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Developing CONCEPT


Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

What is a concept?
For an interior designer, a concept could be defined as an abstract or general idea that might inform decisions
taken during the design process so that the built outcome will be more cohesive. A concept might relate to
the whole project and inform all aspects of decision-making, from planning through to detailing and materials
specification, or it might be applied to a particular part of the design process, such as a ‘planning concept’,
a ‘lighting concept’ or a ‘color concept’.
Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018
How to start

Conceptual starting points

Concepts can be generated from many starting points but for
the idea to be clever it is usually best for the proposed
direction to have some relevance to the project at hand.
When starting work on a proposal, the interior designer can
make an appraisal of its component parts to ascertain possible
opportunities for a conceptual direction. What is relevant will
vary from project to project but can often emerge from the
following points of departure:
• The client
• The programme
• The site
• The design approach
Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018
Step by step
developing a conceptual idea
 Investigation
Gaining as much as information about the company from type of corporate service, corporate
identity, branding of product (if there any), Vision of the company, and corporate image.

 Analysis
Analyze data to generate few guidance or keyword that will implemented in the design.
Ideas can be generate using mind mapping technique or cut out technique to create moodboard.

 Invention
From the analysis, we’re then try to list down ot fresh ideas and invention that can be considered
as a design solution and fitted for the project that we’re design.

 Development
Development is the process of taking an idea, identifying it’s strength and weaknesses, and resolving
any problems to create a strong design solution. This phase require also concept sketches
or preliminary drawing.

 Outcome
Final design concept
Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018
history Type of
Culture service


*can add more element Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018
on creating concept

Skype Office
1 Concepts based on the client
There are a number of ways in which a project’s
client can be the starting point for the scheme’s
conceptual idea. Commercial projects might draw
inspiration from the following sources, among
• The nature of the client’s business (Culture)
• The client’s products or services
• The client’s corporate identity
Residential projects will often be driven by the
client’s background, their interests or the particular
functional requirements they have for their home.

Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

Interior concept
based on client
corporate space
Corporate culture refers to the shared values, attitudes,
standards, and beliefs that characterize members of
an organization and define its nature. Corporate
culture is rooted in an organization's goals, strategies,
structure, and approaches to labor, customers,
investors, and the greater community.

Components of corporate culture :

Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018
Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

Interior concept based on client
corporate space

Corporate identity concerns a company’s visual appearance.
The company logo is a central part of this, as are website design,
annual report, company stationery.

Component of Corporate Identity


Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

Corporate Identity

Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

The bubbly Skype logo features the company’s name, in the Arial
Rounded MT Bold typeface, positioned on a series of circles which
collectively form a “cloud”.
Colors of the Skype Logo
The use of blue color in the Skype logo symbolizes communication,
prosperity, excellence and the emotion of hope. The white color, on
Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018 the other hand, stands for purity, peace and harmony.
Skype Office
Stockholm Swedem

Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

on creating concept

Concepts based on the programme

The project’s programme (what the building is used for) can be a rich source of material for the
of conceptual ideas for the spatial organization of interior design schemes. This can often result in a
‘narrative’ response, where a particular aspect of the activity proposed for the building is used to generate
ideas that can provide an agenda for the project. An interior with a narrative element tells a story that
users of the building may understand and appreciate
This reinvention of a typology can take the form of a big idea becoming a concept that demands a new
approach to the planning and spatial organization of a scheme. An example of this would be Ikea stores,
where the accepted notion of a retail space was replaced with an organization that, in simple terms,
divides the main activity into three zones: the showroom, the marketplace and the self-service area
Customers then navigate the spaces on a linear route that encourages them to experience everything the
store has to offer.
Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018
GOODRICH – Office & Showroom

Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

MODENA – Office & Showroom
Prof. Dr. Satrio, Kuningan

Programs set by the company

on their office to meet customer
needs as well as public to get to
know their product

Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

on creating concept

Concepts based on the site

The qualities of the existing building will often be the source of
a conceptual idea that drives a project forward. Concepts that
relate to the site might respond to the following issues, among
• The history of the building
• The site location
• The architectural style of the existing building
• The condition of the building
• The materials used in construction
Employing a bold spatial tactic such as the ‘space within a
space’ strategy can be the conceptual driving force for a
scheme. While this can be seen as a concept based on a design
approach, it will often be dependent on, and a response to, the
site in question in order to succeed
Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018
White Mountain
Stockholm, Sweden

The project takes place in a former 1,200 m2

anti atomic shelter is an amazing location 30 meters down
under the granite rocks of the Vita Berg Park in Stockholm.
The company is an internet provider and the rock shelter
host server halls and offces

Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

Montreal Royal Bank
Montreal, Canada

Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

on creating concept

Concept based on thematic approach

A theme is a universal idea, lesson, or message explored throughout a work of literature.
One key characteristic of literary themes is their universality, which is to say that
themes are ideas that not only apply to the specific characters and events of a book or play,
but also express broader truths about human experience that readers can apply to their own lives.
Theme can be applied from many source, can be from literature, movies, ambiance of certain place
(example; woods, beach, ect) or certain era (mid century, contemporary).

Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

Three Rings Design Studio
San Francisco, USA

Homage to Jules Verne’s fiction “Nautilus”

Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

Gothenberg, Sweden

The inspiration behind this design was the idea that a busy company
Headquarters is very much like a little village. The aesthetic is very much
Inspired by traditional Swedish wooden cottages.
Created by : Anita Dian Ekawati@2018

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