Please Take Time To Answer This Questionnaire.: College of Management

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College of Management

UP Visayas


Please take time to answer this questionnaire.

Age: _______ Civil Status: ________ Gender: _______

How many children (aged below 18) live with you, in your household? ___________

How many adults (aged 18 and above) live with you in your household? ___________

What is your highest educational attainment? [Please check]

Bachelor’s degree Master’s Degree holder
Bachelor’s degree with Units in Master’s Degree Master’s Degree w/ Doctorate units

What is the highest educational attainment of your mother?

Elementary College undergraduate
High school undergraduate College graduate
High school graduate Master’s degree

What is the highest educational attainment of your father?

Elementary College undergraduate
High school undergraduate College graduate
High school graduate Master’s degree

How long have you been into teaching? _____________

What is your current teaching rank? [E.g. Teacher 1] _____________

What grade/year levels are you teaching? _____________

How much is your average MONTHLY family income? [Please check one]
₱ 10,000 to ₱ 14,999 ₱ 45,000 to ₱ 49,999 ₱ 80,000 to ₱ 84,999
₱ 15,000 to ₱ 19,999 ₱ 50,000 to ₱ 54,999 ₱ 85,000 to ₱ 89,999
₱ 20,000 to ₱ 24,999 ₱ 55,000 to ₱ 59,999 ₱ 90,000 to ₱ 94,999
₱ 25,000 to ₱ 29,999 ₱ 60,000 to ₱ 64,999 ₱ 95,000 to ₱ 100,000
₱ 30,000 to ₱ 34,999 ₱ 65,000 to ₱ 69,999 Above ₱ 100,000
₱ 35,000 to ₱ 39,999 ₱ 70,000 to ₱ 74,999
₱ 40,000 to ₱ 44,999 ₱ 75,000 to ₱ 79,999

Q1: Who is responsible for the day-to-day decisions about money in your household? [Please check one]
You make these decisions by yourself Someone else makes these decisions
You make these decisions with someone else Don’t know / refuse to answer
Q2: Do you do any of the following for yourself or for your household? [Check all that applies to you]
Make a plan to manage your income and expenses
Keep a record of your spending
Set aside money for the payment of bills
Make a note/list of upcoming bills to make sure you pay them on time

Q3: In the past 12 months, have you been saving money in any of the ff. ways? [Check all that applies]
Saving cash at home (piggy bank)
Saving money in a bank account (savings account, time deposit account)
Saving in a cooperative
Giving money to a family member to save on your behalf
Investing in shares of stocks
No, since I don’t have savings

Q4: Sometimes, people find that their monthly income is not enough to cover their monthly expenses.
In the last 12 months, has this happened to you?
YES. (Proceed to Q5) NO. (Skip Q5, and proceed to Q6)
Q5: What did you do to cover for your expenses the last time you had a deficit? [Check all that applies]
Take out money from savings
Cut the spending for expenses
Sell something that you own
Do extra job
Borrow money from family or friends
Borrow money from bank / GSIS / cooperative / microfinancing / employer
Pawn (“sangla”) something you own
I just pay the bills late

Q6: In the last two (2) years, which of the following financial products did you have, if any?
[Check all that applies to you]
Bank loan / coop loan / microfinancing loan / salary loan
Mortgage (loan secured by a property)
Microfinancing loan (e.g. ASHI, Dungganon, CARD Bank)
Credit card, checking account or savings account
Investment accounts
None of the above

Q7: With reference to your answer in Q6, which of the following sources of information do you feel most
influenced your decision to choose the specific financial products?
Product comparisons (I checked and compared multiple sources/providers)
Recommendation from a financial advisor
Information from brochures or flyers
Recommendation from family members or friends
Information from sales agents / internet / phone
Q8: For the following statements, please indicate whether you agree or disagree. [Check the column]
Completely Completely
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
I keep a close personal watch on my
financial affairs 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀
I set long-term financial goals and
strive to achieve them 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀
Before I buy something, I carefully
consider whether I can afford it 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀
Q8d I pay my bills on time 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀
I find it more satisfying to spend
Q8e money now, than to save it for the 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀
Q8f Money is there to be spent. 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀
I tend to live for today and let
tomorrow take care of itself 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀 󠄀
Please, answer the questions. If you don’t know the answer, you may leave the question blank.
Q9: Imagine that you will be receiving ₱ 5,000 next year, and inflation stays at 5%. One year from now,
you will be able to buy: [Select only one option]
More than what you can buy today
The same as what you can buy today
Less than what you can buy today

Q10: You lend ₱ 2,000 to a friend one evening, and he gives you ₱ 2,000 back the next day. How much
interest has he paid on this loan?
Answer: ____________ Not sure with the answer

Q11: Imagine that you put a ₱ 100 into a savings account with a guaranteed interest rate of 2% per year (no
other fees, no taxes). You don’t make any further payments into this account, and you don’t withdraw
any money. How much would be in the account at the end of the first year, once the interest payment is
Answer: ____________ Not sure with the answer

Q12: Referring to Q10, How much would be in the account at the end of five years? (Remember, there are no
fees and no taxes)
More than ₱ 110 Not sure with the answer
Exactly ₱ 110
Less than ₱ 110
Impossible to tell based on the given info

Q13: An investment with a high return is likely to be high risk. True False Not sure

Q14: High inflation means that the cost of living is increasing rapidly. True False Not sure

Q15: Imagine you have extra money that you can invest. Which of the two options is more risky for you?
Invest in only one company Not sure with the answer
Invest in many companies

Thank You for your time!!!

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