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Name : Neil Andrew T. Cacas

Title : Pre – Service Teachers’ Readiness to Teach Probability and

Statistics in Senior High School

Key Concepts : Mathematics readiness, self - efficacy

Degree : Master of Arts in Education

Specialization : Mathematics Education

Adviser : Marilyn U. Balagtas, Ph.D.

This study aimed to determine the readiness in teaching Probability and Statistics of pre-

service teachers in terms of their level of self-efficacy, content knowledge, and understanding of

the content and competencies in this core course in the Senior High School Program as input to

the design and delivery of the Mathematics Education Curriculum in Teacher Education

Institutions and in planning and implementing a continuing professional education program for

Senior High School Teachers.

Using a descriptive method of research, data were drawn from the researcher-made

Mathematics Readiness Test and Self – Efficacy Inventory covering the content and competencies

in Probability and Statistics Curriculum in the DepEd’s Senior High School Program. A total of

40 fourth year students from a Teacher Education Institution in Manila under the Bachelor of

Secondary Education program were selected purposively as respondents of this study. The

outcome of this study reveals the level of content knowledge and understanding and its relation
with level of self-efficacy regarding the preparedness of pre-service teachers in teaching the

concepts covered in Statistics and Probability were determined. Pre-service teachers in this study

clearly indicated the need for more training and assistance that could engage them more deeply in

learning to improve their level of thinking from multi-structural to relational in all the contents in

Probability and Statistics. Hence, it is recommended that a Teacher Education Curriculum for

would-be teacher in SHS be strengthened to deepen pre-service teachers’ understanding of the

content and application of Probability and Statistics in real-life and in developing students’ 21st

century skills particularly problem solving skills and critical thinking skills.

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