The Phenomenological Study About Bazaar Experience in Convincing Customers

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University of Perpetual Help System DALTA

Senior High School

Calamba Campus



A Thesis
Presented to
The Senior High School Department
University of Perpetual Help System-Dalta
Calamba Campus

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the
Senior High School Department



March 2019
University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
Senior High School
Calamba Campus




Bazaar is an area of small shops and people selling things. It is a

source for fashion trends, such as make up and hair tools that attract many

shopaholics. Bazaar is a frightening experience for first timers where they will

reach a point to regret joining in the first place but despite the rocky road on

the way the seller pushed themselves to do something that required a bit

more bravery.

Many business-minded people join bazaar to sell their handmade

products to make a living or they are required to do so. Especially during the

holidays, buyers flock into clubhouses, village parts, office buildings and

hotels featuring bazaars to look for products that people don’t normally see in

the market. However, joining bazaar has its risks, it’s either make sales or no

sales. It is also a way to develop the buyers communication skills to appeal

and convince the potential buyers to purchase their products. The

researchers wants to find out how the first timer sellers convince their

potential customer to buy their products.

University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
Senior High School
Calamba Campus

Background of the Study

The idea of bazaar is came from ancient civilization. It became a fixed

and permanent place for buying and selling goods in villages and cities.

Initially, trading used to take place only along the important routes between

countries. In some cultures, A bazaar means a charity market where people

can donate goods. Some people in western they sell, used old or cheap

goods that can purchased at a low price called as “flea markets”.

Bazaar gave way to acknowledge homemade products. As

mentioned, the event can improve the social skills of a potential

businessman. It became known for having many owners which most are

amateurs in the job and still learning how to utilized their skills to persuade

customers. First timers join the bazaar to show to the people that being

trendy does not have any age limitations. It also gave people who have

limited knowledge how to persuade customers to buy their products.

Theoretical Framework

According to the bazaar selling theory, Mohammad Sirajuddin said

that the competition is getting stiffer and stiffer, product innovativeness and

modification becomes the backbone in sustaining and attracting new

customers. One of the key tasks of marketers is to differentiate their products

from competitors and create consumer perceptions that the product is worth
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Calamba Campus

purchasing (Peter and Donnally,2007). However it is also important to 4

understand what the product means to the consumers.The most powerful

and effective strategic tool that can be used is the place/location and pricing

for which the options available everyday is in affordable price. And these

where the seller could bring the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

The researchers chose these theory because of the contents and ideas that

Sirrajuddin gave that will be a good help for other sellers. On these theory it

explains about product that will attract more customers. It also includes the

pricing that will be put in the product and to be consider to have the buyer's


Conceptual Framework


-Through this
-How would the sellers
research, the
convince a customer to
researchers will be
buy their product?
able to know the
-How did the strategy of Interview
bazaar experience in
the sellers make the
Questionnaire convincing customers
customer satisfies with
their product? -This may be also to
-What problems have help other seller to
the sellers encounter in know the strategies
attractingthe customer? they can do to attract
more customers

University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
Senior High School
Calamba Campus

Statement of the Problem

This study is conducted to know how Grade 12 students convince their

fellow students to buy their products despite of being first timers in bazaar


This study would like to answer the following questions:

1.How would the sellers convince a customer to buy their product?

2.How did the strategy of the sellers make the customer satisfies with their


3.What problems have the sellers encounter in attracting the customer?

Significance of the Study

The proposed study will benefit and help the future researchers as

their guide. The significance of the study are the following:

To the Researchers. This study will help them to determine different

strategies in convincing customers to purchase products.

To the Students. This study will help them to get through their fears

on selling for the first time.

To the School and Teachers. This study will help them to give

advice on their students who are afraid on bazaar selling.

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

To the Parents. This study will help them to lead and enlighten their 6
children on taking the risks of selling in bazaars

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is conducted to know how bazaar experience affects the

decisions of those students who are first time to work on bazaar if they will

shift courses based on their experience working. This research study will only

focus on Grade 12 students of University of Perpetual Help System DALTA

Calamba Campus (UPHSD) who are taking entrepreneurship that requires

them to work on bazaar. The researchers will interview Grade 12 students

who are currently studying and another ten Grade 12 students that are

already graduated.

Definition of Terms

Deflation. a contraction in the volume of available money or credit

that results in a general decline in prices. (Merriam Webster)

Antedated. It is a date assigned to an event or document earlier

than the actual date of the event or document (Merriam Webster)

Modification. the making of a limited change in something;a

limitation or qualification. (Merriam Webster)

Concessionaire. the holder of a concession or grant, especially for

the use of land or commercial premises.

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Calamba Campus

Review of Related Literature And Studies 7

In social psychologist theories states that consumers evaluation are

moderated or In some cases are antedated by personal fueling of equity in

and outcomes, individual preferences, social long arisors and other complex

phenomena. (naslam et al., 2013; Jackson et al.,2016; platow et al., 2017)

Chiu states that customer’s expectations are the expectations that he

does not need them necessarily, but realization of them that makes a

pleasant feeling in him which stabilizes the relation. Therefore, it sees that

attracting customer’s satisfaction is directly related to providing their

expectations. (Chiu et al., 2011).

Walker, Boyd, John and Larreche, mentioned that sales oriented is

focuses on selling that the firms wants to make rather than customer needs.

This orientations are concentrate on sales volume levels that will greater the

market share, steal share from competitors, and seek for new market


In the book of The Satisfied Customer, Prof Fornell mentioned that

from his research discovered that the American Customer Satisfaction Index

illustrated the most direct link between Customer Satisfaction and Business

Outcomes. Although the patterns and linkages between Customer

satisfaction and Business Outcomes has been proven, experience dictates

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Calamba Campus

that the strong correlation tends to be seen more over the longer run than 8
within the short term. Market dynamics could also affect a proper analysis of

these linkages as a change in elements such as pricing, promotions and

offers and even the introduction of new products and services into the market

segment may change satisfaction levels and/or business outcomes. (Rao &

Chandra, 2012).

Oliver suggested in his study that customer satisfaction formed the

basis of any organization’s marketing strategy because it determined overall

success (Sabir, Irfan, Akhtar, Pervez, & Rehman, 2014).

The book of The Satisfied Customer states that customer satisfaction

can be described as follows: that feeling of having accomplished one’s

individual inner desires. The feelings of elation or deflation that come from a

comparison of the products' perceived performance and expectations. In the

case that the performance exceeds the expectations then customers feel

satisfied. (Al-Hersh, Aburoub, & Saaty, 2014).

In the book of The Satisfied Customer mentioned that early attempts

at measuring customer satisfaction focused on trying to evaluate the

operational drivers of satisfaction. However in the 1980’s the research turned

towards more customer-oriented, as it was evident that Customer satisfaction

was the key factor in repeating shopping and purchasing behavior (Al-Hersh,

Aburoub, & Saaty, 2014).

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Calamba Campus

According to Valarie Zeithaml (2010) choosing a firm in the hospitality 9

and tourism industry, the customer relies heavily on the information from

personal sources, like 7 the past experiences of friends and relatives, internal

information from the staff of the hotel and other contacting people. The

intangible nature of the services of the hospitality industry makes it

impossible to assess them before the consumption (Kotler et al. 2013).

One of the definitions in dictionary, customer satisfaction is how

consumers are satisfied or dissatisfied with the functional characteristics of

the purchased product or service (Hill et al. 2007, 31).

According to Effects of Dissatisfaction on Customer Repurchase.

Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, The elimination of dissatisfied

customers can be a big help for them to innovate their product because the

dissatisfied customers can make a comments regarding to the product but

they can make recommendations to make the product attractive and be sold

out.(Lu et al. 2012, 232)

According to Vance Packard advertisement is one that we can

consider to sell product and be the reason of people’s emotion without

awareness. People can purchase the product with the help of advertisement

and it can attract more people being broadcast in a program. (Nelson M.

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According to “The Hidden Persuaders” to identify the hidden 10

motivation, depth interviews will do. This will be a help to motivate sellers to

work better than before. If someone is motivated, they will be a help to

motivate sellers to work better than before. (Vance Packard, 1957)

According to Valerie Zeithaml the feedback from the acquaintances

can tell how the companies doing good by collecting the experiences of

people who is involved. The quality that companies’ producing is a indication

that they are doing good.

According to Kotler et. Al, the price can tell the quality of a service. It

means that if the price is good, the quality of service is good too and not

cheap. (Kotler et al 2013)

According to Lake 2013, Perception can affect the decision-making of

one person. Perception is the unconscious response and interpretation of

stimuli. Just like a product, if that person thinks that the said product have a

good quality it will cause to purchase the product one’s perception is one to

consider to make a decision. (Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons. pp.69-


According to Kotler and Armstrong, The main goal of marketing should

have a good relationship with the customer though it is managerial or social

in return to get value. Marketing should have good relationship with the
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Calamba Campus

customers because they can help by their fellow customer for a product. 11
(Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2010).

According to Maslow, all humans have a set of similar motives to

satisfy. Marketer’s task will be the one who will discover it to awaken their

triggers. The satisfaction of a customer is what the marketer’s I happy for.

(Lake 2013.)

According to Dwayne and his partners, behavioral should be

collaborated with attitudinal loyalties. Customer should have that kind of

characteristics. (Ball, et. al., 2004).

According to Dwayne and his partners, customers loyalty have 2

dimensions, the passive and active loyalty. The passive one means choice is

a choice even under less positive conditions. While the active one is like

customers’ word of mouth and the intention they have to use prefer products

and their services. (Ball, et. al., 2004).

Guide to Selling in Bazaars,Trade Fairs and Craft states that selling in

bazaars is a great way to earn extra income and with minimal capital,you will

be able to introduce your brand to the public. There are effective ways to

attract customers to your stall and make them buy. (Fitz,2018)

According to Entrepreneur Philippines,"bazaar can be a warzone.

Given the concessionaires,your booth needs to stand out.(Diana Uy,2016).

Another statement given by Entrepreneur Philippines is that customers

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prefered locations are the booths at the corners,around the perimeter,to the 12
right of entrance,main alleys,lobby and beside restroom. (Ang,2016)

Bazaar Tips states that putting the best sellers or stocking suffer on

the eye level can attract potential customers. Anything below the waist is

ignored. For food,give free samplers.(Rica Espiritu,2014).

An article of ABS-CBN news mentioned that entrepreneurs should

carefully pick which bazaars will work best to showcase their products. (J.C


An article post by Entrepreneur Webinar announced "people who went

in bazaars with zero knowledge should do inspection. Checked what other

stall are selling and asked for prices to have an idea to know what else they

can provide. (Sherlane,2013).

Business Diary expressed that the venue must be accessible to

shoppers. Sellers must check if their target buyers are in the area and to be

friendly to the clients. (Hanep Buhay,2018).

According to Tips on Selling, once the booth is physically set,it's now

time for attracting customers. Greet them sincerely and always smile. Rather

than marketing the product's price and features,focus more on the benefit it

gives. (Business News Philippines,2017).

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Calamba Campus

Bazaar Buzz revealed that most entrepreneurs sell foods at bazaar. 13

Filipinos love food especially something that is affordable and deliciously

made. (Rica Espiritu,2014).

An article of IBTimes published "people come to bazaars in search for

new things they won't easily find in malls. Merchandise should cater to the

needs of prospective buyers." (Peach Angeles,2017)

As Big Bazaar stated accordingly , they used Every Day Low

Pricing(EDLP)strategy promising the customers to save not on individuals

items but on basket of items (Mr.Kishore Biyani ,2001).

Do not force a person who showed no interest to the product and has

departed the sales area . Presenting imitation products as real ones must be

avoided without offending the costumers. (Emily,Eldrige 2014).

Market Strategy of Big Bazaar revealed that India stores focused more

on unbranded products with the same quality as branded items at a much

cheaper cost. (Big Bazaar, 2018).

The core competency of bazaar is always focus on pricing strategy

with offering branded item which is targeting to mass people and all as stated

accordingly by advertising and branding (2016). Big bazaar has many

promotional strategies,one of their promotional strategies includes physical

evidence. It deals with the final deliverable or the display is written facts.

(Vmesh Jadhavl,2011).
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Calamba Campus

As Byron bazaar stated accordingly,sellers should display 14

advertisements. Get the most bang for their buck and stop the customers in

their tracks with the eye catching display advertisement. (Jo hickey,2014).

Big bazaar stated accordingly,innovative retail marketing practices

sellers to use time pricing; difference in rate based on peak and non peak of

hours or days of shopping (a study of innovative marketing practices in retail

marketing sector with special reference to big bazaar,2015).

Sellers are able to provide discounts through their promos as an

alternative. Providing these special prices is a way to attract customers. It

shows how sellers can be creative than being a low seller in marketing a

product stated by the Filipino Entrepreneur.(Manny Mintala,2007).

Selling books at a Bazaar and giving its location and photos of the

books to sell is a great way to inform your followers in Facebook, Instagram

and Twitter how excited the sellers are as mentioned by (Stories to


The road to success is through the process of the 4Ps known as

product, price, place and promotion. It carefully details out how pricing,

advertising and distribution strategies are used by the company according to

the Big Bazaar Marketing.(mBA Skool ,2008).

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Calamba Campus


Overall, this research is focuses on the bazaar of the students who

experienced convincing their customers. As stated in the study or research,

Many sellers who already joined the bazaar event focuses on the customer’s

satisfaction, the products that they want to make and they also think about

their competitors. It also stated that the “bazaar can be a warzone” because

the competition in markets are getting stiffer and stiffer and every sellers want

or needs to stand out.

The Entrepreneurs have to think about the 4Ps for them to have a

successful bazaar – The product, price, place and the promotion. The

products that have a quality so that they can set higher price. The price can

tell the quality of a service. It means that if the price is good the quality of

product is good too. Another statement is that customers preferred locations

at the corners round the perimeter that is accessible to the shoppers. Also

the marketer’s must always have a new strategies to attract their potential

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Calamba Campus




Research Design

In this study the Researchers employed the phenomenological study

in conducting a research on what experience that students may encounter in

convincing their customer to sell their products. The researchers focused and

received an information about experienced that students had during their

bazaar. The researchers interviewed and examined the data gathered for

research purposes. It may help the future researchers and the community on

how they can understand the benefits of working on bazaars.

Population and Sampling

The researchers used the availability sampling in this study because

they interviewed the available studentsin a specific area. The researchers

used this sampling to know the experience of the students who already

experienced bazaar and the learnings they got after that event.


The Researchers selected twenty participants to conduct an interview

for the students who already have experienced in Bazaar. The Participants

were ten former students and another ten students who are currently
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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

studying in UPHSD who have taking the subject that involve the working in 17

Research Instrument

The Researchers used interview questionnaire as the research

instrument of the study. The Researchers chose this kind of research

instrument because the study consists of series of questions for the purpose

of gathering information from respondents. Questionnaires often have

standardize answers that make it simple to compile data.

Validation of Research

The Researchers chose Sir Arcie Neneng as their validator. He is one

of the Senior High School teacher, who also teaches subjects such as EAPP

(English for Academic and Professional Purposes) and research. He used his

knowledge skills to adviced the Researchers to make a successful qualitative

study. The adviser of this subject will became the validator as he volunteered

himself. He also helped his students in their mistakes. The Adviser of this

research is an English Major Teacher.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers make an approval letter to the dean of University of

Perpetual Help System DALTA – Calamba Campus to conduct interview to

the students. After they gived the permission, the researchers maked an
University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
Senior High School
Calamba Campus

approval letter to the head teacher of Senior High School Department to 18

permit them to conduct interview to Grade 12 students. As the head teacher

gave her/his approval, the researchers found ten current Grade 12 students

who have experienced the bazaar to have one-on-one interview. The

researchers also interviewed former Grade 12 students who already have

experienced the bazaar event.

The researchers explained the purpose of the study to the selected

respondents and they make sure each participants corresponds to their

predefined criteria. Each respondent answered the questions provided by the

researchers and was checked, interpreted and analyzed.

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Calamba Campus

Research Instrument 19

A. How would the sellers convince a customer to buy their product?

1. How does the location affects in attracting customers?

2. How did the sellers ensure that they always put the customer’s needs


3. How did the price range affects customer in buying products?

B. How did the strategy of the sellers make the customer satisfies with

their product?

4. Why should sellers consider the buyer’s perception in temrs of

producing a product?

5. How does the seller come up with their strategy that they used?

6. How does their product different from their competitors?

C. What problems have the sellers encounter in attracting the


7. How did the sellers handle their customer who was arguing about a

potential return of products?

8. How would they avoid fellow seller from stealing their product ideas?

9. How did the sellers overcome their fear in interacting with the customer

being a first timer?

10. How the customer’s feedback helps the sellers in innovating the

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

Chapter 3 20



A. How would the sellers convince a customers to buy their product?

IQ#1. How does the location affects in attracting customers?

1. It will greatly affect the business in the sense of having less

customers in an appropriate place.

2. The location of the business must be accessible to the customers it

depends on how it is near to the customers.

3. The more people passing of, they can see your location so more

people will buy your product.

4. The more customers in the location the more sales.

5. If there are more people in the location of the business there’s a

possibility that there are more customers.

6. If the location is popular more buyers will come.

7. If the location is not accessible.

8. It affects because sometimes they are lazy to walk.

9. If the location is not crowded.

10. It depends on the location of the establishment .

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INTERPRETATION: Therefore, majority of the answers states that if the

location is accessible more buyers will come while 3 out of 10 results

state that if the location is far from the buyer’s location the lesser sales

they will get. 1 out of 10 states that it depends on the location


IQ#2. How did the sellers ensure that they always put the customer needs


1. When a seller has a fast service.

2. They ensure that the customer need first when they give good


3. The reseller value their customers.

4. By providing the necessities of the customer.

5. They must have a research of what are the possible needs and


of their target market.

6. If it is in demand and they always ask and consist the needs of


7. They put choices to their needs.

8. They put choices to their menus.

9. By getting the customer’s perception through customer’s service or

getting their feedbacks through service.

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10. The products are useful and reliable. 22

INTERPRETATION: Therefore, four of the answers state that sellers

provide the necessities of the customer by having fast and good

service. Two out of 10 answers they must have research of what

possible needs the customers must have. While the other two have the

same answer by putting choices to their menus. The other answers are

getting feedback and product’s usefulness and reliability.

IQ#3. How did the price range affects customer in buying products?

1. Since not everyone are capable of purchasing expensive products the

customers will look for a cheaper price. Since a lot of product these

days, are expensive.

2. The price of the products must be budget-friendly in order to attract

more customers.

3. The price are always been the deal so the cheaper or the highest price

they’ll buy it depending on what they have.

4. Must be a not too much high the price.

5. The lower the price the more customers

6. If is too expensive.

7. There is no point in selling product that customer won’t buy.

8. The sellers need to satisfy the customers in products they are offering

9. They don’t want to buy it if you sell things they don’t like
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10. Quality and price. 23

INTERPRETATION: Therefore, majority answers states that cheaper

products means more sales. While the two answers states that if is too

expensive, there are less buyers and the other answers it depends on

the customers. The other answer is if it is suited.

B. How did the strategy of the sellers make the customer satisfies with

their product?

IQ#4. Why should seller consider the buyer’s perception in terms of

producing a product?

1. That they will have a view on what the customers interest and

produce it. In that way they will have sure target market.

2. To give satisfaction to the customers and continue to patronize

their product.

3. The sellers need to satisfy the customers in products they are


4. They will be pleased and give positive views. Good views attracts


5. If the product is not based on customer’s preference, the product

won’t sell.

6. They don’t want to buy it if you sell things they don’t like.

7. There is no point in selling product that the customer won’t buy.

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8. If they don’t consider the buyer’s perception the customers won’t 24

buy the product.

9. The customer is always right.

10. Quality and the price.

INTERPRETATION: Therefore, half of the answers states that customer

satisfaction will attract more customers while the other half answers if

the sellers do not consider buyer’s perception’ they will not buy it. The

other answers are customer is always right and that quality and price


IQ#5. How does the seller come up with their strategy that they used?

1. The sellers must think outside the box to advertise their products

effectively and to think of something new.

2. Brainstorming of the company management.

3. It depends on their ideas.

4. They are considering the different way in attracting customers.

5. They brainstorm ideas regarding the trends and the most pick of

this generation.

6. They would appeal in credibility, emotion, and facts.

7. By getting the customer’s preferences through customer service

and survey for suggestions.

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8. They come up with their strategy with research and past 25


9. They come up with a plan and a meeting.

10. Market needed.

INTERPRETATION: Therefore, majority of the answers states that

brainstorming is the key to come up with a strategy. While four of them

answer differently such as getting customers preference and market


IQ#6. How does their product different from their competitors?

1. They should think of something unique and yet still usable to the


2. It differs from the competitor in terms of quality and uniqueness at

certain products.

3. If their different styles and catching the customers wants.

4. The unique of the product itself.

5. They combine what is phenomenal to usual products.

6. They combine what is phenomenal to usual products.

7. Their product is unique.

8. By innovation. Businesses often think about new innovations to

certain products that are already in market.

9. If they upgrade or innovate the product.

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10. In terms of price and brand. 26

INTERPRETATION: Therefore, majority of the answers states that the

products should be unique while the minority answers are innovate the


C. What problems have the sellers encounter in attracting the


IQ#7. How did the sellers handle their customer who was arguing about a

potential return of products?

1. By hearing their complaints.

2. By talking soft and respectfully even though they are angry.

3. By giving them a discount or talking to them.

4. The sellers, offers refund of the money of the customers.

5. They should approach them nicely and accept their faults.

6. They should approach them nicely and accept their faults.

7. The seller must have a defective and return policy or to be more

precise a warranty.

8. They should handle it professionally and always remember that in

doing business customers are always right.

9. By apologizing and notifying the trouble to the manager.

10. Be careful about customer problem.

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Calamba Campus

INTERPRETATION :Therefore almost all of them answers states that

hearing their complaints and refunding the money should be the right

doing while the other answers are handling it professionally and being

careful about the problem.

IQ#8. How would they avoid fellow seller from stealing their products ideas?

1. They need to make sure that every time they are coming up with

new ideas, all the information should remain confidential and only

those who took part of the planning should know the product ideas.

2. By keeping the procedure or recipe secret.

3. Keep it low key and top secret.

4. By putting security features on their store.

5. By putting it logo and creating unique product different from other


6. They have to come up with new ideas to satisfy their customer.

7. They should innovate the product and make them unique.

8. Always have a backup plan or a unique product that can’t be easily

copied by the other sellers.

9. By changing their product every day.

10. Use trademarks.

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INTERPRETATION: Therefore, majority of the answers states that the 28

buyers should make their product unique and keep their procedure

secret. While other answers states that the product have to change

daily and to use trademark.

IQ#9. How did the sellers overcome their fear in interacting with the customer

being a first timer?

1. By getting their feedbacks and suggestions of customers and


2. Don’t give up and undergo training.

3. My being brave enough and taking the risk.

4. They need to know what the customers needed and practice

attracting customers.

5. The sellers must be confident about their product, because if not

they will not be able to have an effective advertising skill that will

help their business grow.

6. By having a confident to sale talk to the customers.

7. Be confident.

8. The fear will be overcome if the customer is satisfied with their


9. The fear will overcome if the customer is satisfied with their

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10. They keep on pushing forward thinking of how far they’ve come to 29
turn their backs.

INTERPRETATION: Therefore half of the answers states that having

feedbacks from the customers can lessen their fears and be more

productive. While the other three answers that it’s all about confidence

and other answers states if the customer is satisfied.

IQ#10. How the customer’s feedback helps the sellers in innovating the


1. It helps the entrepreneurs see the perspective of their target

market. They will have a different view or critic from the customers

that are the ones who are purchasing the product. This will help

them improve or innovate their products.

2. By knowing the wants and needs of the customers, sellers can

assure that their product is new and unique.

3. They give knowledge.

4. It helps so they will know their weak spot and strength.

5. By improving the product.

6. They are able to know the customer’s preferences in products.

7. Feedbacks give ideas and opinions regard the product.

8. Feedbacks give ideas and opinions regard the product.

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

9. They will know the needs and wants of their customers through 30
their feedbacks, which lead them to innovate and develop their


10. It helps how products go.

INTERPRETATION: Therefore, all of them answer that it will help the

sellers to improve and create more unique products.


A. How would the sellers convince a customers to buy their product?

1. IQ #1. How does the location affects in attracting customers?

1. The larger the place, more people will find it easy to go to

2. If the location is in gazebo,there is a chance that there would be

more buyers

3. 3.It attracts the customers to find you to enjoy their visit and keep

coming back

4. Stalls in the place with roof or shade have more buyers

5. Larger venue can accommodate more buyer and more


6. It affects so much to the customers because if your location are

near in schools and malls customers will enjoy the visit your stores

7. The location affects the competition it faces from the products that

have the same and same service

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

8. As long as the location is good the higher the chance of getting 31


9. With the help of good location people can able to see the products

that you are selling and rise the chance of them buying

10. Venue can affect because it is your store location

INTERPRETATION: Therefore all the answers results states that the

larger the place,more customer will attract to buy and enjoy their visit to

keep coming back.

IQ#2. How did the sellers ensure that they always put the customer’s need


1. We sell at lunch time so our buyer will buy a whole meal.

2. We sell products based on the season(summer).

3. By making sure that we’re listening on their concerns and


4. By listening to the buyer’s recommendations.

5. By making sure that we listen to their request and making sure that

all of the details are correct.

6. We take their feedbacks because it is the most important

7. We sell cold products due to hot weather.

8. We survey for their preferred products.

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

9. We try to listen to their concerns and providing customer’s 32


10. By having to treat them as long as they are comfortable to go

around in the store.

INTERPRETATION: Therefore,students states that to always put the

customer’s need first they ensure the well treatment for customers to

be comfortable, while the remaining students states that they listen to

the customer’s concerns,recommendation, and request.

IQ#3. How did the price range affects in buying product?

1. The cheaper the price the more it is bought.

2. The cheaper the price it will sell more.

3. If the price is lower than the canteen price it maybe bought more.

4. It very affects them because the product is simple,cheap,but


5. It always accurate to buyer’s budget.

6. It always connected to buyer’s budget.

7. It usually link with the customer’s budget with various price range.

8. The best seller is the most affordable product.

9. The best seller is the most affordable product.

10. Raising or lowering the price does not affect at all.

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

INTERPRETATION: Therefore, 4 out of 10 students states that the 33

cheaper the price is the more it is bought,while the other 4 states that

the price range is always link to buyers budget and the other 2 states

that raising and lowering the price doesn’t affect especially if the

product is not available to other competitor and best seller is the most


B.How did the strategy of the sellers make the customer satisfies with

their product?

IQ#4. Why should sellers consider the buyer’s perception in terms if

producing a product?

1. Selling what my buyer’s need ensures they will buy my product.

2. What the customer’s needs the buyers should get.

3. To make sure that they will buy from us.

4. To make sure that my product will bought by my buyers.

5. How they produce a product that the customers will the satisfy.

6. To make sure that our product will be bought.

7. Our buyer’s perception is the key for our product’s development.

8. They can be a big help in improving the product if there is.

9. It helps on what product we are going to make or sell.

10. Different customer needs different want and needs.

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

INTERPRETATION: Therefore seller should consider the buyer’s 34

perception because most of the answers states that selling what their

buyer’s needs and wants will help them to buy easily their product.And

it is the key for the product’s development.

IQ#5. How does the sellers come up with their strategy that they used?

1. Our group brainstorm and make a plan .

2. One of my groupmates have a business so that it is easy for her.

3. We prefer to use the things we know and the things we want to


4. In order to determine the future of our goal in food bazaar we

have to focus to help and understand where we are in position.

5. By pursuing that everyday we need to give our best the

customers satisfaction.

6. We tried different strategy on ball and we use the most efficient.

7. We brainstorm a plan and allocated all possible resources.

8. Being a confident seller, you have the confidence to communicate

with them there’s a bigger possibility that they will buy your


9. Just focus and be confident on what products you are selling.

10. We studied the things that are trending and also priorities

customers perspective
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Calamba Campus

INTERPRETATION: Therefore, students answer that being a confident 35

seller is their strategy to attract their customer. Two of them states that

what they have adopt from their work experience they use it to make a

product. One of them answer that before they make a product First,

they make a plan and brainstorm to create the best product. Also One

student said that they are allocated all possible resources. One student

answered that they study those trends product because they prioritize

the customers perspective.

IQ#6: How does their product different from their competitors?

1. By differentiate our product by origin and adding sample feature or

ingredient in our product.

2. Other sellers sell snacks during breaktime, while our group sell a

meals during lunch time.

3. Product will be different from competitors for having a good quality

product you are selling.

4. It will be different from competitors by having the unique idea for

making it and has the originality.

5. We make our own product instead of purchasing it..

6. It is unique and has a originality and also has a good employer to

serve our customer want.

7. Homemade ice-cream cost a cheaper than those in store like 7/11.

8. It is develop day by day, the things we sell.

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

9. Few of the sellers sell things not food. 36

10. Cheap but not compromising the effect and usefulness of the


INTERPRETATION: Therefore, 1 respondent answered that they prefer

to made their own products instead purchase. 1 out of 10 answered that

the difference of their product to other competitors is their products

non-food. 1 of them answered that they tried to food a simple features

or ingredients to their food products. Their product differs to each other

because they sells snacks and the other seller sells a meal for lunch. 1

of them answered that they think a unique and what makes their

products original from others. They also use a good quality products.

And 1 respondent set a cheaper price to sell their products.

C. What problems have the sellers encounter in attracting the


IQ#7: How did the sellers handle their customers who has arguing about the

potential return of products?

1. It all takes in good conversation.

2. By being calm while tlking to the customers and explain carefully

on what arguments will encounter.

3. By being calm and willing to apologize for a concern.

4. Being calm and listen if ever they have complains.

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

5. It is an opportunity to improved . Listening to them will greatly 37

affect the way we think on how to improved our products.

6. Making sure that we fix our customers complains.

7. We made an action by apologize and acknowledge what

customers feeling.

8. We made a policy that only those who have allergy can return our


9. We tried to fix the complaint to ensure customer loyalty.

10. So far so good there’s no any complaint we’ve encounter.

INTERPRETATION:There are two out ten states that they make sure that

they will fix their customer’s complain, then three out of ten states that

they calm theirselves while talking to the customers. And the other

answers states that it always depend on the good conversation,they

made a policy for the customers. They listen and apologize on what the

customer’s feelings are while the other answer is not connected.

IQ#8: How would they avoid fellow seller from stealing their product ideas?

1. 1.Keeping the recipe for our group only.

2. Do not let them know your recipe.

3. By not sharing to others your special recipe in your best seller’s


4. Making homemade products

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

5. To make sure that our product have a something unique ideas that 38
cannot be duplicated

6. By making sure that the product we are selling have a uniqueness.

7. By making that there is something unique in our product.

8. There has no thing to imprint a clothes.

9. One of our groupmates can cook a new meal so we can look

different meals.

10. Aside from filling a palent. But no matter what the other sellers do

as long as you established a truthful and well known brand the

customer will still go to you because of the service and quality you


INTERPRETATION: Therefore 3 out of 10 states that they have

something unique in this product, then 2 out of 10 they don’t let others

know their recipe. And here are the other’s answers, it states that they

keep the recipe for their group only. They established a truthful and well

know brand the customer still go to you because of the service of the

quality you proved. They made a homemade recipe and making sure

that will not tell to other seller their ideas.

IQ#9. How did the sellers overcome their fear in interacting with the customer

being a first timer?

1. They are enjoying interacting so we are not nervous at all.

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

2. As a first timer seller business I overcome my fear by show my 39


3. Most of us are extrovert it is easy to interact with other customer.

4. Being a first timer seller, I overcome my fear by showing my

confidence to communicate with others.

5. By being confident. Showing your confidence to other people also

shows your confident in your product.

6. As long as you are confident with your product no need to worry

and later on once you accumulate enough experience you will get

used to it.

7. They already have an experience.

8. Be used to it.

9. We ask our friends to bring their friend so we can have a common


10. By giving them on how a business run in this industry and gave

some tips to them.

INTERPRETATION: Therefore, 4 out of 10 students states that they their

confidence to talk and socialize with others as well as being nice to

them.They enjoy their interaction with other students.they sell to their

common friends. 1 out of 10 states that they are extrovert so that they

are easy to interact with other customer.And lastly they used to it in

interacting with customers.

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

IQ#10: How the customer’s feedback helps the sellers in innovating the 40

1. The more they enjoy the more we try to improve our product.

2. The more they like the design,we can develop more ideas.

3. The more what are the suggestions or comments of the customers

to know what are the things that we need to improve.

4. It makes are product more improved.

5. It will help us to know what are the things that we can improved on

our product.

6. It helps customers to make our product and business good and

being able to improve our processes and improvement of product.

7. It make us happy and we try to make different ideas.

8. Customers feedback will give you tips and recommendations to our


9. It’s one feedback are negative we do are best to make it possible.

10. If some feedbacks are negative we make sure that we can pass

the standards of the customer.

INTERPRETATION: Therefore, 4 out of 10 states that they make sure

that the more customer you attract the more the product they improved.

It can helps the product more improval established. They will give tips

and recommendations to the products,and to exceed the standards of

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus




If the location is accessible and easy to found, there are more

potential customers. If the location is out of reach there are lesser chance to

get many customers .

While some customers depends on the location’s establishment

having good and fast service, customers will get attracted. Having a

research on what the customers need are one of the best way to ensure they

always put the customer’s first. Putting choices to their menus and getting

feedbacks are also an evidence.

Cheaper product means attracting more buyers. If is too expensive

and other competitor’s products are cheaper, there’s no doubt the customer

will buy the cheaper on. Unless it depends on the customer’s if he/she values

quality over price.

Customer satisfaction can determine how many will buy your

products. And if the sellers do not consider buyer perception, lesser chance

to sell. Customer is always right and that quality and price has always an

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

To come up with a best strategy, they will have a meeting and get 42
brainstorming. Getting customer’s preference and feedback will help them the

strategy that the market needed. They should appeal in the eyes of the

customers regarding trends and facts.

Product should be unique but usable to the customers. It should be

different in terms of quality and still catchy to the eyes of the customers.

Innovating the product is one of the daily jobs of business to keep in trend.

Hearing the buyer’s complaint and apologizing for the trouble I how

the sellers should handle their customer’s complains. Refunding the money is

the best way if the sellers lose the trust of buyers. Handling it professionally

and not taking it personal is the best strategy to lose potential customers.

Keeping the product’s procedure secret to avoid fellow sellers to steal

their ideas. It should remain confidential and low key. Using trademark can

make the product more popular and well-known. Always have back-up plans

if something bad happened.

Having feedback can help the buyer to be more productive and

motivated. Being a first timer, fear is the first thing they feel but they should

believe in their skills to make their customers satisfied. Being brave enough

and taking the risk is the first step to succeed in their goal.

Feedbacks from customers will help to improve and upgrade the

product. It gives ideas and opinions that will lead them to develop their
University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
Senior High School
Calamba Campus

product. They also would be able to know the customer’s preferences in 43



As of former students location highly affects in attracting customers.

Because the larger the place is more customers will engage in that particular

place. If the location’s space is not enough for all customers that will probably

go to their store, customers would prefer not to go in that place.

To always put the customer’s need first, they will undergo a survey

and they ensure the well treatment for customers. Listening to the customer’s

concerns and recommendations. They will be able to have more buyers who

will enjoy their product.

It is always accurate to buyers budget. The cheaper the price the

more it is bought. Because if the seller sells affordable products the higher

chance they can sell all their products. But the varion price range customers

can choose on what product they are going to buy and not that makes than

lose more money than it should be.

Selling what their buyer’s needs and wants will help them to buy their

product and the key for the products development. If sellers sell product on

what that customers are interested on. The higher the chance the products

will be sold out.

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus

Being a confident seller used as the strategy to attract their customer. 44

If they have the confidence to interact with customers it just signifies that the

sellers is confident with their product that will sold out fir just a short time,

because of the positive appearance they are showing to the customers.

They prefer to made their own products instead purchasing. Because

nowadays most of the seller just purchase a product to sell, which is very

common with others.

They make sure that they will fix their customer complain. Listening to

their complains sounds irritating but being a seller, seller, must be calm and

have more patience to those complaining customers.

They have something unique in their product. Having an unique

product, makes either sellers to have difficulties to cope or steal your product.

Their confidence to talk an socialize with others. They sell product to

their common friends, this will help to overcome their fear in interacting with

others. Showing positively and confidence will avoid the fear.

Customer’s feedback can be a big help for the sellers to innovate the

product. More customer more feedbacks the seller will get. Customers is

always right to receiving feedbacks. Recommendations or tips from them will

help them to improve or upgrade their products

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Senior High School
Calamba Campus



Therefore, the reseachers conclude that the people who went in

bazaars with no knowledge should do inspection. Checked what others are

selling and ask for the range of price to have an idea to know what more they

can provide. The most effective way of convincing customers is first, the

venue must be accessible for the customers and once the bazaar store is

physically set, you have to accommodate your customer well by greeting

them sincerely and make them comfortable. And to attract more consumers

ensure that your products has a different uniqueness and it is usable to the

customers. The sellers must consider the buyer’s perception and

recommendation for the best development output of the products.

University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
Senior High School
Calamba Campus



To begin with, in order to attract more buyers, the entrepreneurs

should think for the innovativeness of their products. Always remember to

treat your customers right and get the customer’s feedback because it is the

key for the favorable outcome of your products. Though, despite of all

problems regarding to the customers have the confidence to interact with

them and ensures that you will think about their concerns. For the first timers,

think about the best ideas and get some advices to your teachers and

acquaintances who have already experienced to sell such products. For the

teachers guide and give some advice to your young marketers or

entrepreneurs and give some reminders regards to what they may encounter

in terms of their potential customers or to their products. To the parents of the

students guide and help the young marketers on taking the risks of selling in

bazaars and enlighten their confidents as much as they can. All in all, when

you join the bazaar event you should have innovative products in order to

convince your customer to buy and as long as you can set a cheaper price

the more chances of buyer can get attract with your product. Always remind

yourselves about the 4Ps of marketing the product, price, place and location.

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