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running costs until the end of March, by PU BL I SH I NG

which time a new structure should be in
place — although academy members’ sala-
ries are being paid. But scientists say that
he has not come up with concrete propos-

plan rattles scientists

als for how the reform process will work in
practice, and has ignored their suggestions.

The turmoil has provoked several letters of
dissent, including one on 15 February from
Researchers say Indian policy could intensify misconduct.
ALLEA, an umbrella group of European
science academies based in Berlin. B Y G AYAT H R I VA I D YA N AT H A N A pay-to-publish scheme will exacerbate
And on 7 February, about 100 winners these problems, says Mukund Thattai, a

of the academy’s prestigious Momentum ndian scientists are criticizing a proposal by computational biologist at the National
awards — grants designed to encourage tal- the government to pay graduate students Centre for Biological Sciences in Bengaluru.
ented young scientists to return to or remain who publish in select journals. They fear Incentives for publishing could push some
in Hungary — published a letter to Prime that it could degrade the quality of research scientists to engage in fraud and plagiarism,
Minister Viktor Orbán expressing concern and lead to an increase in scientific miscon- says Thattai. “This is an absolute incentive to
about the restructuring and complaining duct, by incentivizing publishing rather than game the system,” he says.
that the reforms are being pushed through good science. But Ashutosh Sharma, the secretary of the
without negotiations with the organizations Under the proposal by a central govern- Department of Science and Technology in New
involved.“It is our firm request,” it says, “that ment committee, PhD students who publish in Delhi, says the scheme is about incentivizing
the hasty and ill-founded process of restruc- “reputed” international journals would receive quality research, as reflected in a paper. Publi-
turing the funding of Hungarian research a one-time payment of 50,000 rupees (about cations are one of the few indicators on which a
and innovation be suspended immediately.” US$700), while students who publish in select PhD student’s work can be judged, says Sharma.
A politically conservative group called the domestic journals would earn 20,000 rupees. “This is about encouraging [and] motivating
Batthyány Society of Professors also stressed The cash bonuses for publishing are more than students who are doing quality work.”
in an open letter to Lovász and Palkovics a typical graduate student’s monthly stipend. Indian scientists are also critical of the
that institutes must have guaranteed basic The committee says their recommendations committee’s recommendation to reward
funding and should not have to rely on are designed to improve the value and quality manuscripts in international journals with
project money awarded through contests. of doctoral research. Various pay-to-publish higher payments than
In its letter, the group also proposed the schemes have been reported in other countries, “This is an papers in Indian titles.
creation of a foundation to run the acad- such as China, South Korea and South Africa. absolute This implies that Indian
emy institutes. The foundation’s governing India’s government has yet to accept the incentive journals are less prestig-
body would be delegated by the Hungarian proposal, but academics there say evidence to game the ious, and that reputa-
government and its scientific council would suggests these schemes will not improve the system.” tion might in turn cause
comprise scientists — a suggestion that country’s issues with research quality. them to attract only
Palkovics told Nature he endorses. Palkovics sub-standard manuscripts that would further
said that reforms of the research landscape QUALITY ISSUES degrade the journals’ quality, says Subhash
are necessary because Hungary fares poorly Papers published by scientists in India are Lakhotia, a zoologist at Banaras Hindu
on innovation scoreboards. “Protests occur cited much less frequently than papers from University in Varanasi. The proposed scheme
whenever changes are introduced,” he said. China or the United States, according to a 2014 could damage India’s scientific publications
Lovász says that the foundation idea rep- analysis by the publishing company Elsevier overall, he says.
resents the first concrete proposal to move for the Department of Science and Technology The incentives could also make it harder for
reform plans forwards. “But it could only be (see Indian funding Indian scientists to publish in international
accepted under the conditions of freedom agencies closely track such metrics when journals, says Thattai. Some editors are already
of research from political interference and assessing scientists for grants, promotions and wary of submissions from the country because
a maintenance of the research network.” fellowships. of the number of retractions and misconduct
Palkovics told Nature that he welcomed One of these systems, managed by the cases, he says. Incentives that increase the
the opportunity to negotiate with academy University Grants Commission, India’s higher- number of submissions could make editors
leaders. education regulatory and funding agency, more cautious about Indian papers, he says.
Young scientists in Hungary contacted is used to assess academics’ performance. It A 2011 study of nations that offer cash
by Nature are wary of speaking on the places considerable weight on the number of incentives found that although the number
record, because they fear it could damage research publications, says Gautam Menon, of article submissions to the journal Science
their careers. One Momentum grant win- a computational biologist at The Institute of increased following the introduction of these
ner who is seeking a job abroad told Nature Mathematical Sciences in Chennai. policies, the acceptance rate of papers from
that he was finding it increasingly difficult to This reliance on metrics has pushed some those countries dropped (C. Franzoni et al.
recruit foreign or Hungarian postdocs and scientists to game the system by publish- Science 333, 702–703; 2011).
PhD students to his lab because of the dete- ing frequently without regard to the quality Sharma says the government has set up a
riorating political situation — even though of their research, says Arunan Elangannan, second committee to consider the publishing
he has a large grant that allows him to pay an inorganic chemist at the Indian Institute proposal. Menon and other scientists would
internationally competitive salaries. It is get- of Science in Bengaluru. Papers by Indian rather the government funded more PhD
ting harder to carry out high-level research scientists are retracted at about twice the rate research and increased the number of perma-
in Hungary, he says: the “ill-considered of papers from the United States, according to nent positions for scientists in state-funded
restructuring of the academy” spurred his an analysis using data from Retraction Watch, universities before introducing cash bonuses
decision to look for jobs elsewhere. ■ a blog that tracks academic misconduct. for publications. ■

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