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Prosthetic Hand


Dept-Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. Dept-Electronics and Telecommunication Engg.
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune
Pune, Maharashtra, India Pune, Maharashtra, India


Dept-Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. Dept-Electronics and Telecommunication Engg.
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune
Pune, Maharashtra, India Pune, Maharashtra, India


will replicate the actions of the working hand. We are making

this project as cheap and efficient as possible. Those people
I. ABSTRACT who are having an amputated arm can use this. By using
This Paper gives a brief description on out mini project, minimal and only useful components we can make it
which is Prosthetic hand. We are developing a prosthetic affordable to anyone and everyone. Our project comes under
hand that will take input from one normal hand and send the field of Robotics, which is going to have wide range of
the output to the prosthetic hand. This project will be applications in future.
executed using Muscle sensor. Currently we are giving IV. MOTIVATION
input just to one DC motor from Arduino. The
implementation is just at its beginning stage. But the People with amputated arm face many problems in their day-
circuit is working properly. to-day life, our vision is to reduce these day-to-day problems
and make their life simple. They face many difficulties like
II. AIM & OBJECTIVE writing, holding objects and hands are the most important
Our aim is to make a lightweight and high accuracy organs of our body. Without arms many of our activities are
limited. There are many existing solutions for people with
prosthetic hand. Artificial hands with such pricing points
amputated arm but they are either very costly or else the
will attract less customers and the people with this
accessibility is very less. After observing these problems our
disability wont be helped they will prefer to live with this group came to conclusion that we will build a prosthetic hand,
ability because of its affordability as well as such products which will be affordable to anyone, and all the technical
are very complex to use. Hence we aim to provide a problems faced by the existing solutions will be solved in this
solution, which will be affordable to everyone. By using project. We aim to reduce the difficulties faced by people with
only necessary components we will be making this project this disability and make them capable to perform their day-to-
that will give us output at initial stages of development. We day activities.
are going to execute this project by using electromyography
III. INTRODUCTION List of some of the available solutions in the market
The topic for our mini project is Prosthetic Hand using EMG 1. Just prosthetic hand
module. We want to create a project in which we takes This will just give a look of hand but one cant perform any
readings of voltages from one arm and transmit that activity by this hand. Also it is very heavy so carrying it for
information to the prosthetic hand and so the prosthetic hand long time can be a real pain in the muscles.
Cost: About $2,000 5.DEKA Arm
About: For amputees, going through the process of having Cost: $100,000+
a prosthetic fitted can take week—even months. It’s also What makes it cool: The DEKA Arm—nicknamed by
outrageously expensive, especially if you’re uninsured. All “The Luke Arm” for Luke Skywalker’s bionic arm—is
the parts of the Robohand can be custom-fitted and 3D- brainchild of the famed inventor Dean Kamen. In May, the
printed with a Makerbot, which you can now buy at a local DEKA arm, which was funded by a DARPA grant,
Home Depot for $2,000. So far, it’s been used in places like became the first bionic arm on the market to receive FDA
Sudan and Haiti. approval. Like the other bionic hands, it operates
In 2011, Richard Van As, a carpenter in Johannesburg, from electrodes placed on a user’s muscles. But with the
South Africa, accidentally cut off all the fingers on his right DEKA Arm, the switches that control the hand’s grip are
hand in a work accident. Pretty much the same day, he set placed on the user’s toes. Although the DEKA Arm has
out looking for a cheap, prosthetic option, but there was been granted FDA approval, it does not yet have any
none. So he went online, connected with an engineer commercial users.
named Ivan Owen and began collaborating. Eight years ago, in the midst of the Iraq and Afghanistan
Problem- grip is the major problem faced in this program as wars, DARPA created the “Revolutionizing Prosthetics”
well as we need to apply a lot of pressure just to grip small campaign help returning veterans. It has won about $100
objects. This product is only applicable for those people million in government grants, and has FDA approval.
with hands but no fingers and hence the customer base is
limited and it cant be applicable to all the people with Artificial hands with such pricing points will attract less
amputated arm. customers and the people with this disability wont be helped
they will prefer to live with this ability because of its
3.bebionic3 affordability as well as such products are very complex to use.
Cost: $25,000 to $35,000 Hence we aim to provide a solution, which will be affordable
About: Its own tiny motor powers each digit, and each user to everyone.
operates the grip in a totally unique way. VI. FLOW CHART
To enact a grip, its user moves his or her biceps or triceps
in a specific way. As the company explains: “Electronics
[in the artificial hand] measure electrical changes on the
skin covering the control muscles and command individual
actuators in the hand to provide the desired movements.”
bebionic is one of the most popular models on the market
on prosthesis.
QuickTime™ and a
Problems Faced-Getting insurance agencies to pay for a decompressor
prosthetic can be notoriously difficult but the company told are needed to see this picture.
wired recently that the costs are low enough that most
major carriers in the U.S. should cover it. Also accessibility
and cant do every hand motion

Cost: $80,000 to $120,000
About: The iLimb, like the bebionic, uses tiny motors in
each of the digits to create a series of grip patterns.
Electrodes that are placed directly on the user’s skin also
control it. . It’s helpful if the person wants to, for example,
pick something up that’s at an unusual angle.
Touch Bionics, one of the world’s largest prosthetics firms,
owns the iLimb. The company technically got its start
backs in 1963, when it was creating prosthetics for children
affected by Thalidomide, a skin condition caused by
Problems Faced- Price and accessibility and in Indian
market this product wont be successful because of its price.
Artificial hands with such pricing points will attract less
V. WORKING Their were many problems faced at the initial stages of this
project like:
Our goal is to create a prosthetic hand which will emulate  We didn’t know were the exact location was to
activities performed by normal hand. This can be done by connect the electrodes for correct readings.
connecting the PWM pins of the Arduino UNO to the DC  As well as even after doing the right connections the
motors of the prosthetic hand. We will be using EMG signal sensor wasn’t showing the proper readings, as the
for measuring the force and grip of our hand, these sensitivity was very less.
measurements will be passes as a command to the prosthetic  The muscle sensor v3 uses a regulated +5V and -5V
hand for dynamic grip. This can be done by connecting the supply, so for generating that supply we used IC7905
electrodes to our hand, but first we need to clean our hands for and IC7805.
proper readings. And after then connect the EMG electrode  We developed the circuit of for +5V and -5V supply
pin to the muscle sensor. The muscle sensor will detect the on breadboard but due to loose connections the
grip and pressure of our normal hand in the form of Voltage sensor wasn’t showing correct readings. And this
and this signal will be transmitted to the Arduino board. happened many times.
 After facing so many problems we came to use
Now the as Arduino borad has received the signal form emg another sensor which can detect the muscle activity at
sensor, it will further direct this signal to the prostheic hand. a very high precision so we bought ad8232 which can
So the prosthetic hand will replicate the movemenets of the give us voltage differences and that’s the only
normal hand. The objective of our project is to make the purpose of muscle sensor
prosthetic hand which will be easy to use as well as helpful for Our aim is to build a project in which we can take readings
handicapped people. easily as wel as implement them in the right manner so that
anyone can use this product without any difficulties.
The prosthetic hand at its early stages was present merely as
a showpiece. Today we have bionic hand prostheses that
give much better functionality, are acceptable to more
patients and are durable and comfortable. However these
prostheses still have to overcome suitable and measurable
difficulties at its initial stage as this project is still
underdevelopment and much research is still to be. The
advancements in this field of medicine are exponential and
it is likely that within 10 years there will be commercially
available limbs that provide both sensation and accurate
motor control from day 1. This topic has huge scope in
future and much research is still to be completed. This
project gave us an overview as well as good knowledge in
the field on prosthesis. We also got to know the pricing
point of the available options in the market. This made us
answer many of our questions like why are there still any
good solutions in the market and why this product is not yet
commercial. Within 5-10 years of span this project will see a
significant rise in the industry and this product will be easily
available with affordable pricing point. This may still sound
more like science fiction than science fact but can cohesive
work between medicine, engineering and materials science
will make this dream come true and by giving our
AT CONTRACTION contribution to this project we learned many things about

[1] Bought Emg Signal Sensor Kit & MyoWare Muscle Sensor from:-
[2] Reference code for measuring the muscle voltages as we wary the

[5] Reference for datsheet of ad8232 Sensor:-
[6] All the information gathered for Muscle sensor V3 from:-
[7] Reference video on youtube whci helped us on how to take voltage
readings from ad78232:-
[8] Few Points on future development and about the project taken from a
research paper on Bionic Prostheic Hand:-
[9] Literature Review reference: -

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