Body Idioms: Fill in The Gaps With Appropriate Idioms

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Body Idioms

1. To be all ears
2. Cat got your tongue? (Has the cat got your tongue?)
3. Eye-catching
4. Break a leg!
5. To get cold feet
6. To pull one’s leg
7. To cry one’s heart out
8. One’s flesh and blood
9. To see eye to eye
10. To face the music

a. to cry very hard

b. to agree on something
c. Good luck!
d. a relative
e. to accept punishment or criticism for something you have done
f. to get nervous before a big event
g. very attractive or noticeable
h. to listen attentively
i. to joke with someone by telling them something that is not true
j. used when someone cannot speak

Fill in the gaps with appropriate idioms:

1. We are very good friends but sometimes we don’t _________________________. In the end,
we are different people with different opinions on things.
2. – My big exam is tomorrow.
– ______________________!
3. How can you be so rude to your cousin? She is your own ___________________!
4. Stop _______________________________! I know you didn’t have lunch with him! You just
want to make me jealous.
5. She’s wearing an ____________________outfit today.
6. The bride got ____________________an hour before her wedding ceremony and ran away!
Can you believe this?
7. Why are you silent? ____________________________________?
8. The children broke the window while playing football in the backyard and had to
_______________________when their parents came home.
9. – I want to tell you something really interesting.
– I’m __________________.
10. The end of the movie was so sad that I ____________________________________.

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