The Miracle of Faith

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The Miracle of faith

FAITH – A word that holds the power of the universe within it. Many people hear this word and
automatically think ‘oh, no, here we go again, a lecture on religion being pious, burying our
heads in the sand and relying on a god to do everything’. THIS IS JUST DOGMA. Faith is
not a religion, it doesn’t make you superior to others. Faith is a gift, the power you give to
your beliefs, be they truth or illusion. You have the power to manifest your truth. Belief in
separation and attack brings more into your life. It makes your reality. When you believe in
something, the power of faith will bring it into your life.

Religion is mainly about the beliefs of the leaders of a church or organization and the
associated dogma. It has led to destruction, heartache, failure and lack of confidence in
ourselves as loving beings. We have been taught that we are guilty sinners whose only hope
of redemption is to become superior to others. Because we have applied these beliefs to our
lives for so long, we have given these ideas power. We have achieved only what religious
dogma has told us we can. We are limited.

Faith is the universal laws of ‘cause and effect’,’ vibration’, ‘attraction’ and ‘tenfold return’ all
rolled into one. This is why affirmations are so important. They are your truth, the power takes
over and your truth is created.

Your thoughts and beliefs create your world because, whatever you believe, you add the
power of faith to it. We need to stop limiting our minds, ideas, spirituality, sexuality. All these
have been suppressed for years. We have been taught to be victims, be oppressed, even be
the oppressor. We need to overcome this “wrong-mindedness”. Stop putting our faith in the
material world and trust ourselves. Open our spirituality to receive these gifts.

We have been taught, and teach our children, that this is ‘life’ accept it. This is the world of the
EGO. I no longer choose to live in this world. I choose the POWER I am given by my faith.

Believing that faith can bring all things desired into your life is a blessing, however, refrain
from becoming pious. This happens when faith is led and used with the ego. Always
remember we are one. Many religious people believe if someone is not following the same
path as them that they are sinners or evil. They are misguided, but I have faith that all paths
lead to ONE! We have to open our hearts, minds and become aware of all form of spirituality
– no more dogma and judgment!

Whatever you believe in, whatever you want to bring into your life, changes you want or need
to make, you have to make it happen. You can not sit back and think, ‘well I have faith so ill
wait for my desires to be bought to me’. By placing your faith in a conceivable ambition, truth,
miracle, evet etc, you have to focus your entire being on achieving it! Focus your mind on
‘right-mindedness’. Detach yourself from the ego that tells you, you will not achieve or
succeed. Right mindedness is about service to a higher power. Let go and see the light of
energy in everyone and everything.

Faith and love go hand in hand. By seeing through the eyes of love, there is no situation that
can not be healed.


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