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NPM : 165140191


Perawat : Good morning, introduce me to the nurse Elsa who well do a lung physical examination,

which aims to find out more about your situation. Are you willing?

Pasien : yes, im willing.

Perawat : ok let’s just start right away, first fold your arms and place them on your lap.

Pasien : yes sus.

Perawat : please take a breath.

Pasien : yes sus.

Perawat : please lie down.

Pasien : yes sus.

Perawat : there was a change in sonor’s voice to dim. Please take a breath.

Pasien : yes sus.

Perawat : please sit down.

Pasien : yes sus.

Perawat : please take a breath.

Pasien : yes sus.

Perawat : ok i have finished the examination , is there anything you want to ask?

Pasien : no, thanks.

Perawat : ok, excusme me then, thank you.

Pasien : you are welcome.

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