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Co-curricular activities are the things other than the studies. They are not classroom
programme but are in supplementation of them. They are indirectly related to study purposes
and influencing our personality. They are the one of the factors helping us in our personality
development. These things help in development of confidence and build up our character.
The extra-curricular activities organised within the law school helps to understand the more
and more practical application of law. Law is not a theoretical paper; it is practical more than
theories. Practical approach is more necessary in this aspect. Co-curricular activities include-
debates, extempore, moot courts etc. Sometimes sports can also come under this.

Co-curricular activities in Law School:

Co-curricular activities play as a bridge in law field as students enhance themselves by

participating in these activities. They build us to cope up with the world after the law school.
These activities are not only building our confidence level but also help us to get aware about
the aspects of law. Law is a very vast subject and it is not possible to be expertise in this by
only book reading practical aspect is also required.

For example: Looking from a point we can say law field is best for them who is good at
speaking and a person can only be good at speaking if he has fluency or good vocabulary.

Examples of Co-Curricular activities within the Law School:

Following are the examples of some of the co-curricular activities within the law school:

 Debating:

Debating as a co-curricular activity provides to improve our thinking and speaking skills. It
builds our personality and makes us good hold of podium. It makes us think logically and we
grow in that field. It further enhances our stock of knowledge.

 Mooting:

It helps us to develop our research skills and helps us to build our reasoning capacity. This
requires great deal of determination and hard work. Preparation of memorial is also not an
easy task. We learn several things through mooting.

 Sports:

This acts as refreshing element of our mind and feels us refresh. Those who have this hobby
explore themselves by means of this. This is also one of factor of personality building.
Benefits of these co-curricular activities:

Co-curricular activities are very beneficial in law arena or field. Following are some of the
advantages of co-curricular activities in law field. They are:

 They enhance our ability of thinking and speaking.

 They enable to think us practically and make us aware about the practicability of
 They build our organizational skills.
 They make us to learn and work in team i.e. all about team building skills.
 They make us to learn and think about our responsibility.
 They build up our confidence level and end our podium fear.
 They enhance our stock of knowledge.
 They make us acumen in legal field which will be further beneficial for us.
 We come to know about management of time skills.
 They make us flourish ourselves in legal field.
 We transfer our energy in right way or direction.
 We get organised by this.
 We don’t waste our time as we get diverted in proper direction.
 We are not only on one way. We have or develop some options also.
 We learn to maintain balance as it is also important in our life.
 It makes us develop as better personality.
 It makes us scheduled.
 We grow by this as better attitude develops in us.

Why these co-curricular activities are required?

Today is the world of competition. There is competition at each and every point or level. To
cope up with modern world or scenario the building of inner selves is necessary. We must
have fluency on our speaking skills. Law field is for them who have fluency in speaking
skills. Good thinking skill is also required. One must have better reasoning skills as law
profession requires reasoning, time management, team spirit. Further in litigation field,
framing and making of argument is necessary and we can only learn by mooting which is one
of the co-curricular activities. These activities develop our skill of advocacy. These make us
think precise and build a standard of speaking, thinking and reasoning. It makes us confident
and these activities also make aware of existing opportunity in law field.
Thus at last it can be said that study is very important but along with that there are other
activities which should be made run on this track. They are co-curricular activities. They
are also important as study in law profession. Focus must be on both equally. The co-
curricular activities make us to better understand law field. They influence and build us in
better manner. If we grow these activities as our hobbies this would be really good for us
and fruitful in our future. They provide us better art of living.

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