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DECLARATION 1, heteby deckwre that the Summer Training Project Report, enttkd “A Study on Marketing Strategy of Flipkart and Snapdea!", is an wuthetiic work canied out by me ut , It his not been submitted edtlier for award of any degree or diploma to-any institute or university. Place: New Dehi Candidate's signature Date: Name: Enroll. No:: Countersigned ‘Name Supervisor ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Tt is my pleasure to be indebled to various people, who directly of indirectly conitibuted in. the development of this work and who influenced my thinking, behavior and acts during the course of study. L express my sincere gratitude to, the worthy Director of college name, for providing me an ‘opportunity to do this. project under his leadership, Tam thankfil to Dr. Anupama Sharma for her sport, cooperation and motivation provided to me during the training for constant inspiration, presence and blessings. Tako extend my sincere indebtedness to teachers mame who provided her vakable suggestion and precious time in accomplishing my project. I also take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to each and every person, who direcily or indirectly helped me throughout the project and without anyone of them this project ‘would not have been possible. ‘The immense kaming fom this project would be indelible forever. Name

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