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US 20100298747A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0298747 A1
Quinn (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 25, 2010

(54) BODY-ADHESIVE KINESIOLOGY TAPE Publication Classi?cation

(51) Int. Cl.
(75) Inventor: Reed M. Quinn, Highland, UT A611?‘ 5/40 (200601)
(US) (52) us. Cl. .......................................................... .. 602/1

Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT

DLC PATENTS, PLLC One example embodiment includes body-adhesive kinesiol
13032 CRATER LAKE CIRCLE ogy tape. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape includes a strip
RIVERTON, UT 84065 (US) of kinesiology tape. The strip of kinesiology tape includes a
?rst end and a second end Where the second end is opposite
- . the ?rst end. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape also
(73) Asslgnee' LUMOS INC" Provo’ UT (Us) includes a longitudinal cut in the strip of kinesiology tape
extending from the ?rst end to a pre-determined distance from
(21) Appl' NO‘: 12/626,355 the second end and adhesive on a ?rst surface of the strip of
kinesiology tape. The adhesive is con?gured to adhere the
(22) Filed: Nov. 25, 2009 strip of kinesiology tape to a human body. The body-adhesive
kinesiology tape further includes a backing material on the
Related US Application Data ?rst surface of the strip of kinesiology tape. The backing
material is con?gured to cover the adhesive and protect the
(60) Provisional application No. 61/200,400, ?led on Nov. adhesive from drying until a user is ready to apply the strip of
26, 2008. kinesiology tape to the human body.



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Fig. 4
US 2010/0298747 A1 Nov. 25, 2010

BODY-ADHESIVE KINESIOLOGY TAPE [0008] This can prevent casual users from receiving the
support bene?ts from such tapes. A casual user may lack the
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED means to cut the tape and the knoWledge of the different
APPLICATIONS shapes and siZes of the particular strips of tape required to
support a particular body area may not be readily apparent.
[0001] This application claims the bene?t of and priority to [0009] Accordingly, the design of a body adhesive kinesi
US. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/200,400, ology tape that could be applied in multiple useful conforma
entitled “Body-Adhesive Kinesiology Tape for Sports and tions Without the need for custom cutting and ?tting Would be
Medical Use and Methods and Processes Related Thereto” an improvement in the art.
?led on Nov. 26, 2008, Which application is incorporated
herein by reference in its entirety. BRIEF SUMMARY OF SOME EXAMPLE
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0010] This Summary is provided to introduce a selection
of concepts in a simpli?ed form that are further described
[0002] Kinesiology tape consists of a strip of elastic and beloW in the Detailed Description. This Summary is not
non-elastic ?bers, usually covered in cotton, Which is placed intended to identify key features or essential characteristics of
on human skin. Kinesiology tape is useful in therapy to
the claimed subject matter, nor is it intended to be used as an
reduce soreness in overused and injured muscles and in reha
aid in determining the scope of the claimed subject matter.
bilitation to accelerate recovery. The tape can have a lifting
effect on the skin Which can reduce swelling and in?amma
[0011] One example embodiment includes body-adhesive
tion by improving circulation and reduce pain by taking pres kinesiology tape. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape
includes a strip of kinesiology tape. The strip of kinesiology
sure off pain receptors. tape includes a ?rst end and a second end Where the second
[0003] Nevertheless, there are a number of drawbacks in end is opposite the ?rst end. The body-adhesive kinesiology
the current art regarding kinesiology tape. In particular, in tape also includes a longitudinal cut in the strip of kinesiology
order to provide proper support to various muscle groups or tape extending from the ?rst end to a pre-determined distance
body parts, body-adhesive tapes must be applied in speci?c from the second end and adhesive on a ?rst surface of the strip
Ways, Which often requires that multiple strips of speci?c of kinesiology tape. The adhesive is con?gured to adhere the
siZes and shapes be utiliZed. HoWever, kinesiology tapes are strip of kinesiology tape to a human body. The body-adhesive
generally available as a roll and the user must remove from
kinesiology tape further includes a backing material on the
the roll of tape the correct amount and, at times, cut the piece ?rst surface of the strip of kinesiology tape. The backing
further, to alloW the tape to properly support joints or muscles. material is con?gured to cover the adhesive and protect the
[0004] Body-adhesive kinesiology tapes for athletic use are adhesive from drying until a user is ready to apply the strip of
required to be strong, resiliently elastic, and resistant to tear kinesiology tape to the human body.
ing in order to provide adequate support to a user. Such tapes [0012] Another example embodiment includes body-adhe
cannot be easily torn into smaller pieces, but must be carefully sive kinesiology tape. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape
cut into a desired siZe and shape. This requires that scissors be includes a strip of kinesiology tape. The strip of kinesiology
used to cut the tape into the desired shape and siZe. HoWever, tape is approximately rectangular in shape and includes
the scissors must be quite sharp, as the tape does not readily rounded comers. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape also
cut due to its elastic nature. This presents a danger to the user, includes a longitudinal cut in the strip of kinesiology tape
as they may have to carry these scissors With them to the gym extending from a ?rst edge of the strip of kinesiology tape to
or other place of use. a pre-determined distance from a second edge of the strip of
[0005] Further, cutting the kinesiology tape can leave edges kinesiology tape Where the ?rst edge is opposite the second
on the kinesiology tape With sharp corners. Since kinesiology edge. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape further includes
tape is often used on or near joints, these sharp corners may adhesive on a ?rst surface of the strip of kinesiology tape. The
continually poke or otherWise irritate the user. Moreover, the adhesive is applied in a step frequency Wave pattern and is
cut edges of the tape may begin to fray because of the cut. This con?gured to adhere the strip of kinesiology tape to a human
may cause the kinesiology tape to become loose While the body. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape also includes a
user is participating in some physical activity. Alternatively, backing material on the ?rst surface of the strip of kinesiology
the user may be required to reapply the kinesiology tape tape. The backing material is con?gured to protect the adhe
during some break in the activity to ensure that the tape does sive from drying until a user is ready to apply the strip of
not become loose or fall off. kinesiology tape to the human body.
[0006] Additionally, different joints and muscle groups [0013] Yet another example embodiment includes body
may require different applications of kinesiology tape. adhesive kinesiology tape. The body-adhesive kinesiology
Indeed, one joint or muscle group may need different con tape includes tWo or more strips of kinesiology tape. The tWo
?gurations of kinesiology tape for different injuries to the or more strips of kinesiology tape are approximately rectan
joint or muscle group. Therefore, the user may need to be gular in shape and include rounded comers. The body-adhe
aWare of the proper method of application as Well as the type sive kinesiology tape also includes adhesive on a ?rst surface
and length of kinesiology tape to apply. of each of the tWo or more strips of kinesiology tape. The
[0007] Thus, those With access to professional personnel, adhesive is applied in a step frequency Wave pattern and is
such as personal trainers or physical therapists are able to con?gured to adhere each of the tWo or more strips of kine
utiliZe the bene?ts of kinesiology tapes. HoWever those With siology tape to a human body. The body-adhesive kinesiology
out access to such personnel such as a person making a casual tape further includes a backing material. The backing mate
trip to the gym, or due to other time, location or access reasons rial includes a perforation. The perforation is con?gured to
are not able to enjoy these bene?ts. permit a user to detach a ?rst portion of the backing material
US 2010/0298747 A1 Nov. 25, 2010

from a second portion of the backing material. The backing of future injury. The kinesiology tape 100 can have a lifting
material also includes at least one of the two or more strips of effect on the skin which can reduce swelling and in?amma
kinesiology tape adhered to the ?rst portion of the backing tion by improving circulation and reduce pain by taking pres
material. The backing material further includes at least one of sure off pain receptors.
the two or more strips of kinesiology tape adhered to the [0024] FIG. 1 shows that the kinesiology tape can include
second portion of the backing material. an approximately rectangular shape. In particular, the kinesi
[0014] These and other objects and features of the present ology tape 100 extends in a longitudinal direction from a ?rst
invention will become more fully apparent from the following end 105 to a second end 110. The width and length of the
description and appended claims, or may be learned by the kinesiology tape 100 can be changed as desired for particular
practice of the invention as set forth hereinafter. applications. For example, the width can be in the range of
from about 1 inch to about 4 inches, with a width of about 2
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS inches being used as the illustrative example discussed
[0015] To further clarify various aspects of some example
herein. Similarly, typical lengths of each individual strip may
be from about 5 to about 20 inches, with a length of about 10
embodiments of the present invention, a more particular
inches being used as the illustrative example discussed
description of the invention will be rendered by reference to
speci?c embodiments thereof which are illustrated in the
appended drawings. It is appreciated that these drawings [0025] FIG. 1 also shows that the comer of the kinesiology
depict only illustrated embodiments of the invention and are tape 100 can include a rounded comer 115. In at least one
therefore not to be considered limiting of its scope. The inven implementation, a rounded corner 115 can prevent fraying
tion will be described and explained with additional speci?c during application. Additionally or alternatively, a rounded
corner 115 can reduce the chance of accidental detachment
ity and detail through the use of the accompanying drawings
in which: during use of the kinesiology tape 100. For example, a
rounded corner 115 is much less likely than a square corner to
[0016] FIG. 1 illustrates an example of kinesiology tape;
snag on other materials, such as the user’s clothing, that might
[0017] FIG. 2 illustrates a roll 200 containing individual
detach the kinesiology tape 100 during use. Additionally or
strips of kinesiology tape; alternatively, a rounded 115 corner can provided more com
[0018] FIG. 3A illustrates an adhesive pattern for use in
fort to the user, as a rounded corner 115 does not have a sharp
body-adhesive kinesiology tape; corner that can poke the user or otherwise cause discomfort.
[0019] FIG. 3B illustrates the adhesive pattern of FIG. 3A
after the kinesiology tape has been cut into individual strips;
[0026] FIG. 1 further shows that the kinesiology tape 100
can include a longitudinal cut 120. In at least one implemen
tation, the longitudinal cut 120 can allow a user to split a
[0020] FIG. 4 is a ?ow chart illustrating a method for manu
portion of the kinesiology tape 100 when applying the kine
facturing kinesiology tape. siology tape 100 to the user’s body, as described below. The
longitudinal cut 120 can extend from the second end 110
longitudinally into the body of the tape section progressing
toward the ?rst end 105. In particular, the longitudinal cut 120
[0021] Reference will now be made to the ?gures wherein can extend to a termination point prior to the ?rst end 105,
like structures will be provided with like reference designa such that an uncut portion of tape is disposed at second end
tions. It is understood that the ?gures are diagrammatic and 110. For example, the longitudinal cut 120 can extend from
schematic representations of some embodiments of the inven the second end 110 to a point approximately two inches from
tion, and are not limiting of the present invention, nor are they the ?rst end 105.
necessarily drawn to scale. [0027] FIG. 1 also shows that the kinesiology tape 100 can
[0022] In addition to providing support, body-adhesive include a backing material 125 disposed underneath the kine
kinesiology tapes are used by athletes for the enhancement of siology tape 100. In at least one implementation, the backing
athletic performance and are used by athletes and non-ath material 125 is releasably attached to the kinesiology tape
letes for the reduction of muscle soreness, to aid in healing 100 by an adhesive layer, as describedbelow. Inparticular, the
from injury and in the prevention of injury. Upon application backing material 125 can include paper or any other material
to body parts with the skin pulled taut, after returning the skin suitable for protecting the adhesive on the kinesiology tape
to an un-stretched position the elastic properties of body 100 from drying before use. For example, the backing mate
adhesive kinesiology tapes provide an outward stretching or rial 125 can include a waxed paper which protects the adhe
“lifting” force on the skin, providing enhanced ?uid ?ow sive from being removed or drying.
from the taped area by assisting in the opening of the lym [0028] In at least one implementation, the backing material
phatic system and microcapillaries in the subcutaneous lay 125 may be formed as a continuous piece across its width,
ers. Additionally, this stretching force can provide a counter lacking a longitudinal cut which corresponds to the longitu
balance to muscle strain. dinal cut 120 of the kinesiology tape 100. In particular, the
[0023] FIG. 1 illustrates an example of kinesiology tape lack of a longitudinal cut in the backing material 125 can
100. In at least one implementation, kinesiology tape 100 allow the kinesiology tape 100 to be removed from the back
consists of a strip of elastic and non-elastic ?bers, each cov ing material 125 as one piece, without splitting the kinesiol
ered in a material which can include cotton, which is placed ogy tape down the longitudinal cut 120. This can allow the
on human skin. The individual ?bers are woven together to user to separate the two strips formed by longitudinal cut 120
produce a cloth-like tape that is able to stretch in a single or to leave the two strips formed by longitudinal cut 120
direction. In particular, kinesiology tape 100 is useful in adjacent to one another, depending on the intended place
therapy to reduce soreness in overused and injured muscles, ment. In at least one implementation, the backing material
in rehabilitation to accelerate recovery and in the prevention 125 can be placed on the kinesiology tape 100 before longi
US 2010/0298747 A1 Nov. 25, 2010

tudinal cut 120 is formed in the kinesiology tape 100. For component materials. Additionally or alternatively, the kine
example, longitudinal cut 120 may be formed by die cutting siology tape 100 can be formed then adhered to the backing
through the kinesiology tape 100 to the level of the backing material 125, as described beloW. The sheets of kinesiology
material 125 to result in the described structures. tape 100 adhered to backing material 125 can then undergo a
[0029] FIG. 1 shoWs that the backing material 125 can series of trimming to arrive at the ?nal product. For example,
include a ?rst perforation 130a and a second perforation 130b the kinesiology tape 100 can be trimmed to the desired Width
(collectively “perforations 130”). For example, the perfora and length then cut into individual rolls 200, as described
tions 130 may be disposed at points about tWo inches from the beloW.
?rst and second ends 105 and 110. In at least one implemen [0034] FIGS. 3A and 3B illustrate an adhesive pattern 300
tation, the perforations 130 can facilitate the tearing of the that can be applied to kinesiology tape. FIG. 3A illustrates the
backing material 125 along the perforations 130. In particu adhesive pattern applied to a sheet of kinesiology tape. FIG.
lar, perforations 120 can alloW a portion of the backing mate 3B illustrates the adhesive pattern after the kinesiology tape
rial 125 to be removed from the kinesiology tape 100 While has been cut into individual strips. Although described herein
other portions of the backing material 125 remain on the as deposited on kinesiology tape, one of skill in the art Will
kinesiology tape 100. This can facilitate placement of the understand that the adhesive can be applied to a backing
kinesiology tape 100 by alloWing the user to only Work With material With kinesiology tape later applied to the backing
desired sections of the kinesiology tape 100 or to apply the material or through some other method.
tape With a speci?c amount of stretch by ?rst anchoring only [0035] In at least one implementation, the adhesive can
the exposed adhesive and then applying the rest of the tape include any adhesive Which Will alloW the kinesiology tape to
With desired amount of stretch. adhere to the skin of a user Without irritating the user’s skin.
[0030] In at least one implementation, the backing material In particular, the main ingredient can include a single com
125 can be placed on the kinesiology tape 100 before perfo pound or a mixture of compounds. For example, the main
rations 130 are formed in the backing material 125. For ingredient can include polyacrylate. Additionally or altema
example, perforations 130 may be formed by die cutting tively, the adhesive can include a solvent Which is con?gured
through the backing material 125 at or near the level of the to evaporate or break doWn after application of the adhesive,
kinesiology tape 100 to result in the described structures. leaving the main ingredient behind. For example the adhesive
Additionally or alternatively, the perforations can be formed can include about 50% of the main ingredient With the rest of
in the backing material prior to the placement of the kinesi the adhesive comprising solvent. In at least one implementa
ology tape 100 on the backing material 125. tion, the solvent can include ethyl acetate.
[0031] FIG. 2 illustrates a roll 200 containing individual [0036] Additionally or alternatively, the adhesive can
strips of kinesiology tape 100. In at least one implementation, include pressure-sensitive adhesive. Pressure sensitive adhe
a roll 200 can be used to conveniently package a number of sive is adhesive Which forms a bond When pressure is applied.
individual strips of kinesiology tape 100 such that a user need I.e., no solvent, Water, activator chemicals, heat or other acti
not cut the kinesiology tape 100. Inpar‘ticular, the roll 200 can vating agent is needed to activate the adhesive. In at least one
include pre-cut strips of kinesiology tape 100 such that the implementation, the degree of bonding is in?uenced by the
user need not cut the kinesiology tape 100 at the time of use. amount of pressure Which is used to apply the adhesive to the
Additionally or alternatively, it Will be appreciated that the surface of the backing material. I.e., pressure applied to the
kinesiology tape 100 can be individually packaged as indi backing material and kinesiology tape in combination after
vidually cut sheets, or in any other form that alloWs the user to the application of the adhesive can be used to activate the
access an individual strip of kinesiology tape 100 Without the adhesive.
need to cut the kinesiology tape 100, rather than on a roll. [0037] FIGS. 3A and 3B shoW that the adhesive pattern 300
[0032] FIG. 2 shoWs that the roll 200 may include multiple can include a step frequency pattern. In at least one imple
strips of kinesiology tape 100. For example, the roll 200 can mentation, a step-frequency pattern can include the adhesive
include individual strips of kinesiology tape 100 disposed on applied in a modi?ed sine Wave pattern. For example, the
a single strip of backing material 125. In at least one imple adhesive pattern 3 00 includes a Wave With the upper peaks (as
mentation, the backing material 125 can be torn by a user for shoWn in FIG. 3) modi?ed to include a higher amplitude that
the removal of a single strip of kinesiology tape 100. Addi includes a sharper peak. Additionally, the adhesive pattern
tionally or alternatively, the backing material 125 can include 300 includes loWer peaks (as shoWn in FIG. 3) modi?ed to
a perforated cut across its Width betWeen each individual strip include a higher absolute amplitude, i.e., a higher amplitude
of kinesiology tape 100, facilitating the tearing of the backing relative to the baseline of the sine Wave. In at least one imple
material 125 betWeen each individual strip of kinesiology mentation, the adhesive pattern 300 can provide greater adhe
tape 100. sion for the kinesiology tape. For example, the adhesive pat
[0033] In at least one implementation, the backing material tern 300 can provide adhesion even With lateral movement of
125 can be cut or perforated betWeen strips of kinesiology the kinesiology tape relative to the user’s skin. In particular,
tape 100 by cutting the backing material 125 With suitable the adhesive pattern 300 can provide resistance to lateral
dies. For example, the perforations may be made by die cuts movement of the kinesiology tape in any direction on the
on the backing material 125 prior to the placement of kinesi user’s skin. In at least one implementation, such resistance
ology tape 100 on the backing material 125, With subsequent can alloW the kinesiology tape to better provide bene?ts to the
placement and alignment of the kinesiology tape 100. Addi user during use of the kinesiology tape, as described above.
tionally or alternatively, a large sheet of kinesiology tape 100 [0038] In at least one implementation, the adhesive pattern
can be deposited on a large sheet of backing material 125 With 300 can be produced using an erratic cam. Additional infor
the backing material 125 cut after placement. For example, mation regarding the use of an erratic cam to produce an
the kinesiology tape 100 may be formed on the backing adhesive pattern is provided in Us. patent application Ser.
material 125 by deposition of suitable layers of the various No. 12/ 554,203, entitled “MANUFACTURE OF KINESI
US 2010/0298747 A1 Nov. 25, 2010

OLOGY TAPE,” ?led Sep. 4, 2009. The foregoing patent [0045] In at least one implementation, the roll can include
application is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. any material suf?ciently strong to alloW the kinesiology tape
[0039] FIGS. 3A and 3B also shoW that the adhesive pattern 100 to be Wound around Without damaging the roll. For
includes a series of adhesive lines 305 interrupted by gaps example, the roll can include cardboard, paperboard or cor
310. In at least one implementation, the gaps 310 can alloW rugated ?berboard. In at least one implementation, the roll
the kinesiology tape to breathe. That is, the gaps 310 can alloWs the user to easily remove a single strip of kinesiology
alloW air to reach the skin of the user. Additionally or alter tape 100 and conveniently store the remaining strips of kine
natively, the gaps 310 can alloW sWeat from the users skin to siology tape 100 for later use.
be Wicked aWay from the skin by the kinesiology tape. [0046] FIG. 4 further shoWs that the method 400 further
Removing sWeat from the user’s skin can prevent the sWeat includes cutting 425 the roll. In at least one implementation,
from adversely effecting the adhesion of the kinesiology tape the roll can include a number of roWs of individual strips of
to the user’s skin. kinesiology tape 100 side-by-side. The roll can then be cut
[0040] FIG. 4 is a How chart illustrating a method 400 for 425 into narroW rolls that include only a single strip of back
manufacturing kinesiology tape. In at least one implementa ing material 125 With attached kinesiology tape in a single
tion, the kinesiology tape can be individual strips of kinesi roW for packing.
ology tape, such as the kinesiology tape 100 of FIGS. 1-3. [0047] One skilled in the art Will appreciate that, for this
Therefore, the method 400 Will be described, exemplarily, and other processes and methods disclosed herein, the func
With reference to the kinesiology tape 100 of FIG. 1-3. Nev tions performed in the processes and methods may be imple
ertheless, one of skill in the art can appreciate that the method mented in differing order. Furthermore, the outlined steps and
400 can be used to produce kinesiology tape other the kine operations are only provided as examples, and some of the
siology tape 100 ofFIG. 1-3. steps and operations may be optional, combined into feWer
[0041] FIG. 4 shoWs that the method 400 includes applying steps and operations, or expanded into additional steps and
405 adhesive to the backing material 125. For example, the operations Without detracting from the essence of the dis
adhesive can be applied in a step frequency pattern, such as closed embodiments.
step frequency pattern 300. In at least one implementation,
the adhesive can be applied to a large sheet of backing mate Examples of Body-Adhesive Kinesiology Tape Applications
rial 125. The backing material 125 can protect the adhesive [0048] By Way of example, and not by Way of limitation,
and prevent drying of the solvent until a user is ready to apply examples Will be provided shoWing hoW body-adhesive kine
the kinesiology tape 100. siology tape can be used to treat various injuries. These
[0042] FIG. 4 also shoWs that the method 400 includes examples can use the kinesiology tape 100 of FIG. 1. There
attaching 410 the backing material 125 to kinesiology tape fore, the example Will be explained in relation to the kinesi
100. For example, attaching 410 the backing material 125 to ology tape 100 of FIG. 1.
kinesiology tape 100 can include pressing a strip of kinesiol [0049] For use, the individual strips of kinesiology tape 100
ogy tape 100 onto the backing material 125 after the applica can be utiliZed for taping a variety of body areas, Without the
tion of the adhesive to the backing material 125. In at least one need for a cutting implement for the kinesiology tape 100.
implementation, attaching 410 the backing material 125 to The individual strip could be applied as a single sheet, or the
kinesiology tape 100 can include applying pressure to the uncut portion could be applied as a “anchor” portion folloWed
kinesiology tape 100 and backing material 125 to activate a by separation of the cut portion (i.e., the portion separated by
pressure sensitive adhesive, as described above. longitudinal cut 120) to form various Y-shaped conformation
[0043] FIG. 4 further shoWs that the method 400 includes applications. The various perforations of the backing material
cutting 415 the kinesiology tape 100. In at least one imple 125 can facilitate such placement by alloWing removal of only
mentation, cutting 415 the kinesiology tape 100 can include some of the backing material 125 to expose only a portion of
using a die cut, such as a roller die. In at least one implemen adhesive during application. Packages of kinesiology tape
tation, the die cut can shape and form a strip of kinesiology 100 can include instructions for users on the correct methods
tape 100 and the backing material 125 attached to the kinesi of applying the tape to various joints or other body areas.
ology tape 100 into any desired shape. In particular, the die [0050] Additionally or alternatively, individual packages of
cut can trim a sheet of kinesiology tape 100 into large ribbons kinesiology tape 1 00 can be provided as targeted kits intended
of kinesiology tape 100 and trim the large ribbons of kinesi for the application of kinesiology tape 100 to a speci?c body
ology tape 100 into individual strips of kinesiology tape 100. area. Such kits can include instructions for users on the cor
Additionally or alternatively, the die cut can cut or perforate rect Ways to apply the tape strips therein to the particular joint
the backing material 125, alloWing a user to separate indi or body area targeted by that kit. For example, a kit for
vidual strips of kinesiology tape 100 from one another as addressing tennis elboW can include tWo strips of kinesiology
needed or to remove only a portion of the backing material tape 100 and a set of instructions for the proper placement of
125, as described above. the strips.
[0044] FIG. 4 also shoWs that the method 400 includes [0051] For segmental pain over a vertebrae or loWer spinal
rolling 420 the kinesiology tape 100 onto a roll. In at least one pain the user can bend directly over With his head toWard his
implementation, the sheet of backing material 125 and the toes. The user can tear the kinesiology tape along the longi
individual strips of kinesiology tape 100 be rolled 420 onto a tudinal cut 120 such that the kinesiology tape 100 forms a “y”.
roll until the roll includes the desired number of individual While in the bent over position, the user can place the anchor
strips of kinesiology tape 100 With the backing material 125 of the y shaped strip of kinesiology tape 100 at the base of the
subsequently cut so that the roll includes a single strip of loWer back With the tWo tails of the y pointing toWard the
backing With an attached number of individual strips of kine user’s anchor. The user can pull each end of the kinesiology
siology tape. For example, the roll can include any number of tape 100 up along each side of the center of the user’s back
individual strips of kinesiology tape, such as l0, l2, 15 or 20. along each edge of the spine With loW to medium tension.
US 2010/0298747 A1 Nov. 25, 2010

[0052] For mid-line neck pain, the user can tear a ?ve to six eleven inch long, strip of kinesiology tape 100 along the
inch piece of kinesiology tape 100 along the longitudinal cut longitudinal cut 120. The user can place the anchor of the
120. The user can place the y shaped piece of kinesiology tape second strip of kinesiology tape 100 on the side of the user’s
With the anchor of kinesiology tape 100 in the center of the knee. The user can pull the ?rst tail of the second strip along
user’s back betWeen the user’s shoulder blades and pull both bottom of the user’s knee cap and the second tail of the second
tails up vertically along the back and base of neck along each strip along the top of the user’s knee cap With full tension. The
edge of the user’s spine. The user can place a second three to ?rst tail and the second tail can cross one another on the side
four inch strip of kinesiology tape 100 from the base of loWer of the user’s knee cap opposite the anchor of the second strip.
right side of neck to opposite side With full tension in the [0058] For general shoulder pain, the user can tear a ten to
middle but no tension on the tWo ends. eleven inch strip of kinesiology tape 100 along the longitudi
[0053] For lumbar spine pain in the loWer back, the user can nal cut 120. The user can place the anchor of the kinesiology
lean over slightly, as if leaning over a table. The user can place tape 100 just beloW the user’s deltoid. The user can place the
a three to four inch long strip of kinesiology tape 100 hori ?rst tail of the kinesiology tape 100 along front of the user’s
Zontally across the location of pain on the user’s loWer back, chest. The user can place the second tail of the kinesiology
centering the middle of the kinesiology tape 100 over the tape 100 around the back of the user’s shoulder. The user can
point of pain. The ?rst strip can be placed using middle place a second, ?ve to six inch long, strip of kinesiology tape
tension. Middle tension is acquired by stretching tight the 100 over the shoulder With full tension. The second strip can
middle 2 inches of the kinesiology tape 100 and placing it contact both tails of the ?rst strip of kinesiology tape 100.
?rmly on the target location. The edges of the kinesiology [0059] Alternatively, for general shoulderpain, the user can
tape 100 are then placed doWn Without tension. Tension is tear a sixteen to eighteen inch strip of kinesiology tape 100
found only in the center of the kinesiology tape 100. The user along the longitudinal cut 120. The user can place the anchor
can place a second strip of three to four inch long kinesiology of the strip over the user’s shoulder along the boney edge of
tape 100 vertically across location of pain on the user’s loWer the shoulder. The anchor of the kinesiology tape 100 can be
back, centering the middle of the kinesiology tape 100 over placed slightly in front of the shoulder With a tWo inch anchor
the point of pain and using middle tension. The placement of and stretched over the shoulder With signi?cant tension. The
the ?rst strip and second strip can create a “+” sign. The user ?rst tail of the kinesiology tape 100 can be stretched along the
can place a third strip of three to four inch long kinesiology top edge of the user’s scapula until it approaches the user’s
tape 100 along one of the diagonal axes of the ?rst strip and spine. The user can place the second tail just beloW the ?rst
second strip With the center of the third strip of kinesiology tail.
tape 100 over the main location of pain and using middle [0060] For top of shoulder pain or AC separation the user
tension. The user can continue by placing a fourth strip of can bend his/her elboW at a 90 degree angle and rest it on a
three to four inch long kinesiology tape 100 along the other table. The user can place a ?rst three to four inch long strip of
diagonal axis, by once again keeping the center of kinesiol kinesiology tape 100 horizontally across the user’s shoulder
ogy tape 100 over the point of pain and using middle tension. from the user’s chest to the user’s back using middle tension.
[0054] For Wrist extensor pain, the user can tear a sixteen to The user can place a second strip of three to four inch long
tWenty inch piece of kinesiology tape 100 along the longitu strip of kinesiology tape 100 orthogonal to the ?rst strip using
dinal cut 120. The user can place the anchor of the kinesiology middle tension. The placement of the ?rst strip and second
tape 100 above the elboW and slightly on the back of the user’s strip should create a “+” sign. The user can place a third strip
arm. The user can pull the ends of the kinesiology tape 100 of three to four inch long kinesiology tape 100 along one of
and Wrap the tails along the top of the user’s forearm until the the diagonal axes of the ?rst strip and second strip With the
tails of the kinesiology tape 100 are slightly beloW the user’s center of the third strip of kinesiology tape 100 over the
Wrist. shoulder using middle tension. The user can continue by
[0055] For tennis elboW, the user can tear a ten to tWelve placing a fourth strip of three to four inch long kinesiology
inch piece of kinesiology tape 100 along the longitudinal cut tape 100 along the other diagonal axis, by once again keeping
120. The user can place the anchor of the kinesiology tape 100 the center of kinesiology tape 100 over the shoulder and using
on the middle top of the user’s forearm and pull the ?rst tail of middle tension.
the kinesiology tape 100 up the user’s arm. The user can pull [0061] For shoulder pain or neck soreness the user can ?ex
the second tail around the user’s elboW to the back of the his/her neck by stretching his/her head opposite the direction
user’s elboW. The user can place a second, six to seven inch of the pain. The user can tear a ?ve to six inch strip of
long, strip of kinesiology tape 100 With the anchor of kinesi kinesiology tape 100 along the longitudinal cut 120. The user
ology tape 100 right beloW the user’s elboW on the user’s can place the anchor of the kinesiology tape 100 pointed
forearm and Wrap both ends up around the user’s arm muscle. doWn near the top interior corner of the user’s scapula. The
[0056] For shin splints (also knoWn as medial tibial stress user can pull both tails of the strip of kinesiology tape 100 up
syndrome or MTSS), the user can place a ?ve to six inch long toWards the neck With full tension. The user can place a
strip ofkinesiology tape 100 With the anchor in the arch of the second three to four inch strip of kinesiology tape 100 using
user’s foot. The user can pull the kinesiology tape 100 up the full tension on the middle portion of the ?rst strip of kinesi
user’s leg. The kinesiology tape 100 can be placed With one ology tape 100 and place the second strip orthogonally across
edge along the interior edge of the user’s tibia. the ?rst strip of kinesiology tape 100 With center of kinesiol
[0057] For anterior knee pain, the user can raise his/her ogy tape 100 placed over the point of pain and soreness.
knee slightly and place a pilloW under his/her knee. The user [0062] The present invention may be embodied in other
can place a ?rst strip of kinesiology tape 100, seven to eight speci?c forms Without departing from its spirit or essential
inches long, horiZontally right beloW the knee cap With characteristics. The described embodiments are to be consid
middle tension. The middle of the ?rst strip should be right ered in all respects only as illustrative and not restrictive. The
beloW the user’s knee cap. The user can tear a second, ten to scope of the invention is, therefore, indicated by the appended
US 2010/0298747 A1 Nov. 25, 2010

claims rather than by the foregoing description. All changes a longitudinal cut in the strip ofkinesiology tape extending
Which come Within the meaning and range of equivalency of from a ?rst edge of the strip of kinesiology tape to a
the claims are to be embraced Within their scope. pre-determined distance from a second edge of the strip
What is claimed is: of kinesiolo gy tape, Wherein the ?rst edge is opposite the
1. Body-adhesive kinesiology tape, the body-adhesive second edge;
kinesiology tape comprising: adhesive on a ?rst surface of the strip of kinesiology tape,
a strip of kinesiology tape; Wherein the adhesive is applied in a step frequency Wave
Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape includes a Weave of pattern;
?bers, Wherein the ?bers include an elastic ?ber covered Wherein the step-frequency Wave pattern includes a sine
by a covering material; Wave pattern With modi?ed peaks; and
Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape includes a ?rst end; Wherein the adhesive is con?gured to adhere the strip of
and kinesiology tape to a human body; and
Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape includes a second end, a backing material on the ?rst surface of the strip of kine
Wherein the second end is opposite the ?rst end; siology tape, Wherein the backing material is con?gured
a longitudinal cut in the strip of kinesiology tape extending to protect the adhesive from drying until a user is ready
from the ?rst end to a pre-determined distance from the to apply the strip of kinesiology tape to the human body.
second end; 14. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim
adhesive on a ?rst surface of the strip of kinesiology tape, 13, Wherein the strip of kinesiolo gy tape is between 1 inch and
Wherein the adhesive is con?gured to adhere the strip of 4 inches Wide.
kinesiology tape to a human body; and 15. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim
a backing material on the ?rst surface of the strip of kine 14, Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape is approximately 2
siology tape, Wherein the backing material is con?gured inches Wide.
to cover the adhesive and protect the adhesive from 16. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim
drying until a user is ready to apply the individual strip of 13, Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape is betWeen 8 inches
kinesiology tape to the human body. and 12 inches long.
2. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim 17. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim
1, Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape is approximately 16, Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape is approximately 20
rectangular. inches long.
3. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim 18. Body-adhesive kinesiology tape, the body-adhesive
2, Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape includes rounded kinesiology tape comprising:
tWo or more strips of kinesiology tape,
4. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape includes a Weave of
2, Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape is between 1 inch and ?bers, Wherein the ?bers include an elastic ?ber cov
4 inches Wide.
ered in cotton;
5. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim
Wherein the tWo or more strips of kinesiology tape are
4, Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape is approximately 2
inches Wide.
approximately rectangular in shape; and
6. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim Wherein the tWo or more strips of kinesiology tape
2, Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape is betWeen 5 inches include rounded comers;
and 20 inches long. adhesive on a ?rst surface of each of the tWo or more strips
7. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim of kinesiology tape, Wherein the adhesive is applied in a
6, Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape is approximately 10 step frequency Wave pattern;
inches long. Wherein the step-frequency Wave pattern includes a sine
8. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim Wave pattern With modi?ed peaks; and
1, Wherein the pre-determined distance from the longitudinal Wherein the adhesive is con?gured to adhere each of the
cut to the second end is approximately 2 inches. tWo or more strips of kinesiology tape to a human
9. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim body; and
1, Wherein the backing material includes a perforation a backing material, Wherein the backing material includes:
approximately 2 inches from the ?rst end. a perforation, Wherein the perforation is con?gured to
10. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim permit a user to detach a ?rst portion of the backing
1, Wherein the backing material includes a perforation material from a second portion of the backing mate
approximately 2 inches from the second end. rial;
11. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim at least one of the tWo or more strips of kinesiology tape
1, Wherein the adhesive includes one or more gaps. adhered to the ?rst portion of the backing material;
12. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim and
1, Wherein the covering material includes cotton. at least one of the tWo or more strips of kinesiology tape
13. Body-adhesive kinesiology tape, the body-adhesive adhered to the second portion of the backing material.
kinesiology tape comprising: 19. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim
a strip of kinesiology tape, Wherein the strip of kinesiology 18, further comprising a longitudinal cut in one of the tWo or
tape includes a Weave of ?bers, Wherein the ?bers more strips of kinesiology tape extending from a ?rst edge of
include an elastic ?ber covered in cotton; and the one of the tWo or more strips of kinesiology tape to
Wherein the strip of kinesiology tape is approximately approximately 2 inches from a second edge of one of the tWo
rectangular in shape and Wherein the strip of kinesi or more strips of kinesiology tape, Wherein the ?rst edge is
ology tape includes rounded comers; opposite the second edge.
US 2010/0298747 A1 Nov. 25, 2010

20. The body-adhesive kinesiology tape according to claim approximately 2 inches from the second end of the one of the
18, Wherein the backing material includes a second perfora- tWo or more strips of kinesiology tape.
tion approximately 2 inches from a ?rst end of one of the tWo
or more strips of kinesiology tape and a third perforation * * * * *

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