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I. Club introduction

1. Objectives

• Developing a creative, helpful and interesting environment for all who want to
learn and improve English,

• Practicing basic skills which are helpful for the future work such as team work,
creative thinking, etc.,

• Providing a play-field for members to make acquainted with and learn from each

• Exploiting hidden language ability by member-based designed activities.

2. Scope and target subjects

2.1. Scope of the activity

• University of Languages and International Studies, VNUH,

• Other universities and faculties of VNUH,

• The “16+23” Programme

2.2. Target subjects

• All students of University of Languages and International Studies, VNUH,

• All students of other universities and faculties of VNUH,

• 561 students of the “16+23” Programme

3. Meetings

• Time: 17.30- 19.30 (every Wednesday)

• Frequency: 2 times per month

4. Overall schedule

5. Executive Board

Manager Members
Vice presidents:
Leaders Trần Thị Ngân
Nguyễn Hoàng Giang
Trần Đức Phương Anh
Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Diệp

Programming Hoàng Linh Chi

Giang Nguyệt Minh
Department Phạm Thị Anh Phương
Phan Thị Toán
Đào Thị Thu Hà
Trần Quốc Trung
Lưu Xuân Liễu
Responsible Trần Thị Hạnh
Lê Hương Giang
Departments Phạm Thanh Mai
Nguyễn Thu Hằng
Đoàn Thị Hải Thuần
Nguyễn Phương Thảo

PR Department Phạm Thị Lệ Tuyết

Nguyễn Lan Anh
Nguyễn Thu Hiền

II. Member registration.

1. Benefits

Being a member, you can:

 Practice your English skills through activities which are specially designed for
each targeted group.

 Be directly trained in language skills by teachers from English Department –

University of Languages and International Studies.

 Participate in extracurricular activities to enhance the ability of using English

in the real life.

 Get a 30% discount for the tickets of the PROM (held in December)

2. Responsibilities

 Actively participate in activities

 Within two months, raise your voice in class at least once; otherwise
you will be struck from the list of club members.

3. Member registration + member cards.

 All students in the target object can register as members of the club

 Members will receive their member cards

 Each club event, members must bring the card to go to the door.

4. Member fee
20,000 VND/term

III. CORETEAM recruitment

In order to seek active and devoted members to assist the Executive Board our operation,
we have decided on A MONTHLY RECRUITMENT PLAN.

1. Recruitment conditions

 Being a member EC.

 Contributing to the activities of the club at least 3 times per month.

 Being able to match one of the club's board (PR, IT or content) – optional.

2. Recruitment time:

 Members of the CORETEAM group are chosen every month

 Recruitment starts in early December 1st

3. Benefits:

 Directly organizing the club activities (as assigned by the Executive


 Being given priority in BIG EVENTS of the club, as well as the

English department, which the club (priorities vary according to
different events)

 Get a 50% discount for the tickets of the PROM (held in December)

4. Responsibility

 Actively participate in ALL club activities

 Effectively and responsibly complete the works that are assigned by

the Executive Board.

 Be absent from NO MORE THAN THREE EVENTS each term.

Otherwise they will be excluded from the CORETEAM.


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