Slavery 27 - Feb-09 Research Term Paper Al-Faris International School Feras M. Shadid

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Feb-09 -27
Research term paper
Al-Faris International School
Feras M. Shadid

What has caused a civil war in the Americas , did all people have equal rights , the
… ? reason People revolted , what was the motive , money , honor

Various reason had Elevated the conflict that led to a civil war , in the midst of …
. those , were freedom , and human rights

That is right , Slavery has contributed to raise the dispute between the two sides ,
people were deprived from their rights , they didn't like this , but nobody was
courageous enough to face their masters , most of who were , didn’t stay to tell their
stories , this discouraged further attempts. Thus , attempts were made later , which
.. some of them were successful , with great results

As for the way master treat here slaves , the inequalities , the monstrous scavenger ..
. control of their own emotion , something that God gave , rundown of human rights
: These things were common back then , Narratives reflect that , as in

"Footnote 1 Plaintive "

"Footnote 2 melancholies "

"Footnote 3 ineffable "

""Footnote 4 obdurate

Frederick Douglass in "From My Bondage and Freedom " page:413,

Holt Elements Of Literature Fifth course , 2005 HR&W

All of those words , if you have noticed , stands for one meaning , and that is suffer
! & sorrow

The writings reflect the time ( era ) , and the situation , the condition they were facing
.. , the life style , if it could be called so
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The circumstance leading to the change Mr. Covens Corse toward me from an "
epoch in my humble history .You have seen how a man was made a slave ; Now
".you shall see how a slave was made a man

Frederick Douglass in " From Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass" Page: 399 ,
..Holt elements of Literature Fifth course , 2005 HR&W

Here , a Naturally-Born Slave writes his ideas of opposition to slavery , such as

. "endurance of beating , complains to " his Owning master

As quoted , a simple change in the attitude his master was treating him , caused an
epoch , that is an era , here it stands for something huge , In human psychology ,
when something so simple affects the life of a being that much , it means one thing
and one thing only , and that is , he is not used to it , he is not used to being treated
as if he IS a human , such a simple something has changed the way he thinks
The second part of the quote , as said , earlier in " Narrative of Fredrick Douglass "
he describes how a man is enslaved , but in this part he describes how a Slave
! becomes a Free man

He came to the spot , after looking at me a while , asked me what was the matter . I "
told him as well as I could , for I scarce had strength to speak . He then gave me a
savage kick in the side , and told me to get up . I tried to do so , But fell back in the
attempt . He gave me another kick , and again told me to rise . I again tried and
succeeded in gaining me feet ; but , stopping to get the top with which I was feeding
the fan , I again staggered and fell . While down in this situation , Mr. Covey took up
the hickory slat with which Hughes had been striking of the half-bushed measure ,
and with it gave me a heavy blow upon the hit , making a large wound , and the
blood ran freely ; and with this again told me to get up . I made no effort to comply,
having now made up my mind to let him do his worst . in a short time after receiving
" . this blow , my head grew better . Mr. Covey had now left me to my fate

Frederick Douglass in " From Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass" Page: 399 ,
..Holt elements of Literature Fifth course , 2005 HR&W

Perfect-Simple example about what is happening here , after three times of agony
and torture , He SMASHES Doug on His Head , leaving a " Stain " as viewed from
.." Mr. Covey perspective , Later , he just "left him to his fate

Life isn't great , or that is the way it was for them , " Kicks and Blows " , it wasn’t
.. soothing , yet another evidence of the misfortune they were into

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In Page : 401 of Frederick Douglass in " From Narrative of the life of Fredrick
Douglass" , Holt elements of Literature Fifth course . Fredrick describes a condition
most slaves were facing , ranging from bare feet and hands covered with blood ,
. mud , & cuts , and head enclosed by blood , to a life full of regrets and misery

Birth records weren’t kept for slaves , they don’t know how old they are , or what
.. their name is , they know no father , they know no mother , no family

Fredrick Douglass received no education , he taught himself reading and writing , he

read books at his masters' house , yet they found it strictly unacceptable for a slave
to read , reading improves one's self , this leads for this someone to think , when one
thinks he is able to do things better , creating a world of his own , steps of self
reliance , this isn’t what the masters needed , they wanted someone who obeys ,
someone who doesn’t ask questions , they knew that when someone is smart
enough , he is courageous enough to override his commands , that will cause them
to lose a slave , and at their time it was not an option , so they restricted the idea ,
!! No Reading

Pretty much the same thing all slaves have got to experience , WOW ! , Not , some
had even harsher circumstances than Fred , Lets take Harriet Jacobs for example ,
the mother of two , the runaway , and the slave-writer ,She had to escape with her
family , consequences were extreme , sacrifices were made , she thought she
! couldn’t see them again , yet she took the risk , For their own sake

to slavery ..

Fred and Harriet , two of the many slaves whom wrote , for the world to see their
situation , They resisted slavery , (every body did) , but , they are the ones who were
able to get it out to the world , different signs of resistance , every and each one of
them is nothing more than "self defense" if I could say , "Every action force has a
reaction force , equal in size opposite in direction " –Sir Isaac Newton , A quick
lesson in Physics and Laws of nature , yet an explanation of the motive , would their
be any resistance if their were no "deprive of freedom" , would their be resistance , if
Israel didn’t Occupy Palestine , the answer is no , there wouldn’t , and this
.. resistance is what leads to

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Civil War ..

Of coarse , I mean what were they thinking of , they enslaved people , and
suspected their would be no negative feedback , as slavery divided brothers , it
divided the country , time after another , with the risen of resistance , War broke out
between brothers , They 1* saw this coming ,They over and over warned that if
.. slavery is not demolished , an " American Revolution " will take place


According to the : informational text ,Eyes of an Era , Holt elements of Literature

..Fifth course , 2005 HR&W

Civil war was the first documented war , no fight before was recorded due to the lack
of technology , there is evidence about what took place ( Via pictures ) ,Evidence
about where and what happened ( Via Literature ) ,and history (Via Havoc

.Civil war , as seen from another view , Is freedom , what Tubman ever wanted

"Harriet Tubman dreamt of freedom (Arise! Flee for your life) "

...War In Literature

??Physical war , was not the only war that broke at that time .. WHAT

There was also a war with literature, Yes you heard right , Dairies of soldiers ,
letters , this formed , yet another revolt , in literature , outcomes from war were large

Every one describing their war as they see it , from a different point of view , what
created a spectacular works of art , that is sure to be detailed , think of it as a
Blueray disc , the Blueray technology is about a device that reads special discs ,
accounted for large space , those discs are able to carry four angles of the same
movie , that is , you can see that movie from different point of views , a technique
that makes you choose on which side you want to be , if you are on the antagonist
side , you will think he is the hero , more of , you will think he is right , on the other
hand , if you chose the Protagonist side , You will feel he is the hero .. its right , why
!! do you think they pay the director that much money
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Exactly the same thing happens in civil war , Different camera angels were found ,
every one viewing different aspect of war , in the midst of all of this , a new "way of
.. writing" merged
Emerson and whitman *1

.. Realism

Civil war , most writers in that era were either slaves or soldiers , both with no time to
spare , the latter with no mood to write , although they did , as much as you would
feel imagination in the story , be sure that it is REALISM , or depicting of real life
events , Soldiers gasping for a sip of water "A mystery of heroism by Stephen
They didn’t have time to "Imagine" usually a diary isn’t , anyhow , the depicted real-
life situation as is , no alteration , So the age of romanticism , vanished , not totally ,
and was replaced by the better , more realistic attitude and depiction of life , and art ,
.. age of Realism


The Civil war , Caused by the resistance of Slaves of the brutality of

their masters , the life that wasn’t life at all , and the agony they went
through , made them revolt against Racism and Human rights
Disintegration , the revolt that led to a quarrel , the quarrel that lead to a
fight , a fight between same-country men that meant one result and one
result only " WAR " , through 1861 to 1865 (4 Years) , Resulted in the
death of 600,000 Man , Six hundred thousand man , and more , the loss
made a fused republic , A little late , Slavery was put down to an end ,
right when the civil war ended to prevent further dispute about that
particular subject , Reports exposing abuse were out in public , helped in
the abolishment of slavery ,Age of Detailed emphasis on a character life
based on true real-life situation with cutting edge aspects of life and
analyzing human behavior , sense that human cant control their destines
( Age Of Realism & naturalism ) was born , and since it has to be real ,
there was alteration of language , Slang terms are used for the very first
. time in American literature history
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?! Do They Fit

Realism and Civil war

Depiction of real time events is exactly what war needed , nothing could help more
than a detailed infrastructure of a story that is based , or at least could happen In a
reader's daily life, that’s right , the more the writer gets to the reader the more the
.reader understands the point , so realism is a perfect fit for War in general

Slavery and Civil War

Slavery as noted was the main reason of a resistance , resistance is a free-of-

charge response accounted as self defense , in other words .. no slavery , no war ,
.no war , no revolution , no revolution , no Age of realism would have evolved

Naturalism and Slavery

The more detailed events of the environment that they were into , the more the
reader understands the view , understanding the view has a great deal in literature ,
as it does help in the final morale ( if any ) or even the simple point after every and
.each story

Naturalism and Civil War

War took place in a multi environment , each element of nature stood ( as a

metaphor ) for each point in a story , simply without naturalism , the story would
have a serious issue , and a harder way to get to the audience
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Feras M. Shadid
Mr. Ous Bader
Al faris international School
PM 27 Feb-2:47 AM 28 Feb 10:30
Due to SATURDAY 28 Feb

All resources used are cited within the lines of the term paper , all quotes , articles ,
interviews , info s are brought from the holt literature 5 th coarse

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