CISQ Seminar: Software Measurement Standards and Delivery Trends

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CISQ Seminar: Software Measurement Standards and Delivery Trends

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9:00 Welcome Remarks

Dr. Bill Curtis, Executive Director, CISQ
Abhijit Lahiri, Chief of Transformation, Tech Mahindra
9:10 Keynote Address
L. Ravichandran ("Ravi"), President and COO, Tech Mahindra
9:45 Advances in Measuring Structural Quality and Technical Debt
Dr. Bill Curtis, Executive Director, CISQ

Structural quality involves the non-functional aspects of software (security, reliability,

maintainability, etc.). Multi-million dollar system outages and breaches that are making
software quality a boardroom issue are most often caused by structural flaws. This session
will introduce CISQ standards for automating the measurement of structural quality from
the source code. It will discuss how to use these measures to assess business cost and risk.
CISQ’s new Technical Debt standard provides an estimate of the effort to fix critical
structural quality weaknesses in source code. CISQ has launched a Trustworthy Systems
Manifesto to initiate policy and conversations within the enterprise regarding practices to
reduce business or mission risk from software-intensive systems. Attendees will be
encouraged to become signatories.

10:30 Break
10:45 Advances in Measuring Software Size and Productivity
Dr. Bill Curtis, Executive Director, CISQ

Software productivity analysis continues to be fraught with debates and practical

challenges. First is the debate over how to size software and whether measures like
Function Points should be automated. This session will introduce the CISQ standard for
automating Function Point measurement. CISQ has also developed a standard for
Automated Enhancement Points to solve problems Function Points experienced when
applied to productivity analysis in maintenance and enhancement work. CISQ’s new
Technical Debt standard enables the analysis of quality-adjusted productivity to provide a
more accurate assessment of work effectiveness. The session will conclude with best
practices for productivity analysis.
11:30 New Age Delivery
Abhijit Lahiri, Chief of Transformation, Tech Mahindra

#NewAgeDELIVERY is one of the biggest projects within Tech Mahindra headed by Mr.
Abhijit Lahiri, Chief Transformation Officer. This new platform is designed to transform the
IT delivery model from 'build' to 'reuse and deploy,’ with a focus on using open source and
cutting-edge technologies with microservices. Software systems are enhanced by system
learning to reduce rework and save effort, time, and money.

Abhijit will share Tech Mahindra’s vision for New Age Delivery and discuss how his
organization applies software metrics to measure and manage the results of this

12:15 Lunch

1:20 Advances in Software Engineering Best Practices

Professor Pankaj Jalote, IIT Delhi (invited)
2:15 Break

2:30 Panel: Developing World-Class GICs

Lead: Malay Shah, Executive Director, TMT, Business Advisory Services, EY
- TechM, Microsoft, Schlumberger, VMWare, JDA, Falabella, Autodesk (invited)

The Global In-house Center (GIC) model (formerly called “captive centers”) is growing and
evolving in many ways. The GIC has become an extension of the parent organization's IT
department - self-contained, with domain expertise to minimize the learning curve. This
panel will discuss GIC growth and evolution, talent development, and parent organization
engagement models.

3:15 The Future of RPA and AI

Sanjeev Malhotra, CEO, Center of Excellence for IoT and AI, NASSCOM
Kashyap Kompella, CEO, rpa2ai

This session will discuss how advanced software technologies such as RPA and AI can be
applied to reduce the cost and schedule of software development, while increasing the
quality of the product. Current advances, existing challenges, potential limits, and future
possibilities will be discussed.

4:00 Close

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