Expressing Embarrassment

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Expressing Embarrassment

• Expressing Embarrassment: expressing feeling of being worries end ashamed.

• Expressing embarrassment is used to show that someone is embarrassed.
The following are some expressions of expressing embarrassment:
– I am embarrassed
– I feel ashamed
– Oh, My God
– Shame on me
– I don’t feel comfortable
– I feel awkward
– It’s my embarrassment to…
– That’s a real embarrassment

Expressing Embarrassment Dialogue

Dialog 1
Diana : Today is my bad day
Arkan : Why? What’s wrong?
Diana : I feel down from motorcycle in front of Campus
Arkan : Really? Are you Ok?
Diana : I am fine, but I feel so embarrassed because my shoes were flying over me and my
skirt was torn.
Arkan : You must be very ashamed.
Diana : You right. I felt so ashamed to know that. I don’t feel convenient because there were
some boys hanging out.
Dialog 2
Fian : Hi, Sonia. I watched your concert last night. That was awesome. You
can be a great pianist.
Sonia : Actually I wasn’t that great.
Fian : What are you talking about? You played it very well.
Sonia: Actually, I can’t play piano.
Fian : Why? I think your playing was great.
Sonia : It wasn’t me. It’s my twin sister, Sania.
Fian : Really? I thought it was you. I’m sorry. That’s fine.
Sonia : No. It really makes me ashamed.
Fian : That’s all right. At least you can feel proud having such great sister.
Dialog 3

Ibra : Hi B, what happens? You look nervous.

Mella : It’s nothing.
Ibra : Really? Your face tells me that something is going on.
Mella : Yes, you’re right. Actually I’ve had an embarrassing experience.
Ibra : What is it?
Mella : When I was on my way home, I saw a girl fallen in the middle of the
street .
Ibra : What happened then?
Mella : I helped her to get up.
Ibra : That’s great. So, why do you look so nervous?
Mella : Yeah, it should be, but suddenly some one shouted “cut”. How
embarrassing! the girl was in her shooting.
Expressing Anger

• Expressing Anger: Expressing a strong feeling which makes you want to hurt someone or be
unpleasant because of something unfair or hurtful has happened.
• Expressing anger is used to show that someone is angry.
The following are some expressions of expressing Anger :
– You are such a pain in the neck
– I am really upset now
– Don’t do it again or I will …
– You are too much …
– You are pathetic
– You really make me angry
– I really hate
– I’m not pleased at all
– What displeasure!
– Bloody hell!
Expressing Anger Dialogue
Mother : God…..What is this? What did you do with my skirt, Bi Ijah??
Bi Ijah : Sorry, Ma’am, I burned it.
Mother : Again! It has been four times you did it. You are such pain in the neck.
Bi Ijah : I said sorry, Ma’ am. But your son, Indra, Exhausted me. He runs here and there.
Mother : Don’t blame it on my son. I am really upset now. Don’t do it again or I will send you
back home.
Bi Ijah : No, Ma’am. I promise I will not do it again.
Dialog 2

Arman : What are you doing Honey? you broke all these glasses.
Vera : You got me spitting mad, I have been trusting you for along this
time, but you betray me?
Arman : How could you say like that? what is my false?
Vera : You never told me that you have another house. You try to cheat me, ha?
Arman : Honey, don’t be angry please. I can explain this misunderstanding,
but you must calm down.
Vera : Enough! I don’t need your explanation. I want you to force me now.
Arman : Shut up! why are you so selfish? you don’t want to her my
explanation is okay, but you must now, I bought that house is for your
surprise at your birthday tomorrow.
Dialog 3
Teacher : Shit down, do you know why I ask you to meet me?
Andi : No, sir.
Teacher : You have made a big mistake. And I am very angry for that.
Andi : But I don’t know what my mistake is. Would you tell me sir?
Teacher : You pretend to don’t understand ha? You have given away the company
strategy secret to our business rival.
Andi : But, sir..
Teacher : Shut up! you don’t have no right to talk, I have some many proofs.
Now you are fired.
Expressing Annoyance
Annoyance is an unpleasant mental state that is characterized by such effects as irritation and
distraction from one’s conscious thinking. It can lead toemotions such as frustration and anger.
The property of being easily annoyed is called irritability.
Expressing Annoyance: expressing the feeling of being annoyed.
Example: I was annoyed at his constant interruption.
The following are some expressions of expressing Annoyance:
– I’m annoyed
– I had enough with it
– I can’t stand it
– I can’t bear it any longer
– I’m fed up with it
– You made me annoyed
– You are such pain in the neck
– You made me sick
– I’m extremely displeased with…
– very irritating
– I’m extremely unhappy about this
– ..really makes me mad
– I cannot stand…
– Why on earth he didn’t…?
Expressing Annoyance Dialogue
Yola : You know George didn’t come last Saturday night
Fina : Really? I saw him with a girl in Lembayung cafe. I thought they were dating there.
Yola : But he said that he accompanied his mother to hospital
Fina : You were lied by him.
Yola : Yes, I know. I am annoyed. I can’t bear it any longer. It’s over
Yola : Kamu tahu bahwa George tidak datang kemarin Sabut malam
Fina : Sunggu? Saya liahat dia dengan seorang gadis di cafe ABC
Yola : Tapi dia bilng mau mengantar ibunya
Fina : Kamu dibohongi oleh dia
Yola : Iya saya tahu. Saya tidak tahan lagi. Cukup sudah
Dialog 2
Efah : Hey Naufal ! What are you doing there ?
Naufal : I want to sit here !
Efah : Move now ! I am watching now. You had block my view.
Naufal : Aaaah ! Just a minutes !
Efah : Move now Naufal !
Naufal : Ok. I’m sorry sister ..

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