury 6 (5) 33 (18–45) 41 ± 12 ICU admissions of over 7 weeks and hospital LOS of 3–
Neurology 5 (4) 58 (48–75) 52 ± 9 4 months or more. These two clinical populations also
Burns 3 (2) 47 (32–58) 74 ± 31 had the shortest and longest durations to commenc-
Insertion methoda ing cuff deflation and final decannulation respectively.
Percutaneous 54 (45) General surgical and SCI patients were the earliest to
Surgical 69 (55) commence oral intake within 7 days post-tracheostomy;
Tube type
Shiley Evac 113 (90)
patients with burns and neurological diagnoses took the
Shiley XLT 13 (10) longest (> 3 weeks post-tracheostomy). Prolonged pe-
Tube size riods of dual oral nutrition and EN were observed in
8 97 (77) clinical populations who had high nutritional require-
6 29 (33) ments post-injury; patients with SCI took 9 days to
Notes: a Insertion method was unknown for three patients. transition to oral intake and two of the three burns pa-
tients still required dual modality nutrition on hospital
due to anatomical variation. Nearly all patients were as- discharge.
sessed by SLT during admission (87%, n = 109), with
the tracheostomy still in situ for the majority of initial
assessments (90%, n = 98). Clinical management patterns
Overall, 43% of the cohort started oral intake while in
Timing of milestones
ICU (n = 54) (table 4). By hospital discharge 86% were
Table 3 details the timing of milestones for the cohort in eating and drinking with 14% (n = 18) never resuming
relation to hospital admission, cannulation and nutri- oral intake. Oral intake commenced in the ICU more
Oral intake and decannulation post-tracheostomy 561
Table 3. Timing of milestones for the total cohort and by clinical population (days, median and range)

Days post-tracheostomy insertion

ICU LOS Hospital LOS Intubation Cuff deflation Decannulation Oral intake EN cessation
Clinical population Median (range) Median (range)
a b
Head and neck surgery 1.7 18.5 0 4 12 10 12
(0.5–39) (7–103) (0–8) (0–25) (7–25) (1–25) (4–27)
Neurosurgery 13.8 53 8 8.3 18 13.5 16
(6–21) (22–150) (1–20) (2–53) (5–66) (5–39) (5–49)
General medicine 23 49.5 11 7.5 13 10 14
(3.5–65) (23–150) (1–25) (3–32) (6–52) (5–24) (5–34)
General surgery 19.4 35 7 12 15 7 13
(4–31) (17–78) (1–15) (3–20) (6–23) (3–13) (5–23)
Cardiothoracic surgery 25 55 14 17 19 18 19
(16–50) (45–113) (9–24) (6–67) (9–88) (7–94) (14–41)
Spinal cord injury 28.7 65 10 10.5 20 6 15
(16–35) (37–82) (4–17) (4–12) (11–63) (4–32) (13–63)
Neurology 15.1 37 8 12 19 21.5 25
(9–52) (28–113) (1–14) (2–17) (11–89) (15–59) (15–28)
Burns 51.5 126 24 22 33 29 n.a.d
(34–54) (77–196) (9–26) (18–35) (23–67) (22–37)
Total cohort n = 112a n = 126 n = 89b n = 124 n = 108 n = 108c n = 89e
14.7 38 9 7.5 15 10.5 17
(0.5–65) (7–196) (1–26) (0–67) (5–89) (1–75) (4–63)
Notes: EN, enteral nutrition.
Fourteen patients did not go via ICU.
Thirty-seven patients were intubated at the time of surgery in which the tracheostomy performed.
Eighteen patients did not return to oral intake.
Two patients were discharged on dual oral and EN.
A total of 121 patients received EN during admission; five did not require EN.

Table 4. Proportion of patients who achieved oral intake and decannulation at the time of (a) ICU discharge and (b) hospital
discharge, reported for both the total cohort and each clinical population

Discharge from ICU Discharge from hospital

Clinical Oral intake, Decannulation, Oral intake, Decannulation,
population n n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Head and neck surgery 41 5a (12) 1a (4) 37 (90) 29 (73)
Neurosurgery 29 9 (31) 3 (10) 17 (59) 25 (86)
General medicine 18 12 (67) 11 (61) 17 (94) 17 (94)
General surgery 16 15 (94) 11 (69) 16 (100) 16 (100)
Cardiothoracic surgery 8 6 (75) 7 (88) 8 (100) 8 (100)
Spinal cord injury 6 5 (83) 2 (33) 6 (100) 5 (83)
Neurology 5 1 (20) 0 (0) 4 (80) 5 (100)
Burns 3 1 (33) 1 (33) 3 (100) 3 (100)
Total cohort 126 54 (43) 36 (29) 108b (86) 108 (86)
Notes: a Fourteen patients did not go via ICU.
Eighteen patients did not return to oral intake.

often for patients managed by the general medical, gen- a tracheostomy in situ, though typically in either a cuff
eral surgical, cardiothoracic and SCI teams. In contrast, deflated or uncuffed/cork condition. Most clinical pop-
head and neck, neurosurgical and neurological popula- ulations followed this pattern, however variations were
tions were more likely to commence oral intake when observed for the general surgical and SCI populations
on the ward. Neurosurgical patients were least likely where greater proportions (44% and 83% respectively)
to have recommenced oral intake by hospital discharge commenced oral intake with the cuff inflated (table 5).
(table 4). Almost all patients (96%, n = 121) received some
Figure 2 displays the commencement of oral intake nutritional support via enteral feeding during their
and cessation of EN relative to tracheostomy status for hospital admission; with 74% (n = 89) transition-
the total cohort. For those who resumed oral intake (n = ing successfully to oral intake. Of this group, EN was
108) the majority (82%) commenced oral intake with ceased for more than half (56%) after decannulation
562 Lee Pryor et al.

Figure 2. Proportion of patients commencing oral intake and ceasing enteral nutrition at various stages along the decannulation pathway.
‘decan’ represents the stage post-decannulation.

Table 5. Oral intake commencement by tracheostomy status and clinical population (n = 108)

Clinical Cuff inflated Cuff deflated Uncuff ± cork Decannulated

population (n = 15) (n = 36) (n = 38) (n = 19)
Head and neck surgery 3 9 16 9
Neurosurgery – 6 7 4
General medicine – 9 7 1
General surgery 7 6 3 –
Cardiothoracic surgery – 4 1 3
Spinal cord injury 5 – 1 –
Neurology – – 3 1
Burns – 2 – 1

(figure 2). Despite 86% of the cohort commencing oral Only a small proportion of the cohort (24%, n = 26)
intake, 25% (n = 32) were discharged with a percu- were decannulated following a period of cuff deflation
taneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) in situ. Those only. The pattern of downsizing and occlusion prior
who remained PEG dependent at discharge consisted to decannulation was utilized as the dominant path-
primarily of two clinical populations: with almost half way in most clinical populations with the exception of
comprising neurosurgical patients (n = 15) and a third cardiothoracic and general surgical patients (figure 3).
post-head and neck surgery (n = 11). However, it should be noted that 85% of the patients
decannulated via the cuff deflation only pathway were
decannulated while in ICU (n = 22). That is, 61% of
Decannulation patients decannulated in ICU did so after cuff deflation
A total of 14% of patients in the total cohort were dis- only compared with 6% on the wards. The overall recan-
charged from hospital with the tracheostomy still in situ nulation rate was 4.6% (n = 5), of these, two patients
(n = 18). Of the 108 who achieved decannulation, a were recannulated in ICU and three on the ward. One
third were decannulated in ICU (33%, n = 36) and patient required a permanent tracheostomy.
were primarily from cardiothoracic, general surgical and
general medical populations (table 5). The majority of
Relationships between variables
patients were decannulated on the ward (67%, n =
72). Most were downsized to a smaller uncuffed tra- Correlations were used to explore relationships between
cheostomy prior to tube removal (76%, n = 82), and variables. Using the full cohort data, time to commence-
of these, nearly all underwent tube occlusion (i.e., cork- ment of oral intake had a strong correlation (r = .805,
ing) as part of the decannulation process (89%, n = 73). p = .001) with time to decannulation, which in turn
Oral intake and decannulation post-tracheostomy 563

% cuff deflation only % downsize +/- occlusion

100 7
80 40
% 93 100 100
40 84
20 44


Clinical populations
Figure 3. Proportion of patients in each clinical population managed by either of the two decannulation pathways.

was associated with increased length of hospital stay (r = variation in cohort demographics between the studies.
.687, p = .006). Small numbers prevent correlations to Oral intake was introduced at every stage of the tra-
be computed for all clinical populations, however of the cheostomy pathway, including prior to cuff deflation.
four largest subgroups, three had substantial correlations Timing of oral intake commencement was evenly split
between time to oral intake and time to decannulation between intensive care and the ward and seemed to be
(neurosurgery r = .879 p = .000; general medicine influenced by the clinical profile of the population, not
r = .611, p = .016; head and neck surgery r = .603, location.
p = .001). No significant relationship (r = .16, p = The timing of oral intake commencement relative
.553) between these variables was observed in the general to the decannulation pathway appeared to be largely re-
surgery group, in keeping with the early introduction of lated to the tracheostomy weaning and/or decannulation
diet/fluids while the cuff remained inflated. goals, which in turn related to the underlying diagnosis.
The typical decision-making processes of the treating
SLTs in the setting where this study was conducted are
Discussion visually represented in figure 4. That is, if cuff deflation
Analysis revealed differential clinical patterns between were imminent and/or dysphagia likely; cuff deflation
patient populations for oral intake attainment and de- occurred first for evaluation of secretion management
cannulation, supporting the hypothesis that distinct pat- followed by assessment for commencement of oral nu-
terns of management can be anticipated across different trition. Clinically this is the period where restored upper
clinical populations; each with differing airway require- airway flow enables greater functionality (speech, swal-
ments and concerns. Overall, the vast majority of pa- lowing, sensation, olfaction, taste, coughing) but also
tients who received a tracheostomy acutely were able may improve the ease of assessment and identification
to recommence oral intake during hospital admission, of factors that could influence subsequent progression,
most while the tracheostomy was still in situ, and the such as vocal cord paresis (Hales et al. 2008). It is not
majority achieved decannulation prior to hospital dis- unexpected, therefore, that the majority of patients in
charge. Time to decannulation was comparable to other the cohort who were able to commence oral intake, did
centres with heterogeneous groups (Choate et al. 2009, so following cuff deflation or with an uncuffed tube in
Freeman-Sanderson et al. 2011); however, time to com- situ. This was the primary pattern for all clinical pop-
mencement of oral intake was earlier than prior research ulations with the exception of SCI. With populations
(Freeman-Sanderson et al. 2011) and longer than con- for whom ventilator support was ongoing, cuff defla-
temporary work (Sutt et al. 2015), likely reflecting the tion not imminent, and/or dysphagia not overt—such
564 Lee Pryor et al.

 Medical consent for oral intake

 No contraindicaons for oral intake
 Paent sufficiently alert


Is cuff deflaon Is paent tolerang

imminent? secreons?


Is paent tolerang
Assess for oral intake


Assess for oral intake Assess for oral intake

with cuff inflated post cuff deflaon

Figure 4. Clinical decision-making process regarding timing of oral intake commencement.

as SCI and a large proportion of general surgical pa- was admitted under the general medicine bed-card due
tients (44%)—oral intake was commenced whilst the to the progressive nature of the neurological condition.
tracheostomy cuff remained inflated for nutritive and Despite clear patterns of management within the
comfort intent (figure 4). cohort, further examination revealed differential pat-
The current analysis also confirmed an association terns between clinical populations related to where and
between time to oral intake and time to decannulation. when oral intake was commenced, and at what stage
Whilst duration to commencing oral intake is not a di- in the tracheostomy pathway. Patients who sustained
rect measure of dysphagia per se, and is acknowledged acute trauma and required a cuffed tracheostomy to fa-
to be influenced by other factors, the data is in keeping cilitate prolonged ventilation or airway clearance (i.e.,
with previous research linking the presence of dyspha- SCI and/or general surgery) nearly all started oral intake
gia to increased cannulation time (Romero et al. 2010). within a week of tracheostomy insertion, while in ICU,
Furthermore, prolonged time to decannulation corre- and as previously stated—many with the tracheostomy
lated with increased length of hospital stay, which may cuff inflated. These patients were typically alert and cog-
reflect discharge barriers to rehabilitation and residen- nitively intact. The incidence of dysphagia with acute
tial care posed by tracheostomy and/or nasogastric tube tetraplegia post-SCI has been previously reported as vari-
presence; with over half those able to wean from EN not able but common (16–41%) (Seidl et al. 2010, Shem
doing so until after tracheostomy removal, and a quar- et al. 2011); only one patient in the study was unable to
ter of patients discharged on long-term nutrition via a commence oral intake early, with dysphagia related to a
gastrostomy. neuropraxic injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve sus-
Of those who did not return to oral intake by hospi- tained during anterior cervical surgery. Although a small
tal discharge, the majority had a severe brain injury with cohort, the data is consistent with the 16% incidence of
reduced levels of consciousness the presumed barrier to dysphagia previously reported (Seidl et al. 2010). Dual
oral feeding. A small number of patients post-head and oral nutrition and EN was required for a prolonged dura-
neck surgery were discharged nil by mouth (NBM) yet tion despite early oral intake, reflecting high nutritional
all were on sips of water for comfort; as such, while they requirements in the SCI population (Wong et al. 2012).
didn’t return to oral intake from a nutrition point of Furthermore, compounding factors such as dependence
view they weren’t completely NBM either. The remain- on others for oral feeding, and emotional influences in-
ing two patients had severe bulbar dysfunction as a result cluding demotivation in the context of coming to terms
of neurological conditions and were unable to return to with diagnosis and longer term prognosis, could not be
any oral intake (including water); one of these patients discounted.
Oral intake and decannulation post-tracheostomy 565
Allowing patients to eat and drink with an inflated was inserted for gross airway protection and respiratory
cuff may be controversial in some services. However, in control following acquired brain injury in which re-
the absence of medical contraindications or robust ev- duced conscious state was a compounding factor. While
idence, patients who are functionally capable are given there was an even split between those able to start eat-
the opportunity to consume oral intake for comfort and ing and drinking in the ICU following cuff deflation,
quality of life purposes—and nutrition—in the partic- and those who transitioned to oral intake on the ward
ipating ICU. A small subset of head and neck patients as their alertness improved; a large number (41%) did
requiring an emergency tracheostomy due to airway ob- not return to oral nutrition at all. As such, the median
struction at the laryngeal level were also fed within a day return to oral intake for this population of two weeks
of cuffed tracheostomy insertion, also in ICU. These post-tracheostomy is perhaps not a true reflection of
patients were not dysphagic prior to surgery and the oral intake patterns of the overall neurosurgical popula-
presence of the tracheostomy tube did not alter func- tion. For those who did progress well there were large
tion. As such, placement of a nasoenteric feeding tube gaps between milestones, i.e., multiple days separated
was avoided. Ready access to bedside FEES can assist de- cuff deflation, oral intake, decannulation and cessation
cision making in these instances (McGowan et al. 2007). of EN, reflecting slower patient recovery with cognitive
SLTs in the participating hospital can be accredited to overlay.
perform independent FEES, allowing direct visualiza- The majority of patients with head and neck, burns
tion of airway safety, and facilitating team discussion and neurological diagnoses commenced oral intake on
and decision making regarding risks versus benefits of the ward, predominantly with the cuff deflated or with
commencing oral intake with an inflated cuff. an uncuffed tube in situ (and a quarter following de-
Patients under general medical and cardiothoracic cannulation); yet underlying aetiology influenced the
care predominantly commenced oral intake while in considerable variation in attainment of oral intake and
ICU and required a tracheostomy for prolonged ven- decannulation milestones. Patients with neurological di-
tilation, similar to the SCI and general surgical popu- agnoses primarily required the tracheostomy for airway
lations. However, these patients had longer periods of protection; as such oral intake was not considered un-
intubation than all other diagnostic groups (excepting til secretion management was established and the pa-
burns), were the oldest populations within the cohort, tients were advanced in their decannulation pathway.
and in the case of the general medical patients had the Oral intake was commenced three weeks following tra-
highest APACHE scores reflecting the highest severity of cheostomy, in keeping with slower incremental swallow-
illness at the point of admission to the ICU (table 2). We ing recovery.
know that prolonged intubation in the critically ill pop- Of all clinical populations the head and neck surgi-
ulation is associated with a high incidence of dysphagia cal patients had the shortest ICU and hospital LOS,
post-extubation (41%) (Bordon et al. 2011) with in- time to cuff deflation, and decannulation; and, the
creasing age and number of ventilation days escalating shortest time to oral intake commencement excepting
risk (Bordon et al. 2011). Therefore, an older patient the SCI and general surgical populations previously de-
demonstrating failure to wean may already be predis- scribed. The tracheostomy was primarily placed as part
posed to dysphagia, with recovery further complicated of a planned surgical procedure involving extensive re-
post-tracheostomy by deconditioning, decompensation construction of upper airway structures. Although cuff
with altered swallowing/respiratory patterns and comor- deflation occurred early, active swallowing of diet or
bidities in keeping with an aged population with di- fluids was avoided for a medically dictated period of
minished functional reserve (Leder 2002, Martin-Harris time (usually 10 days) to ensure integrity of any surgical
et al. 2005). These patients demonstrated good func- restoration (e.g., flap) and resolution of postoperative
tional recovery whilst in intensive care yet their ICU oedema. As a result, oral intake tended to be intro-
LOS was longer than most (> 3 weeks) in keeping with duced closer to decannulation. Some degree of swallow-
their medical fragility. Oral intake occurred primarily ing morbidity was expected yet nearly all (90%) were dis-
following cuff deflation or with an uncuffed tube in situ, charged home on some oral intake; furthermore these
and for a third of cardiothoracic patients after decannu- patients were quick to transition from EN. This may
lation. Oral intake timing for cardiothoracic patients in be in part due to the planned nature of their admis-
the study was 18 days post-tracheostomy which is sim- sion and surgery, with known expectations of swallow-
ilar to earlier research (20 days) (Freeman-Sanderson ing changes prior to surgery. In addition, patients were
et al. 2011) yet considerably longer than a recent study typically mobile and had a strong protective cough, and
describing commencement of oral intake within a week therefore may have had a high threshold for tolerance
of tracheostomy insertion (Sutt et al. 2015). of aspiration. Despite having the lowest success of de-
The lowest attainment of oral intake was noted in cannulation of all clinical populations (due to ongo-
the neurosurgical population, where the tracheostomy ing airway obstruction or as a precaution for adjuvant
566 Lee Pryor et al.
chemoradiotherapy); the timing of decannulation for ventilation. Further prospective investigation of the im-
those that could have the tube removed, was the quick- pact of cuff inflation status on swallowing function is
est of all subgroups, consistent with previous research needed, however the observational data of clinical prac-
(Leung et al. 2003). tice would suggest that there is a role for oral intake in
The longest milestone durations without exception some patients with a cuffed tracheostomy in situ.
were observed in patients with burns and associated Whilst the paper provides useful data for generation
inhalation injuries, in keeping with earlier research of power calculations for future research, we acknowl-
(Rumbach et al. 2012). In this population a tra- edge the study is limited by small numbers, particularly
cheostomy may be required not only for prolonged in some patient populations, and its retrospective de-
ventilation but also for airway patency, due to laryn- sign. Additional data on levels of consciousness (e.g.,
gotracheal pathology such as laryngeal oedema and mu- severity, duration) would have aided the interpretation
cosal changes resulting from inhalation burn (Clayton of neurosurgical data and should be captured in future
et al. 2010). These issues can in turn impact swallowing studies; similarly data on surgical intervention post-
recovery (Clayton et al. 2010; Rumbach et al. 2012). tracheostomy for the burns population (e.g., number
However, for this group, medical factors may influence and frequency of returns to theatre) should be recorded.
the observed temporal recovery patterns, including the The timing of milestones may have been influenced not
need to maintain a patent airway throughout multiple only by the clinical population and underlying diagno-
surgical debridement procedures. Consistent with prior sis but also by the individual management preferences
literature (Rumbach et al. 2012), this patient cohort of the treating clinician(s) and the timing of referral,
was also observed to have prolonged durations of EN. the latter of which has not been investigated nor ad-
EN is necessary due to the high energy requirements dressed in this paper. The practice patterns described,
post-burn injury, and its prolonged use is largely unre- however, are consistent with clinical observations over
lated to swallowing status. In fact, despite returning to ten years of service provision to these specific patient
oral intake, two of the three patients were discharged to populations.
rehabilitation with dual oral nutrition and EN.
The decannulation pathway followed by the overall
cohort favoured downsizing and occlusion. The popula- Conclusions
tions decannulated after a period of cuff deflation only, While the data provide group patterns for an overall co-
tended to be those for whom the tracheostomy was hort, considerable variability in the attainment of mile-
inserted for prolonged ventilation, and not airway pro- stones related to cuff deflation, decannulation, oral in-
tection or patency (i.e., cardiothoracic, general surgery, take and EN were evident between and within clinical
SCI). However pathway differences may also be influ- populations. The data would suggest that tracheostomy
enced by individual preferences of the clinical staff mak- patients should not be looked upon as a singular cohort;
ing the decisions, as well as the location of care; with rather, evaluation of factors with specific attention made
nearly all patients decannulated after cuff deflation only to underlying aetiology and individual clinical presen-
noted to reside in ICU at the time of tube removal. This tation is essential. The role of the SLT is suited to this
may reflect differences in environment, resources, staff– aspect of a patient’s care within an acute setting and
patient ratios and skill mix between ICU and the ward; multidisciplinary team.
with immediate access to staff with specialist skills and
experience in emergency airway management in ICU
potentially influencing decision-making. Acknowledgements
To the authors’ knowledge this is the first paper Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest.
specifically to present the differential patterns of return The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the
to oral intake in a cohort of acutely tracheostomized paper.
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