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Mahidol University International Demonstration School

Pre-Observation Form

Name: Madjid Hamlat Administrator: Stephen Coryelle

Date of Preconference: 17/10/2017 Date/Time of Observation: Tuesday 19/10/2017
Grade Level: 10 Subject Area: Mathematics

Directions: To the teacher: Write the area of instruction that will be the focus of the observation on the line
above. Be prepared to answer the questions on this form when you attend the pre-conference with the

1. Briefly describe the students in this class. 6. How do you plan to engage students in the
content? What will you do? What will the
The students are working well, with some strong students do?
students who participate a lot.
A small group of students are really below average. I will present the new content, then explain how to
solve an example. After that, the students will work
either as group or pair on their set of exercises.

2. What are the goals for the lesson? What do you 7. What difficulties do students typically
want students to learn? experience in this topic, and how do you plan to
anticipate these difficulties?
The goal of the lesson is for students to learn how to
properly use a theorem to prove something. Students usually have trouble writing a proper
answer, as they usually forget to write some
important information that may appear trivial. I
intend to give them a template on how to properly
use a theorem.

3. Why are these goals suitable for this group of 8. What instructional materials or other resources
students? will you use? (Attach any sample materials you
will use in the lesson.)
This chapter is easy on the algebra side, as it does not
use new maths skill. I use a PowerPoint, and the grade 10 Maths book.
On the other hand, it does involve logic and the use of Homework are given using the software
a relatively easy theorem.

4. How do these goals support the school’s 9. How do you plan to assess student
ESLOs, standards and benchmarks? achievement of the lesson outcomes? What
procedures will you use? (Attach any tests or
Students are expected to prove a result by following performance tasks with rubrics or scoring
a scientific process: guides)
- proving the hypothesis
- using the proper theorem The in-class assessment is done while looking at
- formulating a conclusion students work on their notebook.
Being able to describe the process used is a skill A small quiz is also given on the next lesson to assess
needed to be an articulate communicator whether they got the concept or not.
A unit test will be done to assess their general
knowledge of the unit in mid November.

5. How do these goals relate to broader 10. How do you plan to use the results of the
curriculum goals in the subject area as a whole assessment?
or in other subject areas?
The beginning of the class quiz is used to notice which
Students will need to follow a process in order to students struggle with their review, as it cover
prove the result, which is something asked in many already seen material. If a student fail the test, I
subjects (scientific subject) and which was studied in consider that the lesson was not reviewed.
their English class. The in-class check is to assess the understanding of
Moreover, the proper use of theorem will help them the lesson, I use it to know which point to prioritize in
improving their ability to write a proper reasoning. the reviews.

To the teacher: List any items below that you wish to call to the attention of the Administrator. Share your
lesson plan at least a day prior to the observation.

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