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by Rick Heizman, April 17, 2019

In October 2017, Jeffrey Gettleman wrote a story titled, ‘They Threw My Baby Into a Fire’
for the New York Times. The story contained no proof and no evidence, but did include the
extremely sensationalist title, phrases and conjecture. The moment I read the title and the
first paragraph I knew it was false - but the damage was done. The article said the Bengali
Muslim (aka ‘Rohingya’ - a fake identity with a fake history, that the media loves to ignore)
women were ‘in the river’ when a Burmese soldier ‘snatched her baby and tossed it into a
fire’. Now, let’s analyze that so far. Most readers will assume this info to be true and factual,

1. The headline sensationally said so,

2. The New York Times printed the story, and it must have ‘ethics’ and ‘standards’,

3. the much demonized Burmese Army habitually does that kind of thing, because, well, a
refugee woman said so,

4. and Jeffrey Gettleman can’t be wrong because he was emotionally disturbed by this
horrific story from an emotionally distraught refugee woman whose story does NOT need
to be verified or questioned because surely she shouldn’t go through the emotionally
disturbing process of having her emotionally charged story questioned for accuracy and
exaggeration, let alone truth and validity.

When I read it I knew immediately that it was false - because:

1. I thought about it,

2. it didn’t make sense,

3. it reeked of sensationalism and absolute one-sided bias,

4. and, importantly, fires don’t exist (in most reasonable circumstances) in rivers.

On February 21, 2019 an article titled ‘When the Story Comes Before the Survivor’ by
Jacob Goldberg appeared which said: In October 2017, a Rohingya woman named
Rajuma Begum, 20, told The New York Times’s Jeffrey Gettleman that Myanmar soldiers
beat and gang-raped her and shot her mother and brother.

Her words, “They threw my baby into a fire.” focused the international community on the
horrors Myanmar inflicted upon the Rohingya - or as the New York Times SHOULD have
said, “…on the horrors Myanmar ALLEGEDLY inflicted upon the Rohingya.

(And if the New York Times was REALLY an investigative and truth seeking news agency it
would question the use of the term ‘Rohingya’ because truth seeking investigation would
show that it is a more recent political construct for the purpose of inventing an identity with
false historical claims and a manipulated narrative.)

Before Rajuma Begum told Gettleman that her baby was thrown into a fire, she had already
told a different version of her story. “They ripped my son from my arms and threw him [on
the ground] and cut his throat,” she told Al Jazeera in September 2017. Later, her story
was different again with Rolling Stone, in a piece that should win a booby prize for absolute
one-sided bias, blatant false history, and excessive manipulation.

Nicolas Kristof, long-time New York Times reporter, had something to say about refugees,
“Are the stories they recount true? One thing I’ve learned over the decades (originally while
covering China’s murder of Tiananmen democracy protesters in 1989) is that victims lie as
well as perpetrators. Outrage leads to exaggerations, to elevated death tolls, to rumors
becoming eyewitness accounts.”

Hannah Beech achieved infamy several years ago when she wrote the screed article

‘The Face of Buddhist Terror’ in Time Magazine. Beech has continued to be a jihad
enabler and appeaser, clunking out masterpieces of idiocy, however, she has some excellent
excerpts to quote from her Feb 2, 2018 article titled: ‘The Rohingya Suffer Real Horrors.
So Why Are Some of Their Stories Untrue?’

Hannah Beech, on assignment in the Bangladesh refugee camps, wrote, “For four days, I
interviewed a 9-year-old boy named Noorshad, and his story had it all. In my notebook, he
drew pictures of his house — and the tree from which his parents were hanged by Myanmar
soldiers. But there were inconsistencies. Noorshad said he liked cricket, a sport popular in
Bangladesh but not in Myanmar. His grandparents were killed by the military, he told me, but
then he admitted they had died of natural causes. I found locals from the village I believed he
was from. It turned out that no one had been killed there, much less hanged from a tree.”

She continued being duped, “Their accounts were dramatic: Their mother had died when
their home was burned by soldiers....Their father was one of thousands of Rohingya Muslims
who had disappeared.... Somehow, the sisters — ages 2-12— made their way to refuge in
Bangladesh. An uncle, who had been living for years in the Rohingya refugee camps in
Bangladesh, had taken them in. “My parents were killed in Myanmar,” said the eldest girl,
Januka Begum. I was reporting on children who had arrived in the camps with parents. Within
an hour, I had a notebook filled with the kind of quotes that pull at heartstrings. Little of it was

After three days of reporting, the truth began to emerge. Soyud Hossain, the supposed uncle
who had taken the girls in, was actually their father. He had three wives, two in Bangladesh
and one in Myanmar, he admitted. The children were from his youngest wife, the one in

His troubles, he said, began when he was briefly back in Myanmar and saw a 12-year-old girl
with fair skin and delicate features. “She was so beautiful,” Mr. Hossain said. “I needed to
marry her.” [!?!?!?!?]

WHY does the New York Times employ a ‘reporter’ (Jeffrey Gettlemen) with NO ethics or
morality, whose only talent is writing sensationalist and demonizing headlines?

WHY does the New York Times use NO historic facts, NO investigative standards, and NO

WHY does the New York Times REFUSE to publish ANY historic facts, ANY hard evidence,
or ANY solid analysis of the complicated conflict in Rakhine State, Myanmar?

by Rick Heizman, April 17, 2019

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