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Three-phase induction motor design software

Gheorghe Scutaru1, Andrei Negoita1, Razvan Mihai Ionescu1

“Transilvania” University of Brasov, Romania;,,

Abstract— the paper presents a program for optimized design variants in which the limitations of the magnetic circuit
or re-design of three-phase induction motors conceived in dimensions are gradually eliminated.
VISUAL BASIC language. The program structure is modular Choosing any of the five variants one can start program
and can thus be adjusted to the most varied requirements of operation. If initially one of the first four variants has been
induction motor design. For its users, the program offers several
facilities, i.e. a friendly interface, different ways of formulating the
chosen, and after completing computations the desired motor
optimum problem, an updatable database including information has not been obtained, the program will automatically switch to
on the characteristics of the materials used and the manufactured the next variant, thus obtaining a suitable design solution for
motors, the user’s guide that comprises the detailed description of the motor.
the program and explanations for each computation step.
I. INTRODUCTION The main menu of the program includes the following
An optimized design computing program for induction
motors shall meet the following requirements ([1], [2] and [3]): A. General data
a) to allow for an easy design data supply; This option enables modifications of the program work files
b) to offer several possibilities of formulating the optimum to be carried out according to the characteristics of the
problem; materials used for motor manufacturing.
c) to have an available data base including information on On selecting this option, the image shown in Fig. 1 becomes
the characteristics of the materials used and the motors being visible. The following can be selected:
currently manufactured; a) Quality of the electro-steel sheet.
d) to reach a solution of acceptable accuracy; b) Changes of the computation coefficients for iron losses.
e) to offer an user-friendly interface. c) Values of insulated and un-insulated conductor diameters
The produced software is able to offer the following Fig. 2).
facilities ([4], [5] and [6]): d) Correction of the magnetic field non-uniformity
− In the case in which it is necessary to achieve an coefficient variation.
induction motor with operation parameters different e) Correction of the ideal pole pitch covering coefficient
from the ones of the currently manufactured motors, the variation with respect to the saturation degree of the machine.
software can inform in a few seconds, if the new f) Insulation class. Classes B, E, F, and H can be chosen.
product can be obtained by using a magnetic circuit g). Updating the database related to currently manufactured
already existing in current manufacturing. If this is not motors. This database includes information regarding: rated
possible, it will offer the optimum constructive solution parameters; the stator (Fig. 3) and rotor armature core disk
for the new product. geometry (Fig. 4); the stator winding; (Fig. 5) motor operating
− It allows setting up of a custom database comprising parameters (Fig. 6). The database updating function covers
information on the current motor manufacturing. modifying, deleting and adding operations.
− It has a user-friendly interface, offering all information
required for designing or re-designing an induction B. Computational variants
motor. The following variants can be selected:
− By reducing the designing time of a new product to a a) Recalculation; this option allows the recalculation of a
few seconds, a significant decrease of costs is obtained. motor from the database in order to assess the computation
accuracy of the program by comparing the computed results
with the measured ones.
In its standard version the program enables optimized b) Transversal and longitudinal geometry is imposed.
designing of three-phase induction motors with rated power c) Transversal geometry is imposed.
below 15 kW and squirrel-cage rotor. d) Only the transversal geometry of the stator is imposed.
In order to obtain a new product by using magnetic circuits e) No geometry is imposed.
already existing in current manufacturing, the design
computations of an induction motor can be performed in five
Fig. 1. Modifications of the program work files. Fig. 2. Data on the electrotechnical steel sheet.

Fig. 3. Data base content related to the stator. Fig. 4. Data base content related to the rotor.

Fig. 5. One-layer chain winding. Fig. 6. Selecting the values for the motor operation parameters.

Choosing one of the options b), c), d), or e) initializes the As to the rotor, the following will be chosen: slot type: skew
process of defining the designing problem of a three-phase or straight; slot shape; the number of slots from a list of
induction motor. recommended values.
When proceeding to run the program, a dialogue box is If one of the variants b), c) or d) has been selected it is
initialized which specifies the design problem to be solved. necessary to specify the dimensions defining the stator and
Depending on the expressed options, the program rotor armature core disks, reference values can be given on
automatically defines the optimum problem to be solved. either side or values corresponding to a magnetic circuit
After having specified the motor rated values, the following available in the database can be adopted. Depending on the
have to be selected: the number of stator slots from a list of selected computation variant and slot shape options the
recommended values, (the stator winding is drawn in program demands the values of the dimensions required in
accordance with the expressed option) and the slot shape as each case, separately.
one of the four available predefined shapes. Further on, the conditions to be met by the motor operating
parameters are specified. Any of the values given in Fig. 6,
can be modified according to the requirements in practice. measured ones this option will enable performing of the
Even more, the weight of each specified value can be necessary corrections.
determined in establishing the constructive solution. Initially, correction values can be set through re-calculating
Due to the great number of possible combinations and since an already available motor and then comparing it with the
some of the limit values can be contradictory the optimizing obtained results.
computation shall establish the constructive solution with The values of the correction factor are specific to each user
closest operating parameter values to the imposed ones. Thus, and can be kept valid as long as the user wishes to.
there is the possibility that some of the motor operating
parameters obtained by calculation will have values which do
not strictly meet the conditions imposed by the specified limit Fig. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 show the results obtained in the
values with respect to the weight assigned to each value. case of the three-phase induction motor of 2.2 kW and 1500
rot/min. The results are displayed in an accessible form and
C. Gauging include the following data:
The reason for having such an option is that no computing The dimensions and the electromagnetic load of the stator
method can force deviations caused by technical reasons or by (Fig. 7); the dimensions and the electromagnetic load of the
the quality of the materials used. The correction factor values rotor (Fig. 8); the stator winding (Fig. 9); operating parameters
can be set for the following quantities: iron loss, rotor (Fig. 10); equivalent diagram (Fig. 11); torque-speed
aluminum losses, stator phase resistance, magnetizing current characteristic (Fig. 12).
and stator slots filling factor. Should the calculated values of The results can be displayed in any sequence.
the specified parameters deviate systematically from the

Fig. 7. Results referring to the stator of a three-phase motor. Fig. 8. Results referring to the rotor of a three-phase motor.

Fig. 9. The motor winding. Fig. 10. The motor operation parameters.

Fig. 11. The equivalent diagram. Fig. 12. The mechanical characteristic.
Fig. 13. Defining the simulation conditions. Fig. 14. The phase current variation.

Simulation: This option allows establishing the behavior of a

three-phase asynchronous motor in starting regime. The
computation consists in integration of the system of differential The presented program features several qualities, which
equations which describe the operation of a three-phase qualify it as useful both in designing and in teaching. Here are
asynchronous motor, considering zero initial conditions. the most remarkable ones:
Simulation of the starting regime can be achieved by - The program database offers a rapid access to information
specifying the values of the following quantities (Fig. 13): on the general designing computation of induction motors
• The feeding voltage. as well as on data related to motors currently
• The frequency of the feeding voltage. manufactured.
• The resistant torque; no-load starting or under-load - Due to the different possibilities to formulate the designing
starting can be selected. problem, this program is useful in designing and especially
• Duration of the starting process to simulate. in re-designing motors.
• The integration step; a value used in the integration - The possibility of customizing the program offers an
process of the system of differential equations. opportunity to customize it for different users.
By simulation calculus, the following time related - The way of entering data simplifies the definition of the
dependencies are available: problem to be solved and especially its modification.
• Variation in time of the torque developed by the motor. - The way of presenting results is suggestive and enables the
• Variation in time of the current absorbed on a phase, by user to display them on screen as desired.
the motor (Fig. 14). - The graphic representation of the windings represents a
real facility for the designers.
• Variation in time of the motor speed and of the rotor
- The obtained results are largely consistent with the values
position at various moments of time. Thus the number of
measured in the experimental models.
revolutions made by the rotor during starting can be
established. This result is useful in situations when the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
number of rotor revolutions for starting of the designed
motor (reaching the rated speed) is imposed. This paper is supported by The National University Research
Further the mechanical characteristic of the motor can be Council of Romania (CNCSIS) under the contract number
represented, by the two dependencies, i.e.: 848/2009.
• Torque versus slip. REFERENCES
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