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Onkutsa Tudosa

WRG 121

Jack Visnaw

23 April 2019

Final Reflection

During the course to Writing 121 I create a handful of writing projects that took place over

the 15-week period semester. In this class we were presented with ideas and great writing

strategies that can essential enhance our writing as along as we use them in a thoughtful manner

and really gets the wheels turning for the future. In Writing 121 this semester I learned different

rhetorical situations and how to use rhetoric to analysis writing pieces. I was taught the

importance of style, format and rhetorical devices that would enhance our writing pieces.

During this semester I watched myself grow. As the class progressed so did my knowledge of

the varies aspects of writing. Writing has always been a struggle for me. In part my struggle

comes from being raised learning two languages. It wasn’t until I started attending school that I

started learning to read and write in English. Writing was never something I did for fun, in fact I

found it to be a chore. Looking ahead at the future this class really opened my eyes to the

different types of writings that occur in our daily lives and grew my appreciation and desire to

get better. Being able to convey a message is so important and if this class though me anything

it's that writing doesn’t have to be cut and dry. Adding our personal touch to a writing piece

really makes it that much more unique and brings the writing to life. It is possible to have fun

with writing and it goes beyond the classroom. The CSW that took place at EMU this semester

was a great demonstration on how students in all types of writing course can use there writing to
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raise aware of topics that interests the individual. Research paper were turned into monsters,

PowerPoints and even comic books. The CSW was a great learning experience for me and

allowed to get different perspectives on varies different topics.

Overall, I’m proud of the achievements I have accomplished in this course. I feel like I was

pretty good at turning my assignments in on time and did a great job at executing each

assignment. My daily attendance allowed me to interact with classmate through group work that

allowed me to demonstrate understanding. Looking back, I can’t believe that I created all those

projects. All the sweat, tears and late nights paid off in the end. This class also taught me a lot

about myself as a person and what I can expect of myself in the future. I realized that if I spread

out my work and do a little at a time as opposed to rushing an assignment, I'm more likely to

appreciate the end result. The structure and environment of this class really allowed me to

express my opinion and do well in this class. Through project 3 I was able to get creative and

create a monster and a factsheet. On the surface it seemed easier that it actually was. I realized

that I’m not the most creative person so if I have anything creative to do I such allocate enough

time to get it done.

I can think back to when I had to create the research paper. I remember the first lecture about

research papers and choosing the right topic for yourself, our professor told us to make sure the

question we are asking is one that isn’t over asked and to really dig deep and think of something

that interests ourselves. Through the research process I came to understand the importance of

why we must find a topic that interest us. While writing my paper I found myself running out of

things to say and I felt like the only thing that was helping me was the fact that I genuinely had

an interest in the topic. This allowed me to get creative and use my background knowledge to

come up with different topics to write about. I also learned about what a research paper should
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contain. A research paper such have a strong introduction and provide a quick summery or

background of what the reader is to expect. The body paragraphs should be fully developed with

quotes and statistics that will convince the reader that you did enough research on the topic. You

should seem knowledgeable about the topic and the paper itself should have a purpose or goal

that is apparent to the reader. One of the first things I learned is that there is a difference between

writing a research report and a research essay. In a report you are essentially doing research and

regurgitating that information in a report style. However, in a research essay you take the

research and develop new ideas of your own and use your knowledge to piece a new conclusion


In this class I learned that there is more to the writing pieces than what the author wrote, it's

also about how they wrote it and understanding what the purpose or goal the author had for the

writing. Being able to exercise the ability to analyzes the rhetorical strategies varies authors used

and then implementing them in our writing is a crucial part of writing. I recall that when it comes

to writing a research paper, we must make sure that our topic isn’t broad. We need to narrow

down the question you plan on researching. For example, we had to choose an inquiry question

that was quite narrow. We were able to achieve this by adding lenses such as who, what, where,

when, how and so on. Looking at a topic through theses lenses will narrow your topic down.

Going into the business field there is bound to be a writing class or two I’ll have to take. I’m

looking forward to being able to use the skills I developed in this class and further strengthen my

skills. I can imagine that proposals will be a big thing when it comes to business. I took an into to

business class that required us to create a business plan project in which we had to include a

proposal. When It comes to writing a proposal, we use strategies and rhetorical devices such as
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persuasive language to get the reader to agree with us because ultimately, we are seeking

permission or some grant of sorts.

Learning about ignite presentations and how to create a successful fact sheet helped me in

this class but also will help me in the future and beyond this class. I wouldn’t be surprised if I

had to do another five minutes ignite presentation or if I had to create a fact sheet. Because I

learned that ignite presentations should contain rhetorical devices that appeal to the audience, I

can rest assure and feel confident that what I’m presenting is quality work.

Wrapping up this writing class I can honestly say that my interests have been peeked and I

came out learning a lot about different topics I didn’t even expect. I especially enjoyed watching

the ignite presentation my fellow classmates created. I learned a lot and found new interest that I

will take with me and use in the future. I have an overall feeling of accomplishment from this

class and for the first time ever I'm looking forward to my next writing class.

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