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Steam boiler inspection methods

Engineering Hub
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Published on May 25, 2018

#EngineeringHub #boilerinspection
Inspection of Steam Boiler is a must activity should be carried out as per Govt. guidelines.
Steam is required for power generation through a steam turbine or steam engine. Steam is also required
for engineering process work, hot water supply, and heating installations etc.
So, a boiler is a closed vessel where combustion of fuel produces heat to convert water into steam at the
desired temperature and pressure.
For the safe operation of the boiler, it should be inspected by various methods and at various stages.
01) Inspection before registration
Every new boiler must get registration from government authority. So this is the first inspection carried out
on a new boiler.
For this inspection, the boiler is completely stripped off all its mountings, coverings etc.
Each and every part is carefully examined for defects due to design, workmanship or transportation.
If any defects found, these are noted in the registration book.
The working pressure of the boiler is fixed after testing its various parts and a certificate is issued for the
results obtained.
After various satisfactory tests, the boiler is registered and a registration certificate is issued.
02) Annual Inspection
Generally, boiler inspection is carried out annually. In the case of an accident or abnormal complaint, it
should be done at any time.
The boiler is inspected from internally and externally for any defects which may develop during the course
of its working.
03) Hydro Test
The hydraulic test is carried out to inspect the tightness of joints, fittings and the leakages from the
repaired parts.
04) For the new boiler
A) The hydraulic pressure applied will be 200% of the working pressure and it should not leak under this
B) When the boiler is working above 100 lbs/inch square, the hydraulic pressure applied for a test is 150%
+ 50 lbs/inch square and the boiler should not leak at any spot under this pressure.
05) Steam Test
To check the setting of the safety valves at the working pressure, this test is carried out.
06) Inspection in Presence of Steam
This type of test is very rare but when boiler cannot stop due to any reason, this test carried out.
07) Internal Inspection
When the boiler is small in size and when inspector cannot enter inside for close inspection of internal
parts this type of test is carried out.
08) Causal Inspection
To check out that the boiler owner is operating the boiler according to the boiler act, the surprise visits
from time to time are carried out for inspection.
09) Accident Inspection
If due to any reason accident took place, the boiler inspector holds an inquiry to fix the reasons for an
For detail information on Steam Boiler Inspection, visit

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