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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

By studying communication one will begin to understand one’s own communication needs and
those of other people around him. He will then know what skills he have and what skills he
needs to develop. Having knowledge of these he may then identify his skills and make the most
out of it in any communication situation. He may also discover possibilities he never thought of
and understand what he may wanted is not possible.

The more he understands himself and other people as communicators and the more control
over his communication success and failures, the greater chance he has enjoying a effective,
productive and satisfying communication with other.

According to Sered (1978), the effectiveness of communication depends on the circumstances

surrounding the encounter: the amount of time, the number of distraction, the physical
surrounding, the communication desired of the sender and the receiver ( how much effort each
is willing to exert to communicate and the communication skills each of you possesses )

Communication is a course that prepares students to the domain of communication related

activities. The researchers have observed that some Communication students tend to
communicate less because their lack of knowledge or they do not have enough self-confidence.
Because of this observation the researchers believe that there is a need to investigate the
Communication students’ skills especially when communicating with other people as they
exchange messages. Similarly, there was a passage to know which common areas of each
student needs further development to ameliorate their skills in effective communication.

This study examines their verbal and non-verbal communication capabilities and determined
how these capabilities fit into strategies for satisfying needs and flourish influence.

This study spawn an effective guidelines for the development of the communication
competencies among Communication students.
Theoritical-Conceptual Framework

This study on communication competence of selected Communication students of Gov. Alfonso

D. Tan College. Bases for communication development program was anchored on
Communication Competence Theory of Spuzberg (1997), which stated that Communication
Competence depends on the personal motivation, knowledge, and skills. This was supported by
(Rosenfeld, et al 1990), he stated that communication competency has three components,
knowledge, skills and motivation. To reach competency, first you need to understand the
situation, yourself, and the skills it takes to be effective. Second, you need to harness your
knowledge and put the skills to use, doing so need practice and experience with the appropriate
behaviors. Third, you must be motivated to communicate competently, knowing what to do and
developing the appropriate skills are not enough – you have to put them to use.

Communication appears as a concomitant of all social and as exigency of social survival in

general (Blunn, 1971). According to (Pearce, et al 1980) that communication competence is the
person’s ability within and among the various systems he/she is co-creating or co-managing.

Sudaria (2000) stresses that people need to be in the development programs, which harness
their communication capabilities. Nadler (1990) points that development includes learning
experiences designed to open the individual to new jobs and performance patterns based on
possible future directions of the organization.

Wiemann and Buckland (1980) reveals a number of “dimensions” or components of

competence, the most clearly defined being empathy, behavioral flexibility, and interaction
management. With a basic knowledge of which communication abilities are necessary for
adequate functioning in society, educators are then challenged to devise educational strategies
to give students the knowledge and experiential learning necessary to achieve competence in
this vital area of their lives.
Lastly, whether or not you possess of develop the ability to communicate effectively to others is
not only essential for your success, it is essential for the success of the organization you will work
for, the groups you will become part of, and people you will know. In today’s world, job-specific
talent, technical expertise, and graduating for a prestigious school will not give them any
guarantees for a goal attainment for upward mobility. Instead, the most common factor shared
by people who are able to ascend both the professional and personal ladders of success is
superior communication skills.

The pervading flow of this undertaking was schematically presented in Fig. 1. It schematically
presents the input, process, and output of the study.

The input component covered the focus of the study, which was the communication
competence of the GADTC Communication students based on three variables. It further looked
into the respondents’s communication knowledge, skills, and motivation in a particular society.

In this research, the researchers wants to asses the communication competency and their
motivation of GADTC Communication students. The goals is to pave a way for the
communication development proposal to be put in action and to implement programs that
would help develop the students’ communication skills and to increase their knowledge in
communication. The researchers explores this study through the view of the Communication
students of GADTC through a adoptive questionnaire.
Communication Competence Theory

(Spitzberg, 1997)

Concepts Development Program Components of Communication

(Sudaria, 2000) Competence
Development (Rosenfeld, 1990)
(Nadler, 1990) Concepts on Communication
Communicative Competence (Blunn, 1971)
(Wiemman and Buckland, 1980) Concept on Communication
(Pearce, 1980)

Knowledge and Skill
Motivation profile of GADTC Communication Level of Satisfaction
the respondents Students of Competencies

(Nadler, 1990)

Communication Competencies of

Development Program
Communication students

Fig. 1 Theoritical-Conceptual Framework of the Study

The Problem
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out the communication competence of selected Communication
students of Gov. Alfonso D. Tan with the end view of proposing a communication development

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the communication motivation profile of the Communication students?

2. How often do the respondents use their communication knowledge and skills?
3. How satisfied are the Communication students with their knowledge and skills?
4. What are the communication competence of the respondents in terms of
4.1 dimension of communication
4.1 1 interpersonal, and

4.1 2 public speaking

4.2 fundamentals of communication

4.2 1 listening,

4.2 2 verbal communication

4.2 3nonverbal communication

5. What are the suggestion for the development of communication competencies?

6. Based on the results of the study, what proposals may be developed to improve the
communication competencies of Communication students of Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College?
Significance of the Study

The study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. This study will help the students to understand himself and other people as
communicators have more control over his communication success and failures.

Communication Students. This study will help the Communication students of Gov. Alfonso D.
Tan College to over come communication weaknesses and help them develop their skills and
knowledge on their chosen field.

Teachers. The result of this study may serve as their basis on what field of communication they
should focus on teaching and this would also help them to asses their students communication
strengths and weakness.

Researchers. The results of this study will help them acknowledge their strength and weakness
as communication students and to further their knowledge and practice their skills in their

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will be conducted at Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College, Maloro, Tangub City. This study
will determine and assess the competence of the selected Communication students. This study
will also serve as bases for Communication Development Proposal. This will be conducted in the
second semester of the Academic Year 2019-2020.

Research Methodology

This study on “Communication Competences of Selected Communication Students of Gov.

Alfonso D. Tan College: Bases for Communication Development Program” used the descriptive
normative survey method.

The questionnaire was adopted from the standardized questionnaire that served as the core
instrument to gathering data. According to Wimmer (1987), a descriptive survey method
attempts to visualize a document current conditions in attitudes, that is to illustrate what exist
at the moment. Through this, present situation in a given area will be discovered. Huge amount
of data can be collected with the relative ease of information from variety of people through
the aid of standardized questionnaire. Related questions were asked from the respondents
regarding the communication competencies: bases for communication development program,
Good (1973) as mentioned by Rivera (1999), descriptive normative survey method is used to
describe the established standards through the study of what is prevalent and to ascertain
normal or typical practice. The said practice is compared with the national norms of standards.

This method was used to collect data from the respondents to further understand
communication competencies and how they were satisfied with these skills.

Research Design. Descriptive normative survey method will be used in this study. Descriptive-
normative survey method is a research design which is used in surveys that are frequently
made to ascertain the normal or typical condition for practice, or to compare local test results
with a state or national norm.

Research Setting. This study will be conducted at Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College. The college is
located in Maloro, Tangub City, Misamis Occidental, Philippines. It is a community college which
is funded by the city.

Research Respondents. The respondents of the study will be the selected Communication
students of Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College, Maloro, Tangub City.

Research Instruments. This study will utilize the standardized knowledge, skill and motivation
questionnaire of Verderber (1987) and Rosenfield, et al (1990) as the primary tool for the data
collection. The standardization of questionnaire have been carefully selected and sequenced.
They have been tested and taught by the researchers and teachers interested in
communication and represent the most surrent understanding of what it means to
communicate with competency.

Validation of Instrument. The research adviser, the school statistician, and the research
editor will correct and polish the content of the questionnaire to assure its validity before the
conduct of the study.
Data Gathering Procedure. The researcher will send a letter of request addressed to the
administration of Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College asking the permission to conduct the study.
When it will be granted, the instruments will be distributed to the selected Communication
students to assess their competency. Then, the gathered data will be treated statistically.

Statistical Treatment. To facilitate the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data, the
weighted mean will be used for the scaling responses of respondents.

The formula is:

wm= fx
Weighted Mean=

Ethical Consideration
The ten principles of ethical consideration by Bell and Bryman (2007) is complied within this
study. First, the research respondents will not be subjective to any harm in any way. Respect for
the dignity is prioritized. Full consent is obtained from the respondents before we conduct the
study. Protection of the privacy research respondents, the adequate level of confidentiality of
the research data, and the anonymity of individuals participating in the research were ensured.
Moreover, deception and exaggeration about the aims and objectives of the study were avoided.
Affiliations in any forms sources of funding as well as any possible conflicts of interest are
declared. Lastly, any type of communication in relation to the research will be done with honesty
and transparency and any misleading information, as well as representation of primary data
findings in a biased way will be avoided.
Definition of Terms
For the convenience of the readers, the following terms are conceptually and operationally

Competence. The ability to do something successfully or efficiently for the development of the
Communication student.

Development Proposal. Development is always planned. It is the first condition for the
effective planning and development of the Communication students. Development planning is
also a skill.

Communication. The imparting or exchanging of information or news. The basic need or skill
that a communication student mas have.

Skills. The ability to do something well; expertise. A communication student must be skilled
with good communication.

Effective Communication. Effective communication is defined as verbal speech or other

methods of relaying information that get a point across.

Sered, Joan Buffiton (1978). Pennsylvania State University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. Book
of “Oral Communication” Retrieved on March 21, 2011
Spitzberg, Brian H. (1997). Book of “Competence in Interpersonal Conflict” Retrieved on 2010
Rosenfeld, Lawrence B. (1990). Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication
(Fourteenth Edition) Retrieved on November 2017
Pearce, W. Barnett (1980). “Communication, action, and meaning: The creation of social
realities” New York: Praeger. Retrieved and Digitalized March 2011 from

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