Manual of Standing Orders (Accounts & Entitlements) Volume-I Preface

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The provisions of the Government of India (Audit and Accounts) order, 1936 as
adapted by the India (Provisional Constitution) Order, 1947 and Article 149 of the
Constitution of India, have cast responsibilities on and vested powers in the C&AG of
India in relation to the accounts of the Union and the State Governments.

All essential accounting instructions of the C&AG were initially set out in the
Account Codes. As governmental activities grew in volume and complexity, accounting
procedures and practices responded to the new demands. The Manual of Standing Orders
(Technical), Volume I issued by the C&AG in 1962, and re-printed in 1969 and 1973,
incorporated a number of instructions for the guidance of the Civil Audit Offices
responsible for compiling accounts, In several cases, while prescribing audit procedures,
the Manual also set out the connected accounting procedures (a) for facility of reference
and (b) because, in the Civil Audit Offices where both accounting and auditing functions
were carried out by the same staff, the distinction between the functions was not always
clearly spelt out.

The parliament passed, in 1971, the C&AG’s (DPCS) Act under Articles 148 (3)
and 149 of the Constitution to regulate the duties, powers and conditions of service of the
C&AG. The Act empowered the President (and the Governor of the State) to relive the
C&AG of the responsibility for compiling accounts. Article 150 was also amended in
1976 and again in 1978 to empower the President to prescribe the form of the accounts,
on the advice of the C&AG, even where the C&AG has been relieved of the
responsibility for compiling the accounts.

Through the scheme of departmentalization of accounts of the Union

Government, the C&AG was relieved, in stages from 1976, of the responsibility for
maintaining the accounts of the Union. Consistent with the principle of separation of
accounts from audit, the composite offices of Accountants General were bifurcated in
March 1984, into distinct offices with separate cadres for dealing with (a) all audit work,
and (b) all accounting and entitlement work.

The consequent divisions of auditing and accounting responsibilities has

necessitated the bifurcation of the Manual of Standing Orders (Technical), Volume I into
two separate Manuals viz. MSO (Audit) for the Audit offices and MSO (A&E) for the
A&E offices. The MSO (A&E), therefore, contains the accounting directions, instructions
and procedures to be followed by the Offices of Accountants General (A&E).

The MSO (A&E) has been prepared in 2 volumes; Volume I contains general
matters relating to accounting and entitlement functions in 20 chapters while Volume II
contains the instructions relating to the form and contents of the Finance and
Appropriation Accounts. The forms relevant to Volume I have been incorporated in a
separate volume titled “Book of Forms” to make this Manual compact and self-contained.

Apart from updating the Manual to cover the later developments since its last revision,
the Manual has been enlarged, wherever necessary, to be in tune with the increasing
developmental activity. Notable addition is the Chapter on “Certification of Plan

I hope this Manual will help the staff and officers working in the A&E Offices in
discharging their duties efficiently. Constant review of the instructions and procedures
embodied in this Manual and suggestions for improvement will contribute greatly to
enhancing its utility.

Comptroller & Auditor General of India

Dated 18th May 1990
Chapters Para
Chapter-1 Functions of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
-Duties and powers of the Comptroller and Auditor General under the
provisions of Articles 149, 150 and 151 of the Constitution of India. 1.1

-Responsibilities of the Comptroller and Auditor General in relation to

compilation of Accounts, under Section 10,11 and 12 of the CAG's
Act,1971 1.2
-Delegation of Powers 1.3
-Direction of a financial character issued by the President 1.4
-Duties of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department 1.5

Chapter-2 Restructuring of Accountants General Offices

-Restructuring of Accountants General Offices 2.1
-Responsibilities of the A.G. (A&E) 2.2
-Coordination between A.G. (A&E) and A.G. (Audit) 2.3
-Advice to State Government 2.4
Chapter-3 General Principles relating to Check Against Provision of funds-
-Check against provision of Funds 3.1 to 3.7
-Appropriation Check 3.8 to 3.15
-Appropriation Accounts Section 3.16
Chapter-4 Classification of Transactions in Government Accounts
-General 4.1 to 4.5
-Allocation of Expenditure between Capital and Revenue 4.6 to 4.14
-Accounting of Transactions pertaining to Reserve and
Reserve Funds 4.15.1 to 4.15.4
Chapter-5 General Instructions regarding procedure of Accounting
-General 5.1
-Compilation of Accounts-Duties and responsibilities of Central Treasury Section 5.2 to 5.3
-Examination of Accounts by Central Treasury Section 5.4 to 5.8.1
-Accounting in Book/T.D.H. Section 5.8.2
-Scrutiny of Accounts in Compilation Section 5.9 to 5.10
-Scrutiny of certificate of payment received in lieu of lost
Voucher(s) 5.11
-Posting of vouchers in the Compilation Sheet and
preparation of Classified Abstract 5.12,5.13 & 5.17
-Inter-Departmental Adjustments-prepeation of
Suspense Slip 5.14 to 5.15.2
-Inter-Governmental adjustments 5.16
-Responsibility for the correctoness of the Departmental
Classified Abstract 5.18 to 5.19
-Review of Monthly Accounts 5.20
-Preparation of Departmental Consolidated Abstract 5.21 to 5.24
-Broadsheet of Departmental Adjusting Account 5.25
-Bills countersigned after payment-Check of A.C./D.C. Bills
and other Contingent Bills 5.26.1 to 5.26.3
-Filing of Vouchers 5.27
Chapter-6 Accounting of Loans and Advances
-Loans and Advances by Government 6.1 to 6.3
-Subsidiary Loan Register 6.4 to 6.6
-Loan Expenditure by Public Work Department 6.7 and 6.8
-Payments in discharge of Loan 6.9
-Periodical making up of the Account 6.10 and 6.11
-Sinking Fund 6.12
-Returns 6.13
-Revenue Advances and Functional Loans 6.14 and 6.15
-Advances to Government Servants and other Advances 6.16 to 6.22
-Permanent Advances 6.23 to 6.26
-Adjustment of Recoveries on collateral evidence 6.27
Chapter-7 Deposits
-Introductory 7.1
-Statement of lapses 7.2
-Refund of lapses 7.3
-Plus and Minus Memorandum 7.4
-Earnest Money Deposits 7.5
-Personal Deposits 7.6 to 7.9
-Deposits of Local Funds 7.10 to 7.12.2
-Other Deposit Accounts 7.13
Chapter-8 Accounts of Public Works
-Introductory 8.1
-Responsibility/Preliminary checks by
the Divisional Accountant 8.2 to 8.12
-Examination of Sub-Divisional Accounts 8.13 to 8.14
-Quarterly reconcilation of Works expenditure/receipts 8.15
-Accounting of Public Works Transactions-Checks etc. 8.16 to 8.19.2
-Miscellaneous 8.20 to 8.21
-Works Register 8.22 to 8.28
-Register of Land Charges 8.29
-Broadsheets of Balanced Heads 8.30 and 8.31
-Settlement of Remittances 8.32
-Public Works Remittances 8.33 to 8.42
-Financial Results of Irrigation etc. Works 8.43 to 8.46
-Objection Book 8.47 to 8.49
-Clearance of Objections 8.50 to 8.51
-Monthly Closing 8.52
-Annual Closing 8.53
-Annual Review on the Working of Public Works Divisions 8.54
Chapter-9 Accounts of Forests
-Cash Accounts 9.1
-Charges 9.2
-Remittances 9.3 to 9.6
-Ledger Accounts 9.7
-Abstracts and Summaries 9.8
-Progress Reports 9.9
-Annaual Review on the Working of Forest Divisions 9.10
Chapter-10 Scrutiny of Debt. Deposit and Remittance Transactions
-General 10.1 to 10.3
-Remittance Transactions 10.4 to 10.7
-Remittance Check Register 10.8
-Remittances by Departmental Officers rendering Compiled
Accounts -(other than Public Works/Forests Department) 10.9
-Reserve Bank of India Remittances 10.10
-Other Debt Deposit Transactions, Borrowings 10.11 to 10.15
-Investments 10.16
-Contingent liabilities on account of guarantees given
by Government 10.17
-Sinking Funds 10.18
-Reserves and Reserve Funds 10.19
-Suspense Accounts 10.20 to 10.22
Chapter-11 Review of Balances
-General 11.1 to 11.3
-Deposits of Service Funds 11.4
-Balances of Provident Funds 11.5
-Deposits 11.6 to 11.7
-Deposits of Local Funds 11.8
-Suspense Accounts 11.9
-Permanenets Advances 11.10
-Accounts with Governments of other Countries 11.11
-Loans and Advances 11.12 to 11.14
-Cash Remittances 11.15
-Public Works Remittances 11.16
-Reserve Bank of India Remittances 11.17
-Other Remittance Heads 11.18
-Cash Balances 11.19 to 11.20
-Public Works Balances 11.21
Chapter-12 Maintenance of Service, Provident and Other Funds
-A. General 12.1
-B. Service and Other Funds 12.2 to 12.4
-Bombay Family Pension of Government Servants 12.5 to 12.6
-Hindu Family Annuity Fund 12.7 to 12.8
-Postal Insurance and Life Annuity Fund 12.9
-C. Provident Funds-Introductory 12.10 to 12.11
-Admission 12.12 to 12.13
-General Index Register 12.14
-Nominations 12.15 to 12.17
-Subscriptions 12.18
-Temporary withdrawals 12.19 to 12.20
-Financing of a Policy from Provident Fund 12.21 to 12.26
-Final withdrawals 12.27 to 12.28
-Maintenance of Provident Fund Accounts-General 12.29 to 12.30
-Transfer of Accounts 12.31
-Compilation of Provident Fund Accounts by
the Machine Method-Ledger Cards 12.32 to 12.34
-Posting of Accounts 12.35 to 12.41
-Posting and check of Ledger Cards 12.42
-Quarterly Verification 12.43
-Annual Closing 12.44 to 12.46
-Compilation of Provident Fund Accounts by
the Front Feed Accounting Machines 12.47
-Ledger Cards 12.48
-Posting of Accounts 12.49 to 12.53
-Proving of Accounts 12.54
-Annual Closing 12.55
-Compilation of Provident Fund Account by
Hand Method-Ledgers 12.56 to 12.57
-Posting of Accounts and their Review 12.58
-Verification 12.59 to 12.60
-Annual Closing 12.61
-Special Procedure for Contributory Provident Fund 12.62 to 12.63
-Register of Missing Credits/Debits 12.64
-Unposted items 12.65
-Compilation of accounts on Collateral Evidence basis 12.66
-Annual Account Statements to Subscribers 12.67
-Periodical Review 12.68
-G.P.F. Accounts of Class-IV Employees 12.69 to 12.71
Chapter-13 Gazetted Government Servants Entitlement
-Introductory 13.1 to 13.3
-General system of Payment 13.4
-Entitlement Register of Gazetted Governments Servants,
Pay and Allowances 13.5 to 13.6
-Form and sub-divisions of Entitlement Register 13.7 to 13.9
-Opening of the Register 13.10 to 13.13
-Maintenance of the Entitlement Register 13.14 to 13.19
-Nominations 13.20
-Posting of Salary Voucher 13.21
-Issue of Pay Slips 13.22 to 13.30
-Compensatory Allowances and Honoraria 13.31 to 13.32
-Cost of Medical Treatment 13.33
-Leave Salary 13.34 to 13.38
-Provisional Payments 13.39
-Deductions 13.40 to 13.42
-Leave Account 13.43 to 13.44
-Last Pay Certificate 13.45
-Transfer 13.46 to 13.48
-Advances 13.49 to 13.57
-History of Services 13.58 to 13.62
-Civil List 13.63
-Compulsory Retirement 13.64
-G.E. Accountant's Duties 13.65 to 13.66
-Files of correspondence 13.67

-Appendix 'A' (referred to in Para 13.38) Instructions issued

by the C.A.G. in order to secure efficiency and uniformity
in relation to the procedure for certification of leave and
authorisation o leave salary to Gazetted officers of State
Governments in cases where the entitlement function is
performed by the accountant General (A&E). (See Para 13.38)
-Appendix 'B' (referred to in Para 13.45) Rules Regulating
the preparation of Last Pay Certificates in cases of transfers
on duty or on return from leave (See Para 13.45)
Chapter-14 Pension
-General 14.1 to 14.4
-Preparation and issue of Pension Payment Orders 14.5 to 14.14
-Registers of Pension Payment Orders 14.15
-Register of Special Pensions 14.16
-Treasury-wise Pension Payment Register 14.17
-Entry of Remarks 14.18 to 14.19
-Pensions paid by Pre-Check Pay Department 14.20
-Gratuities 14.21
-Anticipatory Pensions and Gratuities 14.22 to 14.23
-Commutation Reports 14.24
-Terriotorial and Political Pensions 14.25 to 14.28
-Accountant's Duties- 14.29
-Pension of one State paid in another State 14.30
Annexure A
-Treasury-wise Pension Payment Register (See para 14.17)
(See para 14.17)
Chapter-15 Pre-check for Payment of Pension
-Introductory 15.1
-General Procedure 15.2 to 15.9
-Payment by Cheque 15.10
-Payment in Cash 15.11 to 15.14
-Closing for the Day 15.15 to 15.17
-Schedule of Cheques paid 15.18
-Final Post Check 15.19
-Outstanding Cheques 15.20
-Accountant Generals' Check Register 15.21
-Annexure 'A' (referred to in para 15.1)-Rules Governing
the procedure to be followed in dealing with claims against
Government presented for payment from the Consolidated
Fund and Public Account of India and of the States (See Para 15.1)
Chapter-16 Grants-in-Aid
-General Principles 16.1 to 16.10
-Register of Grants-in-Aid 16.11 to 16.13
-Review of Register of Grants-in-Aid 16.14
Chapter-17 Certification of Plan Expenditure
-Introductory 17.1 to 17.2
-Duties of the A.G. (A&E) in relation to Plan Expenditure 17.3 to 17.6
Chapter-18 Internal Audit
-General 18.1 to 18.3
-Arrangements for Internal Audit 18.4 to 18.5
-Annexure (referred to in para 18.5)-List of items of
work to be done by Internal Test Audit Section (See Para 18.5)
Chapter-19 Miscellaneous
-Interest payments 19.1 to 19.2
-Lists for the Public Debt Office 19.3 to 19.4
-Refunds of Revenue 19.5
-Discount on Stamps 19.6
-Plus and Minus Memoranda of Postal Stamps 19.7
-Authorisation of Arrear claims 19.8
-Pre-check of fixation of pay 19.9
-Central Audit of Vouchers 19.10
-Annexure 'A' (referred to in para 19.3)-Public Debt Offices
and their jurisdiction in respect of loans (See Para 19.3)
-Annexure 'B' (referred to in para 19.3)-The jurisdiction of
Public Debt office in respect of Annuity Deposit Scheme (See Para 19.3)
Chapter-20 Raising and Pursuance of Objections
-Part I-General Principles and Rules 20.1 to 20.5
-Pursuance and Clearance of Objections 20.6 to 20.13
-Treatment of erroneous payments authorised by the
Accountant General 20.14
-Reports on Defalcation and other Losses 20.15 to 20.16
-Annual Review of working of Treasuries 20.17
-Part II-Detailed Procedure in connection with the
communication of objections to Executive and Controlling
-Introductory 20.18
-Registration of Objections 20.19 to 20.24
-Clearance of Objections 20.25 to 20.27
-Money values of Objections 20.28 to 20.30
Objection statement
-Form and preparation 20.31 to 20.32
-Despatch 20.33
-Disposal and Return 20.34
-Accountants' Responsibility 20.35
-Retrenchment Slip 20.36
Objection Book
-Form and Contents 20.37 to 20.39
-Suspense Account 20.40
-Items adjusted but awaiting clearance 20.41
-Service payments for Recovery 20.42
-Adjustment Register 20.43 to 20.47
-Closing of Objection Book 20.48
-Broadsheet of Suspense 20.49
-Watching and Testing 20.50
-Review of Objections 20.51
-List of Outstandings 20.52
-Objection of transaction appearing in Inward Remittance
Account 20.53
-Combination of Objection Statement and Objection Book 20.54



1.1 The functions of Comptroller and 151 (1) The reports of the Comptroller
Auditor General are derived in the main and Auditor General of India relating to
from the provisions of Articles 149, 150 the accounts of the Union shall be
and 151 of the Constitution of India. submitted to the President, who shall
Article 149 of the Constitution provides cause them to be laid before each House
that the C&AG shall perform such duties of Parliament.
and exercise such powers as may be
provided by or under any law made by (2) The reports of the Comptroller and
Parliament. Article 149, 150 and 151 are Auditor General of India relating to the
reproduced below. accounts of a State shall be submitted to
the Governor of the State, who shall
149 Duties and Powers of the cause them to be laid before the
Comptroller and Auditor General Legislature of the State.

The Comptroller and Auditor General As envisaged in Article 149 of the

shall perform such duties and exercise Constitution of India, Parliament has
such powers in relation to the accounts enacted the Comptroller and Auditor
of the Union and of the States and of any General’s (Duties, Powers and
other authority or body as may be Conditions of Services) Act, 1971 which
prescribed by or under any law made by prescribes the duties and powers of the
Parliament and, until provision in that Comptroller and Auditor General as well
behalf is so made, shall perform such as his conditions of service. This Act
duties and exercise such powers in came into force from 15/12/1971. The
relation to the accounts of the Union and Act has superseded the provisions of the
of the States as were conferred on or Audit and Accounts Order, 1936 as
exercisable by the Auditor General of adopted by the India (Provisional
India immediately before the Constitution) Order 1947 which
commencement of this Constitution in regulated the duties and powers of the
relation to the accounts of the Dominion Comptroller and Auditor General in
of India and of the Provinces relation to the accounts of the Union and
respectively. of the States till then as envisaged in
Article 149 of the Constitution.
150 Form of Accounts of the Union and
of the States It is a matter of historic accident that the
Comptroller and Auditor General was
The accounts of the Union and of the entrusted with such functions of an
States shall be kept in such form as the Accountant like keeping the account of
President may, on the advice of the State Government and also the Provident
Comptroller and Auditor General of Fund, Pension and Pay accounts of
India, prescribe. employees of State Governments, which
are normally the functions of the order, relieve him from the responsibility
Executive authorities. for compiling-

1.2 The responsibilities of the (i) the said accounts of the

Comptroller and Auditor General in so State (either at once or
far as it relates to compilation of gradually by the issue of
accounts of the Union, the States and the several orders); or
Union Territories with Legislatures are
given in Sections 10, 11 and 12 of the (ii) the accounts of any
Comptroller and Auditor General’s particular services or
(Duties, Powers and Conditions of departments of the State.
Service) Act, 1971 which are reproduced
below:- Provided also that the President may,
after consultation with the Comptroller
Section 10 and Auditor General, by order relieve
him from the responsibility for keeping
(1) The Comptroller and Auditor the accounts of any particular class or
General shall be responsible- character.

(a) for compiling the accounts of (2) Where under any arrangement, a
the Union and of each State from the person other than the Comptroller and
initial and subsidiary accounts rendered Auditor General has, before the
to the audit and accounts offices under commencement of this Act, been
his control by treasuries, offices or responsible-
departments responsible for the keeping
of such accounts; and (i) for compiling the
accounts of any particular
(b) for keeping such accounts in service or department of
relation to any of the matters specified in the Union or of a state, or
clause (a) as may be necessary:
(ii) for keeping the accounts
Provided that the President may, after of any particular class or
consultation with the Comptroller and character,
Auditor General, by order, relieve him
from the responsibility for compiling- Such arrangement shall,
notwithstanding anything
(i) the said accounts of the Union contained in sub-section
(either at once or gradually by the issue (1) continue to be in force
of several orders); or unless, after consultation
with the Comptroller and
(ii) the accounts of any particular Auditor General, it is
services or departments of the Union: revoked in the case
referred to in clause (i) by
Provided further that the Governor of a an order of the President
State with the previous approval of the or the Governor of the
President and after consultation with State, as the case may be,
Comptroller and Auditor General, by and in the case referred to
in clause (ii) by an order Provided further that the Governor of a
of the President. State may, with the previous approval of
the President and after consultation with
Note : Based on the orders issued by the the Comptroller and Auditor General, by
President in 1976 and thereafter, the order, relieve him from the responsibility
Comptroller and Auditor General was for the preparation and submission of the
relieved from the responsibility of accounts relating to annual receipts and
compiling and keeping the accounts of disbursements for the purpose of the
various Departments/Ministries of the State.
Union Government and Union
Territories except in respect of the Note: In exercise of the power conferred
accounts relating to (a) Pensions (b) the by the first Proviso to Section 11 of the
Indian Audit and Accounts Department Comptroller and Auditor General’s
and (c) Union Territories without (Duties, Powers and Conditions of
Legislatures of Chandigarh, Dadra and Service) Act, 1971, the President issued
Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep. orders relieving the Comptroller and
Auditor General from the responsibility
Section 11 of preparing the Finance Accounts of
Union Government from 1977-78
The Comptroller and Auditor General onwards and of the Union Territory of
shall, from the accounts compiled by Pondicherry from 1988-89 onwards.
him or by the Government or any other
person responsible in that behalf prepare The Comptroller and Auditor General,
in each accounts (including in the case will, however, continue to be responsible
of accounts compiled by him, for the submission of the Finance
appropriation accounts) showing under Accounts of the Union to the President
the respective heads the annual receipts for being laid before the Parliament.
and disbursements for the purpose of the
Union, of each State and of each Union Section 12
Territory having a Legislative Assembly
and shall submit those accounts to the The Comptroller and Auditor General
President or the Governor of a State or shall, in so far as the accounts for the
Administrator of the Union Territory compilation or keeping of which he is
having a Legislative Assembly, as the responsible, enable him to do so, give to
case may be on or before such dates as the Union Government, to the State
he may, with the concurrence of the Governments or to the Governments of
Government concerned, determine. Union Territories having Legislative
Assemblies, as the case may be, such
Provided that the President may after information as they may, from time to
consultation with the Comptroller and time, require and render such assistance
Auditor General, by order, relieve him in the preparation of annual financial
from the responsibility for the statements as they may reasonably ask
preparation and submission of the for.
accounts relating to annual receipts and
disbursements for the purpose of the 1.3 Any power exercisable by the
Union or of a Union Territory having a Comptroller and Auditor General under
Legislative Assembly. the provisions of the Comptroller and
Auditor General’s (Duties, Powers and the due dates. He may seek their
Conditions of Service) Act, 1971 or any assistance where necessary to secure a
other law may be exercised by such satisfactory settlement of outstanding
Officer of his department as may be objections of accounting nature.
authorized by him in this behalf by
general or special order. The delegation
is subject to the condition that except
during the absence of the Comptroller
and Auditor General on leave or
otherwise, no officer shall be authorized
to submit on behalf of the Comptroller
and Auditor General, any report which
the Comptroller and Auditor General is
required by the Constitution or the
Government of Union Territories Act,
1963 to submit to the President or the
Governor of a State or the Administrator
of a Union Territory having a Legislative
Assembly as the case may be.

1.4 The Comptroller and Auditor

General is responsible for watching the
due compliance of directions issued by
the President to a State which are of
financial or quasi-financial character.

Duties of the Indian Audit and Accounts


1.5 The Accountants General and the

staff of the Indian Audit & Accounts
Department shall, under such special and
general directions as may be given by
the Comptroller and Auditor General
from time to time, perform such duties
and functions, as are imposed on or
undertaken by him under the provisions
of the Constitution, or of any law made
by Parliament.

It is essential that an Accountant General

should work in close co-ordination with
the Government concerned. He is
entitled to seek the help of the Finance
Ministry/Department in cases of failure
of any authority to maintain the
prescribed accounts or submit them on


2.1 In order to develop an organisational (iii) Maintenance of Provident

pattern suited to the altered needs of Fund accounts of specified
audit and to improve the maintenance of categories of employees,
accounts of the State Governments wherever required.
transactions, restructuring of the offices
of the State Accountants General was (iv) Maintenance of accounts of
effected from the 1st March, 1984. The various long term loans and
existing Accountants General offices advances, wherever required.
were bifurcated with effect from that
date except the Office of the Accountant (v) Authorisation of pension and
General (A&E), West Bengal which was other retirement benefits to
bifurcated with effect from 1-11-85 into employees, wherever required.
two separate and distinct offices, one
called office of the Accountant General (vi) Authorisation of salaries to
(Accounts and Entitlement) and the Gazetted employees, in some
other called office of the Accountant States where the work is still
General (Audit). After restructuring, all with the Accountants General.
the accounting functions and checks
(vii) Reconciliation of accounts
connected with the accounts and
maintained in the Accountants
entitlement functions were entrusted to
General offices with those of
the Accountants General (A&E) Offices
the treasuries in respect of
and the work relating to audit entrusted
transactions under various
to Accountant General (Audit).
deposit heads.
2.2 The Accountants General (A&E) are
(viii) Reconciliation of Plan
responsible for the following functions.
expenditure figures and
(i) Compilation of Monthly preparation of statement of
Accounts of Expenditure and plan expenditure.
Receipts on the basis of
2.3 The Accountants General (Accounts
vouchers and schedules
& Entitlement) and Accountants General
received from various
(Audit) are expected to the latter,
treasuries and public works
keeping in view the common objective
and Forest Divisions of the
ration in conducting the central audit
State Government.
work entrusted to the latter, keeping in
(ii) Preparation of Appropriation view the common objective of
Accounts and Finance improving the efficiency, effectiveness
Accounts. and promptitude of the twin functions
entrusted to each of them. A similar
approach is also called for while
interpreting and adapting the systems
and procedures laid down in the Manual
of Standing Orders (AE) and (Audit) by
each office in the performance of
functions entrusted to them. In case of
doubt or difference of opinion the matter
should be referred to the office of the
Comptroller & Auditor General of India
promptly for decision.

Advice to State Government

2.4 In regard to matters on which State

Government consults the Department
locally, intiative will be taken by the
Accountant General who receives the
reference. While it is open for the
Accountant General (A&E) to render
advice on matters falling within their
respective jurisdiction, consultation with
the Accountants General (Audit) should
taken place in regard to matters such as
interpretation of rules, regulations and
orders, regularity and propriety audit etc.
Which may ultimately attract
Comptroller & Auditor General’s Duties
and Powers and Rules of Procedure
contained in Manual of Standing Orders



3.1 Articles 112 to 116 and 202 to 206 of Note :- The term ‘Appropriation’ as used
the Constitution contain the important in this paragraph and elsewhere in the
financial provisions which describe the Manual stands for sums required to meet
control which Parliament and “charged” expenditure as specified in the
Legislatures of the States, exercise over Schedule to an Appropriation Act passed
expenditure from the Consolidated under Article 204 of the Constitution.
Funds of India and the Consolidated
Fund of the State respectively. 3.4 Each Grant or Appropriation
specified in the Schedule to an
3.2 No expenditure met from the Appropriation Act is a single total sum
Consolidated Fund of India or a State on appropriated to the purposes set out in it.
or after 1st April of a financial year, The particulars of Grant in that Schedule
under the provisions of Articles, 114 to are, however, based on the detailed
116 and 267 (1) or 204 to 206 and 267 estimate drawn up for the information of
(2) of the Constitution, will be protected the Legislature. The distribution in these
by law unless authorised by an estimates between the various sub-heads
Appropriation Act passed in accordance and items thus gives broadly the
with the provisions of Articles 114 and purposes for which the Grant is made
204 ibid. All disbursements from the and the expenditure should be recorded
Consolidated Fund during a financial against the Grant and the sub-head of the
year, which are not authorised by the Grant under which provision is made for
Annual Appropriation Act passed by the the service.
appropriate Legislature before the close
of the year, will, therefore, be treated as Note :- While the initial responsibility
unauthorised expenditure and such cases for the preparation of the Budget
will be brought to the notice of Estimates of ‘Voted’ and ‘Charged’
Government for regularisation by expenditure rests with the executive, the
Appropriation Act. Accountant General has to see that the
classification indicated in the estimates
3.3 In offices of Accountant General conforms to the provisions of the
(A&E), check of provision of funds Constitution and is also in accordance
should be directed primarily to with the forms of accounts prescribed by
ascertaining that the money expended the President on the advice of the
has been applied to the purpose or Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
purposes for which the Grants and He may also make suggestions which
Appropriation specified in the Schedule may serve to promote clarity of accounts
to an Appropriation Act passed under for the better information of the
Article 204 of the Constitution were Legislature.
intended to provide and that the amount
of expenditure against each Grant or 3.5 The Accountant General has to
Appropriation does not exceed the satisfy himself that the expenditure
amount included in that schedule. which is being checked falls within the
scope of a Grant or an Appropriation year relates to the expenditure met out of
specified in the Schedule to an the advances from the Contingency Fund
Appropriation Act and that it is within which are not recouped till the close of
the amount of that Grant or the relevant financial year. In this case,
Appropriation. Expenditure in excess of the expenditure met out of the advances
the amount of Grant or Appropriation as from the Contingency Fund and met
well as expenditure not falling within the recouped during the financial year, is
scope or intention of any Grant or excluded from the expenditure of that
Appropriation as specified in the year and a note kept under the concerned
Schedule to an Appropriation Act, unless Grant/Major head in the relevant
regularised by a supplementary Schedule Appropriation Accounts/Finance
to the Appropriation Act as laid down in Accounts.
Article 205 of the constitution, should be
treated as unauthorised expenditure When the recoupment of the advances
within the meaning of Article 204(3) drawn from the Contingency Fund is
ibid. made through an excess demand in the
subsequent year, the expenditure of the
3.6 A Grant or Appropriation is intended previous year is included in the relevant
to cover all the charges, including the Grant/Major head and a note to this
liabilities of past years, to be paid during effect is given in the Finance Accounts
the financial year or to be adjusted in the of that year. However, the expenditure is
accounts of that year. It is operative until treated as expenditure of the year in
the close of that year. Any unspent which it is actually incurred and not of
balance lapses and is not available for the year in which it is eventually
utilisation in the following year. recouped.

Note 1.-The expenditure recorded (b) Similar procedure is also followed

against a Grant or Appropriation should for making inevitable payments, for
ordinarily represent sums which actually which no provision exists in a financial
come in course of payment within the year, by obtaining an advance from the
financial year. There are, however, in Contingency Fund before it is actually
operation various special arrangements incurred and the recoupment of which is
whereby expenditure actually incurred in not made during the financial year.
the previous years is recorded against a
Grant or Appropriation of the current (c) Consequent on the
year. In general these are at variance departmentalization of accounts,
with strict constitutional theory of Exchange Account system for raising
parliamentary financial control. debits on account of Inter Departmental
Adjustments has been discontinued.
Note 2.-The special arrangements Instead, P.A.Os are required to effect
referred to above are of the nature cash settlement for inter-departmental
indicated below:- adjustments. It is, therefore, essential
that all outward claims arising during a
(a) One such arrangement where the particular financial year should be raised
expenditure actually incurred in the against the concerned P.A.O. during the
previous year is recorded against the same financial year. However, in rare
Grant or Appropriation of the current cases, where such debits could not be
raised on or before the 31st March of a Constitution and secondly, that the total
year by the debit raising P.A.O., the expenditure on each of the sub heads
responding P.A.O. may normally adjust fixed as units of appropriation under a
them in the accounts of the following Grant or Appropriation does not exceed
year (i.e. year in which the debit is the allotment thereof as modified by
received and actual monetary settlement orders of re-appropriation passed by
effected). competent authority from time to time.
The first duty involves a responsibility to
(d) Where a Personal Deposit Account is the Legislature the second to the
required to be created by a law or rule financial authority of the Executive
having the force of law, and certain Government, i.e., the Finance
liabilities by way of bridging any deficit Department.
or shortfall in the account devolve on the
Government out of the special 3.9 The sub-heads under a Grant or
enactments, which are discharged by Appropriation may be sub-divided into
transferring funds to it from the smaller units or Appropriation
Consolidated Fund of India, the credit corresponding to sub-heads or detailed
balance in the Personal Deposit Account heads of accounts.
at the end of each financial year would
lapse to Government except in respect of Within the amount of the Grant or
balances in personal deposit accounts Appropriation as shown in the schedule
which do not lapse to Government, even to an Appropriation Act all allotments to
if outstanding for more than three and re-appropriations within sub-heads
complete account years. and sub-divisions of sub-heads may be
sanctioned by Government or by
3.7 The responsibility for watching the subordinate authorities when they are
progress of expenditure against a Grant duly authorised to do so. This is
or Appropriation devolves on the however, subject to the limitation that
Executive and the Executive is any expenditure not falling within the
ultimately responsible for keeping the scope or intention of a Grant may not be
expenditure within the Grant or authorised from funds provided under
Appropriation. Accountant General, that Grant. Any allotment or re-
should, however, render all legitimate appropriation within a Grant of
assistance to the Executive in this matter Appropriation may be authorised at any
and suitable and adequate arrangements time before but not after the expiry of
should exist in all departments of the financial year to which such Grant or
Government for the control of Appropriation relates (see also para
expenditure. 3.13).

3.8 Accountant General is responsible 3.10 Unless it is otherwise desired by

for watching firstly, that the total Government as special case, or where
expenditure under a Grant or there is a division of superintending
Appropriation does not exceed the control between departmental authorities
amount of that Grant or Appropriation as under a sub-head, appropriation check
specified in the Schedule to an will not be exercised beyond sub-heads
Appropriation Act passed in accordance of a Grant or Appropriation fixed as
with the provisions of Article 204 of the units of appropriation for the purposes of
Appropriation Accounts. In the case of (d) Lumpsum deductions from probable
Public Works Department expenditure, savings should preferably be shown
however, appropriation check may be under separate sub-heads.
conducted in respect of all works or
items of expenditure, the allotments for 3.11 The Accountant General may also
which, whether individually or by be required to see on behalf of the
groups, are provided separately for each Executive Government that :
(a) if under the financial rules of that
The selection of sub-heads of a Grant or Government a particular object of
appropriation which are fixed as units of expenditure requires a specific
appropriation rests with Government. allotment, all expenditure on it is
But if selection of the sub-heads is such accounted against such allotment,
as to make it difficult to apply, the and;
essential principles of appropriation
check, the Accountant General should (b) if lumpsum allotment is made for a
suggest to the Finance Department, the group of items of expenditure of an
desirability of revising them in the next office, the total expenditure thereon
year’s estimates. If the Finance is classified against the lumpsum
Department does not accept the placed at the disposal of the
Accountant General’s suggestion, the disbursing officer for the purpose.
advice of the Comptroller & Auditor
General should be sought. In making When, however, several officers are
such suggestions to Government, the authorised to incur charges relating to a
following points should be borne in unit of appropriation, against a lumpsum
mind: allotment placed for the purpose at the
disposal of a single higher authority, it
(a) A single sub-head should not cover devolves upon this authority to watch the
expenditure so large or activities so progress of expenditure in all the offices
various as to necessitate extensive and to keep the aggregate charges within
analysis in the explanatory notes. the allotment.

(b) On the other hand, excessive sub- 3.12 Appropriation check is conducted
divisions into sub-heads is in two stages:-
undesirable as it adds to the bulk of
the compilation and tends to distract (i) sanction check i.e. check of
the attention of the reader from orders of allotment of funds and
essential points. re-appropriation acted upon in
the Accountant General’s office.
(c) Such items as recoveries taken in
reduction from expenditure and (ii) The check of expenditure
outlay as Grant-in-aid should, if of against allotments.
appreciable size be accommodated
3.13 Subject to the provisions of
in separate sub-heads.
paragraph 3.9 the check of orders of
allotment and re-appropriation consists
in seeing:-
(a) that an authority making Register submitted to the Gazetted
allotments under a Grant or Officer for review.
Appropriations does not allot
amounts in excess of those 3.15 The booked expenditure should be
available under the Grant or scrutinised intelligently and warnings
Appropriation. issued to disbursing officers, and, if
necessary, to controlling authorities also,
(b) that the amount appropriated when excesses appear to be likely. Such
is available under the unit warnings should not, however, be
from which it is allotted. followed up in formal or routine manner
since the regularisation of an
(c) that the order is issued by appropriation is the responsibility of the
competent authority, and; executive financial authority.


appropriated is not in respect
of an expenditure 3.16 It is necessary that, as far as
constituting a ‘New Service’ possible, the work relating to
or ‘New Instrument of Appropriation Check should be
Service’. centralised in the Appropriation
Accounts Section instead of being
NOTE:- Re-appropriations from one entrusted to the Departmental
Grant or Appropriation to another Grant Compilation Sections. The work relating
or Appropriation are not permissible, as to preparation of Appropriation
such re-appropriations will have the Accounts should also be entrusted to this
effect of reducing and increasing the Section. The Appropriation Accounts
amounts of the Grants of Appropriations Section should be under the direct
concerned as specified in the schedule to charge of Accountant General, though
the Appropriation Act and will thus be the routine work of this section may be
ultra vires of the provisions of the looked after by Accounts Officer or
Constitution. Group Officer.

3.14 For working out month by month

the progressive expenditure against each
Grant or Appropriation and each unit of
appropriation a register in Form 1 should
be maintained. Each Grant or
Appropriation should be assigned a page
or set of pages. Under each Grant or
Appropriation, the several sub-heads and
units of appropriation should be detailed
showing against each the authorised
provision and progressive expenditure
month by month. The accuracy of the
figures posted in the Register should be
tested in a separate abstract, and the


4.1 A distinet feature of the system of 4.2 Under the provisions of Section
Government Accounts is the minute 10(1)(a) of Comptroller & Auditor
elaboration with which the financial General of India’s (D.P.C.S.) Act, 1971,
transactions of Government under both the Comptroller & Auditor General of
receipts and payments are differentiated India is responsible for compiling the
and classified. The object of this accounts of each State from the initial
elaborate system of classification is to and subsidiary accounts rendered by the
secure the utmost possible uniformity of treasuries, offices or departments
accounting amid the immense volume responsible for keeping of such accounts
and variety of the financial transactions to the Accountants General under his
of the Government and thereby to render control. The accuracy of the accounts
possible, not only reliable comparisons prepared by the Accountants General
between the accounts of different depends on the correct classification of
Governments and periods, but especially transactions. Therefore, it is of utmost
the preparation of budget estimates on importance that the financial transactions
forecasts of receipts and payments. Such are properly recorded in the accounts
a system of classification would also and that they are allocated to the proper
compel each disbursing officer to a heads of account.
minute periodical review of the public
receipts and payments in his charge and 4.3 Under Article 150 of the
so makes for effective financial control Constitution, the forms of the accounts
and economy. A proper system of of the Union and State Governments
classification of accounts would also have been prescribed by the President on
provide the management with more the advice of the Comptroller & Auditor
purposeful accounting information to General. The word ‘from’ used in
monitor programmes and serve the Article 150 has a comprehensive
legislature in a meaningful appreciation meaning so as to include the prescription
of allocation of resources and purposes not merely of the broad form in which
of Government expenditure. the accounts are to be kept, but also the
basis for selecting the appropriate heads
The structure of classification was under which the transactions are to be
revised with effect from 1-4-1987 in the classified.
context of the change in emphasis and
growth of developmental activities of Rules and directions under this Article
Government with the twin objectives of regulate the classification of all financial
reflecting Government transactions in transactions. The incidence of charges is
terms of functions, programmes and regulated by directions issued under
schemes and securing a direct Article 150. The Comptroller & Auditor
correlation between accounting General by virtue of the duties vested in
classification and plan head of him by the Comptroller & Auditor
development. General’s (D.P.C.S.) Act, 1971 is
responsible for securing that entry of
financial transactions in the accounts
conforms to such forms, rules and between capital and revenue should be
directions. based are described in the following
4.4 It is an important function of the
Accountant General to verify that no 4.7 Capital expenditure may be broadly
expenditure is classified as “charged on defined as expenditure incurred with the
the Consolidated Fund of the State” object of increasing concrete assets of a
except in accordance with the terms of material and permanent character. The
the Constitution and conversely that no following considerations are relevant in
expenditure is classified as “voted” arriving at a decision whether or not
which should be “charged”. expenditure is of a capital nature.

4.5 Where the accounts are maintained (a) It is not essential that the concrete
by the Indian Audit & Accounts assets should be productive in
Department in determining the character or that they should be
classification of doubtful items an revenue producing. A productive
Accountant General should normally asset may be considered as one
take into account the views of the which produces sufficient revenue
Central/State Government and in case of to afford a surplus over all charges
difference of opinion should refer the relevant to its functioning. It may on
matter to the Comptroller & Auditor rare occasions be necessary and
General of India for decision. justifiable to treat as capital a
scheme not commercially
ALLOCATION OF EXPENDITURE remunerative but involving large
BETWEEN CAPITAL AND expenditure say for the construction
REVENUE of a new city.

4.6 It should be borne in mind that (b) It is inherent in the definition of

regarding the question as to whether capital expenditure that the assets
expenditure shall be met from current produced should belong to the
revenues or from borrowed moneys the authority incurring the expenditure.
decision of the Executive should Expenditure by Government on
normally be acceptable to the grants-in-aid to local bodies or
Accountant General so long as the institutions for the purpose of
decision is generally in conformity with constructing assets which will
the budget proposals passed by the belong to these local bodies or
Legislature or has otherwise received its institutions cannot legitimately be
specific approval. It is, however, the considered as capital expenditure.
duty of the Accountant General to bring
to notice of the Government cases in (c) Expenditure on a temporary asset
which the classification of expenditure cannot ordinarily be considered as
between revenue and capital or its expenditure of a capital nature.
distribution between current revenues
and loan funds appears to be contrary to 4.8 When it has been decided that
the dictates of sound and prudent expenditure on a scheme for the creation
financial administration. The principles of a new or additional asset shall be
upon which classification of expenditure classed as capital, the following are the
main principles applicable to the (d) In theory it is legitimate to make
treatment of the expenditure in the capital bear the charges for interest
accounts. on money borrowed to finance the
construction of a new project before
(a) Capital bears all charges for the first the project becomes revenue
construction of a project as well as earning. In fact, however, a
charges for intermediate Government project is only part of
maintenance of the work while not the operations of Government and it
yet opened for service and bears may be sound financial
also charges for such further administration to meet interest
additions and improvements as may charges from other revenue during
be sanctioned under rules made by the process of construction. The
competent authority. charge of interest to capital in
Government accounts is justified
(b) Subject to (c) below, revenue bears only when there would be undue
all subsequent charges for disturbance in the Government’s
maintenance and all working budgetary position by taking interest
expenses. These embrace all to revenue. The writing back of
expenditure on the working and capitalised interest should be the
upkeep of the project and also on first charge on any capital receipts
such renewals and replacements and or surplus revenues derived from a
such additions, improvements or project when opened for working.
extensions as under rules made by
competent authority are debitable to (e) Capital receipts insofar as they
the Revenue Account. relate to expenditure previously
debited to capital should be
(c) In the case of works of renewal and accounted as reduction of
improvement which partake both of expenditure. They should not be
capital and revenue nature, it is credited to the ordinary revenue
impracticable to draw a hard and account of the undertaking.
fast line between what is properly
debitable to capital or to revenue. 4.9 The financial and accounting
Allocation in such cases is made by conception of capital expenditure is
detailed rules and formulae devised imported from commercial theory and
by the Executive authorities, which practice, and an essential feature is that
are applied in estimates and expenditure of a capital nature is not met
accounts to determine the allocation from the revenue or profits of a concern.
of expenditure between capital and In the sphere of Government accounts
revenue. These rules and formulae the classification of expenditure as
must necessarily be based upon capital expenditure affords prima facie
some general principle of sound justification for recording it outside the
finance which should aim at an Revenue account of Government. The
equitable distribution of burdens essential purpose of the opening of
between present and future capital heads of account is to facilitate
generations. the exhibition of the financial results of
any special undertaking on the basis of
generally accepted commercial
principles or in some more simple prudent finance was once enunciated by
conventional manner, either that the cost the Government of India in the following
of a service may be ascertained or that terms:-
the full financial implications of any
policy may be made clear. Two conditions must be fulfilled before
it would be justifiable for Government of
4.10 Expenditure debitable to capital India to spend loan funds on
may be financed from the following unproductive purposes. These are firstly
sources:- that the objects for which the money is
wanted are so urgent and vital that the
(a) Revenue expenditure can neither be avoided,
postponed nor distributed over a series
(b) Borrowings, either of years and secondly that the amount is
too great to be met from the current
(i) specific for a particular revenues.
And it may be said generally that the
(ii) non-specific for all cost of all comparatively small schemes
Government purposes; whether productive or unproductive
ought to be met from Revenues.
(iii) unfounded; and
4.12 It must be remembered of course
(c) Sources other than revenue and
that although it may seem to be sound
borrowings e.g. accumulated
and prudent finance to meet any
expenditure whether of a capital nature
For the purpose of accounts (b) and (c) or otherwise from Revenue it must be a
are grouped together the capital corollary of this action that the revenue
expenditure met from these sources derived from taxation and other revenue
being described as outlay financed sources is sufficient to cover the
outside the Revenue Account and being expenditure debitable to it otherwise the
quite apart from treatment from debit to borrowed funds is merely
expenditure met from Revenue. On the disguised since in normal circumstances,
other hand expenditure of a capital revenue deficits must be financed from
nature met from revenue is accounted borrowings.
for under the appropriate major head
4.13 The duties of the Accountant
within the Revenue Account as any
General in connection with the
other expenditure of a revenue nature.
allocation of expenditure between capital
4.11 Although it is the function of and revenue and in connection with the
Government to determine the source record of expenditure inside or outside
from which capital expenditure shall be the Revenue Account may be
financed it is one of the duties of the summarised as follows:-
Accountant General (A&E) to bring to
(a) it should see that commonly
the notice of the proper financial
accepted accounting or commercial
authoirity cases in which their decision
principles are not infringed.
seems contrary to the principles of sound
financial administration. The principle of
(b) It should verify that the accounts budgeting and accounting for such
exhibit the true financial facts. transactions generally conform to the
principles mentioned in paragraph 3.4 of
(c) It should bring to notice the General Directions contained in the
transgression of generally accepted List of Major and Minor Heads, and,
principles of public finance. where departures are made from these
principles to suggest to the Executive
4.14 In cases where it is decided to write Government the desirability of following
down capital, it is the duty of the them. The Reserve or Funds referred to
Accountant General to satisfy himself may be classified under the following
that such writing down is approved by three categories according to the sources
the competent authority for valid reasons from which they are fed:-
and is in accordance with commonly
accepted principles, both of commercial (i) funds accumulated from grants
accounting and Government financial made by another Government
control. and at times aided by Public
subscriptions, eg., Fund formed
ACCOUNTING OF TRANSACTIONS from subventions from the
PERTAINING TO RESERVE AND Central Road Fund; Fund for
RESERVE FUNDS Economic Development and
Improvement of Rural Areas;
4.15.1 Any device of rendering grants
non-lapsing by withdrawing amounts to (ii) funds accumulated from sums
a fund is contrary to the strict theory of set aside by the State
Parliamentary financial control. But if Governments from the
such a course is adopted with the Consolidated Fund of the State
cognizance and approval of the to provide reserves for
Legislature, Accountant General cannot expenditure to be incurred by
make any demur. Subject to this themselves on particular
fundamental condition Reserves or purposes, eg., the various
Reserve Funds may be constituted by the Depreciation or Renewals
State Government under any statutory Reserve Funds created in respect
provision or otherwise, either by of commercial departments and
allotment of sums from the Consolidated undertakings;
Fund of a State or from grants or
contributions made by other (iii) funds accumulated from
Governments or outside agencies, with contributions made by outside
the object of expending the moneys agencies to State Governments,
accumulated in the funds on the specific eg., deposit account of grants
and particular purposes for which they made by the Indian Council of
have been constituted. The procedure of Agricultural Research;
accounting for transactions pertaining to
such funds will ordinarily be determined 4.15.2 The main principles which should
by the procedure followed in budgeting govern the procedure of expenditure
for these transactions. It shall, however, from these funds and its exhibition in
be the duty of the Accountant General to estimates and accounts are set out
see that the procedure adopted in below:-
(i) A grant to the Union or State relevant head in the Deposit Section of
Government by another accounts by debit to the minor head
Government should be treated as "Transfers to/from Reserve Funds/
ordinary revenue of the recipient Deposit Accounts" to be opened under
Government irrespective of the functional Major Head or Sub Major
whether the grantor Government Head concerned. In the case of fund of
retains control over the the second category referred to in sub
expenditure from the grant or para (1) above, the amounts set aside by
not. the Union or State Governments from
the Consolidated Fund of the Union or
(ii) A grant from an outside agency States to provide reserves for
to the Union or State expenditure to be incurred by themselves
Government made without on particular purposes should likewise
reserving control over the be taken to the Deposit Head opened for
expenditure therefrom should the purpose. In both cases, in order to
also be treated as ordinary bring the actual expenditure from the
revenue of Government. fund into the Appropriation Accounts,
the expenditure should be accounted for
(iii) Where reserves are created out under the relevant programme minor
of the grants mentioned in sub head under the functional Major/Sub
paras (i) and (ii) above and also Major Head concerned under which
out of moneys set aside by the provision of funds has been made and an
State Government from the equivalent amount will be credited under
Consolidated Fund of the Union the functional Major Head concerned by
or State [vide Item (ii) of the a Deduct entry under a distinct sub head
categories of reserves referred to for each Reserve Fund/Deposit Account
in sub-para (1) above], the styled "deduct Amount met
transfers to and the expenditure from……………Reserve Fund/Deposit
from the reserves are required to Account".
be voted by the Legislature (or
shown as "charged"). Note:-In cases where the outside
agencies retain control over the
4.15.3 The method of accounting which, expenditure met from the grants given
having regard to the aforesaid principles, by them, the budgetary and accounting
should be applied to the reserves procedure to be followed should be
mentioned in sub-para (2) above will be decided by the Government in
as follows:- consultation with the Accountant
General concerned.
The grants from outside agencies who do
not retain control over the expenditure 4.15.4 The principles and procedure
met therefrom and the grants from other prescribed in this paragraph do not apply
Governments will, in the first instance, to transactions pertaining to Famine
be taken to the relevant receipt head of Relief Funds and Sinking Funds for
account of the Government. Loans which are governed by special
Simultaneously, an amount equivalent to arrangements.
the grant received and credited to the
receipt head will be transferred to the


Departments as also for the adjustment
(A) General -INTRODUCTORY of the accounts received from them.

5.1 Subject to the relevant provisions of 5.3 The Central Treasury Section which
Comptroller and Auditor General's received the accounts from the treasuries
(Duties, Powers and Conditions of is responsible for checking the entries in
Service) Act, 1971 and save where the Cash Account and List of Payments
otherwise provided in the instructions with the various schedules of receipts
contained in this manual, the Accountant and payments relating to the several
General (A&E) is responsible to the heads of account.
Comptroller and Auditor General for the
accuracy of all transactions which are 5.4 On receipt, the Monthly Account and
brought to account in the accounts kept the Lists of Payments should be
by him. examined to see that the account and the
supporting schedules and other
Compilation of Accounts documents which should invariably
accompany the account, have been
5.2 The Accounts from the treasuries are received in a complete state. If any
received and distributed by a Section documents are missing they should at
called Central Treasury Section. once be called for. The several schedules
Compilation of accounts and preparation lists, etc. received in support of the
of classified and consolidated abstracts Monthly Account should be examined
are dealt with in D.A.E. Sections which for verification that they are in all
are constituted on departmental basis so respects properly prepared in accordance
that transactions relating to a particular with rules applicable to each case, and
department may as far as possible be that the totals of the schedules agree
dealt with in one section. The with the entries in the Cash Account and
consolidation of accounts for the whole List of Payment. A certificate of
State is done in Book/D.H. Section. The agreement will be recorded in the List of
Account current Sections deal with the Payments and Cash Account by the
work of issuing advices to Reserve Bank Accountant concerned in the Central
of India for adjustments to be made Treasury Section.
between the balances of the Central and
State Governments and of maintaining 5.5 A List of vouchers which should
the registers of inter-governmental have accompanied the List of Payment
adjustments. These Sections are also but are not received upto the time of
responsible for preparing and sending completion of the monthly Account,
the outward accounts to the other should be prepared for inclusion in the
Accountants General and Accounts Objection Memorandum.
Officers of Central/ Posts/
Telecommunications/ Railways/Defence 5.6 Vauchers and other documents
which were not received with the
monthly account should, on receipt Suspense head "Treasury Suspense"
subsequently, be examined in detail in under the minor head "Suspense
the same way as they should have been Account" below the major head "8658
examined, if received at the proper time. Suspense Accounts" (for classification
The AAO/Section Officer should see of amounts of missing vouchers noticed
that necessary scrutiny has been by compilation sections, please refer to
exercised before reference to such para 5.9).
documents is removed from the
Objection Book or the Objection Thereafter the schedules of payments
Memorandum as the case may be. and receipts relating to Revenue and
Capital Heads along with all the
If it is found that the monthly accounts vouchers and challans etc. will be
or a substantial percentage of the transferred to the D.A.E. Section
vouchers are habitually received late, a concerned and their acknowledgement
special enquiry should be made to obtained in the List of Payments/Cash
ascertain the reasons for the delay and Account.
the co-operation of the Director of
Treasuries of Divisional Officer as the 5.7 The treasury schedules in respect of
case may be should be sought in Debt, Deposit and Remittance heads
applying the remedies which the would similarly be checked by Central
Accounts office may consider desirable. Treasury Section with the Cash Account
and List of Payments and the Schedules
Note (i) This procedure is not adopted in and Supporting vouchers/challans made
certain States where the treasuries render over to the concerned Sections, namely
compiled accounts to the Accountants Deposit, Loans, Account Current etc. In
General. Hence the process of all these cases the availability of
compilation indicated in the subsequent vouchers, challans etc. will be checked
paras is also not in vogue in these by the Sections concerned and they will
Accounts Offices. call for the wanting documents from the
Note (ii) A comprehensive check to find
out whether all the required 5.8.1 The Central Treasury Section in
vouchers/documents as per the Treasury addition to checking that all the
Schedules have been received, will be schedules etc. as per List of
conducted by the Accountant (s) dealing Payments/Cash Account have been
with the work of compilation in the received (vide para 5.4) will also
D.A.E. section concerned (vide para examine the List of Payments/Cash
5.2). Account as to the correctness of form,
method of entry and verification of Cash
Amounts representing differences Balances. The necessary notes of
noticed between the figures incorporated classification should be entered in the
in the treasury lists of payment/cash 'Remarks' Column of these documents.
accounts and those in the corresponding The List of Payments and Cash Account
schedules of payment/receipts as also the will then be put up to the AAO/Section
amounts for which schedules themselves Officer of the section who will carefully
are wanting along with supporting check the classification of receipts and
vouchers etc. will be classified under the expenditure before submitting it to the
Branch Officer in charge. After it is If vouchers are not received from the
passed by the latter, the Cash Account treasuries before compilation is over or,
and the List of Payment should be made if the correct classification of a recovery
over to the poster of Detail Book in or receipt cannot be ascertained, the
Book Section or D. H. Section. amounts should be accounted under "OB
Suspense" below the minor head
5.8.2 The receipts and payments shown "Suspense account" under the major
against a particular major head in the head "8658 Suspense Account" and
State Cash Account and List of included in the relevant Objection Book
Payments will be taken by the Treasury after obtaining the orders of the Branch
D.H. section in the first instance in the Officer or the Group Officer as the case
Detail Book under the minor head 'DAA' may be.
under the major head '8658 Suspence
Account'. A separate detailed head for 5.10 The following instructions should
receipts and another for payments will be followed in checking the vouchers
be provided for each major head or sub- received in compilation sections in
major head or Department, as the case support of payments.
may be. The credits and debits under the
Suspense Head will be cleared by deduct (a) See that the vouchers are in the
entries under the same head in the prescribed form and that they are
departmental classified abstract when the duly receipted by the payees and are
transactions are finally brought to in original, that a brief abstract is
account. given in the official language
authorised for the purpose under the
Scrutiny of Accounts in Compilation signature of the Drawing Officer on
Sections all vouchers prepared in any other
language, and that the sub vouchers
5.9 The Accountant in the Compilation contain notes of dates of payments.
Section should check the vouchers with
the schedule of payments and (b) See that they are numbered with
independently total the schedule of reference to the number in the
payments to verity whether the total in schedule of payment, schedule
the schedule as noted by the T.O. is docket or other account.
correct and record on the schedule of
payment a certificate over his dated (c) See that the details work up to the
initials "checked and total agreed". totals and that the totals are in
words as well as figures.
It is his duty to see that each entry in the
schedule of payments represents the (d) See that they bear a pay order
disbursement made on the supporting signed by the treasury officer in the
vouchers and that the entries in the case of vouchers paid at treasuries
amount column of the schedule work or by the responsible Disbursing
upto the total struck therein. He should Officer in case of other vouchers.
also check the deductions made from the
bills with reference to the amounts (e) See that they are stamped "paid".
shown in the schedules attached to them.
(f) See that there are no erasures and exceed Rs. 10,000 or to the Group
that any alterations in the total are Officer, if it exceeds Rs. 10,000. Cases
attested by the officer concerned as of loss of vouchers under unusual or
many times as they are made. peculiar circumstances should be
brought to the notice of the Accountant
(g) See that unless otherwise provided General for information, if found
in the rules of Government stamps necessary. Accountant General's enquiry
are affixed to all vouchers whose in such cases will be directed to find out
net amount is in excess of Rs. 20/- inter alia, whether there has been
and that they are punched. repeated or large number of cases of lost
vouchers in respect of any particular
(h) See that if a treasury vouchers be Drawing and Disbursing Officer/treasury
paid by transfer, it is stamped as and whether there has been any
having been so paid, and that the suspected connivance or collusion of the
head to which the amount is departmental staff in non-production of
credited is noted on it and that the original vouchers. For this purpose the
credit is traced in the cash account Accountant General (A&E) may seek
when possible. the help of Field audit parties of
Accountant General (Audit).
(i) See that the classification noted is
correct. The particulars of Certificates of
Payment so accepted should be recorded
If any objection is taken to a voucher or in a register maintained in Form 2 and
to any item in a schedule or other the Control Section should review the
account, a note of the objection should register half yearly (20th June and
be recorded thereon in red ink in September) with a view to finding out
sufficient fullness to make it readily whether there were any cases of loss of
understood. original vouchers under unusual
circumstances or any malafides attached
Scrutiny of the certificate of payment
to the non-production of the original
received in lieu of lost voucher(s)
5.11 In cases where Certificate of
The result of the review should be
payments are received in lieu of lost
submitted to the Accountant General on
vouchers, they should be checked in
the 30th June and 31st December
detail in the same way as original
vouchers. Scrutiny of the certificates of
payment in the Office of the Accountant 5.12 All the vouchers of schedule of
General (A&E) will not wait for audit payments are then posted in the
thereof by Accountant General (Audit). 'Compilation Sheet' and the total of each
They should be examined judiciously to detailed head is struck and this should
see that there were no unusual agree with the total of the schedule of
circumstances or malafides attached to payments after:-
the non-production of the original
vouchers and then they should be (a) deducting from the former the
submitted to the Branch Officer if the aggregate amount shown as
amount of such certificate does not
deductions from the vouchers and latter should deal with the slips and the
posted in the 'Deduction Sheet'. vouchers in the same way as if they had
come to him with the departmental
(b) adding to the result the amount of schedules of a treasury.
payments on account of refund of
revenue. 5.15.1 The amount and other particulars
of each suspense slip should be entered
From the Compilation Sheets the total by the Accountant preparing the slip in a
against each detailed head is posted Register of suspense slips issued, called
against the respective treasuries in the the "Outward Suspense Slip Register"
'Departmental Classified Abstract of (From 4). This Register should be
Payments'. maintained in original and should be
used as a transit register for the transfer
5.13 The month's total payments are also of the suspense slips to the various
to be posted as a minus entry in the sections. Separate registers or separate
Departmental Classified Abstract portions of a register bearing distinct
(Payment) against the Suspense Head letters must be set apart for the suspense
'Departmental Adjusting Account' of the slips relating to each detailed head under
Department. This will set off the amount the suspense head "Departmental
adjusted by D. H./Book section against Adjusting Account" for each section, as
this head. Similarly the total shown in may be found convenient. The entries in
the receipt schedule is posted as minus each register should be numbered in a
entry under the suspense Head separate series for the year and the
"Departmental Adjusting Account" in number of each entry with the distinct
the Departmental Classified Abstract letter of the register should be entered in
(Receipts). This will respond to the the relevant suspense slip. On
adjustment made by Book/D.H. section completion of the Departmental
under the head. Classified Abstract, the accountant
concerned should send the suspense slips
5.14 When an item of receipt or register along with the suspense slips to
expenditure which is properly adjustable the sections maintaining the abstract
in the Abstract of one department relating to the suspense head and their
appears in the treasury schedule acknowledgements should be taken
pertaining to another department or head against the concerned entries in the
of account, the accountant dealing with register itself. When the register is
the schedule should classify the amount received back, it should be ensured that
under the detailed suspense head opened all the suspense slips in respect of the
in the accounts for the provisional amounts adjusted in the accounts for the
adjustment of the treasury transactions particular month, under the suspense
of the department which must finally head of each section have actually been
receive the credit or debit. The transferred to the sections concerned and
accountant should then send an their acknowledgements obtained. The
intimation of the transaction on a certificate to this effect as prescribed in
Suspense Slip in Form 3 supported by the form should be signed by the
the vouchers or extracts from vouchers, AAO/Section Officer of the Section
to the departmental accountant of the every month and the register submitted
adjusting department. On receipt, the to the Branch Officer alongwith the
monthly classified abstracts. If there are to adjust the outstanding items, should
suspense slips which have not been be submitted to the Accountant General.
accepted by the sections to which they
are sent, they should be abstracted in the 5.16 Similarly the receipts or
register indicating the reasons for their expenditure items appearing in the
non-acceptance and steps taken for their accounts of the treasury of another
adjustment. The Branch Officer should Government which are received through
see that the Sections have not Account Current Section for adjustment
unnecessarily debited/credited some in the account are also dealt with in the
amounts to Departmental Adjusting manner as discussed above by the
Account operated by another section, concerned Accountant in the D.A.E.
resulting in their non-acceptance and Section.
take up the matter at appropriate level
for their acceptance, if he is convinced 5.17 The Departmental Classified
that the suspense slips correctly Abstracts thus completed will include
pertained to the other section. monthly all transactions of whatever
nature connected with receipts and
5.15.2 A register of Suspense Slips payments of the department grouped
received which may be know as "Inward under the head "Treasuries", 'Suspense
Suspense Slips Register" should be Slip' and 'T.E.s' horizontally and under
maintained in form 5 by the Section several heads of account vertically,
which receive the suspense slips. The ensuring agreement of the horizontal and
amount and other particulars of each vertical totals. The correctness of the
suspense slip received should be entered postings in the 'Departmental Classified
in this Register. It should be ensured that Abstract' for both receipts and
all the suspense slips received in the expenditure relating to each department
section during the month have been is proved through the medium of a 'Proof
adjusted in the accounts in hand and the Sheet' in these Abstracts.
Register should be submitted to the
Branch Officer along with the monthly 5.18.1 The Accountant is primarily
classified Abstract with the certificate as responsible for the correctness of the
prescribed on the Form, duly signed by Departmental Classified Abstracts. He
the AAO/Section Officer of the should see that:-
receiving section. Items which could not
be adjusted should be abstracted in the (j) each entry in the Compilation/Sheet
register indicating reasons for their non- Classified Abstract of payment is
adjustment and steps taken for their supported by the necessary
adjustment. vouchers, schedules, suspense slips
and transfer entry.
Note.-A periodical (say quarterly)
review of the D.A.A. suspense (ii) each entry in the Receipt Abstract is
broadsheets of the various sections supported by credits in the receipts
should be conducted by a control section schedule and Deduction Sheets;
(Book or T.M.) to see that the items
(iii) every wanting document has been
debited/credited to D.A.A. have been
called for and the fact has been noted in
promptly adjusted and the review report,
indicating the action which is called for
the relevant schedule as also the register (ii) Register of suspense slips received;
maintained for the purpose; and

(iv) schedules, vouchers etc. which (iii) Register of Suspense slips issued.
ought to have been made over to other
sections have been made over to them AAO/Section Officer will review
and acknowledgements obtained; and monthly the Departmental Classified
Abstract and submit the result of his
(v) vouchers relating to Gazetted review to the Branch Officer in a
Officers together with the supporting separate register. A review of the work
schedules, are made over to the done by the AAO/Section Officer is
respective Gazetted Entitlement sections conducted by another AAO/Section
by the prescribed date. Officer selected by the Group Officer
half yearly i.e. 30th June and 31st
5.18.2 The AAO/Section Officer and the December every year. The results of this
Branch Officer will check the test check is submitted by the Reviewing
correctness of posting in the Section Officer to the Accountant
Compilation Book/Classified Abstract of General through the Deputy Accountant
individual items above Rs. 10,000/- and General/Senior Deputy Accountant
Rs. 50,000 respectively under any General.
detailed head of account with reference
to the classification furnished on the 5.20 Monthly accounts are to be
vouchers. Similarly, the classification reviewed to find out any:
recorded on the receipt schedules should
also be checked to the extent indicated 1. misposting
below: 2. defects or
3. discrepancies.
Percentage of check and immediate step taken to set right the
Receipts ______________________
Accountant AAO/SO B.O. defects etc. and to avoid recurrence
_________________________________________________ thereof Recurring defects in accounts
(i) Upto Rs. 10,000/- . . 100% Nil Nil
attributable to the Drawing and
(ii) Between Rs. 10,001/- and Disbursing Officers should be brought to
Rs. 40,000/- . . Nil 50% 12 1/2% their notice and to the Heads of the
(iii) Exceeding Rs. 40,000/- but less Department Concerned if necessary.
than Rs. 1 lakh . . Nil 100% 25%
5.21 Next process is the preparation of
(iv) Exceeding Rs. 1 lakh and
Rs. 5 lakhs . . Nil 100% 50% Departmental Consolidated Abstracts
which are intended to show the
(v) Above Rs. 5 lakhs . Nil Nil 100% progressive figures, month by month
under the major, minor and detailed
5.19 The classified Abstracts are put up heads of receipts and service payments
to the AAO/Section Officer for appearing in the Departmental Classified
examination with the following:- Abstracts. The monthly totals under the
various heads of account as per
(i) Broadsheet of Departmental Departmental Classified Abstracts are
Adjusting Account Suspense; posted in the relevant columns of the
consolidated Abstract and progressive 6. The original entries in the Broadsheet
total struck. should be posted monthly from the
schedule of receipts and the second
5.22 The revenue and service head schedule of payments of each treasury,
transactions appearing in the Public and from the suspense slips representing
Works Divisional Accounts and Forest items transferred from other sections.
Divisional Accounts are compiled by The adjusting entries, which will be
W.A.C. and F.A.C. Sections as separate minus credits or minus debits, should be
set of accounts and included in the posted from the Departmental Abstract
Departmental Consolidated Abstracts as and the differences worked out. The net
distinct entries. total difference for the account circle
should be agreed with the postings in the
5.23 Particulars relating to Debt, Deposit Ledger and a memorandum of
and Remittance transactions appearing in reconciliation prepared as shown in
the Treasury Cash Accounts and List of Form 6, wherein the progressive
Payments and in the Departmental and difference from the beginning of the year
other Abstracts are collected for the will be resolved into the individual items
whole circle of account under each head of which it is composed. The
of account from month to month in a AAO/Section Officer will then sign the
Detail Book. The next process is the certificate at the foot of the Broadsheet,
preparation of Consolidated Abstract of which should be submitted to the Branch
Debt, Deposit and Remittance Officer in charge with the memorandum
Transactions, showing the progressive of reconciliation not later than the 10th
totals, month by month, under each day of the second month following the
major head and under such minor head month to which the Broadsheet relates.
and detailed head as may be necessary.
Note.-In the case of vouchers transferred
5.24 From the Consolidated Abstract of by the departmental Accountant to the
Debt, Deposit and Remittance Heads and Gazetted Entitlement Department or
the Departmental Consolidated other accounts groups for posting or
Abstracts, the Abstract of Major Head accounting, (see paras 5.2 & 5.6) the
Totals is prepared showing:- accountant concerned in the Gazetted
Entitlements Department or other
(i) the receipts and disbursements by accounting group should, whenever
major heads during and, necessary prepare and send the suspense
slip in form 3 supported by the vouchers
(ii) to the end of the month.
or extracts from vouchers to the
The total figures in the Abstract of departmental accountant, who should
Major Head Totals should agree with the deal with it in the same way as if the
Statement of Disburser's Account. suspense slip was prepared by him.

Accounting Checks
5.25 For each detailed Ledger head
subordinate to the Suspense head 5.26.1 In the case of bills countersigned
"Departmental Adjusting Account", the after payment, the money is actually
departmental accountant will maintain a drawn in an Abstract Contingent bill and
Broadsheet of debits and credits in Form the approval of the Superior authority as
indicated by its countersignature is required under relevant rules of
subsequently received by the A.G. State Govt.
(A&E) on the detailed countersigned
bill. Both the Abstract bill and the (d) That the charges included in the
Detailed Contingent bill require scrutiny D.C. Bills cover the amounts drawn
in the Office of the Accountant General. on AC bills and are classified
Watching receipt of D.C. bills in respect accordingly, difference or
of advances drawn in A.C. bills is an disallowance should be noted for
accounting function and therefore recovery and watched through
amounts drawn in such bills souldh be objection books and adjustments on
kept under objection by the A.G. (A&E) account of misclassification should
pending receipt of Detailed Contingent be made, if necessary.
bills. In scrutinising the Abstract
Contingent bills and Detailed Contingent Payees' receipts and sub-vouchers are
bills the following points should be not required to be forwarded to the
seen:- Accountant General along with the
detailed bills. It will suffice, if the
A.C. Bills detailed contingent bills in adjustment of
the abstract contingent bills are
(a) That the A.C. bill has been drawn by submitted in the prescribed form,
an Officer who has been authorised without sub-vouchers and payees'
to draw money on A.C. Bills. receipts.
(b) All A.C. Bills drawn by the 5.26.3 Other Contingent Bills
Drawing Officers are to be noted in
Objection Books to be maintained Where sub-vouchers are required to be
for watching D.C. Bills. presented along with the bills for
payment at the treasury, a scrutiny of the
(c) Items noted vide (b) above are to be vouchers should be conducted to see
adjusted after the connected D.C. whether all the sub-vouchers as are
Bills are received and the following required to be submitted along with the
checks are exercised. contingent bills, have been received. In
cases where the sub-vouchers are not
5.26.2 Checks to be exercised in the case received, the items will be kept under
of D.C. Bills objection and the sub-vouchers called
for from the Drawing Officers.
(a) That the bill is in proper form and
the classification is correctly Payees' Receipts are not required to be
recorded thereon. attached to the bills presented at the
treasury or sent to the Accountant
(b) That certificates, if any, required General (A&E).
under the Financial Rules of the
Govt. concerned have been Filling of Vouchers
5.27 After the Classified Abstracts and
(c) That the bill is duly countersigned Detail Books have been posted and the
by the appropriate authority as audit of the vouchers completed by the
Office of the Accountant General
(Audit) the vouchers should be filed, a
separate file being maintained for all
classes of vouchers which have the same
period prescribed for their retention (see
paragraph 12.2) of Manual of Standing
Orders (Administrative) so that there
may be no difficulty in destroying them
after the prescribed time. Within each
file, the vouchers appertaining to each
district schedule should be kept together,
and the vouchers relating to a schedule
should be arranged by minor heads and
sub-heads and units of appropriation.


the duty of the Accountant General to
6.1 Government makes loans and watch its recovery.
advances to public and quasi-public
bodies and to individuals. Some of these 6.3 In the present day context of the
loans and advances are made under huge loans granted to State
special laws, others for special reasons Governments, statutory Corporations
or as a matter of recognised policy. etc., Government Companies, Quasi-
Except in the case of loans and advances public bodies and private institutions for
made under special laws or in respect of development and other purposes, it has
which Government has issued any become an important function of the
general rules or orders, the Accountant Accountant General not only to watch
General may require that the reasons for the fulfillment of the various conditions
making it as well as the conditions on on which the loans are sanctioned, but
which it is made are stated in full in the also to ascertain that the loans are
orders sanctioning the loan or advance. utilised for the purposes and on the
The Accountant General may also objects for which they are sanctioned.
enquire the reason for any unusual
condition, e.g. remission of interest in an SUBSIDIARY LOAN REGISTER
individual case. The Accountant General
should see that the conditions of 6.4 The Accountant General will keep
repayment of a loan or advance are two Subsidiary Loan Registers (in the
complied with by the debtor and should annexed Forms A and B) for all loans
exercise a close watch over repayment of made by Government to public or quasi-
Principal and realisation of interest, if public bodies and to individuals, except
any. In reviewing the outstanding loans Revenue Advances (see paragraph 6.14).
and advances special attention should be Form A will be for those loans which are
directed to irregularities in repayment, repayable by direct credit of the
acknowledgement of balances and repayments to the principal of the loan
unrealisable and doubtful assets. and From B for those which are
repayable by payments into a Sinking
6.2 In respect of loans and advances, the Fund. In both cases, a separate page
detailed accounts of which are kept by should be set apart for each loan. Before
him, the Accountant General should posting recoveries, whether of principal
report without delay any default in or interest, into the classified Abstract
payment either of principal or of interest the accountant will obtain the initials of
to the authority which sanctioned the the poster of the Loan Register against
loan or the advance. If that authority the entries in the treasury account to
enforces any penal interest upon the show that they are correct. The poster of
overdue instalments of interest or the Loan Register, after reference to the
principal and interest or if penal interest Detail Book will make the necessary
is recoverable on overdue instalments of postings from the treasury accounts, and
Principal/interest under the rules and also post into a broadsheet the total
orders issued by that authority it shall be amount recovered or paid for each loan.
The total in the broadsheet should be
certified monthly by the Book-keeper,
while the register as well as the
broadsheet should be reviewed monthly
by the Gazetted Officer-in-charge. The
Register prescribed above should be
maintained also in respect of loans given
by the Union Government to the State

Subsidiary Register of Loans of

Rs…………… sanctioned for ………..
in orders of Government of…………No.
…………….. dated……………….



“ To bear interest at ………….. per cent

to be paid (half) yearly on ………….and
to be repaid by (half) yearly instalments
of Rs………… addition to accruing
interest or (within……………… years)
or (in …………….equal instalments)”.
Date & Voucher Account of principal of Calculation of Interest on Principal Account of Interest Demand
Date Voucher Advance Repayment Balance Period On On Amount Amount paid
Advances Repayment due & credited
To interest
1986 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
April 16th Balance 50,000 ½ yr. 1,000 1,270
May 1 270
May 5 7 5,000 55,000 164 d 90
June 10 20,000 35,000 128 d 280
June 16 700
August 16th 18 5,000 40,000 61 d 33
September 1st 200
Total :- 1,123 280 1,270 1,170

October 16th To arrear Interest Due Rs. 1,270

less Rs. 1,170 100
Interest due on arrear interest, namely:-

Rs. 1,270 at 6 percent, for half year 38

less Rs. 270, for 168 days 7
Rs. 700, for 122 days 14
Rs. 200, for 45 days 2
Net due 23 15

To interest accrued on principal this day Rs. 1,123

Less Rs. 280 843
October 16th Balance 40,000 year 800 958

1. In this example, the rate of interest is 2. On the periodical fixed day, the
taken at 4 percent and the days for its amount is made up in the manner shown,
payment are supposed to be April 16th and the balance of principal, Rs.
and October 16th. The first, second and 40,000/- and of interest Rs. 958/- due
fourth sections record actual transactions from the debtor is calculated and set
and require no remark. In the third forth in the manner indicated.
section “Calculation of Interest on
Principal”, the figures show the amount 3. It is not thought worthwhile to set
that accrues and falls due upon the next apart separate special columns for
periodical day. On the balance of Rs. calculation of interest due on arrear
50,000/- half a year’s interest or Rs. interest. The calculation, however, is
1,000/- will fall due on October 16th; on made as shown in the above specimen,
the rest the amounts are calculated upon in exactly the same way as on the
the number of days from the date of the principal though the rate percent is
transaction till the end of the half year: usually higher.
the actual amount due on October 16th is
the difference between the two columns. 4. The sum of Rs. 20,000/- in the
foregoing example would not, in
practice, be entirely credited to principal,
but it is so entered here in order to
illustrate how the account may be made
up under various possible contingencies.
Loans repayable by/payment into a Sinking Fund

Date and voucher Amount of Principal Calculation of Amount of Interest Demand Account of Balance Calculation of
of Loan Interest Interest
on Advances
Date Voucher Amount Balance Period Amount Interest Interest Balance Date Parti- Payments Periodical Total Period Amount
Advanced due realised culars into credits Balance
Sinking on
Fund account
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
6.5 The columns under "Date and WORKS DEPARTMENT
Voucher", "Account of Principal of
Loan" and "Account of Interest 6.7 In cases where the loan expenditure
Demand" in the register referred to in the is, under special orders, to be conducted
preceding paragraph should be filled in and controlled by the public works
as soon as the transactions are reported department, the amounts debitable to the
from the bank sheet or the Cash Account several loan accounts will appear in the
or the transfer entry for the adjustment Monthly Accounts through the Accounts
of the periodical interest on the Deposits of Divisional Officers.
of the Sinking Fund is made. The
calculation of interest will be made at 6.8 The amount will be recorded in the
the same time. It will be observed that Subsidiary Loan Register prescribed
these columns show the interest that will above and will bear interest as though
be chargeable on the next periodical day they had been advanced on the last day
and that the amount of interest deduced of the month in which the expenditure
from them is not actually debitable actually appeared on the Monthly
against the borrower until the next Accounts.
periodical day.
The Accountant General should keep
A loan bears interest for the day of Government informed of the progress of
advance, but not for the day of outlay to enable it to watch and take
repayment. notice of any tendency to exceed the
amount of the loan and check it in due
6.6 The Subsidiary Loan Register will time as far as possible.
give the Accountant General the means
of seeing that both interest and PAYMENTS IN DISCHARGE OF LOAN
instalments are repaid on the due date,
and in case of delay, he should at once 6.9 Nothing may be credited as
address the officer who is in direct repayment of principal or into the
communication with the debtor or sinking fund so long as any sum is due
charged with the administration of the on account of interest unpaid.
property or of the Corporation to which
Interest for any half-year (or year) is not
the loan is made. The debtor should be
"due" until the end of the half-year (or
warned either by this officer, or, if the
year) during which it accrues.
loan is not on any district account, by the
Accountant General, when any payment, PERIODICAL MAKING UP OF THE
either of interest or of principal, is about ACCOUNT
to fall due from him, but omission to
give this warning gives the debtor no 6.10 After all entries upto but not
claim to exemption from the including the date on which interest
consequences of default. becomes due have been made, a line will
be drawn across the page. First the
interest account of the past helf-year
must be made up by deduction of the
amount paid on account of interest from
the demand on that account entered in
the "Amount due" column and by RETURNS
bringing down "Balance of Interest
Due". Then a calculation must be done 6.13 Each Accountant General will
of the interest to be demanded or any submit to Government periodical returns
overdue interest of the previous half- showing the details of the loans and
year. Lastly, in the case of Register in advances borne on his books, under the
Form A, the second and third columns of head "loans and advances by the Central
the "Calculation of Interest on Principal" Government/State Government" in such
must be totalled and the excess of the from and on such dates as may be
total of the second over the total of the mutually agreed upon.
third carried into the "Amount due"
column. The total interest due and the REVENUE ADVANCES AND
total principal due will then be made up FUNCTIONAL LOANS
and the account will be opened for a new
6.14 Revenue Advances include takavi
period. The account of Sinking Fund in
advances, under the Land Improvement
form B will be similarly completed, at
Acts, and any other advance, which
the same time, the amount of interest due
Revenue Officers are allowed or directed
being credited at the end of the period.
to make in connection with Land
If the interest is payable yearly, instead Revenue, Agriculture or Famine, under
of half-yearly, the account will be made any Act of the Legislature, or under any
up only once a year. orders of government. In the case of
Revenue Advances and Functional
6.11 A copy of the account as thus made Loans and advances granted by State
up and of the new statement of demand Government to bodies, authorities and
should be sent to the debtor. private persons for plan schemes etc.
administered by the various functional
SINKING FUND departments, the detailed accounts of
individual loanees will be kept by the
6.12 Moneys paid to a Sinking Fund for departmental officers. In the case of
repayment of loan should be credited to Revenue Advances, the Accountant
the head "Sinking Fund for Loans General (A&E) should see that the
granted to Local Bodies" and entered in expenditure on this account does not
the Register Form B prescribed in Para exceed the allotment placed at the
6.4. Interest will be allowed on these disposal of Heads of Department.
deposits at the same rate as the loan
itself bears. The interest payable on 6.15 The Government will designate the
these deposits should be credited to the controlling officers for the purpose of
Sinking Fund by deduction from the getting monthly returns of transactions
receipt on account of interest on the from the subordinate offices and
loan. When the total balance of the maintaining records for reconciling the
Sinking Fund becomes equal to the figures as per his records with those
amount of the loan, the credit under the booked in the accounts by the
head "Sinking Funds for loans granted to Accountant General and the treasury
Local Bodies" and the debit under under the relevant sub/detailed head of
"Loans to Municipalities, etc" should be account every month. The Accountant
written off against each other.
General is not required to maintain any 6.18 In the case of short-term loans
broadsheet in such cases. (loans recoverable in not more than 60
instalments) granted to non-gazetted
ADVANCES TO GOVERNMENT Government servants, the detailed
SERVANTS AND OTHER ADVANCES accounts are to be maintained by the
departmental officers, to watch the
6.16 A record of interest bearing recoveries from each individual. The
advances to Government Servants viz; treasury officers should be instructed to
House Building (other than House shown the Departmentwise break up of
Building advances paid from Provident figures of payment/recoveries in the list
Funds), Motor Car etc. advances, of payments/cash account. Subsidiary
sanctioned and paid under proper registers showing the
authority should be kept in form 8, departmentwise/controlling office-wise
which should be regulated with accounts of monthly debits and credits
reference to the rules governing such should be maintained by the compilation
advance. Other advances recoverable in sections to facilitate monthly
not less than 60 instalments and their reconciliation by the departmental
recoveries will be recorded in Form 9. officers. The receipt of reconciliation
The payments and recoveries shown in certificates should be watched by the
these Broadsheets should be reconciled Accountant General as in the case of
monthly with the figures shown in the reconciliation in respect of service and
Detail Book, any discrepancies between receipt heads.
the two sets of figures being noted on
separate pages, which should be set apart In respect of short-term loans granted to
at the end of the broadsheets in order gazetted officers, broad sheets in Form 9
that their eventual adjustment may be are to be maintained by the Accountant
watched. The fact that this monthly General.
verification has been made, should be
recorded on the broadsheet itself month 6.19 Advances for Law suits should be
by month at the time it is submitted to debited to the functional expenditure
the Gazetted Officer. In cases where head concerned under Rule 69(4) of
State Governments have taken over the Government Accounting Rules, 1990
function of maintenance of accounts of Refunds of amounts remaining unspent
loans and advances recoverable in less out of these advances should be dealt
than 60 instalments, the procedure with as cash recoveries.
outlined in para 6.15 above may be
followed. 6.20 Recoveries on account of passage
advances made under the rules to
6.17 Advances against Gratuity or Government servants in foreign service
General Provident Fund/Contributory will be watched by the Accountant
Provident Fund balances to families of General responsible for watching the
deceased Government servants will be recovery of contributions for leave and
debited to the head of account "8550- pension.
Civil Advances". Broadsheets in Form 7
will be maintained in these cases by the 6.21 Payment of recoverable advances
Accountant General. made to persons proceeding to a Pasteur
Institute and their recoveries will be
adjusted by the Accountant General in numbered and the acknowledgements
accordance with the rules made by the should be marked with corresponding
Government concerned in this behalf. numbers and filed in proper order. On
receipt of the new acknowledgement, it
6.22 In the case of All India Service should be numbered with Register
Officers belonging to a State Cadre on number of the advance and filed in the
deputation to the Central Government, place of the old acknowledgement which
the balance of advances for purchase of should be torn out of the file. A charge
motor car or other conveyances paid by report containing an acknowledgement
the Central Government and remaining of permanent advances, should not,
outstanding at the time of the officers however, be destroyed. It should be
reversion to the State Government shall preserved for the period prescribed by
be transferred to the Accountant General the Accountant General.
of the new accounting circle by the Pay
and Accounts Officer of the 6.24 If the amount of any advance be
Ministry/Department concerned. increased or reduced in the course of the
year, the amount in the column for the
In the case of Central Government current year should be altered in red ink
servants, temporarily lent by the Central on the appearance of the debit or credit
Government to the State Government or for the difference in the treasury
vice versa as well as those lent by one account. The total for the column will be
state to another, the credits for the corrected at the end of the year. If new
recoveries of House Building Advance, advances are sanctioned, they should be
Motor Conveyance Advance or advances entered at the bottom of the district list
for purchase of any other conveyance, in the order of the charges appearing.
sanctioned by the lending Government The monthly credits and debits in forms
will be passed on to the Accountant 11 and 12 respectively should be
General of that Government or Pay and compared with the credits and debits in
Accounts Officer of the concerned the Detail Book figures through the
Department/Ministry in case the lending Broadsheet which will after completion,
Government is the Central Government. be submitted every month to the
Gazetted officer in charge. At the end of
PERMANENT ADVANCES the year, a single total for the old
corrected and new advances will be
6.23 Permanent Advances should be made, the aggregate of which for all the
recorded in a Register in Form 10, districts worked out in the Broadsheet at
intended to last for 4 years. The Register the end of the Register will agree with
should be a standing list of all the closing Ledger Balance of the year.
sanctioned permanent advances by
names of Officers, a separate page or 6.25 The amounts of the advances as
pages being set apart for the officers in standing on 31st March should be entered
each district. As personal responsibility afresh in the money column for the next
can be enforced by the receipt of the year and a total made for 1st April.
actual incumbents, which are on the file,
the names of the holders of advances 6.26 Sanctions to permanent advances
need not be entered in the Register. The have to be scrutinised to see:-
advances should be consecutively
(i) that the officer sanctioning the (i) Amount
permanent advance is competent (ii) Deduction from pay bill for
to do so under the rules of the …………………………….
Government; (iii) Date of encashment
(iv) Voucher Number
(ii) that the amount sanctioned does (v) Gross and Net Amounts of
not exceed the limit Bill
recommended by the Accountant (vi) Name of Treasury
General or fixed by the 6. Action Taken
Government either for an office 7. Remarks with particulars of T.E.
or for the sanctioning authority; No. and month of account in which
and the item was written off.
8. Broadsheet Number.
(iii) that these advances are not
multiplied unnecessarily. Efforts should be made to trace the
credits and adjust them and remove the
ADJUSTMENT OF RECOVERIES ON items from the register before the close
COLLATERAL EVIDENCE of the accounts for the year. If the details
are not forthcoming despite concerted
6.27 Recoveries of long-term advances efforts and a dead end is found to have
the accounts of which are kept by the been reached in the case, the outstanding
Accountant General may be adjusted on item may be written off to "Misc.
the basis of collateral evidence such as Government Account" as a book keeping
certificate from the treasury officer or error under Rule 38 of the Government
drawing and disbursing officer about the Accounting Rules, 1990.
recovery having been made from the
salary bill of the officer (the voucher No.
………………..……date of encashment
and name of treasury should be indicated
in such certificates) or verification
particulars furnished by the officer
which should be checked with the
Vouchers or the notings in the Gazetted
entitlement Register or any other record
under the orders of the Accountant
General. The cases adjusted on the basis
of the collateral evidence should be
entered in a separate register in the form
given below:-

1. Serial Number
2. Name and Designation of the
Government Servant.
3. Head of Account by debit to which
the advance was drawn.
4. Category of Advances
5. Details of missing credits

Government. The particulars of the entry
INTRODUCTORY should be noted in the Statement.
7.1 In the case of moneys received to be REFUND OF LAPSES
held as deposits with Government, the
Accountant General should satisfy 7.3 When application is made for refund
himself that these moneys can properly of a lapsed deposit, a note of it should be
be credited to the Public Account of the made against the entry of the deposit in
State by virtue of a statutory provision or the Statement of Lapses. The Officer
of general or special orders of who signs the order for refund should
Government. It should also be seen that also initial the entry of refund order in
no item is credited as a deposit in the the Statement of Lapses. The fact of
accounts of a Government which could payment should be noted in the number
be credited as a revenue receipt or in book of the orders, Form 13 and the
reduction of ordinary expenditure of that Section Officer should initial the entry in
Government. In respect of repayment of the prescribed column.
deposits, the Accountant General should
examine that there are proper vouchers NOTE 1.-In the case of repayments of
in support of the amount repaid and deposits which are made after the
should check each repayment against the original District Registers of Receipts
original receipt eigher individually or have been destroyed, the check of the
against the total credit in a particular refund will be confined to seeing that a
account in order to see that repayments lapses deposit of the particular amount in
do not exceed the amount originally question, is actually outstanding in the
received and credited to Government. It Statement of Lapses, the verification of
is also the function of the Accountant the claimants' title to the refund being
General to see that balances in deposit left to the authority who signs the
accounts are correctly carried over from application for refund.
year to year, that the balance at the close
of the year in each account is NOTE 2.-In the case of lapsed deposits
acknowledged as correct by the person paid without pre-check by the
or body concerned, where necessary and Accountant General under orders of
practicable and that any deposits Government, a note of the refund should
remaining unclaimed for such period as be made against the entry of the deposit
may be prescribed by Government in in the Statement of Lapses. It should be
this behalf are duly credited as revenue also seen that the item was really
receipts of Government. received, was carried to credit as lapsed
and drawn by a person who might have
7.2 On receipt of a Statement of lapses drawn it any time before the lapse.
(Form T.A. 49 of the Account Code
Volume II), it should be checked with
the plus and minus memorandum for the
7.4 The deposit checker must be careful
month of March and necessary transfer
to see that the receipts, repayments and
entry proposed crediting the amount to
balances are correctly brought forward
in the plus and minus memorandum PERSONAL DEPOSITS
which are received from the Treasury in
respect of each class of deposits vide 7.6 Ordinarily the opening of a banking
Article 120 of the Account Code deposit account or of a Personal Ledger
Volume II and specially that any lapsed Account is sanctioned by Government
items are correctly written off. He after consultation with the Accountant
should also see that the closing balance General. It is generally recognised that
for March agrees with that of the Proof- Government should not agree to the
Sheet. opening of such an account unless it is
satisfied that the initial accounts of
EARNEST MONEY DEPOSITS moneys in the Personal Ledger Account
are properly maintained and are subject
7.5 Credit for the earnest money deposits to audit.
made in a treasury of State X in favour
of a Departmental office of State Y, 7.7 Except where by law or rules having
should be passed on to the latter through the force of law Personal Deposit
the outward settlement Account. On Accounts are created by transferring
receipt of the credit the particulars funds from the Consolidated Fund for
should be entered by the Accountant discharging liabilities of the Government
General of State Y in a separate Register arising out of special enactments,
of Receipts of Deposits (to be Personal Deposit Accounts, created by
maintained by him for such credits). The debit to the Consolidated Funds should
Accountant General of State Y should be closed at the end of the financial year
adjust it finally in his books and intimate by minus debit of the balance to the
the fact of receipt of the credit to the relevant service heads in the
Departmental Officers concerned. Consolidated Fund, the Personal Deposit
Whenever a repayment is to be made, Accounts being opened next year again,
the departmental officer concerned of if necessary in the usual manner.
State Y should endorse the refund order
on the original receipt granted by the 7.8 The scrutiny of withdrawals in the
Treasury Officer and send it to his case of Personal Deposits is confined to
Accountant General who after verifying seeing that there are proper paid cheques
the signature of the drawing officer and in support of the withdrawals.
the credit in the Register of Receipts of
Deposit or Statement of Lapsed 7.9 In cases where Civil or other Courts
Deposits, will arrange for payment to the open Personal Deposit Account with
party concerned by obtaining a Reserve Treasury, they themselves keep the
Bank of India Government Draft. This detailed account of Deposits and submit
procedure will do away with the the Statement of Lapses to the
repayment in State X and thus eliminate Accountant General instead of the
the passing of the debit to the Treasury doing so. This statement has to
Accountant General of State Y. be checked in the manner indicated in
para 7.2.
DEPOSITS OF LOCAL FUNDS he may correct his memoranda and also
to the Administrators of the Fund.
7.10 The receipts and payments at
treasuries on account of Local Fund 7.12.2 Arrangements should in addition
having banking accounts with be made for communicating to the
Government are reported by Treasury Administrators of Local Funds the
Officers in plus and minus memoranda details of the transactions in the Public
(see Article 120 of the Account Code, Works Department when such
Volume II). The entries in these transactions increase or decrease the
memoranda should be checked by the balances under "Deposits of Local
Accountant, special attention being paid Funds".
to balances as a precaution against any
fund overdrawing its account; see OTHER DEPOSITS ACCOUNTS
paragraph 7.1. Overdrawals should
always be brought to the notice of 7.13 The checks in respect of 'Other
Government. Deposit Account' (e.g. Deposits for
Work done for Public bodies or
7.11 The memoranda should then be individual's, 'Deposits of fees received
posted in Broadsheets, one for each min by Government servants', 'Deposits of
or head under 'Deposits of Local Funds' Government companies, Corporations'
in Form 14. etc.) should be conducted with reference
to the rules and directions issued by
The total figures for receipts and Government for the receipt and
payments for the whole State as shown repayment of each type of deposit.
in the respective Broadsheets should
then be agreed monthly with the Detail

7.12.1 If the Government has ruled that

expenditure incurred in the Public
Works Department on the execution of
works on behalf of a Local Fund should
be debited to the "Deposits of Local
Funds" or if receipts in connection with
Local Fund works are realised by Public
Works Officers, such charges and
receipts should also be taken into
account in working out the balances of
the Deposits of Local Funds, suitable
alterations being made in the forms of
Plus and Minus Memoranda and of
Broadsheets. The net additions to or
deductions from the balances of each
fund on account of expenditure and
receipts referred to above should be
intimated to the Treasury Officer so that


setting forth the claims and the
INTRODUCTORY acknowledgements of the payees
legally entitled to receive the
8.1 The check of works accounts is sum paid;
conducted in three stages:
(iv) that all vouchers and accounts
(1) Preliminary internal check by the are arithmetically correct;
Divisional Accountant in the
Divisional Office; (v) that they are in all respects
properly prepared in accordance
(2) Checking of monthly accounts in with rules;
Accountant General's Office; and
(vi) that all charges are correctly
(3) Checking of Divisional classified, those which are
Reconciliation statement of debitable to the personal account
expenditure and receipts with of a contractor, employee or
reference to Debt Head and other individual being recorded
Classified Abstracts/Summary as such in a prescribed account;
Registers maintained in Works and
Accounts Wing of Accountant
General (A&E) office. (vii) that on the basis of rates
sanctioned by competent
8.2 Charged with the responsibility of authority and of facts (e.g.,
applying certain preliminary checks to quantities of work done, supplies
the initial accounts, vouchers, etc, the made, etc, or service rendered)
Divisional Accountant is responsible for certified by authorised
examining the Accounts Returns of Sub Government servants, the claims
Divisional Officers to see- admitted for payment are valid
and in order.
(i) that they have been received in a
complete state; Note.-It is not necessary that the
Divisional Accountant should check
(ii) that the sums receivable are duly personally the arithmetical accuracy of
realised and on realisation all vouchers and accounts, but he is
credited to the proper head of responsible to ensure that a cent per cent
account, and also to the proper check is exercised efficiently under his
personal account (if any) of the supervision.
contractor, employee or other
individual; 8.3 The Divisional Accountant should
exercise a similar check from day to day,
(iii) that the charges are covered by upon-
sanctions and allotments, and are
supported by complete vouchers
(i) the transactions recorded direct on their powers placed by the Divisional
in the accounts of the Divisional Officer or higher authority.
Office; and
Note (a)-If the Divisional Officer is
(ii) bills and vouchers of Sub allowed a lump sum provision for
Divisions, which are submitted expenditure on a group of works, and he
to the Divisional Officer for has made out of it allotments for
approval before payment is individual works, expenditure should be
made by the Sub Divisional watched against individual allotment and
Officer; in respect of charges excesses brought to the Divisional
this examination should be Officer's notice.
conducted before the payment is
made. (b) He may further be required by the
Divisional Officer to undertake on his
The cash and stock accounts of the entire behalf, such other scrutiny of the
division as also all transfer transactions accounts of the receipts and
should be scrutinised by the Divisional disbursements of Subordinate Officers
Accountant before they are included in falling within the Divisional Officer's
the Monthly Account and connected own power of sanction, as the latter may
registers and schedules. consider necessary.

8.4 The Divisional Accountant should 8.7 If against a single sanction, two or
see that every payment is so recorded more disbursing officers have to operate
and a receipt for it so obtained that a simultaneously, the Divisional
second claim against Government on the Accountant should see that orders of the
same account is impossible, and if it Divisional Officer are obtained imposing
represents a refund of a sum previously a definite limitation on the money
received by Government, that the transactions of each officer. Similarly, if
amount paid is correctly refundable to disbursing officers of two or more
the payee. divisions are concerned the orders of the
Head of the circle or higher authority
8.5 It is one of the functions of the should be obtained. In such cases, it may
Divisional Accountant to see that be advisable to have separate working
expenditure, which is within the estimate, or other sanction, to cover the
competence of the Divisional Officer to transactions of each officer and for the
sanction or regularise, is not incurred, as purpose of bringing the expenditure to
a matter of course, under the orders of account these should be treated as far as
subordinate disbursing officers without possible, as independent transactions
his knowledge. All such items of pertaining to the same group of works or
expenditure should at once be brought to the same project. If this is not possible,
the notice of the Divisional Officer and special arrangement must be made for
his orders obtained and placed on record. the check of the total expenditure against
the sanction.
8.6 The Divisional Accountant should
also bring to the Divisional Officer's 8.8 The Divisional Accountant should
notice all instances in which subordinate check works expenditure with the
officers exceed the financial limitations estimates to ensure that the charges
incurred are in pursuance of the object however, he should advise the Divisional
for which the estimate was intended to Officer to consult the A.G.
provide. In the case of works the
expenditure on which is recorded by Note.-(The State Government of
Sub-Heads (that is, items of work such Maharashtra have absolved the
as brick-works, etc.) the Divisional Divisional Accountant of the above
Accountant is responsible for checking responsibility.)
the expenditure on each Sub-Head with
the estimated quantity of work to be The Divisional Accountant must also
done, the sanctioned rate, and the total conduct detailed check of muster rolls
sanctioned cost so that he may bring to and petty vouchers which are not
notice all deviations from the sanctioned submitted to the Accountant General's
estimate. office.

8.9 The Divisional Accountant should 8.11.1 The Divisional Accountant is

see that without the orders of Competent responsible for the arrangements for
Authority the authorised gross checking the computed tenders, i.e. for
expenditure on a work is not exceeded seeing that satisfactory and efficient
and that any surplus recoveries of arrangements are made for checking;
expenditure are not utilised towards
additional expenditure. He should also 8.11.2 he should conduct personally a
see that savings due to abandonment of test check of the computed and checked
parts of a work, as evidenced by the tenders sufficient to satisfy himself
quantities of the work executed or reasonably that the checking work has
otherwise, are not utilised towards an been properly done; and
unauthorised object.
8.11.3 he should see that the
The Divisional Accountant should, at the comparative statement correctly
same time watch recoveries of incorporates the totals as checked on the
expenditure in order to bring to the individual tenders.
Divisional Officer's notice, and obtain
8.12 The Divisional Accountant is
that officer's orders on all marked
expected to see that the rules and orders
deviations from the provision for such
in force are observed in respect of all the
credits in the estimates of works.
transactions of the division. If he
8.10 The Divisional Accountant's considers that any transaction or order
responsibility extends also to the affecting receipts or expenditure is such
examination of all claims included in as would be challenged by the
bills, presented direct at Treasuries by Accountant General if the preliminary
the Divisional Officer. He should see internal check entrusted to the Divisional
that the service books and leave accounts Accountant were applied by the former,
of subordinates are maintained in it is his duty to bring this fact to the
accordance with rule and that the notice of the Divisional Officer with a
admissibility of leave applied for by statement of his reasons, and to obtain
subordinates is verified before the the orders of that officer. It will then be
competent authority decides upon their his duty to comply with the orders of the
leave applications. In all cases of doubt, Divisional Officer, but if he has been
overruled and is not satisfied with the procedure and for imparting necessary
decision, he should at the same time instructions thereon to the Sub
make a brief note of the case in the Divisional Officers and their staff.
Register of Divisional Accountant's
Objections (Form 23) and lay the The results of these inspections should
register before the Divisional Officer, so be placed on record for the inspection of
that the latter may have an opportunity the Accountant General, but serious
either of accepting the Divisional financial irregularities should be
Accountant's advice on reconsideration reported at once for the information of
and ordering action accordingly, or of that officer, even though set right under
recording, for the information of the orders of competent authority. All
Accountant General, his reasons for defalcations or losses of public money,
disregarding that advice. An objection stores or other property, which required
entered in this register should not be report to the Accountant General, under
considered as finally disposed of until it the financial rules of the Government
has been reviewed by the Accountant concerned should be immediately
General, for whose inspection the reported to him.
register should be available at all times.
8.15 The quarterly reconciliation of
8.13 The results of the examination of works expenditure/receipts will be
accounts and vouchers received from carried with reference to the Works
Sub-Divisional Officers should be Accounts Summary Retgister maintained
intimated to them in all cases in which it for each Division which in turn will be
is necessary to obtain further got certified from the monthly classified
information accounts, vouchers, abstracts of expenditure/receipts
certificates, etc., and they may be maintained in Works Miscellaneous
directed to correct the relevant records of Sections.
their offices to avoid the recurrence of
any irregularity. The procedure to be 816. These instructions are intended
observed may be prescribed by the primarily for the Works Accounts
Divisional Officer. The records Department which is responsible for the
connected with the results of the accounting of the transaction of the
examination should be retained so as to Public Works Department which are
be available for the Accountant brought to account by Divisional
General's inspection. Officers of the Department in
accordance with the directions in the
8.14 The Divisional Accountant is Accounts Code Volume-III and the
further required to inspect periodically Financial Rules of the Government
under the orders of the Divisional concerned. Subject to such exceptions as
Officer, the accounts records of the Sub may be authorised by the Accountant
Divisional Offices to check a percentage General with the prior concurrence of
of the initial accounts. The defects the Comptroller and Auditor General,
noticed should be reported to the the instructions in this section should be
Divisional Officer for orders, but the followed by other departments or
Divisional Accountant will be sections of the Accounts Office
responsible, as far as possible, for entrusted with the accounting of Works
explaining personally the defects of
mentioned in Article 4 of Accounts Code are correctly classified in the
Volume III. monthly account;

8.17 The Works Accounts Department (iv) the items of receipts and
should be divided into sections, each disbursements are arithmetically
headed by a Section Officer. The tallied and if they do not agree
primary responsibility of checking and the difference be taken to
compiling the accounts of Public "Miscellaneous Public Works
Works/Irrigation Divisions and other Advance" or "Deposit" under
work connected therewith rests with the intimation to the Divisional
Clerk/Accountant/Sr. Accountant. The Office.
actual distribution of work which should
be set out clearly in the office Manual, (v) the opening cash balance agrees
will be settled by the Accountant with the closing balance of
General (A&E) according to local previous months and that the
requirements. figure "cash balance diminished/
increased" is equal to the
8.18 The work of accounting shall difference between opening and
commence immediately on receipt of the closing cash balance.
Monthly Accounts and preliminary
checks applied as prescribed below: (vi) the monthly account form
C.P.W.A. 80/83 is signed by the
In addition to the general checks
The work of checking of monthly mentioned above the following
account should be taken as soon as the further checks should be applied
account is received in Accountant to the various schedules
General's office to see that- accompanying the monthly
account to see that-
(i) It is complete in all respects with
supporting schedules and Schedule of Revenue Realised C.P.W.A.
vouchers as described in the list 46
of accounts from C.P.W.A. 83;
(i) the amount brought forward
(ii) all the schedules attached with from last month with reference
the monthly account are in to Form C.P.W.A. 46 of
proper form; previous month;

(iii) figures of receipts and (ii) is is arithmetically accurate;

disbursement as shown in form
C.P.W.A. 80 tally with the totals (iii) the amounts appearing under
of the items concerned as "Deduct refund" is supported by
appearing in various schedules, a separate schedule of refund of
i.e. form C.P.W.A. 74, 76, 79, revenue and the amount of
77 etc. and also to see that these refund agrees in the amount
mentioned in the schedules; and
(iv) the totalling of schedules of Schedule of Deposit Works Form
refunds of revenue is done C.P.W.A. 65
correctly and that the refunds are
correctly classified. (i) the opening balances as shown
in Part I & II are correctly
Classified Abstract of Expenditure entered as per closing balance of
previous month's account;
(i) the totals under each head of
account are correct; and (ii) the expenditure figures and
departmental charges are correct
(ii) the figures are tallied with those as per schedule Docket Form
appearing in respective Central Public Works Account
schedule, i.e. Form C.P.W.A. 61 and the Schedule docket for
64,62,73, etc. as also that the percentage recoveries C.P.W.A.
expenditure has been correctly Form 62;
(iii) the totals of "deposits" and
Schedule of Works Expenditure Expenditure charged to
Miscellaneous Works Advances
(i) the schedule is arithmetically agree with corresponding totals
accurate; in the Schedule of Deposits
(Form C.P.W.A. 79) and Works
(ii) the nomenclature of the works Advances (Form C.P.W.A. 70);
and the expenditure shown
against each work during the (iv) the report of progress of
month tallies with that shown in expenditure after verification by
the schedule docket Form audit, is transmitted to the
Central Public Works Account responsible administrator of the
Code 61; Work without delay.
(iii) the figures of departmental Schedule of Takavi Works Form
charges are shown correctly as C.P.W.A. 66
per Form C.P.W.A.62; and
The opening balance agree with the
(iv) all works relating to Central closing balances of the previous month's
Road Fund are shown in the schedules, that the posting of works in
schedule for June, September, the works register is done as per rules
December and March even if no and that closing balance is correctly
expenditure appears during the arrived at.
Schedule of Debits/Credits to Misc.
Further the schedule for Heads of Account. Form Public Works
September, March (S) shall Account Code 40
include all works, including
those relating to which no (i) the totals are correctly stuck;
transactions have appeared in the
accounts of these months.
(ii) the figures and classification Schedule of Cash Settlement Suspense
agrees with that in schedule of Account
works expenditure; and
(i) the opening balance agrees with
(iii) the suspense slips are prepared. closing balance of previous
Schedule of Debits/Credits to
Remittances Form C.P.W.A. 77 & 77 A (ii) the totals and balances are struck
correctly; and
(i) the totals and classifications are
correctly made; (iii) the entry of debits is agreed with
the entry in the corresponding
(ii) items have been correctly schedules (Form C.P.W.A. 73
classified as originating/ and 64).
Stock Accounts Form C.P.W.A. 73
(iii) all debit entries are supported by
proper vouchers, transactions on Check of current month's Receipts with
account of cost of works done reference to Form C.P.W.A. 72 and
by Divisional Officer for other Schedule Docket.
parties are supported by detailed
schedule of works expenditure 8.19.1 All corrections made in the
in Form C.P.W.A. 64. Monthly Account or in any of the
schedule should be advised to the
(iv) reference to authority of Divisional Office through special letters
acceptance of transfer exists; for correction, after verification, of the
and relevant records of the division.

(v) the Suspense Slips are prepared. 8.19.2 The supplementary Account of
the year should be dealt with in
Schedule of Settlement with Treasuries accounts, as far as possible, in the same
Form C.P.W.A. 51 way as the Monthly Account of one of
the month of the year.
(i) the differences as per line 1 have
been correctly brought forward Schedule of Misc. Works Advances
from previous month;
Check of opening balance with closing
(ii) the figure of 'differences' (Line balance of previous month.
5) have been correctly worked

(iii) the figures in line 4 are 8.20 Whenever a Divisional Accountant

supported by consolidated is relieved of his duties in a divisional
Treasury Receipts and office, it should be seen that the
certificates of cheques by memorandum referred to in paragraph
Treasury Office. 7.21 of the Manual of Standing Orders
(Administrative) is received from the
Divisional Officer.
8.21 When a minimum period for the Part I-of the register will contain
preservation of an initial or compiled sanctions to works and Part II will
account record in a Divisional or Sub contain sanctions to contracts.
Divisional Office has not been
prescribed in the rules framed by the 8.23 In Part-I-sanctions to works-only
Government concerned for the those sanctions would be registered
destruction of records, Divisional where the cost of work is Rupees one
Officers are required to obtain the crore and above and where more than
approval of the Accountant General one public works/Irrigation Divisions are
before destroying that record. If any of engaged in the construction/execution.
the records proposed to be destroyed are
connected with works or other accounts 8.24 In case of Irrigation etc., projects
in progress or are likely to be required at where centralised Accounting
a future date for audit purposes, the organisations has been set up and if that
Divisional Officer should be advised to organisation is maintaining identical
postpone their destructions. Such advice records, no register need be maintained
should be offered only with the approval by the R.A.O's/or by the Accountant
of the Accountant General, and as far as General (A&E).
possible, the periods of preservation
prescribed for corresponding record of 8.25 Part I, thus written up, will show
the Accountant General's office vide month by month the progress of
paragraph 12.2 of the Manual of expenditure on each work. For watching
Standing Orders (Administrative). the progress of works expenditure
against the divisional allotment under
Note 1 : This criterion should also be each unit of appropriation for such
applied in the scrutiny of any rules as expenditure, the total works expenditure
regards destruction of records which the incurred during each month as shown in
Government may propose to introduce. the Schedule of Works Expenditure
should be posted each month against the
Note 2 : Copies of Sub Divisional cash Divisional allotment under each unit of
books or of other accounts records which appropriation in a separate folio of the
Sub Divisional Officers submit to the Register. If there are any other heads of
divisional office should be treated as accounts for which there is separate
original account records, and not as allotment in any division, one or more
copies, as the Divisional Officer's folios of Part I of the Register for that
accounts rendered to the Accountant division should be set aside for the
General's office are based on such copies record of the monthly progress of
and not on the original thereof. expenditure on such heads. Entries on
these folios should be made, in respect
WORKS REGISTER of both allotment and expenditure, in the
same way as those relating to works, the
8.22 A register in Form 15-Works figures of expenditure being taken from
Register should be maintained for each the Classified Abstract of Expenditure,
divisional office in two part to serve as Form P.W.A. 41 or other schedules
collective record of important sanctions. pertaining to the accounts of the
division. In respect of suspense heads, if
the allotment is only for the net charge
under the whole minor head "Suspense" sanctions to working detailed estimates
the month's expenditure to be posted in should be entered in these columns. The
Part I will be the figure described as entry of the amount of a supplementary
"Net Debit" to "Suspense" in Form estimate should be preceded by the letter
P.W.A. 41. But if there is a separate "S" in red ink, and underneath the
allotment for each suspense head, the amount should be drawn a line and
form of Part I will not be suitable; in this below it should be noted the total
case the form may be modified suitably. amount of the sanctioned estimates. The
The form of the Broadsheet (Form 17) amount of a revised estimate should be
may be used with advantage (a line of preceded by the letter "R" which should
the form being reserved for each also be in red ink. Orders of competent
suspense head), provided that two authorities passing excesses over
columns are inserted in it. One for the technical sanctions should also be noted
net allotment, and the other for the in these columns and the entry of the
permissible limit of the balance (i.e., the amount, preceded by the letter "E"
opening balance of the year plus the should be put within brackets, so that it
allotment). may be distinguished from entries
relating to sanctioned detailed estimates.
In part II-sanctions to contracts-all
sanctions relating to construction for (b) In cases in which, in accordance with
works, supplies, carriages etc., as any rule, the preparation of detailed
communicated by the authorities higher estimates for annual repairs to buildings
than the Divisional Officer in respect of has been dispensed with by competent
sanction works registered in Part I of the authority, the entries in these columns
Register. will be in respect of the standard lump
sum limits of cost prescribed from time
8.26 The register shall be closed to time. Similarly if the preparation of a
monthly and will continue till the work detailed estimate for a petty purchase or
for which it is meant is reported to be manufacture of Tools and Plant, or for
completed. the manufacture or collection of stores,
is unnecessary under any rules, the
8.27 The following points should receive amount of the expenditure authorised by
special attention in connection with Part- competent authority should be treated as
I. the amount of the technical sanction to a
detailed estimate.
(1) Column 1-"Serial Number"-Entries
under each detailed head of account (c) If a substantial portion of a work has
should be numbered in a separate series. been abandoned the estimated cost of the
A number should be assigned to a work, abandoned portion should be deducted
and an entry should be made in respect from the estimated cost of the whole
of it, as soon as any sanction or order of work, and the net operative amount of
allotment relating to it is received, or the estimate worked out.
expenditure on it appears in the
divisional accounts. (3) Columns 5 and 6-"Allotment"-These
columns are intended for a record of
(2) Columns 3 and 4-"Sanctioned orders of appropriation and
detailed estimate"-(a) Technical reappropriation. In cases in which funds
are allotted for each work, individually, entries being made in a separate line
the order will be noted against the work below those relating to the "Operation".
concerned; in other cases, (where all the
works relating to the groups are included (6) Columns 11 to 24-"Expenditure"-
in the Works Audit Register) it will be Entries should be made in these columns
noted in a suitable place assigned to the only when there is any transaction
total of the group of works included in during a month, and whenever an entry
the unit for which a lump sum allotment is made the expenditure of the month
is made. In the case of non-government should be entered in black ink, and
works and isolated works executed on underneath it should be noted, in blue or
behalf of other divisions, departments green ink, the expenditure to date. The
and Governments, the entries in these figures should be prefixed by a red ink
columns will be in respect of the gross minus sign when they represent minus
amount of deposit received, or, if there is expenditure. When the expenditure on a
no deposit, of any limit prescribed for work is incurred for the first time, the
expenditure to be incurred during the progressive expenditure need not be
year; see also clause 5(a) below and entered. When it is entered for last time,
paragraph 4.3.13 of M.S.O. (Audit). i.e. when the work is reported as
"completed" a line should be drawn
(4) Column 8-"Permissible limit of through the space for the remaining
expenditure to end of the year"-This month of the year and the word
column, like columns 4 and 5, should "completed", noted against it in the
not be used in respect of works for column for "Remarks".
which no individual allotment is
required by rule. Nor should it be used in (7) Column 26-"Remarks"-In this
the case of works started during the year, column should be noted any remarks or
as any allotment shown in column 5 will orders for which no column is
be the limit for the progressive specifically provided, e.g. note of the
expenditure to the end of the year. account of work having been closed (see
clause 6 above), financial sanctions and
(5) Column 10-"Full name of work"-(a) administrative approval when they are
In the case of works which are communicated to Audit, notes of
assessable to percentage recoveries on verification and transmission of
account of establishment tools and plant, completion reports, notes of orders
etc., the work should be broken up into relating to the clearance of expenditure
two parts-one relating to the charges on on "Land, Kilns, etc." [vide Article 158
the work proper and the other to the (b) of the Account Code Volume III],
percentage thereon-and all entries of etc., etc.
sanction, allotment and expenditure
should also appear in two parts (vide 8.28 The Accountant General will make
Note 2 on Form P.W.A. 27), though only suitable arrangements for ensuring the
one serial number will be assigned to the accuracy of the postings in the Works
work. Register.

(b) In the case of works of manufacture,

the Outturn" should also be recorded, the
REGISTER OF LAND CHARGES amongst themselves without the
intervention of the Accountant General.
8.29 A register in Form 16-Register of The Application of this procedure for
Land charges should be kept so that the adjustment of the cost of work done in a
Land Award Statements which are division for another division is in
submitted to the Accountant General relaxation to the provisions of Article
under the rules of Government by 182 of Account Code, Volume III. The
officers making the award under the detailed procedure is laid down in
Land Acquisition Act, may be checked. Appendix 7 of the C.P.W.A. Code
The Gazetted Officer-in-charge should (Second Edition) and the corresponding
review this Register once a month and rules in the State P.W.A. Codes.
enquire into the causes of delays in the
disposal of the statement. PUBLIC WORKS REMITTANCES

BROADSHEETS OF BALANCED 8.33 The head "Public Work

HEADS Remittances" is intended for transactions
of Public Works Officers with Treasury
8.30 As it is necessary to prove the and other officers of the Civil
accuracy of the monthly transactions Department (including the Forest
under each Suspense and balanced head Department) within the same circle of
and of the balances under the head account and with officers (including
"Deposit" by a comparison of the results Treasury Officers) in other circles of
brought out in the Divisional schedules account in cases where the transactions
with the Department Consolidated originate in those circles. This head
Abstract or Detailed book and the comprises the following three divisions:-
Ledger, as the case be, a Broadsheet
should be maintained in Form 17 which (i) Remittances into Treasuries, i.e.
should be submitted monthly to the cash remitted by officers of the
Gazetted Officer-in-charge after the Public Works Department to
reconciliation has been effected. Treasuries in account with the
same Accountant General.
8.31 Broadsheets of transactions passed
through the Remittance heads should be (ii) Public Works Cheques, i.e.
maintained, as described in Paragraph cheques drawn by officers of the
4.3.17 to 4.3.21 of Chapter 3 of Section Public Works Department on
IV of M.S.O. (Audit). Treasuries in account with the
same Accountant General and
SETTLEMENT OF REMITTANCE cashed at those treasuries.

8.32 All transactions relating to services (iii) Other Remittances, i.e. transfer
rendered or supplies made by one transactions between officers of
Division to another (whether the the Public Works Department on
Divisions fall within the same Account the one hand, and officers of
circle or in different Account circles) Civil Departments (including the
including those pertaining to works done Forest Department) in account
by a division on behalf of another with the same Accountant
division are settled by the divisions General or officers (including
Treasury Officers) in other Broadsheets in Form 19 and 20 should
circles of account in cases where be posted from them in respect of
the transactions originate in transactions (cheques and cash
those circles, on the other. remittances respectively) with treasuries
in account with the Accountant General.
1. Remittances into, and cheques Each Broadsheet, when completely
drawn on treasuries in account with posted, should be totalled, and its total
another Accountant General, are agreed with the corresponding figures in
treated as transactions originating in the Ledger. At the close of the year, the
the account circle of that Accountant outstanding differences should represent
General. merely the amounts of cheques drawn
upto 31st March remaining uncashed by
2. Amount due from one Public Works that date and cash remittances in transit
Division to another, including the on that date. All other differences should
divisions of other Govts. should be form the subject of enquiry and be
settled in accordance with the adjusted before the accounts of the year
procedure prescribed in Para 17.1.8 are closed.
of CPWA Code. Detailed Procedure
is laid down in Appx. 7 to CPWA 1 This monthly reconciliation, so far as
Code. the Civil figures for each treasury are
concerned, is made on the basis of
8.34 In respect of the Divisions "I- Treasury Officer' monthly certificates
Remittances into treasuries" (i.e. cash received with the accounts of Public
remitted by Divisions to Treasuries) and Works Officers. If the month's total thus
II-Public Works Cheques (i.e. Cheques arrived at, for "Cheques cashed at
drawn and cashed by the Divisions) of treasuries" or "Remittances,
the head "Public Works Remittances" it acknowledged by Treasury Officers", as
is sufficient to see that the totals shown the case may be, agrees with the
in the schedules are supported by the corresponding figures in the Details
necessary details in the schedule of Book, no reference to treasury schedules
Monthly Settlement with Treasuries will ordinarily be necessary, but in cases
Form P.W.A. 26 relating to the of difference, a detailed comparison of
treasuries within the Account circle. the Treasury Officer' certificates with the
schedules should be made and the
8.35 On receipt of Form CP..W.A. 51 discrepancy traced.
(P.W.A.26) it should be seen that the
figures in line 4 of part I and part II are 2 If the Schedule of Settlement with the
supported by original Consolidated treasuries Form P.W.A. 26 is not
Receipt/Certificate of issue of cheques received with the monthly accounts,
signed by Treasury Officers. pairing of debits and credits may be
done with reference to the cheque-wise
8.36 The procedure for dealing with and challan-wise details received
heads I-Remittances into Treasuries and alongwith the monthly accounts from
II-Public Works Cheques is as follows. P.W. Divisions and Treasury Officers, as
As the Divisional Schedule of monthly is the case in respect of C.P.W.D. and
settlement with treasuries form some other States. For this purpose, a
C.P.W.A. 51 (P.W.A. 26) are checked, register in a suitable form may be
maintained to analyse the differences, if concerned should be required to keep a
any and ensure the expeditious note of all intimations sent out to
settlement of the differences. Divisional Officers. Delays in
adjustment should be investigated.
8.37 The head "III-Other Remittances" is
sub divided into- 8.39 All debits and credits under head
"III-Other Remittances-(a) Items
(a) Items adjustable by Civil Officers; adjustable by Civil Officers" which
and appear in the accounts of Public Works
Officers, should be adjusted in the Civil
(b) Items adjustable by Public Works Section of the accounts in accordance
Officers. with the procedure prescribed in Chapter
V of Accounts Code for Accountants
Transactions pertaining to non-Public General in respect of the adjustment of
Works heads of account, which originate non-Public Works transactions should be
in the accounts of Divisional Officers of observed, with such local modifications
the Public Works Department but which as the Accountants General may deem
cannot be adjusted by the Division advisable, the object being not only to
through schedules of adjusting account, keep a watch over the clearance of each
settlement account or miscellaneous item out also to test the total uncleared
head of account are classified under head balances under this head month by
(a) of "Other remittances", and is month, and to ensure the absolute
adjusted in the civil section of the adjustment of all items within the
accounts. When a transaction relating to account of each year.
the Public Works Department originates
in the civil sections of the accounts 8.40 All debits and credits under "III-
whether on the authority of Treasury, or Other Remittances-(b) Items adjustable
Other Departmental account rendered to by Public Works Officers" should for
the Accountant General or on the purpose of settlement be sub divided into
authority of the Settlement received by the following three classes:-
him, and it is not classifiable under one
of the Public Works revenue or (i) remittances into, or cheque
expenditure heads, transactions under drawn on, treasuries in other
which are permitted to be adjusted direct accounting circles;
on the Accountant General's books, it is
debited or credited as the case may be, to (ii) transactions in respect of which
"Other Remittances" under Head (b). A Advices and Acceptances of
responding debit or credit of either class transfer are exchanged direct
if allocated under (a) or (b) according as with officers of other accounting
the original transaction (credit or debit) circle; and
is classified under (a) or (b).
(iii) miscellaneous Public Works
8.38 Accountants are responsible for items.
watching the expeditious adjustment of
all items intimated to Divisional Officers 8.41 All debits and credits of class (iii),
for response. To enable them to which appear in the Civil Section of the
discharge this responsibility the auditors Accounts whether on the authority of
Treasury or other Departmental 8.44 In column 2, "Names of Works", of
Accounts rendered to the Accountant the form should be detailed the names of
General or on the authority of the all works, separate totals being brought
Settlement Account received by him, out for Productive and Unproductive
should be collected in a register works thus:
(separately for debits and credits) in
Form-21, and full particulars of each Productive Works-
transaction should be intimated, in I. Irrigation Works
suitable form, to the Divisional Officer ……………………..
concerned to enable him to respond to ……………………..
the transaction. ……………………..
8.42 The clearance of debits and credits TOTAL
entered in this Register should be ________
watched on the basis of responding II. Navigation, Embankment and
credits and debits as shown under the Drainage Works
head in the Divisional Schedule of ……………………..
Remittances (Form C.P.W.A. 77) ……………………..
attached to the Divisional Monthly ……………………..
Account. It is not only essential to watch ________
the adjustment of individual items but TOTAL
also the total uncleared balances should ________
be tested month by month and all
transactions of a year should be settled _________
before the accounts of the year are TOTAL PRODUCTIVE WORKS
closed. _________

8.43 The financial results of Irrigation, Unproductive works-

Navigation, Embankment and Drainage A-Irrigation works
Works for which capital and Revenue ……………………..
Accounts are kept are compiled by the ……………………..
Central Government yearly in Form 18. ……………………..
Each Accountant General should prepare ________
a statement in this form and submit it, in TOTAL
the case of State through the State ________
Government so as to reach the Central B-Navigation, Embankment and
Government not later than the 1st Drainage Works
November. The figures for this return ……………………..
should be obtained from the ……………………..
Administrative Accounts, (Form AC, 33 ……………………..
of Accounts Code for Accountants ________
General), so far as accounts figures are TOTAL
concerned, other figures should be based ________
on information supplied by the Public _________
Works Department authorities.
8.45 The estimate cost of construction Objection Book should be reserved for
(column 5) should be determined in the each distinct class of objections of which
manner indicated in Appendix 2 to a separate record may be required for
Account Code of Accountants General any purpose e.g. for want of vouchers,
and should, therefore agree with the for want of Stamped Receipts etc.
figures shown in Part VI of AC. 33 of
Accountant Code for Accountants 8.48 Under each head the objection
General. relating to each distinct transaction
should be treated as a separate item and
8.46 As soon as possible after the close a serial number should be assigned to it.
of the year, the following annual
statements should be prepared and 8.49 The amount placed under objection
forwarded to the authorities concerned, during the month in respect of only item
on such dates as may be settled locally- should be noted against it in black ink in
the appropriate column of the month
_________________________________ concerned, and below this entry should
Sl. Information to To whom be noted in green ink (as the
No. be furnished Submitted
_________________________________________________ denominator of a fraction the numerator
of which is the entry of the amount
1. Detailed schedules of revenue and Government
expenditure of the public works placed under objection during the
Department (in such detail as the month) the Progressive total of the
Government may require). These
schedules are ordinarily the same as amount placed under objection to end of
those referred to in Serial No. 5 of the month. In the case of objection
Annexure to Chapter 9 of the account
Code for Accountant General. classed as miscellaneous, full particulars
to the objections should be placed on
2. Financial details to be embodies in the Public record. The posting of all items placed
Administration Report on the public Works
Work Department (in such from as Department under objection should be verified by the
the Government may prescribe in of the Section Officer at the end of each month
consultation with the Accountant Government
General). and in token of this, after the entries of
_________________________________________________ the month have been abstracted he
should initial the entries in the abstract.
The schedules for Establishment and
Tools and plant pertaining to Statement Note: Objections regarding “vouchers
No. 1 should be supported by the awaited” should be recorded in the
necessary details showing the objection book as two item viz. (1)
distribution of such charges over major number of awaited vouchers, and (2)
heads, in accordance with the relevant amount of awaited vouchers.
8.50 An objection should be removed as
8.47 Objection Book should be soon as the necessary vouchers or
maintained in Form 22 in each Works document is received. The removal of an
Accounts Section for each division in objection should be indicated in the
respect of objections relating to Non- Objection Book by an entry of the
receipt of vouchers and stamped amount adjusted in the column “Amount
Receipts. As set of pages of the cleared”, for the month following the
month the accounts of which were from month to month and the unadjusted
closed; the progressive total of the balance from year to year.
adjustments being also noted at the same
time in the manner prescribed for the ANNUAL CLOSING
posting of the amounts placed under
objection. In the case of items for which 8.53 The Objection Book should be
the money column of the objections was closed annually and the balances of
not filled in the adjustment should be outstanding objections should be carried
indicated merely by the initials of the forward to the following year’s Book,
accountant in the column for the month the entries being attested by a member of
concerned. As a precaution against error, the Superintending staff. In the
a red ink line should be drawn across the Objection Book of the new year, all such
page in all the remaining columns. The items should be noted (in relevant
reference to the order, account, voucher groups) in a separate section thereof. If
or other document on the authority of the outstanding balances thus brought
which the objection has been removed, forward relate to two or more years, the
should also be noted in the column balances of each year should similarly be
provided for the purpose. registered in a separate section. This
action, however, cannot be taken
Note: Brief notes of, or references to all completely until the Supplementary
correspondence or other action taken Account of the year is received and
towards clearance of any objection checked and is accounted for, but it is
should be kept in the column “Remarks” permissible in anticipation of this event
of the Objection Book. to transfer to the new year’s objection
book such items of the old Book as may
8.51 All entries regarding the adjustment be affected by the account of the new
of objections should be attested by the year accounted for before the
Section Officer in respect of objections Supplementary Account. The Section
removed as per provision of para 8.50 Officer is however responsible to see
above. that any correction due to the
Supplementary Account are carried out
MONTHLY CLOSING neatly in the new Objection Book in due
course by plus or minus entries as the
8.52 After the Section Officer has case may be made with suitable remarks.
completed the attestation of entries of
adjustment, all entries in the column ANNUAL REVIEW ON THE WORKING
“Amount placed under objection” and OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION
“Amount cleared” for the month should
be totalled, separately for each class of 8.54 An annual review on the working of
objections and a general abstract should all Public Works Divisions is required to
be prepared in a separate section of the be conducted each year and is required
Objection Book. The Section Officer to be sent to State Government by 15th
should examine and initial this abstract. December after collecting information
from Works Accounts sections and the
The progressive totals of each class of Audit Wing.
objections should be carried forward
The statements which are to be included STATEMENT V : Statement
in the Annual Review and the proforma showing the Arrears in reconciliation.
in which the information is to be
STATEMENT VI : Statement showing the defects in the
collected are shown below separately for preparation of Monthly Accounts.
Accounts Wing and Audit Wing. Sr. Particnlars of Remarks list of division to be
No. Defect enclosed.

STATEMENT I : Statement showing the

delay in the receipt of accounts,
vouchers. STATEMENT I : Common types of irregularities noticed
in Central Audit.
Sr. Name of the Due date Months(Actual date of receipt) STATEMENT II: Details of Audit Notes and Inspection
No. Division of receipt _________________________
April May June etc.
Report not replied.
Sr. Name of the Due date No. of Vr. Months
STATEMENT III: Important irregularities noticed in the
No. Division of receipt amount ________________
local Inspection of Public Works/
April May June
Irrigation Division.

STATEMENT II : Statement showing So far accounts wing is

the name of Divisions from which the concerned, the
following schedules have not been information should be
received and the months for which they collected from the Works
are not received. Accounts Sections and
(i) Schedule of public Works Deposits. Works Miscellaneous
Section for Audit Wing,
(ii) Schedule of Purchases. the information should be
(iii) Schedule of Misc. Public Works Advances.
collected from the
Accountant General
(iv) Schedule of Cash Settlement Suspense (Audit).

(v) Schedule of Reconciliation with Treasury.

Schedules wanting
Sr. Name of the Division _____________________
No. Sr. No. Month


showing amounts held under objection
to end of March ’89 (Position as on 30
STATEMENT IV : Amount outstanding under III OR items
adjustable by Public Works Department. (For Works
Miscellaneous Remittances issued during 1988-89).

Sr. Name of the Amount outstanding at the

No. Division
end of March Accounts.
(Position as on 30 September)

Ordinarily there is a provision in the
CASH ACCOUNT Register to note the actual date of
encashment of cheque which
9.1 The accounts of Receipts and information the Divisional Officer
Disbursements which are rendered by should obtain from the Treasury. The
Divisional Forest Officers in the forms Divisional Forest Officer should be
prescribed in Chapter VII of the Account directed to furnish information given
Code Volume III, should be checked to below in the form of a statement which
see that the Disbursing Officers have should invariably accompany the
rendered correct accounts of the monthly compiled account rendered to
transactions in their charge and that all the Accountant General.
the subsidiary accounts correctly work
up to the Cash Account in Form F.A.I. AMOUNT IN RUPEES

CHARGES 1. Total amount of cheques that

remained un-encashed at the end of
9.2 With reference to the particulars the previous month.
furnished in the vouchers, in the
Classified Abstract of Revenue and 2. Total amount of cheques issued
expenditures (Form F.A. 5) and in during the current month (as per
monthly lists of sanctions received from Form F.A. 2).
the Conservator, it should be seen that
the charges are correctly classified and 3. Total (1) + (2)
in particular that the allocation under
'Capital' and 'Revenue' is in accordance 4. Total amount of cheques encashed
with the prescribed rules. In cases of during the current month (Certificate
doubt, the required information should from the Treasury Officer to be
be obtained from the Departmental enclosed)
Officers, so that the charges may be
classified correctly. The provisions made 5. Total amount of cheques remaining
in the annual Budget Estimates of the un-encashed at the end of current
State Govt. under various Forest Major, month (3) - (4)
Minor and Detailed Heads of Account
should also be kept in view while 6. Details of un-encashed cheques at
looking into the classification of the the end of the current month
Cheque No. Date Amount
During the scrutiny of monthly compiled
9.3 The Divisional Forest Officer is account, particular attention should be
expected to maintain a Register of paid to cheques which have been shown
cheques drawn by him in which he will as un-encashed for more than 3 months
enter, in a chronological order, the in the details furnished in column 6 of
details of cheques drawn by him. the statement referred to above. Such
cases should be taken up with Divisional
Forest Officer for speedy settlement. It remaining unadjusted in the
should also be seen that the amount books of Treasury Officers
shown against column 5 of the statement at the end of the current
is correctly shown against column 1 of month (3) - (4).
the statement in the following months. 6. Details of unadjusted Revenue.

9.4 The "Chalans" are filled in the _________________________________

Divisional staff or classification given Sr. Name of the Amount Name of Item No. &
No. party Treasury month of
therein checked and handed over to the the Register
parties who then make their own of Revenue
arrangements to remit the amount into
Treasury/Reserve Bank of India. The During the scrutiny of the monthly
duly receipted challan is brought by the compiled account it should be seen that
party and surrendered to the Divisional (a) the closing balance shown against
Forest Officer who on being satisfied column 5 of the statement is correctly
that the receipted challan is genuine, shown against column 1 of the statement
takes an entry of this revenue on the in the following month (b) items
Receipt side of the Cash Book. If parties remaining unadjusted at the treasury for
send Demand Drafts to the Division, more than 3 months should be referred
they are first encashed and then the cash to Divisional Forest Officer for speedy
is remitted into Treasury at which time settlement.
an entry is taken in the cash book.
9.5 Debits and credits arising out of
Each Divisional Forest Officer should be inter-divisional adjustments, where
directed to send a statement in the form permissible under Article 245 of the
given below along with the monthly Account Code Volume III should be set
account submitted to the Accountant against corresponding credits and debits
General. respectively. Ordinarily when such
transactions are paired a note of
Amount in Rupees agreement should be recorded in red ink
by the Accountants dealing with both the
1. Total amount of Forest
Divisions against the relevant entries in
Revenue remaining un-
the Cash Accounts. But if the number of
adjusted in the books of
transactions is large, a suitable register
Treasury Officer at the end
may be prescribed, in addition to
Of the previous month.
facilitate proper watch over unadjusted
2. Total amount of Revenue
for the current month as in-
corporated in the monthly 9.6 Transactions with other departments,
Account of the Division. Government etc., should be classified as
3. Total (1) + (2). pertaining to the Remittance or
4. Total amount of Revenue settlement Account concerned according
duly adjusted by the to the rules laid down in the Account
Treasury Officers (Consoli- Code. Items passed through inward
dated Try. Receipts to be Remittance Accounts which are
enclosed). adjustable in the Forest Divisional
5. Balances amount of Revenue Books should be dealt with in the
manner prescribed in Article 5.13 of requirements. An annual summary may
Account Code for Accountants General. similarly be sent if required.
The clearance of the head "Forest
Remittances" should be watched in a Annual Review in the working of Forest
Broadsheet as prescribed for Public Divisions
Works Remittances.
9.10 An annual review of the working of
Note.-Transaction between Forest and Forest Divisions should be prepared for
Public Works Officer of the same Audit each financial year and sent to the State
Circle whether originating in the Forest Government by 31st December of the
or P.W. Account should be classified following financial year. This review
under the head 'Public Works should cover the following points:
(I) Extent of delay in the receipt of
LEDGER ACCOUNTS accounts/vouchers:
Sr. Name of Division Due date of Actural date of receipt
9.7 The Abstract of Contractors' and No. receipt for April May …….
Disbursers' Ledger (Form F.A. 8) should
be checked so that It may be verified that (II) Extent of wanting documents
all the transactions pertaining thereto which should normally
have been correctly posted and that the accompany the monthly account.
opening and closing balances are correct. This must fall under the
The closing balances should be reviewed following categories (i.e.
to ensure that relevant rules and orders documents):
governing their clearance are observed.
Outstanding balances which are not Schedule of cheques drawn
cleared within a reasonable period Schedule of Remittances
should form the subject of special + Memo for Forest Deposits
enquiry. Statement of Forest Advances

Note.-The instructions in paragraph Form F.A.5 Schedule of

4.4.6 of M.S. (Audit) apply mutatis classified expenditure.
mutandis to forest advances.
For each category the manes of the
ABSTRACT AND SUMMARIES Divisions and the months in which the
deficiencies were noticed should be
9.8 The rules for the preparation of listed out.
Forest Abstract and summaries are
prescribed in Chapter 2 of the Account (III) Amount outstanding under 'III.
Code for Accountants General. Other Remittances-items
adjustable by Forest':
Sr. Name of Dn. Amount Outstanding to end
No. of March
9.9 Monthly reports of progress of (Position as on 30th Sept. next)
revenue and expenditure if required by
the Conservators, should be furnished to (IV) Statement showing the amounts
them in such form as may be prescribed held under objection to end of
by the State Government to suit local March
(Position as on 30th Sept. next) which are generally presented to
the Governor and later discussed
Sr. Name of Dn. For wanting For want of Stamped
No. Vrs. Receipt in the P.A.C.

(V) A Statement showing the arrears

of reconciliation:
Sr. Name of Dn. Quarters for which Reconciliation
is in arrears

In addition to the above material which

should be available in A&E office the
following material must be obtained
from the A.G. (Audit) and incorporated
in the annual review :

Statement-A: Common types of

irregularities noticed in Central Audit.

Statement-B: Details of audit

objections and Inspection Reports not

Statement-C: Very important

irregularities noticed during local audit
of Forest Divisions.


(i) The names of Divisions should

be given.

(ii) Any other material which is

available in Audit Wing and
which is important enough to
find a mention in the annual
review should also be sent to
A.G. (A&E).

(iii) The due dates for sending all

these material should be locally
fixed in such a way that A.G.
(A&E) is in a position to send the
annual review to Government by
31st December latest.

(iv) This should not be construed as a

substitute for Audit Reports



10.1 Transactions relating to Debt, 10.4 In case of Remittance transactions,

Deposits and Advances comprise it should be seen that debits and credits
receipts and payments in respect of are cleared either by receipt or payment
which Government becomes liable to in cash or by book adjustment under the
repay the moneys received or has a relevant Service or Revenue heads of
claim to recover amounts paid together accounts or have been paired off by
with repayment of the former and corresponding credits or debits within
recoveries of the latter. Remittances the same or in another accounts circle.
embrace all transactions which are taken An important part of this work is the
to merely adjusting heads of accounts, scrutiny of balances from month to
the debits or credits under which are month in order to effect their early
eventually cleared by a corresponding clearance and to determine the accuracy
credit or debit either within the same or of the outstandings at the end of the
in another circle of accounting. year.

10.2 In the case of Payments subject to 10.5 For the check of Cash remittances
recovery, the A.G. (A&E) should watch between Treasuries as well as such
that the moneys are regularly repaid by remittances between Treasuries and
the debtor. Currency Chests a Register will be
maintained in Form 26.
10.3 It is an important part of the duties
of the Accountant General (Accounts & POSTING THE REGISTER
Entitlement) to review and verify the
balances under Debt and Deposit heads 10.6 On receipt of the List of Payments
and the outstanding under Remittance and Cash Account from the Treasury, as
heads as disclosed in the books of soon as the schedules and vouchers
Accounts at the close of the year. The relating to the heads 'Cash Remittances
first step in the process of this between Treasuries' and those of
verification is to see how far the final remittances into/withdrawals from
results of any detailed accounts kept of Currency chests are checked with the
the transactions work up to and agree entries under major and minor head
with the balances in the Ledger. The '8782-Cash Remittances etc.-Cash
next step is to ascertain, where Remittances between Treasuries and
necessary, whether the person or persons currency chests', all the debits on
by whom the balance is owed or to account of remittances should be posted
whom it is due admit its correctness, and in Column 1 to 4 of the Remittance
in case of balances due to Government, Check Register by the District
how far they are really recoverable. Accountant concerned. Similarly the
acknowledgements of the remittances or
withdrawals from Currency Chests
shown in the relevant schedules forming
part of the Cash Account should be Accountant General (A&E), Kerala, will
posted as credits in the Columns 7 to 10 deal with these transactions in the same
of the Register, care being taken to manner by posting them in their 'Central'
ensure that entries for credits are being Remittance Check Registers for
posted against the corresponding original watching the clearance of the
debits in Columns 1 to 4 or vice versa as outstanding items in the manner
the case may be. indicated in para 10.7 below.

In certain cases, the opposite transfers SQUARING OF THE REGISTER AND

for original entries for 'Remittances into' ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENCES
or 'withdrawals from' Currency Chests as
appearing in Treasury Schedules are 10.7 As soon as the posting of Detail
made by the Central Accounts Section of Book, Part I is commenced, the
the Reserve Bank at the instance of the Accountant concerned should total the
Currency Officers having jurisdiction debits and credits (Columns 3, 4 and 9,
over the States, but stationed outside the 10) of the Remittance Check Register
State vide Article 18 of the Account and these totals should be agreed with
Code Vol.II. The entries for response in the corresponding total in the 'Detail
respect of such cases of Extra State Book Part I' WHERE the postings are
Currency transfers should be made made with reference to the total figures
against the original items posted from as shown in the List of Payments and
Treasury Schedules, with reference to Cash Accounts. Any difference between
the monthly statement of opposite the two sets of totals in 'Remittance
transfers (in Form A. 13 of the Issue Check Register' and Detail Book Part I
Department Manual, Reserve Bank of should be promptly located and rectified
India) sent by the Currency Officers, as far as possible by transfer entry in the
duly checked and corroborated with the same month as this may generally be due
corresponding clearance Memos sent by to misclassification or miscarriage of
the Central Accounts Section of the schedule totals into the List of
Bank. To this extent, the Columns 2 and Payments/Cash Account. The unadjusted
7 of the Register viz., 'Remitting debits and credits as worked out in
Treasury' and 'Receiving Treasury' Columns 6 and 7 of the Remittance
should be construed to cover the 'Central Check Register should then be carried
Accounts Section of the Reserve Bank of forward with full details in the
India' and these should be indicated Remittance Check Register for the next
suitably in these columns against the month. A list of such unadjusted debits
entries concerned. and credits should be made out every
month and entered in the details of cash
The procedure outlined in the preceding balance report which is forwarded to the
sub-para is also applicable to cases of Currency Office of the Reserve Bank of
currency transfers in the Non-Banking India for verification. Any discrepancy
treasuries/sub-treasuries in the 'Union in the list of such items which normally
Territory of Lakshadweep', where these constitute remittances in transit, brought
are treated as transaction of the Union to light by the Currency Officer, should
Government under the head 'Cash be promptly reconciled by
Remittances between Treasuries and correspondence with the Treasury
Currency Chests'. Accordingly the Officers concerned and the Currency
Officer. Proper enquiries should also be compiled accounts to the Accountants
instituted in the case of remittances General (other than the Public Works
remaining outstanding for an unduly Department and Forest), such as those of
long period. departmental Commercial Undertakings,
State Excise Officers etc. the Broadsheet
10.8 The Remittance Check Register may be maintained in form 20 used for
thus posted and squared up for a month "P.W. Remittances", with suitable
(as illustrated with example in the Form changes in the headings of the monthly
26) serves not only as a Broadsheet for columns reading "Cash remitted by P.W.
watching the outstanding remittances Officers", Separate sets of pages may be
(both debits and credits) but also serves used for the appropriate minor heads like
as an account abstract for the heads "Remittances of Departmental
"Cash Remittances between Treasuries commercial Undertakings",
and Currency Chests" and "Local "Miscellaneous Remittances" etc. In the
Remittances in Transit" (the latter Columns for "Remittances
forming part of '8999-Cash Balance'), in acknowledged by Treasury Officers", the
view of the fact that totals in this register actual credits appearing though the
are abstracted (vide illustration given in Treasury schedule of receipts under the
the Form 26) incorporated in the 'Detail concerned remittance heads of account
Book Part II' also besides the Statement may be posted against the original items
of Disbursers' Account as indicated in of debits posted from the monthly
Article 4.4 Account Code for compiled accounts received from these
Accountant General to arrive at the Departmental Officers.
account figure of opening/closing Cash
balance under the minor head RESERVE BANK OF INDIA
"Remittances in Transit-Local". REMITTANCES

Note.-It may be noticed that after the 10.10 The check of Reserve Bank of
squaring up of the Remittance Check India Remittances will be confined to
Register for a month in this manner, and seeing:-
posting of the figures abstracted in the
"Detail Book Part II", the totals of (1) that the total of the issues as
debits/credits for the month (and reported by treasuries in the daily
consequently for the financial year) schedules is credited to the Reserve
under the minor head "Cash Remittances Bank and the total of the payments
between Treasuries and Currency as reported in the daily schedules
Chests" as worked out in the of treasuries is debited to the Bank;
"Consolidated Abstract of D.D. & R.
Heads", and the "Abstract of Major (2) that there is a voucher for each
Head Total", will be equal. Only the net entry in the schedules of payments
unadjusted balance will figure as part of and the amounts agree; and
'8999-Cash Balance' under the minor
head 'Remittances in Transit-Local". (3) that the net receipts or payments
for the month under the head
10.9 For watching the clearance of "Reserve Bank of India
remittances into the Treasuries by Remittances" for the whole account
Departmental officers rendering circle as worked out in the Detail
Book agree with the corresponding Act of Parliament are duly observed in
adjustment for the month made by respect of a loan granted by the
the Reserve Bank against the Government of India to a State or
balance of the Government guaranteed by it. In the case of loans
concerned. raised by a State which can be done only
within the territory of India or obtained
The responsibility for the checking of by it from the Government of India, it
encashments of individual telegraphic should be watched that any conditions
transfers and drafts against the imposed by the latter Government in
corresponding drawings will rest with giving consent to raise a loan or in
the Reserve Bank. giving a guarantee in respect of a loan
are duly complied with by the State
10.12 In relation to borrowings it should
10.11 Borrowings.-Under Article 292 of be seen that the proceeds of loans are
the Constitution, the Union can raise properly brought to account.
money by borrowing upon the security
of the Consolidated Fund of India within 10.13 It should also be seen whether
such limits, if any, as may from time to adequate arrangements are made by
time be fixed by Act of Parliament. Government for amortisation of debt
Under Article 293 of the Constitution, a particularly in cases where borrowed
State may borrow within the territory of moneys are utilised on objects or Works
India upon the security of the which cannot be regarded as productive
Consolidated Fund of the State within and should bring to notice instances in
such limits, if any, as may from time to which amortisation is ignored or appears
time, be fixed by the Act of the to be prima facie inadequate.
Legislature of the State subject to the
condition that a State may not, without 10.14 The prima facie adequacy of the
the consent of the Government of India, amortisation arrangements should be
raise any loan if there is still outstanding examined in accordance with the general
any part of a loan made to the State by principles set out below:-
the Government of India or by its
predecessor Government, or in respect of 1) Amortisation arrangements for loans
which a guarantee has been given by the for unproductive purposes may be
Government of India or by its related to some extent to the period of
predecessor Government. A State maturity of the loan also to the chances
Government may also obtain loans from of growth of the particular type of
the Government of India Subject to such unproductive debt. It is, however,
conditions as may be laid down by or sounder and more prudent to relate the
under any law made by Parliament. It is arrangements rather to the object of the
an important duty of the Accountant borrowing than to the currency of the
General (Accounts & Entitlement) to see actual loan. The period ought to be
that borrowings of a State Government comparatively short where the
are so regulated as not to exceed the expenditure on the unproductive purpose
limits fixed by the Legislature and that should more properly be met from
the conditions laid down by or under an revenue, where the assets constructed
from the loan are comparatively investment should also be reported to
shortlived, or where the total of the Government in a suitable manner with
borrowings for the unproductive purpose such comments as the Accountant
is likely to increase rapidly. Where a General may think fit.
material asset is produced the
amortisation period should never exceed CONTINGENT LIABILITIES ON
the life of the asset. ACCOUNT OF GUARANTEES
10.15 Regarding debt redemption
Scheme, it should be seen that the 10.17 Under Article 292 and 293 of the
conditions of the scheme are Constitution, the Union and the States
scrupulously observed, that is, the are empowered to give guarantees in
annual debits against revenue under the respect of loans raised by others within
scheme are calculated strictly in such limits as may be fixed from time to
accordance with the approved time by Act of Parliament or, as the case
programme, the appropriations for may be of the Legislature of the State.
reduction or avoidance of debt are Such guarantees constitute contingent
applied to the objects for which the liabilities of Government and it is an
money has been set aside and that essential duty of the Accountant General
liquidation of debt proceeds at the rate (Accounts and Entitlement) to keep a
and on the lines prescribed. close watch over the guarantees given by
the State to see that limits prescribed by
INVESTMENTS the Legislature are not exceeded. It is
necessary that the total amount of such
10.16 Accountant General should keep a guarantees as also the amount of
watch over investment of funds forming guarantees invoked during the year
part of the Public Account of the State. It should be mentioned in the report on the
should be seen that the investments accounts of the State. It should also be
made on account of any regularly ascertained that any general or special
constituted Sinking or other Fund orders issued by the Government for
administered by the Government are of levying a commission for giving a
the category authorised by the statutory guarantee are duly observed.
provisions by which the fund is
governed. When there is no governing SINKING FUNDS
statutory provision or instrument, proper
authority for the investment should be 10.18 In scrutinising the transactions
called for. connected with sinking Funds regularly
constituted for the redemption of loans
This principle also applies to investment raised by the State Government, 'the
of Cash Balances of a State Government. Accountant General' should satisfy
The Accountant General should himself that credits to these Funds are in
promptly take up with the Government accordance with the undertakings given
any of the investments which he by Government and set forh in the
considers to be unauthorised, irregular or prospectus of the loans and that
unsound. Any ascertained losses payments are eventually utilised for the
connected with investments on unusual purpose for which the Funds themselves
depreciation in the market price of any were created.
RESERVES AND RESERVE FUNDS adjustment of transactions ultimately
adjusted under ordinary revenue and
10.19 As mentioned in paragraph 4.15.1 service head should be avoided as far as
there exist a number of Reserves and possible.
Reserve Funds in the Deposit Section of
the accounts of the Union and State 10.21 Transactions under suspense heads
Governments which have been created should be scrutinised to see that-
for specific and well-defined purposes
and are fed by contributions or grants (1) the unadjusted balances under these
from the Consolidated Fund of India or heads continue to respect bonafide
the Consolidated Fund of a State or from assets or liabilities of Government
outside agencies. The functions of the capable of being realised or settled,
Accountant General in relation to the as the case may be; and
transactions pertaining to such funds are
described below:- (2) satisfactory action towards such
realisation or settlement is being
(1) It should be seen that the taken by officers responsible
transactions are classified and therefor.
accounted for according to the
principles laid down in paragraph 10.22 All balances under suspense heads
4.15.1 must be reviewed at short intervals to
ensure that no item remains unadjusted
(2) It should be seen that these longer than is reasonably necessary to
transactions conform to the rules bring about its clearance in the ordinary
or orders governing the course with due regard to the rules
administration of each Fund made applicable to each case.
by competent authority.

(3) The balance at the close of the

year standing in the account of
each Fund should be verified.
Where the whole or any part of the
balance of a fund is invested, the
instructions contained in
paragraph 10.16 should be


10.20 Under suspense heads are

recorded all such transactions as are
ultimately removed either by payment or
recovery in cash or by book adjustments.
Unless otherwise provided for by rules
made by the Comptroller and Auditor
General or with his consent the use of
suspense heads for provisional

which may be effected and
GENERAL acknowledgement of balances which
may be received should be made to the
11.1 Accountant General should take Comptroller and Auditor General by the
steps to clear the outstanding balances 15th of July of the second following year.
and to settle any discrepancies noticed in The main report due on 15th December
them as promptly as possible and to as well as the follow up report due on
obtain acceptance of correctness of 15th July should show the outstanding
balances from the person or persons by balances of the last three years
whom they are required to be accepted separately and those of the earlier years
under the rules of the Government as a consolidated figure.
concerned. No such acceptances are
necessary in regard to ordinary NOTE:- As a rule, outstanding
advances, but it should be ascertained balances/discrepancies relating to the
how far they are believed to be really "Review of Balances" of one year should
recoverable. be settled before the review of the next
year is submitted. If any discrepancies
Note :- The Personal responsibility of still remain unsettled they should be
the Accountant General for the distinctly shown, and any delay in the
Appropriation and Finance Accounts adjustment of old items should be
extends also to the work connected with explained in full details in the half yearly
verification of balances which should be reports.
completed in time for inclusion in the
Finance Accounts. 11.3 The following paragraphs give
directions to the verification required in
11.2 All the Accountants General should several cases, and indicate what is
furnish to the Comptroller and Auditor required in other similar cases not
General by the 15th December each year specifically mentioned.
detailed statements relating to the State
indicating against the head concerned DEPSOTS PF SERVICE FUNDS
the outstanding balances under the
various Suspense and Remittance heads, 11.4 The balances should be compared
the amount of un-reconciled differences and reconciled with those in the accounts
between Broad-sheet and ledger sent in by the Trustees or Manager.
balances and the number of the cases
where acceptances of balances are There are sometimes large differences
awaited. owing to Trusttees crediting in their
accounts of the year interest which is not
The statement should indicate the really payable to them till April 1st.
position as on 31 March of the previous
financial year as it stood at the closing of BALANCES OF PROVIDENT FUNDS
the accounts for the month of August of
the ensuing year. A follow report of any 11.5 The balances of Provident Funds
subsequent clearance/ reconciliation according to the Ledger should be
verified with Broadsheets and any of them, (3) that the correctness of
communicated to the subscribers. the balances has been certified by the
parties concerned, and (4) that the details
DEPOSITS of the personal ledger accounts work up
to and agree with the balances in the
11.6 In respect of unclaimed Provident ledger.
Fund Deposits for which detailed
accounts are kept in the office of the DEPOSITS OF LOCAL FUNDS
Accountant General, it should be
verified whether the details of deposits 11.8 The Balances worked out in the
work up to the Ledger balances. In the Broadsheets prescribed for Deposits of
case of other Deposits for which detailed Local Funds in para 7.11 each year
accounts are maintained by the should be communicated to (and if
treasuries/departmental offices, it should necessary, accepted by) the officers
be examined whether the balances in the charged with the administration of the
Ledger agree with those in the Funds.
1. For public Works Deposits, see
paragraph 11.21. 11.9 The accuracy of the balances
brought forward in the Objection Books
2. In the case of deposits of Trust relating to Suspense and those shown in
Interest Fund, balances on account the Boradsheets of balances relating
of interest payable should also be thereto is to be tested in the manner laid
agreed with the total of unpaid down in paragraphs 20.49 and 20.52.
payment orders. The ledger balance should be certified to
agree with the totals of the balances
11.7 The balance of personal deposits shown in those Broadsheets.
must be verified by addition of the
separate balances shown in the returns PERMANENT ADVANCES
for March and it must be seen that they
are in, each case, supported by a 11.10 The amount remaining unadjusted
certificate from the Administrator of the under each district (and other) account in
personal ledger account stating that the the register (Form 10) must be verified
balance claimed by him is of a named by means of annual acknowledgements
amount. He will also furnish details of from the officers concerned. The
his outstanding cheques in order to aggregate of the outstandings should be
explain the differences between his worked out from the register and tallied
balance and that admitted by the with the ledger balance (paragraph 6.24).
Treasury Officer in his plus and minus
It should be verified (1) that no personal
ledger account was opened except with 11.11 The progress made in the
the sanction of competent authority, (2) adjustment of balances in the accounts
that the accounts were properly operated with Governments of other countries
upon and there was no debit balance in should be watched carefully.
LOANS AND ADVANCES recovery schedules for March should be
checked and confirmation regarding
11.12 The ledger balance should be correctness communicated to the loanee
verified against the outstanding principal by the Accountant General (A&E). It
of the loan shown in the Subsidiary Loan should also be seen that instalments in
Registers. It should also be seen whether repayment of these advances have been
the balances due at the end of the year regularly recovered.
(or if, in the case of any loan, another
periodical date is fixed for making up CASH REMITTANCES
the account, then at the last previous date
of making up the account) have been 11.15 The balances under the cash
communicated to, and not been remittance heads are composed of
challenged by the debtors. This credits unadjusted by debits, and debits
verification may be separately reported unadjusted by credits. The details of
to the Government vide paragraph 6.13. these unadjusted items should be
extracted from the Remittance Register
11.13 In the case of advances to (Form 26) and the extract should show
cultivators and similar advances for the month to which each item belongs.
which detailed accounts are not The net balance of each class of
maintained in the office of the remittances should agree with the
Accountant General, the balances should balance of the corresponding Ledger
be proved by obtaining from the head.
departmental officers who are authorised
to maintain the accounts of such PUBLIC WORKS REMITTANCES
advance, an acknowledgement that the
amount outstanding in the books of the 11.16 The balances under Public Works
Accountant General is the same as that Remittances are reconciled with the
shown as recoverable in the registers and ledger in the manner prescribed in
accounts kept by him. paragraph 8.36.

1. Acknowledgements of RESERVE BANK OF INDIA

advances to meet payments for REMITTANCES
compensation for lands taken
up for public purposes should 11.17 As the receipts and payments on
be obtained from the District account of Reserve Bank of India
Officer. Remittances are required to be cleared
with the Bank daily and in the accounts
2. For Takavi Works Advances, of the month in which the transactions
see paragraph 11.21. originate, there should be ordinarily no
balance under the head "Reserve Bank
11.14 In the case of house-building of India Remittances" at the close of the
advances, advances for purchase of year. If any outstanding balance should
motor and other conveyances similar occur, prompt action should be taken for
interest bearing advances to Government its adjustment. The circumstances which
Servants, for which detailed accounts are lead to the balance and the action taken
kept by the Accountant General (A&E), for its clearance should also be explained
the correctness of the balances in the
in the 'Review' in the Finance Accounts the Bank are rendered to the Treasury
of the year. Officer, the net remittances to and from
the Bank including those on account of
OTHER REMITTANCE HEADS transactions of the local Accountant
General will be taken to the Sub-head
11.18 The outstandings under the "Reserve Bank Deposits Treasury".
settlement Accounts should be verified
in accordance with the rules prescribed (b) For facility of reconciliation the
in Chapter 5 of the Account Code for Statement of balances rendered
Accountants General. monthly by the Central Accounts
Section of the Reserve Bank will
CASH BALANCES show separately.
11.19 The duty of watching the balances (i) net transactions of the
of the State in the Bank and Treasuries State during the month at
and Sub-treasuries devolves on the each Branch of the State
Finance Department of the State Bank of India operating at
Government or on the Accountant District and Sub-
General if the State Government so Divisional Headquarters
desires. For the purpose of Accounts, the of the State;
cash balance of each State in the Books
of the Accountant General will be (ii) net transactions of the
reconciled each month with the Cash State at the Branch of the
Accounts rendered by Treasury Officers State Bank or at the
and with the statements of closing offices of the Reserve
balances received from the Central Bank operating at the
Accounts Section of the Reserve Bank. State Headquarters and;
As regards balances in the Bank, process
of reconciliation will be as follows:- (iii) particulars of adjustments
booked against the
(a) the head 'Reserve Bank Deposits' balances of the State in
on the books of the Accountant the Central Accounts
General will contain 3 sub-heads Section of the Reserve
namely:- Bank in the accounts of
the month.
(i) Reserve Bank Deposits-
Treasury. (c) The net debits and credits under
(i) will be reconciled by the
(ii) Reserve Bank Deposits- Accountant General with figures
Headquarters. accounted for in the State Section
of his books under the head
(iii) Reserve Bank Deposits- "Reserve Bank Deposits-
Central Accounts Office- Treasury". The Cash Account of
Reserve Bank. each treasury will contain a
certificate of the Treasury Officer
At some State Headquarters where there
that the net amount debited or
is an Accountant General as well as a
credited under the Head "Reserve
Treasury Officer, and the daily sheets of
Bank Deposits-State" in his Accounts Section of the Reserve Bank.
accounts of the month agrees The fact of the reconciliation will be
with the net disbursements or net noted in the monthly accounts rendered
receipts as the case may be, by the Accountant General to the State
shown in the daily statements of Government.
state receipts and disbursements
received from the Branches of the The Procedure indicated in this para
Bank. In effecting this should apply mutatis mutandis for the
reconciliation, allowance has to reconciliation of balances on 31st March.
be made for transactions in bank
sub-treasuries towards the close NOTE:- The provisions of this
of a month which, except for the paragraph will apply to the
accounts for March, are not reconciliation of balances of the Central
brought on the treasury accounts Government with such modifications as
till the accounts of the next may be considered necessary.
11.20 The opening cash balance of each
The figures under (ii) will be verified in departmental account is agreed, month
the same way with the adjustments in the by month by Accounts Sections
State Section of the accounts under the concerned with the closing balance of
head "Reserve Bank Deposits- the previous month, and it is seen that
Headquarters" or, where necessary, with the closing balance is certified to have
the adjustment under the sub-head been verified by some responsible
"Reserve Bank Deposits-Treasury". officer in accordance with the prescribed
rules. A Monthly statement should be
The net adjustment under (iii) will be prepared from departmental accounts in
reconciled with the net figure accounted order to work out the closing balance for
for by the Accountant General under the the State. It should be compared each
head "Reserve bank Deposits-Central month, by the Book Section with the
Accounts Office, Reserve Bank'. The debit balance of the Ledger head "Civil
latter figure will also be agreed with the Departmental Balances" and the
monthly total of adjustments entered in agreement should be certified by it.
the Register of Adjustments with the
Reserve Bank (Form AC 3, Account PUBLIC WORKS BALANCES
Code for Accountants General).
11.21 The following balances in the
The net debit or credit under the head accounts of the Public Works
"Reserve Bank Deposits (State)" verified Department should be verified in the
in the manner indicated above will be manner described below:-
transferred before the accounts of the
month are closed to the head "8999-Cash (i) Transactions under the heads
Balance-Deposits with Reserve Bank". Public Works Deposits and
The balance under this head at the end of Takavi Works Advances are
the month will then be checked with the reconciled with the ledger
balance of the State on the books of the month by month, through the
Bank as shown in the statement of Broadsheet in Form 17, vide
balances rendered by the Central paragraph 8.30. Their balances
are similarly reconciled at the
end of the year.

(ii) The closing cash balances of

Divisional officers as given in
their Monthly Accounts for
March are verified individually
in the Works Accounts
Department with the original
Cash Balance Reports Form
P.W.A. 2 for that month,
received from the Divisional
Officers, and the aggregate of
those balances should be
reconciled with the balance in
the ledger.

The general review of the balances

should be on the lines of certificate 3 of
Form P.W.A. 46.


cases where transactions arise in the
A-GENERAL accounts of a State and are adjustable in
the accounts of the Central Government
12.1 In the maintenance of accounts or Vice-Versa, settlement will be
pertaining to Service and Provident effected by means of Demand Drafts
funds controlled by Government, the supported by accounts and schedules
duties of the Accountant General under the relevant rules in the Account
consists mainly in seeing that these Code for Accountants General.
transactions conform to the rules or
regulations governing the administration In the case of Postal Insurance and Life
of each fund and any subsidiary Annuity Fund, recoveries of Premia
instructions issued thereunder, from pay and pension bills are passed on
subscription to a Service Provident Fund to the Director, Postal Life Insurance,
can be received only from such Calcutta. The Accountant General who
Government servants as are either is responsible for maintaining the
required or permitted by the rules of the accounts of the Fund should deal with
fund to subscribe to it. Having satisfied the transactions in accordance with the
himself on this score the Accountant general principles enunciated in the
General must watch that the above paragraphs and the detailed
subscriptions and any other dues instructions laid down in the subsequent
recoverable under the rules of a fund are paragraphs. In the case of Funds not
duly and regularly recovered from the controlled by Government, the amounts
Government servant concerned. In the tendered by subscribers should be
case of contributory Provident Fund, the accepted without check or examination,
Accountant General has also to examine the subscriber alone being responsible
that Government's share is properly for making proper deductions. In all
calculated and brought to account. cases, the Accountant General should
Finally the Accountant General should apply the minimum check prescribed in
verify that the accounts of the funds are these instructions and furnish the details
correct both in total and the detailed of recoveries from each subscriber in a
accounts of the subscribers. monthly certified list to the authorities of
the Fund and to the Accounts Officer in
B-SERVICE AND OTHER FUNDS whose books the recoveries are
adjustable. The list should be sent not
12.2 Transactions pertaining to the later than the date prescribed for the date
following funds are adjusted under the of despatch of Settlement Account
appropriate head of account in the books pertaining to the month to which the
of the Accounts Officer mentioned recoveries included in the list relates.
against each. Transactions arising in the
accounts of one state and which are
adjustable in the accounts of another are
passed on to the Accountant General
concerned monthly through settlement
accounts. In other cases including in
vide certified list of (Accounts
_________________________________ Officer) for (Month).
Name of the Fund Accounts Officer in Authorities to
Whose books the whom the certified
transaction are lists are sent BOMBAY FAMILY PENSION OF
1. Hindu Family P.A.O.,D.E.A. Secretary of the
Annuity Fund New Delhi. Fund. 12.5 The certified lists of the sums
received from each subscriber should be
2. Bombay Family Do. Do. prepared in Form 27.
Pension Fund of
Government Servants 12.6 In the case of the Bombay Family
3. Postal Insurance Director, Postal Director, Postal
Pension Fund the subscriptions should
and Life Annuity Life Insurance, Life Insurance, be shown in two columns in the list
Fund Calcutta. Calcutta. namely, for "Widows Branch" and "Life
Insurance Branch" and the totals of the
12.3 The certified lists should furnish the two columns should be passed on to Pay
following particulars when necessary, and Accounts Officer, Department of
the remarks column of the list being Economic Affairs, New Delhi.
utilised for the purpose:-
(i) the reasons for non-recovery of
subscriptions in any particular 12.7 On receiving from the authorities of
case, or for recoveries for Hindu Family Annuity Fund a certified
broken periods; copy of the letter of application of an
intending subscriber, the Accountant
(ii) in the event of a subscriber General, after seeing that it contains a
being transferred to another declaration in the following terms will
Account circle, the designation authorise the Treasury Officer named to
of the Account Officer to whose receive such contribution as the
jurisdiction the subscriber has subscriber may tender in cash or by
been transferred and the date up deduction from pay or pension bills. If
to which recovery has been he be a Government Servant or a
made from him prior to his Government pensioner and prefer to pay
transfer; his subscriptions by the letter method:-

(iii) the period of leave granted to a "In accordance with the condition upon
Government Servant and the which the Central Government allows
date up to which subscription certain facilities to the Fund, I have to
has been or will be recovered in record that I am fully aware that the
India. Government exercises no supervision
over the management of the Fund, and is
12.4 The credit, in a Settlement Account in no way responsible for its solvency".
of a fund subscription should always
quote that certified list in which the The amounts tendered by subscribers
subscription is shown thus:- may be accepted without check or
Note.-Subscriptions from those admitted (i) General Provident Fund.
to the fund after 31-8-56 are being
recovered in cash in all cases. (ii) I.C.S. Provident Fund.

12.8 The certified lists should be (iii) I.C.S. (Non-European Members)

prepared in form 28. Provident Fund.

As no interest is allowed for the month (iv) All India Services Provident
of payment on cash subscriptions Fund.
received after the 4th of the month and as
subscriptions deducted from a bill bear (v) Contributory Provident Fund.
interest as though they had been received
on the 1st of the month, care should be (vi) Other Miscellaneous Provident
taken to show the two classes separately Funds.
in the relevant money columns of the
Note.-In so far as the General and
certified list.
Contributory Provident Funds are
POSTAL INSURANCE AND LIFE concerned, the Provident Fund Rules,
ANNUTIY FUND mentioned above include any rules
framed by the President, State
12.9 Premium and subscription are paid Governments and Chief Commissioners
either in cash or by deduction from pay applicable to subscribers under their
or pension bills, but all cash receipts take rulemaking control.
place at the Post Offices only, and not at
the treasuries. The Accountant General The legal position in regard to the
have accordingly only to deal with the provisions in the Provident Fund Rules
deductions from pay or pension bills. has been dealt with in the
The monetary settlement on account of "Memorandum explanatory of
these deductions is to be carried out by Government Provident Fund rules vis-à-
the Accountant General with the P&T vis the law on the subject" which has
Accounts Officer concerned. been prepared by the Government of
India in consultation with their legal
The certified lists should be prepared in advisers. The Memorandum as stated in
Form-29. the preface thereto is not exhaustive and
exceptional cases may arise, which are
C-PROVIDENT FUNDS not convered by the instructions in the
memorandum but it will be found useful
INTRODUCTORY in dealing with the generality of cases
arising under the various Provident Fund
12.10 The Provident Funds referred to Rules.
here are Government Provident Funds
within the meaning of the Provident 12.11 Accountant General (A&E) is
Funds Act, 1925 and are detailed below. responsible for maintenance of Provident
The procedure prescribed in the ensuing Fund Accounts of the State Government
paragraph is applicable to these Employees. However, Comptroller &
Provident Funds so far as it is not Auditor General of India can be relieved
inconsistent with the provisions of the of the responsibility of maintenance of
Provident Fund rules themselves. such accounts by issue of Presidential
order in terms of provision contained in are arranged correctly as in a dictionary.
third proviso to sub-section 1 of Section There should be a distinctive series for
10 of C.A.G.'s (D.P.C.S.) Act, 1971. So each Accounts Office/Department with
far work of maintenance of Provident distinctive letters prefixed to them e.g.,
Fund Accounts of State Government "Police" or "Edn" indicating that the
Employees has been taken over by subscriber belongs to Police/Education
Government of Rajasthan, Mizoram, Department. When new departmental
Arunachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, numbers are assigned to old subscribers
Bihar and Punjab. On the Central side the new departmental number should be
Indian Audit and Accounts Department shown as numerator and the old number
is responsible for maintenance of as denominator in the Index Register so
Provident Fund Accounts of its own that their past records may be traced
employees only. easily whenever required.


12.12 On receipt of an application in the 12.15 In the case of officers appointed

prescribed from or list of subscribers directly to gazetted posts and whose
from Head of office, the eligibility of a service records are maintained by the
new subscriber should be tested in Fund Accountant General the Accounts
Section with reference to relevant rules. Officer in charge of the Fund should
If he is found eligible, an Account endeavour to ensure that the subscriber
Number should be assigned to him in the furnishes a nomination in the prescribed
General Index Register (vide paragraph form as required by the rules of the
12.14) and communicated to him direct Fund. In the case of non-gazetted
or through the head of his office. The government servants, promoted to
number of any closed account should not gazetted posts, whose pay is authorised
be reallotted to any new subscriber. by the Accountant General, nomination
has to be obtained by the Accounts
12.13 As soon as it comes to the notice Officer maintaining the Fund when the
of an Account Officer, either through the employee acquires substantive status in a
prescribed report from the executive gazetted post. Till then nominations of
authorities to the Accounts Officer such officers will be kept by the heads of
concerned or otherwise, that a particular offices. In the case of non-gazetted
Government Servant belongs to the class government servants and gazetted
of compulsory subscribers to a Fund, he officers, whose pay and allowances are
should see that subscriptions are drawn by Heads of Offices in
received from him as required by the Establishment bills, the nominations will
rules of the Fund. be kept by the Heads of Offices.

12.14 The General Index Register-Form Note.-A subscriber should not, if he

30, should be maintained separately for objects, be pressed to disclose the name
each Department and each such register of his wife, when she is the nominee,
should have an alphabetical index payment should be made simply on the
prefixed to it. It is adviseable to have the proof of identify being furnished.
alphabetical index register prepared by
Computer/ Unit Recorder so that names
12.16 The nomination should be kept accordance with the rules of the Fund as
under lock and key in the personal if no valid nomination subsists. This
custody of the Gazetted Officer in procedure will also be applicable in
charge of the Fund Section and verified respect of the State Provident Fund if the
annually by a Gazetted Officer other State Government decide to adopt the
than the Officer in charge of the Fund ruling of the Government of India.
Section to be selected by the Accountant
General. The verification of all the SUBSCRIPTIONS
nominations should be carried out in
three batches so as to complete it in a 12.18 When a subscription is paid for the
cycle of three years. As nominations are first time or a revised rate is adopted it
filed department-wise, those belonging should be seen that the amount of
to departments which would cover about subscription is within the minimum and
one third of the total number of maximum rates prescribed by the rules
nominations may be chosen for of the Fund. In the case of subscriptions
verification each year. A certificate paid subsequently, it should be seen that
indicating the results of the annual the amount paid agrees with the rate
verification should be recorded by the adopted in the first month of the year
Gazetted Officer deputed for the purpose except when a variation of rate is
under his dated signature in each of the allowed during the course of the year
Departmental Index Registers under the rules of the Fund. For all
maintained under paragraph 12.14. months of the year it should also be seen
that all compulsory subscriptions are
12.17 When a revised nomination is paid except when an exemption or a
received, the superseded one should be lower rate is allowed. Whenever a
cancelled and returned to the subscriber. subscription is discontinued by a
subscriber, it should be seen that the
NOTE:-The Government of India have discontinuance is permissible.
ruled when an Accounts Officer receives
a notice in writing from a subscriber for NOTE:-Any overpayment or short
cancellation of the nomination under payment of subscription to the Fund in
Rule 8(4) of the General Provident Fund any one month may be adjusted by
(Central Services) Rules or the deduction from, or addition to, the
corresponding rule of other Provident subscriptions, in the subsequent month,
Funds of the Central Government, the wherever possible. There is, however, no
nomination should forthwith be warrant for refusal of cash payment or
cancelled and returned to the subscriber. recovery if a subscriber so desires.
This should be done even if the
subscriber fails to furnish along with the TEMPORARY WITHDRAWALS
notice of cancellation or separately, in
due course, a fresh nomination which is 12.19 The main checks to be applied on
in accordance with the rules of the Fund temporary withdrawals are:-
concerned. If no fresh nomination is
(i) that the advance has been
received after such cancellation and the
sanctioned by a competent
Provident Fund deposits become payable
as a result of the death of the subscriber,
the payment should be made in
(ii) that the amount sanctioned is (b) that recoveries of Principal and
covered by the balance at the Interest, if due, under rules, are
credit of the subscriber; being made in accordance with the
sanction; and
(iii) that the conditions under which
the advances can be granted (c) that the recoveries are regular (iii)
under the rules of the fund are The Section Officer should also
fulfilled; and exercise the checks detailed at (a),
(b) and (c) of clause (ii) above to
(iv) that recoveries on account of the extent as may be prescribed.
principal and interest if due
under the G.P.F. Rules are being (iv) The non-receipt of credit of account
made regularly. of recovery of any instalment of advance
should be noted and its ultimate recovery
12.20 For seeing that recoveries on watched through the Register of Missing
account of principal and interest, if due Credits (vide paragraph 12.64).
under rules, are being made regularly as
laid down in para 12.19(iv), the 12.21 Before the financing of a policy
following procedures should be from a Provident Fund is allowed the
observed. Account Officer should see that it is
acceptable under the rules of the Fund.
(i) on receipt of the sanctions for a
temporary withdrawal, its particulars 12.22 In the case of policies financed
should be noted in the remarks column from Provident Funds, the Accounts
of the Ledger Card/Account indicating, Officer should satisfy himself by a
inter alia, the amount of the advance reference to the company at the time the
sanctioned, the number of instalments in policy is delivered to him:-
which recovery is to be made, the
amount of each instalment and the (i) that no prior assignment of the
month of last recovery. policy exists; and

(ii) the receipt of debits on account of (ii) that the policy is not otherwise
and the regularity of the recovery of encumbered.
advances should be watched in the
course of monthly postings of ledger Such enquiries need not be made,
cards/accounts as well as in the course of however, in the case of a policy which is
review of postings and check of ledger expressed on the face of it to be for the
cards to be conducted by the benefit of the wife of the subscriber or of
Accountant/Examiner vide paragraphs his wife and children or any of them.
12.42(ii) and 12.58 while conducting the
review/check, the Accountant/ Examiner No other special steps should be taken
should extend his examination of the by him subsequently to ascertain
ledger cards/accounts to see: whether these policies have lapsed or
have become encumbered, but when
(a) that there is no delay in the receipt concrete evidence comes to notice of a
of debits on account of temporary policy having lapsed or having become
withdrawals; encumbered enquiries should be made
and the exact position ascertained; but if
such policy is merely deposited with the the Accounts Officers, acceptance of the
Accounts Officer (and is not assigned) policy to the Head of the office is a pre-
he should, as a matter of precaution requisite before starting financing of the
inform the company that the policy has policy from a subscriber's Provident
been so deposited and ask that any Fund.
dealings involving it should be
communicated to him (the company may 12.25 The receipt of Policies, in cases
refuse to accept such a notice but this where first withdrawals are authorised
action should always be taken on acceptance of a proposal by Insurance
notwithstanding). Company, and of Premium Receipts in
the case of gazetted subscribers, should
12.23 So far as withdrawals relate to be watched by the Accounts Officer
Gazetted Government Servant, the through a suitable Register. All premium
Treasury Officer should be kept receipts of gazetted subscribers should
informed by the Accountant General be endorsed by the Accounts Officer
concerned of the details of the policies with the words "No abatement of India
which are being financed from the Income-tax is admissible" with a view to
Provident Fund Account of the safeguard Government from double
subscriber. These details (which should exemption from Income-tax. In respect
invariably be noted in the L.P.Cs.) will of non-gazetted subscribers and those
include name of the branch/office of gazetted subscribers who draw their pay
Insurance Company. Policy Nos, from the department, the Head of Office
Amount and Date of Payment of should at the time of withdrawal of
Premium which would be on records of premium by a subscriber, furnish a
the Treasury Officer for the purpose of certificate to the effect that he is satisfied
verification of withdrawals on that the amount previously withdrawn on
subsequent bills. the same account by the subscriber has
been utilised for the purpose for which it
The first withdrawal for the payment of was intended and that the necessary
premia will be made on the authority of premium receipt has been duly enfaced
the Accountant General (the authority by him.
may be issued without quoting the
number of the policy where the NOTE:- Under the G.P.F. (Central
Insurance Company has accepted the Services) Rules 1960, no further policies
proposal but has not yet issued a policy). are to be accepted for being financed
from the Provident Fund after the date of
An intimation should be sent to the publication of these rules viz. 17-12-
Treasury Officer by the Accountant 1960. Similar orders might have been
General as and when an Insurance Policy issued by other States also.
is re-assigned or gets lapsed or in any
other contingencies involving non- 12.26 A Stock Register in Form 31
payment of premia. should be maintained to keep a record of
policies accepted for being financed
12.24 In the case of non-gazetted from the Provident Fund which have
government servants and also those either been assigned to the
government servants who draw their pay President/Governor or delivered to the
from the Department, the intimation of Accounts Officer. The policies should be
verified annually, and on a change in the (b) that the amount is covered by the
Gazetted Officer in charge. The annual balance at the credit of the
verification should be done by a gazetted subscriber; and
officer other than the officer in charge of
the Fund Section to be selected by the (c) that the sanction is in conformity
Accountant General. The result of each with the rules of the fund.
verification should be recorded in the
Register. If there has been a verification In cases where the withdrawal
in the change of the Gazetted Officer in sanctioned is in excess of the amount to
charge, the next annual verification may the credit of the subscriber or exceeds
be made one year after such verification. admissible limits or is otherwise
inadmissible, the Accounts Officer shall
FINAL WITHDRAWALS require the sanctioning authority to
recover from the subscriber the amount
12.27 Final Withdrawal of the entire withdrawn in full.
accumulation in the subscriber's
Provident Fund in the case of quitting of (ii) In conducting the check of final
service, death etc. wherever admissible, withdrawals for the purposes mentioned
should be authorised by the Accounts in sub-para 1 of this paragraph, the
Officer in accordance with the Provident following procedure should be
Fund Rules, a note of such authorisation, observed:-
duly attested by the Gazetted Officer
being kept in the respective ledger (a) on receipt of the sanction for a final
accounts. The progress of finalisation of withdrawal, its particulars should be
all cases of final withdrawal of entire prominently noted in the remarks
accumulation should be watched through column of the ledger card/account
a suitable Register. In the case of under proper attestation by the
payments relating to non-gazetted Branch Officer.
subscribers authorised through their
heads of offices, the receipt of a (b) the receipt of the debit on account
certificate of disbursement should be of the withdrawal should be
watched and when received it should be watched in the course of monthly
noted in the subscriber's account. posting of ledger cards/accounts as
well as in the review of posting and
12.28 (i) The check of final withdrawals review of ledger cards/accounts to
of part of the accumulations for specific be conducted by
purposes like house building, marriage Accountant/Examiner vide
expenditure etc. wherever admissible paragraphs 12.42 (ii) and 12.58
under the rules of the fund, consists in while conducting the check/review,
seeing the following points among other the examination of the ledger
things:- cards/accounts should include a
check that there is no delay in the
(a) that the withdrawal has been receipt of the debit on account of
sanctioned by the competent such final withdrawal.
(c) the Section Officer should also
exercise the checks detailed above
to the extent as may be prescribed. Ledger Account together with the
A record of part final withdrawals declaration form in original.
should be kept in a register of part
final withdrawals in Form 34. The insurance policy or policies if any
should be reassigned and returned to the
MAINTENANCE OF PROVIDENT subscriber under intimation to the
FUND ACCOUNTS GENERAL Accounts Officer to enable the former to
execute a fresh assignment in favour of
12.29 The Provident Fund Account of a the Governor of the State; with an
Government Servant should be advice. Any sum withdrawn under the
maintained by Accounts Officer of the Fund rules and which remains to be
Government on whose cadre the recovered should also be communicated.
Government Servant has a permanent
lien. If the Government Servant has only On the Central side, the need for the
a provisionally permanent lien but no transfer of G.P.F. balance from one PAO
permanent lien, the Fund Account to another in respect of an account arises
should be maintained by the Accounts consequent on transfer of the subscriber
Officer of the Government on whose from one Department to another. Such
cadre he has the provisionally permanent transfer would not be accompanied by
lien; if he has no lien of either kind, the the original ledger card/folio maintained
account should be maintained by the by PAO. An extract of such Ledger Card
Account Officer of the Government on with other detail need be sent.
whose cadre he is borne at the time.
NOTE:- When a subscriber is transferred
NOTE:-All credits and debits in respect permanently from one Government to
of the fund transactions of a subscriber another the interest transferred by the
should be brought to account in the transferring Government should be
books of the Government concerned by adjusted in the accounts of the
the Accounts Officer who maintains the transferring Government, be debit to
subscriber's account. '2049 Interest payments on Small Saving
Provident Fund etc.' in the accounts of
12.30 Fund transactions arising in one receiving Government the credit should
account circle which are adjustable in be kept under the Minor Head "Interest
another account circle should be passed Suspense" pending clearance at the close
on to the Account Officer of the latter of the year. In the event of such Fund
circle, monthly through the Settlement Account being closed before the end of
Account, or PAO Account, as the case the year, the head "Interest Suspense"
may be. will be cleared by per contra credit to the
Fund Account of the subscriber before
TRANSFER OF ACCOUNTS making actual payment. Clearance of the
balances under the Minor Head "Interest
12.31 On the permanent transfer of a Suspense" should be watched through a
subscriber from one Government to Broad-sheet maintained in Form No.51.
another, the Provident Fund balance at
his credit is required to be transferred to
the Accounts Officer of the latter
Government, along with a copy of his
COMPILATION OF PROVIDENT showing the amount of subscription
FUND ACCOUNTS BY THE MACHINE substituted should be given prominently
METHOD-LEDGER CARDS on the account and such references or
notes should be carried forward from
12.32 The accounts of subscribers year to year. The date of maturity and
should be maintained in loose ledger release/transfer of a policy should also
cards in Form No. 32 one card being be noted in the Ledger. This will serve
opened for each subscriber. The fact of as a check of withdrawals from the
admission to the fund and the receipt and Provident Fund for financing the
acceptance of Nomination in favour of a policies.
nominee or nominees should be noted at
the top of Form 32 and the entries 12.33 Ledger Cards, being original
attested under the dated initials of the records, should be kept in locked
Branch Officer. The entries relating to cabinets, duplicate keys of which will
"Name", "Number" etc. of subscriptions remain in the possession of the Section
which should be noted at the top of the Officer and the correspondence clerk
form should be attested by the Section concerned or of the person nominated
Officer. All the opening entries in the for the purpose under the orders of the
new ledger cards, viz. the rate of Gazetted Officer in charge. The cards of
subscriptions, opening balances, one department should be kept in a
advances outstanding, details of locked cabinet separate from those of
insurance policies, acceptances of another department and arranged either
nominations, stoppages of subscription in serial order of account numbers or by
etc. should be attested by the Section districts, as the Accountant General may
Officer. decide. The cards of subscribers who
have discontinued their subscriptions
In the case of transfer of account from should be kept separately from the live
one circle to another also, an account cards arranged according to serial
should not be opened unless it has been numbers while the closed cards, i.e., the
formally transferred by the accounts cards of subscribers whose fund
officer who was previously maintaining accounts have been finally closed and
the same and has been duly accepted in payment made should be kept separately
the new account circle. The fact of from the cards of subscribers who have
acceptance of the fund account and other discontinued subscription.
relevant entries should be attested by the
Branch Officer. A card should never be taken out from
the cabinet for reference without a
In the case of cash payments either of proper mark (a thick paper slip with the
subscription, refund of advances or on No. and reasons for removal recorded
account of realisation of the proceeds of thereon) being left in the place from
a policy, the date of receipt should be which it is removed. A manuscript
noted invariably on the account. In cases transit register with the following
of withdrawals for insurance payments columns should be maintained so that
and substitution of premia for the submission of a card to the Section
subscription to the fund, a reference to Officer or Gazetted Officer and its return
the item No. in the Stock Register of may be watched.
Insurance Policies and brief notes
(1) Date of submission of cards. Total verified with the Departmental
Abstract and all fund schedules are
(2) Name of district. attached:-

(3) Account Number. ACCOUNTANT.

(4) Initial of the Accountant.

*Add total of cash.
NOTE 1:-This requirement may be Recoveries……………………
relaxed at the discretion of the Head of Grand total……………………
the Accounts Office, in case where.
Ledger Cards are taken out of the Examiner, Fund Section
cabinet for being submitted to the
Section Officer for review of the refund NOTE:-The amounts of cash recoveries
of advances provided they are returned are added by the Examiner Fund Section
to the cabinet on the same day. after the consolidated compilation
mentioned in paragraph 12.36 has been
NOTE 2:-If locked cabinets are not made and before the covering schedules
available pending their procurement, are made over to the machinist for
ledger cards may be kept in locked posting.
almirahs or locked room.
(ii) Schedules of cash recoveries by
12.34 A record of the closed account districts either supported by
should be maintained in a Register of fund schedules or themselves
Closed Accounts. Form 33. containing all the necessary
information in respect of the
POSTING OF ACCOUNTS subscribers concerned.
12.35 The following are the sources (iii) Schedules, supported by
from which the Funds Accounts are vouchers, of withdrawals
posted:- received from treasuries.
(i) Covering Schedules (one for (iv) Separate covering statements in
each district) in the following respect of credit and debit items
form supported by the in PAO Accounts or Settlement
corresponding funds schedules:- Accounts supported by fund
Schedules and vouchers of
____________________________ withdrawals, respectively.
No. of Vouchers Amount
recovered (v) Statements similar to those in
____________________________ items (iv) in respect of fund
transactions appearing in the
____________________________ Transfer Ledger Abstracts
Total maintained by Accountants
____________________________ other than the Departmental
The documents mentioned at item(i) 12.37 With all the covering schedules
should be passed on by the departmental (supported by the fund schedules)
Accountants to the Fund Section after relating to a department have been
the entries in the Fund schedule have received in the Fund Section, they
been compared with the deductions should be arranged in the alphabetical
made from the pay bills and the order of the districts in the State or in the
certificate of agreement has been order in which these appear in the
recorded on each schedule. An Departmental classified Abstracts. The
additional certificate "Pay for 31st March Record Clerk should then collect
also checked with the bills”, should be together from the cabinet all the relevant
recorded on the schedules attached to ledger cards including those in respect of
pay bills for March and attestted by the which recoveries have been made in
Section Officer. The documents cash and arrange them in the order of
mentioned at items (ii) to (v) should be subscribers in the fund schedules and pin
passed on by the Accountants concerned together the vouchers of withdrawals to
to that section with a similar certificate the ledger cards concerned. If he comes
of agreement with the Cash Accounts, across a case where the ledger card of a
List of Payments, etc., as the case may subscriber exists in the bundle of another
be. The Fund Section should see that all department he should simply encircle the
the necessary information required for entry in the fund schedule concerned. If
accounting purposes is furnished in the the Record Clerk should have omitted to
fund schedules. do so and the card is found to be wanting
by the Machinist in the course of posting
12.36 On receipt of the documents the ledger cards, vide paragraph 12.39,
mentioned in paragraph 12.35 a he should encircle the amount in the
consolidated compilation of credits schedule and write against it
should be prepared by districts and by "Unposted".
departments in the Fund Section. The
total amount of recoveries both in cash 12.38 Two registers (Outward and
and by deduction from bills should be Inward) in respect of each department
shown in lump against each district and should be maintained for record of full
under the department concerned. particulars of subscriptions recovered
Similarly all items of receipts appearing from Government Servants transferred
through PAO Accounts or Settlement from one department to another. The
Accounts or Transfer Ledger Abstract items encircled in the Fund schedule
should also be consolidated in this (vide paragraph 12.37) should be posted
compilation. by the Machinist in the Outward
Register of the department. He should
A similar compilation of debits should also transcribe the entries therefrom into
also be prepared in the Fund Section. the Inward Registers of other
This compilation should be completed departments concerned and in token of
on or before the date on which fund his having done so, he should record a
schedules are received from the monthly certificate in the outward
departmental sections, so that work Register to the effect that all the items
relating to posting of ledger cards is not contained therein have been properly
retarded. entered in the Inward Registers
12.39 The fund schedules and the ledger month as also the closing balance of last
cards duly arranged in the manner year.
indicated in paragraph 12.37 should then
be taken up by the Machinist for 12.40 If the posting is done correctly, the
postings. He should make entries with "cross" totaliser will be cleared when the
regard to withdrawals in the fund closing balance has been posted and the
schedules concerned from the vouchers Machinist should see that this is
of withdrawals which should have been invariably the case. Any mistake in
pinned to the ledger cards concerned by posting should be settled by him before
the Record Clerk, arrange his totalisers he proceeds to the nextt card. When the
as below the and proceed to operate with schedules of a district including those
reference to the entries in the fund relating to cash recoveries have been
schedules. posted, he should, after taking into
account any unposted items, compare the
_________________________________________________ total on his tatalisers with the
Opening Subscrip- Refunds of Withdra- Closing Cross
Balance tion Live Withdrawals wals Live Balance Live consolidated figures on the district
Dummy Live Dummy covering schedule [vide paragraph 12.35
(1)] in respect of subscriptions and
refunds of withdrawals and with the
figures in the consolidated compilation
of debits (vide paragraph 12.36) in
_________________________________________________ respect of withdrawals. After this
agreement has been effected, the figures
Before inserting the card in the machine on the totalisers should be cleared by the
he should compare the number and name Machinist by carrying them on to a
with the entry in the schedule and take Master Card, Form 35 one for each
action, with reference to any card found department. In this way the entries
wanting, as indicated in paragraph 12.37 relating to the schedules of all the
supra. The current year's balance alone districts (including those relating to the
should be shown in the closing balance PAO Account and Settlement Account
column of the ledger cards, i.e., the and Transfer Ledger Abstracts which for
current year's balance should be kept this purpose should be treated as
quite distinct from the last year's balance transactions of separate districts) should
which, after the annual accounts have be posted, proved and brought on the
been completely proved, should be Master Card which will thus collect the
posted against the entry "Balance on 31st figures for the State and these in their
March" in the remarks column of the turn should be agreed with Book
ledger card from. Under this procedure, Department figures. In case where the
the opening and closing balances in the number of subscribers in a department is
ledger card will, where the amount of so large that it cannot be dealt with by
withdrawal taken by a subscriber is in one Machinist, each Machinist should
excess of his current Year's balance, use a separate Master Card and the totals
become minus balances. In the case of of one Master Card should for purposes
final payments, the Machinist should, of proving the accounts be transcribed to
however, type in the opening balance the other Master Card. In this way State
column the balance of the previous figures relating to a department will be
collected in one Master Card.
12.41 The posting in the ledger cards of QUARTERLY VERIFICATIONS
items appearing in the departmental
inward register should made in the 12.43 At the end of each of the first three
ordinary way without their being quarters, i.e. after compilation of June,
brought on to the Master Card as such September and December Accounts, the
figures are not necessary for purposes of Machinist should compile the balances
agreement with the Detail Book figures of all the cards in a department
of the departments concerned. The (including those which were closed
Examiner or the Accountant, as the during the currency of the quarter the
Accountant General may decide, should accounts of which are being verified) in
examine that all the items have been Form38. He should do this by posting in
posted, so that no difficulty is the quarterly statements the last year's
experienced in the quarterly agreement balance and the current year's balance
of balances (vide paragraph 12.43). separately from each ledger card. The
totals of the balances, collected
POSTING AND CHECK OF LEDGER automatically by the totalisers, will be
CARDS cleared by posting the figures shown by
them in the quarterly statements. The
12.42 (i) At the time of posting accounts, statement so completed should be agreed
the Machinist should keep before him a with the figures in the Proof Sheet (Form
typed or printed list in the following 39) which should be posted from:-
1. the Master Cards for the three
District Irregular Non-recovery Reasons for Remarks months of the quarter;
Subscription of irregular non-credits
Or refunds recovery of 2. registers of inward and outward
_________________________________________________ items; and

In the course of posting, as he comes 3. the separate compilation of interests

across an item open to objection for one on accounts closed during the
reason or another he should simply jot quarter.
down in the list the number of the ledger
card concerned under the particular There will be no quarterly verification
column affected. These lists should be after March, i.e., for the last quarter, but
made by the groups of districts only annual verification together with
according to the grouping made for the interest calculation for the year.
purpose of distribution of work among
the Accountants and Clerk. ANNUAL CLOSING

(ii) When the posting work is 12.44 The posting of March transactions
completed, all Fund schedules and the into the individual accounts of
Ledger Cards should be made over to the subscribers should be taken up by about
Accountants for check of postings the middle of April and completed by
together with the lists mentioned in the middle of May. The work of
clause (i) above. Accountants/Clerks calculation of interest due on each
will take further action in respect of the account should be commenced slightly
irregularities noted. before the completion of March postings
and completed within a month, a transfer should see with reference to the cross
entry being prepared and incorporated in totaliser that the closing balance as given
the March Final or Supplementary by the machine agrees with the closing
Accounts crediting the Provident Fund balance already worked out in the ledger
Head and debiting "0049 Interest card and that the cross totaliser is cleared
Receipts". The interest calculation made as soon as the entry is made in the
by each Accountant with the help of closing balance column.
interest tables should be checked
independently by a separate Accountant. 12.46 After the despatch of the annual
The amount of interest for the year as accounts of subscriber (vide paragraph
well as total deposits, refunds and 12.67), the balances consolidated in
withdrawals should be posted in the Form 40 should be agreed in the same
space provided for the purpose in the way as in the case of quarterly
remark column of the ledger card and compilation but with an additional
the closing balance for the year, worked factor, i.e. interest.
out in respect of every ledger card. The
calculations should be checked in detail COMPILATION OF PROVIDENT
by the Examiner, the Section Officer and FUND ACCOUNTS BY THE FRONT
the Gazetted Officer to the extent as may FEED ACCOUNTING MACHINES
be prescribed.
12.47 The instructions in Paragraphs
NOTE:-Interest short or excess credited 12.32 to 12.37, 12.39, 12.40, 12.42 and
to a Provident Fund in the accounts of a 12.44 to 12.46 apply, mutatis mutandis,
previous year should be readjusted by also to the accounts compiled by the
addition to or deduction from the interest front-feed accounting machines subject
adjustable in the accounts the year in to the modifications detailed in the
which the error is detected. following paragraphs.

Side by side with the above process, the LEDGER CARDS

Machinist should prepare a balance
compilation (in duplicate), Form 40 from 12.48 The ledger cards of each
the completed cards, cut the duplicate department should be kept in pads
copy of the balance compilation arranged in the following manner:-
statement into slips, and paste them on
(i) "Settlement Account" pad for
the forms of Annual Deposit account of
cards involving PAOs
subscribers; vide paragraph 12.67. He
Account/Settlement Account
should satisfy himself that all the
relevant ledger cards relating to a
department have been collected (ii) "Transfer" pad for cards of
including those which were closed subscribers who have been
during the currency of the financial year transferred temporarily to
the accounts of which are under another department within the
verification. same Account Circle.
12.45 As the entries relating to ledger (iii) "Discontinued Subscribers" pad
card are posted in the balance for cards pertaining to
compilation statement, the Machinist subscribers who have
discontinued their subscription POSTING OF ACCOUNTS
due to non-drawal of pay or
leave salary. The cards in this 12.49 On receipt of the schedules and
pad should be arranged vouchers the cards should be arranged
according to serial number. for posting in the order of subscribers in
the fund schedules. The following items
(iv) "Closed Accounts" pad for cards in the schedules require special
pertaining to subscribers whose treatment and should be segregated and
accounts have been finally noted in the relevant forms as indicated
closed. The cards in this pad below:-
should be arranged in serial
order. (i) The amount of withdrawal
appearing in a voucher should
(v) "Suspense' pad for cards in be entered in red ink in the
which no transactions appear schedule in the relevant column
during the month under posting against the proper account
in the district in which the number. If there is no schedule,
accounts were operated hitherto. one should be prepared and the
This pad should be opened each voucher attached to it. After
month for the duration of the posting, the voucher should be
monthly posting and proving of clipped or pinned to the ledger
accounts. The cards in this pad card.
should be paired against the
items in the green tracing slips, (ii) Subscriptions from a subscribers
Form No. 41. When the cards transferred from another district
have been so paired and the within the same department
accounts for the months posted should be noted in a Green
and proved, no card should Tracing Slip (Form No. 41).
ordinarily be left in this pad.
(iii) First subscription when a
(vi) "District' pads for all the live subscriber resumes membership
cards other than those detailed at of the Fund after a break should
items (i) and (v) above. A also be noted in a Green Tracing
separate pad should be kept for Slip (Form No. 41).
each district and the various
pads should be kept in the order (iv) When a wrong account number
in which the Treasuries appear has been quoted in the schedule
in Detail Book. or the schedule contains
insufficient information and the
The above mentioned arrangement of cards are found wanting the
ledger cards should not be disturbed necessary particulars should also
except at the time of annual closing of be noted in a Green Tracing Slip
accounts, when all the cards of a (Form No. 41).
department should be arranged in the
consecutive serial order of account (v) Surplus cards in a district pad in
numbers irrespective of the respect of which no transactions
Treasury/District of operation. have appeared in the schedules
of the district should be entered the pads of the Discontinued subscribers
in a Suspense List (form No. 42) or of Closed Accounts. Suspense List
and the cards transferred to the (Form No. 42) should be kept with the
Suspense pad. district schedules.

(vi) Subscriptions and withdrawals 12.51 As soon as the Pink Transfer Lists
of a subscriber temporarily pertaining to the transactions appearing
transferred from another in the accounts of a department in a
department should be noted in a district have been prepared, they should
Pink Transfer List (Form No. be sorted out according to the
43). A separate list should be subscriber's parent department to which
used for each parent department. the transactions have to be transferred.
The relevant entry in the When similar lists have been prepared in
schedule should be encircled in respect of that department's transactions
red ink. at all the other treasuries in the State, the
lists pertaining to each department of
NOTE:-In every case, where a tracing destination (to which the slips have to be
slip has been prepared the fact of its transferred) should be sorted out and
preparation should be noted against the brought together. The totals of the lists
entry in the schedule. should then be transcribed on a machine
into a table in Form 45 in duplicate and
12.50 The Green Tracing Slips (Form one copy of the table should be handed
No. 41) should be compared with the over to the tracer. Form such tables
cards in the "Suspense", "Discontinued pertaining to all the Departments, a
Subscribers", "Transfer" and "Closed Statement showing the Credit and Debit
Accounts" pads in order to pair the slips transferred to the parent Department
with the relevant cards. (Form No. 46) should be prepared.
When the Green Tracing Slips have been The Pink Transfer List should be treated
paired with the cards, the previous as a schedule of a district of the parent
months's closing balance should be department and the Cards in the Transfer
noted in the relevant Green Slip and the pad should be arranged to correspond
new district and address of the with the order of the entries in the Pink
subscriber noted in the card and the Transfer List.
Index Register. After the completion of
these postings the cards should be put in The entries in Form No. 43 should be
their proper places in the pad of the new checked by the Section Officer with
district and a note to that effect kept in reference to those in form No. 45.
the schedule. The slip should be filed Unposted items as encircled in the
with the schedule of the new district. schedules should be checked with
reference to the entries in Form 43 by
The unpaired slips should be noted in the the Machine Supervisor.
list of Unpaired Green Slip (Form No.
44). A separate list should be prepared The Cards found surplus in the Transfer
for each district for proving the Audit pad should be transferred to the pad of
Sheets. The remaining unpaired cards in Discontinued Subscribers, a note being
the suspense pad should be transferred to kept in the Suspense List. The cards that
are freshly added to this pad should be The totals of opening balances,
so added through the Green Tracing subscriptions, refunds, withdrawals and
Slips. closing balances as worked out in Part I
of the Audit Sheet pertaining to each
12.52 Simultaneously with the posting of district should then be brought together
ledger cards an Audit Sheet Form No. 47 in Part II of the Audit Sheet Form 48.
should be prepared on a blank paper The net monthly total arrived at in Part II
which should be fed into the machine at separately for credits and debits should
such a position relative to the Audit be agreed with the covering schedule
Sheet that a space of about an inch and pertaining to the Department.
half is left on the paper to the left of the
card. This space should not be covered The total receipts and charges arrived at
by carbon and should be utilised for in the Audit Sheets (Part II) of various
noting the account numbers of the Departments should be brought on to the
subscribers. Board-Sheet in Form 50 which thus
collect the figures for the state. These
12.53 The postings in the cards figures should be agreed with the Book
pertaining to each department should be Deparment figures.
made district by district in the following

(1) Cards common to the month under 12.55 As soon as the accounts for the
posting and the previous month; month of March have been posted and
and proved in respect of a department, and
before the interest for the year is
(2) Cards added to the district pad calculated and adjusted in the
through the Green Tracing Slips. subscriber's accounts, all the cards of
that department should be brought
Thereafter, the "Settlement Account together irrespective of the district of
Pads" and "Transfer Pads" should be operation and arranged in serial order of
posted in the same way as district pads. account numbers. The cards should then
be checked with the Index Register to
PROVING OF ACCOUNTS ensure, on the one hand, that the Index
Registers are upto date and on the other,
12.54 The correctness of the posting in
that no cards are missing. Advantage
the cards should be proved for each
should be taken of this census to pick out
district and for each department every
cards that do not bear token of having
month through the Audit Sheet in forms
been reviewed during the year.
45 and 48. The purpose of this proving is
to agree the total of the transactions Side by side with the calculation of
posted in the subscriber's accounts with interest the Machinist should prepare the
the Book Department figures. The net Annual Account Statements and a
total of the months transactions arrived Balance Compilation in Form 40 from
at in Part I of the Audit sheet should be the completed cards. The Annual
tallied with the total of the district Account Statement and the Balance
covering schedule. Compilation are prepared
simultaneously on the machine. The
former are fed into the machine from the POSTING OF ACCOUNTS AND THEIR
back. When all the Accounts of a REVIEW
department have been posted, vertical
totals should be entered into the Balance 12.58 The instructions in paragraphs
Compilation Sheet. The total of the 12.35 and 12.36 apply mutatis nutandis
credits and debits should then be agreed to the posting of Accounts under the
with the credits and debits as worked out Hand Method. On receipt of the
from the monthly Audit Sheets. The schedules, vouchers, etc., relating to a
opening balance should agree with the unit of account, the poster should, after
closing balance of the last year and the satisfying himself that the schedules
closing balance should be proved by pertaining to a particular account have
adding total credits to the opening been completely received, post the
balance and substracting total therefrom. transactions in the relvant columns of the
ledger. It should be ensured that postings
COMPILATION OF PROVIDENT in the ledger cards are invariably made
FUND ACCOUNT BY HAND from the schedules and not from the
METHOD-LEDGERS broadsheets. Any irregularity, omission
or discrepancy noticed in the course of
12.56 The accounts of subscribers posting should be recorded in the
should be maintained in a ledger in Form schedule concerned and communicated
49 one complete folio being allotted to to the Government Servant concerned
each subscriber. Provident Fund through the prescribed objection
Accounts should be maintained as far as statement.
possible in loose leaf ledger card. The
instructions in paragraph 12.32 apply The postings in the ledger should be
equally to the accounts maintained in reviewed by the Examiner each month,
this form, when the account of a to the prescribed extent.
subscriber is closed, the date of, and the
reason for, the closure should be noted in VERIFICATION
the ledger, as well as in the Index
Register. 12.59 A Broadsheet in Form 50 should
be maintained separately for each ledger.
12.57 There should be a separate ledger Each Broadsheet should be posted direct
for each unit of account. The pages of form the accounts in the ledger and the
each ledger should be numbered monthly totals calculated therein verified
consecutively in one series. The entries with those in the District or
relating to Admission, receipt and Departmental Abstract. Discrepancies
Acceptance of Nomination, appearing at between the District or Departmental
the top of Form 49 should be attested by Abstract and the Broadsheet should be
the Branch Officer, all other entries recorded in an Explanation Sheet of
relating to "Name", "Number" Differences in form 52 and the
"Discontinuance of subscriptions", etc. adjustment of differences watched
for which space has been provided at the through that Sheet. An Abstract (page)
top of the form should be attested by the of difference, Form 53 should also be
Section Officer/Examiner. maintained to watch the monthly
progress of adjustment of differences.
12.60 After all the district and squared, the closing balance as per
departmental Broadsheets have been consolidated Broadsheet should be
verified, the total credits and debits for verified with the figures in the Book
the month as worked out in each of them Department. The individual closing
should be entered in a consolidated balances in the district Broadsheets
Broadsheet which should also be should also be verified with those in the
maintained in Form 50 the particulars of ledger before they are carried over to
the several Broadsheets instead of the next year's Broadsheet as opening
account numbers being entered in the balances. The census of ledger folios
first column. The total monthly credits under hand posting system may also be
and debits as worked out in the conducted at the time carrying forward
consolidated Broadsheet should be the individual closing balances in the
agreed with corresponding totals in the district Broadsheet to the new year's
Detail Book. The consolidated Broadsheet as opening balances.
Broadsheet should be submitted monthly
to the Gazetted Officer-in charge. SPECIAL PROCEDURE FOR
12.62 The Contributory Provident Fund
12.61 The instructions in sub-paragraph Accounts should be maintained in a
(i) of paragraph 12.44 apply mutatis ledger, Form 54 where ledger accounts
mutandis to the annual closing of are posted in manuscript. In cases where
accounts under the Hand Posting machine methods are adopted for the
Method. The interest figure in each purpose, the accounts should be
individual account, including interest maintained in Form 32 with suitable
paid during the year on closed accounts, manuscript additions and alterations.
should be posted in the Broadsheet
relating to that particular ledger account 12.63 When contributions are adjusted at
and the total of the unit Broadsheet the end of the year, these should be
carried to the consolidated Broadsheet. posted in the Broadsheet, Form 50
Immediately after the accounts for against the respective account number,
March Final are closed, the balance at in a separate line from that of the
credit of each subscriber on 31st March subscriptions, a distinguishing line, if
including interest for the year should be thought necessary being used. Interest on
worked out in the ledger as well as in the contributions should similarly be posted
unit Broadsheet and the totals of the separately from that on subscriptions. At
latter compared and agreed with the the time of annual closing of the
figures in the consolidated Broadsheet Broadsheet, the closing balances of
where closing balance of each unit deposits and Government contributions
Broadsheet should be calculated should be brought out separately.
similarly. Necessary modification in the
figures of balances upto March Final REGISTER OF MISSING
Accounts should be made in the unit and CREDITS/DEBITS
consolidated Broadsheets after the
closure of the March Supplementary 12.64 A register of missing credits/debits
Accounts. After both the unit and should be maintained in the Form 55 and
consolidated Broadsheets have been closed half yearly. The following
instructions may be followed in regard to (f) After closing of Annual Accounts
the maintenance of this register and the for the year and before issue of
persuance of items of missing annual accounts statements, ledger
credit/debits. card should be reviewed and
missing credits and debits covering
(a) The ledger cards should be the period of accounts from
reviewed six monthly, once after October to March (including
posting of September Accounts March Supplementary) each year
and next after annual closing of identified and noted in the Ledger
Accounts and all missing Cards. Uptodate missing credits
credits/debits should be posted in and debits with particulars of
space provided therefor in the months should be noted in the
ledger card. The particulars of Accounts Statements of
adjustments made should also be subscribers, Number of uptodate
noted therein. missing credits and debits should
also be noted in the register of
(b) The missing credit register may be missing credits and debits. The
opened series-wise or department- register should be closed and an
wise as may be considered abstract prepared to indicate the
necessary. A separate folio may be closing balance of missing
allotted to one or more subscribers credits/debits.
as may be found convenient.
(g) The statement pertaining to each
(c) Total number of missing drawing and disbursing officer
credits/debits alongwith the year- should be sent alongwith a
wise details should be copied from covering list dealing with the
Ledger cards in the register of particulars of the subscriber in
missing credits/debits. respect of whom the statement are
sent as well as a forwarding letter
(d) Letters should be issued to the requesting the Drawing and
Drawing and Disbursing Officers Disbursing Officer to send details
at the end of mid-year i.e. six in a standard pro forma in respect
monthly review requesting for of credits/probable missing debits
details of missing items relating to which have been shown in the
the period from April-September statements of the individual
each year. subscribers to facilitate tracing and
adjustment of missing credits and
(e) An abstract may also be prepared
debits. He may also be requested to
at the end of the register to indicate
forward the statement of such
the balance of missing
subscribers who have been
credits/debits at the time of
transferred in the meanwhile to the
previous closing, additions and
new drawing and disbursing
clearance made during 6 months
and closing balance at the end of
present closing. (h) The register of missing
credits/debits should be reviewed
by the Section Officer and Branch
Officer at the end of every six acquittance rolls, certificate of deduction
months to see that action is being from Disbursing Officer. The amount of
taken to pursue the missing items. credit supplied should be adjusted in the
account by debit to the suspense head
(i) It should be ensured that the replies "Provident Fund Suspense". The
received from Drawing and suspense head should be cleared on
Disbursing Officers/Subscribers tracing the missing credits and adjusting
are properly recorded, processed the credit for the actual recovery in the
and the missing items traced out. account. The adjustment under the
Suspense Head and their clearance
(j) A report of incomplete Provident should be closely watched by the
Fund Accounts and missing credits Accountant General and items remaining
should be sent to Headquarters outstanding should be reported to the
twice a year by 31st October and Comptroller & Auditor General half
30th April each year in Form 56. yearly in Form 58 alongwith a statement
showing the amounts written off by the
UNPOSTED ITEMS Accountant General from the Suspense
head to the head "Miscellaneous
12.65 Prompt and effective steps should
Government Account" accompanied by
be taken to control and minimise the
certificates to the effect:-
accretion of unposted items. For this
purpose reference should be made to (a) that the amounts written off were
each Drawing and Disbursing Officer got thoroughly examined by the
every month in a standard form in Internal Audit Section.
respect of credits/debits which could not
be posted. The Branch Officer should (b) that the Accountant General had
also ensure that the action prescribed personally satisfied himself that a
above had been taken before finalising dead end had been reached and a
the register of unposted items/master write-off was unavoidable; and
cards. The Accountant shall pursue these
references to clear the unposted items on (c) that he had also satisfied himself
the basis of the replies received. that the error was one of book
keeping only.
A report on the unposted items should be
sent to Headquarters on 30th September, NOTE.-In case where missing credits
31st December and 31st March in the can neither be traced in account nor
Form 57. adjusted with reference to any
recognised varities of collateral evidence
COMPILATION OF ACCOUNTS ON the state government may be approached
COLLATERAL EVIDENCE BASIS by the Accountant General for sanction
to the adjustment of the missing credits
12.66 Most of the State Governments on an adhoc basis to the account of a
have adopted the procedure under which subscriber after obtaining an affidavit
the subscriber's account should be from the subscriber in regard to facts of
completed in respect of missing credits contribution having made in regard to
as early as possible on the basis of credits in question.
documentary evidence such as pay bills,
ANNUAL ACCOUNT STATEMENTS TO also be indicated in the statement. The
SUBSCRIBERS despatch of account statements to the
D.D.Os. may be given wide publicity
12.67 Statements of subscriber's annual through the Press and the subscribers be
accounts should be prepared in Form 59 requested to collect the statements from
and despatched to them not later than their D.D.Os. The statement of accounts
31st August each year. The statements so prepared or checked, as the case may
pertaining to gazetted subscribers should be should also be checked by Section
be sent to them direct with a request for Officer before they are despatched to the
sending acknowledgements for their subscribers.
receipt. Those pertaining to non-
Gazetted Subscribers, should be sent PERIODICAL REVIEW
collectively to their respective Heads of
Offices who should be called upon to 12.68 A review of the Provident Fund
send a certificate to the effect that all the Accounts should be conducted after the
account statements received by them despatch of the annual account in three
have been delivered to the respective batches so as to complete it in a cycle of
subscribers. A strict watch should be three years. The scope of the review
kept over the receipt of the should be as follows:-
acknowledgements and certificate
mentioned above. (i) to see that there are no cases of
omission to open ledger
Where accounts are compiled by the accounts or cases where double
hand method the account statements accounts have been opened for
should be prepared by the Accountant the same subscriber; for this
while in the case of accounts compiled purpose, a census of the ledger
by the machine method such statements cards (where Fund Accounts are
either prepared by the machinist (vide maintained by machine posting)
para 12.55) or by pasting extracts from should be taken and agreed with
the duplicate copy of the balances the number of subscribers to the
compilation, vide para 12.44 (2) should fund, including subscribers who
be checked by the Accountant concerned have discontinued their
to see that the figures shown in the subscriptions;
respective accounts of the subscribers
have been correctly copied out. (ii) to check in detail one month's
credits in the ledger accounts of
While preparing or checking the each department with reference
statement of accounts as the case may to the schedules, the selection of
be, the Accountant should indicate the month for each department
therein the missing credits and probable being made by the officer in
missing debits not only for that year but charge of Internal Audit Section;
of the earlier years also. Credits and
Debits if any pertaining to earlier years (iii) to examine generally the credits
but adjusted in the account of the current for the remaining 11 months
year should also be indicated in the appearing in the ledger accounts
statement. Where necessary the fact of and to see that the reasons for
non-receipt of the nomination should non-recovery or irregular
recovery (short or excess) of (e) the subscriptions are
advances and subscriptions are within maximum and
properly recorded therein; minimum limits, and;
(f) all final payments in
(iv) To check the debit postings of
excess of Rs. 20,000 have
the whole year with reference to
been correctly made.
While exercising this check it EMPLOYEES
should inter alia be seen whether debits
12.69 In some state, work connected
on account of withdrawals for financing
with the maintenance of individual
life insurance policies have been
subscribes GPF Accounts and payment
regularly received in the relevant ledger
there against has been entrusted to
accounts from year to year.
departmental authorities. The
(v) to see that the balances are Accountant General conducts a
correctly carried forward. In periodical local check of the accounts
conducting the review it should maintained by the heads of offices. It
be seen that:- should be seen in local audit whether
(a) the instruction in subscriptions have been properly
paragraph 12.32 are recovered and credited to the account,
observed. whether the interest has been calculated
properly and whether advances and
(b) the accounts of withdrawals have been properly
subscribers who have sanctioned and accounted for.
ceased to be in service Nominations, Insurance Policies and
have been promptly final payment cases should be specially
closed and refunds scruttinised. Local Audit should be
authorised. conducted annually for every head of
(c) there has been no office. In the Accountant General office
omission to issue broadsheets will be maintained
supplementary refund department-wise for tallying monthly the
orders in case where figures of credits and debits posted from
credits have been the consolidated certificate of deductions
undisbursed. attached to individual pay bills and from
vouchers for temporary and final
(d) there has been no withdrawals with those shown in the
omission to transfer the accounts and also for tallying the figures
balances of the with the quarterly and annual statements
subscribers who have of credits and debits furnished by the
quitted service to heads of the departmentals.
"Unclaimed Deposits" in
March Final Accounts 12.70 Interest creditable for each year
under the rules of the should be incorporated in the accounts
Fund. on the basis of statements furnished by
heads of departments.
NOTE:-The detailed accounts of
Contributory Provident Fund of work-
charged establishment of the C.P.W.D.
are also maintained by the respective
Divisions. These are checked in local
audit and only a broadsheet is
maintained in Accountant General office
for the purposes of reconciliation.
12.71 The following checks relating to
Provident Fund have to be undertaken by
the offices of Accountant General
(A&E) in discharge of the accounting
functions assigned to them.
(a) checking of entries in outward and
inward registers in Form 46 through
(b) checking of entries in Form 43 and
(c) checking of interest calculation,
(d) checking of Annual Account


particular community or
INTRODUCTORY any backward class of
13.1 Where the system or issue of pay (ii) rules relating to the
slips to Gazetted Officers of a Sate proportion to be observed
Government by the Accountant General in recruitment to services
is in vogue, the responsibility for the between personnel
authorisation and check of pay and promoted from subordinate
allowances is that of the A.G. (A&E) ranks and that recruited
office. Hence, the duty of maintaining direct; or
the connected records, registers, leave (iii) rules relating to educational
accounts, etc. and issuing of pay slips, or other qualifications.
leave salary certificates, last pay
certificates, no demand certificates, etc. (b) When, however, and Accounts
in respect of Gazetted Government Officer is of opinion that in
servants will devolve on the Accountant accordance with any rule or
General (A&E)’s office. order a post is reserved for
members of a particular service
13.2 The pay, leave salary and other and an outsider is appointed,
allowance admissible to various he will call for the sanction of
classes of Gazetted Government the authority which is
servants are regulated with competent to remove the
reference to the rules and reservation. The fact that the
regulations made by competent pay of a post has been fixed on
authority governing the conditions the assumption that it will be
of service. Before issuing a pay held by a member of a
slip it should be ensured that there particular service tends to
is a sanctioned post, that the show that it was intended to
Government servant has been duly reserve the post for that service
appointed to the post and that he but this by itself is not
was actually in charge of the post conclusive evidence.
during the period.
No pay should be passed for a
Gazetted officer beyond the date of 13.4 As a general rule, payment of pay,
attaining the age of superannuation leave salary and allowances of
or on the expiry of a term of Gazetted Officers are arranged by
extension of service sanctioned by the Accountant General either at
competent authority. treasuries (the authority being
13.3 (a) Accountant General (A&E) is issued to the Accountant General
not required to watch the concerned for authorising the T.O.
observance of the provisions of the in cases where the Treasury is not
following nature:- within the jurisdiction of the
Accounts Officer) or through other
(i) rules relating to the Disbursing officers like Public
representation of any Works/Forest Divisional Officers.
In the case of departments having a pay or leave salary slip. The paid
separate Accounts Organisation the vouchers are noted in the relevant
pay and allowances are authorised monthly payment page of the
and payments arranged by the register so as to constitute a record
Accounts Officers. against entertainment of a second
claim on the same account. The
ENTITLEMENT REGISTER OF Register also provides for
GAZETTED GOVERNMENT particulars of amounts held under
SERVANTS PAY objection and their subsequent
ALLOWANCES adjustment by recovery etc. and
13.5 The Chief record through which also for making notes explanatory
the payments of pay and of peculiar payments and of broken
allowances of Gazetted Officers is periods at different rates and for
controlled, is the Entitlements noting of adjustment of long term
Register of Pay and Allowances of advance.
Gazetted Government servants 13.6 The form, opening and
(Form 60). In this Register, maintenance of the Entitlement
separate folios are opened for Register as well as the detailed
every officer. The form provides procedure of posting of pay bills is
for noting of all orders of described in paragraphs 13.7 and
Government respecting the 13.8 below.
emolument of the officer, including
the orders of creation of posts, NOTE : For Gazetted Government
fixation of pay, special pay, servants under the jurisdiction of
allowances, confirmation etc. one Accountant General whose pay
Separate columns are also provided and leave salary etc. is paid by
for noting complete particulars of another Accountant General on the
posts held, dates of taking over and authority of the first Accountant
making over charge as shown in General (vide para 13.4) the
the charge certificates, joining time second Accountant General may
admissible and availed, leave maintain a separate Entitlements
sanctioned and taken, transfers, Register in Form 61 which may
reversions etc. On receipt of each have an alphabetical index of
issue of the Government Gazette, names for convenience.
the notifications are to be noted in
the respective folios of the officers FORM AND SUB-DIVISIONS OF
and the entries attested by the ENTITLEMENT REGISTER
AAO/ Section Officer. The
emoluments due from a particular 13.7 The Entitlements Register in Form
date are fixed by the Accountant 60 is intended to be a record for six
General in accordance with the years. Each folio of the
rules and regulations made by the Entitlements Register provides
competent authority, governing space for six years entries relating
their conditions of service and to one gazetted Officer and for
separate money columns showing twenty changes of emoluments.
the emoluments due from a
particular date are opened in the The account of each Gazetted
register and attested by the Branch Government servant in the Register
Officer at the time of issuing each should be assigned a number which
should be communicated to the it is set apart, or if classification is
Government servant through S.Y. not adopted, each volume will take
43 up a certain part of the alphabet.
Some blank sheets should be left
13.8 One or more volumes of the after each initial letter for further
Entitlement Register should be set entries during the currency of the
apart for the Government servants Register.
of each department one set of
volumes being maintained for OPENING OF THE REGISTER
Government servants of the
Medical department, one for those 13.10. New Registers should be
of the Education department, and prepared shortly before the old
so on. As an exception to this rule, Registers are completed; the
it will be convenient to bring current Registers should be
together in separate volumes the examined by an intelligent
names of all members of a service, person, the names to be omitted
such as the Indian Administrative should be cancelled with a
Service, the members of which are coloured pencil, and the
liable to frequent transfers from remaining names renumbered
one department to another. according to the corrected
alphabetical order. At the foot of
the page containing the last name
Note: In the case of small of one initial letter should be
departments containing a few noted the number of leaves to be
gazetted Government Servants (say left blank after it for future
not more than 10 in each entries.
department) a single Register may 13.11. All orders still in force, any
be maintained to record the names unexpired leave, any transfer
of Government Servants of all such ordered but not carried out, must
departments, a suitable number of be brought forward in the new
blank pages being left between Register, and should, therefore,
each initial leter and department be marked for the copyist’s
for the record of future entries. guidance by the person
correcting the Register.
In some cases, as for instance
when a local Fund post paid for fixed NOTE:The procedure prescribed above
allowances is held as a collateral charge should be adopted in respect of those
by a gazetted Government Servant, it orders also which sanction grants
may be convenient to have the posts, and renewable at intervals of a fixed number
not the names of the Government of years, such as the periodical grants
Servants as the heads of the Register. made to Police Officers for Uniform.
The names of successive incumbents
with dates may be entered in the space 13.12. The Accountant, when he posts
for orders. the last months’s bill, must mark
outstanding objection and see
13.9 The names should be entered that it is brought forward in the
alphabetically, that is, either each new Register.
Register will proceed from A to Z 13.13. When the new Register has been
for all names of the class for which prepared by the copyist, it should
be laid with the old one before a entries, the AAO/Section Officer
Gazetted Officer who should see will tick off or initial the
that the necessary particulars corresponding notificatiions, in
have been correctly transferred the Gazette in token of his having
and set his initials against the attested the Registers. The
“Total Charges” in the first AAO/Section Officer of the
money column as authority for, section will review the Gazette
and a guide to the Accountant carefully to ensure that all itmes
Clerk. In the column for have been entered in the
“Monthly emoluments and Register. This work should be
deductions” blank lines should be regarded as urgent.
utilised for charges and
deductions for which there is not When Government orders
printed entry in the form. sanctioning alterations of pay,
leave, transfers, etc., are issued in
MAINTENANCE OF THE advance of the notifications in
ENTITLEMENT REGISTER the Gazette, they should be
handled in the same manner as
13.14. In entring new names, or the notifications themselves. The
reintroducting old ones care must entries in the Register should,
be taken that the salary is however, be compared with the
supported by a last pay certificate Gazette notifications when the
or a leave salary certificate latter are received and the
excect in the case of a Gazetted Accountant should certify against
Government Servant who is the notifications concerned that
newly appointed to Government he has made the necessary
Service, when a health certificate comparison.
is required (Note below
paragraph 13.24). After the entries have been
13.15. On receipt of each Issue of the attested by the Section Officer
Government Gazette, the and any new money columns
AAO/Section Officer will initialled by the Branch Officer a
circulate it to the Accountants Pay Slip (Form 62) will be issued
who will pick out the items to the Government Servant
concerning them. The whose emoluments are changed.
Accountants will post these items The Pay slip form may be used,
in their Registers and obtain the for fixed pay posts as will as for
attestation of the AAO/Section those on a time scale rate of pay,
Officer to these entries. All and it has been so worded that it
entires in the column “Gazete may remain in force for
page” under “Particulars of leave considerable time.
and transfer” posts should be
separately atested by the (a) The number and date of
AAO/Section Officer, and any their slip should be
omissions should be specially entered in the space
brought to notice and provided for the purpose
investigated at the time to the in the Entitlement
periodical reviews of the register. Register.
At the time of attesting the
(b) In cases where the change those affecting payment
in the money column of subsequent years.
does not necessitate the
issue of a Pay slip, the 13.16. On receipt of sanction to leave,
Accountant who prepares either through a notification in
and the AAO/Section the Gazette or Government order
Officer who examine the issued in advance of the
money column should put notification, a comparison will be
their initials in the space made of the leave sanctioned
for “Advice No.” below with that shown in the office
the cage of the money copy of the leave report. The
column. Accountant will certify against
(c) An order appoints AB to the notification in the Gazette or
act as Judge during the on the Government order, as the
absence of CD; a single case may be, that he has made
mark only is wanted, as the necessary comparison and
the order affects only AB. this certificate of comparison
But if the same order should invariably be attested by
grants leave to CD and the AAO/Section Officer. The
appoints AB to act for particulars of leave and transfer
him, it has to be noted in the Entitlement Register will
against both, and so two in part be filled up from the
marks are necessary. In Gazette; the first two columns in
the case of any but a every case, then the first two
grade promotion, it under “Leave” or the column
should not be necessary under “Post”. In the column
in the note against AB to “Rule under which leave is
make any mention of CD granted, and kind of leave” the
whom he succeeds. nature of the leave taken should
(d) When a Gazetted be denoted by appropriate letters,
Government Servant is followed by the quotation of the
appointed to a post for a rule under which the leave is
limited time, the granted; the period of absence
limitation should be can only be filled in after return.
stated in the note of the The date of taking or making
order; it can never be over charge can only be entered
necessary to note that a from the report of transfer, and a
Government Servant is to blank in these columns will
act “till further orders” as always give warning that some
a later order always further information is required
cancels an earlier one. and must be called for. The
(e) After the close of each column “Number and date of
year, red-ink lines should reference” is for the record of
be drawn across the letters addressed to the Gazetted
spaces provided for note Government Servant regarding
of orders, objections, joining time, objections etc.
transfers and remarks to 13.17. In the case of periods of leave
distinguish them from succeeding each other, the day
which reckons as the first day of
each will appear in the column suitable note should be made in
headed “Begins” and that which the column for remarks, and if
will reckons as the last of each in the time taken is treated as duty
the column headed “Ends”, the the authority for this should also
column “Period of absence” then be noted.
filled up will show whether or
not the period granted has been NOMINATIONS
13.18. In the case of transfer, the joining
time “Admissible” and that 13.20. The Accountant General (A&E)
“Taken” should be filled in when is responsible for watching the
the certificate of taking over receipt of nominations for Death-
charge is received in order to cum-Retirement Gratuity and
check whether, and by how Lists of family members in
much, the proper joining time has respect of such of the Gazetted
been exceeded. In cases, Officers, as are required to be
however, where the transfer is sent to the office of the
from one station to another and Accountant General (A&E)
the time taken in joining is less under the rules and orders of the
than the minimum admissible, Government in force from time
the column “Joining time to time. A note of the receipt of
admissible” need not be filled in. the nominations, whenever
received, should be kept in the
Salary Entitlement Register at the
If the state rules contain right hand top corner and attested
provisions for crediting Joining time by the Branch Officer. The fact
short availed as Earned Leave to the that such a note has been made
Leave account of the Government should, among other things be
Servant, Joining time admissible and verified at the time of conducting
taken should be noted. the special review of the
Entitlement Register by the
AAO/Section Officer and the
13.19. Certificate of giving over and Branch Officer and action
taking charge, or of going on and initiated to call for the wanting
returning from leave, should be nominations.
noted in the Entitlements
Register immediately on receipt, NOTE 1: The nominations and lists of
and after the entries have been family members of Gazetted Officers
checked by the AAO/Section received in the Office of the Accountant
Officer, they should be given to General (A&E) should not be filed in the
the poster of the History of personal files. They should be noted in
Services and, when necessary to the Register of Nominations to be
the poster of the Register of opened in manuscript in the following
Permanent Advances. After this from countersigned by the Branch
they should be pasted in a Officer-in-charge of Gazetted
separate file. Entitlement Department in token of
acceptance and kept under lock and key
In cases in which the transfer of in his personal custody till their
charge takes one or more days a destruction. An acknowledgement in
respect of nomination should invariably Such nominations and lists of
be furnished to the Gazetted Officer family members as are required for
concerned. When a revised nomination reference in dealing with the claims of
is received the superseded one should be family pension and death gratuity should
cancelled and returned to the Gazetted be transferred to the Officer-in-charge of
Officer concerned. Whenever there is a pension and kept in his custody till their
change of incumbency, in the Gazetted destruction.
Officer-in-charge of the G.E. Section
concerned, the nomination files should When a Gazetted Officer is
be handed over to the relieving officer permanently transferred to another
and a note to that effect made in the Entitlement Circle the nomination papers
memorandum of handing over charges. etc. will be sent in a registered cover to
the new Accounts Officer and his
acknowledgement obtained.


Sl. Date of Folio No. in Officer’s Initials of G.O. in Removal of G.O’s orders of Remarks
No. nomination Entitlement name token of nomination dated initials for
Register acceptance and by/date purpose final disposal
1. 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8.

Note 2.-Nomination forms and other or the Account of Pay and

Correspondence connected therewith Accounts Officer, the name of
including acknowledgement should be the account and the month of
treated as confidential. adjustment should similarly be
noted in red ink. If the amount of
Note 3.-The nominations should be the bills be the same as was
verified annually by a gazetted officer passed for the last month, it is
other than the officer-in-charge of the sufficient to note in the Register
G.E. Section, to be selected by the the date of payment; if any
Accountant General (A&E). further payment be made
afterwards under new orders, the
POSTING OF SALARY VOUCHERS new date would also be entered
with a letter guiding the eye to an
13.21. Salary vouchers will be posted explanatory note in the space
under the heading “Date of provided for it in the form and to
payment of Bills” in the case of the note of the order. If there be
the month for which the pay is any change in the rate of
due and not of the month in emoluments compared with the
which it is issued. The name of last month, it will be better to
the treasury from which payment enter the amount as well as the
is taken should be entered in red date. The amount noted should
ink above the date of payment, be the gross amount paid
but the entry need not be including the amounts deducted
repeated unless the treasury is for funds and income-tax and
changed. When a payment overpayments recovered.
appears in a Settlement Account
Suppose that in the first money increment in the ordinary
column the rate of pay is shown course e.g.
as Rs. 1100 under date 1st June (a) when a gazetted
’86, and the second Rs. 1150 Government servant
under date 15th February 1987. If passes outside or
then, for earlier months Rs. 1100 beyond the time scale,
(gross) only be drawn for later or
ones Rs. 1150 and for February (b) whenever he passes
Rs. 1125; no note of amount is from one overlapping
needed on the right hand page in time-scale to another,
the cases for July to January; but or from one time-
in February’s case Rs. 1125 scale to another.or
would be entered alongwith the (c) whenever he proceeds
date, and in March’s Rs. 1150. on leave of any kind
Thus an entry without or returns therefrom,
specification of amount will or
always be understood to be for (d) whenever he is
the same amount as that last appointed to a
recorded. temporary post or
Issue of Pay Slips reverts therefrom,
13.22 Pay Slips are issued to the (iv) whenever the stage of the
Officers concerned (copies being time-scale at which there
endorsed to the T.OS/A.Gs etc. is a pause is reached
concerned through whom (v) whenever an Officer is
payment is authorised) in Form transferred from one post
62 indicating the rates of pay, to another involving
special pay, allowances etc. to be change of designation,
paid from specified dates. The even if there is no change
form of the pay slip provides for in his emoluments.
the scale of pay and date of Note 1- In the case of time-
increment being indicated with scale of pay with efficiency bars
instructions to allow drawal of at a certain stage, an Accounts
increments, in the absence of any Officer will not authorise any
instructions to the contrary till Government servant to draw pay
the stage at which the Efficiency at a rate above the stage at which
Bar operates. an efficiency bar is fixed until he
13.23 A fresh Pay Slip should be has received a declaration from
issued:- the authority empowered to make
(i) Whenever any increment the promotion that it has satisfied
is stopped, itself that the Government
(ii) Whenever an efficiency servant in question is fit to pass
bar, or any other bar the efficiency bar.
against the grant of a
particular increment, is Note 2 – When a Government
removed, and servant is appointed for a limited
(iii) Whenever there is change period to another post, but the
of any kind in exact dates of taking charge and
emoluments, otherwise of reversion are not known, the
than by accrual of an pay slip should show two rates of
pay, the one commencing from production of a medical
the date of taking charge and the certificate of health in such form
other from the date of reversion. and signed by such medical or
If however, the exact dates are other officers as may be
known, they should be entered in prescribed by Government.
the Pay Slip. When the service rules require
the production of a medical
Note 3 – In the case of certificate on appointment of a
redesignation of a gazetted post person to a post in Government
while both gazette notification service, Office of the Accountant
and intimation to the Accounts General (A& E) must verify that
Officer concerned are necessary, a certificate in the prescribed
if in endorsing a copy of the form is attached to the first pay
notification to the Accounts bill of the person concerned
Officer it has been made clear drawn after such appointment.
that the redesignation does not The State Government may,
involve any change in duties or however, dispense with the
classification or scale of pay, the production of the certificate in
Accounts Officer will instruct the individual cases and may also by
Treasury and other Disbursing general order exempt any
Officers suitably without specified class of Government
requiring a charge report and servants from the operation of
issuing a fresh pay slip. this rule.
13.25 In the following types of cases
13.24 The following documents are apart from orders of
necessary for the issue of pay appointment, sanction to the post
slips of Gazetted Officers on first and charge certificates, the
appointment in Government following additional documents
service:- are required for issue of pay-slip
(i) Formal orders of -
appointment; (a) On promotion from a non-
(ii) Orders regarding creation gazetted post
of continuance of a (i) L.P.C. from the last
temporary post or an disbursing officer; and
intimation giving full (ii) Service book duly
particulars of the post, if completed upto the date of
already sanctioned to promotion to the gazetted
which appointed; post.
(iii) Certificate of assumption (b) On transfer from another
of charge (indicating Entitlement Circle
forenoon/afternoon of the (i) Transfer documents
day); and from the previous
(iv) Medical certificate of Accounts Officer viz.,
physical fitness when the L.P.C (duly
required under the rules countersigned by
of the State Government. him), Statement of
Note :- No person may be Service (see
appointed in India to a post in paragraph below);
Government service without the and
(ii) Orders containing the retire due to
terms of appointment superannuation etc., or
on deputation from a (c) date following the date of
State or from a death, resignation transfer
service. etc.
13.26 In the case of transfers within the A nil money column
same Entitlement Circle, the corresponding to that shown in
fresh pay slip is issued on the the pay slip should be opened in
basis of orders of appointments, the Entitlements Register (in
sanction relating to the post to pencil and without attestation by
which transferred and the charge Branch Officer if it is tentative
certificates of making over and e.g. in the case of an officer
taking over. The L.P.C. is issued holding a temporary post likely
by the former Treasury Officer to to be extended further). As an
the next Treasury Officer and not additional precaution, the word
to the AG, A&E Office. “Stop” should be written in
13.27 It has to be seen at the time of pencil in the payment cage of the
issuing the Pay Slip to an month in which the payment is to
individual in a case of fresh stop.
appointment or promotion or 13.30 The last payment of pay or
transfer that there is sanctioned allowances should not be made
post or vacancy against which in respect of a gazetted officer
the appointment, promotion or finally quitting service of the
transfer has been made. Government by retirement,
13.28 In case in which standing pay resignation, dismissal, death or
slips (indicating the time scale otherwise or placed under
and date of increment) have been suspension until the disbursing
issued and increments fall due in officer has satisfied himself by
a month, money columns should reference to the Accountant
be opened and got attested by the General (A&E) the departmental
Branch Officer before the 15th of authorities and his own records,
the month. In case other than that no demands are outstanding
those where standing pay slips against the officer.
have been issued fresh pay slips
for periodical increments due in a Note 1.-In the case of a Contract Officer
month should be issued before or an officer purely in temporary
the 15th of the month. employment, proceeding on foreign
13.29 The pay slip should include a nil service in or out of India, final dues
money column- should also be similarly paid only after
(a) from the date following ascertaining that no demands are
the date upto which the outstanding against them.
post has been sanctioned
(in the case of an officer Note 2.-Besides the ordinary last pay
holding a temporary certificate, Military Officers in Civil
post), or employ, when about to retire from active
(b) the date following the service, are required by the Defence
date upto which he has Department to produce a no demand
been appointed to the post certificate from the Civil Accountant
or after which he is to
General (A&E) under whose, regard to the principle
jurisdiction they are. enunciated in (i) above
and also to record reasons
Compensatory Allowances and justifying the grant of the
Honoraria extra remuneration to the
Government Servant
13.31 House rent and other concerned.
compensatory allowances (iii) The amount of a
authorised through the Pay Slips compensatory allowance
etc. should be determined with is to be so regulated that
reference to rules and orders the allowance is not on
relating to such allowances and the whole a source of
the requisite certificates profit to the recipient.
regarding the fulfilment of the
conditions attaching to the Cost of Medical Treatment
allowances should be indicated in
the authority so that payment 13.33 The expenditure incurred by and
may be made only on the officer to be reimbursed to gazetted
furnishing the requisite Government Servants on account
certificates. of medical attendance and
13.32 For the grant of any treatment is drawn by them in
compensatory allowances, fees or Salary Bills under the Sub-Head
honoraria to Government ‘Allowances, receipts and
Servants the following general vouchers in all cases without
conditions should be satisfied- prior authority of the Accountant
General. All such bills should be
(i) Unless in any case it be posted in a register in Form-68 as
otherwise distinctly a safeguard against double
provided, the whole time claims.
of a Government Servant
is at the disposal of the Leave Salary
Government which pays
him, and he may be 13.34 As the leave accounts of gazetted
employed in any manner officers are maintained by the
required by proper Accounts Officer, a certificate of
authority, without claim admissibility of leave has to be
for additional obtained from the latter before
remuneration, whether the competent administrative
the services required of authority accords sanction to the
him are such as would leave.
ordinarily be remunerated 13.35 On receipt of the orders
from the Consolidated sanctioning leave (which should
Fund of a State or from a be checked with the certificate of
Local Fund. admissibility of leave and also in
(ii) The authority granting or due course with the formal
permitting a Government notification in the gazette), and
Servant to receive any the charge report of making over
honorarium or fee is charge, the leave salary
required to pay due
certificate should be issued in the exemption from attachment. The
same way as the pay slip. attached portion of the pay and
13.36 In the case of L.P.R. or Terminal allowances should, however, be
Leave or such other leave on the withheld from the officer until
expiry of which the gazetted the court’s order on the
officer is not expected to return representation is received. If the
to duty, the last payment of leave Civil Court still holds that its
salary should not be made until previous order of attachment is
the Disbursing Officer has correct, a report should be made
satisfied himself by reference to to the Government of India
the Accounts Officer, the Ministry of Defence. Where the
departmental authorities and his order of attachment relates to the
own records that no demands are pay and allowances of a Defence
outstanding against the Officer. Service Officer not borne on the
The leave salary certificate in effective strength, the procedure
such cases should also contain laid down in this paragraph
instructions to the effect that the should be followed.
certificate from the gazetted 13.38 The detailed instructions issued
Officer concerned that he has not by the Comptroller and Auditor
been re-employed during the General in order to secure
period of the leave under efficiency and uniformity in
Government Local Fund or a relation to leave procedure in
private employer, should be respect of gazetted (and also non-
obtained before making gazetted) Government Servants
payments. are contained in Appendix A.
Some of these instructions have
Note.- An officiating Gazetted already been indicated in Paras
Government Servant who holds an 13.34 and 13.36.
active or suspended lien on a non-
gazetted post, retains his Gazetted status Provisional payments
for all purposes (eg. Drawal of leave
salary and allowances, issue of 13.39 Provisional payments of pay,
notifications, grant of extension of leave allowances and leave salary can
etc.) before resuming duty as a non- be made in accordance with the
gazetted officer. The leave salary orders of the Governments
certificate in such cases is accordingly concerned on the subject and also
issued as for a Gazetted Officer in the at the discretion of the A.G. to
usual manner. avoid unnecessary hardship to
officers without involving undue
13.37 If an order of attachment is risk. In allowing provisional
received in respect of the pay or payments, the A.G. should
allowance of a Defence Service observe the following
Officer who is for the time being principles:-
in Civil Employ borne on the
effective strength a (i) No provisional payment should
representation should promptly normally be made without a
be made to the Court that the request received from the
Defence Service Officer authority that is competent
continues to be eligible for finally to sanction the payment,
and the request should indicate occupy Government residences,
the period (which should be the pay slip should be made out
short) for which payment should in triplicate, preferably by
be passed provisionally. carbon, and one copy should be
(ii) The Officer should be clearly sent to the officer responsible for
informed that the payment is making the recovery of rent to
provisional. A proper register enable him to revise the
should be kept to watch the assessment of rent where
receipt of the final orders and necessary.
that provisional payments do not
extend beyond the period for Note.-If a Government Servant occupies,
which they were authorised. as a residence, a public building,
(iii) In a case where sanction of the whether residential or not, or a building
Legislature is necessary, hired by Government, or a portion of any
provisional payment should in no such building, the rent as specified by
case be made even if the the Public Works Divisional Officer
Government make a request with concerned in the “Statement of Rents
an assurance that a legislation recoverable from Pay Bills” is
will be passed shortly. recoverable from the tenant without
(iv) Permanent Government Servants prior reference to him. The amount
may be authorised their pay and recovered should be credited to the head
allowances on the basis of the of account indicated in the statements.
substantive pay when sanctions This applies also to additional rent
to the continuance of temporary recoverable for furniture or for electric,
posts held by them have not been water supply, heating and sanitary
received in the Accountant installations in building occupied as
General’s Office. residences. It also applies to amounts
recoverable from a Government Servant
Deductions on account of the value of furniture or
other Government property for the loss
13.40 In respect of deductions the of which or damage to which he may be
details should be noted in the found responsible and to any other dues
column “Notes explanatory of for which a Government Servant may be
peculiar payments etc.” linking liable to Government in respect of the
the same with a guide letter with residence allotted to him.
the note of payments etc. in the
monthly cages. Leave account
13.41 A gazetted Government Servant
desirous of discontinuing his 13.43 Subject to any exceptions
subscription to the General specially authorised, a leave
Provident Fund during leave account is maintained by the
where such discontinuance is Accountant General (A&E) for
permissible should intimate his every gazetted Officer whose
wish in the matter to his entitlements are determined by
Accountant General before him. The leave account should be
proceeding on leave. maintained in Form-63 or such
13.42 In the case of gazetted other form as prescribed by the
Government Servants who are competent authority. If the forms
occuping or who generally of the leave account prescribed
are not suitable for the
maintenance of leave account of Transfer
any class of Government
Servants, the forms in such a 13.46 When a gazetted Government
case may be prescribed by Servant is transferred from one
Government after consultation Accounts circle to another, the
with the A.G.(A&E) concerned. Accounts Officer of the first
Government may require a leave circle should send the following
account to be maintained in the documents to the Accounts
case of non-gazetted government Officer of the new circle-
servants whose entitlements are
determined like that of Gazetted (i) L.P.C. duly countersigned.
Government Servants. (ii) Leave Account.
(iii) Statement of service.
The leave account is posted both
when the government servant 13.47 The statement of service should
applies for and returns from be in Form-66 and should show
leave. the pay and allowances earned by
the Officer during the last 10 or
Note.-From-1-4-87, allocation of leave 12 complete months as may be
salary and pension contribution has been required under the leave rules
dispensed with. applicable in each case to
suplement the information
13.44 In respect of Government contained in the last printed
Servants temporarily lent to History of Services. In the case
another Government a register in of an Armed Forces Officer
Form-SY-52-A should be transferred from the Defence to
maintained to watch the recovery the Civil Department a Statement
of leave salary contribution from of his whole service in such
the borrowing Government. detail as is required by paragraph
13.62 Rule 1, should be
Last Pay Certificate furnished for inclusion in the
History of Services.
13.45 Detailed rules regulating the
preparation of last pay Note 1.-While recording the particulars
certificates in cases of transfers of leave and/or joining time in the
on duty or return from leave are Statement (Form-66) a note to the effect
given in Appendix B. that the appropriate Certificate for
counting the period of Leave and Joining
Note 1.-A register of Last Pay Time for increments has been received
Certificate drawn up in an office should should also be recorded simultaneously
be kept in a Form similar to Form-65. in the remarks column, wherever
relevant for calculating future increment.
Note 2.-Unless there is authorisation
otherwise by the Rules or Orders of Note 2.-The statement of service should
Government, all pay, allowances, leave also contain an entry regarding the last
salary and pensions according to a payment of grants renewable at intervals
Government Servant while in India are of a fixed number of years, such as the
payable in India.
periodical grants made to Police Officers in the form of counter-signature on the
for uniform. bill itself before it is presented for
13.48 When a Gazetted Government
Servant is transferred to foreign 13.50 Advances of pay and allowances
service, all necessary particulars to Gazetted Government servants
relating to the time spent in under proper sanction must, like
foreign service, including the pay and allowances, be formally
recovery of the leave and pension recorded in the Gazetted
contributions, should be recorded Entitlement register.
in the History of Services/Service 13.51 An advance of Pay/Travelling
Cards maintained under Allowance granted on transfer to
paragraph 13.58. a Government servant to enable
him to join his post should be
Advances debited to “Salaries” or “Travel
Expenses” as the case may be,
13.49 The undermentioned advances under the service head
may be drawn by a Gazetted concerned. In the event of a
Government Servant from the Government Servant being
Treasury on the authority of the transferred to another circle of
sanction or a duly certified copy Accounts, the advance should be
thereof appended to the bill reported by the Treasury
without any previous authority Officer/Disbursing Officer
from the Accountant General:- through the L.P.C. for effecting
(i) Advances on transfer, 13.52 Advances for house-building and
(ii) Advances on tour, advances for purchase of
(iii) Advances on account of travel conveyances should be recorded
concession during regular leave, in the Entitlement Register, and
wherever admissible; in the event of a Government
(iv) Advances in lieu of leave salary, servant being transferred to
wherever admissible; another State or department the
(v) Advances for medical attendance unrecovered balance should be
and treatment; noted in the last pay certificate.
(vi) Advances of travelling 13.53 When a Government servant is
allowances in respect of journeys transferred to foreign service, an
to place of settlement on extract of the Leave Account
retirement, performed during shall be supplied to the foreign
leave preparatory to retirement or employer by the Accountant
during refused leave. No other General. The foreign employer
personal advance can be paid to a will maintain a proforma leave
Gazetted Government Servant account to determine the leave
unless payment has first been admissible to the Government
authorised by the Accountant servant and sanction it under
General or the claim has been intimation to the Accountant
pre-checked by him. General and the Departmental
authority concerned. He will also
Note:- The sanction to personal arrange for the payment of leave
advances may, if preferred, be obtained salary to the official.
Reimbursement of leave salary HISTORY OF SERVICES/SERVICE
so paid shall be claimed by the CARDS
foreign employer from the
Accountant General at half 13.58 Subject to such exceptions as
yearly intervals. For this purpose may be authorised by the
he will send necessary claims to Comptroller and Auditor
the Accountant General General, a recdord of services in
indicating details of the officials Form 67 should be maintained
in foreign service, nature and the for each Gazetted Government
period of leave sanctioned, rate servant or a specified non
of leave salary and amount of Gazetted Government servant by
leave salary paid. The statement the Accountant General who
will be sent for the period ending authorises his pay. This record
30th September and 31st March of may be styled as History of
each year. The Accountant Services. It is primarily intended
General will verify the claims for the record of all facts in the
preferred by the foreign official career of the Government
employer and arrange to servants which have a bearing on
reimburse the amount by means pay, promotion, leave, pension
of bank draft within a month of etc. Officiating promotions
receipt of the claim. involving no change of duties
13.54 The payment of an advance from should generally be omitted; but
the Provident Fund to an Officer in the case of members of
on foreign service is to be services which consist mainly for
arranged by the Accountant grades, the duties of which are
General (A&E) who maintains not separate and distinct, all
his Provident Fund Account. officiating promotions should be
13.55 The grant of advance of Pay/T.A. shown.
at the time of transfer to and 13.59 The History of Services of
reversion from foreign service as gazetted Government servants is
well as the grant of motor car maintained by the Accountant
advance while on foreign service General who authorises their pay.
is governed by special rules and The History of Services is issued
orders of Government. in print at such intervals as may
13.56 The first payment on reversion be prescribed in consultation
from foreign service should also with the Government. Copies of
be authorised on receipt inter alia this publication will be furnished
of the L.P.C. from the foreign according to the local orders in
employer. force.
13.57 The Accounts Officer of the Note : Particulars of war services
State Government is responsible affecting pay, promotion, leave
for watching the recovery of or pension should be recorded in
leave and pension contribution in this publication.
respect of State Government 13.60.1The illustrative entries in the
Officers lent on foreign service. sample Form (vide From 67) explain the
method of record. Leave of all kinds,
absence without leave or in excess of
leave or of joining time should be noted
across the pages as in the specimen; and
if any period be allowed to count as (i) joining time on transfer
service which would not ordinarily be between different
allowed by the rules, or if any special Governments from or to
privilege or disability affecting pay, commercial department
pension or leave attaches to a under the same
Government servant, the fact should be Government including
noted similarly with quotation of the such joining time
Government order. Service in a vacation following leave; and
department and vacation not enjoyed (ii) joining time taken by a
during such service may also be noted Government servant on
similarly. Officiating appointments, transfer from an
when shown, should be distinguished officiating post qualifying
from substantive appointmetns. for additional pension to
13.60.2 In the case of Armed Forces another such post.
Officers and State Government
servants the date of birth should 13.61.1 With the exception of hereditary
be recorded at the heading. In titles and awards for acts of gallantry
the case of Armed Forced conferred on the members of the Armed
Officers in Civil employ details and Police Forces, no mention should be
of service in Armed Forces made on titles against the names of any
previous to transfer to Civil officer. There is, however, no objection
employ need not be shown but to the mention, of the receipt of a medal
only the period of service or clasp for war services. Mention in this
should be stated together with publication should be made of the
full details of all leave taken in receipt by a Government servant of India
the Armed Forces employment. Police Medal, the President’s Police and
Their record of service in I.A.F Fire Service Medal and the Police Medal
(C.D.A) 313 should be for acts of gallantry. Particulars of
maintained in addition in literary works and of medals, etc.
accordance with the rules laid mentioned above with the date of their
down in Appendix I to the award whould be printed in italics at the
Defence Audit Code. foot of the page.
13.60.3 Entries relating to punitive
action taken in regard to a 13.61.2 The following information may
gazetted Government servant also be recorded if Government so
should not be made without direct:-
special orders of Government. (a) cast, tribe, State of domicile
If an Accounts Officer at the time of appointment
considers that such an entry is and home of the family and
indispensably necessary for the academic degree.
purpose of regulating his (b) Religion or community in the
emoluments/pension he should case of all or particular
refer the question for the orders classes of Government
of Government who will decide servants; but no other
what form the entry should take. addition should be made
without the orders of the
Note: Periods of joining time Government concerned.
ordinarily need not be recorded
except in the following cases:-
13.62. An interleaved copy of the last Government servants other than
edition of the History should be members of Defence Services
used to note the subsequent who, during the next official
changes and should be sent in year, will be due to retire on
original to the press as “copy” for attaining the age of
the next edition of the History. superannuation or on the expiry
On receipt of notice of the of a term of extension of service.
appointment of a new gazetted The object of this return which
Government servant his name has to be furnished by the
should be entered immediately in Accountant General only in those
its proper place in this States where the arrangement is
interleaved copy. So long as a in vogue is to enable the
gazetted Government servant is Government to pass the
attached to a State, though he has necessary orders regarding their
reverted from the rank of a retention in or retirement from
gazetted to that of a non-gazetted the service. In the case of
Government servant by the Officers of the Defence Services,
termination of an acting the Accountant General should
promotion his name should not annually obtain lists of the
be struck out of the History; it officers affected by the rule who
should be removed only on are employed in departments and
death, retirement or permanent offices under his jurisdiction and
transfer to another State, or to a should pass no more pay to those
Central Department. named therein, except where it
can be shown that there is
Civil List authority for their continued
13.63. If in any Civil List of Officers or
other publication which is issued G. E. Accountant’s Duties
by the Government concerned
without previous review in the 13.65 The following instructions cover
Accountant General’s office any the more important points
errors are discovered in course of requiring the special attention of
working, they should be reported Accountants.
to the authority concerned, and
the copy of the printed list (1) See that the payees are
preserved in the office should be legally entitled to the pay
corrected. claimed.
(2) See that, except in cases
Compulsory Retirement of first appointment,
every first payment to an
13.64 On or before the 1st September in individual, whether on
each year, i.e. as soon as possible account of pay and
after the examination of the allowances or as leave
books of establishment, the salary, is supported by a
Accountant General should if so lastpay or leave salary
required by Government submit certificate, as the case
to the Government concerned a may be .
list in From 69 of the gazetted
(3) See that a health and when he returns
certificate is given (see from leave.
also note below (8) Note: all advances and
paragraph 13.24). excess or unauthorised
(4) Record the payments in payment in the
the appropriate cages in Entitlement Register in
the Entitlements Register. the space set apart for
(5) When the amount of bill objections, issuing
is the same as that of the retrenchment slips where
last month only enter date necessary.
of payment or month of (9) Note any recoveries in the
adjustment in the case of Entitlement Register.
bills received with Pay 13.66 On receipt of a Gazette with the
and Accounts Officer notifications regarding gazetted
Accounts or Settlement Government servants ticked off,
Accounts if any further the Accountant will:-
payment be made, enter (1) note all the necessary
the amount and the new details in the Entitlement
date also and place a Registers, and History of
guide letter over it, Services and also in the
linking it with the Scale Register if they
explanatory note and the belong to All India
number and date of the Services;
order. (2) issue the Pay Slip for
(6) When the amount of a bill alterations in pay and
differs from that of the allowances, where
last month, enter the necessary, filling in at the
amount as well as the same time the money
date, being the gross columns in the register
amount paid, including when necessary;
fund deductions, income (3) when leave has been
tax recoveries of over- sanctioned compare the
payments. amount of leave
(7) In the case of a gazetted sanctioned with that
Government servant on shown in the office copy
leave – of the leave report, and
(a) see that leave has prepare the prescribed
been granted; letters where necessary;
(b) see that it has not (4) In the case of transfer, see
been exceeded; that the report is received
(c) see that the leave of making over as well as
salary claimed is of receiving charge, note
covered by rules in the proper place in
applicable to the case; Entitlement Register, and
(d) see that the leave check joining time;
account is posted both (5) In the case of a gazetted
when the Government Government servant
servant applies for transferred from another
State, call for a statement
of his emoluments, and
submit it with the
Entitlement register, the
History of
Services/Service Card
and the Pay slip to the
Gazetted officer for

Files of Correspondence

13.67 Separate personal files for

individual gazetted Government
servants be opened in order to
record the correspondence
relating to them. All other
correspondence should be
recorded in separate files for
each department.

(See paragraph 13.38)


concerned a memorandum
Certificate of Admissibility showing the different kinds of
leave due, taken etc.
(1) Gazetted Government Servants-
Leave should be sanctioned to a Applications for leave from
Gazetted Government Servant Military Officers in Civil
only after its admissibility has Employ, whether they are subject
been certified by the Accountant to the Military Leave Rules or
General who has been the Civil Leave Rules, should be
authorising his pay. sent through the Accountant
General who authorises the pay
In respect of State Government of the officer going on leave. The
Officers who on being Accountant General will, if he
transferred to the Central considers it necessary, consult
Government as a temporary the Defence Accounts Officer
measure but continue to be from whose payment the Officer
governed by the State Leave is transferred to the Civil
Rules, the reporting of the Department before certifying the
admissibility of leave to such leave and specifying the leave
officers should be done by the salary. No leave should be
Accountant General of the State sanctioned to such an officer
Government concerned if he is before a report is received from
consulted in the matter by the the Accountant General.
Central Govt. Department
concerned. (3) Payment of Leave Salary-No
Gazetted Government Servant
(2) Military Officers-When a can begin to draw his leave
Military Officer becomes subject salary without producing a leave
to the Civil Leave Rules, the salary certificate from the
Defence Accounts Officer-in- Accountant General who
Charge of his record of pension authorises his pay before he
service will, on application and proceeded on leave.
on being furnished with the date (4) A Gazetted Government Servant
of commencement of active desirous of discontinuing his
service in Civil Employ furnish subscription to the General
to the Accountant General Provident Fund during leave (in
cases where it is permissible Accountant General by whom the
under the State Service or Leave Salary was last authorised
Provident Fund Rules) should and send it to the Accountant
intimate his wishes in the matter General or Accounts Officer of
to the Accountant General before the new State or Accounts Circle.
proceeding on leave. Without such a certificate he can
(5) For drawal of Leave Salary, a not get the arrears of Leave
Gazetted Government Servant Salary or Pay due to him.
signing his bills himself must (7) Leave Salary during leave
either appear in person at the preparatory to retirement, etc.-A
place of payment or furnish a life Gazetted Government Servant on
certificate signed by a leave preparatory to retirement or
responsible Government Officer refused leave or terminal leave,
or a well known and trustworthy or such other leave, on the expiry
person, according to the Rules of which, he is not expected to
and Conditioins mentioined in return to duty should record a
the State Treasury Rules. certificate on the leave salary bill
(6) A Gazetted Government Servant that during the period for which
who on return from leave is leave salary is drawn, he was not
posted to another State or re-employed under Government,
Accounts Circle should get a local fund or a private employer.
Last Pay Certificate from the

(See paragraph 13.45)



(1) Transfers on duty may be of two in the certificate all demands

kinds:- against the departing
Government servant including
(i) A Government Servant any made under an order or
may proceed on duty attachment of his pay by a Court
from one State or circle to of Law of which he may have
another. received notice before granting
(ii) A Government Servant the certificate, but also for
may proceed on duty passing on any, of which he may
from one place to another afterwards receive notice, to the
in the same State or circle treasury or the Disbursing
of Entitlement. Officer from which the
Government servant will in
(2) In the former case the certificate future draw pay.
should be given by the officer-in- (5) In all cases of transfers from the
charge of the Treasury or District to another within the
Drawing and Disbursing Officer same Entitlement circle the Last
and a duplicate of it should be Pay Certificate should specify the
forwarded by the Treasury last regular or monthly payment;
Officer or the Drawing and and the entire pay for the month
Disbursing Officer to the in which transfer has been made
Accountant General for counter- should be paid in the new district
signature and transmission to the except where the treasury or the
Accountant General of the financial rules of a Government
transferred Government provide to the contrary.
Servants’s new State. (6) On promotion of a non-gazetted
(3) In the second case of transfer the Government Servant to a
Government Servant should Gazetted post, an extra copy of
obtain a last pay certificate from the Last Pay Certificate should
the officer-in-charge of the be sent by the head of the office
treasury, Disbursing Officer from direct to the Accountant General
which he last drew his pay. (A&E). This will enable the
(4) The last pay certificate should be Accountant General (A&E) to
prepared in all cases mentioned authorise the transit pay and
above in Form-64 or such other allowances to the officer, if it is
form prescribed by the State to be authorised by the
Government concerned. This Accountant General under the
form provides for the details of Treasury Rules of the
the fund deductions. The officer Government.
preparing the certificate is
responsible not only for entering
If the Treasury rules of the State and the later should contersign it
so provide the Last Pay and send it to the Head of offices
Certificate of a Government responsible for drawing the pay
Servant on reversion from a of the Government servant as a
Gazetted post should be sent by non-gazetted officer.
the Treasury Officer to the A.G.


GENERAL of all kinds) should be checked with

reference to his service book. If any vital
14.1 The term “Pension” used in the particulars are missing they should be
following paragraphs includes called for from the Head of Office.
Gratuity except when the term
pension is used in 14.4(b) For verifying the services of
contradistinction to gratuity. Gazetted Government Servants, the
14.2 The verification of pension printed History of Services should be
consists in seeing that the used. If part of the service be non-
qualifying conditioins governing gazetted, such part should be verified in
the grant of a pension are the manner prescribed in sub-para (a)
fulfilled and that the amount of above.
pension sanctioned is correct.
14.3 The provisions contained in this 14.4(c) In the case of a Government
chapter apply mainly to Accounts Servant who has been on foreign service,
Offices subordinate to the the period of service claimed for such
Comptroller and Auditor employment should be verified from the
General. In case of departments, particulars already recorded in the
e.g. Defence and Railways, Service Book. In the case of a Gazetted
where accounts are kept by an Government Servant on foreign service,
agency not under the control of the period of service will be verified
the Comptroller and Auditor from the particulars recorded in the
General, or in case of Union and History of Services (vide paragraph
State Governments where 13.58).
pension entitlement work has
been taken over by the respective Note.-No re-check of Service Book in
Government, the reports on the regard to the pay fixation in different
admissibility of claims for scale of pay during the official career
pension are prepared in Accounts would normally be undertaken at the
Offices of those time of examining titles to pensions and
departments/Governments. The gratuity except in cases where pay has
work done in the accounts been fixed in a different scale during the
Offices other than those last one year preceding the date of
subordinate to the Comptroller retirement. The check of fixation of pay
and Auditor General is however, in such cases will be done by the office
subject to test check by Audit of the Accountant General (A&E).
Offices subordinate to the
Comptroller and Auditor PREPARATION AND ISSUE OF

14.4(a) On receipt of a pension case of a 14.5(a) The Pension Rules of many of

non-gazetted Government Servant the the State Governments provide that an
period of service reckoned as service authority which is competent to sanction
qualifying for pension (including leave a pension should, when forwarding the
application to the Accountant General relevant rules and returns the pension to
record on the application his orders as to the authority competent to sanction
whether the service is satisfactory and is claim to pension. On receipt of the order
approved for the grant of full pension granting pension, it should be checked
admissible under the rules or whether the by the Accountant General with the final
service has not been thoroughly report submitted by him and he should
satisfactory and what reduction for that then issue the necessary Pension
reason should be made from the full Payment Order.
pension or gratuity admissible under the
rules. In such cases, the Accountant NOTE:-Pension Payment Orders in the
General after due verification of service type of cases mentioned in (a), (b) and
should issue the pension payment order (c) above should not be issued more than
forthwith on the basis of the amount a fortnight (or such other period as may
found admissible by him. be prescribed by the Government
concerned) in advance of the date on
14.5(b) In the case of some of the State which the Officer is due to retire. The
Governments, however, the rules Accountant General should also watch
provide that the authority competent to the receipt of the report from the head of
sanction the pension should, wherever the office or department about any event
possible, record on the pension occurring prior to the actual retirement
application its provisional which may necessitate the recalculation
recommendation stating whether the of the amount of pension involving the
pension should be admitted or not. In issue of a revised Pension Payment
such cases if the Accountant General Order, if necessary.
certifies that the claim is in order, he
should issue a provisional Pension 14.5(d) In certain cases a competent
Payment Order, informing the officer authority can sanction claims to pension
that the Pension Payment Order is without previous reference to the office
provisional and is subject to the formal of the Accountant General. In such
sanction of the pension by the competent cases, the Accountant General should
authority. He should also send a formal satisfy himself that the amount
report to the competent sanctioning sanctioned is correct and that the rules
authority alongwith intimation of the governing the grant of pension in
issue of the Pension Payment Order and question have been properly applied,
the report should also call special before arranging for the payment of
attention to the relevant regulations of pension sanctioned.
the State Government. He should ensure
that the final sanction of the competent 14.6 Pension payments must be
authority is accorded as early as authorised strictly in the terms
possible. stated and to the persons named
in the sanction order. Accountant
14.5(c) In other cases where no General have no authority to
recommendation regarding grant of discuss or enter upon any
pension is made by the competent question relating to succession to
authority on the pension application, the or division of, or claims to
Accountant General after verifying the pension, but must direct all such
service and the fulfilment of the matters to be referred to for the
qualifying conditions, certifies the orders either of the Government
amount of pension admissible under the or of the authorities who may
have been appointed to decide General or the pension
them in the rules framed under sanctioning authority has
Act XXIII of 1871. recorded orders for withholding a
portion of gratuity in page 3 of
Note:- In the case of Death-cum- the application for pension, the
Retirement Gratuity or Family Pension production of Last Pay
under the liberalised pension rules made Certificate need not be insisted
by the Government of India and certain before releasing the pension and
State Governments, however, the claims gratuity amounts.
are to be settled in accordance with the
Nominations obtained from Government In cases other than those
Servants read with provisions contained mentioned above, where last pay
in those rules. In the case of non- certificate is not received and
gazetted officers, these nominations are pension is payable within his
to be kept in the custody of the Head of circle of amount, the Accountant
the office or other responsible officer General should note across the
nominated by him. In the case of Pension Payment Order that no
gazetted officers, the nominations are to payment is to be made until the
be kept by the respective Accountants intimation to the effect that the
General, if the pay and allowance are Last Pay Certificate has been
authorised by them. produced to the Accountant
General, is received from the
14.7 With a view to avoiding delay in Accountant General. The Last
the issue of Last Pay Certificate Pay Certificate received with a
owing to Government dues pension case should always be
remaining unassessed and filed with that case. Where the
unrealised on the date of pension is, however, payable in
retirement of a Government another State, the Last Pay
Servant, thereby holding up issue Certificate should be sent to the
of his Pension Payment Order, Accountant General concerned
most of the State Governments and reference must be made to it
have adopted a procedure under before the Pension Payment
which the last payment of pay Order is issued. The amount of
etc. is released in such cases and deductions to be made monthly
Last Pay Certificate issued either towards premia on subscription
(a) on the retiring Government to the P.L.I. should be noted in
Servant furnishing a suitable the Last Pay Certificate, where
surety or a cash deposit or (b) necessary, before its transmission
after withholding a portion of to the Accountant General
gratuity. In such cases the Last concerned.
Pay Certificate will contain the
necessary mention of the surety 14.8 The production of Last Pay
etc. and the Pension Payment Certificate need not be insisted
Order can be issued on the basis upon for the purpose of making
of such Last Pay Certificate. In or authorising payment of
cases where intimation in regard anticipatory pension ,
to furnishing of suitable surety or anticipatory gratuity (including
a cash deposit have been death/retirement gratuity) and
received by the Accountant commuted value based on
anticipatory pension. When a gazetted Government Servant a note
Government servant has retired should be made in the Service Book by
from service a gazetted the Accountant General’s office
notification (if he was a Gazetted (Pension verification Section) to the
Officer) or a formal order (if he effect that a pension of a certain amount
was non-gazetted officer) was admitted on a certain date. In case
notifying/intimating the fact of of a Gazetted Government Servant, the
his retirement from the specified pension verification section should
date may, however, be awaited. transmit this information to the Gazetted
14.9 The production of the Last Pay Entitlement Section or in case where the
Certificate is not necessary in the officer was serving in another Accounts
case of family pension granted circle immediately before retirement, to
under the Extra Ordinary Pension such Accounts Officer. The particulars
Rules and the liberalised Pension should be noted in the Gazetted
Rules also. Entitlement Register.
14.10 Except in cases for which other
special arrangements may be 14.13 To ensure that correct settlement
sanctioned, periodical personal of the accounts between
payments which do not come Governments on account of each
under the category of Pay and pension the following procedure
Allowances should be made only should be observed:-
upon Pension Payment Orders
issued from the Office of (a) Pension Payment Orders issued
Accountant General in forms 71 for payment of pensions at
and 72. treasuries should specify whether
14.11 In the case of pensions the charge is debitable to the
sanctioned for a limited period, State or to the Central
the cases for dates of monthly Government, and this
payment in both portions of the classification should also be
pension payments order from the noted in the Treasurywise
date the pension is to be pension payment Register, if
discontinued should be cancelled maintained.
in red ink at the time the pension (b) The pension reports by the
payment order is issued or re- Accountant General should
issued by the office of the indicate invariably the
Accountant General. apportionment of the charge
14.12 Accountants General should according to the rules laid down
arrange for the speedy disposal in Section B(iii) of Appendix 5 to
of the applications for pension the Government Accounting
and for gratuities, which are Rules, 1990, so that the authority
invariably to be treated as urgent. sanctioning the pension may
notify it in the orders of sanction.
A register of applications for (c) When the Accountant General
pension should be kept in each has to issue a Last Pay Certificate
(A&E) Office showing date of to enable the pensioner to draw
receipt and of final disposal of his pension in another circle in
each. India, the Last Pay Certificate
Note:- In order to prevent the possibility should similarly indicate the
of double claims, in the case of a non-
apportionment of the pensionary NOTE (1) In States where the work
charge, if so required. relating to reporting an authorisation of
(d) If any part of the pension is pension in respect of all or some
payable by a Government other employees has been taken over from the
than the Government which A.G. and is being done by the
sanctions it the Accountant departmental authorities of the State
General of the sanctioning Government, no pension payment order
Government should effect will be issued by the A.G. In such cases,
recovery of the amount due from the A.G. will arrange to get the copies of
the other Government in such pension payment orders from the
manner as may be mutually departmental authorities and the details
agreed upon between the two of the pension payment orders will be
Governments concerned. noted in the treasury-wise pension
payment register, if maintained and kept
14.14 Questions affecting the pension in a separate file in chronological orders
or pensionable service of a for future reference.
Government Servant which for
their decision depend on NOTE (2) Save as provided in Rule 2
circumstances known at the time below when a pension is transferred to
shall be considered as soon as another treasury, it should be brought a
they arise. Except in cases new on the Register of Pension Payment
covered by the preceding Order and a fresh number assigned to the
sentence or in individual cases payment order. When both parts of order
under specific orders of are returned for cancellation, the fact and
Government, the Accountant the cause must be recorded in this
General may not give advice Register, with the date of death or
upon any questions connected transfer. Old cancelled orders may be
with the claim of a Government destroyed after issue of the new ones; so
Servant to pension until the also those of deceased pensioners after
permissible period prescribed for the heirs have been paid.
the submission of formal
application for pension begins. (1) In the case of pensions
transferred from one treasury to
REGISTERS OF PENSION PAYMENT another it will be well, in case of
ORDERS re-entry on transfer, to make the
entry in red ink and to omit all
14.15 The Pension Payment Orders the particulars in all the columns
issued to pensioners should be but those of number and date of
recorded in a Register in Form- Pension Payment Order, name of
73, each entry being attested by pensioner, monthly amount and
an Accounts Officer as and when place of payment, noting across
a Pension Payment Order is the blank spaces, “See No.
issued. Separate register should above”. In the case of a pension
be kept, where necessary, for transferred from another State,
“Special Pensions” (vide para the entry should be made in red
14.16) and for “Assignments and ink, but all the columns should
compensations”. be filled up. New pensions
payable in another State need not
be entered in the Registers.
(2) When sufficient space is left on condition (e.g. that they are to cases on
the reverse of the Pension marriage, or at a given age, or under any
Payment Order for note of given circumstances) are not to be
payment and the payment order entered in the same register with other
is in good condition and the pensions but should be recorded in
transfer is made within the same special registers of their own; and all
State, it should be enfaced, rather Pension Payment Orders of such
than renewed, the entry in the pensions will bear the letter ‘S’ in
Register of Pension Payment addition to the number.
Orders being corrected
accordingly. (The number of the 14.16(b) In the Register of special
Pension Payment Order need not Pension Payment Orders, and also in the
be altered.) Treasury-wise Pension Payment Register
(3) To obviate delay in the of Special Pensions, if maintained, an
communication to a pensioner of additional column should show
the transfer of payment of his “Limitation of Pension” which must be
pension from the jurisdiction of stated as precisely as possible; for
one Accounts Officer to that of instance, such entries as “to determine in
another, the Accounts Officer in twenty years”, or “to last fill twenty one
whose jurisdiction payment is to years of age”, must not be allowed, as in
be made should, when a new such cases the precise date of
Pension Payment Order is issued, termination can be ascertained and
send the necessary intimation to should be entered.
the pensioner and not request the
other Accounts Officer to issue 14.16(c) In all cases where the
intimation. To enable him to do determination of the pension can not be
so, the Accounts Officer who fixed for a precise date, the payment can
requests him to arrange for be admitted only upon a certificate in
payment of the pension should, each case that the event (whatever it is)
when making the request, furnish which terminates the pension has not
him with the address of the happened.
NOTE (3) In cases where transfers of PAYMENT REGISTER
pensions from one treasury to another
within the State are with the concurrence
of the State Government) arranged 14.17 On abolition of central audit of
directly by the Treasury Officers without pension vouchers, it has been left to the
the intervention of the Accountant discretion of the Accountant General
General, the reports of the transfer (A&E) to maintain Treasury-wise
should be noted promptly in the register Pension Payment Register if he so
of pension payment orders as soon as desires, for preparing the list of P.P.O.s
they are received from the Treasury etc. to be sent to the Accountant General
Officer transferring the pension. (Audit). This register, if maintained, is to
be kept in Annexure-‘A’ annexed to this
REGISTER OF SPECIAL PENSIONS chapter. The register should be filled up
at the time of issue of the Pension
14.16(a) Pensions which are not granted Payment Order. The register will be
for life, but are subject to some special bound in volumes of convenient size
embracing one or more districts and 14.18 The registers mentioned in paras
page numbered continuously. A 14.15, 14.16 and 14.17 should be
sufficient number of blank spaces should so printed as to allow ample
be left under each district to space in the column “Remarks”
accommodate the additional entries, on for all entries which can be
account of grant of new pensions, or necessary. In the case of pensions
transfer to old ones from other districts paid at a treasury these would be
and each new name should be brought ordinarily only the fact of
on the district Register on the first cancellation of the order with its
vacant line at the time the Pension cause, the date of death, the
Payment Order is issued. The number receipt of death-roll and the
entered against each pensioner will be payment of any arrears to heirs.
that of his Pension Payment Order, and If a Government Servant re-
every entry of a pension must be appointed after obtaining
initialled by the Section Officer after compensation pension does not
comparison with Pension Payment Order surrender his pension, note of the
Register. When a pension ceases to be post of which he is appointed and
payable, or is transferred to another its monthly pay should be made
treasury, the fact should be recorded in in this place; if the pay of the
the register under proper attestation. new post does not allow the
These registers are to be kept pensioner to draw his whole
permanently by the Accountant General. pension, the full amount granted
should be struck out in red ink
ENTRY OF REMARKS and the reduced amount entered.

When there is sufficient blank the name of the month to which

space in the right hand page, the it related.
fact of cancellation should be
noted across it instead of in the PENSIONS PAID BY PRE-CHECK
Remarks column but if the PAY DEPARTMENT IN OFFICE OF
necessary note cannot be made ACCOUNTANT GENERAL (A&E)
on the right hand page for want
of space, the blank column 14.20 The provisions relating to
should always be scored through payment of pensions after pre-
in red ink. check in office of the Accountant
General (A&E) are given in
If the pension, or a part of it is chapter 15.
debitable to a Government other
than the paying Government, the GRATUITIES
amount debitable to it should be
specified in the column for 14.21 Form 75 will serve at once for a
“Remarks”. Register of the grant of gratuities
and for noting the payments
14.19 When dealing with applications thereof, their posting and check
for payment of arrears, the A&E by the Accountant General
office should require a certificate (A&E), on receipt of the order
from the treasury officer stating granting the gratuity and after
the date of the last payment and check with the report of the
verification the first six columns
should be filled up immediately remained unpaid for more than 3
and the order to pay it issued in months noted, the Departmental
Form 76: Officers concerned being
addressed concerning them and
(a) The voucher must be the receipt note of the reference made
of the person legally entitled to entered in the last column of the
the gratuity or of his/or her legal register.
guardian obtained on the reverse
of the authority in Form 76. Note.- When Death-cum-Retirement
Where the gratuitant is permitted Gratuity is payable to more than one
under the rules to receive person, a separate authority in Form 76
payment of gratuity through the should be issued in respect of each of the
Head of Office for which major surviving members of the family.
purpose authority in Form 77 In cases however, where, the shares of
will be issued, the amount will be minors are payable to their legal or
drawn in a separate bill by the natural guardian, a single authority may
latter and this will form the be issued for the shares payable to the
voucher for the purpose. The minors and the guardian.
actual quittance of the payee will
be obtained and recorded by the ANTICIPATORY PENSIONS AND
Head of Office. It is the GRATUITIES
responsibility of the Heads of
Offices to ensure that the 14.22(a) A Special Register should be
payment has been made to the opened in Form 102 in which should be
actual payee. It is not for the entered on the left side the orders for
Accountant General’s office to Anticipatory Pensions and Gratuities
watch the receipt of disbursement passed under the relevant service rules
certificates about payment of (columns 7 to 10 being left blank), and
gratuity to the actual gratuitant on the right side, month by month, the
by the Heads of offices. The dates of payments made against them.
amount of gratuity to be refunded The orders should be entered for the
by a person re-employed should whole State in consecutive order, and
be noted in the gratuity register when final adjustment of the payment is
and the fact of repayment of made against the final order granting the
gratuity should be noted in the pension or gratuity, full note of it should
“Remarks” column when be made in the Remarks Column.
repayment is completed.
(b) The gratuity register (Form 75) 14.22(b) There is no objection to an
will be maintained by the office Accountant General authorising any of
of the Accountant General his Deputy Accountants General or
(A&E). On receipt of the paid Branch Officers to sanction Anticipatory
vouchers, the voucher number Pension on his behalf. The Special
and date of payment will be Register must however, be reviewed by
noted in the relevant column of the Accountant General personally every
the register as token of correct half-year (beginning of April and
payment. beginning of October), in order that he
(c) Every quarter the gratuity may see that no undue delay has
register should be examined and occurred in the final settlement of the
those gratuities which have cases:
(ii) The authority sanctioning the
1. When the final pension or payment is competent to do so.
gratuity is sanctioned, it should (iii) The period for which pension
be dealt with in the Pension relates is covered by the sanction.
Payment Order or Gratuity (iv) In case payment exceeds 6
Register as covering the months, proper orders extending
anticipatory order, and not as the period of 6 months for
being in continuation of it, and payment have been issued in so
the order issued for payment of far as provisional pension is
anticipatory pension recalled. concerned.
2. It is not necessary that an (v) No anticipatory/provisional
Anticipatory Pension Payment payment is made after issue of
Order should be recalled before final Pension Payment Order
the final order is issued. All final (after issue of final P.P.O. the
pension payment orders must, relevant entry in
however, be forwarded to the anticipatory/provisional registers
Treasury Officers concerned is to be scored out).
under cover of a special letter in (vi) The amount in the vouchers
Form 78. The subsequent return tallies with that in the register.
of the Anticipatory Pension (vii) In case no sanction is noted in
Payment Orders, as contemplated the register, but vouchers have
by the letter, should be carefully been received, the necessary
watched through the Special sanction is to be called for and
Register of anticipatory pensions, noted in the register.
in the “Remarks” column of (viii) All the vouchers so noted in the
which the date of issue of the registers are correspondingly
final and date of return of the enfaced.
anticipatory order should be (ix) Cages for noting voucher number
noted over the initials of the after 6 months are to be scored
Gazetted Officer in charge. out in red ink in order to check
payment after 6 months.
14.22(c) All the vouchers of
anticipatory/provisional pension are to
be noted indicating the voucher number 14.23 The Central Government and a
and date of payment in the relevant number of State Governments
register as a token of correct payment. have adopted a procedure under
Simultaneously each voucher is to be which Heads of offices have
subjected to a general review which will been authorised to draw and
consist of seeing that the voucher is in disburse to the retired non-
proper form has been duly passed, drawn gazetted Government Servants
and paid by the authority authorised for anticipatory pension for a period
the purpose and that the amount of of 6 months or till such periods
pension is noted both in words and as extended by the Accountant
figures. Besides, this general review, the General and anticipatory Death-
vouchers are also to be subjected to the cum-Retirement Gratuity
list of checks given below:- pending the issue of Pension
Payment/Gratuity Payment Order
(i) Sanction for making the payment by the Accountant General. A
exists. Register in Form 74 shall be
maintained to note the payments Section 145 of the Government
made by the heads of Offices and of India Act, 1935, as it stood on
it will serve both a Pension the 14th August, 1947.
Payment Register and Audit (ii) Pensions for other political
Register. The register should be considerations which were
maintained for each treasury previously classified under the
separately. In this register, minor head “Pension for
voucher number and date of distinguished and meritorious
payment has to be noted by the services or for political
office of the Accountant General considerations” subordinate to
(A&E) on receipt of vouchers the major head “2071-Pensions
from the treasuries as a token of and other Retirement Benefits”
correct payment. and;
(iii) Charitable Allowances.

These payments are also to be

reviewed/checked in the office of 14.26 The Accountant General should,
the Accountant General (A&E) before he issues Pension
in the manner specified in para Payment Orders for Territorial
14.22. and Political pensions, require
information regarding the
COMMUTATION REPORTS parentage, residence, date of
birth, height and any personal
14.24 The procedure for commutations marks facilitating identification
of pensions and the of the pensioner, and should
responsibilities of Accountant enter these particulars in the Pay
General in connection with Order unless specifically
reports on these are laid down in exempted from the operation of
the relevant Regulations issued the provision by the State/Central
by the various State rules.
Governments. Modifications to
suit local circumstances are 14.27 With the special sanction of the
described in the relevant Manual Accountant General in each case
of the Accountant General the following procedure may be
concerned. employed in the case of groups
of Territorial and Political
TERRITORIAL AND POLITICAL Pensioners who are paid by, and
PENSIONS are in charge of, a Political

14.25 Separate registers in Form 73

should be maintained for the
record of Pension Payment (i) In lieu of a Pension Payment
orders issued in respect of: Order for each pension, an order
for the payment of the whole
(i) Pensions or allowances paid to group will be issued in Form 79;
the members of the family or each entry having a number in
servants of any former ruler or this for 330/1, 330/2 and so on,
any territories in India under where 330 is the register number
of the whole document.
(ii) The officer in charge of the General twice a year (beginning
pensioners will prepare a of April and beginning of
monthly bill in such form as may Ocdtober).
be prescribed by the Accountant
General in which all the names (vi) In case of a pension payable from
will be entered in their proper the counters of A.G.’s Office,
order even though nothing is compare the signature with that
drawn for the pensioner entered. given in relevant registers.

14.28 If the Accountant General Orders Pension of one State paid in

for maintaining the treasury wise another State
pension payment registers for
territorial and political pensions, 14.30 In the case of Pension paid in one
such registers will be separate State on behalf of another State
from those for other pensions. Government, the debit on
account of such charges will be
ACCOUNTANTS DUTIES passed on through I.S.S. Account
to the Accountant General of the
14.29 The following are some of the State in whose circle the charges
important points for the attention are finally adjustable, duly
of the Accountants. supported by a statement of debit
and a certificate from the
(i) See that the vouchers are in originating Accountant General
proper form and stamps have (A&E) in the following form;
been affixed where necessary.
“ Certified that the
(ii) Check the details and the income expenditure during the
tax deductions. month on account of
Payment of pensions on
(iii) On the death of a pensioner see behalf of the Government
that the pension payment order is of ______________
returned for cancellation unless amounted to Rs.______
amount of family pension and that it has been
payable to spouse is indicated verified that these
therein and payment is to be payments pertain to the
made. State of ……… and
further that the connected
(iv) Note deaths and transfers in the payment vouchers have
treasury wise pension payment been retained in this
register, if maintained, and office.
Pension Payment Order Register
and have the notes attested by the
Gazetted Officer. The entries in
these registers should be scored Based on the statement of
through in red ink when a debit and certificate mentioned
pension is permanently removed. above, the charges on account of
pension will be adjusted by debit
(v) Note anticipatory pension in a to the final head of account in the
separate register which should be books of the receiving
laid before the Accountant Accountant General (A&E).

Major Head………………

(See Para 14.17)

Minor Head …………….




………Pension payable at ……… Treasury _______


No. of Name and Monthly amount of Date of Class of Remark

P.P.O. date of pension Commenc pension
birth of ement of
pensioner pension
Pension Relief
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Pensioner will be taken for
comparison in the column “Name
of Pensioner’.
Note : When a male pensioner is
15.1 Where with the consent of the
specifically exempted by
Comptroller and Auditor General of
Government from personal
India, the Accountant General (A&E) is
appearance, the fact should be
performing the duties of a treasury at the
noted in the Register and in all
headquarters of a
cases of non-appearance of a
Government in respect of pensionery
male pensioner a note should be
claims that may fall due for
made in the Register of the form
disbursement the procedures to be
in which proof was given, within
followed in making such payment is as
each year, of the pensioner’s
prescribed in the subsequent paras as
continued existence; e.g.
also in Annexure ‘A’ to this Chapter.
“Pensioner visited such and such
Officer on ….. “ and the initials
General Procedure:
of the officer verifying the fact
should be put against the note.
15.2 (a) The Pre-check Pension Payment
15.4 (a) All uthorization of
Department is responsible for receiving
payments from counter of
and for making payment of claims of the
Accountant General Office will
pensioners drawing pension in Calcutta
be received in Pension Pre-check
(other than from Public Sector Banks).
Section, recorded in relevant
(b)The pre-check of the bills so
Register and intimation of
received and payment thereof
payment will be issued to the
will be conducted by two
concerned pensioner:
separate sections Under no
circumstances the same official (b)No Disburser’s portion of
will conduct both the functions P.P.O. will be maintained. The Check
of passing bills and making Register maintained in Form 102 will
payments. serve as disburser’s portion of P.P.O.
15.3 A Register of Pension paid by (c)Photo and Specimen signature
Pre-check Payment Department of the concerned pensioner will be
in Form 102 will be maintained pasted in the Flyleaf of the Check
for pensions paid after pre-check Register and the Branch Officer-in-
in Offices of Accountant General charge of Pre-check Section will attest
(A&E). All payments will be both these documents by putting his full
prechecked; but it will not be signature in such a way that the
necessary to maintain a file of signature will extend on the flyleaf. The
pension payment orders as in intention is that the photo and specimen
treasuries, the purpose being signature so pasted in the flyleaf can not
served by the register in Form be replaced without knowledge of the
102, payment entries wherein attesting authority
will be uthoriza by a Branch
Officer. The signature of the
15.5 Every bill claiming pension, 15.6.2 The bill Transit Register should
gratuity etc. will be received in also be examined periodically by
token counter/counters and a the Branch Officer-in-change of
token will be issued for each bill the Pre-check Section
received. In most of the cases, connected.
the arrangement is that in
exchange of every bill presented Note: At the close of every day,
a brass token bearing a number is the A.A.O/S.O. of Pension
given to the person who presents Payment Section should satisfy
the bill by the receiving Clerk in himself that the bills entered in
the receiving counter/counters. the Bill Transit Registers have
This number is noted by the been received by Pension Pre-
Clerk on the bill and the bills are check Section and no bill has
transferred to the concerned been removed from the register
check Section in suitable batches. without putting there an
All bills from the token acknowledgement for the same
counter/counters to be transferred
to Check Section should be noted 15.7(a) The bills will be passed after
in Bill transit Register (Form SY- verifying with the specimen signature
79). and photo of the pensioners as recorded
15.6.1. The Bill Transit Register should in the relevant Register and after
be subjected regularly to a thorough exercising necessary checks as may be
check by the Section Officer/Assistant required under Treasury Rules. After the
Accounts Officer of the Pre-Check bills have been examined and recorded
Section. As soon as the register is in relevant Check Register and the
received with bills from token counter, amounts passed for payment (in words
the Clerk of the Section should count the and figures) written on them by the
number of bills received, check them Accountant, the bills should be laid
against the token numbers in the register before the Branch Officers along with
and record a certificate to this effect the Check Register. The Officer will
after the last entry in the Bill Transit examine the bill, compare the signature
Register over his dated initials. The of the drawing officer with his specimen
Section Officer/Asstt. Accounts Officer signature in all cases and, if satisfied of
should then conduct a general the correctness of the charges, initial or
examination of the bills to see, after the tick off the entries in the registers and
bills have been distributed that each pass the orders for payment over his full,
accountant has put his dated initials dated signature. The arrears bills will be
against the bills pertaining to him in the routed through the Section Officer/Asstt.
Bill Transit Register. Thereafter he Accounts Officer in charge of the Pre-
should note the total number of bills check Section. The officer after being
received by his section in words under satisfied of the correctness and
the last entry in the Bill Transit Register genuineness of the claim, will sign the
and should put down his dated initials Pay Order and attest the Record of
in token of his having exercised the Payment in money cages of the Check
necessary check. It should be seen Register. The Payment Orders will
particularly that no lines in the Register always be signed with full signature and
are left blank between two entries. date. The periodical appearance of the
pensioner, submission of life certificate
and drawal through Bank, should also
be recorded in money cage with suitable Branch Officer and a rubber stamp
abbreviation. should not be used for the purpose.

(b) At the time of first payment, Note: 1. On a transfer of charge

pensioner’s signature after between Govt. servants, the
proper identification will be relieved Govt. servant should
attested by the Branch send to the Accountant General’s
Officer-in-charge of Pescion Office the required number of
Pre-check Section specimen signatures of the
superscribing the words relieving Govt. servant, The
“Signed before me”. accountant will see that the
(c) The passed bills will be signature of the relieved Govt.
transferred to payment servant is correct and then paste
section through the same Bill the specimen signature of the
Transit Register with which relieving Govt. servant in the
the bills were received from Check Register, cancelling the
token counter. The transfer of previous one.
passed bills from one section
to another should be in Note: 2. In cases where a
locked boxes. personal assistant or any other
Govt. servant is entitled to sign
bills “for” a superior officer,
15.8 (a) When the passed bills are specimen signatures of the Govt.
received in Payment Section from Check servant so entitled should be
Section, the bills should be sorted out for obtained and utilised as above.
“Cash Payment” and “Payment by
Cheque”. When Cheque is prepared
against a passed bill, the number of the 15.9 (a) The receipt and issue of token is
token is noted on the Cheque prepared recorded in a Register of Token in Form
for payment. The payment is made 80. The cashier should verify daily the
(either in Cash or in Cheque as the case stock of token in hand after taking into
may be ) to the person who presents the account the unredeemed numbers. It
token on proper identification with should be ensured daily that all bills paid
reference to the photo available in the during the day whether in cash or by
P.P.O. and signature on the bill itself. cheque and for bills returned un-paid the
Where however, the pensioner does not corresponding tokens have been received
come personally and payment is made back. The Section Officer-in-charge of
either to the messenger or agent, the section should record and certify in
payment is made on surrendering the Form 81 to this effect and a certificate
tokens quoting the particulars of amount should be shown daily to the Branch
and payee of the bill. Officer-in-charge. The verification is
intended merely as a numerical check
15.8 (b) Specimen signatures of officers and the object is to see that for the
drawing bills should be obtained and number of token that are not in hand,
pasted in the proper pages of the Check and equal number of bills exists in the
Registers, and each accountant should, office. A certificate of this verification
on receipt of a bill, first of all see that should be recorded in the Register of
the Register. The specimen should be Token and should be put up to the
attested by the full dated signature of the Gazetted Officer-in-charge.
15.9 (b) On 20th of each month a When two or more bills are payable to
detailed census of all tokens in the same person, a single cheque should
hand, should be taken by the be issued for their aggregate amount,
Section Officer/Asstt. Accounts though the particulars of each bill should
Officer in a Register in Form 82, be entered separately in the register of
and the result reported to the Cheques Delivered (form 84). In such
Deputy Accountant General. If case a stamped acknowledgement for
the census represents any unusual each bill should not be demanded, a
feature, the matter should be single stamped receipt is sufficient. Each
brought to the notice of the such bill may, if necessary be stamped in
Accountant General. In case of the A.G’s Office with a rubber stamp
loss of any token, compensation indicating that the relevant receipt is
should be recovered from the included in the receipt attached to such
person concerned at a rate as may and such a bill, the number being entered
be fixed locally after taking into in manuscript.
consideration of the value of the
token. Note:- The passed bill together
with the cheque should be sent to
Note: In case of loss of any the Pension Payer for delivery.
token, the pensioner should After delivery, the payer will
immediately bring the matter to attach the payee’s
the notice of this office. The acknowledgement to the bill,
pensioner should deposit the stamp it is paid, write the
value of token in the R.B.I. voucher number on the upper
through Chalan. right hand corner of the bill and
enter the payment in the Central
PAYMENT BY CHEQUE or State Register of Cheques
15.10 (a) If payment is to be made by (b) The cheques will be delivered
cheque, the passed bill will be to the pensioner/messenger/agent
transferred to the cheque writer, who on surrending the token and
will prepare a cheque for the net amount signing acknowledgement for
in the special form for pre-check receiving the payment. The
cheques (separate forms being used for personal cheques will be
Central and State payments). He will delivered by the Branch Officer-
note the number of the cheque in-charge of payment section. All
conspicuously on the bill, enter the cheques will be delivered after
amount in the Register of Cheques recording in the Cheque Delivery
Drawn (Form 83)-(Central or State) and Register (form 84)
lay the cheque and the bill together
before the Branch Officer in-charge. (c) Duplicates of lost cheques
This Officer will satisfy himself as to the are issued in the same form with the
genuineness of the dates, signatures of word “duplicate” recorded across the
the Officer passing the ‘pay order’, tick form in red ink.
off the number of the cheque, see that its
amount agrees with the amount passed Note.-Specimen signature of
and then sign the cheque and stamp the each Officer passing the pre-
bill “Cheque Drawn’ and intitial the check bills for payment should
entry in “Cheque Drawn Register”. be furnished to the payment
section. Before signing the voucher above described that it
cheque/making the payment in covers all cash payments upto
cash, the signature on the Pay “O’Clock”, but on a day on
order will be compared with the which small payments are
specimen signature where there expected to be subscribed and
is reason to doubt the genuinenes soon to exhaust the imprest, a
of the “Pay Order”. further amount may be drawn by
a cheque when office opens and
PAYMENT IN CASH if the result be that the cash
balance at the end of the day is
not reduced to the amount
15.11 The bills to be paid in cash should, sanctioned for the fixed imprest,
on being received from pre-check the fact must be reported to the
Section, be made over to the payers who, Accountant General and the
if the voucher be in order, duly passed, surplus shown separately on the
and receipted should stamp the bill paid, final agreement slip.
pay the net amount write the voucher
number on the upper right hand corner
of the bill and enter the payment in the 15.13 The fixed imprest will be borne on
Cash Payment Register (Form 85). The the accounts Governments in respect of
payment will be made to the State payments met from the fixed
pensioner/messenger on surrendering the imprest will be made periodically as laid
token, signing the acknowledgement for down in Article 35 of the Account Code,
payment and on proper identification by Volume IV.
the Asstt. Accounts Officer/Section
Officer-in-charge of the payment 15.14 The fixed imprest will be borne on
counter. the accounts as Central permanent
advance and will be counted and
Note.-Payment in cash may be made if certified by the Gazetted Officer-in-
the basic pension does not exceed Rs. charge on the last day of each month.
300/-. The certificate initialled by the
Accountant General should be filed with
cash balance reports though the amount
15.12 For the payment of these claims is not included in the balance of the
(Central and States) a fixed imprest is State.
allowed, and if this runs short during
business hours, a cheque, also in the CLOSING FOR THE DAY
special form for pre-check cheques may
be drawn to replenish it. The Branch
Officer-in-charge should check the 15.15 At the close of each day the
entries in the Register of Cash Payment amount of the fixed imprest must be
with the vouchers, and should also see made up by a cheque drawn by the
that the amount of the cheque agrees Branch Officer-in-charge in his own
with the totals of the Register before he favour so that the cashier may always
signs it. The voucher for this cheque will close with a balance equal to the fixed
be in Form 86. imprest in cash and cheques; before
signing the cheque, the Branch Officer-
Note.-Before issuing such a cheque, it in-charge will apply the same checks as
will be well to note on the are laid down in paragraph 15.12 above.
15.16 The Branch Officer-in-charge imprest must be excluded from the
should check the Register of Cheques aggregates reported in these slips.
Drawn with the cheque book, see that
the number of the cheques in the Note 2:The Branch Officer-in-charge
Register are consecutive and ascertain need not of course, count the vouchers
that no more forms have been removed himself before signing the slips nor it is
than are accounted for by entries in that absolutely necessary for him to await the
Register. He should initial the return of one such slip sent on previous
counterfoil of the first unused form (the day before forwarding the slip along
first to be used on the next day) and by with the book of voucher for the day.
turning back to the last initials (those on
the first used form of the expiring day) SCHEDULE OF CHEQUES PAID
will ascertain how many-forms have
been removed.
15.18 The Bank will send the paid
15.17 The entries in the Register of cheques daily to the Accountant General
Cheques Delivered and the Cash (A&E) together with separate schedules
Payment Register (Form 84 and 85) for the Central and State payments
should be summed as each column is showing the number and the amount of
filled up. A final total, expressed in each cheque; and the whole amount of
words and figures, should be made at each schedule will be shown in the
end of the day and the vouchers, with relevant daily Bank Sheet (Central or
separate memoranda in Form 4 of the State) as a single item “Pre-check
Account Code, volume-IV for Central Cheques paid”.
and State payments, showing the
aggregate amount of the payments, in Note: No member of the Pre-check Pay
words and figures, should be forwarded Department should ordinarily be
to the Section which has to prepare the permitted to have any access to the paid
Debt Head Classified Abstract of Pre- cheques and the schedules received from
check Pay Department, the cheque and the Bank.
cash memoranda and vouchers being
kept distinct in accordance to provisions FINAL POST CHECK
in Chapter 3 of Account Code Vol. IV.
ordinarily, a single memorandum for
each class prepared at the close of the 15.19 After payment of the bills and
daily payments will be sufficient; but on after entry in the Payment Register has
days when the payments are numerous, been made by the payer, a separate
it is convenient to make up the totals and person should enter this paid vouchers in
forward the vouchers two or three times the Register of Final Post Check of Pre-
during the day, and when more than one check bills (Form 87) and entries in
memorandum is thus prepared, the column 1 to 5 completed. Section
aggregate amount piad from the Officer (Pension Payment) will attest all
commencement of business must be entries in column 6. After accounting of
shown in each, in words and figures. the vouchers by the Pension Accounting
(See also Article 36 of the Account Section, the vouchers will be sent to
Code, Volume-IV). Pension Pre-check Section. The Post-
check Section will conduct a final post
Note 1:The amount of the cheques check of these payments. This will
issued in replenishment of the fixed consist of the following checks:-
number of the cheque in the outstanding
(a) That the pay order is genuine; list will sufficiently indicate any such
(b) That the endorsement on the bills exceptional cases.
if any, are in order;
(c) That a final receipt for the full Note 2:The most convenient form of the
amount passed by the Check daily schedules will probably be that of a
Section has been received from book, as the maintenance of an
the pensioner/his messenger/his outstanding list of cheques renders it
agent; unnecessary to record the details of the
(d) That the Payment Section has cheques paid.
properly marked the vouchers as
(e) Column 8 to 12 of the Form will REGISTER
be filled in by Pre-Check
15.21 A register in Form 88 will be
OUTSTANDING CHEQUES maintained by the Accountant General
(A&E) showing the daily issues and
encashment responsible for the
15.20 The paid cheques returned daily preparation of the list of outstanding
by the Bank should be compared with balances of unpaid cheques at the end of
and ticked off in the Registers of the month. The register will be kept in
Cheques-Delivered (Form 84) and from the custody of the Accountant General
this a list of outstanding cheques (A&E) but may be posted by an
(showing number and amount) should be Assistant Accounts Officer/Section
made up and totalled monthly, the total Officer or other nominee of the
being expressed in words and figures. Accountant General other than one
The preparation of this list should, on no connected with the Pre-check Payment
account be left to a member of the Pre- Department or the Department of Pre-
check Department. The entries in the list check cheques (Central or State) and the
should be checked and the total attested outstanding cheques.
by an Assistant Accounts The monthly comparison as
Officer/Section Officer before it is indicated in the form will be
submitted to the Accountant General for made by the Accountant General
him to post his Check Registers. The himself.
balances for the last day of the month A comparison should also be
should be agreed with the Ledger made with the balances in the
balances and the agreement certificate Registers of Outstanding
by the Assistant Accounts Cheques at the end of each
Officer/Section Officer of Book month. The balances in the
Department. Accountant General’s register
should also be verified
Note 1:If any cheque appears to be independently with the Ledger
unduly long outstanding, enquiries balances in t he Book
regarding it should be made of the Department and a note to this
holder and if it can not be traced, it may effect recorded in Form 88.
be stopped and the charge which it
represents cancelled and adjusted. The

(Referred to in paragraph 15.1)

(a) in whose favour the cheque is to

The following rules govern the be drawn-self, Bank or other
procedure which should be followed an authorised agent;
A.G. office in dealing with claims
against Government presented for Note 1:Cheques may be drawn in favour
payment from the Consolidated Fund of a firm or a private person for payment
and Public Account of India and of the of contingent bills when the Government
States. authorities direct payment to suppliers of
articles. These cheques should always
PAYMENTS crossed in such manner as may be
prescribed in the Treasury Rules or the
(1) Bills which should be only Financial Rules of the Government
claims and not concerned and will be issued by the A.G.
acknowledgements, will be Office either on original bills of the
presented by the claimant in supplier duly counter-signed by the
person, or through a messenger, Head of the office or on consolidated
or through a bank or other bills in which claims of different persons
authorised agent, or by post. are included by the Head of the office. In
(2) Bills so presented will be the later case the names of the payees
subjected to check before should be specified in the bill, with the
payment by the Check Section respective amounts, for which separate
concerned which will be cheques should be issued.
conducted on the same principles
and with precisely the same Note 2:Where under the provisions of
formalities as are observed in the the Treasury Rules or the Financial
case of bills received with the Rules of the Government concerned
treasury accounts for post audit payments due to contractors may be
after payment. made to financing banks, cheques will
(3) After a bill has been examined be drawn in favour of such Banks.
and recorded, the amount
admitted will be passed for (b) Whether the cheque is to be an
payment by a Branch Officer of open cheque or a crossed one;
the A.G. Office. and
(4) All bills as soon as passed will be (c) In the latter cases, whether the
made over to the Cash crossed cheque is to be sent by
Department. post (open cheques are not to be
(5) Unless there is a special request sent by post).
on a bill for cash payment, all
bills will be paid by cheque if the (7) The presenter of a bill (otherwise
total of all the bills received from than by post) will receive a
one party at the same time token.
exceeds Rs. 300/-. (8) When payment is to be made by
(6) If payment is to be made by crossed cheque sent by post, the
cheque, the bill should bear an cheque will be sent by the A.G.
endorsement showing:- Office without further action on
the part of the payee. He must, responsible for loss and will hand
however, acknowledge its receipt over the cheque or cash to any
by return of post. Failure or delay person presenting:-
in doing this will render the
payee liable to forfeit the (a) any token that has been given to
privilege of having his cheque the messenger, and
sent by post. (b) what purports to be the payee’s
(9) In cases other than mentioned in receipt for the amount claimed.
paragraph (8), intimation of the
bill having been passed will be This receipt should be in the following
sent to the drawer, where form-
necessary or when desired, in the
following form as soon as Cash
possible after the bill is passed:- “Received by ----------- Rs.
from the in payment of my bill Rs.
“Your bill for Rs. dated
…………….. received on Cheque
the …………… has been the on account of
passed for Rs.
……………… Please If an advice that the bill has been passed
send your messenger with [See (9) above] has been received, this
your acknowledgement should also be sent.
duly stamped, in the form
annexed, with NOTE:- It is not necessary that an
instructions to make it intimation should have been received by
over to the paying officer, the payee before he can be paid. The
after actual receipt of the payee can send his messenger with the
payment. Token No. or receipt without waiting for the
this intimation (when the intimation and the payment will be made
bill has been sent by post if the bill has been passed. It will prevent
and no token received) possible inconvenience to the payee,
should also be sent as however, if he waits for the intimation
evidence of identification except for bills which are paid on the
in addition to the signed same day or on the day following, e.g.
acknowledgment”. pay bills.
(10) A payee, who receives payment
by cash or by an open cheque, (11) If the receipt is sent by a
can receive payment only in messenger, the A.G. Office will
person or through a messenger take on the receipt the signature
but who should in no case be a or mark of the messenger
member of the A.G. Office. In himself.
the later case the Cashier in the (12) A payee should communicate
Pre-check-Pay Department will with the A.G. Office in all cases
take all reasonable precautions in which payment has been
against fraud, but the payee must delayed beyond one week from
understand that he receives the presentation of the bill.
payment through a third party at (13) It is the duty of the Cash
his own risk and that Department to scrutinise the
Government is in no way receipt of the payee presented by
the messenger before making
payment. This scrutiny will
consist of-

(a) comparison of the signature on

the acknowledgement with
drawer’s signature on the bill,
(b) comparison of the amount
acknowledged with the amount
of the pay order on the bill, and
(c) the receipt of any token issued;
(if an intimation of the bill
having been passed has been
sent, this should be demanded;
but payment should not be
refused merely because of its

Note 1:In the case of any doubt about the

agreement of the signature or about the
acquittance being legal, e.g. when the
payee does not himself sign, the Cash
Department will consult the check
Section before making the payment.

Note 2:After payment the Cash

Department will attach the payees
acknowledgement to the bill, stamp the
bill as “Paid” the name of the person by
whom the payments has been made and
date of the payment also being endorsed
on the bill.

Note 3:Special care must be exercised by

the Cash Department when receipt are
presented by unknown messengers.

in determining the quantum of
such grant-in-aid, but any
GENERAL PRINCIPLES receipts from the disposal of
property built out of such grants-
16.1 Grants-in-aid can be given only in-aid in respect of schemes
to a person or body which is which are closed or abandoned
independent of the Government. should also be shared
One department of the proportionately.
Government cannot make a
grant-in-aid to another 16.3 Unless in any case the
department of the same Government directs otherwise,
Government. An organisation set every order sanctioning a grant
up by a Government resolution shall indicate whether it is
or by an executive order does not recurring or non-recurring in
have separate legal status of its nature and specify clearly the
own and functions only as a limb objects for which it is given and
of the Government. Therefore, the conditions, if any, attached to
Government cannot give grant to the grant. In the case of non-
such an organisation. A grant recurring grants for specified
may be conditional or objects, the order shall also
unconditional. specify the time limit within
16.2 In regard to the regulation of the which the grant or each
quantum of the grant-in-aid to installment of it is to be spent.
State Governments for 16.4 In cases in which conditions are
development schemes taking into attached to the utilisation of grant
account the miscellaneous in the form of specification of
receipts accruing there-form the particular objects of expenditure
Central Government has decided or the time within which the
that- money must be spent, or
otherwise, the sanctioning
(i) Where recurring grants-in-aid are authority shall be primarily
given, the quantum of such responsible for certifying to the
grants should be based on the net Accounts Officer, where
expenditure arrived at by necessary, the fulfilment of the
reducing gross expenditure by conditions attaching to the grant,
the amount of estimated receipts unless there is any special rule or
and order to the contrary.
(ii) Where the grant-in-aid is of a 16.5 In case of Central Government, it
capital nature (e.g. non-recurring has been decided that grants-in-
grant for the construction of a aid for specific purposes in
building or acquisition of a excess of Rs. 1 lakh per annum
machinery) not only the elements recurring and Rs. 5 lakh non-
of possible receipts which would recurring should normally be
accrue to the State Government sanctioned by the competent
should be duly taken into account authorities with the specific
condition laid down in the
sanction order that the accounts 16.6 In respect of grants to non-
of the institution receiving the Government or Quasi-
grant should be open for a test- Government bodies or
check by the Comptroller and institutions, the Central
Auditor General of India at his Government have decided that
discretion. These monetary limits where assets are to be acquired
shall not, however, be treated in wholly or substantially out of
any was as fettering the Government grants it should be
discretion of the Comptroller and laid down that assets should not,
Auditor General of India if in any without the prior sanction of the
very special case he considers, on Government be disposed of, or
the recommendation of the utilised for purposes other than
Accountant General (Audit), that those for which the grants are
audit of the recipient’s books is sanctioned.
called for (even when the amount 16.7 Government of India have
is less than the limits and the decided that Utilisation
stipulation for the test check by Certificates need not be furnished
the Comptroller and Auditor in cases where the grants-in-aid
General of India was not are sanctioned subject to the
specifically included in the order fulfilment of certain pre-requisite
sanctioning the grant). Even in conditions and are in the nature
respect of unconditional grants, of reimbursement of expenditure
Government reserves the right to already incurred. In such cases
have accounts of the recipient the sanction letters should clearly
body audited by the Comptroller specify that the Utilisation
and Auditor General of India on Certificates will not be
their own initiative, if and when necessary.
occasion demands, to satisfy 16.8 Unless it is otherwise ruled by
themselves generally regarding Government, every grant made
the manner in which the affairs for a specified object is subject to
of the recipient body are being the implied conditions-
(i) that if no time limit has been
NOTE:- Similar instructions fixed by the sanctioning authority
laying down various limits have been the grant will be spent upon that
issued by the various State Governments object within a reasonable time
for the audit of the grantee’s accounts by (normally within one year from
the Comptroller and Auditor General. the date of issue of the letter
sanctioning the grant) and
It has been decided that the total amount (ii) that any portion of the amount
of the grants which a particular body or which is not ultimately required
institution receives during a year and not for expenditure upon that object
the amount of each individual grant will be surrendered.
should be the determining factor for
applying the limits laid down by the 16.9 In the case of unconditional
Central/State Governments for grants, the Accountant General is
undertaking the test audit of the accounts in no way concerned with the
of the grantees. manner in which the grant is
utilised by the grantee. In the REGISTER OF GRANTS-IN-AID
case of conditional grants a
formal utilisation certificate 16.11 A register of Grants-in-aid in
about the proper utilisation of the Form 89 should be maintained in
grant from the administrative, respect of each department by the
technical and financial point of Accountant General. Maintaining
view should be furnished to the the grant-in-aid audit register and
Accountant General (A&E) by watching the receipt of the
the sanctioning authority. Utilisation Certificates are
functions of the Accountant
In cases in which the audit of local General (A&E). immediately on
authorities and public or quasi public receipt of a sanction to a grant, it
bodies is conducted by an office not should be entered in the relevant
subordinate to the Comptroller and portion of the Register and the
Auditor General of India, (for example, entry attested by a member of the
Examiner of Local Fund Accounts of a Superintending staff. An order of
State Government) a certificate payment, if necessary, should
regarding the grants having been utilised then be issued in Form 90 and its
on the objects for which it was number and date noted in the
sanctioned and in accordance with the appropriate column of the
conditions attaching to the grant, based register.
on that Officer’s audit, may be accepted
from the administrative government Note 1:A new Register should ordinarily
authority concerned. be opened every year, into which should
be brought forward all entries in the old
16.10 In respect of grants given by Register relating to recurring grant
Central Government to State which are still in force. These entries
Governments, the following should be attested in the new Register by
procedure is to be followed in a member of the Superintending staff.
regard to submission of
utilisation certificates:- Note 2:For any department in which the
number of grants-in-aid is small, the
(a) Utilisation certificates need not same Register may continue in use for a
be furnished by the number of years, separate sets of pages
Ministries/Departments of the being allotted for the transactions of
Central Government. each year. In this case also, entries
(b) Where the expenditure out of the relating to recurring grants should be
Central grants is incurred by the brought forward at the beginning of each
State Government direct, year to the new set of pages and attested
utilisation certificates will not be as provided in Note 1.
required to be furnished by them.
(c) Where such expenditure is Note 3: In cases where it is found
incurred by the State difficult to summarise the conditions and
Government through local bodies limitations within the limits of column
or private institutions, utilisation 10 of the form of the Register of Grants-
certificates should be furnished in-aid as a matter of detailed procedure,
by the State Governments the conditions and limitations may be
concerned. noted separately and reference made in
column 10 of the form to such separate March of the previous financial year and
records. the utilisation certificate has not been
received by the end of June. This report
16.12 Grants-in-aid vouchers should be should indicate the number and date of
posted in the Register of Grant- sanction to the grant-in-aid payment,
in-aid against the relevant administrative Ministry/Department
sanction as recorded in the which sanctioned the grant-in-aid, name
register (Form 89). of the grantee institution, amount of
16.13 If conditions are attached to a grant-in-aid paid, date of payment, time
grant, a reference to any limit prescribed for utilisation, time limit
document furnishing information prescribed for submitting, the utilisation
as to their fulfilment should be certificates, if any, authority from which
recorded in the appropriate the utilisation certificates is to be
column of the register and received and the details of
attested by the dated initials of correspondence exchanged with the said
the AAO/SO. authority. Copies of these reports may be
sent to the sanctioning authorities as
REVIEW OF REGISTER OF well, for necessary action. This report
GRANTS-IN-AID should be sent in August of each year.

16.14 The register should be reviewed

and submitted to the Branch
Officer once in every quarter and
reminders issued where
submission of utilisation
certificates from the sanctioning
authorities etc. or certificates
from Inspecting Officers have
been delayed.

In addition, an annual report should be

sent to the Finance Department of the
Government indicating the amounts of
grant-in-aid in respect of which
utilisation certificates are due for
submission to the Accountant General
by the end of March of the previous
financial year and have not been
received by the end of June, if the
Government have prescribed time limits
for the submission of utilisation
certificates to the Accountant General. If
no time limit for submission of
utilisation certificates has been
prescribed by Government the annual
report should indicate the amounts of
grant-in-aid in respect of which the
period of utilisation prescribed by
Government has expired by the end of


INTRODUCTORY scheme. For finalisation of

Central assistance in such cases,
17.1 The Government of India the Government of India requires
releases each year assistance in audited figures of expenditure on
the form of grants and/or loans to Plan Schemes.
various States/Union Territories
Governments for various central DUTIES OF THE AG(A&E) IN
and centrally sponsored schemes RELATION TO PLAN
in accordance with the pattern EXPENDITURE
specified in the sanctions relating
to the Schemes. While on certain 17.3 It is the duty of the Accountant
schemes the entire expenditure is General (A&E) to furnish a
borne by the Government of statement of plan expenditure
India, on others the expenditure figures for each year duly
is shared between the Union and reconciled with those of the State
State Government. For State plan Government to Accountant
schemes the assistance takes the General (Audit) for audit and
form of block grants which is certification. The statement of
related to the total outlay expenditure is to be furnished in
approved for the State Plan as a the form given below:
whole by the Planning
Commission without linkage
SectorNo. Name of sector
with individual schemes except Head of Development
Code Name of Scheme Head of account Expenditure
to the extent of certain earmarked
categories like power, major
irrigation schemes, rural water 17.4 The work of reconciliation of
supply etc. Plan expenditure figures for a
year should be taken up as soon
The grants are accounted for as the Finance Accounts and
under the major head of account “1601- Appropriation Accounts for the
Grants-in-aid from Central Government” year are finalised.
and the loans are taken to the Major 17.5 Quarterly Progress Report (for
Head of Accounts, “6004-Loans & the quarters ending March, June,
Advances from Central Government” September and December) in
Repayment of Loans is also shown under respect of reconciled statement of
“6004-Loans and Advances from Central expenditure furnished by
Government” in the books of the Accountant General (A&E) to
Accountant General. Accountant General (Audit)
should be sent to the Comptroller
17.2 Every year advances are paid by and Auditor General of India so
the Government of India to as to reach him by the 10th of the
States for implementation of month following the quarter to
which the report relates.
The report should be prepared in RESPECT OF CENTRAL
the form given below: ASSISTANCE TO STATES


(No. of schemes (No. of schemes (No. of schemes
for which reconciled for which reconciled for which reconciled
statement of statement of statement of
expenditure were expenditure were expenditure were
to be sent) to be sent) to be sent)

Part A- Central Plan Schemes.

Part B- Centrally Sponsored
Part C- State Plan Schemes.

17.6 In cases where the State

Accountants General are able to
relate the amounts held under
objection for want of D.C. Bills
or utilisation certificates to a
particular scheme or category of
schemes, these may be excluded
from the figures of audited
expenditure while furnishing the
certificates. In cases where the
Accountants General (A&E) are
unable to identify the particulars
of individual schemes or
categories of schemes to which
the objections relate, they should
qualify the certificate to indicate
that schemewise break-down of
amounts held under objection
was not available and was being
obtained from the Departmental


GENERAL dates and generally functioning

as efficient units of the office.
18.1 There is an arrangement for audit
and inspection within the 18.3 The Internal Audit Section is not
Department for ensuring its intended to do original work and
accountability both in regard to should not be saddled with such
the expenditure and the quality of work. Its functions are analogous
work turned out. Each Pay and to those of the Principal Director
Accounts Office of the of Inspection. It can usefully
Department is audited by a supplement the work of the
nominated Audit Officer. There Principal Director of Inspection
are independent Internal Test and also serve as a liaison
Audit units in various between him and the Accounts
Accountant General’s Offices. A and Entitlement office in
Principal Director of Inspection pursuing the objections raised by
in the office of the Comptroller him till their final settlement, and
and Auditor General of India by issuing instructions to see that
monitors the works of the the irregularities pointed out by
Internal Test Audit Units and him do not recur.
Nominated Audit Offices. He
inspects the work of all the field ARRANGEMENTS FOR INTERNAL
formations of the Department at AUDIT
periodic intervals and reports to
the Comptroller and Auditor 18.4 The Internal Audit Section
General of India. should be a small section
consisting of picked staff who by
18.2 It is a matter of great importance their knowledge and experience
to check whether the various are competent to scrutinize
processes of accounting are being intelligently the work done in the
correctly followed by the various Sections of the Office
different sections of the A & E and who can not only detect
Office. Such work should defects and irregularities but also
ordinarily be entrusted to an can suggest improvements in
independent Internal Audit procedure. The Section should be
Section. This section should test- under the direct charge of the
check the work of other sections Head of the Office or one of his
of the office with a view to see Deputies. The Section should not
how far they are following the function as a substitute to the
procedural rules and regulations, Branch Officers and Group
maintaining the various Registers Officers through whom the
that have been prescribed, Accountant General normally
submitting the returns on the due exercises control over his office.
While test-check of the work of
other Sections will be the main
duty of the Section, special
problems such as large
outstanding balances under
suspense heads, clearance of
accumulated objections etc., may
be referred to the Section by the
head of the office, if he considers
this necessary. The section
should get the deficiencies
noticed during test-check,
rectified on the spot by providing
suitable guidance to staff and
keep down the size of Internal
Test Audit Inspection Reports,
issued for subsequent action. As
for as practicable, the reports of
the Section should be submitted
to the head of the office for his
information even though their
disposal may be watched by a
Deputy Accountant General so
that the head of office can have
an expert’s appreciation about
the technical efficiency of the
various units of his office.
Important points which require
the orders of the head of office
should be put up to him. The
common defects noticed in a
group of sections should be
circulated peridically by office
orders so that such defects may
be guarded against in future. It is
the duty of the Internal Audit to
see that the defects noticed are
remedied by the Section and that
there is no recurrence of such
18.5 A list of the items of work
entrusted to the Internal Test
Audit Section is given in the
Annexure to the Chapter. In
addition, Accountant General
should also identify some of the
critical areas to be assigned to the
Internal Test Audit Section.

(Referred to in Para 18.5)

List of items of work to be done by Internal Test Audit Section

Sl. Description of item of work Periodicity

1. 2 3

Test-Check of Sections
(i) Pay & Accounts Office Annual
(ii)Loans, Deposit, WM & FM Once in 2 years
(iii)Administration Once in a year
(iv) Sections not mentioned above Once in 4 years
(v) Surprise check of 4 Gazetted
Entitlement, Loans and Administriation
Section (to be selected by Accountant
General at his discretion). Annual

N.B.:- Test-check of sections under direct charge of Accountant General

may be dispensed with.

Other items of work

1. Accounts

Check of draft Finance and Appropriation

Accounts Annual

2. Administration

Check of statistics in support of the staff

Proposals Annual

3. Complaints

(i) Cent percent review of all complaint cases

Which were not settled for six months
From the date from which the complaint
Was first lodged. Monthly

(ii) Test check of 5% to 10% of complaint

Cases received in the office addressed by
Name to the Accountant General/Group
Officers and those received direct by
Sections through ordinary dak Monthly

4. Provident Fund

(i) Triennial Review of Provident Fund

Accounts Triennial

(ii) Review of outstanding balances under

G.P.F. suspense Half Yearly

(iii) Surprise check of debit vouchers of

G.P.F. Monthly

(iv) Quarterly review of residual payment

Cases outstanding over six months Quarterly

(v) Check of unposted items Monthly

5. Pension

Review of outstanding pension cases Quarterly

6. Gazetted Entitlement

Check of service cards of Gazetted Officer Do

(To be decided by A.G.)
7. All Entitlements

Surprise check of entitlement work Do

(To be decided by A.G.)

INTEREST PAYMENTS 19.3 The vouchers, together with the

covering lists, should be sent for
19.1 The Audit of interest payments further audit to the Public Debt
on Government borrowings is office of the Reserve Bank of
divided between Accountant India within the jurisdiction of
General (Audit) and the Public which the treasury is situated.
Debt Office, Reserve Bank of The jurisdiction of Public Debit
India. Offices in respect of public loans
19.2 After compilation in the Office and Annuity deposits is as in
of the Accountant General Annexure ‘A’ and ‘B’
(A&E) the vouchers will be kept respectively to this chapter.
ready for audit by the Accountant 19.4 The lists should not, however, be
General (Audit). On completion sent one by one, but should go
of audit by Accountant General together, on completion of audit
(Audit) the Accountant by Accountant General (Audit)
concerned will total all the with a covering statement in
vouchers by loans for each of the Form 92 which is due for
two schedules of payments and transmission on the last working
number them consecutively for day of the second succeeding
each loan in blue pencil in the month.
upper right hand corner. To each
bundle should be added a REFUNDS OF REVENUE
covering list, in Form 91, of
which the total must be checked 19.5 In the scrutiny of charges for
and agreed with the total of refunds, the principal point to be
debits in the month’s accounts examined is that it is supported
against each loan. by duly receipted vouchers in
proper form. These vouchers
Note:- Bearer bond coupons and stock should contain a certificate that
interest warrants should not be the refund has been noted against
included in the lists of vouchers the original credit in the
for interest payments on departmental account. They
promissory notes, but there should also contain the signature
should be separate covering lists of the Treasury or Sub-Treasury
for each class of voucher, viz. Officer attesting the original
Vouchers for interest payments credit into the treasury by single
on promissory notes, stock items or in a lump sum.
interest warrants and bearer bond
coupons. In cases where full details of the
revenue under the head are given
in the treasury accounts or other
documents rendered to the
Accountant General’s office, a
note should be made against the
item of receipt in the original Plus and Minus Memoranda of
accounts received from the Postal Stamps
Treasury so as to prevent a
double claim, but in cases where 19.7 The following are the general
the credit is shown in the treasury checks to be exercised on these
accounts in a lump sum, as in the returns.
case of Land Revenue, Excise
etc., no note need be made In scrutinising the plus and
against the aggregate credits. minus memoranda received from
1. For refund of fines, the the treasuries, it should be seen
note should be made in that:-
the statement of fines in (i) The opening balance
those A&E offices where agrees with the closing
the statement is still balance of the previous
received from the Court. month.
2. Refunds of the value of (ii) The addition to stock
spoilt stamps are checked agrees with the supplies
against entries of shown by the Controller
corresponding receipts in of Stamps in his invoice
the Plus and Minus sent to the Accountant
Memoranda. No check General (A&E).
can, however, be (iii) The deductions from
exercised over the refund stock agree with the
of stamps duty allowed credits appearing in the
by Civil Courts as well as Treasury accounts under
of interest, if any, that the head “8658-Suspense
may have accrued on that Accounts-Suspense
value. Account (Civil)-Account
with Posts” or otherwise
DISCOUNT ON STAMPS supported by proper
acknowledgment. In the
19.6 The procedure for drawal of case of transfer of stamps
discount of stamps varies. In from one treasury to
some States the discount is another the corresponding
entered in a schedule against receipt entries; the plus
each item of sale, and a receipt is and minus memoranda of
signed by the vendor on or apart the receiving treasury
from the schedule, the should be verified, and
application of the proper rate of (iv) The closing balance has
discount being usually certified been correctly struck. The
by the Treasury Officer. In other discrepancies, if any,
states, a bill for the discount in an noticed should be got
Abstract form is sent to the settled by correspondence
Accountant General through the with the treasuries
competent authority whose concerned.
counter signature is the
Accountant General’s authority Note:- The above procedure may be
for admitting the charge. followed mutatis mutandis in the
check of plus and minus
memoranda of other transaction

Authorisation of arrear claims

19.8 All arrear claims which cannot

be paid without the authority of
the Accountant General under the
financial rules of the State
Government will be dealt with in
the A & E Office.

Pre-check of Fixation of pay

19.9 In the case of States where the

entitlement function in respect of
the Gazetted Officers of the State
Government is performed by the
Accountant General (A&E), the
pre-check of fixation of pay
where required under any rules
or orders of the State
Government in force will be
done by the A & E Office.

Central Audit of Vouchers

19.10 Central audit of vouchers is to be

conducted by the visiting Central
Audit Parties of the Office of the
Accountant General (Audit) in
the office of the Accountant
General (A&E).

(See Para 19.3)


5. Public Debt Office, Byculla,
The present jurisdiction of each of the Bombay
Public Debit Offices in respect of loans
already issued and all loans which may At present this office attends to
be issued hereafter is as follows:- the servicing of matured schemes
viz., Ten-year Annuity Deposit
1. Public Debit Office, Ahmedabad Scheme, 5 ¾% Bonds 1985. In
addition to this the office also
Treasuries and sub-treasuries attends to the current scheme viz.
under the jurisdiction of the 7% Capital Investment Bonds,
Accountant General, Gujarat. National Rules Development
Bonds, 9% Relief Bonds etc. The
2. Public Debt Office, Bangalore jurisdiction of these schemes is
confined to certain specified
Treasuries and sub-treasuries schemes of Government of India
under the jurisdiction of the under which various bonds are
Accountant General, Karnataka. issued.

3. Public Debt Office, Bhubaneswar 6. Public Debt Office, Calcutta

Treasuries and sub-treasuries Treasuries and sub-treasuries

under the jurisdiction of the under the jurisdiction of the
Accountant General, Orissa. Accountant General, West
Bengal, Meghalaya, Manipur,
4. Public Debt Office, Bombay Nagaland & Tripura, Central
Government Treasuries at Port
Treasuries and sub-treasuries Blair and treasuries and sub-
under the jurisdiction of the treasuries in Bangladesh.
Accountant General-I,
Maharashtra, Bombay other than 7. Public Debt Office, Guwahati
those under the audit control of
the Accountant General-II, Treasuries and sub-treasuries
Maharashtra, Nagpur; treasuries under the jurisdiction of the
and sub-treasuries under the Accountant General, Assam,
jurisdiction of Directorate of Arunchal Pradesh, Mizoram and
Accounts, Goa, Director of Sikkim.
Accounts, Daman & Diu
Administration and treasuries 8. Public Debt Office, Hyderabad
and sub-treasuries in the former
Sind Province of Pakistan. Treasuries and sub-treasuries
under the jurisdiction of the
Accountant General, Andhra Director of Accounts, Daman &
Pradesh. Diu Administration and
treasuries and sub-treasuries in
9. Public Debt Office, Jaipur the for Sind Province of Pakistan.

Treasuries and sub-treasuries 14. Public Debt Office, Patna

under the jurisdiction of the
Accountant General, Rajasthan. Treasuries and sub-treasuries
under the jurisdiction of the
10. Public Debt Office, Kanpur Accountant General, Bihar.

Treasuries and sub-treasuries 15. Public Debt Office, Trivandrum

under the jurisdiction of the
Accountant General, Uttar Treasuries and sub-treasuries
Pradesh. under the jurisdiction of the
Accountant General, Kerala.
11. Public Debt Office, Madras

Treasuries and sub-treasuries

under the jurisdiction of the
Accountant General, Tamil Nadu
and treasuries and sub-treasuries
in the Union Territories of
Pondicherry, Lakshadweep,
Minicoy and Aminidivi Islands.

12. Public Debt Office, Nagpur

Treasuries and sub-treasuries

under the jurisdiction of the
Accountant General-II,
Maharashtra, Nagpur and the
treasuries and sub-treasuries
under the jurisdiction of the
Accountant General, Madhya

13. Public Debt Office, New Delhi

Treasuries and sub-treasuries

under the jurisdiction of the
Accountant General-I,
Maharashtra, Bombay other than
those under the audit control of
the Accountant General,
Maharashtra-II, Nagpur;
treasuries and sub-treasuries
under the jurisdiction of
Directorate of Accounts, Goa,

(See Para 19.3)

The jurisdiction of Public Debt Offices in respect of Annuity

Deposit Scheme.

Public Debt Jurisdiction


1. Bangalore States of Karnataka and Kerala.

2. Byculla, States of Maharashtra (excluding the
Bombay-8 districts allotted to Public Debt Office,
Nagpur), Goa & the Union Territory of
Daman and Diu.
3. Calcutta States of Assem, Arunachal Pradesh,
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland,
Tripura, Orissa and West Bengal and the
Union Territory of Andaman Nicobar
4. Hyderabad States of Andhra Pradesh.
5. Kanpur States of Uttar Pradesh.
6. Madras State of Tamil Nadu (including Pondicherry)
7. Nagpur The States of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat,.
The Districts of Akola, Amravati,
Aurangabad, Bhandara, Bhir, Buldana,
Chanda, Nagpur, Nanded, Prabhani,
Osmanabad, Wardha and Yeotmal of
Maharashtra State.
8. New Delhi States of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan,
Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and
Union Territories of Delhi and Chandigarh.
9. Patna State of Bihar.



prescribed records maintained in
20.1 All objections of accounting the Accountant General’s office.
nature e.g. want of sub-vouchers, 20.4 Reports of individual cases of
want of detailed contractor bills, serious financial irregularities
errors in treasury/divisional should in the first instance, be
accounts should be raised and addressed to the controlling
pursued by the A&E Office. authority concerned or to such
other authority as may be
Objection of accounting nature specified by Government though
noticed by CAPs and CASS of copies may be sent to higher
Accountant General (Audit) will authority simultaneously for
be intimated to the concerned information in cases which are
accounting section of Accountant regarded to be so serious that
General (A&E) for entering in they will eventually have to be
the objection Book and further brought to the notice of that
action. authority.
20.5 Every query or observation made
20.2 All observations and objections by the Accountant General in
must be conveyed in courteous relation to any accounts or
and impersonal terms, and must transactions should be taken
be clear and intelligible. promptly into consideration by
20.3 Objections and observations in the disbursing officer or any
relation to any accounts or other Government Servant or
transactions should be authority to whom it may be
communicated to the disbursing addressed and returned with the
and, where necessary, to the necessary vouchers, documents
controlling authorities at the or explanation to the Accountant
earliest opportunity. The General concerned within such
Treasury Officer should be time as may be prescribed by him
addressed only when recoveries in consultation with Government.
have to be ordered, or in respect As irregularities rectified to the
of objections for the removal of reasonable satisfaction of the
which he is directly responsible. Accountant General will not
It is important that before they ordinarily be pursued further it is
are communicated objections to the advantage of the
should, unless otherwise disbursing and departmental
provided in any case, be officers to expedite disposal of
registered in detail in the queries of the Accountant
PURSUANCE AND CLEARANCE detailing by Civil Districts,
OF OBJECTION Public Works Divisions, etc., the
more important of the
20.6 The responsibility for the outstanding objections.
removal of objections, and the
settlement of other points raised 20.8.1 While it is the duty of Audit of
by the Accountant General call attention to any disbursement
devolves primarily upon which it considers improper, it is
disbursing officers, heads of the function of the Executive
offices, and controlling authorities to order recovery of
authorities. To assist the Finance the amount, to confirm the
Department of the Government disbursement or to forgo the
concerned in the maintenance of recovery of the sums improperly
financial regularity and of a disbursed.
proper system of accounts, the 20.8.2 Subject to the provision of
Accountant General is expected paragraphs 10.1 and 10.2 the
to maintain a constant and Accountant General should as
careful watch over objections and soon as the facts come to his
to keep controlling authorities notice, direct the recovery of
fully acquainted not only with sums in respect of which there is
individual cases of serious no doubt that they have been
disregard of financial rules, but improperly disbursed.
also generally with the progress
of the clearance of objections. 20.9 When an amount is outstanding
The procedure to be observed for recovery against a
should be determined by the Government Servant and money
Accountant General in is also due to him by
consultation with the Finance Government, but has remained
Department. It is essential that undrawn for a considerable
objections are pursued in an period owing to the death or
intelligent, prompt and vigorous resignation of the Government
manner and that important Servant or any similar cause, the
irregularities are reported to Accountant General may adjust
Government early. the amount due by the
20.7 If a Government so desires, Government Servant against the
abstracts of outstanding amount due to him by
objections should be prepared in Government and thus clear the
such form and submitted to it, or objection. A bill from the Head
to any other authority specified of the office should be called for
by it, on such dates as may be in the case of Government
settled by the Accountant Servants who do not prepare
General in consultation with the their own bills and note of
Finance Department. These payment and adjustment should
abstracts may be accompanied be made in the relevant records.
when so required by
Government, by suitable extracts
20.10.1 (a) In order to avoid unnecessary 20.10.1(c) Where expenditure under
expenditure of time and labour on cases objection has, for any reason, become
of objections of simple and unimportant irrecoverable, an Accounts Officer may
character, the State Governments have write off amounts according to the
agreed to the exercise on their behalf by powers delegated to him by State
the Accounts Officers of the powers to Government.
forego recovery of/write off amounts to
the extent specified in State Finance Note 1:The powers conferred upon the
Rules. These powers may not be Accounts & Entitlement Office
delegated to subordinate officers. under the foregoing provisions of
this para should not be exercised
Note:- If the irregularity is such that it is in respect of any amount of
likely to recur the Govt. Servant outstanding under a Debt or
responsible should be told that the Deposit head.
expenditure was irregular, even if no
recovery is made. Note 2:Under the powers conferred by
Clause (b) above Accounts
20.10.1 (b) Some items are placed under Officer may, however, write off
objection, not because the whole or any outstandings in Provident Fund
portion of the expenditure is Accounts when such
unjustifiable in itself but because it is not outstandings are not due to any
exactly covered by rule; or the authority mistake in accounting but
for it is insufficient; or full-proof, such represent overpayments
as is afforded by sub-vouchers, that it established as irrecoverable for
has been incurred has not been other reasons.
produced. In such cases, the Accountant
General or Sr. Deputy Accountant 20.10.2(a) In the case of payments on
General/Deputy Accountant General account of personal claims which
may forego recovery up to the limits are placed under objection more
indicated in the State Financial Rules, than a year after the date on
subject to the following conditions:- which they are disbursed the
(i) The expenditure must not Accountant General before
be of a recurring nature. demanding recovery should
(ii) The Accountant subject to the provisions of
General/Senior Deputy clause (b) below, refer the matter
Accountant for the orders of the Govt.
General/Deputy concerned. If the order is given
Accountant General must that recovery should be waived
be satisfied that undue and the Accountant General is
trouble would be caused satisfied with the action of
by insistence on Government, he will withdraw
submission of full proof the objection, otherwise the
and must see no reason to circumstances of the case may be
doubt that the charge has reported to Accountant General
actually been paid. (Audit) for inclusion in Audit
General or the Senior Deputy
“The powers of accepting the Accountant General/Deputy
orders of Government in such Accountant General may subject
cases have to be exercised by the to the limits laid down by the
Accountant General/Senior State Government forego
Deputy Accountant recovery on their behalf if he is
General/Deputy Accountant satisfied that it was drawn by the
General in accordance with the Government Servant concerned
powers delegated to him under under a reasonable belief that he
the rules/orders of the respective was entitled to it.
State Governments. These
powers should not be delegated 20.11 When an objection taken in the
to subordinate offices”. course of performing entitlement
functions cannot be adjusted by
All cases in which the orders of the Accountant General in
Government to forego recovery consultation with the concerned
without further action have been Executive authorities and the
accepted should be recorded in a administrative Departments of
register which should be Governments, the case should be
reviewed by the Accountant reported to the Finance
General at such intervals as may Department of that Government
be considered by him suitable, for settlement. In making such
but at least once in a year. report complete facts of the case
with the expressed views of the
The register should invariably Accountant General should be
show inter alia, how the laid before that department. If
overpayments occurred in each there is a difference of opinion
case, what rules were between the department and the
contravened, the degree of Accountant General the latter
responsibility attaching to the may if he thinks it necessary seek
Drawing and Disbursing Officers the advice of the Comptroller and
on the one hand and to the Auditor General.
Accounts Officer on the other,
the reasons of Government of 20.12 If in the course of scrutiny of
waiving the recovery, those of claims an Accounts Officer
Accountant General or the Group notices that something more is
Officer for accepting the due to a Government Servant
Government orders, and the than has actually been claimed he
remedial measures if any, taken should bring the short payment
to prevent the recurrence of such or over deduction (unless the
cases. amount be insignificant) to the
notice of the disbursing officer,
20.10.2(b) The State Governments have, or to that of the Government
however, agreed that in respect Servant direct if he draws his
of cases of the type referred to in own bills. The Accounts and
(a) preceding, the Accountant Entitlement office will have done
its duty when it has warned the following course should be
Government Servant that he has observed:-
a further claim and it cannot
compel him to prefer it. (a) When a wrong
20.13 It is not necessary to report interpretation of a
individual cases of serious financial rule has been
financial irregularity to the followed, the new
Comptroller and Auditor General interpretation should, in
unless his intervention is deemed the absence of special
desirable, but in cases of doubt or instructions to the
difficulty, the Accountant contrary, take effect from
General may seek his advice. All the date of issue by
serious and interesting cases of competent authority of
fraud or forgery and cases the orders stating the
indicating the need for change of correct interpretation.
procedure should, however, be (b) When erroneous
reported at once for information payments have been left
of the Comptroller and Auditor unchallenged through
General. oversight, the Accountant
General should not of his
Note.- In all applications to the own motion undertake a
Comptroller and Auditor General re-check of bills paid
for advice, a clear statement more than one year, or
should be made of the point at such other period
issue, of the view the Accountant prescribed by the State
General thinks should be Government previously.
adopted, of any action he has He should report the facts
already taken and of the action he of the case for orders to
proposes to take. Copies of the Government and a
relevant reports and recheck should not be
correspondence should made unless the
accompany, where these may be Government so desires.
necessary to explain any point in
PAYMENTS AUTHORISED BY 20.15 Cases relating to defalcation or
THE ACCOUNTANT GENERAL loss, misappropriation
embezzlement etc. will be dealt
20.14 When erroneous payments have with by the Accountant General
been authorised by the (Audit). However Accountant
Accountant General for a General (A&E) will be required
considerable time, owing either to act upon the sanctions of write
to a wrong interpretation of off of losses issued by competent
financial rules or to oversight, the authorities on finalisation of
cases. This function can be
discharged by him in
consultation with the Accountant INTRODUCTORY
General (Audit) at the
appropriate time. 20.18 Subject to the general principles
20.16 Whenever any case of loss in and rules laid down in Part I of
which there is a possibility of the this Chapter and detailed
Reserve Bank of India being procedure in connection with
made liable to Government either communicating the objections of
in respect of operation on Govt. accounting nature to the proper
account conducted by itself or by executive and controlling
its agents or otherwise comes to authorities is described in this
the notice of the Accountant part. In respect of Public Works
General, he should call for such transactions, the instructions
further information as he may contained in this chapter will be
require on the subject. On receipt generally applicable and will be
of this information which must subject to the detailed
be obtained without delay he instructions contained in Chapter
should at once make a report of 8 regarding objections on Public
the case to the Finance Works Transactions.
Ministry/Department of the
Government concerned for such REGISTRATION OF OBJECTIONS
action as it may deem fit.
20.19 Objections and observations of
ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE accounting nature should be
WORKING OF TREASURIES communicated at the earliest
opportunity, but objections
20.17 If the Government so desires, the should first be registered in detail
Accountant General should in the prescribed records
submit to it a review of the maintained in the Accountant
working of treasuries in such General’s office.
form and detail as may be settled
mutually. The review will be More instructions for future
prepared by the Accountant guidance need not be registered
General (A&E) regarding the in the objection boks maintained
audit portion, necessary material in the Accounts Office. If the
for incorporation in the review pursuance of an objection
will be supplied by the Audit indicates the need for prescribing
Officer to the Accountant a new procedure for general
General (A&E). observance, such procedure
should be communicated by a
PART II-DETAILED PROCEDURE general letter and not by any
IN CONNECTION WITH THE form or statement intended solely
COMMUNICATION OF for the communication of
20.20 The instructions requiring the expenditure may be incurred in a
registration of all objections are subsequent year.
subject to the qualification that 20.23 All records of objections
objections which are trivial or maintained in the Accountant
have been waived by Accounts General’s office should be
Officers should not be included written up with care and watched
in Objection Books, though a closely both by the Section
separate office record of Officer and the Branch Officer.
objections waived should be Even though the Objection
maintained for production at the Statements have not actually
inspections of the Office by been despatched, an objection
Director of Inspection. once raised can be removed from
20.21 Subject to any specific the records of objections only
instructions contained in this after a Gazetted Officer or a
Manual it is left to the discretion member of the Superintending
of each Accountant General to staff has examined that due
follow the method of maintaining authority exists for the removal
the record of objections in such of the objection and put his
manner as may be considered initials against the item
suitable according to local concerned in token of his having
requirements. done so.
20.24 As far as possible, the entry of an
The objections should be objection whether in the
recorded in the Objection Book Objection book or in the
drawing Officer wise, as far as Objection Statement, should be
possible. It is not necessary to fully descriptive, so that
keep objections separately be ordinarily there should be no
major heads, but, on this point, necessity of referring again to the
Accountant General should voucher or account concerned.
comply with any express requests
of the Government concerned. CLEARANCE OF OBJECTIONS
20.22 Again, for an efficient review of
objections and of the progress of 20.25 The adjustment of each
their clearance, it is desirable to individual objection should be
keep the objections of each watched through the prescribed
official-year separate, even records until clearance or
though their clearance may be withdrawal as the case may be.
effected in a subsequent year. 20.26 The Accountant General should
look to the Branch Officer and
In the case of progressive the Deputy Accountant General
expenditure, an objection to for the progress of adjustment,
excessive expenditure not and unremitting personal
covered by proper authority or attention to this duty on the part
sanction should be held to relate of the Gazetted Officer is
to the year in which it was first indispensable.
raised even though further
20.27 When an objection once raised recorded in addition or
has been withdrawn, either on values may be dispensed
reconsideration or in the light of with altogether, as may
information which was not be settled in consultation
available previously, the with the Finance
disbursing officer or other Department.
authority to whom the objection 20.29 Money values should be recorded
was originally addressed should in respect of objections of the
be informed forthwith, as classes enumerated below or
otherwise, he remains similar objections.
responsible unnecessary for the
removal of the objection, (1) Want of vouchers if not
unaware of the fact of its received when the
withdrawal. relevant accounts are
under check).
Note:- In order to comply with the
20.28 If in order to make a collective demands of Government for statistical
presentation, whether to information a separate subsidiary
controlling authoritiess or to the register may, at the discretion of the
Legislature, of- Accountant General be maintained for
the record of objections for want of sub-
(i) outstanding of objections vouchers. Objections for want of
(ii) the progress of the detailed bills also should be recorded in
clearance of objections, it this register in the absence of any other
is found necessary to register prescribed for the purpose. This
express the records of register should be examined every
objection in money month and the total amount outstanding
values, money columns therein after the end of the second month
should be opened therein (third month in the case of such remote
for this purpose. There localities as Port Blair) following that to
are, however, classes of which the objections relate should be
objections which cannot transferred to the main objection book
be suitably expressed in without any details beyond the serial
money value, or which, if number or any other indication that may
so expressed, do not give be necessary for identification. This
an adequate or fair procedure may at the discretion of the
statement of the degree Accountant General, be extended to
and extent of deviation other definite classes of objection of a
from rule. It is similar nature provided that such
permissible, therefore, to objection do not involve substantial
omit values altogether in deviation from the rule.
certain cases;, in other
cases, where values alone (2) Want of detailed bills (in
are misleading, other the case of amounts
particulars may be
drawn in advance and absence of such an
abstract contingent bills). assurance, the money
(3) Over payments and short value of the objection has
recoveries. been registered, a minus
entry should be made in
20.30 Money values need not be the money column for
indicated in the records of objection on receipt of the
objections of the following assurance).
classes:- (8) Errors in accounts,
vouchers, etc., which do
(1) An objection which takes not indicate any deficit or
the form of a simple surplus.
direction for future (9) Instructions and other
guidance, or of a call for remarks, regarding the
a document the absence form of accounts, etc.
of which is not likely to (10) Demands for information
affect the amount not received.
admissible. (11) Enquiries and remarks on
(2) Stamp not affixed on a doubtful points.
voucher otherwise (12) Remarks calling attention
complete. to minor errors of
(3) Delays in the settlement procedure.
of debts due by
(4) Habitual delay in the
submission of accounts
returns, vouchers, etc.
(5) Fictitious adjustments and
manipulations in accounts
unless an actual loss has
(6) Deviation from rule
which is indicative of
disregard or evasion of
rule, but does not
represent charges
incurred without proper
(7) Excess over allotment for
P.W. Suspense heads
when an assurance is
received from competent
authority that the excess
is temporary and will not
affect the net allotment
for the year. (If in the
OBJECTION STATEMENT Note 2: Printed half margin forms
Form and preparation should be dealt with in the same manner
as the Objection statement.
20.31 In most cases objections should
be intimated direct to the disbursing or 20.32 There should be two Objection
other responsible authority in special Statements for each month one relating
printed objection memoranda and other to the first schedules of payments (which
half margin forms. The Treasury Officer ought to reach the Treasury Officer
should be addressed only when before the end of the month as a guide to
recoveries have to be ordered. or in him in his next months payments) and
respect of objections for the removal of other to the second schedule and Cash
which he is directly responsible. Such Accounts. The Accountant will be
intimations. together with important responsible for seeing that the objections
treasury irregularities and directions or which arise upon that part of the
enquiries arising out of account should accounting work which he has
be sent to him through Objection transferred to another section are duly
Statements (Forms 93). The Accountant entered in the Statement before dispatch,
should have before him. at the time he unless a separate Objection Book is kept
deals with the accounts or vouchers, the by that section.
requisite Objection Statement, and other
half margin forms, and should write Note: The Accountant General may at
these up, as each point requiring notice his discretion arrange in order of time
becomes evident during the course of his etc. all the processes of the work to be
scrutiny of the accounts. All objections, done in connection with the first
whether communicated direct to schedules of payments subject to the
responsible authorities or to the Treasury restriction that in no case shall the
Officers, should be entered in the completion of the work be delayed
Objecdtion Book. A Register of half beyond the 10th of the following month.
margins should be kept up in each Important objections should, however,
section showing the issue, return and continue to be sent out as soon as they
disposal of these memoranda and half are detected.

Note 1: All Copies of Retrenchment
Slips (Form 94) issued to Treasury 20.33 Each Objection Statement will
Officers should be forwarded issue in original over the signature of a
simultaneously for the information of the Gazetted Officer/Section Officer. Before
persons affected, direct in the case of dispatch (which must not be delayed) the
gazetted and nongazetted Government objection must be neatly posted into the
servants who draw their own bills and Objection Book (Form 95) by the
through the head of the Office in the Accountant. Each Section Officer should
case of other nongazetted Government keep a memorandum book for note of
servants. the Objection Statements which he
passes, should ascertain daily that all
have gone out, and should take
precautions to secure the entry in the
objection book of all the items in the
passed Statement, whether or not their 20.35.2 If it is necessary to make
amounts are carried into any money a recovery from a Government servant
column. who has passed under the jurisdiction of
another Accountant General, warning
should be given on the Last Pay
DISPOSAL AND RETURN Certificate or by a special letter if the
certificate has already issued. In such
20.34 The return of the Objection cases the objection should be entered in
Statement must be watched with equal the Objection Books, but with a note that
care. They are due to be returned by the requisition for recovery has been sent to
Treasury Officer within the time the new Accounts Office.
prescribed under paragraph 20.5 and he
should not be allowed to keep them back
on the ground that one or two of the RETRENCHMENT SLIP
objections require further enquiry. These
can be extracted for separate disposal 20.36 The consideration whether the
while the other items are replied to. pay and allowances drawn are
admissible involves disallowances of
improper claims and watching the
ACCOUNTANT'S RESPONSIBILITY recovery of money improperly drawn.
When it is considered necessary to order
20.35.1 The Accountant is responsible the recovery of any erroneous payment,
for the prompt disposal of the Objection the Accountant General, should send
Statement when returned. If a recovery warning to the Government servant
is ordered from a Gazetted Officer concerned by a slip in Form 94, in which
whose pay and allowances are the ground of the retrenchment should be
authorized by the A&E office, the stated clearly (an advice being sent
Accountant is responsible for watching invariably, to the Treasury Officer at the
its recovery. Though the Government same time). This slip will give the
servant concerned be transferred to Government servant retrenched an
another department, the item will not be opportunity of forwarding to the
removed from the Objection Book of the Accountant General an explanation
old to that of the new department, but a which may cause the recovery to be
note of the transfer will be made; it will dispensed with. The withdrawal or
of course, be noted on the Last Pay modification of an order for recovery
Certificate by the Officer-in-charge of should be communicated both to the
the treasury from which he last drew pay Treasury Officer and the Government
and may also, with advantage, be servant concerned.
intimated to the one who will pay him in
future. On the occasion of a transfer of a
gazetted Government servant against
who an order of retrenchment has issued
the Accountant concerned should
ascertain what amount is still
outstanding and should send a slip of
warning to the new Treasury Officer.
OBJECTION BOOK objection. In opening the Objection
Book for the new year, separate pages
should be provided, after the pages
Form and Contents containing the entries of the outstandings
of the previous year, to record of
20.37 The Objection Book (for which objections raised in march (Suppl).
there must be one for each Treasury or Similarly, in the Adjustment Register
Department Account) are the permanent there should be a separate page or pages
office record of entries which have been for the record of adjustments made in
made in the objection statements March Final. The entries in these records
prepared upon the examination of each should be totalled monthly at the time of
schedule of payments and of the Cash closing the Objection Book for
Account. But besides these objections subsequent months, and the net debit or
they also contain note of (1) all amounts credit resulting therefrom should be
credited or debited to suspense and (2) worked out and added to or deducted
items adjusted but not cleared, even from the balance of the Objection Book
though not under objection. The record for the month, so as to work out in a
of transactions relating to item (1) above separate entry at the foot of the
is kept in Form 95 and that of item (2) in Objection Book the correct balance of
Form 96. The objections are detailed objections outstanding at the time.
under the following heads. Unless they are the direct outcome of
transactions incorporated by book
Form 95 Form 96 adjustment in the general accounts for
Account kept under 1. Items adjusted but awaiting March (Suppl.) the adjustments in
Suspense respect of outstandings of the previous
Receipts Payments 2. Service payments for year need not be included in the
recovery Adjustment Register of March (Suppl.)
(Form 97) but may be carried out in the
The items kept in Form 95 have new year. The above procedure will be
corresponding Ledger heads. It is followed till the accounts for March
imperative that entries pertaining to 2 (Suppl.) are closed. When the accounts
months accounts should not be entered for March (Suppl.) are closed the
on the same page. separate objections and adjustments
under the head "Objection Book
20.38 The amount of entries which may Suspense Account" should be totaled
not require action by the Treasury and the totals posted into the March
Officer, though noted for his future (Suppl.) column of the Broadsheet (see
guidance (e.g. overcharges of fund paragraph 20.49) for the past year, and
subscriptions or income-tax), should not the correct closing balance worked out.
be posted in any money columns, and The difference between these totals
the money columns under "Mode of should also be added or deducted as the
adjustment" may be scored through. case may be at foot of the March
20.39 After the Objection Books for Objection Book for the past year, so as
March have been closed it may be found to make its balance agree with the
necessary in the March (Suppl) accounts Broadsheet and the Ledger. This
to adjust amounts already placed under
objection or to place fresh items under
agreement should be made and certified proper head by debit to the head
by the Section Officer. originally credited, they may be made
the subject of special correspondence
Note1: Items under objection, the with officers concerned, but must, in all
amount of which are not entered in the cases, be notified in the Objection
money columns of the Objection Books, Statement and their amount entered in
need not be transferred to the Objection the column of the Objection Book
Book for the new year until the March headed " Items adjusted but awaiting
Final accounts are closed. The settlement final clearance".
of any such items prior to that date In the 'Payments' column will
should be noted in the Old Objection appear items not only of charges for
Book. which such particulars are not given as
will enable the A&E office to classify
Note2: The transfer of other outstanding them properly but also charges
items to the new year's Objection Book disallowed from the Inward Settlement
may at the discretion of the Accountant Accounts which are not susceptible of
General be deferred until after the close final adjustment against some other
of the March (Suppl.) accounts. The head. If, however, the only point of
adjustments made in the meantime being doubt is whether a particular item of
noted against the entries in the old expenditure should be treated as Central
Objection Book. or as pertaining to State, it should not be
debited to "Suspense" but to a proper
service head of account and shown as
SUSPENSE ACCOUNT appertaining to the Government which
actually incurred the expenditure. If it is
20.40 Under "Suspense Account" are decided subsequently that the
provided two columns one for credits expenditure should be finally recorded
and another for debits, but no items against another Government, the
should be taken under this head, except correcting adjustment should be made in
with the special sanction of the Gazetted the accounts of the year in which the
Officer-in-charge. See also Rule 70 of decision is taken, unless it was
Government Accounting Rules, 1990. anticipated and provided for in the Grant
In the column for 'Receipts' will or Appropriation of the previous year the
appear only sums shown for credit to a accounts of which have not been finally
Debt head, but imperfectly described. closed.
Any item of revenue receipt, of which
full particulars are not given, must be ITEMS ADJUSTED BUT
taken to the credit of the minor head AWATTING FIINAL CLEARANCE
'Miscellaneous' under the revenue head
to which it appears to belong. But such 20.41.1 This head will
items must be rare nor does the fact they accommodate the following items for
have been so credited and included in each of which a separate column is
the aggregate receipts of the month provided in the Objection Book :-
relieve the Accountant General of the (1) for want of detailed bill;
duty of ascertaining by correspondence (2) for want of sub-vouchers;
what their real nature is and of
transferring them to the credit of the
(3) items which cannot be History of Services/Service Cards in the
finally adjusted for other reasons case of Gazetted Officers.
unexplained receipts) (see para

It will be observed that his 20.43 As the objectionable items are

column has no corresponding Ledger adjusted in whole or in part-
head, and consequently any item which
appears in it must have been taken to 'Suspense' by credit or debit to
some prescribed head of account, the the head,
entry here being nothing more than a 'Uncleared items' by being
reminder that it has only been adjusted cleared.
'Service payments for recovery'
20.41.2 Cash remittances, even by recovery or by removal of the
though complete voucher is absent, objection, the adjustment is to be posted
should not be entered in the Objection in the Adjustment Register (Form 97 or
Book at all, as a separate register is 98). and also against the original item in
provided for them. Deficiencies in such the Objection Book.
remittances, will, however, come in the
ordinary course into the Objection Book. 20.44 The mode of adjustment adopted
with reference to each item will be
SERVICE PAYMENTS FOR shown in the column "How adjusted"
RECOVERY and the Section Officer will initial each
entry in proof of his having examined
20.42 In the last column will appear all and found it correct in every particular.
sums taken against service heads for
which orders of recovery have been 20.45 In the Objection Book, in the
issued. For, when a payment is made on columns of amount under "Mode of
account of a completed service on a adjustment", will be entered each
proper voucher the fact of the payment is successive fragment disposed of, each
not altered because some portion of it entry in the Adjustment Register must
represents an overcharge. The payment have its distinct answering entry in the
must be accepted and must be recorded these columns, and both entries will be
against the Grant or Appropriation for initialled by the Section Officer at the
which it was made but at the same time same time.
it should be recorded as under objection.
The amount of gratuity to be (1) In the case of objections against
refunded under the rules of Government which on amounts are entered in the
by a person re-employed should be noted money columns of the Objection Book,
in the Gratuity Register for recovery. no entries should be made in the
Recoveries will be credited to the Adjustment Register.
Government (or Governments) which (2) The entry in the Objection Book
had met the charge on account of the of each adjustment may be certified by
gratuity should also be noted in the the initials of the AAO/Section Officer
provided that the entry is made in the
Adjustment Register clearly, and in all should be totalled, the balance of the
cases in which the order communicating past month should be added, the totals of
the objectin has not been complied with adjustment should be made in the
fully, on the authority of an order signed Adjustment Register and entered in the
by the Branch Officer in charge. The Objection Book, and the balances struck.
Branch Officer will of course, review, The Section Officer will sign the
not only the Objection Book but also the certificate at the foot of the page or last
Adjustment Register at frequent page of the Objection Book for each
intervals. month, which will be closed and
balances on the 29th of the following
20.46 If, in the case of items awaiting month.
clearance, a real objection is afterwards (1) The totals under "Suspense" in
found to exist (e.g. recovery is ordered the Objection Book may differ from the
of part of the charge), only the part figure arrived at in the classified abstract
cleared will be entered, and the rest will by the items written back on
still remain outstanding till disposed of, disallowance from the Settlement
Care must be taken that the real Accounts (paragraph 20.40). There will
objection, when found is duly also be differences when an item
communicated to the Treasury Officer or adjusted in the accounts of one district or
other authority or Government servant, department is entered in the Adjustment
and noted in the objection Book below Register of another. The AAO/Section
the original objection or as a foot-note to Officer will sign the certificate after
it. personal inspection of the Adjustment
Register of the other district or
20.47 But if the explanation of the department.
items shows that it belongs to the (2) The outstanding balance in each
"Suspense" class (e.g. a deposit column of the Objection Book is to be
repayment is objected to for want of a carried forward from month to month
voucher, which, when it is received, and from year to year.
turns out to be for a less amount than the (3) The due date for closing the
charge), the items will be adjusted so far Objection Books relating to Forest
as regards the column "Awaiting Accounts is the 6th of the second month
Clearance", but again be brought on the following that to which the accounts
Objection Book, in the new month, relate.
under "Suspense". Reference, will be
made both in the adjustment and in the BROADSHEET OF SUSPENSE
new objection to the transfer entry by 20.49 A Broadsheet in Form 99 is
which the amount is debited to the new maintained of the debits, credits, and
head. balances under the heads "Objection
Book Suspense Account" and 'Treasury
Suspense". The debits and credits are
CLOSING OF OBJECTION BOOK posted monthly from the Objection Book
and Adjustment Register, and their State
20.48 After dispatch of the Objection totals agreed monthly with the posting in
Statements on the second Schedule of the Ledger and the Broadsheet submitted
Payments and the Cash Account, the to the Branch Officer-in-charged for
money columns in the Objection Book inspection. The opening balances are
brought forward from the past year's Abstract of Objections. The other entries
Broadsheet after the correct balances are in the first column will be made at the
worked out in it in the column for March closing of each month. The adjustments
(Suppl.) as stated in paragraph 20.39. of each month should be distributed over
The monthly balances in the new year's the periods of objection from the
Broadsheet can then be struck and will information in the Adjustment Register
agree with the Ledger balances month by and posted in the proper line at the time
month. of closing the book for the month.
As the original entries under
Suspense receipts are wholly
unconnected with the original entries of REVIEW OF OBJECTIONS
charges under Suspense, there should be
one Broadsheet for suspense receipts and 20.51 It is the duty of the Branch
one for payment. Officer concerned to watch carefully all
All the balances shown on the outstanding objections. Items left
Broadsheets of Advances and Suspense unsettled for six months should be
should, for purpose of verification and entered in a register. A summary of all
control, be resolved quarterly into the relevant correspondence should be
items of acual transaction, and the recorded against each item in the register
details of individual items should be and all subsequent correspondence
entered in this quarterly analysis register should also be recorded. This register
which should be reviewed by the Branch should be submitted at least once in each
Officer. month to the Branch Officer, who should
review carefully all items therein.
Note: The general accounts of
suspense upon the Ledger should be Note: No six monthly register need be
broken up into as many detailed heads as maintained in respect of the Objection
are convenient for the purposes of Book relating to "Suspense".
account. One of the these heads should
be "Objection Book Suspense Account"
and the balance of it should be agreed LIST OF OUTSTANDING
with that of the Broadsheet made up as
prescribed in this paragraph. 20.52 A list must be made up annually,
for each district or department or
sectional Objection Book, of all the
WATCHING AND TESTING items outstanding at the close of March
arranged in chronological order (that is,
20.50 An abstract in Form 100 must be in the order in which they appear in the
attached to each Objection Book. The Objection Book) and in the same form as
previous year's balance posted in the the Objection Book. The total of each
first column on the opening of the book district or department list should equal,
will be the preliminary balance in last and must be compared with the balance
year's abstract as detailed in the list struck at the bottom of the column for
prescribed in paragraph 20.52 Later on, preliminary balance in the abstract
this will be corrected in red ink into the prescribed in paragraph 20.50 in the
March (Suppl.) balance as worked out in Objection Book, and the comparison
the last year's Objection Book and should be made and initialed by the
Section Officer after agreement of the of the objections on the second Schedule
Suspense balance with the March of Payments the closing entries of the
preliminary balance in the Broadsheet Objection Book.
mentioned in paragraph 20.49.
The list should be inserted in the 20.54.3 As under this plan the
new Objection Book as part of it. Objection Statement must contain all the
objections hitherto entered in the
Note: The list may at the Objection book, even objections for
discretion of the Accountant General be want of detailed bills and those
made up after the close of the March communicated to the Officers concerned
(Suppl.) accounts (see Note 2 to by separate Objection memoranda
paragraph 20.39) and the procedure should be included in it .
described in this paragraph modified
suitably. 20.54.4 This scheme need not be
applied to objection raised by Gazetted
OBJECTION ON TRANSACTION Entitlement, Pension Authorisation or by
APPEARING IN INWARD the Account Curreddnt Branch where
REMITTANCE ACCOUNT district arrangement is not observed.

20.53 The procedure laid down in this 20.54.5 Every adjustment should
Chapter will apply to the up keep of be recorded at once, in the Adjustment
Objection Books and Adjustment Register and also in the Objection
Registers in respect of items appearing Statement. If, however, any adjustment
in the Inward Remittance Accounts cannot be entered simultaneously in the
which are held under objection. latter owing to its not having been
returned by the treasury, a distinguishing
COMBINATION OF OBJECTION mark should be placed against the items
STATEMENT AND OBJECTION in the Adjustment Register, in order that
BOOK the record may be copied into the
Objection Statement on its return.
20.54.1 An alternative plan by which the
Objection Book is replaced by the file of 20.54.6 The Abstract of Objection
original objection statements on their (Form 100) will be maintained under this
return from the treasury has been tried alternative plan also. This abstract and
with success in some A&E offices at its the Adjustment Register will be closed
option. on the 29th of the month as laid down in
paragraph 20.48. The closing entries will
20.54.2 The Objection statement be made in the final sheet of the
is drawn out in Form 101, which adds to objections on the second Schedules of
the ordinary Objection Statement, the payments on its return from the
adjustment column of the Objection Treasury.
Book. It also contains on the final sheet

Correlating the Paras of C.A.G'.s M.S.O.(A&E)

Volume-I with those of the CAG's MSO (Tech.)
3.10 Para
_________________________________ 3.11 Para
New Para of Old Para of -537
M.S.O. (A&E) (M.S.O. Tech.) Vol.-I 3.12 Based on
Volume-I Para-538
____________________________________________ 3.13
Chapter-I 3.14 Based on
1.1 Based on Para-541
Para-1 3.15 Para
1.2 New Based on -542

3.16 Based on
1.3 New-Based on Section-21 of Para-544-A(1)
(DPCS) Act, Chapter-4
1.4 4.1 New
Para-7 4.2 New
1.5 Based on 4.3 Based on
Para-8 Para-60
4.4 Based on
Chapter-2 Para-61
4.5 Based on
2.1 Para-62
to New-Based on 4.6
M.I.R. Para-63
2.4 4.7 Based on
Chapter-3 4.8 Based on
4.10 Based on
4.11 Based on
4.13 Based on
4.14 Based on
Note-1 Note below
Note-2 New
3.7 Para
3.8 Based on Chapter-5
3.9 5.1 Based on
Para-535 Para-113
5.2 Based on Para-125,126 &
128 6.7 Para-441
5.3 Based on 6.8 Para-442
Para-127 6.9 Para-443
5.4 Based on para- 6.10 Para-444
117 6.11 Para-445
5.5 Based on para- 6.12 Para-446
118 6.13 Para-447
5.6 Based on Paras 6.14 Based on Para-448
120,118 6.15 Based on Para-448
Note (i) New 6.16 Based on Para-449
& Note (ii) 6.17 Based on Para-451
5.7 Based on 6.18 Based on Para-451
Para-120 6.19 Based on Para-452
5.8.1 Based on Paras 141,142 & 6.20 Para-453
127 6.21 Para-454
to 6.22 Based on Para-456
5.8.2 6.23 Para-457
5.9 Based on Paras-130 & 6.24 Para-458
120 6.25 Para-459
5.10 Based on 6.26 Based on Para-460
Para-119 6.27 New
5.11 Based on Para-
120-A Chapter-7
5.12 Based on Para-2…4 of
Accounts Guide-No.1 7.1 Based on Para-350
5.13 Based on Para 2.5 of Accounts Guide- 7.2 Based on Para-357
No.1 7.3 Para-358
5.14 Based on 7.4 Para-359
Para-134 7.5 Based on Para-360
5.15.1 Para-135(i) 7.6 Based on Para-316
5.15.2 Para-135(ii) 7.7 Para-362
5.16 Based on Para-2.7 of 7.8 Based on Para-363
to Accounts Guide No.1 7.9 Based on Para-364
5.17 7.10 Para-365
5.18.1 Based on Para-2.8 of 7.11 Para-366
Accounts Guide No.1 7.12.1 Para-367
5.18.2 New and
5.19 Based on Para-2.9 & 7.12.2
2.10 7.13 Based on Para-368
of Accounts Guide No.1
5.20 Based on Para-2.11 of
Accounts Guide No.1 Chapter-8
5.21 Based on Para 2.12 of
Accounts Guide No.1 8.1 Based on Para-567
5.22 Based on Para-2.13 of 8.2 Para-568
Accounts Guide No.1 8.3 Para-569
5.23 Based on Para 2.16 of 8.4 Para-570
Accounts Guide No.1 8.5 Para-571
5.24 Based on Para 2.17 of 8.6 Para-572
Accounts Guide No.1 8.7 Para-573
5.25 Based on para-137 8.8 Para-574
5.26 Based on Para-270 8.9 Para-575
5.27 Para-124 8.10 Para-575 & Para-577
Chapter-6 to Para-578
8.12 Para-579
6.1 Para-435
8.13 Para-580
6.2 Based on Para-436 8.14 Para-581
6.3 Based on Para-437
8.15 New
6.4 Para-438 8.16 Based on Para-591
6.5 Para-4.39
8.17 Based on Para-593
6.6 Para-440
8.18 Based on Para-596 Chapter-10
8.19.1 Based on Para-599
8.19.2 Based on Para-600 10.1 Based on Para-90
8.20 Based on Para-616 10.2 Based on Para-91
8.21 Para-617 10.3 Para-92
8.22 Based on Para-618 10.4 Based on Para-462
8.23 Based on Para-619 10.5 Para-465
8.24 Based on Para-620 10.6 Based on Para-466
8.25 Based on Para-621 10.7 Para-467
8.26 Based on Para-622 10.8 Para-468
8.27 Para-624 10.9 Para-468-A
8.28 Para-629 10.10 Based on Para-469
8.29 Para-631 10.11 Para-472
8.30 Para-638 10.12 Based on Para-473
8.31 Para-639 10.13 Based on Para-474
8.32 Based on Para-668-A 10.14 Para-475
8.33 Based on Para-672 10.15 Based on Para-476
8.34 Para-673 10.16 Based on Para-477
8.35 Based on Para-674 10.17 Para-478
8.36 Based on Para-675 10.18 Based on Para-480
8.37 Based on Para-676 10.19 Para-481
8.38 Para-679 10.20
8.39 Based on Para-680 to Based on Para-482
8.40 Para-681 10.22
8.41 Para-684
8.42 Based on Para-685
8.43 Based on Para-724
8.44 Para-725
8.45 Para-726 11.1 Based on Para-484
8.46 Para-728 11.2 Based on Para-485
8.47 Based on Para-743 11.3 Para-486
8.48 Para-745 11.4 Para-487
8.49 Based on Para-746 11.5 Para-488
8.50 Para747 11.6 Based on Para-489
8.51 Based on Para-748 11.7 Para-490
8.52 Para-749 11.8 Para-491
8.53 Para-750 11.9 Para-492
8.54 New 11.10 Para-494
11.11 Para-495
11.12 Para-496
Chapter-9 11.13
& Based on Para-493
9.1 Para-751 11.14
9.2 Based on Para- 11.15 Para-497
11.16 Para-498
756 11.17 Para-499
9.3 Based on Para- 11.18 Based on Para-500
757 11.19 Para-501
11.20 Para-502
9.4 Based on Para- 11.21 Para-503
9.5 Para-759 Chapter-12
9.6 Based on Para-
12.1 Based on Para-369
760 12.2 Based on Para-370
9.7 Para-761 12.3 Based on Para-371
9.8 Based on Para- 12.4 Based on Para-372
763 & Based on Para-379
9.9 Para-766 12.6
9.10 New 12.7 Para-381
12.8 Based on Para-382
12.9 Based on Para-383 12.70 Para-434
12.10 Para-386 12.71 New
12.11 New
12.12 Based on Para-387 Chapter-13
12.13 Based on Para-388
12.14 Based on Para-389 13.1 Based on Paras-147 &
12.15 Based on Para-390 148
12.16 Para-391 13.2 Based on Para-149
12.17 Para-392 13.3 Based on Para-150
12.18 Para-393 13.4 Based on Para-151
12.19 Based on Para-394 13.5 Based on Para-152
12.20 Based on Para-395 13.6 Para-153
12.21 Para-396 13.7 Based on Para-154
12.22 Based on Para-397 13.8 Based on Para-155
12.23 Para-398 13.9 Para-156
12.24 Para-399 13.10 Para-157
12.25 Based on Para-400 13.11 Based on Para-158
12.26 Para-401 13.12 Based on Para-159
12.27 Based on Para-402 13.13 Para-160
12.28 Based on Para-402-A 13.14 Based on Para-161
12.29 Based on Para-403 13.15 Based on Para-162
12.30 Based on Para-404 13.16 Based on Para-163
12.31 Based on Para-405 13.17 Based on Para-164
12.32 Based on Para-406 13.18 Based on Para-165
12.33 Based on Para-407 13.19 Based on Para-166
12.34 Para-408 13.20 Based on Para-166-A
12.35 Para-409 13.21 Based on Para-167
12.36 Based on Para-410 13.22 Para-169
12.37 Para-411 13.23 Para-170
12.38 Para-412 13.24 Based on Para-171
12.39 Para-413 13.25 Based on Para-172
12.40 Para-414 13.26 Based on Para-173
12.41 Para-415 13.27 New
12.42 Based on Para-416 13.28 Para-174
12.43 Para-417 13.29 Based on Para-175
12.44 Para-418 13.30 Para-176
12.45 Para-419 13.31 Para-177
12.46 Para-420 13.32 Based on Para-178
12.47 Para-420-A 13.33 Para-179
12.48 Based on Para-420-B 13.34 Based on Para-180
12.49 Para-420-C 13.35 Para-181
12.50 Para-420-D 13.36 Para-183
12.51 Para-420-E 13.37 Based on Note-2 below
12.52 Para-420-F Para-184
12.53 Based on Para-420-G 13.38 Based on Para-185
12.54 Para-420-H 13.39 Based on Para-186
12.55 Para-420-I 13.40 Para-187
12.56 Para-421 13.41 Based on Para-188
12.57 Based on Para-422 13.42 Para-189
12.58 Para-423 13.43 Based on Para-190
12.59 Para-424 13.44 Para-193
12.60 Para-425 13.45 Based on Para-194
12.61 Para-426 13.46 Based on Para-195
12.62 Para-427 13.47 Based on Para-196
12.63 Para-428 13.48 Based on Para-197
12.64 New 13.49 Para-204
12.65 New 13.50 Based on Para-205
12.66 Based on Para-430 13.51 Based on Para-206
12.67 Based on Para-431 13.52 Para-207
12.68 Para-432 13.53 Based on Para-212
12.69 Based on Para-433 13.54 Based on Para-214
13.55 Para-215
13.56 Para-216 546
13.57 Based on Para-217
13.58 Para-225 15.3 Based on Para-
13.59 Para-226 317
13.60.1 15.4 Based on Para-
to Based on Para-227
13.60.3 317
13.61 Based on Para-228 15.5 Based on Para-
13.62 Para-229 546
13.63 Based on Para-231
13.64 Based on Para-232 15.6.1
13.65 Based on Para-235 and Based on Para-
13.66 Based on Para-236 547
13.67 Para-237
Appendix-A Based on Appendix-A 15.6.2
(See Para-13.38) (See Para-185) 15.7 Based on Para
Appendix-B Based on Appendix-B 548 & 550
(See Para-13.45) (See Para 192)
15.8 Based on Para-
Chapter-14 549
15.9 Based on Para-
14.1 Based on Para-297 546
14.2 Based on Para-298
14.3 Based on Para-299
15.10 Based on Para-
14.4 Based on Para-300 551
14.5 Based on Para-301 15.11 Based on Para-
14.6 Based on Para-302
14.7 Para-303
14.8 Para-304 15.12 Para-553
14.9 Para-305 15.13 Para-554
14.10 Based on Para-306
14.11 Based on Para-307
15.14 Para-555
14.12 Based on Para-308 15.15 Para-556
14.13 Based on Para-309 15.16 Based on Para-
14.14 Para-310
14.15 Based on Para-311
14.16 Based on Para-312 15.17 Based on Para-
14.17 Based on Para-313 558
14.18 Based on Para-314
14.19 Based on Sub-Para-1
15.18 Based on Para-
of Para-316 559
14.20 Based on Para-317 15.19 Based on Para-
14.21 Based on Para-318
14.22 Based on Para-319
14.23 Based on Para-319-A 15.20 Based on Para-
14.24 Based on Para-320 561
14.25 Based on Para-321
14.26 Based on Para-322
15.21 Based on Para-
14.27 Para-323 562
14.28 Based on Para-324 Annexure-A Based on
14.29 Based on Para-326
14.30 New
Annexure A New (See Para 15.1)
(See Para 14.17) (See Para-545)
Chapter-15 Chapter-16

15.1 Based on Para- 16.1 New

545 16.2 Based on Para-
15.2 Based on Para- 283
16.3 New Chapter-20
16.4 Based on Para-
20.1 New
284 20.2 Para-799
16.5 Based on Para- 20.3 Para-800
286 20.4 Para-801
20.5 Based on Para-802
16.6 Based on Para- 20.6 Based on Para-803
287 20.7 Para-804
16.7 New 20.8.1 Para-805(A)
20.8.2 Based on Para-805(2)
16.8 Based on Para- 20.9 Based on Para-806
288 20.10.1(a) Based on Para-808(1)
16.9 Based on Para- 20.10.1(b) Based on Para-808(1)(b)
20.10.1(c) Based on Para-808(1)(c)
284 20.10.2(a) Based on Para-808(2)(a)
16.10 Based on Para- 20.10.2(b) Based on Para-808(2)(b)
285 20.11 Based on Para-812
20.12 Based on Para-813
16.11 Based on Para- 20.13 Para-814
291 20.14 Based on Para-815
16.12 Based on Para- 20.15 Based on Para-816
20.16 Based on Para-817
292 20.17 Based on Para-818
16.13 Para-293 20.18 Para-819
16.14 Based on Para- 20.19 Based on Para-820
20.20 Based on Para-821
293-A 20.21 Para-822
20.22 Para-823
Chapter-17 20.23 Based on Para-824
20.24 Based on Para-825
17.1 20.25 Para-826
to New 20.26 Para-827
17.6 20.27 Based on Para-828
20.28 Based on Para-829
Chapter-18 20.29 Based on Para-830
20.30 Para-831
20.31 Based on Para-840
18.1 New 20.32 Based on Para-841
18.2 Based on Para-563 20.33 Based on Para-842
18.3 Based on Para-564 20.34 Para-843
18.4 Para-565 20.35 Based on Para-844
18.5 Based on Para-566 20.36 Para-845
Annexure Annexure 20.37 Based on Para-847
(See Para 18.5) (See Para-566) 20.38 Para-848
20.39 Based on Para-851
Chapter-19 20.40 Para-852
19.1 Based on Para-510 and Based on Para-853
19.2 Based on Para-513 20.41.2
19.3 Based on Para-514 20.42 Based on Para-854
19.4 Based on Para-515 20.43 Based on Para-855
19.5 Based on Para-522 20.44 Based on Para-856
19.6 Based on Para-528 20.45 Based on Para-857
19.7 Based on Para-531-A 20.46 Para-858
19.8 New 20.47 Based on Para-859
19.9 New 20.48 Based on Para-860
19.10 New 20.49 Based on Para-861
Annexure A&B Annexure A&B 20.50 Pra-862
(See Para-19.3) (See Para-514) 20.51 Based on Para-863
20.52 Based on Para-864
20.53 Para-865
to Based on Para-866

A General 12.1
Abstracts and Summaries 9.8Annexure 'A' (referred to in para 19.3- (See Para
Accountant General's Check Register 15.2Public
1 Debt Offices and their
Accountants Duties 14.29jurisdiction 19.3)
Accountants Responsibility 20.35in respect of loans.
Accounting in Book/T.D.H.Section 5.8.2
Accounting of Public Works Transaction Annexure 'B' (referred to in para 19.3) (See Para
Checks etc. 8.16 to 8.19.2The jurisdiction of Public Debt offices in
Accounting of Transaction pertaining to 4.15 19.3)
Reserve and Reserve Funds torespect of Annuity Deposit Scheme.
4.15.4Annual Account Statements to
Accounts with Governments of other Subscribers 12.67
Countries 11.11
Adjustment of Recoveries on Collateral Annual Closing 12.44 to
Evidence 6.27 12.46
Adjustment Register 20.43Annual Closing 12.55
20.47Annual Closing 12.61
Advances 13.49
toAnnual Review on the Working of
7 Divisions 9.10
Advances to Government Servants and 6.16
Other Advances toAnnual Review of Working of
2 20.17
Advice to State Government 2.4
Annual Review on the Working of
Allocation of Expenditure between Public
Capital 4.6 Works Divisions 8.54
and Revenue to 4.14
Anticipatory Pension and Gratuities 14.22
Annexure (referred to in para 18.5)-List (See to 14.23
of items of work to be done by Internal Para
Test Audit Section. 18.5Appendix
) 'A' (referred to in Para 13.38)-(See Para
Instructions issued by the C.A.G in order 13.38)
Annexure 'A' (referred to in para 15.1)- (See Para
Rules Governing the procedure to be to review efficiency and uniformity in
follo- 15.1) relation
wed in dealing with claims against to the procedure for certification of leave
Govern- and
ment presented for payment from the authorisation of leave Salary to Gazetted
Con- Officers of State Governments in cases
solidated Fund and Public Account of where
India and of the States. the entitlement function is performed by
the Compilation of Accounts-Duties and 5.2
Accountant General (A&E) responsibilities of Central Treasury and
Section 5.3
Appendix 'B' (referred to in Para 13.45)-(See Para
Rules Regulating the preparation of Last 13.45Compilation
) of accounts on Collateral
Pay Certificates in cases of transfer on Evidence basis 12.66
or on return from leave. Compilation of Provident Fund
Appropriation Accounts Section 3.16by the Front Feed Accounting Machines 12.47

Appropriation Check 3.8 tCompilation

o of Provident Fund
5 12.32 to
Arrangement for Internal Audit 18.4 tby
o the Machine Method-Ledger Cards 12.34
Compilation of Provident Fund Account
Authorization of Arrear claims 19.812.56 to
B. Service and Other Funds 12.2 tby
o Hand Method-Ledgers 12.57
Balance of Provident Fund 11.5Compulsory Retirement 13.64

Bills countersigned after payment-Check 5.26 toContingent liabilities on account of 10.17

of A.C./D.C. bills and other Contingent 5.26.guarantees
3 given by Government
Combination of Objection Statement and
Broadsheet of Departmental Adjusting Objection Book 20.54
Accounts 5.25Coordination between A.G.(A&E) and
A.G.(Audit) 2.3
Broadsheet of Suspense 20.49Cost of Medical Treatment 13.33
Cash Accounts 9.1Deductions 13.40 to
Cash Balances 11.19 to 13.42
11.20Delegation of powers 1.3
Cash Remittances 11.15 Deposits 11.6 to
Central Audit of Vouchers 19.10 11.7
Charges 9.2Deposits of Local Funds 7.10. to
Check against Provision of Funds 3.1 to 7.12.2
Civil List 13.63Deposits of Local Funds 11.8
Clearance of Objection 20.25 to 20.27
Deposit of Service Funds 11.4
Closing for the Day 15.15 to 15.17
Closing of Objection Book 20.48Dispatch 20.33
Commutation Reports 14.24
Compensatory Allowance and Honoraria 13.3Directions
1 of a financial character issued
and 13.32by the President 1.4
Discount on Stamps 19.6
Form and sub-divisions of 13.7 to
Duties and Powers of the Comptroller Entitlement Register 13.9
Auditor General under the provisions of G.E. Accountant's Duties 13.65 to13.66
Articles 149, 150 and 151 of the
Constitution G.P.F. Accounts of Class-IV 12.69 to
of India Employees
1.1 12.71

Duties of the A.G. (A&E) in relation to General

17.3 to 10.1 to 10.3
Plan Expenditure 17.6
General 11.1 to 11.3
Duties of the Indian Audit and Accounts
Department General
1.5 14.1 to 14.4

Earnest Money Deposits General

7.5 18.1 to 18.3

Entitlement Register of Gazetted 13.5 to General 5.1

Government Servants Pay and General 4.1 to 4.5
Allowances 13.6
General Index Register 12.14
Entry of Remarks 14.18 to 14.19
General Principles 16.1 to 16.10
Examination of Accounts by Central 5.4 to
Treasury Section 5.8.1General Procedure 15.2 to 15.9

Examination of Sub-Divisional 8.13 toGeneral system of payment 13.4

Accounts 8.14Gratuities 14.21
Hindu Family Annuity Fund 12.7 to 12.8
Bombay Family Pension of Government 12.5 to
Servants 12.6History of Services 13.58 to 13.62

Files of Correspondence 13.67Inter-Governmental Adjustments 5.16

Filing of Vouchers 5.27Inter – Departmental Adjustments- 5.14 to

Preparation of suspense slip 5.15.2
Final Post Check 15.19
Interest Payments 19.1 to 19.2
Final Withdrawal 12.27 to 12.2
Introductory 8.1
Financing of a policy from 12.21 toIntroductory 13.1 to 13.3
Provident fund 12.26
Introductory 15.1
Form and Contents 20.37 to 20.39Introductory 17.1 to 17.2

Form and preparation 20.31 to 20.32Introductory 20.18

Other Deposit Accounts 7.13
Introductory 7.1
Investments 10.16Other Remittance Heads 11.18
Issue of Pay Slips 13.22 to 13.30
Outstanding Cheques 15.20
Items adjusted but awaiting Clearance 20.41
Part I –General Principles and Rules 20.1 to 20.5
Last Pay Certificate 13.45
Payment by Cheque 15.10
Leave Account 13.43 to 13.44
Payment in Cash 15.11 to 15.14
Leave Salary 13.34 to 13.38
Ledger Cards 12.48Payments in discharge of loan 6.9
Pension of one State Paid in another
Ledger Accounts 9.7State 14.30
Pension paid by Pre-check Pay
List of Outstandings 20.52Department 14.20
Periodical making up of the Account6.10 and 6.11
List for the Public Debt office 19.3 to19.4
Periodical Review 12.68
Loan Expenditure by Public Works 6.7 and
Department 6.8Permanent Advances 11.10
Loans and Advances 11.12 to 11.14
Permanent Advances 6.23 to 6.26
Loans and Advances by Government 6.1 to 6.3
Disposal and Return 20.34
Maintenance of Provident Fund
Accounts 12.29Personal Deposits 7.6 to 7.9
General and 12.30
Plus and minus Memoranda of Postal
Maintenance of the Entitlement Register 13.14 to Stamps 19.7
Miscellaneous 8.20 to 8.21Plus and minus memorandum 7.4

Money values of objections 20.28 to 20.30Posting of Vouchers in the compilation 5.12

Nominations 12.15 to 12.17
Sheet and preparation of Classified 5.13
Nominations 13.20abstract and 5.17
Objection on transaction a spearing in
Inward remittance account 20.53Postal Insurance and Life Annuity Fund 12.9

Opening of the Register Posting and Check of Ledger Cards

13.10 to 13.13 12.42

Other Debt Deposit Transactions 10.11 toPosting of Accounts 12.35 to 12.41

Borrowings 10.15
Posting of Accounts 12.49 to 12.53
Posting of Accounts and their review Remittance Transactions
12.58 10.4 to 10.7

Posting of Salary Vouchers Remittances

13.21 9.3 to 9.6

Pre-check of fixation of Pay 19.9Remittances by Departmental Officers

Preparation of Issue of Pension Payment 14.5 toRendering Compiled Accounts (other
Orders 14.14than
Public works/Forests department) 10.9
Preparation of Departmental Reports on Defalcation and other Losses 20.15 to
Consolidated 5.21 to 20.16
Abstract 5.24Reserves and Reserve funds 10.19

Progress Reports 9.9Reserve Bank of India Remittances 10.10

Reserve Bank of India Remittances 11.17
Proving of Accounts 12.54
Responsibilities of the A.G.(A&E) 2.2
Provisional Payment 13.39
Responsibility for the correctness of the 5.18.1 to
Public Works Balances Departmental classified abstract
11.21 5.19

Public Works Remittance 11.16Responsibility of the Comptroller and

Auditor General in relation to
Pursuance and Clearance of Compilation
20.6 to
Objection 20.13of Accounts, under Section 10, 11 and
12 of
Quarterly reconciliation of works the CAG's (DPCS) Act,1971 1.2
Expenditure / receipts 8.15
Responsibility/Preliminary checks by the 8.2 to
Quarterly Verification 12.43Divisional Accounts 8.12

Refund of lapses 7.3Restructuring of Accountants General

Offices 2.1
Refunds of Revenue 19.5
Retrenchment Slip 20.36
Register of Grants in aid 16.11 to 16.13
Returns 6.13
Register of Missing Credits/Debits 12.64
Revenue Advances and Functional 6.14 and
Register of Pension Payment Orders 14.15Loans 6.15

Register of Special Pension Review of Monthly Accounts

14.16 5.20

Registration of Objections 20.19 to 20.24Review of Objections 20.51

Remittance Check Register Review of Register of Grants-in-aid

10.8 16.14
Schedule of Cheques Paid Verification
15.18 12.59 to 12.60

Scrutiny of Accounts in Compilation 5.9 toWatching and testing 20.50

Section 5.10

Scrutiny of certificate of payment

in lieu of lost voucher(s) 5.11

Service Payments for Recovery 20.42

Sinking Fund 6.12

Sinking Funds 10.18

Special procedure for Contributory 12.62 to

Provident Fund 12.63

Statement of Lapses 7.2

Subscriptions 12.18

Subsidiary Loan Register 6.4 to 6.6

Suspense Account 20.40

Suspense Account 10.20 to 10.22

Suspense Accounts 11.9

Temporary withdrawals 12.19 to 12.20

Territorial and Political Pensions 14.25 to 14.28

Transfer 13.46 to 13.48

Transfer of Accounts 12.31

Treasury-Wise Pension Payment

Register 14.17

Treatment of erroneous Payment

Authorised by the Accountant General 20.14

Authorised items 12.65


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