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<Company Long Name>

Author: <Author>
Creation Date: July 7, 1999
Last Updated: July 26, 1999
Document Ref: <Document Reference Number>
Version: DRAFT 1A


<Approver 1>

<Approver 2>
BR.100Afi OPM Financials Application Setup Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>
July 26, 1999

Document Control

Change Record

Date Author Version Change Reference

7-Jul-99 <Author> Draft 1a No Previous Document


Name Position


Copy No. Name Location

Library Master Project Library
2 Project Manager

Note To Holders:

If you receive an electronic copy of this document and print it out, please write your
name on the equivalent of the cover page, for document control purposes.

If you receive a hard copy of this document, please write your name on the front
cover, for document control purposes.

<Subject> Document Control v

File Ref: 417881893.doc (v. DRAFT 1A )
Company Confidential - For internal use only
BR.100Afi OPM Financials Application Setup Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>
July 26, 1999


Document Control.....................................................................................................................

Application Set Up Control Sheet - Common Set Up Forms.............................................

FI: Set Up Costs Details............................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Cost Burdens...........................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Resource Costs........................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Rollup Source Warehouses...................................................................................

FI: Set Up Rollup Target Warehouses...................................................................................

FI: Set Up Expense Allocation Codes....................................................................................

FI: Set Up Expense Allocation Basis......................................................................................

FI: Set Up Expenses to Allocate..............................................................................................

FI: Set Up Actual Costs Adjustment Reasons......................................................................

FI: Set Up Material Cost Components...................................................................................

FI: Set Up Cost Calendar.........................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Cost Component Groups......................................................................................

FI: Set Up Cost Component Classes......................................................................................

FI: Set Up Cost Analysis Codes..............................................................................................

FI: Set Up Costing Warehouse Associations........................................................................

FI: Set Up Cost Method Codes................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Fiscal Policies..........................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Ledger Mappings...................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Accounting Unit Mapping....................................................................................

FI: Set Up Account Selection Priorities.................................................................................

<Subject> Document Control v

File Ref: 417881893.doc (v. DRAFT 1A )
Company Confidential - For internal use only
BR.100Afi OPM Financials Application Setup Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>
July 26, 1999
FI: Set Up Account Mappings.................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Test Mapping Setups.............................................................................................

FI: Set Up Events.......................................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Event Fiscal Policies...............................................................................................

FI: Set Up Account Titles.........................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Currencies................................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Sources.....................................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Ledgers.....................................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Sub-Events...............................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Sub-Event Account Titles......................................................................................

FI: Set Up Exchange Rate Types.............................................................................................

FI: Set Up Exchange Rates.......................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Accounts..................................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Account Classes......................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Account Types........................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Account Usages......................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Copy Account List.................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Account Keys..........................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Accounting Units...................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Copy Accounting Units List.................................................................................

FI: Set Up Validation Codes....................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Validation Accounts..............................................................................................

FI: Set Up Validation Accounting Units................................................................................

FI: Set Up Calendars.................................................................................................................

FI: Set Up Open/Close Periods..............................................................................................

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable........................................................................

Open Issues..........................................................................................................................
Closed Issues.......................................................................................................................

<Subject> Document Control v

File Ref: 417881893.doc (v. DRAFT 1A )
Company Confidential - For internal use only
Application Set Up Control Sheet - Common Set Up Forms
Environment Name: Machine: Type (definition, execution,

OPM Financials Setup Responsibility Due Date QA Responsibility QA Due Date Signature Approval

Set Up Cost Details

Set Up Cost Burdens

Set Up Resource Costs

Set Up Rollup Source Warehouses

Set Up Rollup Target Warehouses

Set Up Expense Allocation Codes

Set Up Expense Allocation Basis

Set Up Expenses to Allocate

Set Up Actual Costs Adjustment Reasons

Set Up Material Cost Components

Set Up Cost Calendar

Set Up Cost Component Groups

Set Up Cost Component Classes

Set Up Cost Analysis Codes

Set Up Costing Warehouse Associations

Set Up Cost Method Codes

Set Up Fiscal Policies

Set Up Ledger Mappings

Set Up Accounting Unit Mapping

OPM Financials Setup Responsibility Due Date QA Responsibility QA Due Date Signature Approval

Set Up Account Selection Priorities

Set Up Account Mappings

Set Up Test Mapping Setups

Set Up Events

Set Up Event Fiscal Policies

Set Up Account Titles

Set Up Currencies

Set Up Sources

Set Up Ledgers

Set Up Sub-Events

Set Up Sub-Event Account Titles

Set Up Exchange Rate Types

Set Up Exchange Rates

Set Up Accounts

Set Up Account Classes

Set Up Account Types

Set Up Account Usages

Set Up Copy Account List

Set Up Account Keys

Set Up Accounting Units

Set Up Copy Accounting Units List

Set Up Validation Codes

Set Up Validation Accounts

OPM Financials Setup Responsibility Due Date QA Responsibility QA Due Date Signature Approval

Set Up Validation Accounting Units

Set Up Calendars

Set Up Open/Close Periods

FI: Set Up Costs Details

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Cost Details)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Detail Item Costs.

<Cost Details – Header>

Enter general cost detail information here.




Cost Method

<Cost Details - This Level>

Enter component specific cost details here.
Component Class Code Description Analysis Code Component Cost
FI: Set Up Cost Burdens

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Burden Details)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Cost Burden Details.

<Cost Burdens – Header>

Enter general cost burden information here.





Cost Method

<Burden Details>
Enter detailed cost burden information here.
Resource Component Analysis Resource Usage Item UOM Resource Burden Unit Base Currency
Class Code Code Quantity Count of Measure Code
FI: Set Up Resource Costs

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Resource Costs)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Resource Costs.

<Resource Costs – Header>

Enter general resource cost information here.




Component Class

Base Currency

<Costs Details>
Enter cost method information here.
Cost Method Description Nominal Cost Unit of Measure Status (Display Only)
FI: Set Up Rollup Source Warehouses

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Standard Costs:Source Warehouses)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Source Warehouses.

<Rollup Source Warehouses – Header>

Enter general source warehouse information here.



Item Cost Class


<Rollup Source Warehouses - Details>

Enter detailed warehouse and allocation information here.
Warehouse Description Organization Allocation %
FI: Set Up Rollup Target Warehouses

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Standard Costs:Target Warehouses)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Target Warehouses.

<Rollup Target Warehouses – Header>

Enter general target warehouse information here.



<Rollup Target Warehouses - Detail>

Enter specific target cost class, item, and warehouse information here.
Item Cost Class Item Warehouse
FI: Set Up Expense Allocation Codes

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Actual Costs:Expense Allocations:Codes)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Expense Allocation Codes.

<Allocation Codes-Header>
Enter company

<Allocation Codes-Details>
Enter allocation codes and their descriptions here.
Allocation Code Description
FI: Set Up Expense Allocation Basis

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Actual Costs:Expense Allocations:Basis)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Allocation Basis

<Allocation Definitions – Header>

Enter general company and allocation codes and methods here.

Allocation Code

Allocation Method: Choose one type (Depends

on Basis Amount, Depends on Fixed %)

<Allocation Definition – Details [Site Level]: Basis Account>

Enter specific allocation information here.
Line Item Key Description Fixed %

<Allocation Definition – Details [Site Level]: Basis Account Type>

Enter specific allocation information here.
Line Item Balance Type: Choose one type (Statistical, Year To Date or Period To Date: Choose Fixed %
Budget, Actual) one.

<Allocation Result>
Enter item detail information here.
Item Description Component Class Analysis Code Warehouse
FI: Set Up Expenses to Allocate

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Actual Costs:Expense Allocations:Expenses)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Expenses to Allocate

<Expenses to Allocate – Header>

Enter general company and expense allocation code here.

Allocation Code

<Expenses Pool> [---------------------Site Level--------------------]

Enter account key information here. | Balance Type | PTD/YTD |
Line Account Key Information Balance Type: Choose one Period To Date or Year
type (Statistical, Budget, To Date: Choose one.

From Description To Description

FI: Set Up Actual Costs Adjustment Reasons

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Actual Costs:Adjustment Reasons)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Reason Codes for Cost Adjustment Transactions.

<Actual Costs Adjustment Codes>

Enter actual cost adjustment codes and descriptions here.
Code Description
FI: Set Up Material Cost Components

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Actual Costs:Matl Cost Components)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Material Cost Components.

<Material Cost Component Class - Header>

Enter company and item cost information here.
Company Item Cost Class Item Component Group

<Material Components>
Enter material cost component class information here.
Material Effective

Component Class Analysis Code Start Date End Date

FI: Set Up Cost Calendar

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Calendars)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter the Cost Calendar.

<Cost Calendars – Header>

Enter general cost calendar information here.



Cost Method

Fiscal Indicator:
Choose one (yes, no)

Start Date

<Cost Calendar – Details>

Enter period information here.
Period Description End Date Period Status
FI: Set Up Cost Component Groups

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Component Groups)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Component Groups.

<Component Groups>
Enter component groups and descriptions here.
Component Group Description
FI: Set Up Cost Component Classes

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Component Classes)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Cost Component Classes.

<Cost Component Classes - Header>

Enter cost component specific information here.
Component Class Description Primary Component Class Component Group Usage: Choose one type (Cost Sort Sequence
Detail, Burden Detail, FM
Route, Allocation Detail, Std
Cost Adjustment)

<Cost Component Classes - Product Cost Calculation>

Select one criteria.
Check (ü) one criteria Include in Product Cost Calculation Exclude From Product Cost Calculation)

<Cost Component Classes - Component Cost>

Select one criteria.
Check (ü) one criteria Will be updated to GL area Will not be updated to GL area

<Cost Component Classes - Purchase Price Variance Calculation>

Select one criteria.
Check (ü) one criteria Include in Purchase Price Variance Calculation Exclude from Purchase Price Variance Calculation
FI: Set Up Cost Analysis Codes

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Analysis Codes)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Cost Analysis Codes.

<Cost Analysis Codes>

Enter Cost Analysis Codes and descriptions here.
Code Description
FI: Set Up Costing Warehouse Associations

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Cost Warehouses)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Costing Warehouse Associations.

<Costing Warehouse Associations – Header>

Enter general cost warehouse information here.
Cost Warehouse



<Associated Warehouses>
Enter specific cost warehouse information here.
Inventory Warehouse Description (Display Only) Organization (Display Only) Start Date End Date
FI: Set Up Cost Method Codes

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Cost Management:Setup:Method Codes)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Cost Management <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Cost Method Codes.

<Cost Method Codes>

Enter all cost method information here.
Cost Method Description Cost Type: Choose one type Raw Material Calculation Type: Product Calculation Type:
(Financial Standard, Actual Cost, Choose one type (PMAC, PWAC, Choose one type (PMAC,
Current Standard, Budget) Perpetual Weighted Average, Last PWAC, Perpetual Weighted
Transaction, Last Invoice) Average)
FI: Set Up Fiscal Policies

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Fiscal Policies)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Fiscal Policy Data.

<Fiscal Policies>
Enter fiscal policy data here.

Base Currency Code

Maximum Periods


Segment Delimiter

Set of Books

Operating Unit

<Subledger Posting>
Enter GL Cost method and Cost Basis here.
GL Cost Method

Cost Basis: Choose one type

(Prior Period, Current Period)

<Actual Cost Material>

Enter GL Cost method and Cost Basis here.
Component Class

Analysis Code
<Cost Revaluation Parameters - Header>
Enter GL Transaction Date here.
GL Transaction Date

<Cost Revaluation Parameters - Prior>

Enter Prior Cost information here.
Cost Method

Cost Calendar

Cost Period

<Cost Revaluation Parameters - Current>

Enter Current Cost information here.
Cost Method

Cost Calendar

Cost Period
FI: Set Up Ledger Mappings

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Mappings:Ledgers)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter the actual Selection Criteria values for Ledger Mappings.

<Ledger Mappings>
Use this area to map general ledger values.
Company Organization Ledger
FI: Set Up Accounting Unit Mapping

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Mappings:Accounting Units)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Accounting Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter the actual Selection Criteria values for Account Unit Mapping.

<Accounting Unit Mapping>

Use these tables to define actual selection values.
Company Organization Warehouse Accounting Unit Description
FI: Set Up Account Selection Priorities

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Mappings:Accounts:Selection Priorities)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Account Selection Priority data.

<Account Selection Priority - Header>

Use this area to define company and account title.

Account Title

Use this area to define account selection rules.


Item GL Class


Customer GL Class


Sales Order type

Vendor GL Class


Tax Authority

Charge Code

Reason Code


Acquisition Cost Code


Cost Component Class

Cost Analysis Code

FI: Set Up Account Mappings

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Mappings:Accounts:Account Mappings)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter the actual Selection Criteria Values for Account Mappings.

<Account Mappings>
Use this area to define selection criteria for account mappings.

Account Title



Item GL Class


Customer GL Class

Customer (These fields populate upon dynamic inserts of Company and Account Titles)

Vendor GL Class


Tax Authority

Charge Code


Reason Code


Acquisition Cost Code


Component Class

Analysis Code

FI: Set Up Test Mapping Setups

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Mappings:Test Mappings)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to test the Mapping Setup.

<Test Mapping Setups>

Use this area to enter testing criteria for the mapping setup.
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5


Transaction Date

Sub-Event to Test



Item GL Class


Customer GL Class


Sales Order

Vendor GL Class


Tax Authority

Charge Code

Currency Code

Reason Code
FI: Set Up Events

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Events:Events)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Accounting Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Events information.

Use these tables to enter Events information and description here.
Type Code Description Source
FI: Set Up Event Fiscal Policies

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Events:Fiscal Policies)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Event Fiscal Policy Options by Company, Source and Event.

<Event Fiscal Policies>

Use this area to set up event fiscal policy general information.
Company Source Event Summarize Flag: Choose Calculate Purchase Price Book Expenses: Choose Acquisition Costs: Choose
one type (Do Not Sum Variance: Choose one type one type (Booked at one type (Acqui Cost
Subevents for Journal (Book INV at Standard Cost Invoice Entry Time, Accrued to the Item A/P
Voucher, Sum Subevents (PPV), Book INV at PO Unit Expenses are Booked at Acct., Acqui Cost has own
for Journal Voucher) Price (no PPV)) Receipt) Accrual Acct (Freight))
FI: Set Up Account Titles

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Account Titles)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Account Titles.

<Account Titles>
Enter Account Title information here.
Type Code Description
FI: Set Up Currencies

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Currencies)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Currencies.

Enter Currency information and description here.
Currency Code Description Decimal Derive Type: Choose one type (Other, Derive Date Derive Factor
Precision Euro Currency, Euro Derived)
FI: Set Up Sources

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Sources)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Source Codes.

<Source Codes>
Enter source codes, descriptions and Exchange Rate Type here.
Type Code Description Exchange Rate Type
FI: Set Up Ledgers

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Ledgers)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter valid Ledger Codes.

<Ledger Codes>
Enter ledger codes and descriptions here.
Ledger Code Description
FI: Set Up Sub-Events

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Sub-Events:Sub-Events)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Sub-Events Codes.

<Account Titles>
Enter Sub-Events code and description here.
Type Code Description Event
FI: Set Up Sub-Event Account Titles

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Sub-Events:Account Titles)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Sub-Event Account Titles.

<Sub-Event Account Titles - Header>

Enter Sub-Event information here.

<Sub-Event Account Titles - Details>

Enter Sub-Event Account Title information and description here.
Account Title Description Sign: Choose one Maintain quantities: Organization
type (DR, CR, or Choose one (yes, no)
FI: Set Up Exchange Rate Types

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Exchange Rates:Types)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Exchange Rate Types.

<Exchange Rate Types>

Enter Rate Type and description here.
Rate Type Description
FI: Set Up Exchange Rates

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Mfg. Acctg Controller:Setup:Exchange Rates:Rates)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Mfg. Acctg Controller <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Exchange Rate Currency.

<Exchange Rates - Header>

Enter converted Currency code.
To Currency

<Exchange Rates - Details>

Enter before-conversion Currency code, Exchange Rate Type, date and rate information here.
From Currency Exchange Rate Type Multiply or Divide: Choose one. Exchange Rate Date Exchange Rate
FI: Set Up Accounts

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Accounts:Accounts)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Accounts.

<Accounts - Header>
Use this area to enter account and quantity information.
Company Account Description

<Accounts - Details>
Use this area to enter account type, class and usage information.
Type Class Usage Balance Type: Choose one type (Credit Only,
Credit or Debit, Debit Only)

Use this area to enter Post Indicator and UOM information.
Post Indicator: Choose one type (Amounts Only, Quantities Only, Amounts and Unit of Measure Start Date End Date
FI: Set Up Account Classes

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Accounts:Classes)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Account Classes.

<Account Classes>
Use this area to enter Account Class and description.
Account Class Description
FI: Set Up Account Types

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Accounts:Types)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Account Types.

<Account Types>
Use this area to enter Account Class and description.
Account Type Account Type Description Short Description
FI: Set Up Account Usages

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Accounts:Usages)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Account Usages.

<Account Usages>
Use this area to enter Account Usage code and description.
Account Usage Code Description
FI: Set Up Copy Account List

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Accounts:Copy)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Copy Account Selections and Lists.

<Account Selection for Company - Header>

Use this area to enter Account Selection information.
Company Accounts

From To From To

<Account Selection for Company - Account>

Use this area to enter Type, Class, Usage information.
Type Class Usage

<Account List for Company - Header>

Use this area to enter Account List information.

From To

<Account List for Company - Accounts>

Use this area to enter Account List information.
Account Description Type Class Usage
FI: Set Up Account Keys

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Accounts:Keys)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Account Keys.

<Account Keys - Header>

Use this area to enter Account Key information.
Company Account Key Description

<Accounts Keys - Details>

Use this area to enter account type, class and usage information.
Type Class Usage Balance Type: Choose one type (Credit Only,
Credit or Debit, Debit Only)

Use this area to enter Post Indicator and UOM information.
Post Indicator: Choose one type (Amounts Only, Quantities Only, Amounts and Unit of Measure Start Date End Date
FI: Set Up Accounting Units

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Accounting Units:Accounting Units)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Account Units.

<Accounting Units>
Use this area to enter Accounting Units and description.
Company Accounting Unit Description Start Date End Date
FI: Set Up Copy Accounting Units List

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Accounting Units:Copy)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Account Units Selection and List.

<Accounting Unit Selection for Company - Header>

Use this area to enter Company information.

From To

<Accounting Unit Selection for Company - Selection Range>

Use this area to enter Account Selection Range.
Accounting Unit

From To

<Accounting Unit List for Company>

Use this area to enter Company information.

From To

<Accounting Unit List for Company - Selection>

Use this area to enter Accounting Unit and description information.
Accounting Unit Usage
FI: Set Up Validation Codes

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Validation Codes:Validation Codes)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Validation Codes.

<Validation Codes>
Use this area to enter Validation code and description.
Validation Code Description
FI: Set Up Validation Accounts

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Validation Codes:Accounts)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Validation Accounts.

<Validation Codes/Accounts - Header>

Use this area to enter Company information.

<Validation Codes/Accounts - Details>

Use this area to enter Validation Codes/Account information.
Validation Code Description Include/Exclude for Account- Account Account Description
Key Auto-Generation: (ü) for
FI: Set Up Validation Accounting Units

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Validation Codes:Accounting Units)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Validation Accounting Units.

<Validation Codes/Accounting Units - Header>

Use this area to enter Company information.

<Validation Codes/Accounting Units - Details>

Use this area to enter Validation Codes and Accounting Unit information.
Validation Code Description Include/Exclude for Account- Accounting Unit Description
Key Auto-Generation: (ü) for
FI: Set Up Calendars

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Calendars:Calendars)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Enter Calendar information.

<Calendars - Header>
Use this area to enter Calendar, status and description information.
Company Fiscal Year Description Start Date Number of Status

<Calendars - Details>
Use this area to enter Calendar information.
Period Start Date End Date Status: Choose one type Current Adjustment Description
(Never Opened, Open, Period: (ü) Period: (ü) for
Preliminary Close, Final for Yes Yes
FI: Set Up Open/Close Periods

Navigation Path (OPM Financials:Accounting Setup:Setup:Calendars:Open/Close Periods)

<Company Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
Accounting Setup <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H,M,L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to enter Open/Close Period information.

<Open/Close Periods - Header>

Use this area to enter Company information.
Company Current Year Current Period

< Open/Close Periods - Calendars>

Use this area to enter Open/Close Period information.
Year Period Status: Choose one type (Never Adjustment Description
Opened, Open, Preliminary Period: (ü) for Yes
Close, Final Close)
Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

Open Issues
ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

Closed Issues
ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

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