RFID Presence Monitoring System As An Input To Measure The Workload of Employee

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RFID Presence Monitoring System as an Input to

Measure the Workload of Employee

Romi Fadillah Rahmat, Eka Tama Herly, Baihaqi Siregar, Mohammad Fadly Syahputra, Opim Salim Sitompul
Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Medan, Indonesia
romi.fadillah@usu.ac.id, eka.tama.herly@students.usu.ac.id, baihaqi.siregar@usu.ac.id, nca.fadly@usu.ac.id, opim@usu.ac.id

Abstract—In performing an assignment, every employee is In 2011, Pu et al did research on the use of RSSI in
expected to complete the work to some level. However, the misuse applying indoor localization technique. The used method on
of working hours happens regularly in their working the research can be implemented in various types of Wireless
environment, which mean they shorten their workload and Sensor Network. The research stated that to increase the
working hour. This problem led to the need to build a system as
accuracy of the built system, required further research on
an alternative in monitoring the presence of the employee in their
working environment. The type of the work that requires environmental characterization and the use of RSSI [3].
monitoring due to its presence in the location are customer Mahiddin et al. in 2012 used trilateration method to determine
service, call center, cashier, etc. Monitoring the presence of the one location in a room. The research uses Wi-Fi signal
employee can be done using tools such as RFID. Trilateration strength with IEEE 802.11g Networking standardization. The
method was used to determine object location using signal value research was done by way of user using Wi-Fi Analyzer
received of an object from multiple transmitters. The signal value application on smartphone to obtain the percentage of signal
can be then converted to a distance value between the object and strength then convert it to distance value between user with
the transmitters also can be formed three circles with the radius each access point. User location can be determined using
of each circle is the distance value between the object with the
trilateration method. The research is only an early stage to be
transmitters. The result from our system is the employee’s
location on building virtual maps. System will determine whether further developed by considering a transmission barrier such
the employee location is in their working environment or not then as a wall [6]. Firaldi in 2014 used trilateration method and
it will produce daily reports on the employee working hours. In assisted by fuzzy technique to analyze student attendance
the end, system will sum up the workload obtained from the patterns at informatics engineering department of Maritime
results of its employee presence monitoring. University of Raja Ali Haji. The research used distance
determination method proposed in 2012 by Mahiddin et al.
Keywords— Employee Workload, Presence Monitoring Then the research determines the pattern of student attendance
System, RFID, Trilateration. using fuzzy technique to see if cheating absenteeism to the
student is existed. The result of the research showed that the
I. INTRODUCTION system can recognize the pattern of student attendance in a
In performing a task, employee is expected to complete class [7].
the work to some level. If the individual limitation impedes
the expected results of the work, then there has been a gap Monitoring on employee presence is very important since
between the level of individual ability expected with the level it has impacts on company performance [2] [9-10]. However,
of capacity possessed. The gap can lead to performance failure the misuse of work hours is often occurred. Therefore, we
[1][2]. In general, workload measurement can be done need to develop a method as an alternative to monitor
manually and requires on-field supervisor [8]. In the area of employee location as an input to calculate the workload that
wireless sensor network, there are two basic methods, they are will be useful for the organization.
passive and active transmission [3-5]. RFID can be used to
identify a person or an object using radio transmission II. METHODOLOGY
frequency. RFID uses radio frequency to read information
from a small device called tag or transponder (Transmitter + In order to know the employee position and their
Responder). RFID is place on an object or a person so that it activities, the employee have to have an active RFID tag
can be identified, tracked and arranged automatically. The registered in the system. Admin will have the responsibility to
advantages of RFID can be explored by using it to monitor the give the tag and to monitor every employee registered in the
presence of employee due to its job location such as customer system. After receiving the tag, employee will do their
service, call center and cashier. assigned work. The employee tags will send signal to the
nearest reader. After receiving the signal, each reader will
send the data of signal strength, timestamp and ID tag values
to the server. Afterwards, server will check whether the • After all the parameters are met then can be measured
number of readers that send the data is not less than three for distance value using Log-distance path loss. Log-
each tag. If the reader is less than three, then we can indicate distance path loss [6] can be obtained using equation
that the employee is not working or is not available in their (3).
work space.

After the server checks, then it will estimate the location (3)
of the employee from the available data using trilateration
algorithm. After the x and y values of tag were obtained, Where Xσ is the value of fade margin. The values of fade
server will determine whether the tag position is within the margin differ in each environment and must be calculated
workspace coverage area of the tag recorded in database. empirically for each environment. In business district, the
Server will have processed the data to be displayed in 2D value of fade margin is around 10 dBm [6].
Virtual Maps, this data is regarding employee’s position. The
information about employee activities will be presented in
table form. After working hour ends, server will create report
on employee activities throughout business hours and save it
in the database for further evaluation done by user. General
architecture that describes the proposed method for the
research is shown in Fig 1.

The difference between this research with previous

research conducted by Pu [3] is in the distance calculation
where this research adds the fade margin variable. Then
another difference lies in the implementation of the system
where Pu’s research does not implement the system to specific
problems, while the proposed system will generate the
workload monitoring results for each employee. As for the
difference with Mahiddin’s research [6], the determination of
demand’s location is done manually, while in this research, the
data input process is done seamlessly. System will ping to the
registered tag in sometimes then system will generate the data Fig 1. General Architecture
in the form of 2-dimensional maps automatically.
B. Trilateration
A. RSSI Ranging Having obtained the value of the distance from the tag to
Log-distance path loss propagation method is used in order each reader, it can estimate the location of the tag to be
to measure the distance between the reader and the receiver searched. The steps in determining the tag position using
with RSSI Ranging. To measure the distance from the tag to trilateration method as follows:
each reader using log-distance path loss can be done with the • Use phytagoras equation to complete the position (x, y)
following steps: as in equation (4).
• Finding reference on signal values using Free-space
Path Loss equation (1).
Then equation (4) is rearranged to find the point (x, y)
• After the reference is obtained, then it is necessary to as in equation (5) below:
find Path Loss Exponent n value. Path loss exponent n
is one of the most important parameters in
environmental characterization. If the level of path loss
addition is more drastic when the distance increases, (5)
then the value of n will become larger. The value of
environmental characterization can be obtained using
equation (2).
• The system will then test the data adequacy. The data
adequacy test was conducted to determine whether the
number of monitoring to be performed is sufficient or
not. The value of N '(the value of monitoring to be
And, performed) must be less than the N value (the number
of monitoring already done). If the condition obtained
is the number of N 'greater than N, then the monitoring
must be done again. Conversely, if the value of N 'is
smaller than N, then the monitoring done are sufficient
so that the data can provide the trust level and
accuracy as expected. The data adequacy test can be
performed using equations. (8).

• After equation (5) solved then obtained point p (x, y).
C. Summary of the Working Hour
At this stage, a report will be made based on the N’ = Monitoring values to be done
performance of employees and the workload of every S = Desired accuracy level, Using 5%
employee will also be estimated for one week. The steps in p = Percentage of productive time
this stage are as follows: k = Trust level
• The system will calculate the level of employee Trust level 68% has value of k = 1
productivity gained within one business day. The Trust level 95% has value of k = 2
calculation of productivity level can be done using Trust level 99% has value of k = 3
equation (6).
• Once all parameters are met, the system will calculate
(6) the employee workload. Workload is said to be normal
and there is no need for adjustment if the workload
value is in the range of 70% -100%. Workload
• System will test whether the collected data has nothing calculation can be done using equation (9).
differences and is akin. The data said to be akin is data
derived from the same system (located between the (9)
control limits) and those that dissimilar derived beyond
control limits. Extreme data is data which too large or Where,
too small and far from the average trends. Extreme data RF = Rating Factor
isn’t included in the next calculation. Testing data can ALL = Allowance
be performed using equation (7).


The system testing was done to determine whether
(7) Trilateration method can determine the employee positions.
The testing was done by simulation and at the time of the
testing process, there were five employees to be monitored.
Table I shows the data the system retrieves from each reader.
Based on the conducted simulation, at the time the system
Where, scans the tags, it can be seen in Table 1, employee who has id
tag 1 was detected by reader with id 10 of signal value -61,
reader with id 11 of signal value -73, and reader with id 12 of
UCL = Upper Control Limit
signal value -75 at 22: 34: 04.364. From the data that has been
LCL = Lower Control Limit collected by the system in a single scan, the system will then
p = Percentage of Productive Time convert the signal value to a distance value using the log-
n = Monitoring value distance path loss
TABLE I. DATA RETRIEVED FROM READERS 2017-02- 22:34:04.364 3 10 101.107
Date Time Stamp Tag Reader Signal 27
Stamp ID ID 2017-02- 22:34:04.364 3 11 506.738
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 1 10 -61 27
27 2017-02- 22:34:04.364 3 12 319.730
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 1 11 -73 27
27 2017-02- 22:34:04.404 4 10 142.818
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 1 12 -75 27
27 2017-02- 22:34:04.404 4 11 284.959
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 2 10 -51 27
27 2017-02- 22:34:04.404 4 12 358.743
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 2 11 -74 27
27 2017-02- 22:34:04.444 5 10 226.351
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 2 12 -73 27
27 2017-02- 22:34:04.444 5 11 253.970
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 3 10 -62 27
27 2017-02- 22:34:04.444 5 12 319.730
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 3 11 -76 27
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 3 12 -72 Table III shows the employee locations on maps.
27 Employee locations were obtained using Trilateration method.
2017-02- 22:34:04.404 4 10 -65 In table 3 it shows the position value of each tag that has been
27 processed by the system using the trilateration method. The
2017-02- 22:34:04.404 4 11 -71 position is represented in the form of x and y coordinates in
27 the 2-dimensional map. The system then compares the values
2017-02- 22:34:04.404 4 12 -73 in table 3 to the work area data of each employee on the
27 database to determine whether the employee is in the work
2017-02- 22:34:04.444 5 10 -69 area or not. The output of this process will generate the value
27 of work or idle on each scan.
2017-02- 22:34:04.444 5 11 -70 TABLE III. TAG POSITIONS
2017-02- 22:34:04.444 5 12 -72 Tag ID X_Coor Y_Coor
27 1 296.900 110.808
2 396.000 134.937
Table II shows the distance from the tag to each reader 3 503.914 101.634
obtained from log-distance path loss. Table 2 shows the 4 327.019 222.664
distance value between each reader that scans the tag. It can be 5 339.413 301.943
seen in table 2, the employee who has id tag 1 has a distance
of 90.112 to the reader with id 10, 358.743 to the reader with
id 11, and 451,630 to the reader with id 12. Table IV shows performance of an employee in one week
calculated based on the collected.
Date Time Stamp Tag Reader Distance Date Work Idle Total Proportion UCL LCL
Stamp ID ID
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 1 10 90.112 2017- 189 23 212 0.892 0.948 0.815
27 02-20
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 1 11 358.743
27 2017- 192 20 212 0.906 0.948 0.815
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 1 12 451.630 02-21
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 2 10 28.495 2017- 190 22 212 0.896 0.948 0.815
27 02-22
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 2 11 402.516
27 2017- 178 34 212 0.840 0.948 0.815
2017-02- 22:34:04.364 2 12 358.743 02-23
2017- 180 32 212 0.849 0.948 0.815
2017- 194 18 212 0.915 0.948 0.815
2017- 195 17 212 0.920 0.948 0.815

In Fig. 2 can be seen report from an employee of 8 days

monitoring. On July 20. it can be seen that the employee, in
212 times of scanning, has a work value of 189 and idle of 23.
After sufficient period of employee monitoring, the system
will calculate the workload of the employee using the
workload formula. In graph 2 it can be seen that the
monitoring period has been met for 8 days and it can be seen
that the employee has a workload of 0.98742 or 98.7% which
is categorized as normal. Based on the results, the system
concludes that the employee has a 98.7% workload that is
categorized as normal because it is in the range 70% to 100%.

Fig 3. 2D Virtual Map

Fig. 3 shows a 2-dimensional simulation map of the

system. It can be seen that each colored point is associated to
employees that the system detects at the time of scanning.


Based on result and implementation, it concludes that
Trilateration can determine the position of the tag through
multiple readers. However, the accuracy of the position
depends on the value of the signal strength which also
influenced by many environmental factors. To increase the
accuracy, surveys and techniques are required to obtain an
accurate signal value. The use of RFID as a monitoring tool
can be implemented as an alternative in monitoring and
analysing employee activities during work hours. Further
research will talk about the other parameter in presence
monitoring such as Rating Factor and Allowance Rate, thus,
the calculation of employee’s workload is expected be more
Fig 2. Employee Report
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT [5]. T. H. Nasution, M. A. Muchtar, I. Siregar, U. Andayani, E. Christian
and E. P. Sinulingga, "Electrical appliances control prototype by using
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dissemination of this research work The authors would also pp. 355-358.
[6]. N.A. Mahiddin, N. Safie, E.Nadia, Safei, S. and Fadzli, E., “Indoor
like to thank Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara, Prof. Dr. position detection using WiFi and trilateration technique”, In The
Runtung Sitepu, SH., M.Hum for the opportunity and support International Conference on Informatics and Applications (ICIA2012).
of this research. The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication, 2012,
pp. 362-366
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