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Getting to know who your customers really are is a crucial step for a successful Facebook Ads

campaign. With more than 1 billion daily active Facebook users, it’s absolutely critical that you target
only those who are potentially interested in your product.


You can refine your ad's target audience based on content people have shared about themselves in their
Facebook profiles, such as age, gender, relationship status, education and type of work they do.

Interest-based targeting

Interests are one of the best (and easiest) Facebook ads targeting options as they allow you to target
people specifically interested in a subject related to your product. For example, you could target people
interested in your competitors or your broader market segment, or magazines and blogs covering your
The interests are based on Facebook users’ likes and interests, hobbies, apps they use, Pages they’ve
Liked, and more. Facebook identify interests from information that user added to their Timeline,
keywords associated with the Pages they like or apps they use, ads they've clicked on and other similar

Adding more than one interest will target people with at least one of them so you’ll make your reach

Example of interest :

App Entertainment News/Media

Associations Equipment Newsletters
Athletes Events Online / offline stores
Authors Food/Beverages Organizations
Automobiles and Parts Forum Phone/Tablet
Bank/Financial Institution Foundations Politicians
Bars Furniture Product/Service
Blogs / website Government Organization Professional Services
Book Store Health/Beauty Public Figure
Books Health/Medical Restaurant/Cafe
Brands Hobbies Retail and Consumer Merchandise
Cars Hotel Shopping
Celebrities Institutions Sports/Recreation/Activities
Clothing Jewelry/Watches Telecommunication
Clubs Job titles Tours/Sightseeing
Colleges / University Local Business Travel/Leisure
Communities Magazine TV Network
Company Movies Writer
Computers/Technology Music

Narrow Down Your Audiences

Sometimes, a Facebook audience can include millions of users. You should keep your target audiences
smaller and more precise.

When creating Saved Audiences, you can narrow your audience with the AND/OR targeting options. The
OR targeting means that when you add new targeting options under the same category of targeting,
your audience will grow larger. The AND targeting means that a person who’s in your target audience
must fall into multiple categories. This will help to decrease your audience size and create niche
you can also EXCLUDE people who match specific interests or demographics.

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