EPW at New Delhi World Book Fair: Criminalising Talaq-e-Biddat

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Issn 0012-9976
Ever since the first issue in 1966,
EPW has been India’s premier journal for Criminalising Talaq-e-Biddat and their rights in the last three decades
comment on current affairs
and research in the social sciences.
has been preceded by wide consultations
It succeeded Economic Weekly (1949–1965),
which was launched and shepherded
by Sachin Chaudhuri,
who was also the founder-editor of EPW.
T he government is proposing to intro-
duce a new bill in this winter session
of Parliament to make the practice of
with women’s and civil society organisa-
tions, and the same has happened in cas-
es of other laws, affecting other marginal-
As editor for 35 years (1969–2004)
Krishna Raj instant triple talaq a punishable offence. ised sections of society.
gave EPW the reputation it now enjoys. We the undersigned are activists, femi- Even the Ministry of Law and Justice of
EXECUTIVE Editor nists, individuals, as well as representatives the Government of India has published
Lina Mathias of various women’s organisations, includ- the “Pre-Legislative Consultation Policy”
Deputy Editor ing interveners in support of the petition on 5 February 2014, which lays down the
Bernard D’Mello
filed by Shayara Bano, before the Supreme procedure to be followed for pre-legislative
SENIOR Assistant editorS
Court, challenging the constitutional valid- consultation. There are a total of 12 guiding
lubna duggal
ABHISHEK SHAW ity of triple talaq, halala and polygamy. principles laid down in this policy, in-
copy editorS
We are aware that formulating any cluding that every department/ministry
jyoti shetty legal provision based on the foundation should proactively publish the proposed
Tejas Harad of the Indian Constitution is an arduous legislations and publish/place in public
Assistant editorS task. It requires tremendous effort and domain the draft legislation or at least the
P S Leela
SANGEETA GHOSH commitment to the basic tenets of the information that may among other things
ANISHA GEORGE secular, democratic and socialist frame- include brief justification for such legisla-
Ishan Mukherjee
work of the Constitution. On 29 August tion, for a minimum period of 30 days.
ASSISTANT Editor (DIGITAL) 1947, the Constituent Assembly set up a It was women and women’s groups who
Drafting Committee under the chair- approached the Supreme Court seeking
u raghunathan manship of B R Ambedkar to prepare a justice and constitutional rights in the mat-
suneethi nair draft Constitution for India. The assembly ter of unilateral triple talaq and in other re-
Circulation MANAGER met in sessions open to the public, for 166 lated matters. Therefore, it is imperative
B S Sharma days—spread over a period of two years, that we, the affected stakeholders, be con-
Advertisement Manager 11 months and 18 days—before finally sulted before any legislation is brought
Kamal G Fanibanda adopting the Constitution. A similarly about on this matter. Therefore, we call
General Manager comprehensive process was followed for for a broader consultation with women’s
Gauraang Pradhan
the formulation of the Hindu Code Bill. groups before introducing any amendment
Publisher From 1930, women’s organisations had or bill, including the bill referred to above,
K Vijayakumar
put out the demand for a comprehensive which intends to criminalise the practice of
editorial: edit@epw.in
Circulation: circulation@epw.in code. In response to this demand, a com- instant triple talaq. Only a bill or amend-
Advertising: advertisement@epw.in mittee was formed under the chairman- ment based on the lived realities of women
Economic and Political Weekly ship of Ambedkar, who was law minister, can provide the required justice.
320–322, A to Z Industrial Estate
Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel
which further modified the first draft of At the outset we would also like to
Mumbai 400 013 Hindu Code Bill. After much debate with- state that we stand completely opposed to
Phone: (022) 4063 8282
in Parliament and civil society, between making the practice of instant triple talaq a
EPW Research Foundation 1952 and 1956, the Hindu Code Bill was
EPW Research Foundation, established in 1993, conducts
research on financial and macro-economic issues in India. passed in four separate segments. Christmas and
Director We state all this to emphasise that no New Year Greetings
far-reaching, effective, and just legal reform
C 212, Akurli Industrial Estate EPW wishes all its readers,
Kandivali (East), Mumbai 400 101 can be carried out without putting in simi-
Phones: (022) 2887 3038/41 contributors and well-wishers
epwrf@epwrf.in lar, sustained, and intense efforts. All the very best for 2018.
important legislation concerning women
Sameeksha TrusT
(Publishers of Economic & Political Weekly)

EPW at New Delhi World Book Fair

Board of Trustees
Deepak Nayyar, Chairman
D N Ghosh, Managing Trustee
André Béteille, Deepak Parekh, Economic and Political Weekly
Romila Thapar, Rajeev Bhargava,
Dipankar Gupta, Shyam Menon
will be at the
Printed by K Vijayakumar at Modern Arts and Industries,
New Delhi World Book Fair
151, A-Z Industrial Estate, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, January 6–14, 2018
Lower Parel, Mumbai-400 013 and published by him on behalf
of Sameeksha Trust from 320–322, A-Z Industrial Estate, Do visit us at Hall No. H-8–11, Stall No. 442, Pragati Maidan
Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai-400 013.
Executive Editor: Lina Mathias. We look forward to seeing you there.

4 DECEMBER 23, 2017 vol liI no 51 EPW Economic & Political Weekly
criminal offence. Using penal action lead- learnt a lot on his own—to this day he can reaches some of the poorest members of
ing to imprisonment, in order to discour- explain any scientific principle very clearly. society. The central government’s contri-
age the practice of instant triple talaq will He is fluent in many languages and can bution should be immediately raised to
not help in getting justice for women. speak them like a local. Today, he watches `500 (preferably more) at the very least.
When a woman reports a complaint of science channels on TV and can explain This requires an additional allocation
triple talaq, she wants to continue stay- to us what he has learnt, so lucidly. of `8,640 crore or so, based on the current
ing in her matrimonial home, and needs While to some extent there is a recog- NOAPS coverage (2.4 crore pensioners).
to draw financial support from her hus- nition and space for such people in the Similarly, widow pensions should be
band. Imprisoning the husband will, in West, in our country such geniuses are raised from `300 per month to `500 at
fact, deprive her of both these recourses. never given awards. IQ tests are totally the very least. This would cost just another
Furthermore, since marriage is a civil verbal. My brother was not affiliated with `1,680 crore.
contract between two adult persons, the any institution, and hence did not get (2) Maternity entitlements: Maternity
procedure to be followed on violation of what is due his genius, although he could benefits of `6,000 per child are a legal
this contract needs to be civil in nature, do more than any student of engineering. entitlement of all Indian women (except
and one which strengthens the woman, It is a pity that we do not recognise that those already covered in the formal sector)
instead of making her more vulnerable. there are many types of intelligence. under the National Food Security Act
We once again appeal for broader con- M K Gandhi’s idea that all of us should do (NFSA), 2013. For more than three years,
sultation with women’s groups, to un- “bread labour” or manual labour, espouses the central government did virtually
derstand our lived realities, which will the ideas of kinesthetic intelligence. nothing about this. On 31 December 2016,
help in formulation of legislation. It is not enough to have “co-curricu- Prime Minister Narendra Modi finally an-
Hasina Khan, Bebaak Collective, lar” activities, but rather, to give impor- nounced that maternity benefits would be
Mumbai tance to non-academic learning. A new provided very soon. One year later, how-
scheme to promote skills fails to value ever, (i) the new scheme framed for this
‘Non-academic’ Genius those skills that already exist. Why do purpose (Pradhan Mantri Matritva Van-
we not pay individuals who possess such dana Yojana [PMMVY]) is yet to be opera-

I found the column “The Pottery of

Physics” by Kamala Mukunda and Ven-
katesh Onkar (EPW, 2 December 2017) to
skills well? Or help them improve further,
beyond what is disparagingly called
“screwdriver technology?” I worked for
tionalised; (ii) the provision made for it in
the Union Budget 2017–18 (`2,700 crore) is
barely one-third of what is required based
be an extremely interesting observation some time in the occupational therapy on NFSA norms; and (iii) in flagrant viola-
about the neglect of ways of learning other centre at KEM Hospital in Mumbai, and tion of the act, PMMVY restricts the benefits
than the so-called “academic” learning. my time spent there was indeed an eye- to `5,000 for just one child per woman.
My younger brother showed a precocity opener for me in this regard. The Union Budget 2018–19 should provide
towards “non-verbal” creativity from a Maithreyi Krishnaraj for full-fledged implementation of mater-
young age. Despite being born into a Brah- Bengaluru nity entitlements as per NFSA norms. This
min family that valued only the scholarship requires at least `8,000 crore, based on a
of books, he used to invent many contrap- Open Letter to Finance Minister 60:40 ratio for centre–state contributions.
tions. He created a working transmission Along with this, it is very important to
with just two wires, invented a machine
to convert waste polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
into auto cables, and converted waste plas-
W e, the undersigned, are writing to
draw your attention to two urgent
priorities for the forthcoming budget.
streamline payment systems so that pen-
sions and maternity benefits reach the
recipients on time every month, for exam-
tic into a garden hose with another ma- (1) Social security pensions: The central ple, by the seventh day of the month as
chine he invented. He even invented a cof- government’s contribution to old-age pen- directed by the Supreme Court in its order
fee roaster with a simple assemblage of a sions under the National Old Age Pension of 28 November 2001.
cylinder mounted onto an electric stove. Scheme (NOAPS) has remained at a measly We hope that these recommendations
Yet, he found no marketing agencies to `200 per month since 2006. This is extra- are useful.
pick up these innovative ideas. He could ordinarily stingy. It is also a missed oppor- Abhijeet Singh, Abhijit Banerjee, Aditya
repair any machine, be it a scooter, auto, or tunity. NOAPS is a good scheme (with low Bhattacharjea, Ajit Ranade, Ashok Kotwal,
mixer. My brother possessed what is called leakages and administrative costs) that Ashwini Deshpande and 54 others.
“kinesthetic” intelligence, and would intui-
tively understand the principle behind any EPW Engage
contraption. He could do the job of a ma- The following articles have been published in the past week in the EPW Engage section (www.epw.in/engage).
son, an electrician, or a plumber, and even (1) What Happened to Our Dreams? The Spectre of October Revolution—Christopher J Helali
pursued carpentry on his own. When he (2) After Gujarat 2017: Can BJP’s Communalism Make Up for Its Agrarian Neglect?—Radhika Ramaseshan
built his house, he performed all these (3) Delhi’s Air: Why Does No One Care About Unmanaged Waste?—Pratibha Sharma
roles himself. Yet the family always belit- (4) Political Interests and Private Healthcare Lobby Collude to Stifle Patients’ Rights in Karnataka—
Akhila Vasan, E Premdas Pinto, Vinay Sreenivasa, Vijayakumar S
tled him for being “non-academic.” He
Economic & Political Weekly EPW DECEMBER 23, 2017 vol liI no 51 5
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6 DECEMBER 23, 2017 vol liI no 51 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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