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Alamat: Jl.Sabrani Gg.Armi RT.17/04 Kec.Parenggean Kab.Kotawaringin Timur – Kalimantan Tengah
Telp/Fax: (0531) 2051183 Email:

Subject : ENGLISH
Class/Semester : X/1
Time : … minutes

I. Read the questions below and cross the most correct answers!

My name is Sally and my surname is Dillon. I am from 9. The facts of Amanda is …

England. I am model. I am twenty-two years old. I am tall a. Amanda is the writer’s friend
and thin. I have got long, wavy hair and blue eyes. I am b. Amanda has one brother and a sister
kind and clever. c. She does not live in Margahayu
I’ve got two brothers, Paul and Jim. They are twins. They d. Amanda likes swimming very much
are sixteen years old. They are students. They are from e. Amanda is short
England too. They are tall and thin. They have got brown
eyes and straight short hair. They are different in
character. Paul is kind and calm. Jim is kind and Once upon a time there was a wife of a rich man fell
nervous. My brothers are crazy about computer games. I sick, and soon she closed her eyes and departed.
like books and shopping. Everyday, Cinderella went out to her mother’s grave,
and wept, and she remained pious and good .When
1. How old is Sally?
winter came the snow spread a white sheet over the
a. She is twenty years old
grave, and by the time the spring sun had drawn it off
b. She is not twenty-two years old
again, the man had taken another wife. The woman had
c. He is twenty-two years old
brought with her into the house two daughters, who were
d. She is twenty-two years old
beautiful and fair of face but vile and black of heart.
e. She is two years old
Since then a bad time for the poor step-child began.
2. Do you think her name surname is Dillon? One day the King gave orders for a festival and all
a. Exactly d. Is that what you think? the beautiful young girls in the country were invited, in
b. I don’t think so e. It’s not my business order that his son might choose himself a bride. When
c. I don’t know the two step-sisters heard that they were to appear
among the number, they were delighted, called
3. Where is she from?
Cinderella and made to help them grooming, Cinderella
a. English d. England
obeyed, but wept, because she too would have liked to
b. British e. Europe
go with them to dance, and begged her step-mother
c. American
said” you cannot go with us, you have no clothes and
4. How many brothers has Sally got? cannot dance.
a. Three d. Four When the step-mother and her daughters had gone
b. Twenty e. Twenty-two away, Cinderella went to her mother’s grave and cried,
c. Two Shiver and Quiver, My little tree, silver and gold throw
down over me.” Suddenly a bird trew down a magnificent
5. Sally is crazy about …
gold and silver dress to her, and were golden too. At the
a. Computer games c. Speaking
party her step-sister and the step-mother however did
b. Books and shopping d. Writing novels
not recognize her, and thought she must be a foreign
c. Walking
princess, for she looked so beautiful in the golden dress.
6. Sally’s brothers are crazy about …
10. The story above tells about ...
a. Computer games
a. Snow White d. Cinderella
b. Shopping and reading books
b. Sleeping Beauty e. Princess
c. Walking
c. Dwarfs
d. Speaking
e. Writing novels 11. Why does Cinderella’s mother dead? Because
a. fell sick d. fell disappointed
Amanda is my classmate. She is my best friend. She is
b. fell injured e. fell wounded
thirteen years old. She lives in Margahayu. She is tall.
c. fell ill
She has beautiful hair. She is very smart and nice. She
likes helping her friends. Every afternoon, Amanda plays 12. When the winter came, the snow……
with her friends. After playing, she does her homework a. Spread a white sheet d. I do not know
at home. Amanda has many hobbies. Amanda likes b. spread a white shit e. spreading white sheet
reading, riding a bike and playing guitar. Amanda cannot c. spread a shit
swim. She does not like swimming.
13. Cinderella lived with her
7. How old is Amanda? a. two step-mother
a. Three teen years old d. Thirteen years old b. her mother
b. Thirty years old e. Thirty-three years old c. two step-sister and step-mother
c. Three years old d. her sisters
e. two step-sister
8. Do you think Amanda live in Margahayu?
a. I am not sure d. Is that what you think?
b. No, I don’t think so e. Yes she is
c. Yes, I do

P a g e 1 of 3
14. How did her step-mother treat Cinderella? April 24, 2016
a. she allowed go any where Mr. and Mrs. Smith
b. d. she doesn’t her to allow 10/4 Epping Road
c. she allows goes every where North Ryde 2113
d. she didn’t go any where NSW Australia
e. she didn’t allow her go
Dear Mom and Dad,
15. My sister... (1) to cook. ... (2) always has brilliant ideas
I am writing to share my enjoyable experience with
for my lunch every day. ... (3) cooks oxtail soup for
you. I hope this letter will find you all well. Yesterday, my
today. I invite my friends to our house to taste this soup.
friends and i went to visit five tourism objects in Jojakarta
... (4) love it so much and tell ... (5) sister to open a
and its surrounding, e.g. The Sultan Palace, Tamansari
restaurant because they think many people will like this
Water Castle, Monumen Yogja Kembali, Prambanan
soup and she will make much money from her hobby.
Temple, and Borobudur Temple. We hired a mini bus.
16. No (1) Budi, my friend in Yogyakarta, acted as a tour guide. We
a. Does not love d. loves departed very early in the morning and were back home
b. Love e. loven at 6:15 p.m. So, we spent the whole day.
c. Loving All of the five objects are interesting but Borobudur
and Prambanan temples are more interesting than the
17. No (2)
others. Borobudur is a Buddhist temple, while
a. She d. He
Prambanan is a Hindu one. A friend of mine said that
b. They e. We
these two temples were really wonderful. After I saw
c. I
them by myself, they are even more wonderful than what
18. No (3) imagined. Of these two temples, Borobudur is the most
a. We d. She wonderful temple I have ever seen. It is much bigger
b. Them e. It than Prambanan. I am sure you will admire it too. Make
c. Us sure you take your camera with you when you visit it
next year.
19. No (4)
Well, I will write letter to you again next week to tell
a. He d. They
you more about the temples.
b. She e. It
c. Them Love,
20. No (5)
a. His d. My 26. When did John and his friends arrive at home?
b. Their e. Mine a. Early in the morning d. At midnight
c. Hers b. At midday e. The following day
c. In the evening
Mick and Tom are brothers. Every morning they get up
(1) …….. They have (2) …….. then they go to school (3) 27. Why did John go to Jogjakarta?
…….. 12 o’clock, they have their lunch at the school a. Because he wanted to visit his grandmother
canteen. In the evening, they do (4) …….. homework. b. Because he wanted to visit five tourism objects.
After that, they watch their (5) …….. cartoons. Tom and c. Because he wanted to visit her uncle
Mick go to (6) …….. at nine p.m. d. Because he wanted to visit Prambanan temple
e. Because he wanted to visit his hometown
21. No (1)
a. Breakfast d. Bed 28. What did John tell to Mr./Mrs. Smith in his letter?
b. Their e. House a. His feeling during her stay in Jogjakarta
c. Early b. His visit to tourism objects in Jogjakarta
c. His impression of Borobudur temple
22. No (2)
d. His experience in writing the letter
a. Breakfast d. Bed
e. His appreciation for her parents
b. Their e. House
c. Early 29. John is Mr. / Mrs Smith’s....
a. Niece d. Daughter
23. No (3)
b. Nephew e. Son
a. Breakfast d. Bed
c. Cousin
b. At e. House
c. Early 30. More information about Borobudur and Prambanan
temples can be found in....
24. No (5)
a. Paragraph 2 d. John’s next letter
a. Breakfast d. Bed
b. Paragraph 3 e. First paragrah
b. Their e. House
c. John’s recent letter
c. Early
25. No (6)
a. Breakfast d. Bed
b. Their e. Favorite
c. Early

P a g e 2 of 3
II. Complete the following sentences using the Italic words!

Amazing Beautiful Establish Unlike Snout

Destination Center Rehabilitation Center Ex-captive

1) The tourist had never seen such a big monkey. When 6) The local government needs to _________ an
he saw an orangutan swinging on trees for the first time, information center to attract more tourists to visit
he shouted, “Wow, that’s __________.” Indonesia.

2) __________ other types of monkey, proboscis monkeys 7) Located at the _________ of the jungle you can see a
are unique because of their big noses. rehabilitation center for ex-captive animals. The location
3) Bali has been the most popular tourist __________ for makes it easy to reach from all directions.
years, but Indonesia has many other beautiful places to
offer to international visitors. 8) __________ orangutans may not be afraid of meeting
with humans because they used to live with them as
4) Visitors of the jungle will not forget the __________ illegal pets.
nights in the boats where they can enjoy the dark night
sky decorated with millions of bright stars that they 9) Their unusually large __________ differentiates
cannot enjoy in big cities. proboscis monkey from other monkeys.

5) If only the national park were located in the 10) We many not keep endangered animals that are
__________ of the city, I would be able to inhale fresh protected by the law as our pet. If we have one, we
air and observe the primates’ interesting behavior every should send it to __________ site where it can live in a
day. more natural habitat.

…. Good Luck ….

P a g e 3 of 3

1) The tourist had never seen such a big monkey. When he saw an orangutan swinging on trees for the first time, he
shouted, “Wow, that’s AMAZING.”
2) UNLIKE other types of monkeys, proboscis monkeys are unique because of their big noses.
3) Bali has been the most popular tourist DESTINATION for years, but Indonesia has many other beautiful places to
offer to international visitors.
4) Visitors of the jungle will not forget the BRIGHT STARS/CLEAR SKY nights in the boats where they can enjoy the
dark night sky decorated with millions of bright stars that they cannot enjoy in big cities.
5) If only the national park were located in the CENTER of the city, I would be able to inhale fresh air and observe the
primates’ interesting behavior every day.
6) The local government needs to ESTABLISH an information center to attract more tourists to visit Indonesia.
7) Located at the CENTER of the jungle you can see a rehabilitation center for ex-captive animals. The location makes
it easy to reach from all directions.
8) When people hear the words Tanjung Kodok, they may associate the name with a PENINSULA like Tanjung Puting
National Park.
9) EX-CAPTIVE orangutans may not be afraid of meeting with humans because they used to live with them as illegal
10) I always appreciate the strength ants have because although they are very small they can carry ENORMOUS load of
11) Their unusually large SNOUT differentiates proboscis monkeys from other monkeys.
12) We may not keep endangered animals that are protected by the law as our pet. If we have one, we should send it to
REHABILITATION site where it can live in a more natural habitat

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