Responsible Leadership in Global Business

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J Bus Ethics (2012) 105:1–16

DOI 10.1007/s10551-011-0952-4

Responsible Leadership in Global Business: A New Approach

to Leadership and Its Multi-Level Outcomes
Christian Voegtlin • Moritz Patzer •

Andreas Georg Scherer

Received: 17 December 2010 / Accepted: 19 June 2011 / Published online: 1 July 2011
 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011

Abstract The article advances an understanding of failures to the challenges of global business. In a time when
responsible leadership in global business and offers an it has become increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to
agenda for future research in this field. Our conceptuali- delineate systemic outcomes and individual responsibili-
zation of responsible leadership draws on deliberative ties, ethics and morality have once again become front-
practices and discursive conflict resolution, combining the page news. As a consequence, theory and practice are
macro-view of the business firm as a political actor with the struggling with the task of re-conceptualizing the role of
micro-view of leadership. We discuss the concept in rela- corporations (Scherer and Palazzo 2008a, 2011) and their
tion to existing research in leadership. Further, we propose leaders (Doh and Stumpf 2005a; Maak and Pless 2006a;
a new model of responsible leadership that shows how such Waldman and Siegel 2008) in society, in order to address
an understanding of leadership can address the challenges the surge of public concerns.
of globalization. We thereby propose positive outcomes of So far leadership ethics, as the overarching term for the
responsible leadership across levels of analysis. The model inclusion of ethical aspects in leadership, has remained an
offers research opportunities for responsible leadership in underdeveloped field (Ciulla 1995, 2005; Doh and Stumpf
global business. 2005b). Only recently, leadership research once again turns
its focus on the phenomenon of leadership ethics in its
Keywords Business ethics  Corporate social different facets. Thus, many new approaches within lead-
responsibility  Globalization  Leadership ethics  ership connect to ethical or moral themes. Among these are
Responsible leadership the concept of ethical leadership, which tries to measure
empirically what ethical leadership means (Brown 2007;
Brown and Trevino 2006; Brown et al. 2005; Trevino et al.
Introduction 2000, 2003); the already well-established transformational
leadership concept, where more recent research (Bass and
Amidst the various reports on the financial crisis, corporate Steidlmeier 1999) tries to regain an awareness of the
scandals and managerial misconduct that have been pre- moral roots of its founder, James M. Burns (1978), also,
valent in media headlines for over a year, a common e.g., by looking at the connection between corporate social
denominator seems to be an interest in attributing the responsibility (CSR) and transformational leadership
(Waldman et al. 2006); authentic leadership, understood as
leadership that displays leader behavior true to the inherent
C. Voegtlin (&)  M. Patzer  A. G. Scherer
moral values of the leader (Avolio and Gardner 2005;
Department of Business Administration (IBW), University
of Zurich, Universitätsstrasse 84, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland Avolio et al. 2004a, b; Gardner et al. 2005; Ilies et al. 2005;
e-mail: Walumbwa et al. 2008); an understanding of leaders as
M. Patzer ‘‘servants’’ in the conception of servant leadership
e-mail: (Greenleaf 1977; Liden et al. 2008), and other approaches
A. G. Scherer that address the ethical or moral challenges of leaders (e.g.,
e-mail: Fry 2005; Johnson 2009; von Weltzien Hoivik 2002).

2 C. Voegtlin et al.

Though these efforts have undoubtedly made vital responsible leadership can address the challenges of glob-
contributions to the field, we argue that they are limited due alization. It thus adds the individual level of leadership to
to conceptual constraints, because they do not adequately the discussion on corporate social responsibility. Third, we
encompass the causes and implications of present leader- put responsible leadership in the organizational context by
ship challenges. As we outline below, we see these chal- highlighting possible influences of responsible leadership
lenges rooted in the economic and moral implications of on micro-, meso-, and macro-level organizational out-
globalization (Scherer and Palazzo 2008b, 2011). An comes. This shows important interdependencies and con-
appropriately extended understanding of leadership has to tributes to the knowledge of an emerging research field.
take these into account with regard to the individual’s Further, it offers a way of how to translate a philosophical
actions as well as their organizational and societal em- foundation into a practically relevant theory.
beddedness. The inclusion of the latter poses a significant Accordingly, the article first recapitulates the argumen-
research gap, since present leadership theory remains pri- tation regarding our understanding of leadership responsi-
marily focused on the micro level perspective of internal bility, depicting deliberative democracy (Bohmann and
organizational behavior (House and Aditya 1997, pp. 445f; Rehg 1997; Habermas 1998, 2001b) as our explicitly nor-
Osborn et al. 2002; Waldman et al. 2006, p. 1705). Yet, it is mative cornerstone with respect to the understanding and
our understanding that only by bridging the organizational integration of present leadership challenges. We transform
level of corporate responsibility and the individual level of these philosophical foundations into a definition that is the
leadership responsibility does one do justice to the plu- starting-point in modeling responsible leadership. Second,
ralistic and multifaceted tasks present leaders have to we distinguish responsible leadership from prior leadership
attend to (see also Bies et al. 2007; Doh and Stumpf 2005b; concepts. Third, we present a model of responsible lead-
Palazzo and Scherer 2008, pp. 583f; Waldman et al. 2006; ership, pointing to outcomes of responsible leadership
Waldman and Siegel 2008, p. 117). Furthermore, leader- conduct across levels of analysis. The outcomes that will
ship ethics can benefit from the discussions on the be discussed connect to the rise in problems organizations
responsibility of the firm with concepts like CSR, Corpo- are facing due to the process of globalization. The pre-
rate Citizenship, or Business Ethics (e.g., Garriga and Melé sented model of responsible leadership thereby connects
2004; Matten and Crane 2005; Scherer et al. 2009; Scherer the micro perspective of leadership with the macro per-
and Palazzo 2008a, 2011; Windsor 2006) that have spective of CSR, corporate legitimacy, and other important
addressed some of the present challenges of globalization future business challenges. The aim is to provide a research
and global public goods problems. agenda for responsible leadership in order to stimulate
This article acknowledges these challenges and the future efforts in this field and to advance the understanding
indications offered by the CSR discourse. We thereby of responsible leadership and its future empirical testing.
connect to an upcoming research stream under the umbrella
term of responsible leadership. Responsible leadership is
understood by its proponents as an emerging concept at the The Process of Globalization and the Concept
overlap of studies in ethics, leadership, and CSR (Ciulla of Responsible Leadership
2005; De Hoogh and Den Hartog 2008; Doh and Stumpf
2005a; Maak 2007; Maak and Pless 2006a; Waldman and In accordance with Scherer and Palazzo and others, we
Galvin 2008; Waldman and Siegel 2008). The concept tries argue that globalization, understood as an increased inte-
to answer the question: who is responsible for what and gration of value creation transcending national boundaries,
toward whom in an interconnected business world? impedes the capability of the nation state system to mod-
Our approach adds to the discussion by drawing upon a erate the outcomes of the economical, political, and social
conception of leadership responsibility that reconsiders the systems. As a consequence, this development leads to
role of leaders in a globalizing society in the context of governance gaps so that the public interest is insufficiently
Habermas’s theory of deliberative democracy (Habermas served (Chandler and Mazlish 2005; Kobrin 2008; Scherer
1999, 2001b). Building on this normative conception of et al. 2006, 2009; Scherer and Palazzo 2007; see also, Beck
leadership responsibility, the article suggests a model of 2000; Habermas 2001c). The regulatory power of demo-
responsible leadership that provides the premise for future cratic rule of law states is territorially bound, and due to
empirical testing. non-intervention in internal affairs international organiza-
We thereby contribute, first, to the conceptualization of tions cannot intervene in the public policy of sovereign
an emerging concept of responsible leadership by offering nation states. As a result, many externalities and global
a philosophical foundation and a theoretical background public goods problems, such as protecting human rights,
both for the analysis of responsible leadership and the enforcing labor standards, saving the natural environment,
problems of globalization. Second, the article shows how or fighting corruption, remain unaddressed (Kaul et al.

Responsible Leadership in Global Business 3

2003). In order to fill the apparent gaps in global gover- We propose an understanding of responsible leadership
nance, many corporations and their leaders voluntarily in the sense of deliberative processes.1 Our procedural
engage in self-regulation and the production of global conception of leadership ethics is based upon Habermas’s
public goods (see, e.g., Young 2006). This is a widespread thoughts on deliberative democracy (e.g., Habermas 1998,
phenomenon, as can be seen in the growing membership of 1999, 2001b) that refer to the idea of legitimate lawmaking
companies in the UN Global Compact, or booming CSR issuing from public deliberation, and that rest on the
initiatives like the Global Reporting Initiative, the Forest philosophical foundation of discourse ethics (Habermas
Stewardship Council, or the Social Accounting 8000. 1993, 1996). It represents an ideal of political autonomy
This political engagement, as well as prominent cases of based on the practical reasoning of citizens. The systemic
misconduct or negligence by leaders that have affected all means of coordination (money and power) are supple-
stakeholders alike (one might think of cases like Enron or mented with solidarity as the premises of societal integra-
Siemens), have put corporate leaders in the spotlight of tion and coordination (Habermas 1999).
public interest (e.g., Kellerman 2004; Lipman-Blumen Within this societal deliberation process, business
2005). It seems that the negative side effects of global- leaders as exponents of powerful and resource-command-
ization and the increasing number of corporate scandals ing organizations become central actors, who can secure
lead to an erosion of corporate legitimacy (Palazzo and the quality and (moral) legitimacy of decisions through
Scherer 2006), a loss of public trust in leaders and corpo- proactive engagement in the process of societal self-
rations, and to a degradation of social capital. determination and the inclusion and mobilization of
The globalization of business has far-reaching implica- stakeholders. This idea of business leaders involved in the
tions for the constitutional elements of leadership, which deliberative democratic processes as the premise of an
include the persons involved, their interaction and the understanding of responsible leadership provides norma-
exerted influence as well as their common goal (Patzer tive orientation as well as a pragmatic approach to the
2009; see also exemplary, Bennis 2007; Drath et al. 2008; problems of globally engaged leaders. It does the former
Yukl 2006). Leaders (and followers alike) are increasingly through an understanding of practical reason, anchored in
confronted with heterogeneous cultural contexts, devoid of the conditions of communicative exchange that approaches
shared moral orientations or legal frameworks. As moral or culturally alien contexts via an open and reciprocal learn-
ethical conflicts arise in the process of economic activities, ing process in which conflicting interests are evaluated
business leaders are left without any orientation in regard (and settled) through rational discourse (Habermas 1993,
to morally adequate action. In this situation, the idea of 2001a; Steinmann and Scherer 1998; Wohlrapp 1998).
value maximization often becomes the sole surrogate for Such a politically enlarged concept of leadership implies,
moral principles. This problem is aggravated by the need to for the latter, the inclusion of all affected stakeholders in
transcend the traditional, internally bound focus of lead- the leadership process in a fair and balanced manner
ership theory (Maak 2007; Maak and Pless 2006b). As (Waldman and Galvin 2008, pp. 330ff).
leaders increasingly interact with external stakeholders, the For leaders, this means that they should think of the
notion of influence as based on hierarchical power has to be consequences of their conduct for all constituencies that
reconsidered. It needs to be explained what form legitimate could be affected, that they recognize the legitimate claims
influence takes in this context. Finally, CSR has become a of the affected stakeholders, and that they use their influ-
strategic impetus on the organizational agenda representing ence to initiate active stakeholder dialogues where the
the companies’ struggles to maintain legitimacy as a vital involved parties can come to balanced and fair decisions.
resource of business conduct (Palazzo and Scherer 2006; The inclusion of the (relevant) stakeholders supports a
Suchman 1995). Hence, corporate leaders have to mediate legitimate process, while the weighing and balancing of the
social and financial goals without divulging the one or the legitimate claims leads to a fair outcome. Responsible
other in the process of maintaining corporate legitimacy, leaders thereby foster the public exchange of opinions and
building trust, and producing social capital. try to establish institutional modes of communication with
In order to address these challenges, research empha- stakeholders and the public.
sizes a stakeholder-perspective of leadership (Waldman With regard to this, responsible leadership as deliber-
and Galvin 2008; Waldman and Siegel 2008), under- ation and discursive conflict resolution forwards a
standing responsible leadership as a ‘‘value-based and
through ethical principles driven relationship between
leaders and stakeholders’’ (Pless 2007, p. 438). We connect
to this research stream (Maak 2007; Maak and Pless 2006a; 1
A more thorough discussion on the differences between the
Pless 2007) and extend it by offering a philosophical basis approach of Maak and Pless and the conception forwarded by Patzer
for the ethical principles that are called for. and colleagues is presented elsewhere (Patzer and Scherer 2010).

4 C. Voegtlin et al.

pragmatic approach to the daily practice of leadership Responsible Leadership in Relation to Prevalent
that centers on a communicative engagement with its Leadership Conceptualizations
stakeholders. In the context of this article, we therefore
understand responsible leadership as the awareness and In studying the literature, one will find that aspects of an
consideration of the consequences of one’s actions for all enhanced responsibility of leaders that go beyond the
stakeholders, as well as the exertion of influence by narrow scope of profit earning are rare (Brown and Trevino
enabling the involvement of the affected stakeholders and 2006; Ciulla 1995; Doh and Stumpf 2005b; Maak and Pless
by engaging in an active stakeholder dialogue. Therein 2006c), despite the early recognition of an enlarged lead-
responsible leaders strive to weigh and balance the inter- ership role in Barnard’s work (Barnard 1960). In this part,
ests of the forwarded claims. Additionally, responsible we discuss our approach in relation to prior leadership
leaders foster the public exchange of opinions and conceptualizations. As the field of leadership is very broad
engage in public will formation (for a similar definition, and fragmented, we cannot discuss all leadership concepts
see Voegtlin 2011). in relation to our proposed concept of responsible leader-
Leading responsibly, according to this understanding, ship in this article. Rather, we try to highlight the differ-
means for leaders to open up to a broader target group ences of the approach that set it apart from most other
(the stakeholders) with the goal of securing the legiti- leadership concepts. These differences appear most prom-
macy of the organization in a given society and estab- inently in the limitations of current concepts in addressing
lishing and maintaining mutually beneficial stakeholder the problems of globalization.
relations. The definition comprises the steps of discursive First, leadership remains predominantly focused on the
conflict resolution (Habermas 1993, 1996). Leaders are influence process between leader and employees (see also
thereby seen as the exposed persons in an organization the common concepts in leadership textbooks, Bass 1990;
who should be able to recognize (moral) problems in Rost 1991; Yukl 2006). It does not take into account
their decision-making processes (by being aware of and stakeholder interactions, which become important for
considering the consequences of one’s actions for all securing the legitimacy of an organization. Second, the
stakeholders). They use their influence to provide the new approaches to leadership in relation to ethics (e.g.,
arenas for discursive conflict resolution (by enabling the ethical leadership; Brown et al. 2005) remain mostly
involvement of the affected stakeholders) and invite the descriptive in their approach to assessing leadership ethics.
affected stakeholder-groups to join the discourse (by Yet, by only describing prevailing moral norms, they do
engaging in an active stakeholder dialogue). During the not allow for a critical justification of what is ethically
discursive decision process, the task of the responsible correct. This leads to common sense being the only actual
leader is to try to achieve a consensus among the benchmark for what is ethically right (Ciulla 1998). These
participants (by weighing the arguments and balancing theories cannot provide ethical orientation for leaders or
the interests of the stakeholder claims). This allows for offer normative advice. Thus, there is still a need for a
leaders to influence through cooperation and to aim for philosophical foundation of responsible leadership that
consensual solutions, as they interact not through a provides an orientation of how to deal with the conflicting
supervisor–subordinate relationship but eventually with norms of a heterogeneous stakeholder society. This leads to
equally powerful or resource commanding entities. the third point, the tension between ethics and effective-
Responsible leaders, thus, represent the position and the ness. It is often implicitly assumed that a good leader is
interest of their organization by joining the discourse ethical and effective (Ciulla 1995). The ‘‘usual answer
with arguments that emphasize their point of view. [of what a competent leader is,] is a leader who knows how
This definition represents an ideal of responsible to get results, make profits, etc.’’ (Ciulla 2005, p. 333). But
leadership that can encounter restrictions in the organi- does this mean that he or she is acting responsibly? This
zational day-to-day business (see, e.g., Stansbury 2009). question is not fully addressed in leadership research.
We therefore assume that the conceptualization of Thus, the points where our concept of responsible
responsible leadership represents a continuum, ranging leadership differs from prior leadership conceptualizations
from the non-responsible leader to the ideal responsible are that, first, responsible leadership is based on an explicit
leader. The end of the continuum, representing the non- normative framework of discourse ethics and deliberative
responsible leader, could be characterized as self-inter- democracy that goes beyond ethical concepts based on
ested, egoistic leadership behavior acting solely on an values or deontological monologism that have been sus-
instrumental rationale. The other end, representing the ceptible to critique (Habermas 1996; for a similar critique
fully responsible leader, would be based on discourse on concepts of CSR, see Scherer and Palazzo 2007); sec-
ethics and deliberation as proposed in our political con- ond, responsible leadership is conceptualized as a process
ception of responsible leadership. model of leadership that is not explicitly related to ethical

Responsible Leadership in Global Business 5

characteristics of the leader (like most of the other lead- relationships between responsible leadership behavior and
ership theories concerned with ethics), as these character- important organizational variables in order to advance
istics (e.g., good virtues) pose problems with regard to their future research (this approach has similarly been applied
intercultural justification. Rather, these ethical character- for the advancement of other leadership conceptualizations,
istics are conceptualized as antecedents of responsible see, e.g., ethical leadership, Brown and Trevino 2006 or
leadership conduct (see Voegtlin et al., 2010); third, authentic leadership, Avolio et al. 2004a). We propose a
responsible leadership transcends the internal view of model of responsible leadership (see Fig. 1) which high-
leadership as leader–follower interaction to a view of lights important influences of responsible leadership on
leadership as leader–stakeholder interaction, which seems organizational outcomes across levels of analysis.
to be an important necessity for leadership in a globalized For each of the relationships anticipated in Fig. 1, we
world (see Liden et al. 2008; Maak 2007; Maak and Pless theoretically derive formal propositions in order to advance
2006c; Schneider 2002); finally, responsible leadership future research in the field of responsible leadership. These
does not conceptualize leader effectiveness in the sense of relationships highlight potential causal effects in relation to
financial performance as the main driver of leadership responsible leadership that are designed for further
behavior, but, rather, through the effectiveness in estab- empirical investigation. This is not meant to be an
lishing consensual solutions that are accepted as legitimate exhaustive list of all the possible influences being affected
by all affected parties (for a discussion about what is by responsible leadership. It rather presents proposals that
‘‘good’’ leadership, see, e.g., Ciulla 1995). This is at the advance the conceptualization of the political concept of
heart of the responsibility toward stakeholders and to a responsible leadership.
certain extent it implies mediating social and economic The focus was laid especially on future business chal-
goals. lenges caused by an ongoing globalization process, which
we think can be best addressed by responsible leadership
conduct. The globalization with its consequences of loss of
A Research Agenda of Responsible Leadership shared moral orientation, widening governance gaps and a
growing public awareness of critical company conduct,
The understanding of responsible leadership as presented puts business firms in an ever greater need to build and
above offers the possibility to derive a model relating secure their (moral) legitimacy, to maintain trustful rela-
responsible leadership to important outcomes. In this sec- tions with stakeholders and to leverage the social capital
tion, we will deduce formal propositions of causal inherent in these relations.

Macro-level: Relations to
External Stakeholders
Trustful Stakeholder
Social Capital

Meso-Level: Shaping
Organizational Culture and
Responsible Ethical Culture Globalization
Leadership CSR Character Challenges
Social Entrepreneurship

Micro-Level: Personal
Effect on Followers’
Attitudes and Cognitions
E.g., OCB, Motivation, Job

Fig. 1 Outcomes of responsible leadership across levels of analysis

6 C. Voegtlin et al.

On the one hand, leaders will have to be role models in Structures and institutions, on the one hand, constrain
terms of good corporate social responsibility practices, individual agency in that they limit the possibility of
thereby trying to foster an ethical culture, as well as socially desirable or non-sanctioned actions and, in turn,
emphasizing the need for CSR and providing employees increase the costs of nonconformity (Giddens 1984;
with sense and meaning of the socially responsible activi- Phillips et al. 2004). On the other hand, individual agency
ties of their organization. On the other hand, the increasing shapes these conditions either by reproducing them or by
global competition forces companies to enhance their introducing new ways of doing things, i.e., individuals can
performance, to innovate faster, and to wage new (social) foster changes in structural conditions over time, especially
entrepreneurial ventures. by facilitating collective action.
A further important aspect of business leadership in a The possibilities for leaders to influence these conditions
work environment with a growing culturally heterogeneous can be derived from the common understanding of lead-
workforce and increased economic pressure is to motivate ership as an influence process to foster such collective
and satisfy the employees by encouraging them at the same action (Yukl 2006). Leaders have enhanced possibilities to
time to engage in citizenship behaviors. These conse- promote change, as they, first, can draw on a broader set of
quences will be discussed in the new model of responsible organizational resources (including authoritarian power
leadership (see Fig. 1). provided by the hierarchical position), second, are often
seen as role models employees rely upon or look to when
How Individual Leadership Can Affect Outcomes directing their actions, and third, can provide meaning or
Across Levels of Analysis visions that direct change (see, e.g., Bandura 1986; Bass
1990; Yukl 2006).
Before we discuss the proposed model in detail, we will In the following description of the responsible leader-
point to the interaction between leadership agency and ship model, we will not focus on the constraints imposed
(organizational) structures. This implies two questions that by structural conditions, but rather on the possible influ-
need to be addressed: first, in how far is individual lead- ence of agency through responsible leadership. We thereby
ership action constrained by structures and in how far can assume that the favorable implications of responsible
agency, in turn, evoke change. Second, how does individ- leadership agency can trigger collective action and, sub-
ual leadership agency affect meso- and macro-level struc- sequently, affect meso- and macro-level outcomes. This
tural dispositions. Both questions also warrant further should be applicable for all the relationships discussed in
research and discussion in the (responsible) leadership the following.
Addressing these questions will add to the discussion How Responsible Leadership Can Help to Address
around leadership and CSR, guide the reader through the the Challenges of Globalization: Discussing
framework, and offer a starting point for future research the Proposed Model
that may investigate this duality in more detail. In this
regard, there are limitations to the scope of the discussion The research agenda of responsible leadership can be
in this article. The aim is therefore to present an overview extended to possible outcomes of responsible leadership.
and, at the same time, to encourage other researchers to Responsible leaders are leaders that exert influence by
carry this further. fostering an active stakeholder dialogue. They estimate
The macro-level as a point of reference encompasses the consequences of their actions and try to weigh and balance
interaction of organizations with the broader (global) different stakeholder claims, in order to achieve mutual
society, the meso-level is regarded here as the level-of- beneficial solutions for all involved parties. Such leader-
analysis of internal organizational structures and practices, ship behavior can have an effect on the quality (and
and the micro-level is understood as the level of personal quantity) of stakeholder relations as well as on follower
interaction of individual agents. attitudes and other important organizational factors.
On the meso-level organizational structures can be In the following, we propose positive effects of
viewed as historically evolved and socially embedded responsible leadership on stakeholder relations (in the form
practices that are enacted through organizational routines, of legitimacy, trust and social capital), on the ethical cul-
actions, and discourses across all organizational levels ture of an organization, the perceived CSR-Character,
(Giddens 1984; Whittington 2010). A similar definition can social entrepreneurship and organizational performance, as
be applied to institutions on the macro-level: ‘‘[institutions] well as on follower attitudes and cognitions (see Fig. 1).
are historical accreditations of past practices and under- These relationships will be discussed based on the macro-
standings that set conditions on actions’’ (Phillips, Law- level of leadership relations with external organizational
rence and Hardy 2004, p. 637). stakeholders, the meso-level of shaping the internal

Responsible Leadership in Global Business 7

organizational culture and affecting organizational perfor- considerations, puts forward an enhanced emphasis on
mance, and the micro-level of personal interaction with moral legitimacy, as the pluralization of modern society
employees. and its resulting cultural heterogeneity erodes the taken-for
granted assumptions (of cognitive legitimacy) and cannot
Macro-Level Outcomes: Fostering Stakeholder Relations be secured solely by changing (exchange-)coalitions with
stakeholders (pragmatic legitimacy).
The negative side effects of globalization and the increase We, therefore, propose responsible leadership as a pre-
in corporate scandals lead to an erosion of corporate condition for securing the moral legitimacy of an organiza-
legitimacy (Palazzo and Scherer 2006). On the one hand, tion. Responsible leadership rests on deliberative practices
leaders are faced with a loss of public trust. On the other and discursive conflict resolution. Moral legitimacy is built
hand, the actions of organizations are being monitored to a and maintained through communication and participation in
greater degree by different stakeholders. Leaders are public discourses, justifying organizational actions in an
confronted with the challenges of securing legitimacy, active stakeholder discourse with relevant societal actors
(re-)building trustful stakeholder relations and enhancing (Palazzo and Scherer 2006; Suchman 1995). The incorpo-
their social capital (Maak 2007). ration of stakeholders in the decision making process and the
We propose that engaging in responsible leadership will acknowledgment of their arguments secures legitimate
help leaders to address these challenges as such conduct decisions in terms of a fair access (input legitimacy) and in
will have a positive effect on the relationships with terms of accepted outcomes (output legitimacy).
stakeholders. In the following, we will present hypotheses Taken together, we hold that responsible leadership
on how responsible leadership can maintain corporate produces legitimate decisions and thus helps to secure the
legitimacy, build trustful relationships with stakeholders, legitimacy of the organization. It closes the gap with cor-
and enhance the social capital inherent in those relations. porate social responsibility in that it guarantees legitimacy
for the organizational actions, which could be regarded as
Legitimacy The new challenges of globalization for the the main goal of an extended social responsibility of
corporation and subsequently for its leaders will eventually organizations (see, e.g., Palazzo and Scherer 2006, p. 73).
lie in the problem of building up and securing the (moral)
Proposition 1 Responsible leadership helps to build and
legitimacy in a given society (Palazzo and Scherer 2006).
maintain the legitimacy of an organization.
The post-national constellation, in which the latitude of
control by nations over multinational organizations is
Trustful Stakeholder Relations Trust has received a lot of
eroding, leads to a politicization of organizations and thus
attention in scholarly research (see McAllister 1995;
to higher demands for building up or maintaining their
Rousseau et al. 1998), also in the field of leadership (e.g.,
legitimacy (Palazzo and Scherer 2006; Scherer and Palazzo
Burke et al. 2007; Dirks and Ferrin 2002). Trust, seen as a
relational process between individuals (e.g., between
Suchman (1995, p. 574) defines legitimacy as ‘‘a gen-
leaders and followers), has been defined as ‘‘a psychological
eralized perception or assumption that the actions of an
state [comprised] of the intention to accept vulnerability
entity are desirable, proper, or appropriate within some
based upon positive expectations of the intentions or
socially constructed system of norms, values, beliefs, and
behaviors of another’’ (Rousseau et al. 1998, p. 395). Dirks
definitions.’’ The ascribed legitimacy of an organization is
and Ferrin have distinguished two qualitatively different
important for its long-term survival. It guarantees a license
perspectives of trust in leadership research, a relation-based
to operate in a given society and is ‘‘a precondition for the
perspective and a character-based perspective (Dirks and
continuous flow of resources and the sustained support by
Ferrin 2002, p. 612). The relation-based perspective
the organization’s constituents’’ (Palazzo and Scherer
emphasizes the social exchange process and relates
2006, p. 71). Suchman (1995) distinguishes three types of
trust to relationships of mutual obligation that inherit
legitimacy: pragmatic, moral, and cognitive legitimacy.
goodwill. In relationships that build trust issues of care and
Pragmatic legitimacy is ascribed when an organization can
consideration are central. From a character-based perspec-
satisfy the self-interested expectations of the organization’s
tive, the employees place trust in the leader depending on
immediate audiences, i.e., its main stakeholders. Cognitive
the leader’s positive characteristics like, e.g., integrity,
legitimacy rests on the taken-for-granted assumptions of an
fairness, or ability.2
organization’s role and behavior in a society. And moral
legitimacy is based on conscious moral judgments and 2
Trust in leadership studies is conceptualized and measured in the
normative evaluation of the organization’s activities.
form of a perception of followers, attributing trust to the respective
Palazzo and Scherer (2006) argued that the process of leader, and is not based, e.g., on measuring the quality of the
globalization, which is also the starting point for our relationship directly (Dirks and Ferrin 2002, p. 612).

8 C. Voegtlin et al.

We propose that responsible leadership conduct evokes in social networks that can be used to facilitate collective
trust among those stakeholders a leader interacts with more action (Adler and Kwon 2002, p. 17). Social capital was
frequently (not only his or her direct employees or fol- used in the literature as an umbrella term for resources that
lowers) and helps to build mutually beneficial stakeholder can be accumulated through social relations (e.g., trust was
relationships. From this point of view, the relation-based equated with social capital) (Adler and Kwon 2002;
perspective will play a more central role than the character- Fulkerson and Thompson 2008). What distinguishes the
based perspective, as we do not align responsible leader- notion of social capital from what we referred to as trust in
ship with certain characteristics of the leader (which does the last section is that it is framed as capital that can be
not mean that responsible leaders will not have those mobilized to facilitate collective action. Social capital is
characteristics that promote trust; it could maybe even be built through social exchange processes that rely on
hypothesized that they will be more prone to have them). exchanges of favors and gifts, in contrast to exchanges that
Trust as a relational construct presupposes positive rely primarily on market or hierarchical modes of inter-
expectations of the intentions or behaviors of leaders from action (Adler and Kwon 2002). The extent of social capital
the side of the stakeholders. Preconditions of trustful is dependent on the formal structure of the network ties and
stakeholder relationships that have been identified are, the content or quality of those ties.
e.g., transparency, open communication, inclusion and Maak and Pless conceptualized social capital as an
involvement of the stakeholders in the decision making essential part of their responsible leadership model (see,
process, and coming to accepted and traceable outcomes e.g., Maak 2007; Maak and Pless 2006c). Maak argues that
(see Burke et al. 2007, pp. 610ff; Dirks and Ferrin 2002, responsible leadership conduct, which places an emphasis
pp. 612ff). on stakeholder interaction, contributes to building social
These preconditions are addressed by responsible lead- capital (Maak 2007). Responsible leadership behavior
ership conduct. Responsible leaders are more likely to builds social capital in that it facilitates the establishing of
build up such trustful stakeholder relationships when they a formal stakeholder network by engaging in frequent
estimate the (negative) consequences of their decisions, use stakeholder interaction and an active stakeholder dialog.
their influence to engage stakeholders in an active dia- Additionally, responsible leadership behavior should help
logue, and weigh and balance the different interests, to accumulate social capital by positively affecting the
thereby coming to accepted and mutually beneficial solu- quality of the stakeholder network as responsible leaders
tions. Being aware of and considering the consequences of engage in fair and balanced stakeholder dialogs, aiming for
decisions helps leaders to avoid negative consequences and discursive decision situations. This signals to stakeholders
enables them to justify the decisions afterward if held that their interests will be taken into account and that those
accountable by stakeholders. This can lead to more trans- relations with responsible leaders go beyond a pure market
parent, traceable, and also acceptable outcomes, which in orientation (in interaction with external stakeholders)
turn are promoters of trustful relationships (Burke et al. or hierarchical exchange processes (in dealing with
2007; Dirks and Ferrin 2002). employees).
Further, by engaging in an active dialog responsible The goodwill inherent in social capital could then, in
leaders establish arenas for open communication and foster turn, be mobilized to create innovation and to facilitate
the inclusion and involvement of the stakeholders, and by entrepreneurship (Chong and Gibbons 1997).
aiming for discursive communication situations they create
Proposition 3 Responsible leadership behavior enhances
opportunities for acceptable and traceable solutions for all
the social capital inherent in stakeholder relations.
affected parties. Thus, through their frequent engagement
in fair and balanced stakeholder dialogs, responsible
Meso-Level Outcomes: Affecting the Internal
leaders are able to establish lasting and trustful relation-
Organizational Environment
ships. Stakeholders who experience a leader as being
responsible will generate positive expectations of the
In relation to meso-level outcomes, we propose effects of
intentions or behaviors of this person. This will increase the
responsible leadership conduct that may change the shared
trustworthiness of the leader and the trust in the relation-
practices and dispositions of an organization.
ship to this leader.
In the following, we want to establish a preliminary
Proposition 2 Responsible leadership has a positive theoretical link between the individual leadership level and
effect on building trustful stakeholder relations. the organizational level of corporate responsibility in that
we discuss the influence of responsible leadership on the
Stakeholder Social Capital Social capital reflects the ethical culture and the perceived importance of CSR of an
goodwill inherent in social relationships and is a resource organization. This is a needed future research direction, as,

Responsible Leadership in Global Business 9

first, globalization increases the relevance of CSR for arguments of others, responsible leaders as role models
multinational firms and, second, as the link between indi- provide an ethical vision of discursive conflict resolution
vidual agency and corporate responsibility is still insuffi- for others. This in turn may affect the perceived ethical
ciently addressed (see, e.g., Crane et al. 2008; Heugens and culture in organizations by shaping the collective, shared
Scherer 2010; Scherer and Palazzo 2008a). expectations of what is perceived as right or wrong.
Further, due to the growing complexity and dynamic of In continuance of this, one could also draw on Kaptein
the global business environment of organizations, compa- (2008) to illustrate the impact of responsible leadership.
nies are confronted with the challenge of continuous More recently, he has refined the construct of ethical cul-
adaption and innovation, also in the form of social entre- ture by forwarding a corporate ethics virtues model which
preneurial ventures. With regard to this, we focus in the proposes seven virtues that prevent employees from acting
following on the relation between responsible leadership unethically and, at the same time, stimulate them to act
behavior and social entrepreneurship. Finally, leader ethically. Those virtues were derived from qualitative
effectiveness and the effect of responsible leadership on interviews, and Kaptein drew on them to develop an
organizational performance will be addressed. expanded measure of ethical culture. The virtues comprise
the virtue of clarity, congruency, feasibility, supportability,
Ethical Environment The work environment, which we transparency, discussability, and sanctionability (Kaptein
refer to as an organization’s culture, plays an important 2008, pp. 924ff).
part in shaping and directing people’s behavior (Schein These are also virtues that can be positively affected by
1996; Schneider 1975). In relation to responsible leader- responsible leadership. If, e.g., responsible leaders dem-
ship, the prevalent ethical culture and the importance of onstrate clear ethical standards (in terms of discourse eth-
corporate social responsibility, as perceived by the ical conflict resolution) (clarity) and if those standards are
employees within an organization, are important levers for recognized by the employees as a visible guidance for
creating a socially responsible organization. action (congruency), if employees are given the discretion
We will look here at the understanding of an ethical to act upon them (feasibility), and if the ethical standards
culture as proposed first by Trevino and colleagues are supported and made transparent by leaders, as well as
(Trevino 1986; Trevino et al. 1998) and later expanded by left open to discussion, this should encourage an ethical
Kaptein (2008). The research stream that focused on the culture with an emphasis on stakeholder dialog and
concept of ethical culture in organizations was brought discourse.
forward by Trevino et al. (Trevino 1986; Trevino et al. Taken together, we propose that responsible leadership,
1998). Ethical culture was conceptualized as being part of enacted over time, should be able to influence the ethical
the overall culture of an organization. It was later advanced culture of an organization. Responsible leadership prac-
by Trevino and colleagues to encompass ‘‘the formal and tices will thereby encourage a culture of discourse and
informal behavioral control systems […] that can support deliberation.
either ethical or unethical conduct in an organization’’
Proposition 4 Responsible leaders can gradually change
(Brown and Trevino 2006, p. 601).3 The conception of
the ethical culture of an organization over time. Respon-
Trevino and colleagues thereby aims at discovering what is
sible leadership will thereby encourage a culture of dis-
generally perceived as ethics within an organization. The
cursive conflict resolution and deliberative practices.
normative implications of the ethical culture conception are
not specified.
Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Another part
Responsible leadership can gradually influence the eth-
of the prevalent culture in an organization that responsible
ical culture over time. By enacting responsible leadership
leadership can help to shape is the perceived importance of
practices such leaders may shape the formal (e.g., through
corporate social responsibility (CSR) within the organi-
their position power and discretion) as well as the informal
zational setting. CSR is often used as an umbrella term for
(e.g., in terms of role modeling) behavioral control systems
concepts dealing with social issues and has been used in
that direct the ethical behavior in organizations. By con-
many different ways (Scherer and Palazzo 2007). It was
tinuously displaying a concern for long-term consequences
often defined in terms of what organizations do in relation
of decisions, by fostering an active stakeholder dialog, and
to social responsibility (e.g., doing more than what is
by practicing inclusive communication that considers the
expected by the law) (see, e.g., Waddock 2008). Basu and
The informal and formal (social) control systems encompass to a Palazzo (2008) argued that this content-driven under-
certain extent what is debated in the CSR literature as compliance and standing is not sufficient when it comes to examining how
integrity approaches, referring to formal rules and laws as well as to managers and employees think, discuss, and act in relation
informal values (see critically, Stansbury and Barry 2007; Weaver to CSR.
and Trevino 1999).

10 C. Voegtlin et al.

They propose a process model of sensemaking and processes, products, or services for the first time within an
define ‘‘CSR as the process by which managers within an organizational setting’’ (Pierce and Delbecq 1977, p. 29).
organization think about and discuss relationships with Innovation is an important driver of organizational change
stakeholders as well as their roles in relation to the com- and was related to organizational success and competitive
mon good, along with their behavioral disposition with advantages (Gumusluoglu and Ilsev 2009).
respect to the fulfillment and achievement of these roles We propose that the interrelation between responsible
and relationships’’ (Basu and Palazzo 2008, p. 124). leaders and stakeholders from the social and political
According to this understanding, the importance of CSR in environment, e.g., NGOs or social movements, can trigger
an organization can be perceived by members of the social innovation. For example, expanding the knowledge
organization through sensemaking processes. Basu and base and the (technical) knowledge resources was consid-
Palazzo advance their model of CSR-sensemaking along ered to foster innovation. Responsible leadership behavior
the dimensions of cognitive, linguistic, and conative helps to expand the knowledge base by fostering an active
dimensions through which people in organizations make stakeholder dialog where all participants can contribute
sense of CSR-related activities. Those dimensions form the their knowledge and expertise to solve problems. The same
‘‘CSR-character’’ of an organization. holds for internal and external communication. Both were
The process model of sensemaking emphasizes the related to a positive effect on innovation.4 Responsible
importance of mental models and frames that affect how leaders engage in communications with external stake-
the external world (including issues of CSR) is perceived holders like government officials or NGOs. This creates
by organizational members. This means that these collec- opportunities for exchanging information and for bringing
tive, shared mental frames in an organization shape and up innovative ideas. The dialog with internal stakeholders
direct attention toward what is perceived as important by will in turn facilitate the dispersion of ideas within the
the people working there. organization and create a favorable internal environment
The influence process, which is regarded as a key aspect for innovation.
of the definition of leadership (Yukl 2006), is connected to Responsible leaders fostering social innovation can be
the management of meaning (Fairhurst 2009). That is, regarded as what an evolving stream in the literature calls
leadership is also a process of sensegiving that affects the social entrepreneurs (Nicholls and Cho 2006). Social
mental models of how the world is perceived by organi- entrepreneurship is understood as pursuing ventures that
zational members (Fairhurst 2009). bring together a social mission, an emphasis on innovation
Responsible leaders as managers of meaning can influ- and a market orientation (Nicholls and Cho 2006, p. 115).
ence the perceived ‘‘CSR-character’’ of an organization by Social entrepreneurs thereby play the role of change agents
sensitizing their employees for possible social and envi- in the social sector (Bloom 2009, p. 128). The change of
ronmental consequences of corporate actions, by empha- the institutional systems that social entrepreneurs can
sizing, and also by demonstrating in their actions the achieve depends on the influence they can exert. We pro-
importance of stakeholder engagement and involvement. pose that responsible leaders, especially in top level man-
If responsible leaders can convince their employees that agement positions, can advance social entrepreneurial
CSR is an important topic in their organization, those ventures that can achieve considerable changes (De Hoogh
employees will more readily engage in active stakeholder and Den Hartog 2008; Ling et al. 2008; Waldman et al.
dialogs when social and environmental issues are at stake. 2006), as responsible leadership addresses the balance
Additionally, if leaders can provide a sense of purpose for between a market orientation and recognizing the interests
the CSR-activities of their organization, their employees of stakeholders pursuing a social mission, and as respon-
will more readily recognize issues of CSR as part of their sible leadership conduct brings with it an enhanced possi-
daily practice and engage themselves in CSR-related bility for innovation.
Proposition 6 Responsible leaders are more likely to act
Therefore, we conclude that responsible leadership can
as social entrepreneurs than non-responsible leaders.
contribute to an enhanced awareness of the CSR-character
of a firm.
Organizational Performance An important issue con-
cerning the intersection of leadership and responsibility, or
Proposition 5 Responsible leadership can positively
ethics, respectively, is the question of what an effective
affect the perceived importance of CSR in an organization.
For further literature on the determinants of innovation, see the
Social Entrepreneurship Responsible leaders will be able
meta-analysis of Damanpour (1991). The relationships between the
to foster social innovation. Innovation can be defined as determinants and innovation were based on theoretical reasoning and
‘‘the generation, acceptance and implementation of new empirical findings (Damanpour 1991, p. 557).

Responsible Leadership in Global Business 11

leader is. It revolves around the issue whether an ethically identified as performance drivers (Locke and Latham 2004;
good leader is always an effective leader and vice versa Mathieu and Zajac 1990). Thus, taken together, it could be
(Ciulla 1995, 2005). The main goal of responsible leader- hypothesized that responsible leadership has an effect on
ship as proposed here is to contribute to the fulfillment of the financial and social performance of an organization.
organizational performance goals. Responsible leadership
Proposition 7 Responsible leadership contributes
connects to the understanding of leadership in general, in
directly and indirectly to the performance of an organiza-
that it can be regarded as a ‘‘process of facilitating indi-
tion under the caveat of ethical or moral means.
vidual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objec-
tives’’ (Yukl 2006, p. 8).
Micro-Level Outcomes: Effects on Followers’ Attitudes
Yet, to act responsibly additionally implies an ethical
and Cognitions
qualification, which can be understood as an evaluation of
the means to accomplish performance goals in the light of
Apart from the proposed outcomes, responsible leaders will
moral norms or ethical considerations. This ethical com-
also have a direct and considerable effect on their imme-
mitment can lead to situational amendments of perfor-
diate followers. To satisfy and motivate employees is still a
mance goals if the social cohabitation in a society is in
key challenge of leadership and this aspect should therefore
danger of being breached (Scherer 2003, pp. 427ff). A
not be neglected in the discussion on responsible
negative example of not considering an ethical qualifica-
tion would be the case of BP and the 2010 oil spill in the
Leaders in organizations occupy an exposed position
Gulf of Mexico. Previous insights suggest that the man-
and as such are often regarded as role models (Brown et al.
agers involved chose the cheaper solution for drilling,
2005; Trevino et al. 2000). Bandura’s social learning the-
taking into account higher risks for the people working on
ory (Bandura 1986) emphasizes the importance of positive
the oil platform, the surrounding environment and those
role models that help individuals to learn and reinforce
people living on the nearby shores. Their decisions were
what they have learned. Brown et al. (Brown et al. 2005;
driven by financial performance pressure from the com-
Brown and Trevino 2006) build their concept of ethical
pany (Oil Spill Commission 2011; The New York Times
leadership around the reinforcing effect of leaders as
2010a, b).
positive ethical role models in organizations.
An ethical qualification is implicitly built into the defi-
Responsible leaders will have a twofold effect on fol-
nition of responsible leadership, as responsible leaders
lower attitudes and cognitions. First, we propose a positive
evaluate their decisions and actions according to the pos-
effect of responsible leaders as role models (Bandura 1986;
sible consequences and engage in an active dialog to find
Brown et al. 2005). If followers see that their supervisor
solutions that can be accepted by the affected parties. Thus,
incorporates the affected parties in the decision-making
responsible leaders contribute to financial performance
process and seeks to make balanced decisions, ideally
under the caveat of only implementing means that are
resolving decision situations in a consensus, they may
morally legitimate to reach their goals.
perceive their leader as an attractive and legitimate role
Apart from the direct link of responsible leadership and
model from whom they can learn the importance of
effectiveness, we assume additional indirect positive
involving others and engaging in discursive practices. An
effects of responsible leadership on the performance of an
example of how responsible leaders as role models could
organization. Mediated by the other outcome variables in
have a positive effect on follower behavior would be an
Fig. 1, responsible leadership could have a positive effect
enhanced organizational citizenship behavior of followers
on social and financial performance of the organization.
(OCB) (Konovsky and Pugh 1994; Podsakoff et al. 2000).
Responsible leadership was hypothesized to build up
OCB is defined as behavior that shows engagement beyond
trustful relationships and social capital, to foster social
what is requested from the organization or what would be
innovation and will in the next section be proposed to
an enforceable part of the job description or employment
positively affect followers’ attitudes and cognitions. Trust
contract (Podsakoff et al. 2000, p. 513). Responsible
was shown to have a positive effect on performance (Burke
leaders will be positive role models in relation to citizen-
et al. 2007; Dirks and Ferrin 2002). The accumulated social
ship behavior, as they think about consequences for
capital in stakeholder relations built up by responsible
stakeholders from the social and political environment and
leaders can be used to facilitate collective action (Adler
incorporate them in decision situations. This helps to solve
and Kwon 2002), with the aim of enhancing either the
the needs of both sides and shows an engagement with
financial or social performance of an organization. Social
societal interest groups, which moves beyond what is
innovation can be hypothesized to enhance the social per-
requested from the immediate job description. Employees
formance of an organization. Finally, follower attitudes
may learn from such appealing leadership behavior.
like job satisfaction, motivation, or commitment have been

12 C. Voegtlin et al.

Second, there will be a direct effect of responsible consensual solutions as an effectiveness criterion. Subse-
leadership on followers, since engaging in an active quently, we suggest that responsible leadership as active
stakeholder dialog means that responsible leaders also stakeholder engagement and discursive conflict resolution
incorporate the immediate followers in far reaching deci- should be better able to address the challenges of global-
sion-making processes if those decisions would affect ization than existing leadership conceptions. Our model
them. Participative practices and involving followers in the tries to show this theoretically by relating the distinct
decision making process was shown to enhance work aspects of responsible leadership to these challenges.
related attitudes (e.g., empowerment, see Spreitzer 1996). We thus contributed to the literature, first, by advancing
If employees feel that they can actively contribute to the concept of responsible leadership (Maak 2007; Maak
decision situations, and if they feel they are regarded as and Pless 2008; Waldman and Galvin 2008), and second,
important by their supervisor, this may be hypothesized to by providing a new model that presents a research agenda
affect their attitude toward satisfaction with their job for the field. The model allows a highlighting of positive
(Spector 1997), their motivation (Locke and Latham 2004), effects of responsible leadership and offers a way of how
or their commitment to the organization they are working to translate a philosophical foundation into a practically
for (Mathieu and Zajac 1990). relevant concept.
Finally, we will highlight directions for future research
Proposition 8 Responsible leadership will have a posi-
that directly connect to the model of responsible leader-
tive effect on followers’ attitudes and cognitions (e.g., job
ship. The first direction would be to empirically test those
satisfaction, motivation, commitment or organizational
propositions set up in the article. Therefore, responsible
citizenship behavior).
leadership would have to be operationalized. Thoughts
could be given on the advancement of an empirical mea-
sure of responsible leadership (Voegtlin 2011). In addition
Conclusion to a quantitative research agenda, qualitative approaches
could offer further insights for the field in that such
This article has advanced a model of responsible leadership research may help to understand how people in organiza-
that embeds the leader’s responsibility in the process of tions make sense of the proposed responsible leadership
globalization and the societal efforts of self-regulation in practices. A fruitful direction would be, for example, to
the light of regulative deficits of the nation state and the analyze stakeholder dialogs or discursive practices around
new quality of global problems. As leadership is increas- leadership (Fairhurst 2009; Phillips et al. 2004).
ingly confronted with problems of cultural heterogeneity, Further, we acknowledge that the presented model of
moral dilemmas, and ethical conflicts, our understanding of responsible leadership is not final and does not encompass
responsible leadership places deliberative and discursive all possible factors that are affected by responsible lead-
practices at the heart of leadership, thereby aiming for a ership. Future research could advance the concept by
legitimate and peaceful mode of conflict resolution. offering additional factors that relate to responsible lead-
In pragmatic terms, this means that responsible leaders ership, such as focusing on drivers of responsible leader-
should think about the consequences of decisions for all ship or opportunities for training and development.
affected parties and engage in an active stakeholder dialog, Additionally, there still needs to be addressed the limita-
weighing and balancing the differing interests. Based on tions of the ideal of responsible leadership in daily busi-
this approach, we discussed positive outcomes of respon- ness, e.g., by discussing the problems of stakeholder
sible leadership in order to advance the understanding of dialogs, the costs of establishing consensual solution, or the
responsible leadership and its consequences. We addressed limits of engaging in public will formation (Stansbury
the outcome variables along various levels of analysis and 2009).
focused especially on future business challenges that Therefore, we suggest expanding the model to a con-
companies will face due to the globalization process. We tingency model of responsible leadership. Such a model
proposed responsible leadership as a lever to handle these can be helpful to show the contingencies that foster or
globalization challenges by highlighting how responsible allow for responsible leadership behavior in an organiza-
leadership conduct could positively affect them. tional setting. These contingencies comprise antecedents or
Responsible leadership is distinct from extant leadership moderating influences of responsible leadership (Voegtlin
approaches, such as, e.g., transformational leadership, et al. 2010).
ethical leadership, or authentic leadership, as it draws In terms of antecedents, it can be distinguished between
on the theory of discourse ethics and deliberative democ- the structural conditions of hierarchical organizations that
racy, conceptualizes leadership as leader–stakeholder constrain or enable leadership and the personal predispo-
interaction, implies an ethical qualification, and proposes sitions of the individual. The structural characteristics of

Responsible Leadership in Global Business 13

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