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Date: _______________________________ Name: _______________________________________ 1


1.- Complete with the correct form of present simple. (1 point)

A- I sometimes __________ (go) to work by car.

B- Ben ___________ (work) in a hospital.
C- _________ you _________ (like) fish?
D- She __________ (not/teach) English.
E- Matthew never _________ (watch) television.
F- _________ she _________ (play) football?
G- They always ___________ (eat) dinner at 7 o'clock.
H- We _________ (not/live) in a big house.
I- Valerie _________ (study) English at university.
J- _________ he _________ (want) to eat?
K- Samantha _________ (play) tennis twice a week.

2.- Complete with the correct form of present continuous. (1 point)

A- Antonio _____________________ (not watch) television at the moment.

B- They ____________________ (go) to the cinema.
C- _________ you ___________ (call) your mother?
D- John _______________ (read) the newspaper.
E- __________ Valerie ____________ (study) English?
F- We _______________ (not play) video games.
G- I ______________ (not drink) water.
H- We _______________ (play) basketball.

3.- Write the correct form of TO BE. (1 point)

1.- My dog _____________ black and grey.

2.- They _____________ Greek.
3.- Sam and Diana _____________ at school today.
4.- David _____________ very polite.
5.- I _____________ on holiday.
6.- Lions _____________ in the jungle.
7.- This cake _____________ delicious.
8.- Those books _____________ very interesting.
9.- You _____________ a bit impolite!
10.- The magazines _____________ on the chair.
Name: _______________________________________ 2

4.- Write the hours. (1 point)

Examen 1:

Examen 2: To be x2; La hora x2; meses del año; animales, números, Reading

5.- Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple or the
Present Continuous. (2 point)

Mary _______________ (love) sport, especially running and tennis. She ______________ (run)
every morning, but she ________________ (not play) tennis every day. Today is Monday. At
the moment, Mary and her friend July ________________ (run) in the park. They sometimes
________________ (talk) when they run, but they ___________________ (not talk) now. They
________________ (listen) to music on their iPods.
Name: _______________________________________ 3

6.- Complete the chart with the time expressions below. (1 point)

at the moment – usually – every day – right now – every afternoon – on Tuesdays – now

Present Continuous Present Simple

7.- Complete the sentences with the correct form of TO BE or HAVE GOT. (1 point)

a) I ________________ 12 years old.

b) Sam and Lucy _______________ (not) from Chile.
c) Dave ______________ big blue eyes.
d) You ________________ very funny and clever.
e) Katy ________________ (not) long curly hair.
f) We ________________ two rabbits and two hamsters.

8.- Complete the sentences after reading the text. (2 point)

My friend's name is Peter. Peter is from Amsterdam, in Holland. He is Dutch. He is married and
has two children. His wife, Jane, is American. She is from Boston in The United States. Her
family is still in Boston, but she now works and lives with Peter in Milan. They speak English,
Dutch, German and Italian! Their children are pupils at a local primary school. The children go
to school with other children from all other the world. Flora, their daughter, has friends from
France, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden. Hans, their son, goes to school with students from
South Africa, Portugal, Spain and Canada. Of course, there are many children from Italy.
Imagine, French, Swiss, Austrian, Swedish, South African, American, Italian, Spanish and
Canadian children all learning together in Italy!

1. Where is Peter from?

a. Germany b. Holland c. Spain d. Canada

2. Where is his wife from?

a. New York b. Switzerland c. Boston d. Italy

3. Where are they now?

a. Madrid b. Boston c. Milan d. Sweden
Name: _______________________________________ 4

4. Where is her family?

a. American b. England c. Holland d. Italy

5. What are the children's names?

a. Greta and Peter b. Anna and Frank c. Susan and John d. Flora and Hans

6. The school is:

a. international b. big c. small d. difficult


a) Jane is Canadian
b) Peter is Dutch
c) There are many children from different countries at the school
d) There are children from Australia at the school.

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