How To Judge A Horoscope

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How to judge a Horoscope?

(without studying any

ancient classical books of Astrology.)
Vikram Pancholi
Astrology is simple.

One doesn’t need to read tones of old classics e.g. BPHS, Saravali, Uttar
Kalamrit, Jaimini etc. Believe me, if you have not read those hefty and
voluminous books, you will be more comfortable to analyze a horoscope. The
more you read, the more you will get confused.

This reservoir of old classic books on astrology has some core characteristics:

 The sources lack the chronological order - we are not able to

decide which one is the evolved version and to be considered
authentic source? Because of this disordered mass, we are liable to
come across any source not knowing that it was later modified by
another Seer.

 We do not know if the later publication supersedes earlier work.

 Due to social value of respecting elders, no seer has ever tried

to show limitations of earlier work or to override earlier

 Rather than giving exclusive valid rules, the sources continued

providing parallel views, methods and rules.

 This has resulted in a huge accumulation of not only stereotyped and

repetitive books but at times confusing and conflicting things.

 While, dealing with the classical methods, what is the one thing
that we have to always keep in mind?

o This is, undoubtedly, the fact that these are all efforts in
trying to know the unknown.

o There are no ultimate last words.Some people, due to their

outstanding reverence to the old, try to justify their claims
by quoting slokas from the classical books. They try to
validate what has been mentioned in such books with an
argument that, the validity lies in its continued use.

However, they forget that it is the eternal quest of human

beings to know the unknown that they keep on explore the
old books . And they have to keep exploring one after another
to find the distinction.. Had there been valid rules, the
latest book should have been enough.

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So, if you have not read ancient books, it is a blessing in disguise. What we
only need to know is simple, houses, signs and planets significance and
primary rules e.g., aspect etc. Rest is just pure logic.

Here is the beginning.

 Define the problem that the client wants to resolve. At times, the
native, due to his frustration, may not be able to formulate the
question well. We need to go beyond the words, read between the
lines and try to bring awareness about the core issue and not the

 Reading of horoscope in generic manner will not be useful in

practical life. The analysis of horoscope has to be issue
oriented. This will lead to the 2nd important step

 Decide the positive significators in the horoscope for the identified

issue. This may be

o the group of houses e.g., for employment, 10th, 2nd, 6th and
11th. These are the areas of life denoting occupation, earning,
seriving and gains respectively.

o Inter connection of these houses will show strength of horoscope

for the said issue. This can be ascertained by

 Placement in relatively positive houses e.g., 5–9 to each

other and

 their mutual friendship

 their sign strength e.g., placement in exaltation, mooltrikon

or own sign

(A) Make a list of all these positive factors

 Decide the Negative significators in the horoscope for the identified

issue. This may be

o the group of negative houses. This will, generally, be 6th, 8th and
12th e.g., for employment, 1st, 5th. These are the areas of life
denoting lack of income, self-employment rather than

We need to be logical here : we have not included 9th house even

when its 12th to 10th because 9th is bhagya and is very much a
positive house. Though it may suggest change of place, it will not
oppose occupation. Similarly we cannot omit 10th house, even
when it is 12th to 11th because 10th is the primary house for the

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o We need to find strength of above houses/planets in the
horoscope. This can be ascertained by

 their sign strength e.g., placement in exaltation, mooltrikon

or own sign

(B) Take a note of these negative planets.

 Judgment: We need to find out the planet that will support the

o For this, we have to evaluate (A) Vs (B). This may give us the
positive factors e.g.,

 If a positive planet group (A) is also included in negative

planets group (B), the same has to be dropped.

 After above elimination, we have a group of final positive


(C) We need to put the positive planets in order of their being

natural karaka of the issue and strength.

 Timing : We find the dasa/antara of planets found in step (C). The

following aspects need to be taken care here :

o The phase of life. The positive age period of the native wrt the
issue e.g., the dasa of stronger planet may not be significant if it
has been passed by the native in childhood.

o When there is a tie between more than one positive planets, the
karakatva of the nakshtra lord of the respective planet may be
helpful in assigning priority

 to narrow down the likely favourable period from the

dasa/antara period, the ruling planets for the day on which the
analysis is being done is used.

This is a standard blue print of assessing the strength and weakness of a

horoscope in a issue based analysis (of course other than good yogas.!!).
However, astrological guidance cannot remain rigid and mechanical. The
wisdom and experience of the astrologer will trigger intuitive ways and means
that cannot be foretold in a logical way.

Professional guidance:

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