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Choose between 'I'll do' and 'I'm going to do' to complete each sentence.

She definitely (wear) a dress. She's definitely going to wear a dress.

I didn't catch your name! - O.K., I (spell) it for you. O.K., I'll spell it for you.
1. I cannot understand this sentence. Alright. I (explain) it to you. Alright.

2. Look at those clouds! It (rain) any minute.
Look at those clouds! ________________________________________________________

3. He isn't at his desk. May I take a message? No, thank you. I (call) back later. No, thank
4. There's no doubt that she (leave).___________________________________________

5. It's certain that it (snow) tonight.______________________________________

6. What are your plans for the weekend? I (have) a rest._____________________________
7. What is she planning to study? She (study) engineering.
8. It's clear that they (not win)._________________________________________________
9. Maybe I (visit) him tonight._________________________________________________
10. Is she planning to move? No, she (stay) here.
No, _________________________________________________________________________
11. Why they (not move) as planned?__________________________________________
12. You look so sad! You (cry)? You look so sad!
13. What's his final decision? He (not accept) their
14. If I finish early, I (join) you._______________________________________________
15. What's the plan? What we (do)? What's the plan?
Test Paper
Future Simple or be going to
1 A: Have you finished your essay yet?
B: No, but I'm sure I______________________ (finish) it on time.

2 A: I have decided what to wear for the party.

B: Really? What _________________.(wear), then?

3 A: Why do you need hot soapy water?

B: Because I__________________ (wash) the car.

4 A: Did you post those letters?

B: No, I forgot. I__________________(post) them this afternoon.

5 A: Did you book a table at the restaurant?

B: Yes, but I don't expect it______________(be) busy.

6 A: I'm hungry.
B: Me too. I________________ (make) us something to eat.

7 A: What are you doing this weekend?

B: Oh, I_______________(probably/visit) my grandparents.

8 A: Look at that dog!

B: Oh yes! It _________________(swim) across the river.

9 A: Tony is nearly eighteen, isn't he?

B: Yes. He _________________.(work) for his father when he leaves school.

10 A: Are you going into town today?

B: Yes. I__________________.(give) you a lift if you like.

11 A: Your shirt is dirty.

B: Oh dear! I________________(change) into another one.

12 A: I hope we _________________(not/arrive) late for the meeting.

B: Don't worry. There's plenty of time.

13 A: I'm really thirsty after all that hard work.

B: I_____________________(make) some tea.

14 A: Did you give Steve his present?

B: No. I __________________(give) it to him tonight at dinner.
15 A: Watch out! You_________________ (bang) your head on the doorframe.
B: Oh! I didn't realise it was so low.

Choose one of these tenses to complete each sentence: Future Continuous (I'll be doing), Future Perfect (I'll
have done), or Future Perfect Continuous (I'll have been doing).
1. By 30th June, she (work) here for 20 years._____________________________________

2. What they (learn) by the end of the

3. The package (arrive) by tomorrow.__________________________________________________
4. How long he (drive) by midnight?________________________________________________
5. By the time we arrive, everyone (leave).__________________________________________________
6. I (do) my homework by the time you return._______________________________________
7. By noon, he (sleep) for 24 hours.
8. This time next week, we (go) on holiday.
9. I (not see) Jim tonight.
10. Where she (stay) when she returns?
11. The movie (not end) by nine
12. We (sell) our house in spring.____________________________________________________
13. Janet (stay) with us this Christmas._______________________________________________
14. She (take) her driving test this time next
Ответы к упражнению:
1. will finish
2. are going to wear
3. am going to wash
4. will post

5. will be
6. will make
7. will visit
8. is going to swim

9. is going to work
10. will give

11. will change

12. will not arrive

13. will make

14. am going to give

15. will bang

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