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Theoretical How to fix Faced Not Faced

People might not My storyline is quite easy to
understand the understand to people watching
storyline so this shouldn’t be too much of
a problem to people that are
Copyright As I am using a very popular
song this could lead to the song
being copyrighted and taken
down if this happens I will have
to re-upload it.
Characters Some of my characters might
not show up on the day of
filming to overcome this I will
change the day we are filming
or a different actor.
Practical How to fix Faced Not Faced
My camera could run Make sure that before I start
out filming that all of my battery’s
for my cameras and lights (if I
use lights) are fully charged so I
can film for as long as I want.
Lighting might be too Either up the brightness in the
dark clip when I am editing or re film
it with better lighting.
Sound doesn’t work This won’t be a big problem as
there will be music playing over
the clips that is the sound and I
have already downloaded the
song so I have it for when im

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